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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to house i'm gonna try to make this the finale i think well there's two more these weren't endings though some of these weren't that easy are all these clues they're starting to blur together i'm thinking that there's two more endings and it's got something to do with this clock i'm not sure what though there's nothing else in the basement that i need the neighbor is unhelpful there's got to be something you no go that's not gonna work is it uh no go oh god it's gonna go you no go you're gonna go oh you're still going aren't you all right well whatever sister oh oh oh oh oh oh the the slingshot right what do you think of this what do you think of this i feel so alone no what do you think of the slingshot goddammit i didn't get her before she got in bed oh god perhaps there are worse things than death in this house will you hold me sure um maybe there's something that happens like when she goes to bed oh hi okay oh miss you dolly don't ever leave me again okay fine well that didn't do anything oh god damn it wow all right fine uh fine fine fine fine maybe i gotta do something to the doll maybe the doll's like the source of her depression and she can only be free from whence the doll is dead maybe that might be a thing this the doll has been kind of talking to me what if i kill the doll but save all of my family is that a thing what if i kill my sister when she's holding the doll it's the only way to break the curse for good we all know this to be true okay here you go thanks for bringing her i miss you dolly don't ever leave me again okay i won't or the doll won't i guess but that didn't do anything tv no hey buddy how are you doing welcome to the party pal you're gone oh where are you going where are you going where are you going hello hi what are you doing the carpet with the spot on the floor [Music] daddy's home [Music] what what happened your sister's song fills the house the dark burns away as the sound echoes throughout deep shadows retreat from your father's eyes the curse lifts at but at what cost but at what cost what at what cost i don't know mom's dead i guess wait wait so this whole time i thought i was done with the sister but there was one more step the whole time and it was just giving her the doll well that wasn't readily apparent fine hi it's the doll hi so you're still at it huh didn't you hear what i said just give up won't you this is your reality now there's no way out stop trying just accept your faith won't you stop resisting destiny i won't tell you again it never ends it never ends well i got another ending i don't really get that one but i got it so that's good there's got to be a way to beat the house in general right let me check the journal the song i can i remember when father would hum that song to us before bed it always put us at ease it just hurts my ears now well that's not very nice i mean i know your sister isn't very good at playing the whatever the instrument that was ooh see okay that that looks interesting there's got to be something into that maybe i got to shoot it right well into bed what if i sprint no it's i was like i was what if i spray water on it it'll short-circuit it i'm pretty sure it's not a electric but damn okay shoot damn it damn it oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hi hello melody always hated that axe i miss her so much but that's his gun isn't it you can see me yeah i sure can i knew i never should have come to this house yeah you're right it's more use to you now to take care of it i don't think your father likes me very much yeah it smells terrible in here yeah sure it is feels like time has stopped completely what day is it i don't know melody hates bullying we used to bond over that i'm gonna crush your skull bam um okay oh oh [Music] slingshot nah ah come on oh got you oh got ya oh that's normal nope nope do i drop a bowling ball on you oh no you know no i'm just gonna try to figure out i'm just gonna explore there's no way that i'm gonna figure out what i need to do oh hey bud how you doing pal good to see you bud okay hey you're [Music] you a thingy's gonna get me you're gonna make a finger pop out of the ground and squeeze my brain okay but hey we're on to something so we just got to get to this other world place and then we just are good to go right doesn't matter who we kill i don't think we need any good ending we just need to get the action we need to chop it right does it matter if i have the snail i don't think it does does it pabio tabby i can't stop seeing it yeah yeah oh wait no you still haven't gotten over this oh come on yeah okay you're not gonna let me do it anyway are you so all i need is the axe but i have a funny feeling i'm also gonna need the gun kind of a big deal let's go chop ourselves a clock whack no whack right okay so there were the oh yeah you ah well that means that's pretty easy my running ain't too good okay yeah what do i do straight down oh that doesn't sound good okay you what do i do about you what do i do oh ah what do i do okay ah okay um you're just dancing there aren't you oh you're cute okay is it a bowling ball thing eat that bowling ball eat it eat it eat it eat that bowling ball didn't eat it didn't eat it it didn't eat it at all okay what are you doing what are you doing which way you're going oh oh my god oh what am i doing oh my god [Music] all right so that's not the way to do it so if it's not the bowling ball then what is it that's nothing oh the the bear trap of course he'll swallow it and clamp down in his throat or something like that hey snaily you uh you better now you okay you're doing all right okay i'm gonna pick you up hey it doesn't let me okay so that's good because i do like the ability to run is very nice uh do i have everything i need did i get both bullets i did right okay i'm good bam okay easy and then i shoot these for some reason bam bam okay got those oh okay so now oh my god okay so you you you you you oh my god where is it oh take some of that oh god it didn't take that it didn't take that why didn't you take that oh okay okay okay okay interesting very interesting oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god okay what if i oh what if i oh okay oh god oh hey ha okay hey okay cool all right let's go to the kitchen instead of that no there's nothing in the kitchen okay so what do i gotta do in here just stay mobile away from the freaking trap oh my god you shuck what do i do i'm gonna chop that girl goddamn oh i should have shot it why didn't i shoot it am i dumb am i dumb am i honestly dumb i might actually be dumb don't answer that question so this time i'm not gonna be dumb about it i'm actually gonna be smart about can you please oh my god okay there you go and drop nice nice okay and this time i'm just gonna straight up shoot you staying mobile saying mobile no oh no maybe i chop it how what is that about [Music] you wanna ask me why that's fair that you're able to come through the walls and uh get me that's a little weird oh maybe there i use the bear trap you son of a you think you can just run me down you cannot you cannot okay and then drop all right perfect okay and then axe i'm guessing there's no harm in laying that down yeah okay so if i stay let me try it's it's i got to be up and down right oh oh oh that's oh there's more than one why are you so quick that's not fair what the hell is that about the hell is that about the hell okay so what i gotta do is i gotta be in up and down and then go out the door first the bear trap's a bunk so it's that's not what it is that's not what it is at all so i'm just gonna go up and down oh my god really there we go and then go out the door oh there we go no go up and down oh up and downy why'd i go righty tighty oh so it's axe and then it's uppy downy that's the thing i can get one kill in first oh oh yeah okay got it then go out in oh god you son of a oh two [Music] how many are there i guess a whole hand's worth there's more than one there's apparently more than one okay there's another one okay let's go again okay got him oh one more if it's five that would make sense oh my god it's not making sense [Music] oh is it 10 i bet it's 10 10 fingers would make sense i hate that it takes so long to get back to that's what i really don't like is like if there's something that requires like some skill like i'm fine with that but when it takes so long just to try again ah it just it's irksome it's irksome you know it's just irksome it's just irksome it irks me you know i get irked i'm irked right now i'm rather irked you know i'm just a little irked but it's fine i know there's two of you no there's not two of you what the hell is happening oh my god oh my god [Music] am i stupid am i stupid hang on let me look something up here because because the question will be answered on the next episode of distractible that you can hear on your favorite podcasting forum let's see and hit him with a detectable promo make it wig make it bombastic make it blasphemous uh maybe not blasphemous yeah definitely make it blasphemous no messing around this time maybe there's a way that i could get because i know that maybe i could just get not to trigger the other dude okay i think i got that okay damn it got it [Music] huh i did i did oh my god what is that oh it's a heart okay um okay oh oh my god oh my god no no no no no oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god what do i do oh my god what do i do huh what do i do they're so close now um okay if i can get across the hall okay if i can get across here there's a pocket down here yeah what do we do shoot it or shoot them what do i do who do i shoot oh lay down uh lay down this and run him over it yes okay and then oh god that took forever snail hello snail buddy how oh it's like the ending earthbound on a gygax go on without me tabby i need to catch my breath okay fair enough i guess but where though um hello okay so that's edge of map there okay oh mom mama okay stippy stumpy stumpy on you mom i can't run oh hey rat hi uh okay top of map all right oh what the hell what the hell is that the hell is that oh oh hi oh i don't wanna i don't think i should oh okay you mustn't leave um we've been having so much fun you need me i don't think i do old man ow what the oh holy yeah fair play um cool oh you're a fool a fool a dumb insignificant hey what are you doing wait stop there's no hard feelings right go ahead and leave i won't get in your way okay okay i lied it it does end please what chunk indeed oh oh ah it feels like so long ago that house my family my arm it felt like a dream like i wasn't in control but i'm free i'm moving on my own now what a beautiful day you mean i really lost my arm after all that and maybe my family too i guess now that i think about it well that's oh uh dream dream dream dream dream dream journal journal oh i knew it sometimes i find myself dreaming about this place i can feel it pulling me back like i never even left but i remind myself this time it's just a dream an old memory well apparently not okay i don't know what those are about i don't know what that's all about i don't know what the old man is all about i don't know what any of that is all about but apparently there's two more endings interesting but what has changed has anything changed wha what are you a potted plant that i could water i'm not gonna do that now i don't have time but anyway if there is more to this that i need to know let me know down in the comments below um great game really good stuff i suspect that that might have been like an ending and maybe there's like an ultimate ultimate ending like that was a true ending and then there's like a secret true ending you know how they do sometimes with these games thank you everybody so much for watching check out other games that i've played that are like this i've probably linked them down in the comments below or in the description below maybe in the suggested videos over there and uh yeah thanks again for watching and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,424,056
Rating: 4.9837742 out of 5
Keywords: Markiplier, House part 4, House game, Pixelated, Ending, Horror, Indie horror, Scary games, Part 4
Id: G_TW-XrPJ3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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