This Is The MOST INSANE Vampire Survivors Build (No Eggs/Mods)

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me [Laughter] welcome back to Empire survivors and today entirely unloaded video like unchokingly okay before some of things I'm just sarcastic um we'll try to go for as many entries on the Final End screen as possible uh do I just want to have to whip here or I'll actually go for age of sparrow okay so here is what I'm doing and I'm actually challenging you the viewer to beat me you have the advantage that you can already see what I do and you hear the explanations as to why I chose certain things okay and you can attempt to top this so I went for scoria only because you get 6 additional lightning rings and that means we'll have 6 additional entries just like that just by playing him there are some other characters that are really good uh for example there is the birdie right he gets additional birdies so you have two more entries and I think when he dies and explodes that may also count as one but that's just three and this dude here has six that is a lot now further I started with the Germany Arcana this rather has to do with my lack of knowledge about it whether I need to get it right away so I get the bonuses applied when I get the weapons or if I could also just evolve it for example to vandalier and still have the add-ons I know for some that is true but I'm not sure if it's true for all of them and I didn't want to gamble losing something else I could have started with Arcana but let's be honest it's not like this will be hard right like the enemies are really easy to kill and yeah we also have the spinning events here now okay for this one I'll be honest I'm not gonna wait until I get every single weapon in the game from candy box drops here okay if we get them it's a nice to have but I don't consider this as part of this like challenge how many things we have there we'll just remember how many we got we will subtract this from the final value but it will still look nice right to get them because some people they will just get this event like 10 times in 30 minutes and others they will get this event never so they have to play for like 500 minutes that is not a point of this entire thing but we are also playing on hurry mode okay so um I actually have to be concerned now that I think about it that I don't die because my weapons they suck like these weapons even though they are really strong unions early on they they suck and they will not protect me so there are some complicated choices that I have to do but I'm not even sure yet what I want to do some of these arcanas I don't know how they work so take for example the bloodline Arcana no not the bloodline the blood astronomia Arcana what this one does is it creates damaging zones around certain weapons are based on certain weapons so for example the garlic has little fields on the floor they damage the enemies now these zones on their own do not count as individual damage they are all attributed to the blood blood something blood astronomia yes they are all attributed to that so there's no benefit in having multiples of them but what if you had zero huh does it show it as zero but it's still on the end car really like the moment where I have to level up the most you give me this is this a joke this is a bad joke uh okay but yeah back to the topic I think it will still show up just with zero damage hopefully because otherwise um I I don't think I will have a weapon that actually appears on there it's like Laurel clock Lancer a soul eater uh Moon which I don't care about fire breathing ooh the Gemini also doubles that by the way these chests they can't evolve so I can just pick them up if you're wondering what I'm waiting for right now why do I not pick up the items on this stage because hey oh that is one that I want later because hey I could just pick up stuff right that way we don't get item offers anymore level UPS and it would be a lot easier yeah that's true but guess what there are two items that do not appear on this stage number one is the badge Academy badge yeah that's what its name is that one we will just not get and I hope we get this from a free passive when we have everything maxed out number two however is taruna so what I'm waiting for right now is to Runa I I just look for taruna okay so uh can I maybe oh that would be so good how much do you think I have two ways to get that uh if I see Whip or went to sakro I can also just pick them up right yeah that also works oh that's okay okay the whip is actually perfect is the next one to go for the final one in here uh is it actually the final one one of the final ones in there will be the the puddles on the floor I don't even know why God I don't even know what the name of the weapon is it's the the one that is so horribly bad that I always say it's utterly horrible like the worst weapon in this game from gyro runton okay that will be the final one because you don't need anything for it to evolve you just have to Max it out no multiple slots or anything and most of the other ones that we have they are unions so we do need multiple slots like for example we will have the two birdies later on and uh do I just pick tirakisu here no I will get it from the stage right in fact wait I'm just I'm stupid wait a second I'm really stupid what I'll do is I'll pick up the stage stuff in a moment and I just have to get five of them right yeah and then I make some out one by one and that means we have oh truna perfect well okay everything is set in stone because what I can do now is I can I can literally pick up everything that is on the stage right now in this very moment so watch this bad based stuff oh show guides there we go okay there's the stuff and number one number two number three number four number five number six number seven number eight number nine Uber to ten number 11 number 12 number 13 number 14 number 15 number 60 to the student please do this do this what I just did without messing up once okay because once I pick up the item it's over if I messed up it's just messed up what is going on on the stage here by the way what is what is going on so I can pick up all of the chests by the way and there we go we get armor oh wait um no it's fine if I pick up the chest I wanted to say we need Penta chest right to get the the candy boxes out of them but we'll have an infinite amount of Chess since we are playing on endless mode so it doesn't really matter and then we have well what do I even focus on right now maybe I shouldn't have picked up everything and just like the stuff that is really good you know that would have been nice and later on up the rest the thing is I want to avoid I don't know how to free passive works and I want to avoid in case it only gives you something you don't have yet like I want to max out everything as fast as possible is what I'm trying to say because else we may get a free passive and then it gives me something out that was so close and so sneaky but yeah I wanted to not give me something I already own now it could be that for example we have spinach maxed out that rolls of spinach and then nothing appears that would be sad because then we'll never ever get the badge but let's just see let's just see I'm not killing anything but that is a minute 10 boss that is our first evolution oh okay um uh I need to kill you very quickly please can you can you just get cooked come on you're crap okay what do we want to have actually [Music] um all of these are kind of fine right what do we get firachi um but the only issue is it doesn't free up that many slots but it's still I would say it's okay yeah it's okay so now we are looking for vento sakro why I have to look for that or can I also just get a birdie no I think I will look for a venture Sacro yeah that makes more sense I can Labrador maybe I should have banished some of these weapons oh oh okay um how much damage am I taking from these enemies why are they so Paul well because I have like no proper weapon here I have nothing in fact Crown is very good Center water that would be so good to protect me but like it doesn't fit this build at all you know I didn't need to go for Wicked season I'm just saying I want vento sakro it's also a rare one so it's good to have that out of the way um okay I didn't get anything here uh okay I'm I'm a little bit concerned there is no freeze around okay okay okay um yeah these dudes are a little bit is that an evolution chest that could be an evolution chest wait a second wait a second let me let me get this and let me get the rosary oh okay now what do we want to go for we are not in a hurry like we can go for anything Twilight Requiem could be fine nah I don't care we actually don't want to have these this time and out of bounds oh wait that is you know what I'll just take that yeah sure sure there is a chest this would be an evolution actually that will be an evolution let's take it triple chest did we just get a double level we could have gotten a triple evolution oh well no because I didn't have enough spots right oh but I have to keep that in mind if they can all multi-evolve and yes we actually knew about that yet and I have to be careful so we want to have two birdies and mental Sacro that is what we want right now sadly not the bracelet sorry sorry uh there's a freeze do we want to take that because it actually damages the enemies now because of the Arcana that we have uh what do we get chicken Bonanza I don't care about that so this stage only lasts 15 minutes and once we are at the end there will be the the merchant that reappears and we can buy another Arcana from him as far as I know unless this got changed you can't what's that sound what is the washing machine sound there oh that is that's quite something okay oh that is the spell strong right yeah okay let's just max out our stuff the hardest part is honestly just finding everything because we have so many things uh you know what I'll get the curse it's like gamble what I supposed to have there are mini Guardians it's born right oh no only when I pick up the items I think let me let me get this that is amazing I don't have a vacuum around I will just walk over to a vacuum and pick it up very soon oh there's one wait there are two they just spawned oh yeah they're mini Guardians do you think they can harm oh I picked up a vacuum um oh oh and I apparently oh there was a birdie all decks you need to use your brain no wait wait instead of flying after me so if I run away fast enough and I'll catch it catch it catch it catch it catch it quick go back okay uh Stone Mars very good uh Hollow heart I mean sure why not went to sakro yes that we need that to evolve okay now we just need two birdies how hard can it be to find two birdies huh I also don't want to banish weapons because if we get them as drops then I could not upgrade them and evolve them so that would be bad uh okay I'm I'm starting to get a little bit concerned here yeah there are a lot of weapons in this game aren't there and I missed the bird earlier which makes me a little bit sad okay [Music] so it should be fine if I just evolve the ventral sacral ride because we'll have more than enough chests since we endlessly looped this entire stage yeah oh my God so much bonus luck please just oh Clover no that doesn't help me at all oh my God okay I'm not getting a lot of stuff should I just pick up no I want to get one more level up and maybe we get a trickle chest uh there's another freeze or maybe it will be easy to survive because we just freeze all the enemies oh yeah and we restarted look at this we had 15 minutes right now so that is minute one perfect Jonah and now we just need everything and this is maxed out perfect okay now I can pick up a chest to combine them because this also means I free up a slot now the weapon I decided to go for is the black heart because I can insta kill I don't think there's a well actually and it will have a duplicate but is that the right choice or is there another weapon that would work better with certain Arcana I will just stick to my plan but maybe you figure out a better weapon than the Blackheart like it will create additional snakes from the Germany Arcana but maybe something else would have been better that for like multiple other Arcana will give us damage numbers but I can't think of something that is better oh wait a second and wait is that triple evolution in the game no right only the one that I hate yeah so we will get that one uh if I ever find it because I only need one more spot for one more birdie that means we almost have it and there's brazer Shadows opened um that I mean sure as I said I'll pick whatever shows up first the other one is also easy to max out I can't wait to see what the name of it is because I'm like what is the name of that thing bracelet a solo bracelet B bracelet tree bracelet right or something like that or just bracelet the first one I I don't quite room we got a candy box from the rotation thing we got a candy box okay very important I think I first have to get it in a chest because if I pick up this one it will say oh you already had one so let's give him an evolution no no this is not what we want to do we first need to get it from a chest and then I will pick the one up from the stage and I hope the stage one doesn't disappear because the game is like here now he got one so let's just make it disappear you can definitely get multiple ones from the events come on give me the Buddy I just need a birdie please oh you gotta be I can't well no I need to be full to pick well then but I'm full I can't pick it that was stupid but yeah I can't pick it otherwise I don't get it from chess anymore why is this so close I don't like that I may or I'll have to rule there's the bracelet but I can't pick it I need a bird yeah how hot can it be to find a simple I have nothing sealed okay nothing is banished a simple a simple oh my God it took way too long wait a second an emerged in this bag hey let's pay him a visit because he can refresh my rewards but I get all of them back that's good uh there we go this is one of the most confusing things I didn't know that exists okay yeah this is one of the most confusing things about this stage here um okay so wait a second I have to think for a moment you deal damage and you will list it but we don't level up anymore that's horrible you deal damage sure do I just start at the top here is there like any reason to go in a certain order let's just start with the Twilight Requiem I guess yeah sure we have at least the birdies so they will deal the AOE damage oh this is a little bit laggy isn't it okay what I was about to say is it's a little bit weird because do you see how far this stuff is away and you would be like oh wow that's super far away okay the freeze is down there watch this place it there it's right around the corner because this is heavily zoomed in like do you see how huge these squares are and I actually really like that it's just so different compared to other stages in this game okay my game may be a little bit slow down like just a little bit this is what I what happens when I press tab Matrix move oh there's a switchm this means we level up we max out give me that give me that give me give me all of it all of it okay now peers sure do I just go for no let's not go for I think if you go for random always you can actually mess something up that you don't get stuff anymore okay that's a little bit too much where's the next chest it's super far away or is it uh oh that was not an evolution chest interesting yeah there were some in there and because we also restarted the stage ride yeah not all of them will I can move them right it's like you're not kidding with me right now um did I just use up almost all of the chests that were on the stage and I can't evolve wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh okay okay okay there's the Buddy so what is the final weapon that I need oh yeah the bracelet oh this time I remembered we have 20 rerolls do I just want to use them right now I think I'll do um nothing here nothing here I may actually see it and just go past it by accident [Music] what's the next video no it wasn't there right I thought it wrong there was a butcher or something oh you gotta be kidding me oh you gotta be kidding me oh you gotta be kidding me no no okay um I don't need re-rolls it's totally fine I mean in in three and a half minutes because this is going twice as fast because of hearing mode I will get the next rerolls again so don't worry about it it's totally fine ignore the boss over there and he's just chilling we are having a chilly Milly tie okay oh yeah oh no the enemy's two drop experience if there's enough experience on the floor accumulated then they won't drop experience I mean they still do but it gets accumulated in a certain gem so I can just wait for that there's no risk that we will get maxed out here for sure why is he not attacking me like he's just chilling next to me I think he's getting pushed back by something right because I would take a lot of damage it's not like I'm immune but did I do something to get immune I don't think so um oh the mini Guardians will also spawn oh I'm taking damage oh that's not good oh that's really not good I I I don't want to die um okay what is the plan well I like that you think that I have a plan here no did I pick up the big gem no no no no oh no I need to get it now no I didn't I didn't it's all good I needed to go there to get some healing okay careful next care you have another canal wait what do I really but really I have never seen it happening when you already had them maxed out um okay how to fire I guess yeah skip oh but can you please kill everything how the fire will get triggered by the way from the the breakables the braziers or brazers whatever they are called the fire thingies um okay they are Frozen that's good but um can I actually kill them I'm so ridiculously weak wait I've never evolved you oh this thing has an insta kill chance you know that would have been nice to have I'm just saying oh I'm taking damage oh no no no no I have to experience double lick I have to be so careful that I don't that was a red jump okay they were just bad red gems it's all oh my God we almost have it let's go over I'll stand here where he spawns this is exactly where he spawns he may spawn right on top of me that would be hilarious okay okay okay there we go it actually happened okay we can't pick the additional weapons keep that in mind we have an empty slot right now but that's because we're looking for weapon so I will get you I will get you I will get you I will get you the Revival will buff up our uh ferrachi okay very good yes I'm a little bit nervous not just a little bit is there a band of feeling this damage right yeah that is the next one in line sure let's do that wait now I can pick up all the experience so I just have to find a vacuum um do I want to wait until it's doubled I don't think so right because it's still dangerous like I'm not guaranteed to get it even now and if I then level up like 100 times then that means I'm forced to oh finally and there's a chest right next to me so I need one more level up and we can evolve it oh no I picked up a vacuum oh this is not good um okay okay quickly yes perfect because now the rest of the experience is flying and that should allow me to Max it out again right away there we go there we go oh I guess we're not killing a lot oh these Guardians could become a problem um okay I didn't quite expect that you know what I can actually just pick up the chest here yeah because that makes us a doubt and now I can just pick up any other chest that is an evolution chest like this one perfect so what are we looking for next we are looking for a candy box out of a normal chest so there is one chest we really only have one chest down there we go it's it's actually the candy box whenever you get a chest like this when you're full and don't have anything to upgrade it's a guaranteed candy don't have anything to upgrade listen I don't use this weapon often okay I totally forgot that it has six level UPS okay oh that would have been so good I just realized I have no chance to use the Guardians foreign I should have done that way earlier like I have a huge amount of things right but can I actually kill them I don't think so should we just give it a try and see what happens I mean oh we will be in limit rate territory from now on yeah let's run them always okay I mean I thought oh weapons suck they are so bad but we may have enough that the Guardians can't touch me like they just can't move towards me let's check it out let's just see it with one guardian we may lose some revivals that means less beams on the Karachi totally fine though totally fine oh okay okay do we freeze the guardian in time like do we attack so often that he simply can't move um well you can not not a lot there's no tax idiot you have to Max this out there was another chance for candy box [Music] [Laughter] but it kind of sounded like I was laughing like the music trick okay there's a lot down oh I just walked past it where is it oh it's on the side here can I okay there we go Metallica you left beautiful uh we have to be careful is that chest down no there is one over there so now we will go for the other ring okay is there still experience following me could have been but it doesn't look like it um let me max out the the metallia that we just got there we go just a little bit more there should be a ginormous amount of experience flying in uh do I want to turn on damage numbers for a moment just for funds and giggles oh okay um why is this more insane than the old weapon video that I did okay I have to turn this off I'm sorry okay okay okay okay okay where's the chest where's the chest it's maxed out there are two chests over there uh we are about to get the lock doubling that is a higher chance that you get them like you can get them also without pen to chess okay so just based on luck that was none no oh we messed up we messed up I mean not that we could really affect anything there you know either we get it or we don't there is oh I was too late uh it's fine it's fine coming from better boss is spawning I guess yeah we have two candy boxes down do you see that oh oh wow oh wow where's the other one wait is it just lagging no I think there are two right there's one here and one there oh my God you have so many weapons wait do you think how many weapons can we actually get here come on okay we have the metallio now I have to go back to the center because the dude has spawned again so we only get the next Arcana and then hopefully we will soon get the candy box out of a chest like that would be really great to just like round up this video it has been going on for quite some time now how did I just walk through this guy wait man I was like oh this was taking a while oh yeah there he is okay so pick a card skip we don't even need that right I'll still take it okay so what is the next one in line the last one we took was Sarah Bender feeling you don't have your own damage things you that now you have your own damage things okay Divine bloodline there we go there we go so what do we do now I have to Max this out and then I have to pick up all the chests possibly with luck doubling like it would be great uh where's this is way too far away um I'll get going there's a chat um okay there's a chest and I will just take it and I'll run away to the next chest yep I almost died for that is there another chest I think there's another chest that just dropped to these Guardians are no joke yes they are still alive yes this is how powerful they are um this is just but there's one though I have a feeling I don't want to chase after these chests whenever I do it there's like like two new ones that spawn I'm like okay I gotta run back again uh here's this one okay now I really would like to zoom out like that would be great I see there are two chests over there it's just a little bit hard to see anything because we constantly get the Gold Fever oh there it is oh man just give me the candy box it's really great that I can see what events we get by the way come on I wish the gold fuel was just gone yeah you can forget about that finally that so long and long and don't tell me the ones that we have on the stage will disappear and they're still there that's good okay I'll be honest I didn't think that I would get this far um Laurel should we just make ourselves invulnerable oh wait this works with the the thing that gets created on the floor right the glory has an effect for that oh that's actually that's good and we can evolve it okay so if it didn't have additional damage numbers before then now it will have it very good um ah but I think there are still duplicates in there right for the Germany that I have to get moon yeah moon is good because that counts as to its pentagram and then yeah yeah okay let's do that let's take that okay so I just checked out Gemini as you can see and um the only evolution in there that means we have three bonuses right so the base form the evolution and the Gemini is the cat I'll be honest I don't want the cat so what do I do now am I the only one who doesn't understand how weapon that literally insta kills the enemies is not enough to deal with the enemies it's like how candy box get okay I think I will go for the Prismatic missiles because it how does it get a special effect I'm not even sure how that works if it has to be the first one that you choose is there anything else or party well but it doesn't evolve right yeah I guess I will take the cat as the final weapon like with the final candy box that I get uh for now I don't see a point in taking anything so I'll just go for the Prismatic missiles like I don't think there's really a difference depending on what I take here as long as it can evolve that is the only important part I can't believe the Guardians are still alive by the way they don't respawn right like they're just still alive how is that possible like how long ago did I kill them and not kill them trigger them oh and the eggs on the floor are not from these Guardians they are from the mini Guardians that spawn every well at 14 minutes every 15 minutes wait what wait five six it's not mixed all right wait how did that just happen I'll be absolutely honest I have no idea but I'll go for the festive wins right that makes the most sense here goldai Shuffle is also insane but I think festive wins like festive wins reduces the armor that the enemies have and it looks like a major issue is I'm not really killing enemies you know so I hope hopefully this helps it wasn't maxed out I still got the candy box what wait what I thought you can only get that if you have like if there's nothing else offered in there anymore oh that is wild there's a chest down there let's evolve it and there we go we got the Luminaire I don't know if it's affected by the Arcana that we have I don't think so like I think it really has to be the very first one that you pick um there's the candy box oh I didn't want to pick it up yet right I I can't get the kids well oh no I need to evolve them they will leg out the game way too much like it's just way too crazy um what do I do then we could go for this for the universe but the universe is also just like having an evolution right so it doesn't change anything I guess we'll just go for the clock Lancer in a move that we are sure why not I'm sure I'll get a candy box very soon don't worry about it surely surely which one is the next in line oh chill of crystals this is weapons wait wait what did I pick uh freezing any missionaries explosions oh they oh they um ah but I don't think this is Count I don't think this shows up as damage right this doesn't show up as damage and but I'm not sure about this so I will wait one more cycle at least to get that one and then we have to wait one more cycle to get the the final one that we wanted whoa whoa okay is there a chest close by by any chance that will finally kill the Guardians wait I think I think there is only one left I think we killed all the others but one like there's only one big one let me see I can't really see that there's a chance that the dude has dropped that is not an evolution chest hopefully yeah it was a three minutes like we are right now technically speaking in three minutes so it's not an evolution chest okay I'll go over here and then we have final piece from this Guardian because this will have his age that's a thing um okay I I didn't know that you can get these again and again and again so the best way of doing this to have the most things on the Final End screen is you would want to have the pre-evolution and then evolve them but like look at the amount of candy boxes that I would need right so what we'll do is because I I had no idea that's a thing um I will just get all of them okay guys please appreciate for a moment how calm the screen is but usually the gold figures going on for the first time I saw oh we'll have a jelly wall was also baiting me really hard because it showed a candy box right before that um but yeah so currently the game plan is the following we'll wait for the next cycle we'll get the next Arcana there after the next cycle we hopefully get a candy box then we get the cats and we evolve it okay once we have that it's done no matter how long this takes we will be done at that time light sources interesting I don't care watch this nope oh that is a lot better there's a lot better because we don't care about the entire things around us right it doesn't mean anything to us oh it's the drowner oh that would be such a funny scene him like he's hovering below us for quite some time like in like up to 20 seconds or so and then he comes up um but we have weapons that actually kill him like at least the corridor does it that may even be more in here but the corridor will just one shot him the moment it makes contact for once like immediately it's just like an insta in some kill okay what do we get what do we get what do we get I don't care about the stalker I don't care about Chinese one I don't cover black boost and it's like most trap Fest sure wait what wait what Corridor did you forget how you work you're meant to kill this really you don't I mean he clearly doesn't but what hello my friends I'll buy everything again I I don't even know why I'm doing that and yes my voice is dying okay so let's go over this this is the final one we'll take right yes this is nothing that actually shows up this doesn't show up this doesn't show up this doesn't show up this doesn't show up this doesn't show up this doesn't show up this may show up I'm not too sure about it but I'm not gonna gamble this definitely doesn't show up this doesn't show up this doesn't show up this doesn't Okay so one more rotation and we have it though again um I I still need a candy box though yeah you know what I noticed I haven't gotten a single Gold Fever anymore huh wait let me check the stuff on the floor uh this could be old though like do you see that there is none other listed out there it's one yeah there is one I think yeah there is one but I think these are old I I noticed that it's not popping off again and again and again like before it was more like I had it and then it got triggered again while I had it and again and again and again like I got a huge amount and now it's like yeah I don't appear anymore I like that that's good look at these chickly lines let's let's slow down the game with tab let's see what happens whoa okay this is kind of magical isn't it like wow especially the the try bracelet I'll say tree no I'll say three I don't care what you say I'm German it's beyond three huh there's a guardian so they do respawn um why is this even on the stage hmm I may sound a little bit far away yes I'm laying back because I'm sort of like monitoring what we get but I guess I missed that so we did get that passive and it's one that I already have maybe you can't get the badge that could be but wait that's so weird why did it even offer us that oh okay well there's the next one I don't know why I keep picking the revivals as I'm moving in a bit look at what I do for you guys um there's no way this does anything right like it just makes gold heal you yeah okay let's just take this for now that means no more level UPS and sure that you know so when I get the cat I can still pick up chess to Max it out don't worry about that but like we have to get a candy box first um what do I even go for I mean I guess what is the worst thing that could happen right okay that was actually not bad I mean the entire top disappeared let me actually pick up everything I want to see a lot that is is it any load it wasn't loud usually that's super loud oh you know what I want to do I just want to walk through all the chests now because now we know for sure there is no super thing right we just got a new cycle oh well that's interesting isn't it well that's very interesting um do you think you have an infinite chance for that okay I have luck here oh maybe it was just a very low chance I think it's one per cycle though uh there are no more chests left I think really listen they don't do anything okay so it's not like that's great so we are getting three persons which I remembered apparently um okay I don't want to stand where the merchandise I'm about to go to eat okay it's really bad when I start like that I hope the Mad Groove didn't mess up anything actually I think it messed it up like not only will I not see what we get here because I constantly keep collecting the the Gold Fever thingies now oh wait did I actually pick up the goal figure I wasn't that stupid right I didn't no I didn't good because otherwise the bags would also trigger it all the time now the issue is rather I think sometimes with mad group it can happen that while it pulls and everything you pick up a chest on the Fly and that would pause the game which is not good because if I go to eat for like one to two hours I want this to continue to eventually get the the damn candy box yay we got a stone mask that's great imagine actually getting the badge you know just saying wait the items don't even appear in the damage list I would have still been fun to have all of them right yeah okay but that's actually good because I don't appear it doesn't really matter still would have been nice um okay I'm having another control now so I did say that I would go to eat and just let this play um the thing is the game was getting more and more laggy and I think it has to do with items being created around me but also just because it's been running for a long time right it's like running for almost an hour now so what I'll do is on the next cycle I will pick up all the chests if we are Ultra 8th grade if we haven't gotten the candy box until then it's just over and by candy box I mean the base form right because I wanted to have the cat first and then it will win because you may ask like next year I've gotten candy boxes why did you pick up vicious hunger well that's the reason [Laughter] [Music] yeah I got it okay it already happened oh come on just give me one more candy box it's not that hard we've gotten so many free passes as well right to ragi zoo are more something else I think how does it even show that it only shows that there's two levels so we don't even know what I got I remember these two didn't I get one more but there's still Mass yeah okay the next Arc via the windows did you see all the windows break why are there so many windows breaking what just happened did you see that was it an event I guess it wasn't but defend even makes windows huh I I don't know because I can't see the event where's it oh my God this will be so hard there is oh there he is hello there and let's pick up everything again uh what do we want to have here something that is not super annoying what is you know what let's just go for boogalo Solutions wait a second wait a second wait a second I wanted to say there you go there you go come on that's what I feel like oh wait a second it also means that uh the chest they have the the super one ride because we have a new cycle which is to not confirmed how it works but let's just wait a moment until we have to lack doubling and then I will pick it up they have a 0.5 chance I think to appear so right now we have 700 total luck like 100 plus this that means we will have 3.5 chance per chest but I think also per field in there so a little bit more okay it's like three times the amount also not quite actually yeah pretty much um okay let's go up here it's so hard to collect these um I don't think I got one and I oh there's one more chest are you the lucky one are you the lucky boy no buyer is the windows is this the Luminaire like I sometimes see Windows exploding they're there what usually it's just my PC whether Windows 6 exploded okay no uh I was so excited to see free passes but we already know what it will be yeah it's it's useless isn't it it's with these windows is it the Luminaire that must be the Luminaire right I don't know any other weapon that has an effect where there's just a chest I don't care actually you know what I'll pick it up here without the luck now that would have been hilarious um where is the Spell binder spellbinder spellbinder where is it oh there it is hello there we go oh I know what spawns the guardian sometimes it's when we get a free passive yeah no no no they don't respawn every cycle it's from the free passive that makes them spawn totally forgot about that okay look I'll not let this run for another two hours I will wait until this one here pops off and if this is not a candy box then that's just it it's over because if it crashes then we don't have the final end screen that shows everything and that would be horrible that's the entire point of this video so what did I get doesn't look like there is a candy box right yep I don't see one played our luck oh no no I I can't do that if it crashes we will never ever see the end screen so are you ready didn't get the cats totally fine I mean we got more than enough right look at this okay so what do we have okay okay why are they all listed wait what [Laughter] that's amazing that's really not bad I like that okay that was it I hope you enjoyed the video and if you did then don't forget to subscribe and give the video a like see you next time
Channel: Dex
Views: 42,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dex, vampire survivors
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 17sec (2597 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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