Majora's Mask Retrospective
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Channel: KingK
Views: 1,794,294
Rating: 4.833642 out of 5
Keywords: Majora's Mask Review, Zelda, Critique, Analysis, Majora's Mask 3D, 3DS, KingK, MM3D, HD, Commentary, Nintendo, Wind Waker Retrospective, Ocarina of Time Retrospective
Id: Zp5hNL5v54U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 41sec (2861 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2017
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KingK is underrated - he creates some seriously well put together content.
Good video. I agree with most if not all of his points.
I bought it day one for my 3DS as I'd never beaten it before but played it for maybe 6-7 hours way back in the day when I borrowed it from a friend.
Playing through it again I just couldn't get into it as much as OoT.
I Hate being rushed in games or anything so the timer aspect really bothered me no matter what I did ( even the songs that double or slow time).....
So aside from that I liked what it was but it still kind of feels like a really in depth side quest more than a full game.
I tried to play MM a few times but have really struggled to enjoy it as much as the others. I'm aiming to finish MM3D before BotW comes out. Beat the Stone Tower last night, so I'm almost done, but have had to force myself to finish.
"The game isn't just about fun, frustration is what the devs want." Sure, let's go into a Zelda game expecting to be stressed out about a time limit, that won't stray away a buttload of people!