"Time Prophecies (Spirit of Prophecy)" - Pastor Stephen Bohr

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[Music] take my life and let it be me take my moments and my death [Music] take my hands and let take my feet and let them [Music] and breathe [Music] take my voice and let me see [Music] filled with messages [Music] it will be no longer [Music] take my heart it is [Music] and i will be [Music] thank you linda shall we bow our heads for a word of prayer our father in heaven we thank you once again for the privilege of gathering together to study about prophets and time prophecies we ask you lord that as we study your word together that your holy spirit will come close to us and open up that word that he inspired in the first place help us to see that we have not believed cunningly devised fables but that our feet are on solid ground we thank you lord for hearing our prayer for we ask it in jesus name amen i'd like to invite you to turn in your bibles with me to the book of revelation chapter 12 and verse 17. this is the verse which has been the central theme for our study of the gift of prophecy in scripture and basically i think we could repeat this from memory it says and the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of god and have the testimony of jesus christ this text clearly shows that the remnant church at the very end of time will have the testimony of jesus christ now the question is what is the testimony of jesus christ this is just review of what we've studied before let's go to revelation 19 and verse 10 where the testimony of jesus christ is explained explicitly it says there and i fell at his feet to worship him that is john has this angel appear before him probably the angel gabriel and he feels the urge of worshiping him and notice what the angel says and he said unto me see thou do it not i am thy fellow servant and of thy brethren that have the testimony of jesus worship god for the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy now notice we have here a definition of what the testimony of jesus is revelation 12 17 says that the devil is angry at the woman and the remnant of her seed because they keep the commandments of god and have the testimony of jesus christ revelation 19 and verse 10 explains that the testimony of jesus christ is the spirit of prophecy which by the way means that the holy spirit is the agent who gives the gift of prophecy to the prophet so that the prophet can impart it to us but now we're going to talk about a different dimension of this verse revelation chapter 12 and verse 17. in our subject now we're going to study about prophets and time prophecies and when god gives a time prophecy in scripture he uses a certain modus operandi and i'd like to review that method which god uses to set the stage for what we're going to discuss in our subject today first of all we find that god raises up a prophet and god imparts to this prophet a message linked with the message is a time prophecy these are the first three elements that we need to keep in mind now the message which is given to this prophet is a message of judgment and the message for this original prophet is not present truth for his day and age once again repeating god calls a prophet he gives that prophet a message linked with a message is a time prophecy the message is one of judgment and the message is not present truth for the days in which the prophet is speaking now it's interesting to notice what happens when the time prophecy comes to its end in other words when the time period in the prophecy given to the first prophet expires or comes to an end when the time comes to an end god raises up another prophet and he gives to this prophet the same message that he gave to the first prophet and this second prophet says that the time period which was given to the first prophet is now fulfilled but there's more than that the message of this second prophet is also a message of judgment and the message which was not present truth for the first prophet now becomes present truth for the period of the second prophet and an additional element is that when this second prophet rises to present the same message as the first prophet the message of the first prophet is not only present truth with the second prophet but the second prophet always leads out a remnant at the conclusion of the time period so reviewing once again god calls a prophet he imparts to this prophet a message along with the message there is a time prophecy a period of time this message is a message of judgment and it is not present truth for the first prophet at the end of this period god raises up another prophet gives him the same message as the first prophet gives him the same time period only he says that time period has now reached its end it is also a message of judgment it is a message of present truth for the generation of that second prophet and this second prophet always leads out a remnant now with this in mind we want to examine several examples from the bible of this way in which god operates when he gives time prophecies as our first example i would like us to go to the book of jude verses 14 and 15. by the way who was the first prophet that is mentioned in the bible the first prophet in the bible was enoch now notice what we find in jude 14 and 15. it says there and enoch also the seventh from adam prophesied of these did enoch prophesy yes or no yes could he prophesy if he wasn't a prophet obviously not so it says and enoch also the seventh from adam prophesied of these saying speaking about the generation of wickedness of his day and age behold the lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints to execute judgment upon all notice god is going to come to execute judgment upon a certain generation and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed ungodly and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him in other words enoch presents a message of judgment it's a message to a generation that is living ungodly lives it is a generation upon which god is going to come in judgment now the question is to which generation was enoch referring when he spoke of people living ungodly lies and god coming in judgment against that generation actually the answer is twofold enoch was speaking first of all about the civilization which would exist immediately before the worldwide flood and secondly he was speaking about the generation which would live shortly before the second coming of christ and you say how do we know that enoch was speaking of god coming in judgment upon those two generations the answer is very simple our lord jesus connected both of these events in matthew chapter 24 and verse 37 we find jesus saying but as the days of noah were so shall also the coming of the son of man be did jesus connect what happened at the flood with what is going to happen at his coming yes and that's why the message of enoch is to be understood in a two-fold sense it speaks about the judgment that god would bring to the world at the time of the flood for its ungodliness and its wickedness but also of the judgment which god would pour out upon the world upon the second coming of jesus christ now enoch received a time prophecy connected with the message that god gave him and you say where in the world would that time prophecy be connected with the message of judgment that enoch has given well the answer is found in the name of enoch's son now in genesis 75 times in genesis the meaning of a name is underlined as being very important you see names in genesis are not simply names each name is given for specific purpose the meaning of the name determines the purpose so the name that enoch gives to his son is very very important the meaning of the name is very very important now what is the name of that son genesis chapter 5 and verse 22 and i read and enoch lived and five years and begat whom and begat methuselah you know i've never found anybody whose name is methuselah and actually it's not a bad name methuselah now let me tell you something about the name methuselah it is actually a compound named name that comes from two hebrew words actually i'm going to show you that the name methuselah was actually a time prophecy the name itself was the time prophecy that god gave to enoch pointing forward to the destruction that would come at the time of the flood because of the wickedness in the world now what does the name methuselah mean the first part comes from the hebrew moot which means to die the second part means to send shalach means to send now when you put both of those together to die and to send the meaning of his name is when he dies it will be sent now what a strange name to give a son when he dies it will be sent the question is when he dies what will be sent well the fact is the bible provides the answer first of all allow me to mention to you that jewish tradition affirms that methuselah died 10 days before the worldwide flood when he dies it will be sent but you say we don't go by jewish tradition we go by what the bible says and that's fair enough so now i'm going to show you biblically that methuselah died the year of the flood which would indicate that his name is very important because his name means when he dies it will be sent he dies the year of the flood and then the flood is set you see the name of his son methuselah is a time prophecy imagine the friends of methuselah saying uh you know why did your dad call you methuselah why did he call you when you die it will be sent what will be sent i can imagine methuselah saying well ask my dad why he said that but the fact is that his name was given for a very special purpose now go with me to genesis chapter 5 and verse 25 and i'm going to show you biblically that methuselah died the year of the flood genesis chapter 5 and i'd like to read verse 25 first of all it says here and methuselah lived 187 years and he begat whom lamech okay so from the time that methuselah is born until he has lamech he lives how long 187 years now go with me to verse 28 how long did lamech live before he had his son noah it says and lamech lived 182 years and begat a son and what was the name of that son the name of the son was noah and then how many years did noah live until the flood came upon the earth genesis 7 and verse 11 has the answer to that it says there in genesis chapter 7 and verse 11 in the 600th year of noah's life in the second month the 17th day of the month the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven were opened now let's add 187 plus 182 plus 600 gives us how many years from the time that methuselah was born until the flood came in the 600th year of noah exactly 900 and what 969 years does that ring a bell how many years did methuselah live we say he's the he's the oldest man who ever lived not true he's the oldest man who ever died the oldest man who ever lived was enoch because enoch is still alive according to the scriptures because it was translated without seeing death now notice genesis chapter 5 and verse uh chapter 5 and verse 27 let's notice the age of methuselah when he died actually let's see that's correct and all the days of methuselah were 969 years and he died question did methuselah die the year of the flood according to the bible yes is jewish tradition right at least in affirming that he died the year of the flood yes because his name means when he dies it will be what it will be sent that's the first prophet let me ask you was this present truth for the days of enoch did it happen did it take place in the days of enoch that god came in judgment in the days of enoch no because enoch was translated to heaven without seeing death hundreds of years went by before this event prophesied in his name was fulfilled now let me ask you as this period was coming to an end did god raise up another prophet to address the same issue that enoch had addressed at the beginning of this time prophecy absolutely and what was the name of that prophet his name was noah did noah also reprove the world for its wickedness did noah say that god was going to come in judgment upon the antediluvian world because of its wickedness yes did he preach the same message as enoch had which was not present truth because it was not going to happen in the days of enoch absolutely yes it says in ii peter chapter 2 in verse 5 and spared not the old world but saved noah the eighth person a preacher of righteousness and it says in hebrews 11 verse 7 that he actually preached also by building an ark so now notice how this is operating in this first example god gives a prophet a message connected with a message a time prophecy that message is not present truth for the first prophet and it's a message of judgment at the end of the time period god raises up another prophet gives him the same message the message is now present truth and it is also a message of judgment now let me ask you did noah save a remnant at the end of this time prophecy did noah lead a remnant out of the world and was that remnant saved absolutely are you understanding the way in which god operates when he gives these time prophecies now let's go to our second example go with me to genesis chapter 20 genesis chapter 20 and verse 7. and now we're going to take a look at abraham you remember abraham he lied to pharaoh about his uh his wife being also his sister being his wife but he not only lied to pharaoh he also lied to abimelech and so he goes uh you know to gerard where uh the king abimelech was and he says you know sarah is my uh is my sister but he didn't tell him the full truth and so god gives abimelech a dream and he says don't you dare take this woman as your wife because he's not only abraham's sister she's also abraham's wife now notice what we find in genesis 20 and verse 7 most people don't realize that abraham was also a prophet it says there in genesis 20 verse 7 now therefore restore the man his wife for he is a what for he is a prophet and he shall pray for thee and thou shalt live and if thou restore her not know thou that thou shalt surely die thou and all that are thine so was abraham a prophet he most certainly was according to this verse now did god give abraham abram a message and a time prophecy connected with the message the answer is yes go with me to genesis chapter 15 genesis chapter 15 and let's go to verses 13 through 15 genesis 15 and verses 13 through 15. here we find the time prophecy and the message which is given to abram it says there and he said unto abram no of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs and shall serve them and they shall afflict them how long 400 years is that a time prophecy yes or no yes god is saying that israel is going to go down into egypt and they're going to be afflicted 400 years and what is going to happen at the end of this time period notice and also that nation whom they shall serve will i judge and afterwards shall they come out with great substance and thou now notice was this present truth for abraham's day was this going to be fulfilled in abraham's day absolutely not because god says and thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace thou shalt be buried at a good old age in other words this message is not for you was this a message of judgment yes because god says this nation i will what this nation that oppresses you 400 years i will judge and then you shall come out at the end of this time period definitely not present truth for the days of abraham but let me ask you at the end of this time period did god raise up another prophet that spoke the same message a prophet that dealt with judgment a prophet which made that message present truth for his day and age and let out a remnant yes or no of course what was his name his name was moses notice hosea chapter 12 and verse 13. we don't usually think of moses as a prophet do we we think of moses as a you know a great patriarch who led israel out of egypt but the bible says that moses was a prophet it says in hosea chapter 12 and verse 13 and by a prophet the lord brought israel out of egypt and by a prophet was he preserved so does god raise up at the end of this time period another prophet that speaks to the same issue as the first prophet yes is it at the end of the time period yes is this message made present truth yes is it a message of judgment yes does moses leave out from egypt a remnant he most certainly does and who was that remnant that remnant was none less than israel and do you know that the bible says that the very day that that time period was fulfilled the 400 years actually exodus says the 430 years the difference is between the time that abraham began his sojourn in the promised land and the time when he actually settled in the promised land but notice exodus chapter 12 and verses 40 and 41 now the sojourning of the children of israel who dwelt in egypt was 430 years that includes the time from when abram actually went to the promised land and it says and it came to pass at the end of the 430 years something takes place even the self same day it came to pass that all the hosts of the lord went out from the land of egypt was this time prophecy fulfilled to the very letter it most certainly was was moses the second prophet which god raised up to make the message of the first prophet present truth no doubt whatsoever about it so notice the examples that we've seen so far god raises up enoch the message is not present truth it's a message of judgment at the end of the time period denoted by the name of methuselah when he dies it will be sent god raises up another prophet he makes that first message present truth it's a message of judgment and a remnant is saved from destruction the same happens between abraham and moses god gives abraham a message a time prophecy he says this is not for your period but it's a message of judgment at the end of this period god raises up moses and moses does what abraham said was going to happen he actually takes that message he makes it present truth for his day and age and the egyptians are judged and god takes out through the leadership of moses a remnant now let's notice our third example jeremiah chapter 25 jeremiah chapter 25 and verses 11 and 12 jeremiah 25 11 and 12. uh here it's talking about the captivity of israel in babylon and notice what god told to jeremiah before israel was actually taken captive it says and this whole land shall be a desolation speaking about the land of judah the land of israel and an astonishment and these nations shall serve the king of babylon how long 70 years does god give a message to jeremiah yes or no of course does the message have a time prophecy connected with it yes absolutely now is it a message of judgment yes it is notice what it continues saying and it shall come to pass when seventy years are accomplished that is at the end of this period that i will punish the king of babylon and that nation saith the lord for their iniquity and the land of the chaldeans and will make it perpetual desolations so what is it that jeremiah is saying he's saying listen folks god is going to come in judgment upon israel this land is going to become a desolation israel is going to be in captivity for 70 years and at the end of the 70 years i'm going to come and i'm going to judge the power that oppressed israel i'm going to deliver my people israel and i'm going to take them back to the promised land is this clear in your mind now let me ask you at the end of these seven years at the end of this time prophecy did god raise up another prophet that spoke to the same issue as the first prophet he most certainly did go with me to daniel chapter nine and verse two isn't this interesting the way this works out daniel chapter nine and verse 2. here it says in the first year of his reign that is of darius i daniel understood by the books the number of the years now notice what daniel is studying the number of the years where of the word of the lord came to jeremiah the prophet that he would accomplish 70 years in the desolations of what in the desolations of jerusalem what is daniel studying he's studying the prophecy of the 70 years of jeremiah but daniel is living when he's living at the conclusion of the 70 years was daniel instrumental in the deliverance of israel from babylon was daniel actually in babylon when god came in judgment against babylon and delivered his people absolutely you can read it in daniel chapter 5. in other words daniel becomes a leader for israel in their deliverance from the hands of the kings of babylon was this message now present truth for the days of daniel it most certainly was was it a message of judgment absolutely did god take out a remnant he most certainly took out a remnant as well so we have our third example now let's go to our fourth example there's another prophecy in the book of daniel which is known as the prophecy of the seventy weeks have you ever heard of the prophecy of the seventy weeks is there anybody here who has never heard of the prophecy of the seventy weeks well good you're all well versed in scripture i can tell because no hands went up the prophecy of the 70 weeks was given to daniel in daniel chapter 9 and verse 24. we'll only read a portion of the verse it says 70 weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city now there's not enough time in this presentation to really discuss all of the details connected with the 70 weeks allow me just to tell you that i i have written a document seriously studying daniel chapter 9 in detail uh has probably about 35 or 40 pages analyzing the hebrew and the syntax and the structure and so on and there's a lot to be seen in this chapter but for now what i want you to have in mind is that god gave daniel the prophecy of the 70 weeks and at the end of this prophecy there were three crucial events which daniel is pointing to as he describes the prophecy of the 70 weeks the three aspects to which he especially points to in the last week of this prophecy are number one the anointing of the messiah and by the way this is uh really redundant because messiah means anointing but i couldn't find any other way of phrasing it other than the anointing of the messiah that's the first thing that the prophecy of the 70 weeks points to especially at the end of the 70 weeks the last week of the 70 weeks second event which is crucial or critical in the prophecy of the 70 weeks is the atoning sacrifice of the messiah that same messiah who was anointed it says in that prophecy that he would be cut off in the middle of the week and that he would die not for himself and that he would cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease in other words he would be cut off from the land of the living as it says in isaiah chapter 53 the second critical event then that the 70 weeks point to particularly the last of the 70 weeks is the atoning sacrifice of the messiah in the third place this prophecy addresses the close of probationary time for the jewish nation because the prophecy says 70 weeks are determined upon your city and upon your people that is to say that there are three events to which the 70 weeks especially point to at the end the anointing of the messiah the death of the messiah and the close of probationary time for the jewish theocracy that's what the first prophet gives in the prophecy of the 70 weeks would you expect god to raise up another prophet at the end of this period who would address the same issues as are found in the prophecy of the 70 weeks given by daniel absolutely because we have this time prophecy there must be a prophet that comes at the end to address these very three issues let me ask you who was that prophet that god raised up at the end of the prophecy of the 70 weeks to make this present truth it was actually who john the baptist john the baptist you say well how do we know that well all we have to do is read the gospels when was jesus anointed according to the bible when was jesus anointed with the holy spirit when did the holy spirit anoint christ it anointed jesus at the moment of his baptism matthew chapter 3 and verse 16 makes that very clear and incidentally in the gospel of luke after his baptism is where jesus preaches his sermon in nazareth and he says the spirit of the lord is upon me and he has anointed me it specifically says after his baptism that he was anointed now let me ask you who was it that baptized christ john the baptist now let me ask you did john the baptist preach jesus christ as the sacrifice for sin he actually introduced jesus by saying behold the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world and everybody knew that lambs were offered in sacrifice are you with me are you not with me so did john the baptist deal with the second critical issue of the 70 weeks absolutely he makes a present truth because this is going to happen in his day what was predicted long before that now what about the third aspect john the baptist when he began his preaching according to matthew chapter 3 he says the ax is laid to the root of the trees and every tree that does not bear fruit will be cut down and cast where and cast into the fire what was john referring to when he says every tree that does not bear fruit will be cut down and cast into the fire actually he was referring to the jewish nation and you say how do we know that for two reasons number one in luke chapter 13 we find jesus giving a parable where the owner of a vineyard tells his vine dresser the owner of the vineyard is god the father and the vine dresser is jesus christ the owner of the vineyard says i've been coming looking for fruit on this fig tree for three years and i haven't found anything let's tear it up there's no reason why it should occupy the ground and the vine dresser says what the vine dresser says no don't tear it up yet give me another year to work with this tree you know to fertilize it and to water it and to give it good care and if it bears fruit we'll leave it if it doesn't bear fruit then we'll cut it down and of course if they cut it down they're going to burn it they're not going to just leave it on the ground now the parable ends in suspense because it doesn't actually tell you whether the whether the fig tree produce fruit or not you're asking the question did it bear fruit or didn't it bear fruit well the fact is the very last week of the life of christ on a tuesday three days before his death jesus sees a fig tree in the distance and he says let's go get some figs from that tree and when he comes to the fig tree what does he find he finds on the fig tree nothing but leaves now every theologian today will tell you that the fig tree is a symbol of israel in fact in zechariah chapter 12 it makes it very clear that the fig tree is a symbol of israel along with the vineyard and when jesus sees that this fig tree has no fruit what does he do with it he curses it and he says this tree will not produce fruit ever again if this tree represents the jewish theocracy jesus is saying to it you will not bear fruit ever again and the next day when they came by that spot it says there in matthew chapter 21 that the tree had dried up by its what had dried up by its roots what happens when a tree is dried up at its roots it's dead it's dead once and for all in other words john the baptist made the three key events of the prophecy of the 70 weeks present truth for his day because he said for example to the leaders he said and don't think to say within yourselves we are children of abraham for god can raise up children of abraham from these stones and by the way when jesus was saying from these stones he wasn't talking about literal stones he was pointing to the gentiles who were present there luke chapter 3 says that there were soldiers there were roman soldiers there there were republicans and and the jewish leaders felt that these people were beyond hope they were stones because they had stony hearts they also called them swine and they called them dogs imagine being called a dog in a swine and a stone what john the baptist is saying listen don't think that because you're children of abraham that guarantees salvation god can raise up children of abraham from these stones that is from the gentiles and that's exactly what god did so let me ask you did john the baptist make the message of the seventy 70-week week's present truth for his day and age he most certainly did the very three points one then he anointed the messiah actually he baptized him at the moment of his anointing by the holy spirit secondly he presented jesus as the lamb of god who was going to be sacrificed and in the third place he warned the jewish nation that if they did not bear fruit they would be cut down and they would be cast into the fire do you see how god's method is operating in all these cases it happens with enoch and it happens with noah it happens with abraham and it happens with moses it happens with jeremiah and it happens with daniel it happens with daniel's prophecy of the 70 weeks and it happens with jeremiah excuse me yeah daniel's prophecy of the 70 weeks and with john the baptist at the end of this period now let's go to our last time prophecy what is the time prophecy that is especially close to the hearts of seventh-day adventists what is the prophecy that actually gives us a reason to exist daniel chapter 8 and verse 14. if we don't understand this passage if it wasn't for this passage there would be no seventh-day adventist church what does this prophecy of daniel say and he said unto me unto 2 and 300 days then shall the sanctuary be what then shall the sanctuary be cleansed now let me ask you was this present truth for the days of daniel no in fact you know you can read daniel chapter 12 and verse 9 and god says to daniel go thy way daniel for the words that is the words about this prophecy of the 2300 days the words are closed up and sealed until when until the time of the end in other words this message is not for your time it's for the end of time do we have a time prophecy here yes we do is a message connected with the time prophecy yes is it a message of judgment sure because the cleansing of the sanctuary is a work of what is a work of judgment was it present truth in the days of daniel it wasn't in the days of daniel now let me ask you is it just possible and i throw this out as a possibility that god at the end of the 2300 days would raise up another prophet to make this prophecy of the 2300 days present truth what do you think what makes you think so well he did it with enoch and noah he worked this way with abraham and moses and the time prophecy he did this with jeremiah and daniel he did it with daniel and john the baptist so would you expect him to do it with the prophecy of the 2300 days given by daniel would we expect a prophet who would rise at the end of the 2300 days to speak to the same issue as daniel did when he gave this prophecy absolutely yes now the question is did god raise up a prophet at the end of the 2300 days every good adventist knows or every good seventh day adventist knows that uh in december of 1844 god raised up a 17 year old woman and he gave her her first vision now do you know what the passion of ellen white was when she was given her first vision her main passion was to understand the reason for the great what for the great disappointment why jesus had not come october 22 1844 she wanted to be able to explain that why jesus had not come as they expected by the way do you know that the millerites also took daniel 8 14 as their central verse in their preaching in other words at this time at the end of the 2300 days near 1844 there's a tremendous agitation for people to understand which prophecy the prophecy of the 2300 days and immediately you'll ask the question why are people so concerned about the prophecy of the 2 300 days i mean there's so many other prophecies in the bible that they could have been interested in why the prophecy of the 2 300 days why was it ellen white's passion after the disappointment to do the first thing in her writings explain the reason why god's people have been disappointed and explained the fact that jesus instead of coming to the earth had gone into the most holy place of the sanctuary to begin a work of judgment why do you suppose ellen white spoke to that issue simply because ellen g white was fulfilling the same role as all of these other examples that we've present presented from scripture you see daniel had spoken about 2 300 years days or years 2300 years transpiring and then at the end of this period the sanctuary would be cleansed the cleansing of the sanctuary was misunderstood and so it was necessary for god to raise up a prophet ellen white to explain more fully actually they got it from the bible they explained it from the bible but the spirit of prophecy amplified it and clarified it and god raised her up so that people could understand exactly what happened on october 22nd 1844 why did ellen white address this specific prophecy because she is the end time prophet who is making present truth what daniel had spoken several centuries actually millennia before are you understanding what i'm saying now what is really amazing here is to notice that around 1844 many religious movements arose you know this was almost kind of like a melting pot or a stewpot probably we should call it better because the stewpot each element preserves its own flavor let me give you some examples of movements that arose around the period of 1844 mormonism with its prophet joseph smith christian science with its prophet mary baker eddie the jehovah's witnesses with its prophet charles russell spiritualism with its champions the fox sisters modern pentecostalism with its champion margaret mcdonald evolutionism with its champion some even call him a prophet at least evolutionists do charles darwin marxism and its champions champion karl marx and by the way engels also friedrich engels futurism up appeared at this time within protestantism the idea that the prophecies about the antichrist were not fulfilled during the middle ages but they were act they will actually be fulfilled in the future with an antichrist who will arise in israel after the church has been raptured to heaven that originated around 8 in the 1830s in other words all of these movements appeared during this period besides the seventh-day adventist movement now why do you suppose so many movements would arise around the same time do you think the devil knew when the 2300 day prophecy was going to be fulfilled do you think he knows do you think he knows when the uh he knew when the 23rd today prophecy was gonna begin of course he did you know the devil studies the bible while we watch television i kid you not see the devil doesn't sleep he's searching the scriptures to find how to counteract god's plan not not how he can fit in with god's plan but to see how he can counteract god's plan he knows when god gives a prophecy when it begins and when it is finally going to be fulfilled and the devil knew that in 1844 god was going to raise up a remnant movement with its prophet and so the devil says i have to raise up many other movements so that people are confused and they don't know where to turn are you understanding what i'm saying what the devil wanted to do was instill confusion now how do we know that ellen white was the true remnant prophet for a very simple reason none of those other movements with their prophets addressed the 2300 day prophecy you see this methodology methodology that god uses indicates that any true prophet at the end of this period would have to address the same issue that the first prophet did joseph smith did not address unto 2300 days and the sanctuary shall be cleansed mary baker eddie was too busy telling us that our bodies are an illusion charles russell was too busy selling miraculous wheat and so on charles darwin was too busy sailing in the beagle to try and prove evolutionism marx was trying to form a philosophy which would be the basic idea of communism none of them addressed what none of them addressed the issues that are found in the prophecy of the 2300 days except who except ellen g white did god give ellen white the same message as he gave to daniel yes was that message connected with the same prophecy time prophecy yes was it a message of judgment in both cases was it present truth for daniel no was it present truth in the days of ellen white did they live this they most certainly lived it didn't they by the way did ellen white lead a remnant out of the world to form a remnant movement she most certainly did the seventh-day adventist church now i'd like to know if anybody is able to uh argue contrary to what we've studied in this message i don't know how you can deny what we've studied because god has a certain way in which he operates when he gives time prophecies and by the way it's very important to realize that we're not dealing here in the methodology that god uses we're not dealing here with insignificant events in salvation history we are dealing with the great waymarks of salvation history we're dealing for example with the first prophet that god raised up enoch we're dealing with a worldwide flood we're dealing with the exodus from egypt we're dealing with the babylonian captivity we're dealing with the coming the first coming of the messiah we're dealing with the beginning of the judgment for the world you see the way that god uses this method is not for any old insignificant event in human history he uses this method for the great events that mark the different stages of salvation history now let's go back to revelation chapter 12 and verse 17. you know in our first subject in this series we studied about the chronological sequence when we're to expect the gift of prophecy and where did you understand that subject that we studied the first one was it clear in your mind the parallel between daniel 7 revelation 12 and revelation 13. i mean all you have to do is follow the sequence you know that at the after 1798 a prophet is going to arise and he's going to uh the prophet is going to arise where in the united states in the earth because that's the sequence that you have and the prophet is going to arise in the midst of a people who say that you're supposed to keep how many commandments all of the commandments of god and it's a remnant who's going to have the gift of what the gift of prophecy now do you suppose the devil is happy about this gift of prophecy that the remnant has of course not and do you know the reason why because because this gift of prophecy points out all of the deceptions that satan is going to use in the last days there's not one that is not explained and by the way there's a book that all of us need to read and i'm going to talk about this book uh in our seventh lecture in this series the book the great controversy it is a tremendous book because it presents basically all of satan's end time deceptions every single one of them and how we can protect ourselves from those deceptions and this book is so radically different in its method of interpreting prophecy compared to the method that is used by other churches in the world today that it's like the difference between day and night i mean a person who is seeped in futurism or in preterism they read great congress and say where is this woman coming from but do you know that uh 250 years ago most scholars were use the historical method that we used but then preterism came into the church and futurism came into the church the false prophet that we talked about and what did god do god raised up ellen white not only to explain the prophecy of the 2 300 days but also to give an authorized amplification clarification explanation an inspired explanation of the book of revelation and the book of daniel in fact we're going to find in our study that uh the book the great controversy is simply an exposition it's a commentary on daniel revelation even sections of the bible that we find difficult to interpret like for example daniel 11 you know people kind of shy away from daniel 11. the trumpets they say oh how in the world and they kind of keep away from the trumpets the best way to understand the trumpets is to go to the book great controversy even though ellen white doesn't quote the verses of the trumpets you know by the sequence of events that she's that she presents in her books that she's commenting on the trumpets and the same with daniel 11. how did she know how to get the exact sequence of events of daniel 11 the trumpets the seals unless she was inspired by god not quoting any verse it's just a matter of fact thing so revelation chapter 12 and verse 17 tells us that the devil is going to be angry at the remnant church because they keep the commandments of god and they have the testimony of jesus christ and the testimony of jesus christ in is nothing less than the spirit of prophecy or the gift of prophecy what do we need to do in the light of what we've studied i think we need to get back to we need to open them we need to study them and we need to assimilate the principles which they contain and believe me when you read a book like desire of ages your life will be totally different after you finish the book if you read and reflect upon what you're reading your life will be more like the life of jesus so how about let's do it father in heaven we thank you for the privilege of being here this evening we thank you because we have not believed cunningly devised fables thank you because you raised up the prophet exactly at the time you said you would help us to get into a study of this and to apply the principles to our lives we pray in jesus name amen
Channel: Aaron
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Id: -0_AW7GGUR0
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Length: 56min 24sec (3384 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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