The Most TOXIC Hearthstone Combo I Have EVER Done!!!

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all right deck intro time and  this time we're flesh and blood   so for this combo we're first going to start  by destroying Huge Toad Immortal and Flesh   Behemoth at some point during the game then on the  combo turn we're going to play Brann Bronzebeard   Umbra and Da Undatakah for the OTK now of  course for this combo you can use whatever   deathrattle you like but I thought Huge Toad was  the most toxic option so I think that's pretty   much it for the deck intro this time guys  I hope you enjoy this cool new way to pull   off one of my favorite combos remember to like  and subscribe and thanks so much for watching a C'thun priest and Renathal all right not too bad double novice sure oh he's Dragon okay that's  probably a little bit worse for me   because usually they're more of a  curve stone style deck so we'll see curving God over here be nice if I could draw a gift of  luminance but it may not happen that way   I don't have to play it next turn either should be mostly fine okay that's a nice buff sure at least he's trading feels so wrong as a four five at least  I can kill it I guess feels so weird I also have a pyro equality if I ever  need it so not in too bad of shape here I mean he does have the coin he could coin out a  one drop but just gonna full rope it it looks like   sure thanks for that that was great   I guess I play that first I'm gonna play  the Cariel darn I missed the gift whatever okay still quite a bit of reduction there I  don't have that many spells in this deck so random fair enough okay I guess I play Vitality first at least that was a semi-complicated  turn but he has no mana I mean okay now I draw it do have to be a little careful about  like drown but I might play it anyway well if he has drown or entomb feels bad  man but he's a nonsense roper so who cares that's a big hand it's actually fine if he steals  Cariel hero as well which is   kind of funny because we deal damage in  increments of one doesn't change anything hey I got roped again wow  what a shocking development good enough I haven't played the toad but it's not that   far away I probably could play  it I could play this first too that's a bit unfortunate whatever lines up next turn for Cariel so it's  still probably worth okay bit of a shame but this allows me to play Cariel into Flesh into Thaurissan reduction perhaps  so Bone Drake wow very cool remember so it's Brann Bannerman or gift next turn   gift would probably be the worst draw right be  nice if we could get Bran that's a big ol whelp this doesn't pull anything right excellent well I could play Thaurissan now  or I could play the Flesh Behemoth um sure I have the power I can actually killed my own  Flesh Behemoth now if I want to which I might still need to get the huge toad  though as well it is a few draws away roasted that's a shame uh I guess I hero power first sure all right the Bannerman guarantees the toad right   because I don't have the prelate in my  deck that's a deck tracker error okay random it's fine as long as it dies it's fine random still fine let's kill the toad I can waste that gift okay okay should be a good to go double Bone Drake all right GG one Brann-o one Umbra and Da Undatakah we certainly do bury them that's a huge toad double huge toad and so it begins this is gonna take a while  in the best possible way why is the animation all  messed up it's interesting it's so delightfully evil guys I'm not sure if you knew but  I don't make mistakes I bury them got him
Channel: MarkMcKz
Views: 23,614
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Keywords: markmckz, mark mckz, mark hearthstone, markmckz hearthstone, mark mckz hearthstone, hearthstone, wild hearthstone, hearthstone titans, new hearthstone expansion, immortal prelate deck, da undatakah hearthstone, paladin deck hearthstone, new cards hearthstone, hearthstone card reveals, wild paladin hearthstone, new hearthstone decks, hearthstone 2023, off meta hearthstone, hearthstone otk, fun hearthstone decks, hearthstone decks 2023, immortal prelate da undatakah
Id: eUeDDFvCtzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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