Are You Using Blender's Hair Assets?

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all right so you want to make your character hairy but look I get it it's hard but did you know that in blender 3.5 they actually added hair presets so to get started in blender you can actually just use Quick fur to kind of give you a quick start so if you select the object you want to add hair to and you go ahead and click click fur what it's going to do is just add a bunch of geometry nodes node setups and all of these come from the asset browser over here it's just kind of giving you a preset list to get started with now essentially you can just go ahead and begin stacking these onto your character and you can just set the factor here and by changing this Factor here you can just kind of casually add any of these press sets and go ahead and adjust the factor but you're probably going to want to know some of the deeper settings so that you can go ahead and create a more interesting result so let's dive into some of the main settings here that you'll be seeing across all these modifiers after that it doesn't take very long as I said in the thumbnail it only took me about five minutes and it's going to take us a tiny bit longer because I'm going to go through and explain the process but let's look at how we can do this first things first is understanding what set hair curve profile is if we go ahead and turn off all of our Stacks here you can see that what this is doing is going ahead and setting the hair curve profile now all of these others when they add hair or adjust that hair will be looking at these hair Curves in the beginning of the stack lastly here we have a surface deform if you plan to add an Armature make sure it is above the surface deform or shape keys that way you can ensure that your hair will follow the surface as it deforms now some reoccurring fields that you will notice in between all these are things like Factor distance and shape so what factor does is literally kind of like an opacity filter so you can see if I turn this on here it is a noise pattern and by turning that all the way down it will adjust the noise so this is kind of like a percentage next up is shape and that determines where it will occur along the curve so if we look here at how the noise is affecting our shape we can see that point by the default it is affecting all along that curve and we go ahead and turn that up to one you can see how that is changing the shape and where it appears on the curve and if we go to negative five you can see that it inverts the noise so that it appears at the tip first instead so I'm just going to go ahead and leave that to default for now lastly the other setting you should be aware of is this little toggle over here by clicking this we will open up this field and then we can choose where we want to select for example we can choose the hair here and that will make it so that it only affects things on our hair vertex group so knowing those controls you can go ahead and follow along and let's look at how we can create some interesting hair quickly now if you click away and you're not entirely sure where your modifiers are they are under the curves object which will have been added and parented to your object when you use the quick fur so make sure you have that selected so that you can see the modifiers so we're just going to move down in order here so set hair curve profile is going to set the hair curves on our mesh and we can go ahead ahead and adjust the radius there and it will change to save now if you're not able to see that then what you need to do is go to your render settings under here go to Curves and in the viewport display change that from strand to strip and that will allow you to see the radius effect so I'm going to go ahead and we're going to create that monster hair that I showed you in the beginning so if you want to follow along with me we're going to go ahead here and we're going to create 0 0.3 that's going to give us just a slightly thicker hair now here we have the factor minimum and maximum which will affect how this curve shapes see that so I'm going to go ahead set mine to 0.75 because I don't want quite such a thick base perfect so first up what I'm going to do is turn off all the modifiers here so the red and just our set hair curve profile and what you can do is tap here into sculpt mode if you want you can comb this I'm just going to go ahead and just comb some of these so that this just hangs a bit further down so that it clings to our monster a bit more perfect now what we can do is go ahead and we can turn on the interpolate hair curves node and then what this will do is go ahead and add a bunch of hair now what we want to do is go ahead and adjust the density here so we have various settings here surface rest position follow surface normal see if you check this off it won't follow the normal so I'm going to go ahead and leave that on and you'll notice here that it's using the UV map so whatever object you're using needs to have a UV map so that you can use these geometry node curves perfect now what we're going to do is change the density now you basically want to set this as high as you can without crashing your scene and down here you have a viewport amount which will scale how much you have so you can set a high number here and set a low number here and that way you won't crash your system so I'm going to go ahead and do something really high like 100 000 and you can see that's giving me a ton of hair now I don't want this lagging while doing the tutorial so I'm going to go ahead and set this to 0.1 and that should allow me to move around the scene more as it's only showing about 10 000 particles now here we have a density mask so we can do that density of mass is determine where our hair is by clicking here and selecting a Vertex group we can trim out here in areas I've gone ahead and preemptively created one what you can do is go ahead create a new vertex group here name it whatever you want and then tab into vertex paint mode or weight paint mode and then you can begin painting hair on and off I'll go ahead and turn my curve off there and you can kind of smooth that out what I recommend doing is using the subtract brush here and then when you're done going up here to weights and smooth and you can use this to blur out your weight paint and get you a more gradual transition perfect now what we're going to do is begin editing the rest here so next up let's go ahead and add another acid so if you come up here and search for a trim you can find the trim hair curve there we'll go ahead and you'll see that that's going to make everything look a bit wacky so we're going to change a few of these settings here I'm going to go ahead click scale uniform and for a length Factor I'm going to go ahead and do 0.25 and then I'm going to turn off replace length I wanted to use the length that I already have perfect so now you can see that that is starting to kind of shorten all my hair everywhere and what we're going to do is use this to determine where we want hair to be shorter so what you're going to do is grab that air vertex group and you can go ahead here click this down arrow and then you can copy that vertex group tab into weight paint mode there and then what you can do is come up here to weights you can click invert and what that will do is that everywhere that we removed the hair we can also set this as a length modifier so I'm going to go ahead and blur this just a bit more and then after that we can use it in our length so coming back over here to the curves profile what we can do is grab that mask there and I'm going to go ahead and use my length one and you can see that now it is shortening the hair wherever that vertex group is selected so we're still getting hairs around here they're just a bit shorter great next up let's take a look at this hair curves noise node so what this is going to do is just add noise to our hair overall but we can adjust how it does that so here we have the factor if we want to just turn that up and down and we can also adjust the distance well overall distance factor for just the deformation so I'm going to go ahead set mine to something smaller like .005 and you can see that that's already getting me a bit better result I'm going to leave the shape at 0.5 I'm going to change the scale to 3 that will scale the noise up so that we get a smaller noise pattern overall and with that I'm going to go ahead and keep that if you like you can do preserve curve here but I like that it gives me a bit of randomness next up let's take a look at adding another modifier so we'll go ahead we're going to add a curl hair modifier to this little character here we're going to move that up here and adjust some of those settings by default you can see it gives us a pretty wacky result so first thing I'm going to do is turn down the guides as soon as 2.02 and then I'm going to turn the guide mask down to 0.25 now if you're wondering what that does I need to turn off existing a guide map so you can see here this will disable whichever guide curves that it's using up here as reference so essentially by turning the guide mask up and down you're telling it to use less of these curves when determining which hairs to curl so I'm going to go ahead set that to 0.25 turn all these back on so that you can see what we're doing we're going to go ahead and play with a few more of these settings down here so let's set the radius to something smaller you can see here that the curls are quite large at 0.1 meters let's go 0.02 and you can see already that's getting a more realistic result for the factor in let's go ahead and set that to 0.25 you can see that now it is not affecting the ends of the hair as much I want these to be a little bit tighter curls so I'm going to set a frequency of four and you can see that now we're starting to get a little more curls there and then with the random offset I'm going to go ahead and turn this up by 0.5 just to create a bit more Randomness overall great so we're getting a bit of curls in here but I don't want it to completely dominate my hair and that's where the factor comes in useful so let's go ahead and turn this down to 0.5 which is essentially saying about 50 strength and you can see already we're getting much more desirable results great now as a monster we want to kind of have his hair Clump up and be a bit more animal-like so we're actually going to search over here for a clump hair curves we can go ahead drag that onto our character there and we'll go ahead and bump that up above the curl hair and then we can go ahead and play with some of the settings here so I'm going to set this guides us into .005 and you can see that that begins to adjust it a bit but we need to turn off existing guide map so we can see the effects of fully there and then I don't want it to Clump all the hair so I'm going to go ahead and turn this down to .025 which will make it kind of Clump various options there great now what we're going to do is play with these other settings here so I want to spread out the tip just a tiny bit so we can do tip spread .002 perfect and you can see how that's starting to create just a little bit of frizz at the end great now what we can do is play with the frizz hair curve modifier so turn that on you can see it's going to make everything frizzy and kind of destroy a lot of the shape that we just created so first of all what I'm going to do is I'm going to change the distance right here to a much smaller number let's do .005 which we've kind of been doing throughout and you can see already how that's giving us a much more natural result lastly right now it's adding all the frizz to the end of the hair and I'd like it to start at the beginning of the hair a bit more so let's go ahead and do negative 0.5 just invert that and sorry I misspoke there that is going to add the frizz at the base of the hair by inverting that so we're kind of keeping our kind of clumpy hair all together perfect now let's go ahead and add a bit of length to this so what we're going to do is add another trim hair curves grab that we'll just drag that on over here and you can see it's going to make everything a bit wild we're going to check on scale uniform and for the length Factor we're going to set this to 2 we're going to turn off replace length and there we go you can see we're getting a much better result already perfect now I'm going to go ahead and turn the random offset to 0.1 and you can see that that is getting us a little bit more of a desirable result as it looks a little bit more random so lastly let's go ahead add a rotate hair curve and you can see that that's just giving us a tiny bit more random there you can go ahead and play those settings if you want in this case I think the default settings are okay the problem with geometry nodes is it's incredibly fast we can adjust all these settings super quickly super easily however the problem is that it doesn't work with animation it'll follow your character but it doesn't have Dynamic properties so what I like to do to remedy that is I go to the object and I add a particle system I'm going to go ahead here grab a particle system that I already made and turn off these curves so you can see and what I've done done is I've just added a hair and added a kink system with interpolated children and what that does is just give me a bunch of kind of random little hairs and then what I can do is turn on Hair Dynamics here so the hair will follow our character but by having kind of some longer strands of hair and stuff move around during the animation you can kind of create the illusion that the hair overall is dynamic and just add a bit of motion there hopefully kind of tricking the user into not realizing that the hair isn't moving entirely dynamically now if you'd like to know how I created this material I actually have a video entirely on how to do that which I will link here at the end of the video
Channel: SouthernShotty
Views: 78,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender hair tutorial, blender tutorial, blender hair, blender, tutorial, blender hair tutorial beginner, blender 3d, how to make hair in blender, hair tutorial, blender hair tool, hair, blender beginner tutorial, character hair tutorial, blender hair curve, blender tutorials, 3d tutorial, blender tutorial beginner, hair tutorial blender, blender hair tutorial 2.8, hair blender, blender tutorial for beginners, blender sculpting tutorial, blender 3.0 hair tutorial
Id: gyb4MCDiQQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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