Make Advanced Braids in Blender 3.5! (Cornrow Generator | Free Download)

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hello hello there everyone welcome to this  video it's a tutorial and where I show off a   new geometry notes system and it's one that makes  cornrow hair right and this one was actually a   request by one of you Ruby this one's for you  and it did give me a little bit of issues a   little bit of trouble but in the end I got it  to work quite nicely so this is something you   can download completely for free you can use it  for whatever you want it's very customizable very   procedural and it generates a very nice variable  rows of cornrow with the nice connections as well   that go into a ponytail I hope this is what you  mean now I checked out a lot of reference images   how cornrow actually looks and it is very very  interesting I have no clue how this is done in   real life like how how do they even add those  hairs into the braids while the braid is still   going on I'm not sure but I did make it in blender  and so with geometry notes it was quite quite   interesting to do right so let's get into blender  how does it work well I got some modifiers going   on here some geometry node setups a few of those  are blender 3.5 assets and I have edited one of   them to actually turn this into a ponytail at the  little ribbon on the end and actually add those   those rows as well right so the corn the cornrow  hair basically comes from the entire sculpt into   a single braid all right so we've got different  sizes here the thicker one and a smaller one   on the side I thought that would look cool and  I really really think it does but you can make   whatever and it's very very easy to set up right  so let me disable all of these animals we'll just   walk through each of each of those there we go  this one as well so there are two different hair   systems there we go all right so this is all  there is to its seven hair strands and it will   turn it into what you just saw okay so the way to  do this and I could just show this to you I've got   one additional connection geometry I'll explain  that as well right so let's let's just basically   try to get into this together so this is our  face without the eyeball this time it's fine   um so if you want to get started it is quite easy  you select your mention all you need to do is make   some kind of a hair system or like that on the  left right so let's do that let's go to shift   a curve and let's hit an empty hair let's go to  solid View and I'm going to twist this over to   skill mode all right and I'm working with what  skill are we working on on the hands and these   Dimensions it may be nice for you to incorporate  the same dimensions I'm not sure how stable it is   at a very low scales for example um so keep that  in mind and now we can just go to the hair system   and let's go to skill mode and let's add a  few of those hairs and I'm not gonna make   it as complicated as this one I'm just going to  add like like let's do three strand or something   like that right three strands and let's make  sure that our curve shape is nice we've got   two meters and 16 points I'm gonna set this to  3 and 16 points it's fine actually let's add   one in the middle there and one on the side one  on the side right this is all that I'm gonna do   and we can just now comb this in the shape we  wanna have it at right so pretty much at the same   shape that I have here on the left Works nicely  and get it as close to the traditional scalp as   you can check it out in top view as well right  I'm just gonna scoop this right into place at   least someone into the right place there we  go let's check side view and I'm gonna move   around a little bit just to make this all nice  and close to my actual character right because   those cornrows are nice and close to your scalp as  well they are pretty much shrink wrap on the scalp   it seems like and there we go now I'm just gonna  make a little bit of a ponytail to help out my   system right it's always nice to have this already  and the best shape that you can pretty much get it   so blender knows what you're trying to do right  that's nice let's go side view and there we go I   think this is something that we can already work  with make sure this isn't really intersecting in   the skin that may result in some issues later  on let's move that out a little bit there we go   this one as well there we go this is looking quite  decent let's go to object mode and we have the   geometry nodes we need right here right now the  best way to add this to your own object is to have   your own objects and the heads that you downloaded  from me in the same file right so append the head   model into your own or just move your own model  into the head blend file if you append the heads   digital geometry nodes and the materials will  come with it as well which is just perfect right   it just saves a lot of treble then hold shift left  click on the other one Ctrl L and we can just hit   copy modifiers there we go now there's some stuff  that we need to change and open up that first one   it's gonna shrink wrap our model all right it's  going to shrink wrap the hair around our model   and we need this to be the second head so your  own model and actually we're working in the wrong   the wrong one right now let's bring wrap this  on the head there we go and then we can open   the second one we've got the hair object which  basically means it's gonna snap the connections of   our hair right the new connections for the cornrow  hair it's going to snap it to the head so what I   did actually was I created an additional model of  the head it's this one and the thing I changed was   just the air because it's it got very close to the  ear on this left one right you can see it quite   close and it snapped some hairs to the air which  is weird because there's no hair coming out of the   actual air okay so that's the only thing that  I really just did just to have some control on   where it's gonna snap to the surface right so that  is just a second model that we won't be seeing but   we just used for that snapping beautiful right  so that is something we have to add now as well   so we've got the head connections for this head  there we go and we can actually enable this one   and see what happens there so it basically adds  a few curves with an offset to the left and right   based on the normals of the head and it snaps  the top part to your ponytail and the back part   to your face right to your school beautiful to  your objects to your hair objects and then you   have a ponytail at the back there and it adds a  little band there as well and let's walk through   the settings because this is the geometry note  setting system that are really changed as well   all right so we've got a few options we've got the  connection amount it's the first one that I added   myself and it basically means how many of those  connections you want you can really just crank   this down crank these up and that all depends on  how many of these additional connections you want   on the scalp right how many connections are going  into that braids pretty much and that is just well   personal preference I guess and we've got this  starting position of those connections as well   they won't start right away and so we can just  control where it starts and where it ends with   the next one as well right start position and  position they'll basically Define how far along   those connections will go how far up to that  ponytail is something you can control yourself   now we can also control the connection distance  right from how far apart those hairs are going   into the braids so you can see if I increase this  those connection are going to be further apart   therefore decrease is they're going to be closer  to the actual rates and that will also depends on   how thick your want your braid to be all right now  we've got the ponytail start position basically   defines at which points your your curves are going  to really climb together into that ponytail so we   can crank this up crank this down and it will you  can see it pretty much snaps together at different   positions so you can just play around with that  see what works best for you we've got that the tie   position as well you can move this down and up on  the curve depending on where you really want your   position of the ponytail to be and then we just  have some settings for the ponytail skill and all   depends on how your um your your hair turns out  right sometimes you need a bigger one sometimes   a smaller one you cannot change it beautiful now  that is the settings that we have here of course   we have the standard clumping settings as well  I have this all turned off because I wanted to   control it myself with the geometry notes so lift  those off and now we've got the duplicate hairs   I've got this at a very high amount and let's set  this down to 300 for now depends on your computer   what it can handle of course and you can see  there's just adds a lot a lot of hairs here all   right so we just have some additional hairs there  on those connection parts and in the in the actual   braids as well all right now what you have to know  is that your viewport will always look different   than the rendered view in Geometry nodes the Hair  Systems if we go to the rendered view we can see   that those curves have much more resolution so  there's just a little bit more representative   of what it's actually going to look like all  right so let's let's stay in rennet view for now   up to the side let's see what we can do all right  so we've got the duplicate hairs the main thing   that is really important here is the radius right  the radius of the duplicate is going to Define how   um pretty much how how far those connecting hairs  can pretty much go go outwards distribute all   right and so that also means that it is connected  to your braids thickness right that is important   um let's go to the next one the braid hair curves  that's going to braid our hair of course enable   that and that is basically the initial system  right the initial system of the blender 3.5   assets and but I made some changes to it right I  made some changes to this one and actually I will   rename this for you guys so you don't confuse  it with the blender one great hair curves and   I'm gonna name is cornrows beautiful right so what  I changed here was um those side hairs right the   connection Parts they shouldn't really go into  the braids as well and which is something that's   quite difficult we have this geometry node after  the actual clumping one that adds to connection   so it means the brace is going to be applied to  all curves and so also this connection so I had   to do some magic in there and so that prevents it  but that also means that we've got a little bit of   control there right for example um I think the  only one that we added is the connection rating   right which means how much our connecting hairs  are going to braid together with the actual braids   so if I increase this you can see that they're  going to be braiding more right so that's really   means that you can already turn it into premature  starting braids before it's even in the actual   braids and that just depends on you know personal  preference I guess what what you're looking for   um and then we can close this down we  are going to attach it to a surface   make sure you have the right service  selected there so head connections   um I think it's the first one there we go Works  nicely like this it's all connected to our scalp   now which is something that is um quite well  satisfying I say now let's open up the next   one this is basically the hair density is a the  default blender one I didn't change it at all   and so we can enable that it will all get a nice  and hairy smaller thin and we can now enable the   frizz hair frizz hair the only reason I added  this is because I wanted this to move a little bit   outwards almost end points and which is basically  what it does as well all right we can maybe even   get that shape a little bit sooner it's about  0.9 or something like that so it's gonna really   just move those points out a little bit better  right there we go now you know the settings   um you know how to make it I've got a materials  set up we can just link that to the other one as   well link materials there we go and now just a  matter of adding some more density for example   500s beautiful now let's change a little bit more  of the settings braid hair curves I can imagine   you want to control the great radius the density  and pretty much how far those connections are   going to reach to the side as well so what I can  do is just decrease my radius of the braid let's   say 0.1 they're gonna get really much thinner  and then all we have to do is go to our glimp   hair section and adding the connection part and  we can just set that distance connection distance   to a lower amount let's say 0.1 and they're just  going to move it a little bit closer to the actual   braid as well now if you want these connections to  be further distributed further apart or you want   them to be closer together what you can change  is the duplicate hair curves you can change in   the radius of that so if I set this to 0.1 you can  see they're going to be moving further away and a   little bit more to the size as well where if I  set this to 0.05 it's really going to be more   climbed together in that section right so that  really depends on what you're looking for as well   so let's set that radius back to 0.75 there we go  I quite like so I have a little bit of a gap there   in between I just like seeing it right so this is  very easy to actually just get away with all right   and we can see the starting position is looking  nice as well beautiful beautiful beautiful now   we even have some great thickness that starts  nice and thin and then gets thicker in the end   that's also something I added in there so you can  go really crazy with this system and get it to   your own liking you can add a new system on there  with the same geometry nodes change the thickness   to get for example that smaller braid that I  had in here I'm gonna enable that real quick um and on the thicker one as well there we go beautiful so this is just two different Hair  Systems one with thick hair and one with a   little bit of thinner hair alright so that is  pretty much how you can customize this entire   process which is just amazing in my opinion I  finally am able to actually create some some   braided now even cornrow hair I love working  with the German trainers with the new system   really getting into it and even changing some of  the old assets some of the the blender 3.5 s is   just customizing them to what we need ourselves  all right so I hope that is of use to you you   can download this for free on my gum roads  please if the video was useful to you if you   liked it please leave a like a comment subscribe  maybe even tick that little bell icon so you're   up to date on whenever I overload my stuff and  I would appreciate any one of those that will   make me make me incredibly happy as well and  have a great day I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Nino
Views: 7,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cornrows, hair, hairstyle, generator, procedural, braids, dreadlocks, POC, ponytail, 3D, art, geometry nodes
Id: Flyoes8qJBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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