Top Five Countries that Defeated the Mongols

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[Music] the Mongol Empire is perhaps more commonly associated with victory and conquest on a massive scale than any other Empire in history but even the illustrious Mongols suffered failure and defeat during their age of domination in the early 13th century the Mongol warlord Genghis Khan United the nomadic tribes of the air at eastern step and then embarked on an unprecedented cavalcade of conquest and destruction populations were massacred an ancient city sacked this video on the Mongols most disastrous defeats is sponsored by braid shadow legends an epic dark fantasy adventure with a compelling storyline and state-of-the-art graphics you can choose from hundreds of champions to collect customize and use as you wish the character models an accompanying artwork for the champions are all beautifully detailed two of my favorite are the heavily armored cataract and the beefy Minotaur pick your favorite to build a powerful team capable of taking on a cavalcade of epic bosses who also look 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imprisoned the Mongols then invaded defeated the Vietnamese in open battle and seized their capital city the viet s-- adopted a scorched-earth policy destroying all usable pasture farmland and other strategic resources surrounding their occupied capital city in no time the Mongols and their horses were starving additionally many began to contract malaria and suffer from the unfamiliar humid climate as they withdrew their force was harassed ambushed and directly attacked causing massive casualties despite this victory the dive yet now realized the significant threat the Mongols posed to their existence consequently they began paying the Mongols tribute in 1260 in the hopes of appeasing Mongol wrath which it did for a time their respite was also aided by the unexpected death of the great kong Lanka which triggered events that led to civil war amongst the Mongols at the time of his death in the West Mongol armies had just defeated the Seljuk Turks and sacked Baghdad destroying the city and mass Karina's population the ancient cities of Damascus and Aleppo were taken mangu envoys were then sent to demand the surrender of the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt the last great Islamic power left standing the envoys were beheaded and dismembered putting Egypt in a do-or-die situation the Mamluks were an elite class of slave soldiers who had overthrown their former masters and established a new dynasty based out of Cairo Egypt the Khan Hulagu who commanded the Mongol armies of the West receive news of the great Khan's death and a summons to return to the Mongol capital of Karakoram to participate in a curl tie to pick the next Great Khan he redeployed the majority of his army by the caspian sea to graze recuperate and gather supplies during the hottest months of the middle-eastern summer while a smaller force of 10,000 Mongols was left behind to hold the northern Levant until his return as this force continued to raid southwards the Mamluk seized the opportunity and counter-attack the Mongols the two armies met at the Battle of ein jalut during the battle the Mamluks used their superior knowledge of the terrain to lure the Mongols into a trap the majority of the Mamluk army remained hidden until the Mongols were in a constricted area where their superior mobility was of little use to them initially the Mongols had upper hand but the Mamluks held firm during the fierce fighting the Mongol general was slain and those that could routed after the decisive Mamluk victory the Mongols were never able to gain a foothold southwest of the Euphrates River again shortly after the battle the Mongols fought their Civil War by the end of which Kubla Khan solidified his position as the fifth Mongol kagan khan of khans of the whole mongol empire but in reality the empire was far too big for one man to rule especially after Kublai Khan's conquest of China during the latter half of 13th century the regional khan's gradually became completely independent rulers over their own khanates Kublai Khan of the mangu Yuen dynasty ruled over the era of the Mongols greatest territorial extent but that large chunk of the world was not enough so he then set his sights on the Land of the Rising Sun while in the final stages of conquering the Song Dynasty Kublai Khan sent a modest-sized expedition numbering between twenty to forty thousand to conquer the island of Japan which had ignored several Mongol demands to send tribute the Mongols believed that it would be no trouble to brush aside the Islander second-rate military force they were wrong the Mongols first oversea invasion was met with stiff resistance as the much smaller Japanese Army correctly anticipated the Mongols landing location they returned to their ships and proceeded to scout different locations to land when a severe typhoon struck the fleet sinking many ships the Mongols then abandoned the campaign the following year the Japanese executed a Mongol envoy guaranteed their retaliation the mongols completed the conquest of the song in 1279 and began preparing a massive invasion fleet an army which was composed of Mongols conscripted Chinese and Koreans the army suffered from poor communication between the different nationalities and poor motivation when they landed in Japan both sides fought to a stalemate for months the Japanese were able to contain the larger invasion force and inflict heavy casualties upon it another massive typhoon then wiped out nearly half of the Mongol invasion fleet this greatly aided the Japanese who killed or captured tens of thousands of enemy troops while the Mongol commanders fled back to China while the large invasion of Japan had epically failed a much smaller invasion was successful the following the year in 1282 one hundred ships and five thousand Mongols were able to conquer the capital of the kingdom of champa to the south of dive yet the Cham people abandoned the coast and fled to the mountains and jungles waging a guerrilla war against the invaders the victorious Mongol commander returned to China and successfully proposed a plan to Kubla Khan a new larger army would be sent south to meet up with the southern Mongol force conquer dive yet and then move south to finish off Champa the first part of the plan worked flawlessly the dive yet capital was easily taken by the combined Mongol army but just like 27 years earlier disease set in and the Vietnamese successfully disrupted the invader supply lines this greatly diminished Mongol army then withdrew past the dive yet borders two years later a great fleet initially intended for the third invasion of Japan which was called off in over 70,000 reinforcement troops were sent to meet up with those that remained from the earlier invasion again for the third time the Mongols captured the dye Viet capital at Hanoi a large portion of the fleet which was supposed to fix the earlier supply line problems was lured into the Red River Delta the large UN ships were trapped by iron tipped wooden stakes in the shallow water entrances were blocked and then sanera boarded and set ablaze this disaster quickly ended the war most of the retreating Mongols were killed captured or succumb to disease with a small number making it home after the war the tran dynasty of dive yet made peace with the mongols exchanged prisoners and agreed to pay tribute but remained fully independent the multiple disastrous invasions of Vietnam and Japan would end most leaders aspirations for foreign conquest but not Kublai Khan's he was sick and in his late 70s he had completed the conquest of China the Earth's most populous and wealthy region of his day but he may have just wanted one more great victory before his death the perfect opportunity appeared to present itself when emissaries from Islands far to the south flooded into his court requesting Mongol assistance against the rapidly expanding Singh asari Empire over a short period of time the singosari King kirtan agarra conquered most of the Indonesian archipelago you can probably guess how this war started Kubla Khan sent emissaries demanding tribute and at first they were ignored but their continued presence and demands quickly annoyed kirtan Negara who had one tattooed and his ears cut off before sending him back Kublai Khan was outraged and began preparing a fleet of over 1,000 war junks manned by over 20,000 men to invade this blatant act of hostility demonstrates how powerful kirtan acara fealty really was but he really wasn't unfortunately for kirtan negara Kublai Khan was not the only enemy he had made and while the mongol fleet was making preparations he was overthrown by a kediri vassal jaya cotta Wong when the Mongols arrived for the fight the kediri were pleased to let them know that kirtan negara was history the Mongols must have felt cheated they had sailed all that way for nothing and then something strange happened the son-in-law of kirtan negara who had his own troops and was holding out against the kediri convinced the Mongols to join forces with him to topple the kediri and restore the singosari empire that they had set sail to destroy the Mongols agreed and utterly destroyed the kediri Kingdom most likely hoping to install a grateful leader who would be indebted to them after many of his Mongol allies died in battle or it succumbed to tropical diseases Rawdon vie Jaya turned his growing army on the Mongols and annihilated them this revived saint hasari would be known as the Masha by Empire Kublai Khan died a year after this final defeat since the days of Genghis Khan the Mongols had raided the northern part of the Indian subcontinent but I never attempted a large-scale invasion for decades the Mongols of the jacket iconic had raided into the Punjab and sometimes held territory there this constant raiding sometimes on a yearly basis had an unintended consequence the Turco Afghan warlords of the fabulously wealthy Delhi Sultanate became intimately acquainted with Mongol tactics and strategy after many defeats they started to win a string of victories then the chagatai khanate organized the largest ever Mongol invasion of the Indian subcontinent with an army likely numbering over 100,000 at the Battle of kilee many tens of thousands were killed on either side including the Mongol commander in the hard-fought battle the Mongols gained a slight upper hand but withdrew after their commander had died from his wounds in the seven years following the battle the Mongols of the Chagga Taikan 8 to repeatedly return to campaign in the Indian subcontinent but never in the numbers they were able to muster in 1299 in the later 12 80s both Hungary and Poland defeated armies of the Golden Horde the Golden Horn was a Mongol successor state most of the hoards population was Turkic humans kept checks and bull gars they were known to the Russians as Tartars this has been Epimetheus let me know in the comments of which Mongol invasions do you believe were the most disastrous rank them from biggest disaster to least big disaster I'm curious to read what all of you think thank you so much for watching
Channel: Epimetheus
Views: 2,193,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mongols, Mongol Empire, Dai Viet, mongols vietnam, mongols mamluk, mamluk, ain jalut, mongol documentary, history, documentary, mongols java, mongols indonesia, mongols india, delhi sultanate, mongols japan, mongol invasion of japan, mongols loose, times mongols lost, who defeated the mongols?, mongol history, ancient history, mongol defeats, fall of the mongol empire, kublai khan, kamakura shogunate, java, indonesia, Kublai Khan, genghis khan, singhasari
Id: weyyVqPCcFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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