Add Moss to Anything in Blender (Geometry Nodes | Free Download)

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hello everyone and welcome to this video today  something simple it is a moss generator and it's   procedural and it's free right that's nice the  reason why is because usually when I try to look   for Moss a most material it works fine for the  distance but up close it's going to be a little   bit lacking in quality so that's why I created  this procedural generator for objects that you   want to have close to the camera in the camera  view and that actually look nice from close-ups as   well so that's why I created this one and you're  free to use it I will give a quick demonstration   of how this works it's not that hard so we've got  a geometry node setup and I didn't really make   this look I'm organized because there are some  inputs in the modifier panel right there that   you can change so we've got a noise C that's a  general noise see it is very easy if I if I change   this it's going to change the actual noise seat  so where the Moss is going to appear on my mesh   right and then we've got the noise scale so that's  basically how close that Moss will be together   and how far apart those gaps are pretty much so  you see here they've got Moss and you've got the   default material and the noise scale is just the  the usual right if I increase this skill then the   Moss will be inside the packed patches like this  so you can really make them come together like   this and be farther apart if you like it as well  now we've got the more scale that will change the   overall skill of the Moss right so if we decrease  this then the most is going to be smaller right   but that also means that you may need some more  density so if I set it to like 0.02 and just watch   closely what happens the entire most strands  they will be smaller and they will look nice   and you could even use for like a abandoned stuff  rights on buildings maybe even if you make nice   and small and I'm going to set this back we can  also make it smaller sorry larger 0.06 and it's   going to look more like bigger strands of moss or  an object that is closer to the camera for example   all right or an object that is in general smaller  and needs bigger moss to get that sense of scale   then I'm gonna reset this real quick to  like 0.035 I think it was then we've got   the density of course and if your computer can't  really handle this you can just decrease this to   let's say a third of what we had it will still  look okay and as you can see and but you will   just have less Moss there in those places you  can even turn this off and then you will still   have the most material that is beneath it so  you can still use this for distance objects   for example with a low impact on your performance  of the computer and but you can just pretty much   crank this up if you need more realism and a more  close-up look right so the density was just had it   at like 3 000 my computer is fine handling that  and it looks really nicely densely packed just   like that now I've got a more strength length  and the length of the most depends pretty much   on the location right at the edges of where  it turns into the other texture the default   texture the most will be smaller and at like  the peak density of those chunks they will be   a little bit larger and you can control the Strand  length with this so you can make them a lot larger   if you'd like and they will become more like I  don't know like chunky chunky long almost like   like trees if you're really zooming but you  can get a really nice look out of it as well   and perhaps you could even use this for like  an overgrown um like weeds on on Forest areas   or whatever on trees that have been overgrown you  can even mix them up right and that is really nice   so I'm gonna set this back I had to get like  1.7 I think and I've got the the the quality   of the spiky parts of the most so that basically  means the the pointy bits are sticking out right   and we can increase those and they will  just look like densely or packed Moss   it'll probably look a little bit softer  as well so if I crank that up to like 50   and we're going to close up it may take a little  bit time because it's going to add more leaves to   each and single strand of this this stuff and  you can see it's just gonna look a little bit   more dense and if I set this all the way back  to like 10 there won't be that much scattering   of those Spike bits right if you zoom in oh  sorry zoom out it's still gonna look fine   um but in general 30 Works nice for me and now  we've got the length of those spiky Parts if   you want to pretty much get out of having um too  much performance impact of your system and then   you can just make those leaves longer it will  look denser packed but it will also maybe look   a little bit more spiky because those parts will  just look a bit longer like if I set this to four   they're going to be really long but it looks very  nice still right it still looks nice it just looks   like a different type of moss all right maybe  even grass you could use this for grass perhaps   it works nice as well I guess we can see it right  here um so that is pretty much that now the only   thing that you need to do if you append this in a  new file um let's see I can actually do that real   quick I'm going to scale this down have it for  reference I guess I don't know right so let's   try this out with an other object so I'm gonna hit  this rock there apply that because rocks do grow   moss sometimes in nature is what happens so I'm  gonna apply that skill and I'm just going to go   to the modifiers add a geometry nodes and select  the mossify one there we go and now there's just   one issue we've got no texture and we got no Moss  material beneath the Moss and we also don't have   that default material there's two reasons one we  have to set the output attribute to Moss that's   just something you have to do if you add it to a  new object right that data is no longer stored we   have to just type in Moss that's all and now to  get back that's texturing all we have to do is   give it the correct UV Maps now usually blender  when you add a new object it will have the UV   name let's see the monkey Susan then the name of  the UV map you can find it under the object data   properties under UV Maps the default one is called  UV map that is how it's unwrapped already for you   and one I applied or sorry when I imported this  one the UV map is named diffuse UV which is a   little bit sad because they have to be the same  in order to use be used in the materials so if   I set this to the ground you can see that we have  everything depending on the UV map that is called   um let's see actually we have to go to the right  one the ground so this is the the one that is   being used and it is using the UV map name right  and for this object the UV mapped name is diffused   UV so we have to rename this we can do that by  double clicking and then typing in UV map there   we go three two one boom there we go now we've  got the right UV map beautiful so make sure that   you just name the UV map UV map okay that is all  that is as easy as it comes all right and then we   can tweak the values whatever we need it to be  pretty much right so now we have two mosified   objects looking all cool and stuff they can be  in your foregrounds of your scene your nature   scene and of course you can change the materials  as well if we set this to it uses three materials   it uses the ground the Moss and the most trend  for the ground um the thing you have to know is   that we have two material sets we've got the most  material which is pretty much where you change the   colors of the Moss and stuff like that all right  so that is the material below the more so this   is this material that you can see here on the  rock that has a default um Shader and we've got   a default material as well which is basically  the material that your your object will have   um now it will change it to the dirt material  that I have here once you add the geometry notes   so if you want this to be your own material then I  will show you how that works for example we have a   material and it is well I could just show you with  one for men from from blender kit let's say it is   a rocky material so I'm gonna just add a rock  to that for example this one the rock wall that   looks nice if this is your default object material  and you want this to be shown like in the patches   where there is no Moss then what we can do I'm  actually just going to delete this this rock for   a second I'm gonna work with the monkey there  we go and I can just add that material back in   right it was called Rock wall there we go and  then we can just copy those nodes here if we   go to the notes we have a node setup usually it's  going to be like a few textures I'm going to copy   that go to the original material that is being  used on our object so in the geometry notes as   well and we just have to paste that in this part  right here so I'm just going to select the notes   delete them so we'll see it changes to Black in  a second and then paste them right back in there   we go they will not be pasted on the right place  and just drag them into that box and then connect   the UV to the actual mapping node there we go and  connect the output principle bsdf to the empty mix   Shader tab so there we go and then it will switch  it to your rug material right there now you can   tweak those values make it bigger for example if  it's too small stuff like that it is going to be   very very easy to just edit to your own materials  so this is looking crazy nice I like this a lot   and just to finally have some rock materials with  more sand materials with moss dirt with moss wood   with moss everything that can be in the front of  your scene without looking like garbage okay right   now you can just tweak the materials you can tweak  those colors if you'd like and that's it as easy   as that you can add Moss to your objects have them  in front of your scene and look beautiful at the   same time okay so thank you so much for watching  if you enjoyed it please leave a like a comment or   subscribe any of those will make me incredibly  happy and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Nino
Views: 82,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, grass, procedural, 3d, mossify
Id: eKdxj0xm2yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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