If Water Fights Were Like Battle Royales

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[Music] there are 18 people nine teams only one team wins look to your left look to your eyes they're not wearing the same color as you they are your enemies what if you're dating someone on the other team boys are temporary winning is forever whoever wins gets eternal glory and you win this golden blaster the battle royale starts in three two one thank you thank you buzz driver thank you bus driver dude you forgot to thank the bus driver fine thank you bus driver it's better yeah thank you why don't we have any good blasters we have to get better blasters from chess let's go to blastotopia what are you insane everyone lands there because it has the most amount of checks the best players go there see my point i do i'm going in there [Music] [Music] i've been robbed [Music] well at least there's only one person [Music] man i just dropped here how'd you guys get plaster so quickly is how it always goes i land i get blasted and i'm out me too man me too [Music] yeah shiloh i've been down why did you tell me to go in there elijah i've been down i need to revive oh my goodness okay don't worry i have a medkit oh okay now don't get jokes [Laughter] oh he is just not gonna understand this i need another revive [Music] is it misting what even is the point of this blaster i don't know but it's kind of nice what about here why are we dropping here no we have to drop far away from everyone ah people are here don't worry i got this from blastertopia i have no idea what that is me neither so that's what that does so if i beat you in a fist fight i get to go back in there right no okay no more getting soaked not guts no rushing play a state so do you have another revive [Music] a rare blaster nice but that's mine but i'm holding but i opened the chest but i picked it up [Music] whereas after the map yeah we're seven miles away from everyone else okay i guess i haven't been the best so far but don't you worry i'm going to be the best buddy teammate you've ever seen i forgot i had a water balloon in my back pocket why would you keep it there in case of emergencies [Music] what are you doing sitting at friendly fire zone it's on i'm wet what's going on here i have to water the ground don't worry we're starting from the outside we're moving in every few minutes head for the center oh wait i forgot my midkit i'm just gonna pop over there and grab this look why you spraying me i have to water the grass you're doing this on purpose i need a revive can't you just go around fine what's the plan let's hide this is a great hiding spot i know let's just cut through this open area no don't the instant you go out there you're gonna get sniped by somebody out of nowhere relax we're not gonna get sniped look see nothing happened [Applause] [Music] man no one ever sees my best plays gotta build i need cover i need car got a build got a build yes this is perfect no building get out of there fine i can't do much with this little blaster don't worry i'll go melee on them is that a toilet brush yeah it's a water weapon give me that i need a bigger super soaker well the only other thing i have is this giant pre-built water trap that'll work micah look what i got from the chests oh my god don't worry micah i'll get her get her now uh oh is that the biggest water blaster ever made yep you can google it wow that really is the biggest water blaster ever sold dude i didn't even get to use it man it feels good to win black zootopia yeah it does [Music] judah we can't just hold a rope in front of a slip and slide and expect someone to run through and trip on it it's just bad planning never mind i like it oh we have walkie-talkies that can talk to our teammates hello josiah i'm right here micah there's a storm coming you've gotta move down why do you keep putting it back there in case of an emergency hey judah bubble vehicle we can use these across the pool okay micah there's a really good bush to hide and directly to your right your other right look down a little higher why would it be in the sky i don't know you're the one giving directions here directly to your right oh why didn't you say so why didn't you say so in my defense they looked like bushes no they didn't [Music] we got one yay were you seriously just sitting up there waiting for someone to come by well yeah you sit over the eggs huh wow you guys got out by a giant trap that was literally right in front of you that's embarrassing sebastian daniel have body armor our blasters won't do anything i have to get to the turret oh now oh no stop dancing making me feel worse [Music] it's the big one let's go we gotta go the final siren it's down to three teams come on you can make it i don't think i'm gonna make this one you've got this buddy but i can't do it without you yes you can yes you can i won't let you down well that was dramatic we were having a moment okay [Music] oh hi you hid until the final three the final three [Music] um uh oh my gosh in case of emergencies oh yeah [Music] bus driver says we can't go home until everyone's drive it's because he took me out so quickly i was the only one who could have beaten them [Music]
Channel: Shiloh & Bros
Views: 39,016,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerf, blaster, nerf blaster, nerf battle, gaming, video game, super soaker, super soaker battle, nerf game water, nerf super soaker, nerf film, fun, funny, nerf game, water blaster game, water blaster, real life, summer 2021, super soaker water, summer, water fight, shiloh, shiloh and bros, elijah nelson, shiloh nelson, battle royal, Battle royale
Id: 43uoiz0Ftvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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