The Newsroom last 4 mins of "The Greater Fool"

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who is the girl who is applying to the internship she looks so familiar to me I'll tell you who she looks like she looks exactly like good show I don't care okay sorority girls good you're the girl right I'm Jennifer Johnson just graduated northwestern take home a year early you asked me that Marana question and then my world came apart and she came here and I landed in the tabloids and I got death threats and my job is constantly in jeopardy and you ruined my life again just steak yes that was me what the hell are you doing here I'm fine for an internship why I watched the show and I read the New York magazine article and I know what a greater fool is and I want to be one Camelot she's a kid at the end of Camelot ask me again I'm sorry ask me your idiot question again what makes America the greatest country in the world you do hire her what did the rest of the message screw it just feed him another 10 cookies welcome to news night a hundred more death threats yeah so we're pretty sure they're not serious not these hundred but after tonight I expect the next ones it'll be very serious what do you protect me for 1700 a week plus health and dental I wouldn't take a bullet for 1,700 a week me neither pal so I've learned out of duck hey it's me we'll listen I swear I'm not saying this because I'm fine if the answer is no then just do me a favor and don't call me back or bring it up for anything but I have to tell you I mean after tonight I really want to tell you that I've never stopped you
Channel: FloatingThrough
Views: 560,834
Rating: 4.9068885 out of 5
Keywords: the newsroom, greater fool, scene
Id: N5bqAVUkUgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2012
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