Turn 5 OTK?! This Druid Combo is a Piece of CAKE!!!

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all right deck intro time and this time  it's a piece of cake so the idea for this   deck is pretty simple we're going to play  Oracle of Elune a Stormpike Quartermaster   and all of our cheap spells to buff an  in hand Stonetusk Boar for the OTK now   of course one excellent new card to  highlight in this deck is definitely   funnel cake so I think that's pretty much it  for the deck intro this time guys I hope you   enjoy this pretty sweet combo remember to like  and subscribe and thanks so much for watching all right not too bad let's grab our Looney Tune   might play the Aquatic next turn we'll  see it will draw everything in my deck actually essentially could  have played it there right rushy boy all right that was a fun rope that's nice beware I guess I just play it now okay resizing is probably fine too but I don't really want the minions necessarily  I guess I could take them and just play them   over time which I don't really hate  okay whatever yeah let's break it oh my God I usually well I probably  won't really need it but that's hilarious I typically do not need such a thing but I'll play it next turn really could use a dew process oh okay taunt is annoying it doesn't line up very well here either I could  Moonfire it I guess I could Moonfire it myself yeah I'll waste it see if he has an answer he  probably will but you know not the claw fine I'm gonna go ahead and do this so I can  kill that with pounce now if need be I'll probably go for it not much there still fine I have innervate no problem just barely well that's a weird hand okay   Renathal is not great for me either but not  Quest that's probably good news I suppose   oh that's actually a little bit unfortunate  but this will still draw something helpful   so double dew Moonlit or a stormpike  oh some kind of overheal thing okay okay that's fine I probably could  almost Bloom that out but I'll wait could naturalize that too but I'll  probably save it for a taunt for now okay actually maybe I shouldn't even swing  just gives him a heal target but whatever I'm gonna mill whoops I forgot  mill a card whoops a days LOL omegalul fair and balanced gameplay that   was close level up level up well we are good on the cake plenty of cake okay sure why not let's finish his quest for him shall we no tap LOL that's really annoying but whatever fine I guess it's okay I didn't draw  it anyway since I had double dew so that's fine probably the naturalize just in case I'm gonna take it but do I innervate that out okay fine imagine he's gonna play  immolate here if I had to guess dirty rat is still pretty bad of course actually gives me a spell lul not quite ready here though okay whatever I can waste this stuff right might as well going to draw three cards next turn anyway so okay the cult was actually a good mill I could still use an innervate or a bloom I can't say I have there we go I guess that's better I can't really get to seven doesn't really matter  then I guess I could take the card draw still bye Tickatus yeah I should have taken the  dreams but whatever it's fine disrupt that omegalul I mean I'll try it but Mage is like  the worst matchup in the entire world   objection explosive runes are really hard  for me to play around not impossible but hard so okay I mean that's probably good news my hand is good at least so if we can assemble  quickly here it shouldn't really matter that much okay it's full on Dragon interesting  can't naturalize that of course LOL   all right I could pounce it but no rush here the Viper probably has ice block then ignite my face wow okay good all right need to find capture cold  tooth Oracle itself Moonlit would be nice   hopefully we can find it pretty quickly here a little Turn 5 OTK perhaps  I might naturalize that have two anyway I need to waste a couple cards  so I think I'll play this first wow those are terrible I mean I guess I could take the  poison make him deal with it fine whatever that's a good mill for me of course the perfect answer  naturally it's my opponent after all play that first of course  it's on the bottom of course sure not much there like I need it that was pretty good
Channel: MarkMcKz
Views: 25,970
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Keywords: markmckz, mark mckz, mark hearthstone, markmckz hearthstone, mark mckz hearthstone, hearthstone, wild hearthstone, hearthstone titans, new hearthstone expansion, funnel cake hearthstone, druid hearthstone, wild druid hearthstone, new cards hearthstone, hearthstone card reveals, miracle druid hearthstone, new hearthstone decks, hearthstone 2023, off meta hearthstone, hearthstone otk, fun hearthstone decks, hearthstone decks 2023, mill druid deck
Id: 6wDd2TDiyRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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