The Next BIG Thing in Hearthstone!!! Dance Floor OTK!

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all right deck intro time and this time we have  Saturday Night Fever so for this combo we're first   going to start by destroying a Rivendare Warrider  and then we play Front Lines to summon the three   Horsemen from our deck then we give them Rush  with Dance Floor and we trade into the opponents   minions for the OTK now one nice part about this  deck is even if we don't summon all three Horsemen   from our deck with Front Lines we're still  going to summon a nearly insurmountable board   so I think that's pretty much it for the deck  intro this time guys I hope you enjoy winning   this dance battle remember to like and  subscribe and thanks so much for watching Renathal   death knight the extra health will not save you okay sure not a bad hand at  all probably will coin a six nice and slow very nice get that going sure oh very nice my man may be in trouble here oh boy well oh wow I'll kill it all right I think I still coin six  I could play jury duty again but   we'll see what he does I guess oh well if I  can't bump it off I mean are you kidding me sure what a yoke that is what's  the worst thing I could get there really aren't really any bad  targets I guess lead dancer maybe hmm I mean do I even care about the dredge  like not really I'm just gonna damage this I mean sure I'll leave the minions in deck I need to find the Rivendare now oh dear oh dear get funky I guess I'll kill it actually I probably should just play  consecration to be honest I still can that's fine I probably should have just swung with the weapon  and consecrated and hit this face but it's fine pretty sweet I might as well okay Rivendare nice can you kill that for me that'd  be great nice can you kill these for me bump off two of them anyway I probably  still play it oh that's a shame aw I didn't get any of them that's a huge feels bad I don't think it's even worth using location is it I guess I can whatever thin the deck sure an embarrassment of riches not bad big old T sure sure my man's looking in trouble hm yeah I could kill that without the lifesteal as  well with the bumping of the shields but all right   not a bad first game oh it's Shadow that's probably better for me  right he can't have Shard then that's nice   okay well we probably play muster into jury duty  into Kangor hopefully pull the Rivendare GG easy sure seems like a waste oh no follow-up  feels bad man yeah seems like a big waste all right may need to equality actually  I probably should equality that all right just to be safe because that can get out of control pretty quick that's a good start I got the sweet moves well all the pulls are  pretty good lead dancer would not be fantastic but   it would probably pull the uh actually definitely  pulls the annoy-o right so that'd be good really bold that's fine it'll give me a wall get the Rivendare down okay no front lines yet but I  have a few turns to draw it sure there's a few annoying cards jello um sure I may not pop it here see  if I can get the front lines first I think my man's in trouble we'll see fine may need to play the Kangor just to heal may cold feed kangor or something he  didn't ping my face that's shocking   he is pretty low though I guess I probably could go face but whatever fine I probably could swing face too but  whatever be nice if you could pull the Rag well nice that should about do it looking pretty dead I do win Renathal sure not bad here  at all nice two into three a little unfortunate there but what can you do okay definitely more controlly   it's also nice to have the equality  consecration combo I'll take that need Rivendare and front lines now easy peasy okay into the void oh there we go okay one front  lines for your boy one time a singular time well if he's slow I'll probably play  Rivendare over lead dancer on six not   terribly surprising all right I probably do it anyway because I don't really  need annoy-o right now and kangor isn't that good   so probably still Rivendare on six  even though I don't have front lines fancy coin oh his hand was full yeah that's fine could have played the masked reveler if  I had a bump target but sadly I do not shocker oh what not sure about that one chief um I'm just  gonna damage it I guess just play that way that was interesting I don't think I've ever seen  that before you play it without an undead okay all right front lines it doesn't really do anything he can pop the shield I guess or not okay I mean I guess I'll play it I don't know like there's some reason  to play it and to not play it right super all right hmm don't really need the taunt right now so clear my board and draw front lines  easy okay that works front lines I got one got two I mean I could just equality consecration  but I don't really care to do that right sure all right so we just need the taunt one uh doesn't really make sense to bump that LUL got him it worked perfectly man that  screen shake is intense all right
Channel: MarkMcKz
Views: 18,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markmckz, mark mckz, mark hearthstone, markmckz hearthstone, mark mckz hearthstone, hearthstone, wild hearthstone, big paladin hearthstone, paladin hearthstone, paladin deck hearthstone, wild paladin hearthstone, new hearthstone decks, hearthstone 2023, off meta hearthstone decks, fun hearthstone decks, hearthstone titans, kangor hearthstone, front lines paladin, new hearthstone expansion, hearthstone otk, pally deck hearthstone, wild pally hearthstone, big pally hearthstone
Id: 65-ztMXdSWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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