The Easiest Way to Create Braids in Blender (Free Curve to Braid Generator)

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well hello there everyone and welcome to this  video today I've got something nice for you guys   and it is a procedural braid generator that  you can just draw all right you can draw the   shape of your braids and it will turn it into  a brace no matter how big no matter how small   no matter the skill of your object it will draw  it nicely and attach it nicely to your object as   well like an actual hair braid will do right so  I think that's going to be a lot of fun for you   guys and there's one more benefit there is two  styles to it you've got one that's basically the   animation Anime styled one that is just styled  with textures and with yeah materials and we've   got one of actual realistic looking hair and  you can switch between those with one simple   checkbox right you can click it and it will turn  it into realistic hair and take it and it will   turn it back into your animation looking one  right so that's going to depends on what you're   looking for the kind of style you have in your  scene but no matter the style it will attach and   make it perfect for your skill for your objects  and there's a lot of settings you can tweak as   well so have a look right here right so I'm gonna  start off in blender by how you will start off as   well so let's say this is your own file okay your  own blender scene and you want to get the braids   into your own scene easiest way to do this is just  go to file append locate the file you downloaded   from me go to objects and just select the braid  object the curve and that will basically be this   object and we'll have the geometry notes already  in there right it will already be selected on that   object it already be applied and we also have  the materials that will come with it so by just   appending that braid you will have everything you  need now to start adding braids to your system it   is nice to first of all go to your modifier  properties and just change the attachment   objects to what you want it to attach to right I  can imagine you want it to be ahead the scalp of   your object for example so we can just select  this the eyedropper selector object you wanted   to attach to and now just go to tap into curve um  well curve edit mode I guess and then we can go to   the draw tool and just draw out our curve right  however we want it to be we can just draw it out   looking all nice and stuff make a nice spiral  there and you can see that the actual modifiers   right the settings they will all change a little  bit as well depending on the length of this braids   all right so it doesn't matter how big your object  is it's going to work perfectly right for example   I have a big braid I have a very big object  I need a big brace perfect looking very nice   or we have a small object I can zoom in draw  a very small one it's still going to be a nice   looking braid right and that is just perfect so  it doesn't matter what skill you're working on   it will always look nice alright now what the  attachment object does is basically attach the   braids to your object so I can move this around  and your braids will stay attached to that object   very nicely I can scale this and it will stay  nicely attached to that surface right very nice   alright next up I got some other settings to show  you for example we've got the attachment object   um the skill of it right which is basically the  skill of this object and it's being re-skilled   to attach itself to it if I set this back to one  right which is going to be the original size it's   going to hover a little bit over the surface  which means that I just decrease the scale   of that object a little bit before attaching it  beautiful and that also means that if you have a   smaller braid for example right there we may just  have to tweak the attachment skill a little bit   again right to be for example bigger and you  can also see that for some reason in smaller   um Rays very small rates of this little  hair tie may look a little bit odd   um which means you can just well you can just  tweak the position or you can just manually   edit I don't think that's a very big problem  all right so let's delete all of those curves   there we go just going to draw that back in  there that's actually a very nice looking one   I'm gonna decrease that scale a little bit and  then we've got some other options as well all   right the braid overall thickness we can tweak  this setting to have the entire braid thickness   tweaked as well so it can make everything thinner  the entire braids are going to get thinner and   everything works very nicely together right it's  all going to depend on that value you can make   it thicker as well it's all going to work very  very procedurally very nicely right next one the   braid strand thickness very easy is basically the  thickness of each strands of those braids right   you can make them very thin very thick and depends  on what you're looking for we've got the braid   resolution and you don't have to play around with  that a lot unless you're going to make a very very   um let's say braid with high frequency right if  I increase the frequency there at some point the   actual resolution is not going to be high enough  anymore to really follow up with the the frequency   in which case you may just need to increase  the um the resolution of the braids as well   okay now we've got the start point scale which is  something I really wanted to be added here and you   can see what it means right if a skill is up it's  basically going to move those starting positions   to a more random location on the head further  away from the actual center of the braids right   which means that it looks like those starting  positions the starting hair positions are going   to be actually moving together into that braid  all right if you know what I mean so I had this   at like three you can also just decrease this  and that means that they're actually going to   be closer together now make sure that it's not  going to get too close because if I do actually   scale this all the way down you can see that the  curse are actually going to be intertwining more   together and in which case we just need to tweak  some of the other settings as well for example the   width and the depth of the braids select both  of them and just make them a little bit bigger   that means that it's going to be moving them out  a little bit more all right um so just make sure   to tweak those values according to your own liking  beautiful now we've also got the starting position   of the braids we can tweak this to be closer at  the starting point or just reduces all the way   to make it more chaotic as a starting point okay  overall rotation will basically rotate your entire   braids all right it will rotate it around the axis  so basically tilt your braids just depends on your   own preference I guess your own customization  and the frequency already showed this we can   also just decrease that and we will have a lower  frequency rate and we can just tweak the width and   depth settings the width is basically the well the  width of the braids right and the depth is going   to be the depth there you can see if I increase  that's going to be uh more depth in the braids   same for width I can just increase that it's  going with wider pretty much okay now I've got   the hairbands object you can create your own hair  bands I just have one that I work with and it is   um there right so yeah you can just use that hair  tie object or use your own we've got the Airman   skill I added the settings for that object in case  you need to tweak the location the rotation or the   skill a little bit can always happen of course  and then we've got the fun setting which turns   your anime looking hair right it is now still  quite um quite animation looking we've got the   material of course um but we can also turn this  into a realistic looking hair great all right   so we can just check that little box and it will  turn your hairs into actual looking hairs right   you can see it right here we got some very nice  looking hair strands that follow the exact same   settings right they are exactly the same shape  as our other braids which is something you may   be able to use for your realistic renders  as well beautiful now one more setting that   I actually added there and we of course have  the aristic hair amount you can decrease or   increase that depending on how many hairs you  actually need for the braids let's go with 100   and let's go with a thousand as well just to show  you the different settings and then we've got the   actual hair thickness as well right in case you  want thicker hair or thinner hair you can tweak   that to your own liking as well alright and then  then we have the starting noise strength which is   something I added because I wanted to we really  make it look like those hairs come from different   spots on your scalp for example and which means  that we add some noise starting strength and if   you want them to be all lined up in the center of  the braid you can just set this back to zero it's   probably going to take a second because I added  a thousand hairs and you will be able to see that   they are now just connected at the same spot which  just looks a little bit more unrealistic to me   which is why I added some of that noise strength  at the start beautiful right those are all the   settings now one thing you may need to take into  account and I will show you that in the anime one   is that we have an output attribute as well  which is our UV right if that somehow got   gets disconnected if that is no longer entered  there you can see that the hair is now just one   solid color because it has no real UVS anymore to  provide to the shaders right to the materials so   just make sure that this says our UV there we go  make sure that it always says that beautiful now   let's check out some of these shaders and what  we can change there it's not very Advanced for   the hair and it's really just a principled hair  bsdf we can change the colors of the actual hair   there let me show you if you want to see it I can  just show you right here let's set this to 250   make this realistic there we go it's as easy  as that and now we can just tweak those colors   to well white black this is based on melanin we  can also set it through direct coloring if you   want a blue braid for some reason you can make it  happen very very easily alright amazing now let's   move on to the other material which is the anime  one all right we can just turn this to the anime   style one go to the materials and it is all based  on a few different materials there as well a few   different sliders with different color inputs  for example the we can change the entire Hue of   this braids we have to do it twice we have a mix  of two shaders we have a color ramp there and we   also have an a group right here of anyway here  you can change it if you want that as well the   brightness the contrast it all depends on what  you are really looking for but I think you get   how to change that with the color ramp and the  actual huge saturation or you can just open this   one and change the settings there I don't think  it's going to be that hard for you right so that   is pretty much how you use this setup right feel  free to use it for whatever I would love to see   it back in your own models and I showed you that  it doesn't matter the skill you're working on it's   going to work quite nicely now if you're going to  work very very small then the braids the actual   hair object the hair tie object it's going to move  away for some reason it moves away from the braids   but in that case just go to your modifier panel  and just get rid of that hairband object and just   get the actual object on the right spot I guess  um and then we have the one small issue um if you   use smaller baits as well you may just have to um  increase the attachment object skill a little bit   so it is closer to the actual out outer parts  of your mesh right that's also why I added that   because for smaller objects you need this object  to be closer to one the value closer to one and   for bigger rates you may need them you can see it  right there you can set them closer to the actual   Center which means the skill is going to be lower  right that's pretty much all you need to know and   that's all there is to it as well just go ahead  and start adding your beautiful looking braids   I can even write a little hard for you guys  because you watch my my channel because you   like you subscribe and if you like this please  go ahead and sub there we go it's all going to   have been attached to the sphere and like if  you if you want of course and leave a comment   I always love reading those and I take your  suggestions quite quite heavy as well I love doing   suggestions and then I'll see you in the next  one many thanks and have a great great day bye
Channel: Nino
Views: 9,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hair, braided, braiding, geometry nodes, 3d, hairstyle
Id: pVQAjTgb4bY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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