Can We OTK with the FROG from Hex?!

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all right deck intro time and this time  we're hopping mad so the idea for this   deck is pretty simple we're going to play  zeph to obtain hex and then we're going to   otk the opponent with the Frog now is  there any real reason to perform this combo   no so I think that's pretty much it for the  deck intro this time guys just a reminder   the theory crafting live stream for Hearthstone  Titans will be taking place today on my twitch   Channel hope to see you there remember to like  and subscribe and thanks so much for watching all right not a terrible hand but not amazing okay probably a burglely boy not Quest though I think I'll hold the coin for now he's concocting a perfect curve despite playing Renathal   okay actually really nice to  have handmaiden and queen early surprised he didn't play the concoction  maybe he got like destroy Minion or something okay I mean all those are reasonable let's take the insight so much random taunt is cheat though and everybody  knows it I could waste that I could just coin well you know what let's just do this that's fine reduction doesn't matter too much well if I play this I'm going to Mill a card right yeah I don't really like my play there actually I  shouldn't have done that that was a bit wasteful my hand   is kind of awkward actually oh God how do I have like all my situational cards I mean I could try to get a  hex right now let's try it nice okay I mean my hand is still super  jammed but at least we got it I guess we're almost there and I'll have the brann Queen  play ready to go need to find Divine spirit and a topsy or bless how hard could that  be could you stop getting outrageous   taunts could you not do that man  could younot could you not do that uh pain I don't even know what to do sure yeah let's waste that my hand is just so  awkward I need to clear my hand up it's just   I don't know how I'm going to do that exactly there's the ice block I don't know why I play this game I don't know  why I do it why do I do it I don't know I don't   know I don't know why I do it could not tell you  not counterspell that's a really bad objection wow that was super fun I'm glad that card  exists that makes the game really enjoyable   I really enjoy that I really enjoy not being able  to play my cards that's really fun in a card game that's probably okay for me I guess do I wait on that I'm gonna play it I'll waste  the devour if I have to yeah I'll waste it it's fine okay at least he traded okay I  might Anduin up here then problem is I don't have my Raza  online oh I probably still do it okay I still need Topsy bless Divine spirit  so hopefully they'll get me something all right well five do that first smite is fine right well that's fine just double ping this thing that's fine he shouldn't have any spells right so well at least that will waste his turn all right my opponent's are just Gods like they're  literally just gods like that is outrageous oh my goodness my goodness all right it's fine all right I didn't get Divine spirit that is less fine  I guess the light it burns is probably better   probably it's not my bottom two either  so it's in my next five it can't work right no way just absolutely killing me in my next three at least I can kill it but that's a little scary okay fragnaros actually yeah okay okay here we go that was totally worth it I  gotta say completely worth it
Channel: MarkMcKz
Views: 18,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markmckz, mark mckz, mark hearthstone, markmckz hearthstone, mark mckz hearthstone, hearthstone, wild hearthstone, hearthstone titans, new hearthstone expansion, hex hearthstone, shaman hearthstone, wild shaman hearthstone, new cards hearthstone, hearthstone card reveals, reno priest hearthstone, new hearthstone decks, hearthstone 2023, off meta hearthstone, hearthstone otk, fun hearthstone decks, hearthstone decks 2023, wild shaman deck, raza priest
Id: 76UovVJcqqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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