The Mystery of Majora’s Mask’s “Aliens” (Legend of Zelda)

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[Music] [Music] in the early hours of the morning two days before the annual carnival of time a strange ball of light appears in the night sky above romani ranch a small farm in termina observed by nobody but romani herself a child the light darts back and forth across the sky moving with unnatural precision and speed then from this light shapes begin to descend haunting cloaked figures with empty glowing eyes slowly moving towards the farm who or what the creatures that arrive at romani ranch r is never explained and their invasion is one of the zelda series biggest mysteries they're referred to in various guides and official sources as ghosts or simply them and their only appearance in any game is on this night at romani ranch many aspects of majora's mask are largely unexplained it's one of the strangest most surreal games in the series but this invasion stands out as one of the most unsettling events during link's quest through termina so today let's have a closer look at the mystery of majora's mask's aliens upon first arriving at romani ranch on the first day we can find romani herself apparently playing with a bow and arrow she'll introduce herself and give link the name of grasshopper because of his green clothes she explains that she wasn't playing she was practicing practicing for tonight when they come according to romani every year when the carnival approaches they come riding in a bright shining ball and move towards the barn apparently because of the cows romani's older sister cremia doesn't believe her leaving her to defend the ranch alone however with link here romani has help she explains that the strange balloon floating near her is used for target practice as they are vulnerable to arrows later that night around 2 am romani sneaks out of her house and heads to the barn to protect the cows link remains outside waiting for their arrival at 2 30 am romani's claims are proven true a ball of light appears in the sky and a horde of creatures appear in the fields floating shapes with claw-like hands who begin to glide towards the barn using the hero's bow link can repel the invaders one arrow is enough to slay each ghost but another will directly take its place the assault continues until dawn when the sunlight appears to cause the beings to retreat the glowing ball of light reappears seemingly carrying them back to where they came from however if link fails to stop the creatures the invasion has a different outcome if they reach the barn then the glowing ball will move directly above it suddenly a beam of light shoots down tearing apart the barn's thatched roof and the creatures ascend taking with them the cows and romani herself before flying into the distance the next day the cows are gone but romani inexplicably returns to the ranch though she's not the same she's found running aimlessly around the field confused and mute and is asleep by 6 pm that night the next day she simply sits on a crate outside the ranch and will allow link to practice shooting the balloons but can't remember what this practice is for whatever happened to her after she was abducted by the creatures has damaged her mind she can't remember the invasion and holds her head in apparent pain romani ranch is run entirely by the two sisters ever since it was left to them by their late father it's never explained how he passed away but cremia explains that it's been a while since it happened their mother is never mentioned aside from the name of their house mama's house it's possible that this mama died at the same time as their father but if that's the case it's strange that she's not mentioned by cremia instead i think it's more likely that the girl's mother died or left a long time before their father hence why she's never mentioned at the risk of getting into speculation it's entirely possible that the girl's father and perhaps even their mother too was killed or abducted by these ghosts romani makes it clear that they've appeared at least one time before as she knows about the ghosts and how they attack she sets up the practice balloons around the ranch because she knows that they're weak to arrows and even draws up defensive plans in her bedroom detailing how she aims to defeat them so perhaps the girl's father who we know ran the ranch before his passing died protecting it against these invaders while many aspects regarding the ghosts aren't clear one thing is their target they all make a b-line directly for the barn and as soon as they reach it they proceed to abduct the cows and leave while romani is returned at some point after she's taken the cows are never seen again giving us reason to believe that stealing them was the sole purpose of the invasion the cows at ramani ranch aren't ordinary they're romani bread able to produce the special chateau romani this milk is not only implied to be alcoholic but also magical it provides link with unlimited magic power until he resets the cycle regardless of who these invaders are if they're at all magical in nature then stealing the cows whose milk has these magical properties is reason enough for the attack on the ranch a popular theory for the culprits behind the attack on the ranch blames the gourmand brothers rival farmers who envy the quality of romani ranch's prized milk the brothers are constantly trying to sabotage the sisters farm breaking bottles of milk terrorizing cows and even blocking milk road with a boulder to prevent cremia's deliveries to clock town on the second day if link has defended romani ranch from the ghosts he can help cremia deliver milk to clock town during this journey the gorman brothers wear garrow masks and chase the cart on horseback trying to destroy the shipment out of everyone it makes the most sense for the gorman brothers to be responsible for the invasion on the first day the ghosts specifically target the cows the prized cattle who make chateau ramani without them the ranch is worthless the fact that the brothers own garrow masks shows that they're connected at least slightly with darker more sinister powers than we'd expect from a group of criminals the garrow were once the rivals of the akana kingdom who now even in death continue to spy on the region notably the brothers reaction if link fails to defend romani ranch hints that they might know something about the invasion however this doesn't seem like something the brothers could organize they're definitely criminals who without second thought terrorize and sabotage their neighbors but i just can't see them being able to somehow summon these sinister creatures every year who appear from a ball of light near the carnival of time if the brothers somehow had the ability to call down an army of cow abducting ghosts why would they bother with plots like blocking the roads or smashing bottles or chasing down the cart they're selfish and nefarious sure but i think what happens on the first night is far more sinister and far more strange the creatures are based on the flatwoods monster a famous american alien sighting on the 12th of september 1952 around 7 15 pm something bright streaked across the sky above the town of flatwoods west virginia two brothers ed and freddie may along with their mum and a few other boys travelled to a nearby farm where they believed that the object had landed after traveling to a hill on the farm the group discovered to their horror that they were no longer alone they came face to face with a creature around 10 feet tall with claw-like hands and a head shaped like a spade the creature's eyes glowed with a sickly greenish-orange light and according to some sources it hissed at the group and began to glide towards them causing them to flee in terror it's since been concluded that the flatwoods monster may well have been a barn owl disturbed by the group and the bright object in the sky was most likely a meteor but regardless the description of the monster a tall gliding figure with a strange hooded head glowing eyes and claw-like hands perfectly matches the appearance and movement of romani ranch's ghosts even the glowing ball from which the ghosts appear fit with the story of this cryptid matching the supposed meteor spotted on the night of the 12th of september although not directly linked to the flatwoods monster the romani ghost's abduction of livestock is a trope commonly linked to aliens like this newspaper excerpt from the 70s regardless of whether or not they aim to steal the cows for their magical chateau romani the act of abducting the cows at all is directly because they're based on aliens they even lift the livestock from the barn via what appears to be a tractor beam in fact this connection is outright confirmed in a 2015 interview with a.g.l numa an interviewer from gamespot asks the zelda director one thing that felt very different from other zelda games was the section where you're rescuing romani ranch and its cows from aliens when i played this game as a kid i thought they were sent by the gorman brothers but replaying it now they were definitely just a weird alien-like presence what was the inspiration behind their inclusion to which aonuma replies really i'd never heard anything like your gorman brothers theory before i'll have to remember that but the reason we used this at the time was because japan was experiencing something of a ufo boom and it even went so far as for shows on tv to cover it and explain to people what cattle mutilation was so even to see words as scary as cattle mutilation on tv the idea of ufos abducting people led to this whole idea of earth being invaded by aliens becoming rather popular i thought that it would be really interesting and scary to use this in a game that's how we decided to go with that so romani ranch's visitors in the night are actually visitors travelers from another world inspired by ufo mania in japan during majora's mask's developments and modeled after a famous american alien sighting they weren't summoned by the gorman brothers at least not in the eyes of aonuma they're something else something completely disconnected from termina and its people this is supported by a photograph found at the stockpot inn in the 3ds remake a flying saucer above the trees and a sketch found in cremia and romani's room the same saucer flying above the ranch it's not clear when these were taken and drawn but considering that neither of them appear to be at night which is when the aliens appear every year it's possible that the beings have visited termina more frequently than we thought so to answer the question of who these creatures are what they want and where they're from the only actual answer we have is we don't know and we're not meant to they're not part of the rivalry between two competing farms they're not even connected to majora and its dark powers they're beings from beyond this world who we've never seen before and likely will never see again we'll never know what they did to romani after she was abducted just like we'll never truly know what happened to real people who claim to have been abducted by visitors during majora's mask's end credits we see romani and cremia at the ranch romani loses three arrows in quick succession taking out three practice balloons and cremia applauds even though link successfully defended the ranch from the invaders romani expects them to return next year as they always have but this time she'll be ready it seems that cremia might finally believe her and her skill with the bow is improving fast even though on the first night without link's support the aliens succeed romani now seems to have the confidence to face them without his help termina is a weird place a bizarre parallel world full of familiar faces worn by strange characters as alnumera puts it it's something familiar that has been warped in a very unusual and interesting way and it just so happens that in this weird land aliens exist not ghosts or disguised spies visitors from another world their purpose entirely unknown we don't know if similar beings exist somewhere beyond hyrule too it's possible but perhaps the existence of these beings is just one more strange thing about termina thanks for watching this video if you liked it leave a like or subscribe if you haven't already for more zelda content what do you think about majora's masks aliens what do you think they want with romani ranch's cows let me know in the comments down below cheers guys and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Zeltik
Views: 381,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda
Id: b5dW15vuHR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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