Golden Kobold is BUGGED!!! Ring of Tides Wombo Combo!

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all right deck intro time and this time we're  as good as gold so for this deck I'm going to   showcase a pretty cool bug you can do by using  the Ring of Tides Relic from queen as well as   the golden kobold treasure from heistbaron  togwaggle now for this deck ideally we obtain   as many copies of Ring of Tides as possible  so we can use brann bronzebeard to help with   that so I think that's pretty much it for  the deck intro this time guys I hope you   enjoy stealing a win remember to like and  subscribe and thanks so much for watching we are both Renathal well I think I'm gonna hold it he might he  might be a quest deck and I could steal his   which would be funny so I also can just  use it for a combo activator so it's fine oh we're both thieving okay maybe I hold this for a while then this will be an interesting game I don't think I bother feels bad at the moment  could just play clever and do it next turn so didn't even heal my face first rude I mean okay e-sportal it's gotta be it's gotta be I guess my fun cards are gonna  become his fun cards as well I'm not sure how either one of  us are going to win this game   but it's gonna be randomly that's for sure not really sure why he roped me there but  all right well it's not very good here so wow doesn't this feel like a like not  even a Hearthstone card anymore   like it feels like not even  part of the game so bizarre of course why would you trade why would  you want to have any fun am I right   why would you want to have  any fun playing this game okay wow it's not even good for my Tess feels bad man hopefully he got Enchanted Raven silence that's not a fun card he's  gonna steal my Tess eventually but you know he may have two by now actually he could have three by now right yeah   he could technically have three Tesses  probably not but he probably has at least one okay sure let's see what we get okay he  might be Reno as well it's hard to tell random gotta be random all  right not much of a mill there does it work okay I mean it  wasn't that good there but sure well see what we get do I have any nature spells I don't think I do whatever seems   like a waste but okay give me a good one little surprised  he isn't playing a quest in a thief   priests like any of them are acceptable really actually Queen is really funny man that's a hard choice I'm gonna say he took yogg oh come on that's a big sadge I do have a blink Fox it's not  really good to summon though I guess the secret's not bad with Tess probably I'll no swing I mean I could mind control that just in case he  has res he's playing so much weird stuff whatever not bad to put in my Tess anyway I actually don't have much synergy with it but more spell damage great I guess I could just hold  that I'll just use my face just gonna hold there of course he stole that from me of course what's on the bottom my Kronx okay I kind of want to save the  spells in case I draw my queen yeah it's fine whatever but I may just play it we'll  see just to get the upgrade that's fine didn't do anything so he's just being  a jerk I mean it doesn't do anything yet so okay stole my shadowstep that's fine well the problem is I don't have my queen yet I guess I hero power first just to get  a new dagger I'm gonna lose it here so whatever where's my queen man that's a funny one the greed I don't even know which one he's gonna  take he might take the shuffle one   you could take colossal I guess but I hope I get my Queen off this I'm kind  of ready to go have a nice full hand okay kind of strange ordering but sure he took the shuffle okay sure fine the rat not much there huzzah okay well I can probably play  my Espionage then now right sure well okay that is really annoying but  I wanted to play brann Queen   why is he playing that in this fun deck  like I hate when people do that like one more okay well okay I'm gonna go this way makes it more likely a lackey sticks and I can  just play the heistbaron so or not it's fine sure man enjoy why would you do  that like that makes any sense sure I mean I don't really care if I get two  lackeys although I can't really play it   all here in the same turn anyway  right I guess I'll do this then okay that's fine even if he clears this I can just play the  dragon and heistbaron next turn all good or not okay not making a lot of sense so far as  to why you would do that but okay oh okay well sure just wasting that one I guess that is annoying okay do I just do it okay isn't that weird not the best assortment there but not  terrible actually my Voone is really good Beast Elemental Mech beast and quilboar  okay he can't really steal anything   from my hand very easily my deck is  kind of who knows it's mostly random I mean sure I feel like you should silence this  one but I guess he could just kill it now as well yeah he's probably fine actually he still  should have taken this right he should have   done that am I crazy whatever you guys think I have an Overkill  card oh no rush minion excuse   me I thought it was draw an overkill  for some reason that's a weird choice okay so if I play Voone I get what one two  three four cards I need to clear my   hand up a little bit first he's also just  about dead I mean he actually is dead but do I care that he's dead not really gotta do this first my sweet value I gotta get my sweet value let me guess he stole my Reno I mean none of that made any sense but that was  like the worst order you could have done things in but all right it was a pretty weird game but we got there wow submit all right 170 XP my god
Channel: MarkMcKz
Views: 20,586
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Keywords: markmckz, mark mckz, mark hearthstone, markmckz hearthstone, mark mckz hearthstone, hearthstone, wild hearthstone, hearthstone titans, new hearthstone expansion, burgle rogue hearthstone, rogue hearthstone, thief rogue deck hearthstone, new cards hearthstone, hearthstone card reveals, wild rogue hearthstone, new hearthstone decks, hearthstone 2023, off meta hearthstone, hearthstone otk, fun hearthstone decks, hearthstone decks 2023, hearthstone bug
Id: W3vZm9Dgs0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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