The Nickelodeon Scandal | Joe Rogan & Eleanor J. Kerrigan

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in this time in this day and age there's immense amount of positive reinforcement of being a part of the lbgt pride whatever it is movement and I that makes sense because it's a natural reaction to the the times when we were kids where gay people were shunned and on and it was up until 2013 Hillary Clinton didn't was saying that she didn't think that marriage should be between gay men it should be between a man and a woman Barack Obama used to say that they all used to say it so imagine being a gay person and so there's like this natural overcorrection so we're in this overcorrection right now but this overcorrection gets co-opted by opportunists who are just narcissists just people with mental illness and people who realize that they can get a tremendous amount of attention by just fitting into this new and it's also a great way for perverts and sex offenders yeah you see that a lot to to weasle in like isn't it like if you were a guy and you really into dogs you get a job as a dog trainer okay right guy's really into dogs yeah he loves working with dogs if you're a pedophile would you get a job a Nickelodeon right you would right yeah well isn't there like a scandal that's going on right now yeah bad what is the Nickelodeon Scandal dang guy a lot I mean I said there's another one too oh really a new one I just like kids I just like working with kids I just like being around them and being alone with them priests being alone with them I like being alone with yeah just just me and the kid Camp counselors sh let's keep a secret what the that's but there's humans that recognize that there's like patterns that they can fall into where they can get more attention get more appraise so this is the niconi thing it says the actor was claimed he was sexually abused by dialogue and acting coach Brian peek who pleaded no contest to performing a lwd act with a 14 or 15-year-old and to oral copulation with a minor under 16 in 2004 ultimately sentenced to 16 months in prison and ordered to register as a sex offender in October 2004 in his first interview since the release of the doc Bell has shared his thoughts on Nickelodeon's response to the allegations yeah I mean how do you know when someone I mean if you hire you're hoping you're hiring people that just like like making kids shows maybe they have kids you know why can't the parent be present like this this kind of but like they say kids that get molested and stuff like that a lot of times it's parents just being like giving them off you know like and not being present um there was I mean I feel I think about it I'm like why didn't we get molested we were on our own for a long time I dodged a couple bullets when I was a kid did you really yeah but it it's you're you're trusting people and most people you can trust and you hope you can trust these people yeah do you know about UFC uh heavyweight champion former heavyweight champion Cain Velasquez what happened his son was uh apparently by Yeah by daycare and he went after the guy and shot at him from his car and got arrested and was in jail for like I think he's still a waiting trial but it was literally one of those things where everybody that hears that a father if you ask them what would you do if that happened like they everyone says the same thing if you can get away with sleepwalking and killing your mother-in-law you should be away with blind rage that makes you shoot at some guy who molested your kid listen I don't have children and if that happened to one of my nieces and nephews I'd be the one who SN I'd lose it it's it's the most evil it's disgusting but it's also it's one of the weird ones that today they're trying to Norm they're trying to call it minor attracted persons when I when I say they I want to be really clear yeah it's just a few Fringe psychos but the problem is that that Fringe psycho dialogue winds up on social media and then gets Amplified by places like Tik Tock right that want us to be upset at these kind of things whether it's to program us or whether it's just to keep us like fighting and then engaging in the algorithm which is ultimately beneficial for them because that's really what they want is more more views and more interactions yeah and so you'll have these wacky people that give these speeches in public with cameras on them where they're talking about we have to understand this is an identity and this is a it should be a protected identity a minor attracted person like this is not one person saying this multiple people saying this but it falls into that same thing like some people are insane I agree I agree I just I like my best friend growing up he was flamboyant from the git and I I mean we were friends when we were six seven so he and he would always be like and he made me get into cheerleading cuz he liked cheerleading yeah I didn't like cheerleading and then I was like can we just do something can we play football you know and then he started like we would fight and then we always used to say that we wished we had a button or we wanted to uh there was a cartoon where you can run into each other um Wonder powers activate or something like that you run into each other and you become something different we were going to run into each other and become be a boy nice and it never worked but so he waited till both his parents passed and then he transitioned oh wow but he wanted that his whole life he just didn't want to disrespect his parents it's it's 100% a real thing it it is the problem is but I agree that there's always people that jump in and act there is that and then there's this other thing the other thing is money so you have to realize how many gender affirming care clinics have opened up just since 2007 if you look at the map of 2007 versus 2023 it's crazy the difference yeah
Channel: University Of JRE
Views: 209,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JRE, Clips, Podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience
Id: n2tIx1MmACw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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