Animated History of the Nordic Countries (Scandinavian History Summarized)

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Scandinavia refers to the three northern European countries of Denmark Norway and Sweden Norway in Sweden cover most of the Scandinavian Peninsula together with Finland these are the Nordic countries Iceland is also typically included as both a Nordic and Scandinavian country Greenland and the Faroe Islands are both autonomous countries within the Kingdom of Denmark the Baltic countries of Latvia Lithuania and Estonia also share many cultural and historical similarities with the Nordic countries in the present day the vast majority of the region's population lives near the coast this was even more so throughout most of history dens forestation and little arable land led to small close-knit communities forming by the sea during the region's prehistory the early cultures that arose there were compelled to become adept to boat builders and expert fisherman the introduction of crops and farm animals which were first domesticated in the Near East promoted a slow but steady increase in population competition for limited resources and the harsh northern climate men thetan scarce times the constant rating of one's neighbours became a way of life fostering a warlike culture it is commonly believed that during the third millennium BC indo-european languages replaced the older Neolithic languages of southern scandinavia either through invasion peaceful migration or slower cultural diffusion in the Nordic Bronze Age that followed the region prospered as it became connected through intermediaries to the larger international trade network of Mediterranean and Near Eastern empires Scandinavian amber has been commonly found in Bronze Age graves in Greece while Mycenae and beets and gold from the south has been found in nordic graves of the period the Nordic Bronze Age culture had no written language however it is evident from the material record that their society survived for many centuries after the region-wide collapse of the near eastern Bronze Age empires in the 12th century BC albeit in a much diminished fashion throughout their late bronze an early Iron Age the Nordic peoples had little contact with the outside world and there is little surviving material culture from this time it is believed to limited contact with these peoples or word-of-mouth led to the Greek legends of hyperborea a land of giants in the north where the Sun never set in the Cambrian War of the late second century BC several tribes from ute land migrated south defeating all of the Celtic tribes they came into contact with these new people who the Romans culture man I or Germans had migrated south because their homeland had suffered severe flooding the Germanic tribes decisively defeated the Romans in their first three major battles with each other Rome suffered the heaviest losses it had since the Punic Wars with Carthage the Romans were able to regroup and decisively defeat the Germans as the Romans defeated slaughtered or enslaved the Celtic tribes on what is now France Germanic tribes from what is now Denmark defeated the Celts and consolidated their control over the territory north of the Roman Empire for many centuries the Romans held these tribes at bay with a extensive network of fortifications and Garrison's troops during the fall of the Western Roman Empire the Ostrogoths Visigoths vandals and the Franks greatly contributed to the fall of the continental portion of the empire while the island of Britain was conquered by the Angles Saxons and the Jutes from what is now Denmark and northern Germany over a relatively short period of time these dramatic tribes converted to Christianity and formed kingdoms many sworn allegiance to the Pope in Rome by the end of the eighth century northern Europe experienced the greatest period of peace and stability since before the fall of the Western Roman Empire this came to an end with the dawn of the Viking Age in 793 the monastery of Lindisfarne was plundered and the monks who survived or enslaved if you don't want to be like the defenseless monks of Lindisfarne while sailing through the internet I would recommend this video sponsor nord VPN while it was tough to defend yourself from an unexpected Viking raid today it is much easier to protect her on the internet with a virtual private network or VPN a VPN can keep your data safe from hackers and spyware the Viking longship was one of the most impressive pieces of technology of its day it's impressive design and shallow-draft meant that it was capable of both sailing on the open seas and in constricting rivers better than any other ship of its day Nord VPN is also a piece of technology that allows you to travel to different corners of the internet many streaming services online shopping education and entertainment sites only work in particular countries you can sail around those restrictions with Nord VPN which allows you to quickly and easily change your IP address to countries all over the world giving you access to the content you want if 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there where Danes Denmark was the first Nordic country to form a large unified Kingdom at some point earlier in the 8th century while in Norway there were around 30 small kingdoms a unified Danish Kingdom must have aided them in the organization of larger campaigns in the spring of 845 a fleet of 120 Danish long ships sailed down the same river to Paris they besieged and then captured the city which ravaged and looted they were convinced to leave after being paid a bribe of over 5,000 pounds of gold and silver during the Viking Age such bribes to avoid plunder were called the Dane guild the Danes gold and became quite common throughout Britain and the Frankish Carolingian Empire two decades later the so-called great heathen army a large coalition of North men conquered much of the island to Britain an established Danelaw there in 872 Harald fairhair established the kingdom of Norway uniting many of the smaller petty kingdoms in the east the North men predominantly the Swedes sailed down the rivers of Eastern Europe raiding and extracting tribute for decades there they were known as the Varangians or the ruse the Varangian Rorick established rule over a loose confederation of slavic and finnic peoples called the Kevin Roose lurex dynasty ruled in some part of Russia for 21 generations over a period of 700 years until the death of Tsar Vasily the fourth in 1612 from the 9th through 11th centuries many Swedes settled on the coast of what is now Finland the Danes focused on controlling England while the most north of the North men colonized the north of Scotland parts of Ireland and later Iceland and Greenland in the early 10th century Rollo a Norseman of either Danish or Norwegian origin was a Viking about in the northwest pointy part of France the Frankish king was unable to effectively militarily deal with him so he found another solution he gave her a low Normandy which was named after the Norseman Rollo converted to Christianity and served under the French King as Duke of Normandy and was charged with protecting France against other North men Rollo's Francis sized french-speaking descendants were the Normans during the early 10th century the last anglo-saxon kingdom Wessex drove out the Danes and became the unified country of England for the first time a few decades later in 90 the swedes united under their first king eric the victorious that same year her Bluetooth king of the Danes who had previously converted to Christianity along with much of the country conquered Norway Bluetooth lost and regained Norway his son Sven Forkbeard also lost and regained Norway and then conquered England his realm has been called the North Sea Empire after his death the Triple Crown was split up a few years later his son Knut managed to unite all three crowns again after a decade of constant war in both England and Scandinavia after Canute's death all three kingdoms split again Magnus the good of Norway peacefully claimed the crown of Denmark as the result of a very good deal he had made his brother Harald Hardrada succeeded him as king of Norway Harald had previously worked as a mercenary for the Grand Prince of the Kevon ruse and then worked many years for the Eastern Roman Empire he became commander of the Varangian guard and campaigned throughout the Mediterranean in 1066 both harald and then william duke of normandy invaded England the English defeated the Norse in the north and then lost to the Normans in the south most historians consider Harold's invasion of England to be the end of the Viking Age during the following 12th and 13th centuries conflict internalized around Scandinavia and the Baltic after the last Swedish pagans were either dead or converted to become good Catholics the Swedes embarked on Crusades to convert or conquer the finns on their opposite shore sweden and denmark then fought a very long series of wars to control norway to overly summarize them denmark generally had the upper hand in the early wars the three kingdoms joined together to form the kalmar union with one monarch for more than a century the kalmar union was not really united and fought wars with itself in 1523 Sweden officially split up with the Kingdom of Denmark Norway ending the Kalmar Union Sweden generally had the upper hand in the later wars the 16th and 17th centuries under the brilliant military tactician Gustavus Adolphus so we didn't invaded the Holy Roman Empire during the 30 Years War the Swedish army had great success in aiding the German Protestants Gustavus Adolphus died in a major battle where his army was victorious the swedish were later defeated by the spanish or supporting the German Catholics the remaining Swedes withdrew to northern Germany for the remainder of the war Sweden then resumed fighting more Wars with Denmark and also entered into a series of wars with Poland and Russia in the great northern war pretty much all of Sweden's neighbours went to war against it the swedish king charles 2/12 initially had a great deal of success until he marched on moscow things went downhill from there and the swedes eventually lost the long war Russia established itself as a major power while Sweden went into decline during the Napoleonic Wars Russia annexed Finland from Sweden in the aftermath Sweden received Norway in a trade with Denmark Sweden still had to fight a war with Norway to compel them into unifying throughout the 19th century a large portion of Norway's population left the country they predominantly resettled in the United States particularly Minnesota and Wisconsin in 1905 Norway became independent Finland was able to gain its independence in 1917 as a result of the Russian Revolution during the Great War the Nordic countries were able to maintain neutrality however during the not-so-great sequal Germany occupied Denmark and Norway while Finland managed to retain its independence throughout the war despite a massive Soviet invasion and having supported and then battling the losing Germans in the last year of the war in 1949 Legos were invented in Denmark and the Nordic countries proceeded to achieve some of the highest standards of living anywhere in the world with decent furniture at affordable prices lots of oil delicious food and some of the best music out there the region has a lot going for it today this has been a fami theus and I hope you have enjoyed this video a big thanks to all my patrons over on patreon and this video sponsor Nour VPN
Channel: Epimetheus
Views: 163,997
Rating: 4.8567872 out of 5
Keywords: Scandinavia, Scandinavian history, Denmark, norway, sweden, finland, history of Sweden, history of norway, history, documentary, sweden documentary, vikings, viking history, viking documentary, Swedish empire, saxons, nordic bronze age, nordic countries, denmark documentary, history of denmark, angles saxons jutes, kalmar union, cimbrian, saxon britain, danish history, swedish hisory, norwegian history, iceland, normans, norman england, denmark norway, nordic history, finish history
Id: h6pv8sFMpsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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