The New Best La Borra VS MAX Curse And Hardest Stage in Vampire Survivors

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do you sometimes wake up and just think oh boy today I just want to hate myself well I think we have that today we are going for limit break labora now in the beginning it sounds simple that sounds good right it gotta be amazing well there are a lot of issues now try to explain all of them for starters to achieve the largest size to make it equivalent to Center water because Center water is rather easy to grow but has way less damage we will go for illusion which we already have so it's already growing as you can see on our areas dead but the next Arcana that we take will not be silent all Sanctuary to have it easy you know and a lot of projectiles no no no no no we will go for the projectile speed Arcana because the more projectile speed you have the larger the labora grows it slowly moves towards you and that just means it moves way way faster and you can run in circles and it follows you and it reaches ginormous sizes if done right now can we do it right I don't know because we have to take the Arcana very soon in fact at one minute I'll move over there once we have the center water evolved and then we have to face four Guardians early on like how do we deal with that how much damage am I taking already oh that is not good I managed the tractor because we want to control when we pick up the experience we have to make sure that this is actually maxed out okay I could need a chicken here that would be nice I mean let me just walk over here because yeah it should drop there perfect so yeah all in all when you want to make Center water so yeah all in all when you want to make labora as big as possible get a huge amount of area get a huge amount of projectile speed movement speed also increases it in a rather like insanely fast way like you'll see once we get wings and have it evolved it will affect its projectile speed how fast it moves by an insane amount let me actually pick up spinachy and there's the boss so we want to pick up this chest once we have the center water okay perfect perfect everything is going fine so far and then we have the evolution now not only do I not know how to deal with the Guardians if we can even survive them you know what a curse happens but my plan is we will go for Max curse in this run so we pick every single curse that exists occurs on the stage we will take to Rona and uh yeah do you see how slow they are now you can also see the more they travel the bigger they grow now one important thing is for duration all the duration does is yes it lasts longer on the floor but it also reduces the growth rate of the labora so in other words it reaches the same size at the end so if you go from 10 second duration to 20 second it's halves how fast it grows but at the end it's still the same right but we don't want that we want labora to be as big as possible all the time and then just shoot out way more of it by having a huge amount of projectiles I don't think we care about duplicator we will naturally increase to so much it doesn't really matter and I will take this vacuum and then we move down to the Arcana and hope for the best okay there we go very nice and I'll get moving I want to do this as fast as possible that we don't waste level UPS all too much or there's Wings right I wanted that now look at this okay I'll just quickly max out wings and you have in mind how slow it was um yeah do you see it's a lot faster it's not like super ridiculously fast but the more projectile speed we also get on the character the more insane this effect becomes and you already see the size of it it can reach when you move around isn't this insane like we just started so yeah I'm making my way over to the Guardians I'm a little bit concerned I don't know if you can even get through the hands without dying so my Approach is whenever this happens when we have a bad weapon that can't really deal with this stuff I just run through and you know if I die I die that's one Revival lost that's totally fine well if I die second time then I run this over the I guess it can also happen duration is in fact so bad on this character if you have too much of it the labora is on the floor for years and when you try to move around you have to wait until it follows you so it's super beneficial to not take it okay so we're about to have curse and that is a good timing but it's a boss that's a boss okay um yeah that's not great actually oh I can pick up the armor right oh yeah that's yeah I'll do that no that's that's fine um I'm currently considering to just take the silver ring yes it has 40 duration which means it will take 50 longer in total to grow to its Max size but I think the area is just worth it right like the more area we have early on the better because that means we kill the enemies faster and level up faster and then we have a snowballing effect incoming um let me get the red gem I'll pick random always yes whoa that was uh that dropped a lot okay so where is there is Curse I don't want to have it right now we need to deal with the Guardians first so the blend right now is I want to pick up this stuff then I will pick up the crown then we will pick up the curse once the Guardians are dead and then we'll go over to the taruna the reason I delayed it okay the hands are there that means I have to rush now if I get a lucky item that would be great but for now I just have to oh my God oh my God uh okay do we take it it's so much area let's take it so here yes we'll go for the projectile speed Arcana and that also means we have to deal with the times where it's low and I'll run through there we go the good thing is the curse items are still there like if I accidentally walk into them I would need to take them since I won't have all of them in the Run oh my God how do I deal with the Guardians um okay yeah I don't really have a plan for that to be honest there's a oh vacuum perfect timing I just need some food here uh can I maybe get something okay maybe okay the duration in this very moment will help I think like it will be bad later on let me actually turn on the damage numbers usually they don't matter because you just one shot the enemies you know but it will be good to see The Grove and at least to know where the Guardians are always uh I need a chicken like right now I can only survive two hits and then I'm dead I would like to survive four hits oh we're about to face curse oh I don't like that I'll pick up the experience the thing is everything time you hit the enemies they stutter as you can see so there is a way to deal with them without dying and I made a mistake but I don't want to walk into the enemies either I guess it's better to walk into the enemies than it is to walk into the Guardians yeah that's that's a given oh the good thing is we level up quickly and then we can compensate for the negative the projectile speed Arcana causes by just you know having so much bonus that we just have a plus a net neutral well not even a net neutral not positive I didn't do that oh Dex it's okay did we just kill them oh that was unexpected to say the least well that was way earlier than I thought it would be uh okay so I guess we just take all the curse now right yeah why not I mean okay it actually looks quite dangerous I'll be honest uh there we go I'll pick up the chest over there I will sacrifice some HP when I walk around because it's it's just faster so let me tell you a fun story that happened yesterday because I'm still in disbelief I was recording then I decided to go out for food you know I grabbed some food I came back I put on my headset and the moment I picked it up it just broke off like one entire site broke off and it dangles down on the cable and I don't have a headset replacement because the old one that I have it's broken you know like the the entire cable is ripped open it doesn't really work anymore and I'm like I'm just sitting here now with my head angled at like a 45 degree angle so it kind of sticks still on my ear it's so weird the thing is I would like to just buy a headset first but you know if I do that then everything is just delayed so I have to record first record in this way have my head angled all the time and I may even sound a little bit weird because my voice is now angled differently to the to the microphone you know so I hope it's not too bad um hold his hands to the problem I have to be careful because I don't have another Revival so if they kill me I'm dead okay okay um so the good thing is we know we definitely don't go for taruna anytime soon like we'll wait until 11 minutes is what I mean to get this island old Sanctuary attack boost but also cars boost but man I didn't expect that okay um oh these hands are so annoying uh how do I do this I need to curse oh do I just rush through but I will take so much damage or this is such a bad decision decks curse is about to happen run away I have to get away from the hands okay I don't think they spawn anymore just like a few okay oh oh that's I shouldn't have picked up the chest because I'm about to pick up items right yeah that was not the smartest thing ever let's just run through let's just run through I think there's a red gem let's do it then we cast com collect it oh man you are so slow uh where where is it that is health and regeneration we don't care we take the curse and we run to the chicken oh no that means I just picked up the gem oh okay okay uh the hands are only the hands are on me no no stop touching me it's okay yeah easy that was easy that was easy um so I have to get down to the crown there um how do I path now I feel like okay there's a freeze I can probably just walk through the hands now with the freeze or I'll just die wait if I'm far enough to the bottom here I don't think that I can do you see how big the labora already is no I think you actually need to move to make it big like if it doesn't travel it doesn't grow in size which is a little bit where are you why you why do I not remember you I think I asked it every single okay okay okay okay okay okay another phrase let's walk to the crowd very important we need a 40 bonus growth okay there's a vacuum I'll wait to do this in life how are you still alive oh my God um yeah do you remember what I said with pain so the thing is once it's way too big that the enemies can deal with it like when it covers every single thing on the screen we'll be good why is the boss disappearing into the laborer oh that must be a really thick layer to disappear on that wait how tanky is he um um um did I mess myself up did I mess everything up is it just over how what is that dude even is it even a boss he didn't even drop a chest I don't know what really happened there that is insane okay we just have to survive the curse I guess wait if it continues like this I have no chance of winning because there will be waves that are way more difficult to deal with and I need to find the red gem right now like if I don't get it I will miss so many level UPS yeah there we go okay perfect please just tell me it's big enough that the enemies can't really walk in um is there a chicken there's a chicken to the left okay I'll take the chicken it's way more important to stay healthy right now because curse is about to happen um there we go and there should be a second chicken to the left yes and we go to the right there's also chicken okay perfect how do we deal with them now is it too much it's way better than before right yeah because alabora is also growing in size so it means the enemies get hit earlier and every single layer of labora can hit the enemies every 0.5 seconds so the bigger the better since well you just have way more tags where's my experience though uh there is a phrase I think I'll just pick that up yeah phrases are pretty much the best method to walk through enemies just because labora takes so long to follow you and I will just push yeah okay there we go perfect but I can adjust pick that up right now yeah there we go ah that was a little bit dangerous no we have it okay good the red gem should be up here or down there somewhere I don't really see it I don't really see it um oh we got it we got it we got it we have a ton of level UPS perfect we are good we are good look at this difference we just got that and it just nukes the enemies okay but where's the red gem uh there's a vacuum okay I have to be like still very careful what I do here oh my God look at the amount of level UPS do we go for taruna which means we go for the hands I'm really scared of it the thing is the weapon is incredibly strong but it's so hard to see anything like you walk into walls all the time so you can't just easily Escape out of there again and when we get forced into experience we max out get 100 bonus curse and then face the hands you've seen how powerful they are okay and it's already really hard to see what's going on because blue I'm blue oh boy oh don't do that don't do that YouTube is very finicky about singing something oh thank you wait do you hear these sounds wait do you hear that is it new those are the Pod sounds right oh yeah them exploding as well what was it always a thing and it's the first time that I notice it now uh [Music] uh interesting I would say where's the red gem though I need a red gem yeah I'll not get it again oh my god oh that's so sad it's somewhere out there uh could we just talk about the size of Labor right now okay it's going back again do I just take the additional projectiles I think that will be worth it right it doesn't really matter all too much I think because we are at cab projectiles no but the revivals will be necessary and I can even banish it right yeah I can just get one Revival okay there we have that but I can get one Revival and then I just banish it I think that's better to do it that way and we'll turn off the damage numbers the problem is you have seen that some of these bosses they get entirely covered by our labora and then I don't know where they are so I need to see the damage numbers and did we get the experience I like how I said I'll banish okay let's just go all the way now I mean maybe we weren't kept at projectiles you know maybe we didn't lose that much either way in Grove it's fine oh my God everything is covered in my lapora oh that's just beautiful that's what I live for yeah that's the only reason oh the goth girls oh okay they are they are really tanky imagine seeing the red gem yeah yeah or not I need like one of those those airplane pointers on the floor that direct you into the right direction um wait actually it should be around the corner here right uh somewhere no oh wow it's way further up yeah the Toronto is like at the very bottom of it of the entry wait if I just stay here let's kill a few enemies and now the red gem there it is there it is ladies and gentlemen look at the amount of level UPS we'll get look at the amount of growth oh my God look at this do you understand the insanity of having this double scaling of Google off Illusions and whatever your call chaos and Dark Knight I think um isn't this incredible isn't this absolutely crazy sure right now it's shrinking but at one point it's so big even when it shrinks it still covers everything but then it grows it grows Continental labora okay but like for real where do I have to go in where's the hole show me the whole typical guy problem I didn't get the red chin it's a little bit annoying we still can't deal with the hands oh you gotta be kidding me or can we um as long as I don't rush I think we can oh we'll face the mini Guardians though do you think there will be a problem I I don't think so right yeah definitely not yeah no no no oh my God oh my God okay uh maybe with the curse they are a problem oh and the Bongos are back it's a boss um um I don't know how that was a troop because that's exactly what the boss wanted okay chicken chicken can the boss just die please before the next curse happens oh that means we get a chest perfect that means we save a few level UPS on the taruna um okay okay perfect perfect do we have a vacuum we have two vacuums here nice okay curse is about to happen I will wait a moment because I don't want the mini Guardians to appear with that oh the hands still touching me how powerful are they ridiculous the good thing is we never have to face them again after we're done here so what I'll do now is I'll just rush through oh wow okay uh we do have revivals to keep that in my attacks keep it in my attacks keep that Romantics okay okay oh my God Harmony Guardian mini Guardian hands hands everything is touching me stop that I don't like that there's football foreign okay okay oh I have to wait so long oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no okay please don't curse me oh okay where's the vacuum it's up there to the top right let me slowly move over I need to get out of here I need to get out of here oh but I need to curse yeah now usually I would have just run out immediately but we can kind of afford doing this because we have additional revivals right so I think this is fine and now we can pick up old experience we're at like level 335 what do you think we'll end up on like I think this will be a lot hopefully if not then I'm really disappointed apparent86 that is a lot those were six 50 level UPS wow you're not bad even the hands are dying now look at this left and right the left hand and the right hand you know oh Dex why do you not turn on damage numbers because this is what it looks like okay do you see the leg do you feel the lag I feel well okay that's really bad okay stop that you go away yeah you don't really want to do that oh there's a freeze oh that's good because that means I can rush through the enemies and get to where do I want to get to I guess over there I don't know why but I always like to be in the right spot over there so I'll just go back there yeah oh that's a boss oh you look good oh you look really good goodbye interesting I don't remember ever seeing that boss as in wait Genevieve should we take on Genevieve let's do that oh I want to see if we can deal with him yeah I just don't remember like looking at the boss in details so the downside of having such an overpowered weapon is I I can't say where the red gem is you know so it could happen that I walk around and randomly walk into the red gem that that's just how it is that belongs to it but we got the regime nice there's even still amount in there I saw oh wow so we were like 386 right and four of yep exactly 50 left well almost 50 levels again these are really bulky and tanky enemies and we are just shredding them look at the size of all abora please even at the tiniest point right now I think it still covers our entire screen or it's just missing a little bit in the corners um that means we covered the entire spawn area of the enemies when it's big wait corner yeah okay do you see that there's a little bit miserable to be fair also wasn't moving you want to move around even if it's just a little bit that it follows you oh well we didn't get the red jump either way that's fine how bad would it be to face pretty much the strongest boss in this game okay um well we don't see him because he's covered in our labora wrong birthday oh that's evil oh that's evil do they actually kill me because these are okay there's the boss let's turn on damage numbers for a moment just for fun like how bad could it be right okay you know what you know what I'm good I'm good I don't need damage numbers we gotta level UPS okay um how are you doing Genevieve by the way who does another boss that boss looks so good look at him oh I need to put it on a thumbnail oh my God I love that boss wait that looks so amazing not that the boss has a special meaning to us but like that is such a beautiful design I love that ocean with hey hey hold back hold back hold back okay we are friends with benefits but the benefit is that you keep your distance [Laughter] but doesn't that sound like a great deal uh red gem if I was well I'll just vacuum yeah don't need to ask where I would be if I was regen how tanky are you like for real how thank you why is it so laggy why the level up so slow finally goodbye my friends this is Arcana we will not get one sadly I so wish this was changed that you get to like have a fifth one you know oh I picked up the gem that's a little bit sad by a little bit I mean a lot so we have two vacuums here and what we can do is like every three there's another one down there okay so I would say at 24 minutes I will pick up one vacuum at 27 I'll pick up another vacuum at 29 minutes I will pick up another vacuum does that sound good at this point it honestly does make a big difference to have a little bit more growth from the level ups and curse because look at the enemies already right in fact I'm wondering if you can even beat this stage labora is incredibly strong but was nerfed a couple of times and these enemies here are no joke and you may say oh but yeah the main boss there Stood Still you know you froze him all the time what are the enemies supposed to do right they will just get Frozen in place because they get hit so much no the problem is lag so when the game lags too much then the enemies they just teleport around and will randomly start hitting you and you will die and that's my main concern that if they are so powerful that it takes years to kill them and you stack up the damage numbers and calculations it will just go Bonkers is that the red gem I mean if it's a red gem then I can just pick it up wait a second wow that was so pathetic that was not the red gem whoa [Music] um um okay this is happening a little bit earlier than I hope for like way earlier and if I'm forced to move you know what I'll take that right now because if I'm forced to move I may accidentally pick it up how many level UPS do you think we'll get here you're like 520 I would say we will get to level 630. oh my God okay we crossed the 600 that's good you know I think what I said is realistic but it was optimistic um okay well 639 yeah that's the accounts that's the 30s yeah perfect there's the red boss I have to be so careful with bosses now oh because of the level UPS the enemies also get more and more curse all the time and um yeah yeah oh it's actually fine the thing is like it's fine until it isn't you know until they suddenly Rush at you and deal damage oh well okay like do you see how big the jumps are when he moves okay how many vacuums do I have I have no idea at all oh uh but we do have a couple of freezes there okay we have at least two vacuums I think I will pick this one up at the bottom here next oh my God there's always Spooks me oh wow so by the way if you want to know how much HP scaling the enemies have right now you have to take our curse that is plus 600 so in total it's 700 enemy HP then you multiply that with the stage modifier which is free you know the enemies have three times the amount of HP because we're playing on inverse mode so right now they have 2 100 HP do you know how much it is it's a lot and then there are enemies like a majority of them they will scale with your levels so the higher level you are the more HP they have but the higher level we are the more curse we have do you see how it exponentially scales up for them yeah yeah not a lot of fun I mean it's actually a lot of fun you know that's why we do it but yeah I'm actually surprised that we easily deal with this wave here look at this it's so simple wow oh I never expected this like I thought we would be struggling way more and I have to maybe freeze the most okay wave 28 will happen no but this is amazing and I would say our kill counter is explaining why I get so many levels the thing is in the very beginning you know we barely killed any enemies so this didn't ramp up as quickly compared to some other weapons but once we had the entire screen covered and got into limit break territory like higher ones with way more damage area and stuff like that um yeah we just started nuking the enemies do you see that I'm getting hit now imagine they did like 10 times the damage and that happens more often because they survive for longer yep yep yep because all labora is so big it destroys anything that spawns that's kind of hilarious isn't it oh are these hands there where those look like sausage hands like bloated hands they look like snails in in the hand form that was disgusting are these actually hands that looked absolutely disgusting look at that where where are these actually hands I I can't really identify it 27 minutes there is another boss but I don't care we'll pick up the vacuum next up I think there's maybe a red gem a bigger one so I want to make sure that we have the growth and then I will walk downwards there should be another vacuum that we can pick up at 29 minutes now I plan to still pick up one at the very end to gather all the experience okay okay okay let's move there we go oh there's a vacuum well um do we have another one around there's not a vacuum we have everything we need I only needed two vacuums and we have that already oh that's perfect we want to pick up one at 29 minutes because now we'll get a ginormous amount of experience the enemies at 28 minutes have more value in their gems and that means we need to make sure that we just constantly keep leveling up like in an optimal case we stop leveling up and then I pick our vacuum up right away but you don't know when it happens and if it happens after we have the growth doubling then we just need to wait okay you know what I will actually pick it up now yeah that's fine it's only fine with me 28 minutes though oh this will be tough oh this they are not dying at all oh that means eventually they'll just move in and kill me um Good Luck to me Dex yeah and do you see how many level UPS we've gotten oh well okay now that was nothing I guess it was just One Singular cycle right yeah but we went from 600 to almost 700 so now it's at 2 400 enemy HP in this very moment and this is the toughest wave you can face like we have hit way higher values on something like library but the reason is the enemies are way easier to kill and give more experience so while the number is higher it was like three thousand seven hundred percent it's also like it's just easier to defeat the enemies like look at how long they stay alive here they just don't want to die do we even kill anyone if I pick this up do I get experience um well that also means I don't have a vacuum anymore right yeah is that one around there's one to the bottom left okay I'll pick that up do you see that damage oh wow the thing is freezing them shouldn't actually hurt me at all I'm pretty sure oh no 29 minutes oh they are big boys I will freeze them uh I um the guys guys I need another freeze okay um yeah this is this is exactly what I planned you know this is exactly what I had on my mind uh there's not a freeze okay I'm not cheesing this I'm not cheesing this is another free summer help there's one to the left at the vacuum somewhere no no oh oh God I picked up two vacuums it's fine because it means we get all the upgrades while we're still okay we barely got anything look look this wave is Hardcore okay do we do that last 10 seconds with curse on our own let's see what happens let's see if we can do it maybe I was just a scared chicken was I a scared chicken we just deal with them so easily so here are the final damage numbers is around 700 that's not bad hey look it's a drowner the blue Reaper and you can see it we are swimming in his gamer girl bath water nice [Laughter] okay there we go 6G I would say the labora is done it's maxed out it's as good as it gets well you know talking about the inverse mode and starting with Wicked season so I hope you enjoyed it and if you didn't don't forget to subscribe and give the video a like see you the next time
Channel: Dex
Views: 52,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dex, vampire survivors
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 43sec (1843 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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