The Nerf Olympics 1

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hello YouTube I'm Paul communicate films joined by Anna from goober media today we'll be bringing you the first ever nerf gun Olympics the first contestant is James representing nerf mega is known to love burritos and to have very very bad aim next we have Chris representing nerf n-strike elite Chris although not very skilled in physical combat is very good at calculations and you'll always see them with a notepad and calculator at his side and third we have Eva representing nerf rebelle now we don't know too much about Eva's performance however we do know that she has anger management issues and her actions are very unpredictable in the battlefield the scoring is going to be as follows for each challenge whoever gets first place gets three points second place gets two points and third place gets one point at the end of the five challenges whoever as the most points gets gold second most points get silver third most points gets bronze the first challenge is the cup pyramid each contestant will have to try to knock down the pyramid of cups first up we have James with a nerf mega Macedon as you see here James we're now walking up to the firing line now James may not have the best aim but he does have a lot of rounds and the chances of him hitting a cup or very high well James did manage to hit absolutely everything except for the targets next up we have Chris with nerf n-strike elite now it appears here that Chris is performing some very precise calculations it must be analyzed the most strategic Cup to shoot and the trajectory that it needs to accomplish that shot would you look at those calculations I have no idea what any of that needs oh now comes the calculator looks like he's analyzing his target path I think his calculations are now complete okay here comes Chris now stepping up to the firing line now Paul I can't tell you what the deal is with those glasses now here we have exclusive footage of the view from a scope as he tries to find the cup from his calculations that he believes will take down this pyramid his laser is now on for optimum accuracy looks like everything's lining up we'll see if his calculations proved to be correct wow did you just see that I I can't believe my eyes right now Paul well the shot was on target but the pyramid did not fall I have never seen anything like that before in my life as of right now he is heading back to consult his calculations he seems to be satisfied with his original calculations and it looks like he's going to be taking a second shot assuming he hits the same Cup that should be enough to bring it down Wow amazing his second shot does manage to take down the Cup pyramid ladies and gentlemen this is Cruz once a lifetime moment next up we have IVA with the nerf Rebelle IVA is now stepping up to the firing line Wow that shot just ricocheted off the cup and went right through the gap he does not seem very happy and the second shot is a miss Oh things seem to be hitting up now and another ricochet Wow now that folks is anger management it's no surprise that Chris is gonna take first for this one and I think second place is gonna have to go to Eva even though she didn't hit the cups she did actually knock them down by throwing her bow and well James seeing that he did not hit anything will take last place and moving on to the second challenge the three contestants will be heading out to the shooting range for this challenge each contestant has their own target whoever gets the most shots on target gets the most points looks like the contestants are now sighting in their targets unsurprisingly we now have Chris performing some calculations it looks like Chris is analyzing the bullets trajectory and calculating for windage it looks like the calculations are complete here he is taking aim as we see now it appears that Chris is adjusting his shot according to his calculations first shot Wow a direct hit it looks like his calculations paid off second shot another direct hit and now for his final shot next up we have James with the nerf mega century now it doesn't appear that James is calculating for wind and is aiming directly at the target and here's the first shot well that was nowhere near his target second shot and another miss and his final shot hopefully you can get it at least somewhere near his target oh wow it looks like the bullet ricocheted and hit him directly in the eye that's what happens when you absolutely suck and here we have Eva hopefully she can get some shots on target unlike the previous challenge uh-oh this could be bad here goes the second shot it doesn't appear that Eva's nerf gun has the range to make it to the target just a bit short oh this is not gonna be good and the final shot and there goes her nerf gun and here comes a tantrum appears now that she is storming off the shooting range wait that's my Jeep she even know how to drive uh-oh here she goes this is gonna be a rampage here we see you're driving straight towards the shooting range going in for her third pass I don't think there's gonna be anything left after this Chris will take first place for this performance James will take second place and Eva will take third because her shots were nowhere near the targets moving on to the third challenge we have the nerve Farina whether three contestants will be battling and hand-to-hand combat Eva looks very determined and angry for this one are those bite marks on James's sword it appears so and the battle begins and Chris's first move is to go for his calculator I'm not quite sure what he's calculating and here comes James with the drop for once James actually hit his target and now we're left with just james and eva facing off here goes James using class notes as a sheet uh-oh Eva just lost her sword just keep it off and here comes James and celli and that concludes the third challenge with James taking first Eva second and Chris third now for the fourth challenge each contestant will be customizing their own nerf blaster evil will be customizing the rebel corner shot Chris will be customizing the nerf strife and James will be customizing to mega Mastodon in leading off here goes Eva let's see what she can do a lot of attachments are flying out and it looks like she's finishing up here he or she comes it looks like all she did was add on a nerf modulus scope which hopefully that will help her out in the battle next up we have crisp the nerf stripe there's a lot of noise coming from back there he must be up to some serious customization and modding it looks like he's finishing up and here he comes with his finished blaster Wow that is simply amazing would you just look at that I've never seen anything like that before in my life now it's gonna be very hard for James to beat this I think Chris will be taking first place for this one well let's see what James can do the nerf mega Mastodon wait is that food appears so he various food items flying out from behind the wall looks like we have pudding the water bottle pepperoni Cheerios a little bit of everything he's finishing up now and up comes James let's see what he has it looks like instead of adding nerf attachments he just added snacks and food let's take a look first off we have a pickle in case he gets a little hungry I suppose is that a banana on a handgrip it appears so he must have added that for extra comfort looks like these are Malo in the barrel he better remember to take that out before the battle begins we got a slice of cheese on the side and a cup full of truck with chips with the whole pantry of food strapped onto his nerf gun it doesn't look like James will be losing this war did hunger now for this challenge Chris will be walking away with first place James with second place and Evo and third place now the moment you've all been waiting for the fifth challenge a nerf war between all three contestants using their customized blasters they've all built their own forts and they're ready to the battle to begin let the battle begin looks like James going straight for his pickle that looks like a tasty crunch now James is focusing his fire on IVA booming down goes james and eva takes first place for this challenge and here goes Eva's victory dance well the five challenges are complete and we're looking at the scores now looks like Chris will take home the gold with 11 points James will take the silver with 10 points and Eva will take the bronze with 9 points thank you for watching the nerf gun Olympics if you enjoyed this video be sure to leave a like and a comment and subscribe for future videos i'm paul for PDK films and I'm Anna from Gerber media and this concludes the nerf gun Olympics
Channel: PDK Films
Views: 38,276,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pdk films, pdkfilms, pdk, films, king kousky, king, kousky, nerf, nerf war, nerf wars, nerf star wars, nerf minecraft, nerf mod, nerf battle, nerf blaster, nerf arsenal, nerf video, nerf channel, united states, star wars, star, wars, minecraft, fun, funny, sports, battle, war, blaster, video game, game, gaming, credit card, money, million subscribers, million, subscribers, fps, first person shooter, nerf war 8 million subscribers, nerf war 9 million subscribers, nerf war 10 million subscribers
Id: 9uizYc2BIrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2016
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