The New Quickest and Easiest Braids in Blender (Braidify Update)

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hello everyone this is the quickest easiest way to  add braids and I'm about to share it with you it   is a geometry note setup you can download it  from my gumroad link in description it is an   update of braidify something I released a while  ago that also allows you to make braids but it   was quite hard on your GPU on your CPU so this is  an updated version I read the comments people had   a little bit of struggle so this is for all of  you guys and yeah it works much better you can   see we have three braids even with a lot of  hair it looks quite nice I can turn this off   three cartoonish style one and turn this back on  in an instant and it is incredibly quick now it   is amazing it works very nicely I'm very happy  to have done this and let me show you how this   works it is very easy okay so you're gonna  download the file from my gumroad you will   have both the alt and the new blend files right  from both Radio 5 versions the new one is going   to work with the new hair system in blender  right so empty hair so to use that you're   gonna download the blend file and you're gonna  append the Brady 5 performance of the geometry   node setup right you know how to append your  used to blender by now so I'm gonna delete   my Brady fight performance update and my curves  as well just hit delete and I'm going to select   the object that you want to add your brace  to where there's going to be ahead right   so the scope where you want to add hair or this  random sphere just select it shift a curve empty   hair there we go let's go to skill mode and  we're gonna make sure that we have our curve   um actually we have to go to the as brush first  before we can change the settings and we are going   to make sure that our curve shape is what we need  right so the length and the points and the points   are basically the resolution of the curve so that  depends on how long you want it to be and how well   how much you want it to troll for example how  much you want to be able to tweak that shape so   I'm going to set this at like four meters I guess  and 14 points will be fine for me I'm going to set   the count to one I want one braids if you want  more accounts or just add more one braids so I'm   gonna just add one there for example go back  to camera view and now we can go to the groom   the comb brush and we can just groom this right so  that's the fun part with this version we can groom   our braids very easily and I'll show you that  later as well right something like this is fine   looks like a braid all right I'm gonna go back  to object mode now you have appended the bradyphy   German setup geometry note we can hit add modifier  right this first one is just from the empty hair   add a new one in Geometry notes and set that  to the Brady 5 performance update here we go   all right so now we're going to render view we  have our braids one thing we need to do go to   Output attributes and type in our UV that's just  going to make sure that it sends the UV map to   the materials and we get this nice cartoon Shader  on it and we can just turn that on to a realistic   style braid now right it is actually that easy  and now we can even go in the realistic mode to   scope mode and just comb this into what we need  it to be right you can see it works quite quickly   I mean the render of course it has to render  a lot of hair so it is going to take a little   while to get those those pixels out of the way of  course but you can see how easy this is this is to   actually share shape and we can even use the snake  hook there make this longer for example and just   snake this all the way there you can see it's very  procedural still all right the longer we make this   the thicker the space is going to be and the more  of those braidings it's gonna have um stuff like   that it's all going to depend on the length of the  braids very beautiful right and we can even shrink   this or grow it like that shrink it back and this  will stay nice and procedural beautiful alright   so that is the new system I can just hit plus to  add some more braids and well let's actually check   the interpolate length and shape there so it's  going to follow the shape and you can see how easy   it is to actually add new braids there alright  amazing stuff we can keep grooming this as we go   beautiful beautiful braids all right and the firm  part is we can set this to way more hair now and   it will work fine we can set this to a thousand  for example now it will still depend on your setup   of course if you have um a lower budget setup then  of course don't go too crazy but you can see how   thick these hairs are actually going to look now  with this new setup works much better okay so I   really hope you can use this you enjoy it and the  only downside to this method is that it's harder   to actually get to animate with for example  an Armature because we can't really link the   curve points of the empty hairs to for example  an Armature and that works much much easier in   the older version of this add-on that's also why  I kept that in the gumroad download so you can   actually choose which one you need right if you  want to animate it the other one may be easier for   you but if you need some well low performance I  guess because you need less performance from your   computer if you need that for your braids because  you just need more braids more quality more hair   for example you just want to work easier then  this new setup which is much much better right   and it's also much more customizable as you can  see it's a groom it is just much easier to just   get away with different shapes alright so if you  enjoy that if you can use it please leave a like   a comment subscribe any of those will make me  incredibly happy and I wish you all a lovely day
Channel: Nino
Views: 6,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hair, hairs, braid, hair particles, geometry nodes, fast, empty hair, new hair
Id: CjzBNh1pyic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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