7 Reasons Why Nordic People Are the Happiest In the World

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[Music] seven reasons why Nordic people are considered to be the happiest folk in the world did you know that Nordic countries top the list of the world's happiest people year after year apparently neither the harsh climate nor the rare sunny days can bring Scandinavians down but what is it about their philosophy of life that makes them so content and happy and can it change the way we see the world too let's find out the key elements of Nordic happiness together but before you redefine the true meaning of being happy don't forget to click Subscribe and turn on this notification bell now you won't miss any of the videos and updates that arrive daily from the bright side of life but enough chitchat let's reveal those Scandinavian secrets number 7c soup or inner peace and strength in Finnish back in 2017 the times put the Finnish concept of Sisu on the list of key trends that come from Scandinavia unfortunately this word cannot be accurately translated into English but its meaning is very close to the phrase if something needs to be done it will be done Sisu stands for resilience and courage teaching you the art of giving up unnecessary words and excessive emotions according to The Times if you want to embrace the true spirit of Sisu you should try to say certain words without making any facial expressions true it won't be easy but it'll definitely open some new doors in your mind however the whole point of Sisu isn't about how you talk rather how you speak only about the case in hand the Sisu lifestyle has less meaningless chatter complaints and showing off quite refreshing don't you think no wonder this philosophy helps the Finns appreciate social equality and stay so calm persistent and self-sufficient [Music] number six lag off or how much a Swedish person needs in Sweden Lagaan is a special skill necessary for living a balanced life this concept of living can be translated as just enough not too much or too little if you look closely you can find lag on everywhere in Swedish society economics business management and other spheres of life however in one's personal life Lagaan begins only when you put everything in your life in order and keep it under control of course it takes a huge amount of work and determination but we all know that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step right in Toru Vil's book glug 'el the Scandinavian happiness drinking tea in your pajamas he mentions a very meaningful Lagaan parable it goes like this one day an old cat met a kitten who was chasing his own tail and running and jumping around in circles he asked the little one what he was doing the kitten replied I was told that my tail is my happiness so I'm just trying to catch my happiness the old cat smiled and said you know when I was young I was told the same thing I spent days and days trying to catch it I was exhausted I was in despair so I decided to quit and just move on with my life and suddenly I noticed something what did you notice as the kitten impatiently I discovered that my tail was there all along following me and that's exactly what lagom is so to become lagom happy Toru Ville recommends keeping your income and spending in balance cutting down on your energy and water consumption reducing the amount of garbage and reusing old things instead of buying new ones so what are you waiting for start your journey toward light on today this level of happiness is definitely worth the effort number five Albus good or the danish way to love your job the most well-known concept of happiness for danish people is called Arbus good to put it simply it's the ability to enjoy what you do for a living maybe that's why nordic countries always top the list of the most satisfied employees in the world as per a yearly study conducted by the market intelligence and employer branding company universim global we wonder is there a list the Scandinavians can't top but in all seriousness to get the concept of Arbus good you should answer one simple question why are you working at your current job do you try to find the benefits in your work get along with your colleagues and supervisors perform your duties the best way you can and improve your skills if the thought of all this doesn't make you excited one little bit then it's time to change your job after all according to the Danes a person is truly happy when they feel excited both to go to work and to go home in the evening don't waste time on something that doesn't make you happy don't forget that you only have one life number for free Lutz live or loving mother nature the Norwegian way the philosophy of free lifts live is all about spending time alone with nature in order to return to one's true self while spending time outdoors your main task is to set yourself free from the general rush and routine there is only you a backpack on your shoulders and mother nature if you want to add some physical activity into the mix go for it you can hike Wood chop or do anything else that helps you take your mind off all your problems by the way if you really want to incorporate the free loops live philosophy into your life here's some advice from native Norwegians first of all don't take so many selfies for social media that erases the whole point of free lifts live your job is to be in the moment so climb that hill or take that walk and keep the experience for yourself secondly instead of mindlessly watching TV or browsing the Internet try filling your pockets with chocolate and candy and going for a long walk it'll be way more productive for your inner harmony number three gazelle a kite or enjoying closeness in the Dutch way yes we know that the Netherlands isn't part of Scandinavia but we can't leave this amazing Dutch concept of happiness out of the picture the Dutch believe that happiness is basically synonymous with unity with their loved ones seems fair right well the time spent in the warm company of people who get you and support you no matter what can be described using just one word gazelle a kite the word gazelle means companion or old friend and gazelle ik translates to cozy pleasant and friendly even Dutch proverbs contain the gazelle a kite belief walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light don't walk behind me I may not lead don't walk in front of me I may not follow just walk beside me and be my friend you have to remember that precious places and things that bring back vivid memories or memorable long-awaited meetings with dear friends are all gazelle ik - so there's only one rule for Dutch happiness the more gazelle a kite there is in your life the happier you'll be number two kalsa recon it or a new way of relaxation from the fence now that we know about SI su it's time to learn about another great concept from Finland called Casa reckoning and it certainly wins the medal for the coolest one on our list kal sorry Connie it can be translated as pants drunk and basically means spending time at home alone in your underwear enjoying a drink [Music] it's all in the word itself kal siren is a type of underwear and Canada means a drink this term became very popular thanks to Finland's ministry for Foreign Affairs who came up with the whole country themed emoji list so next time you want to skip a boring event try the Finnish way of relaxation and go full kiss I recounted in the book pants drunk cow sorry Canada the Finnish path to relaxation miss Koran tenon explains that in the Nordic palliative survival strategies the Finns rely on Kesari cannon it doesn't demand over-the-top arrangements and it pretty much the antithesis of posing performing or pretense kisara cannon is completely real the Dutch actually have a similar concept called Nixon it's the ability to relax and do nothing without feeling guilty about it Nixon can become a real lifesaver for people who struggle with multiple tasks at work and suffer from inevitable stress if you're one of them choose the concept you like more and wing it number one glue gabador or Icelandic optimism the people in Iceland have their own unique word for happiness and it's glue gabador this Icelandic term defines that amazing feeling when you sit by the window with a hot cup of coffee or tea enjoying the weather from indoors but not wanting to go outside to appreciate it it's more typical for Nordic countries of course considering their weather conditions but we guess it's safe to say that we all feel quite happy in these moments right if you want to experience glue gaved or yourself all you need is the appropriate weather a cozy sweater a cup of hot chocolate and a window they say that Google a door can help your mind generate the most brilliant thoughts and ideas ever so why not try it now that we've discussed everything which one of these concepts of happiness did you like the most and do you have any similar rules of happiness in your country tell us in the comments below don't forget to hit the like button and share this video with your friends and family to brighten up their day if you want to see more fun and positive videos like this subscribe to our Channel and join us on the bright side of life that's all for now but we'll see you soon [Applause] [Music]
Views: 459,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: become happy, secrets of happiness, Nordic people, secrets of nordic people, love nature, relaxation tips, how to relax, Sisu, Lagom, Arbejdsglæde, Friluftsliv, Gezelligheid, Kalsarikänni, Gluggaveður
Id: QbbZcdBrycw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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