A Prophecy from the Parables of Jesus - Pastor Stephen Bohr

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we thank you Lord that we're able to be at this wonderful camp meeting we thank you for the wonderful weather we thank you for the privilege of being your children there's so many things to be thankful for father we ask that as we open your word this afternoon that your Holy Spirit will be with us to guide our thoughts I ask that you will help us to be the Christians that will reveal your character to the world in these last days we thank you for hearing our prayer for answering it because we ask it in the precious name of Jesus amen the parables of Jesus many of them that is are actually prophecies of endtime events so this afternoon we are going to study one of the parables of Jesus that points to the end time it's been called the parable of the unjust judge but I sustained that that name is really not the correct name for the parable really I like to call it the parable of the persistent Widow because really the center of the story is the widow I'm referring to Luke chapter 18 and verses 1 through 8 so I invite you to turn with me to Luke 18 verses 1 through 8 what we're going to do is we're going to read the parable and then we are going to interpret what the parable means because basically the parable has several actors in it and each actor represents something Luke 18 verse 1 then he spoke a parable to them that men always ought to pray and not lose heart that is not give up say there was in a city in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man so the first protagonist in this story is a judge and he's described as one who did not fear God nor regard man verse three now there was a widow in that city so the second protagonist of the story second actor in the story is a widow continues Sain in verse three now there was a widow in that city and she came to him that is to the judge saying get me justice from my adversary so we have a third actor in the story the third actor is called the adversary so you have three actors in the story you have a judge secondly you have a widow and in the third place you have an adversary of the widow now let's go to verse four and he would not for a while so I want you to notice there's a delay in the judge answering the pleas of the widow so the fourth point that I want us to notice in this parable is that there is a delay so it says in verse four and he would not for a while but after what he said within himself though I do not fear God no regard man yet because this Widow troubles me in other words she had become a pest I will avenge her lest by her continual coming she weary me that's the parable the interpretation that Jesus gives of a parable is found in verses 6 through 8 let's read those verses and as we go along we're going to discuss them more fully says in verse six now Jesus is going to explain the parable then the Lord then the Lord said hear what the unjust judge said and shall not God so who does the judge represent God avenge his own elect who cry out day and night to him though he bears long with them I tell you that he will again avenge them speedily nevertheless when the Son of Man comes will he really find faith on the earth now let's interpret this parable verse by verse first of all let's notice the central lesson of the parable it's found in Luke 18 and verse 1 then he spoke a parable to them that men always ought to pray and not lose heart that's a central lesson that Jesus wants people to understand from the parable that we are to always pray and never give up or as it says here not to lose heart not to say God's not going to answer now let's notice the judge saying there was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man now you say wait a minute how can you say that the judge represents God when we are told here that he did not fear God no regard man the fact is that he represents God by way of contrast it's a comparison by way of contrast let me explain how what Jesus is saying is that if an unjust judge will answer the pleas of the widow to get her off his back how much more will God answer the police of his people because loves them so in other words it's a comparison of God and the judge but the reason why the answer the plea is different are you with me so the judge in this parable represents God and then we have a widow verse three the first part of the verse now there was a widow in that city let's stop there for a moment what does a woman represent symbolically in the Bible we all know that a woman represents the church what does a pure woman represent of your church what does a harlot woman represent represents a fallen church or a corrupt church but have you ever asked yourself what does a widowed woman represent because here we don't have a pure woman we don't have a harlot woman we have a widowed woman the fact is that those scholars that have studied this parable have concluded that this Widow did not have anything to lean on they believe that what happened was that her husband while he was alive had certain creditors that lent him money and when he died he died heavily in debt and so the adversary or the creditor came and took everything that belonged to her husband to pay off his debts and she was left totally destitute she was left without any earthly support she had no children she had no home she had no money she had no friends she was destitute she was alone her only hope rested in getting justice over her adversary the judge so if this widow represents the church what kind of church are we talking about it must be a church that is totally destitute of all human support a church that is lost basically everything and has nothing on earth to lean upon now let's notice the widow's persistence now we're not we're not interpreting everything right now I want you to get a picture of the actors in this story you'll notice in the story this is chapter 18 and verse 3 once again now there was a widow in that city and she came to him saying get justice for me from my adversary now the translation of the verb there she came to the judge is not the best translation of the verb really in the original it is a progressive tense it's a present progressive tense which means that she continued coming to the judge she came and she came and she came and we're going to see that a little bit later in the parable she didn't give up she kept on coming and coming and coming to get justice over her adversary in fact in verse 5 you remember the judge said I am going to answer her please lest by her continual coming she wear me out and so this Widow is an illustration of persevering prayer a prayer that does not give up no matter what now she wants the judge to do justice to her over her adversary so the question is what does the adversary represent who was the adversary that wiped her out you understand that expression wiped her out the left her without a penny left her without anything who was the adversary we don't have to guess the word adversary in the original language in Greek is on TV : now this word is not a very common word in the New Testament it actually is used only three times and the three times that it is used is here in Luke chapter 18 and another time that it's used it's in 1st Peter chapter 5 and verse 8 where we have the adversary identified it says in 1st Peter chapter 5 and verse 8 be sober be vigilant because your auntie Deacon because your adversary the devil walks around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour so who is it that wiped out the widow who was the adversary it was the devil the Antilla God took everything that the widow had and the widow represents a church that has lost all earthly support are you catching a picture of the parable but there's a delay notice verses 4 and 5 and he would not for a while so there's a delay in answering the pleas of the widow but afterward he said within himself though I do not fear God nor regard man yet because this Widow troubles me I will avenge her lest by her continual coming she weary me now it's interesting to notice verse 7 which is connected with this verse verses 4 and 5 it says in verse 7 and shall not God of his own elect who cry out day and night to him though he bears long with them is there gonna be a delay with regards to God's people and God answering the prayers and the pleas of God's people yes let me read you from three different versions the expression though he bears along with them the New International Version reads will he keep putting them off I like that translation so is the widow is the church gonna be put off for a while by the Lord yes but will he keep putting them off no the Jerusalem Bible translate even when he delays to help them I like that translation as well even though he delays to help them and the way mouth translation reads although he delays vengeance on their behalf now let's see if we're on the right track in our interpretation of this parable now we come to verses 6 through 8 this is where Jesus explains the meaning of the parable chapter 18 verse 6 reads then the Lord said hear what the unjust judge said and shall God so who is the judge who represent is represented by the judge God remember by we have contrast you know the unjust judge delays for the wrong reason he delays because he's sick and tired of this woman coming and bothering him but God delays for a different reason and God answers the pleas of the church that is totally destitute of earthly support for a different reason it's because he loves them not to get them off his back so it says here what the unjust judge sent and shall God not avenge avenge over whom shall not go to venge over whom does the church also have an adversary have you ever read revelation 12 or it speaks about the ancient serpent the dragon and Satan who persecutes the people of God and wiped them out during the 1260 years so it says and shall not God avenge it's understood that it's over the adversary his own elect what does the widow represent the elect now that's an interesting word so God is going to avenge his people over the adversary and his people are referred to as what as the elect now let me share this with you even though this parable applies to all times because we should always pray and we should never give up it applies in a special sense to the church that will be on this earth at the very end of time just before the second coming of Jesus and you say pastor Bohr how do you know that for two reasons number one immediately before the parable at the end of chapter 17 Jesus spoke about the days of Noah being like the days of the coming of the Son of Man then he spoke of the days of lot being like the days of the coming of the Son of Man so immediately before the parable the topic of conversation is the second coming and the end of the parable once again refers to the second coming when it ends by saying when the Son of Man comes will he find faith on the earth so the parable is sandwiched between two texts that refer to the second coming of Jesus so this parable applies especially to the endtime even though it applies in a general sense to all periods of time now let's talk a little bit about the elect because this is going to give us another reason to understand that the widow represents the elect who lose everything go with me to Matthew 24 verses 22 and 24 Matthew chapter 24 verses 22 and 24 where the word elect same word elect is used now let me just mention that Matthew chapter 24 describes the signs of the coming of Jesus is that true that where Matthew 24 describes the nearness of the coming of Jesus by the signs absolutely now let's notice Matthew 24 and verse 22 and actually you need to read verse 21 for the context you actually have to go all the way back to verse 16 it speaks about those who are in the city fleeing to the mountains woe to the women who are you know are pregnant in those days because it's going to be the worst time in the history of the world and then we find a in verse 22 the following words and except those days the days that were described in the previous verses the time of trouble unless those days should be shortened unless the time of trouble at the end is shortened by the way this time of trouble that's being described is called the time of Jacob's trouble after the close of probation and except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved in other words nobody would survive unless these days of the tribulation are shortened but now notice this but for the elects sake sake they shall be shortened so when are the elect going to live during the time of trouble are you with me or not notice verse 24 for there shall arise false Christ's and false prophets Ellen White applies this text to when Satan counterfeits the second coming of Jesus during the time of trouble for there shall arise false Christ's and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect when are the elect going to live at the very end of time during the time of trouble so when does this parable particularly apply to it applies to the hundred and forty-four thousand the living Saints at the end of time there will go through the greatest tribulation in the history of the world let me ask you will they be totally wiped out will they lose their houses oh no they're gonna they're going to have their houses during the during the time of Jacob's trouble well they're gonna lose their houses are they going to lose their automobiles are they gonna lose their are they gonna lose their money in the bank are they gonna lose everything everything they will have no earthly support read the chapter the time of trouble in the great controversy where Ellen White amplifies this time of trouble such as never has been seen incidentally many Christians today believe that they are going to be raptured out of the earth before the time of trouble and when the time of trouble comes they will not have the necessary faith to go through this period because they have not learned to pray to persist and to depend upon God see if you don't believe that you're going to go through the time of trouble you're not going to prepare for the time of trouble many Christians believe that they'll be gone tribulations for the Jews the Jews are going to be persecuted again but Christians are going to be gone you know these days there's a lot of preaching of a prosperity gospel ministers say plant a seed in my ministry and you'll get rich it seems like in Christianity today financial prosperity is considered a sign of the blessing of God so let me ask you what happens when you don't have financial prosperity you see if you depend if we depend on what we have now on the comforts of life now and we say oh god is so good look everything that God has given us he's given us cars and he's given us money and he's given us homes and he's given us family and he folks all of that's going to be lost Satan is going to take all of that from God's people God's people we'll be left destitute but God's people will continue coming and coming and coming to God and crying out they will not let loose the hand of God that's what Jesus is saying in this parable now the word crying out in in this text once again Luke 18 6 through 8 shall God not avenge his own elect who cry out day and night to him now the expression cry out is only one Greek word it's a very intense word when it's used in the New Testament one example is found in Matthew 27:46 where Jesus is hanging on the cross and we're told that about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice in other words this crying out is not a whimper this crying out is crying out in a loud voice begging the Lord to do justice over the adversary Satan who has wiped God's people out but their pleas are not answered immediately there is a delay and in spite of the delay God's people will still hang on to the hand of God they will have an unyielding faith this will actually be the Gethsemane experience for God's people and the Calvary experience for God's people they will feel forsaken mob God because they don't have anything they've been totally destitute of everything and yet like Jesus they will not let loose of the hand of God they will continue coming and coming and coming and begging God to do them justice over the adversary you know this period is described in Isaiah 54 verses 7 8 Isaiah 54 verses 7 & 8 God is speaking about Israel his people course in the end time the faithful elect will be God's Israel God's spiritual Israel and it says there in Isaiah 54 7 and 8 God is speaking for a mere moment I have forsaken you but with great mercies I will gather you with a little wrath I hid my face from you for a moment but with everlasting kindness I will have mercy on you says the Lord your Redeemer for a moment it says God hid his face from his people but with everlasting kindness God promises to have mercy on his people so that's the parable now there are other stories in the Bible that illustrate this parable and the rest of our time I want to dedicate to other stories in the Bible that describe the same period and the same reaction by God's people you know this time of trouble that's described in the Bible is called the time of whose trouble it's called thus that time of Jacob's trouble so do you think it just might be a good idea for us to take a look at the story of Jacob for some reason it's called the time of Jacob's trouble and God's people are going to go through the time of Jacob's trouble so Jacobs not going to be alive during the tribulation it must be an experience similar to the experience that Jacob went through his experience is found in Genesis 32 if you want to go there with me basically as you know Jacob had lied to his father deceived his father and supplanted his brother in other words he had stolen his brothers birthright and so because of his sin he had to flee from home now two or three days after he left God told him your sin is forgiven because God gave him the dream of the latter the communion between heaven and earth was still there in fact God after he showed him the ladder said I'm gonna be with you wherever you go and I'm gonna bless you so God had forgiven the sin of Jacob but Jacob left and he was gone for 20 years after 20 years working for Laban God told Jacob I want you to return to your home to your homeland so Jacob packed up with his family and began the journey home as he was nearing the Promised Land he heard that his brother who is the adversary in the story is coming with 400 men armed to the teeth to destroy Jacob and his family catching the picture and so Jacob now fears that the adversary is going to destroy him along with all of his family so he goes by the brook Jacob J Buc by himself and he pours out his heart in prayer to God he says Lord I need the assurance that you are going to protect me and my family and all night he was there in prayer to God for God to protect him and his family / or the adversary as the Sun was about to rise the Bible tells us that an individual who had been struggling with Jacob the better part of the night came and touched his hip and disjointed his hip and now Jacob knew that he was not fighting with a common ordinary human being he knew that he was struggling with the angel of the Covenant he was struggling with none other than Jesus Christ himself and we know that because of the name that Jacob you gave to the place he called the place Peniel which means face of God and he actually said for I have seen God face to face and my life has been preserved so he was struggling with Jesus and as the son was about to come up Jesus said to Jacob Jacob let me go because the day is dawning Jacob grabs on to him and says I will not let you go until you bless me here's the attitude of the widow I will not let you go until you bless me once again Jesus says to Jacob let me go Jacob says no I will not let you go until you give me the insurance of your blessing and so now Jesus says to Jacob what is your name Jacob says my name is supplanter that's what Jacob means was my name is Jacob the supplanter by the way he even tried to supplant his brother you know what's the plant means take somebody else's place he tried to supplant his brother from the time that he was born he had his brother grabbed by the ankle because Jacob wanted to be born first that's why it was called the supplanter that's wife was called Jacob so he says my name is supplanter and Jesus says to him your name will no longer be called supplanter your name will now be called Israel because you have struggled with God and with men and you have prevailed did his brother destroy Jacob in the family no their life was spared that's the experience that God's people are gonna go through they also will be threatened by the adversary by Satan they will also have to cry out to God for deliverance but after a delay in the case of Jacob who was all night after delay God will intervene to deliver his people we have other stories in the Bible that illustrate this time period you know for example Daniel 12 verse 1 you know Daniel 12 verse 1 is speaking about that time if you read the context of Daniel 12:1 which we're going to read in a moment you'll find that the king of the north verses 44 and 45 of the previous chapter is coming with the intention of destroying and annihilating God's people now the question is who is represented by the king of the north there's two views in the church today let me just say that the king of the north is the last power that opposes God's people and there can only be one last power this power is spoken of as the little horn in Daniel 7 and 8 this power is described as the man of sin in 2nd Thessalonians 2 this system is called the beast in Revelation 13 this system is called the harlot in revelation 17 this system is called the abomination of desolation in Matthew 24 this system is called the Antichrist in first John 2 it's one in the same power the Roman Catholic papacy the king of the north is that system that will attempt to destroy God's people and it will look like they're going to be wiped off the face of the earth but at the moment of the crisis I want you to notice Daniel 12 verse 1 by the way my last presentation tomorrow afternoon will be unpacking this verse Daniel 12 verse 1 Israel's guardian angel it says there in Daniel 12 verse 1 at that time that is when the king of the north comes out to try and destroy God's people like Esau tried to do like the adversary wiped out the widow it says Michael shall stand up Israel's guardian angel the Great Prince who stands watch over the sons of your people so what is Michael gonna stand up for he's gonna stand up to watch over his people to defend his people as some versions say but that doesn't mean that God's people are gonna be delivered instantaneously because it continues saying there shall be a what a time of trouble are God's people going to go through that period yes there shall be a time of trouble Matthew 24 says so such as never was since there was a nation even to that time the worst time of trouble in the history of the world in the book great conover you see it says that when probation closes God will withdraw his spirit from the earth and Satan will have the adversary will have full control over the finally impenitent you know the restraining power of God is still here today that's why the world is not a total disaster God restrains yet the wicked does not allow them to do what they would but when the Spirit is withdrawn from the earth Satan will have full control of the impenitent and this world will be a jungle the only thing that God will say to Satan is you have full control but you cannot kill my people God will place a limit but if you read the chapter on the time of trouble you're going to discover that God's people will go through a severe period of trial anguish they will lose every earthly support family will turn against them parents will turn against children children who turn against parents God's people will suffer hunger they will not die of hunger they will suffer thirst they will be thrown into prison no one will die but their faith will be severely tested in this trial so it says there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that time but now notice here's the good news but at that time at the end of the time of trouble videos your people shall be what delivered every one who is found written in the book is there gonna be a delay for God's people yes it's called the time of trouble but will God finally intervene and deliver his people from the time of trouble yes he will let me just read you a statement from that magnificent book the great controversy which everybody should read not only Adventist but non-adventist it's like reading the newspaper it tells you what's happening in the world today and it was written over 130 years ago amazing the prophecies that you find in there that are fulfilling before our eyes page 621 in the chapter on the time of trouble we read these words Jacobs history is also an assurance that God will not cast off those who have been deceived and tempted and betrayed into sin like Jacob was but who have returned to him with true repentance while Satan to destroy this class God will send His angels to comfort and protect them in the time of peril the assaults of Satan are fierce and determined his delusions are terrible but the Lord's eye is upon his people and his ear listens to their cries their affliction is great the flames of the furnace seem about to consume them but the refiner will bring them forth as gold tried in the fire God's love for his children during the period of their Severus trial is as strong and tender as in the days of their sunniest prosperity but it is needful for them to be placed in the furnace of fire now we're gonna see the reason why God's people must go through the time of trouble it is needful for them to be placed in the furnace of fire their earthliness must be consumed that the image of Christ may be perfectly reflected why do you put precious metals in the fire to burn off the dross why must God's people go through this time of trouble because their earthliness must be consumed that they might reflect the image of Jesus perfectly another story in the Bible and probably this one illustrates it the closest after the story of Jacob is the story of Job there's a magnificent story do we have an adversary in the story of job who is it Satan he's clearly identified right do we have in this story someone who is wiped out yes or no who was it I'm not taught by wiped out I'm not saying killed an individual who lost all earthly support did he lose his possessions did he lose his servants did he lose all of his beasts did he lose all of his children did he lose the support of his wife did she did she said curse God and die the devil it was the one who said he'll curse God curse you to his your face did he lose his health did he lose the support of his friends so how what did he have to lean on nothing except that judge who is the judge god I want to tell you a little bit about this story this story is an illustration of what's going to happen in the time of trouble you know there's this meeting that takes place in heaven sons of God come to the meeting God has business meetings in heaven every so often and among the sons of God who by the way are the representatives of the worlds that never sinned because there are many more worlds that are populated than this little one among the sons of God comes Satan the accuser God says to him where do you come from he says oh I come from patrolling the earth my territory and God now says before all the heavenly jury because the whole universe is watching this he says have you seen my servant job even though he lives in your territory he's my servant and now Satan says to God of course he's your servant you have put a hedge around him you've blessed everything he does you protect him anybody would serve you under those circumstances he serves you for the loaves and the fishes but if you let me touch him he would blaspheme you to your face now remember the heavenly jury is watching the universe is watching God could have said don't pay any attention to him he's a liar but the heavenly universe would have said yeah God has put a hedge around Joe he hasn't allowed Satan to touch him who knows whether what he says is true so God says to Satan so you say he serves me because of a prosperity gospel do whatever you want take whatever you want away from him and you will see that he will not curse me to my face God's putting himself on the line so Satan goes out he wipes him out I'm not talking about killing him he takes all of his earthly possessions servants beasts kills his children and job says and he was not totally right on this he didn't have all the light he says God has given and God has taken away blessed be the name of the Lord and the heavenly jury says hallelujah God is right job serves God because He loves him not for the loaves and the fishes so then a second meeting takes place in heaven once again the sons of God come to present themselves before the Lord the reason why Satan is there is because he stole Adams position when Jesus died on the cross he recovered it because Jesus is the second Adam so don't wonder about why the God allowed the devil to go to business sessions represented this planet so on the second meeting God says to Satan where do you come from well I come from patrolling my territory God says perhaps with a little bit of holy pride says have you seen my servant joke that even though you enticed me against him he still has his integrity ha Satan says of course he does you didn't let me touch him but if you let me touch him he would blaspheme you to your face heavenly jury's listening the whole universe is observing and they're saying really God didn't allow Satan to touch so God puts himself on the line again he says I know my servant job you can do whatever you want to him except take his life because of course if he takes his life the trials over so he says you can take you can do whatever you want to him so Satan goes out from presence of the Lord and he afflicts Jobe with boils from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet and it was so bad that he had to scratch himself with a potsherd so he must have been disfigured and so now he's he's an extreme pain he's gonna lose the support of his wife he's lost all of his children he's lost all of his possessions all of his beasts everything now now he's lost his health he's gonna lose the support of his wife she says job are you still going to are you still going to serve that God curse God and die in job says you've spoken as a foolish woman shall we not receive good from God and also evil of course he didn't understand that the evil didn't come from God he didn't have the Bible like we do so don't be too hard on Joe we have no excuse at the end of time because we have the story of Job and we're going to know who's doing it are you with me God has given these stories to strengthen our faith for what's coming and so now he's lost the support of his wife and and of course his three best friends now come to console him let's go let's go give a word of encouragement to our close friend Joe and what they do is they become his accusers they say oh it's because you're a big sinner you arrogant guy that God has done this to you they're instruments in the hand of Satan so what is Jobe lost everything all earthly support so now beginning at chapter 3 he big begins crying out to God why is this happening to me why have you forsaken me don't you think that we him crying out why have you forsaken me is a sin because in that case Jesus would have sinned when he said my God my God why have you forsaken me it's not a sin to feel forsaken of God as long as you hang on to him and so now job says I've lost everything perhaps I've even lost my best friend God so from chapter 3 to chapter 38 job is crying out and God's answer is a deathly silence and job says I know if I could go before your court in heaven I would present my case and you would see my point and you would do me justice because he's asking God to do him justice is this illustrating the store this parable of Jesus it will add all all the elements of the parable it fleshes them out with real historical actors not only a parable it's a real story and so he cries out from chapter 3 chapter 38 God's answers silence finally when you get to chapter 38 God who has delayed to answer says to job okay job now you be quiet and I'm going to ask you and God in Chapter 38 39 and 40 asks job over 50 questions and all of them have to do with creation God describes creation from the first day till the last day is that where were you when I did all of this you little pygmy you insignificant little guy where were you and God asks and asking us and the more God asked the smaller and the smaller and the smaller job feels saying Who am I to be demanding answers from God so after Joe is shown all these things and ask these questions by God job says you've made your point I will speak no more but he speaks again say job didn't know who was causing his Hills he thought it might be God and he couldn't understand why but to make a long story short God some people say well you know at the end of the story most of the main protagonists reappear in the story but Satan seems to disappear from the story he's there at the beginning where is he at the end the fact is that he is at the end but his name is not Satan his name is Leviathan who is called the king of the children of pride at the end of chapter 41 who is the king of the children of pride Satan is that is the king of the children of pride in other words now job in his culture the the individual the pagans believed in multiple gods and they believe that the enemy of the gods was called Lorton has the same consonants as Leviathan so when that comes immediately job who did not believe in many gods he believed in one God it clicks he says Oh long time so he's the one that's been causing all of the problems so after God shows him who has been causing the problems then job says in chapter 42 he says excuse me can I talk again and basically he says I had heard about you speaking to God but now my eyes see was he blind no he wasn't physically blind what did he mean when he said now my eyes see he says now I understand what was happening how does the story end it is with job more prosperous than ever before and totally delivered from his enemy so this parable is a very important one it describes what will happen with God's people at the very end of time during the time of trouble such as never has been seen in the history of the world now did you notice that the parable ends with the question when the Son of Man comes will he find faith in the earth in others when the Son of Man comes are there going to be a people that have the same faith and perseverance as this Widow is God going to have a people of Prayer that come and come and come and don't give up no matter losing everything no matter what the adversary does to them is God going to have such a people we have to go to the book of Revelation for the answer the third angel's message ends by saying here is the patience of the saints by the way that word patience it's not a good translation it's the Greek word Hooper mone which means perseverance it's not just well okay I'll sit and I'll be patient no it's persevering like the widow here is the perseverance of the saints here are they who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus did Jesus have an adversary did he have adversaries did he get wiped out did he lose all earthly support he didn't even have his clothes on when he hung on the cross did he cry out to his father and was there a delay yes did the father finally answer Jesus after the delay yes he resurrected him on the third day we will repeat the story of Jesus that's why it says that the endtime generation will have the faith of Jesus in Revelation 13 verse 10 says the same thing right before speaking about the endtime crisis the beats that rises from the earth the image the mark and the beast persecuting God's people forbidding buying and selling and pronouncing a death decree against God's people right before that it says here is the faith here is the perseverance of the saints God will have a people a people like this Widow that lien only on God that don't get attached to all of their earthly conveniences but depend only and solely on God they will be delivered from the adversary and they will be able to inhabit in the eternal Kingdom where we will have much more than what we have here people say well I got a really nice car can I ask them does it fly they say I have a really nice house is it made of gold let's not get attached to our things let's be attached to the Lord father in heaven we thank you for this beautiful parable that your son told us we want to be among those people if we are live during this time then we'll have the patience of the Saints and the faith of Jesus there are trying times ahead but we know that you will carry your people through I ask Lord that you will bless those who are here bless those who will watch this presentation first light on DVD especially those who are not members of the church help them to realize that there's a time of trouble such as never has been seen that will soon break upon this world and we must develop an unshakeable and unbreakable faith for that time we thank your father for having been with us for answering our prayer we ask it in the precious name of Jesus amen you
Channel: Aaron
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Id: 9BgChA-V4WM
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Length: 58min 11sec (3491 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2017
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