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this is a mild horror game with this music [Music] all right welcome to my super schoolhouse - come on in just click on your name or you haven't been here before just type it in and then click on it it's that easy uh-huh I'm so not happy to see you again I was trying to put pleased I I guess my name is please hello pleased to meet you welcome to baldies basics place now if you don't even know why what's the place some people are like what why's plus I don't know what plus means well apparently Plus this is the full game that's all you really need to know it's the full game I do I didn't really know what + means now really but it's what we've been playing and it's plus that's all you need to know I guess but it's the full game that game was finally out and early access so it's not done but it's out on Steam you can buy it now so I know there's probably some new enemies and new field trips that I want to take a look at that's the only reason I want to put myself through this nightmare oh we have a bunch of different modes Explorer mode Explorer baldies super schoolhouse to your heart's content you can explore any level you've reached in hide and seek some guests had a seek is probably the main campaign who recall it a campaign I don't know about the field trips - guys that changes the game right so there's farm and then there's camping we've done both of those is there not more I don't know we're gonna go to hide-and-seek well in case you haven't been keeping up we've been playing every update of the game so far baldies it's completely like every game now is completely randomly generated so playtime could be here playtime cannot be here it's really just it if our luck is good or not all right I'm just getting this stuff well okay well look at this I can just do I get a zesty bar right from the get-go although I think the B soda is probably our best bet let's get a B soda yeah why do you lie Baldy you obviously have one here so you're not bald you're nothing but a liar he lies I mean the walls are different that's one thing we could say for sure that's something we've never seen before what is on the roof Oh II didn't even say anything this time you're just like that oh my god okay all right well we obviously know if that one I remember his name Wendy Wolfe is what I'm gonna call him okay what that Beach soda oh yeah so I think it's possible the principal is probably not here but hey we already started off pretty freakin great and we have a little small child oh not you again I'm gonna press this I feel like you could I did get away all right we could all the principal's obviously still here whatever I don't care all right I got some keys I just want to see the new enemies that's I I don't expect to beat this game I don't even really know if there's a true ending oh my god weren't you just over there how many you don't like a bunch of them okay see back in the normal game it's totally different because like you can actually like get a set path but now it's completely random and you might have the easiest level or you might have the hardest level though it makes you want to rip your eyebrows off your face how did you know whatever at this point I don't care because I don't even know where the principal's office is it might even help me oh there's the dead end anyway go ahead comfy for you oh well I can hear him okay so yeah when we come in here we can see what enemies are here so we got it's a bully cloudy copter bubble butt and everyone else I really love that we don't always have to do math though so cuz that's like really stressful right now it's not so bad I mean it is simple addition but it was stressful oh great the fog machines here oh they changed the look of that that's interesting oh my god I've already been down here the fog looks way different interesting oh here we go I only need two more this isn't that bad I think we're gonna do this fairly easy guys I think so there we go BAM so that's how about B soda all right I got just gotta find the last one now is it here no it's not I haven't actually seen Baldy one time oh this looks like a place I've ever been shut up no I don't want to use that on him really I I screwed myself over bad no don't you he come to me he come to me why would I use oh there it is great I just use my last B soda on accident that's just fantastic by the Christmas keys just go leave okay all right all right wait is there like a map now shut up you really just did that oh what a great start to this game really really great start he's right down the seat no stay away oh he got Baldy he actually helped me oh my god that could have been more perfect this is the kind of luck I need in this game you have no idea okay where's the last page yet oh it's right here okay we are okay we got this we got this [Music] oh god I don't even know if I'm going the right way I'm doing something though [Music] this way is it this way I think it is oh no I'm not going the right way oh this is awful why do I do this to myself it's like I hate Wendy at life how do they manage to go the wrong way I need a water fountain stat oh oh that's my only hope okay all right this is easy alright I made it I made it how do you have to run oh it actually helps me a little bit okay that wasn't that bad you know - I don't take me only 20 minutes to do this that's pretty good in baldie hours why is the ground okay this is different oh so happy to see you I love you both you love you the heck is this this is what this is why we can't have nice things cuz the cat will come and laser the building yeah that's why are these only enemies behalf we only have the okay that's not that bad at least no we have gumball okay yeah this is totally doing so buddy is like a castle now it is ball Dione castle how does he earn this much money I hate the god the library is so scary because you can't hear if he's coming he makes it literally zero noise I guess Baldy is also a ninja Baldy really just does it all I could be going to a to nowhere we got nice lights now that's real nice I'm so glad so glad we have nice lights okay we got a school faculty room oh okay this will be helpful let's go and take that another quarter all right I got two quarters man all right I am so prepared it ain't even funny how prepared I am great so glad I went here at this point I don't even care if he catches me I've already made a big big terrible mistake there was no reason to come into this library there's nothing here other than that be soda oh no is that the freaky teacher yeah she's here that thing was so scary the first time I saw it I've never been like so scared in my life Thanks you got like five chins how many chins you can't even look like pancakes on the bottom of your face oh look what we have here oh we have a field trip I don't want to go to the farm it's not worth it it's just some items I don't want it been to the farmer idiy oh great we got super math here okay nice I just wasted I just wasted item I really needed it okay that's fantastic there it is wow that was a first notebook I had I've so much to go well they sound right your Baldy anywhere that's a good that's always I knew I knew what you did I just didn't know where she was coming from holy crap right now I've got a meter if you don't meet her you die all right where's the tube where's the - that was so terrifying yeah oh you see how fast I did that I that was impressive that was pretty impressive so scary that is definitely the scariest person I know there's another one though I don't know where she is or where it is I already know if it's here or she already knew I said that when I see some people's thumbnails I'm like okay all right cause I think we saw in the birthday one you'll know what I'm talking about when we see it I gotta go meet her in her dumb stupid class a mystery room has appeared find it before it disappears what [Music] yeah I made it I'm not dead worst one there's one man alright I see two more I'm like okay okay all right I really didn't want to use this yet I really didn't I actually wanted to get caught by the principal now Jesus what were you doing here it's not funny man Ellen need one more I don't even know where it's at oh yeah this is a mistake they don't even know where it's out I'm gonna lose that three started all over the heck is this I hear everything you click on govt is hobby what the heck is Jovi's hobby I want to see the new guy where is he at I also want to know what the heck is the end of this game I know someone out there has already beaten this you Baldy fanatics you got some Baldy related but there's like Baldy there's only Baldy channels like Baldy like like content channels where they just make Baldy I know you've done past it already the final level is just like a poster confirming that Baldy is now part of smash that would be pretty epic raid so I'm just blocked in all sides at least Paul he can't get me right right unless he's arrow is probably aerodynamic with his bald head that would make a lot of sense I don't know what if we're bald what if we're not bald I don't know what if her Baldy son that's the real reason he wants to spank us we act it out every city it's the better than any back story we've ever got put in the game dang look at this I'm just like flying through this game I ain't going in the stupid libraries anymore this is the biggest waste of time alright I have a be soda I'm very confident in this one cuz if I use the B soda correctly then I should be able to pass this unless that happens of course of course okay alright just weave him away that's all I care about oh you see come around the corner he is he's kind of right around the corner alright well oh no I didn't want to do that I need to go over there right put him I put Baldy where I need to be well actually I don't know I haven't been down this way well but I don't think this is it the Ajax is right there no he's gonna tell for me now you can teleport us anyway yeah there's no getting away from that we're so screwed was this gonna take me Oh Mikey Lisa doesn't take it straight to ball of you now okay where are we oh we're right lips next to the exit actually may have been the best thing to ever happen boys dad oh it's one of these ways okay oh okay nope yeah still scary though okay this game makes you want to set my hair on fire oh I don't know am I help us oh damn we haven't done this in a long time we have a play this is so long I remember I thought this is gonna be there like the full game I remember that I can't tell if it looks it'd be different or nice more rehearsal the cloud cloudy wolf thing alright likes pieces what is that red thing over there I really want to know okay we got the bully just like stalking me weirdo just took a whole tree no it just says no just no no hey you get away he's blowing my fire only got two logs it's so pathetic [Applause] sound old person makes when they fart I'm sorry I'm trying to make the best of a worse situation here I mean look I got 18,000 points there's a lot of points right sounds like a lot yeah the fire is really warm you've earned these prizes okay well I got three items all right that's gonna help us BAM bout a boop bop hot pop never ego okay all right all right all right all right we could we could ought to be here Baldy Baldy dead I hope so that would be the best like honestly the best thing that could ever happen to anyone while he's dead congratulations the craps start dancing the mystery room has appeared I need to go to the mystery room I don't know where it's at though it sounds like a party but I think I'm about to beat the level you soon nine notebooks nine that's a lot of notebooks oh my god hey simple games what's up man simple games used to support me on patreon you made it man who is this that baldies daughter ball Deena imagine how that would suck when you have the wheel don't say never just leave those thoughts I mean sorta Oh ball these rules are broke it's just like my ruler I feel your pain Baldy I know I've never played a game that made you want to smash your toes of the hammer I mean of course I would never do that but like it just makes you consider it you know it's a viable option that's at some point okay there it is [Applause] while he got blood on his mouth what do you do you just turn off the lights he's busted some sweet moves though what does he do oh oh that's so creepy yeah so we saw him first in the birthday bash one so he just makes it dark he's basically it's like the fog but it said his dark so he tours the game to horror again got it got it all right I mean I don't really know what else to expect with this game but it's just it's just if you have the time if you love a challenge go play the game go buy the game for yourself it's Baldy it is Baldy except it's just very hard and my problem is I'm really bad and I have very low patience after six hours beating the regular game I just it's it does things to your mind and that's all
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 149,847
Rating: 4.9729104 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, baldi got a new character, baldi new character, baldi basics, bijuu mike, baldi update, beans, baldi beans, baldi new teacher, mrs pomp, mrs pomp baldi, bijuu mike baldis basics, new teacher, baldis basics plus, baldi full game
Id: vo34G9CrwJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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