A Few Good Men Best Scene Part 1

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lieutenant call your witness defense calls Colonel Nathan jessep Colonel jessep would you raise your right hand please sir do you solemnly swear that the testimony you will give in this general court-martial will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God yes I do have a seat please sir would you state your name rank and current bill it for the record please sir Colonel Nathan R Jessup commanding officer marine ground forces Guantanamo Bay Cuba thank you sir he's not here Colonel would you learned of Santiago's letter to the NIS you had a meeting with your two senior officers is that right yes the platoon commander Lieutenant Jonathan Kendrick and the executive officer Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Markinson yes and at present Colonel Markinson is dead is that right objection I'd like to know just what the defense counsel is implying i'm applying simply that at present Colonel Markinson is not alive surely Colonel jessep doesn't need to appear in this courtroom to confirm that information I just wasn't sure if the witness is aware the two days ago to curl took his own life for the 45 caliber pistol the witness is aware the court is aware and now the court members are aware we thank you for bringing this to our attention move on lieutenant yes sir prawns having this meeting you gave lieutenant Kendrick and orders that right I told Kendrick to tell his men that Santiago wasn't to be touched and did you give in order to Colonel Markinson as well I ordered Markinson to have Santiago transferred off the base immediately why I felt his life might be in danger once word of the letter got out grave danger is there another kind Colonel we have the transfer order you and Colonel Markinson cosine ordained in Santiago be on a flight leaving Guantanamo at six in next morning is that the first flight off the base the oh-six-hundred was the first flight off the base no you flew up to Washington early this morning is that right yeah I noticed you wearing your classy dress uniform for your appearance in court today as are you lieutenant did you wear that uniform on the plane please the court is this dialogue relevant to anything a defense didn't have an opportunity to depose this witness your honor I'd ask the court for a little attitude a very little louder to it Colonel I wore utilities on the plane you brought your dress uniform with you yes toothbrush shaving kit change of underwear Your Honor the Colonel's underwear a matter of national security genre man you better get somewhere fast with this lieutenant yes sir colonel I brought a change of clothes and some personal items thank you after Dawson and Downey's arrest on the night of the 6th Santiago's barracks room was sealed off and its contents inventoried four pairs camouflage pants three long sleeve khaki shirts three pairs of boots four pairs green socks three OD green t-shirts please report is there a question anywhere in our future lieutenant Kaffee I have to ask you to state your question I'm wondering why Santiago wasn't packed tell you what we'll get back to that one in a minute this is a record of all telephone calls made from your base in the past 24 hours after being subpoenaed to Washington you made three calls of highlighted those calls in yellow do you recognize those numbers sir I called Colonel Fitzhugh's in Quantico Virginia I wanted to let him know that I would be in town the second call was to arrange a meeting with congressman Richmond of the House Armed Services Committee and the third call was to my sister Elizabeth why did you make that call sir I thought she might like to have dinner tonight Your Honor I'm gonna post oculus Your Honor these are telephone records from Gitmo for September 6th and these are 14 letters that Santiago wrote in nine months requesting in fact begging for a transfer upon hearing the news that he was finally getting his transfer Santiago was so excited that do you know how many people he called zero nobody not one call to his parents saying he was coming home not one call to a friend saying can you pick me up at the airport he was asleep in his bed at midnight and according to you he was getting on a plane in six hours yet everything he owned was hanging neatly in his closet and folded neatly in his footlocker you were living for one day you packed a bag and made three phone calls Santiago was leaving for the rest of his life and he hadn't called a soul and he hadn't packed a thing can you explain it the fact is there was no transfer order Santiago wasn't going anywhere isn't that right colonel objection your honor it's obviously lieutenant caffee's intention this afternoon is to smear a high-ranking marine officer in the desperate hope the mere appearance of impropriety will win a points with the court members now it's my recommendation sir the lieutenant Kaffee be reprimanded for his conduct and the witness be excused with the court's deepest apologies overrule your honor your objection is noted colonel it's his funny sir no it's not it's tragic do you have an answer absolutely my answer is I don't have the first damn clue maybe it was an early riser and like to pack in the morning and maybe didn't have any friends I'm an educated man but i'm afraid i can't speak intelligently about the travel habits of william santiago what i do know is that he was set to leave the base at oh-six-hundred now are these really the questions that I was called here to answer phone calls and foot lockers please tell me that you have something more lieutenant these two Marines are on trial for their lives please tell me that their lawyer hasn't pinned their hopes to a phone bill do you have any other questions for me counselor lieutenant Kathy lieutenant do you have anything further for this witness thanks Danny I love Washington excuse me I didn't dismiss you I beg your pardon I'm not through its my examination sit down colonel what say I'd appreciate if he would dress me as Colonel or sir I believe I've earned it defense counsel will address the witnesses colonel all sir I don't know what the hell kind of units you're running here the witness will address this court as judge or your honor I'm quite certain I've earned it take your seat come
Channel: Neauvienne
Views: 1,215,954
Rating: 4.7448878 out of 5
Keywords: Few, Good, Men, Best, Movie, Scene
Id: cEiFhKOnS1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2010
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