The Mystery of His Will (Day 2 Evening) - Dr Abel Damina

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glory whoa amen praise god amen are you excited tonight left your right hands to heaven father we rejoice that we have this opportunity tonight to learn to be equipped to grow in knowledge and grow in green you you know mama censor used it three times and then brother john the beloved used it four times in the book of revelation brother paul taught with the same word in the book of ephesians chapter 3 verse 9 ephesians chapter 3 verse number 9 ephesians 3 and to make all men see what is the innonia of the musterion the fellowship the intimacy of the secret what is the fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world had been heed in god that is god decided that this is what i am going to do about my will and it was hid in god from the foundation of the world so it was not an afterthought it was the thought it's not like something to god by surprise that god is running to catch up no this was the wheel this was the intent this was the plan this was the purpose this was the idea this was the concept this was the design this was the architecture of god himself that this would be his will and then it was now concealed in a mystery not by god but by man's inability to decipher what was the intent of god so because man could not decipher the implant of god it was called a mystery not because god was hiding it god hides nothing god wants everything to be known okay but when man fails to know what god is communicating because of his capacity it is called a mystery meaning it is a waiting explanation that which is to be explained who created all things by jesus christ he created all things by jesus christ now so a vital question we're going to ask is what was he referring to what did he imply by the word mystery of his will these are the kind of meetings i like to attend you know the theme of the program was enough to bring me here the mystery of his will yeah yeah and these are the kind of things will be seen all over the world in different places because the church is moving out of uh out of the outer court into the holy place are you following what i'm talking about the church is moving out of you know die by fire who stole my wedding gown who stole my my promotion shoe the church is coming to the mystery of his will the church is coming to the glory of the latter house i feel like i'm teaching here the church is coming to the place of the authority of the believer power to reign in life am i talking to somebody here the revelation of jesus christ the unveiling of the believer the church is moving out from the outer court into the holy of holies the place where the believer belongs so god had an implant before the world begun and that intent was heed in god all right heed in god so the question is what did he imply by the term mystery of his will well brother paul taught the same word mystery repeatedly in ephesians chapter 3 from verse 1 to 5 ephesians chapter 3 from verse 1 to 5 for discuss i paul the prisoner of jesus christ for you gentiles next verse next verse for you gentiles if you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of god which is giving me to your word next verse how that by revelation apocalypses he made known unto me the mysterion by revelation he made known unto me the mystery as i wrote a four in few words next verse whereby when you read you may understand my knowledge where in the mystery this mystery that has been healed you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of christ so the mystery is connected to christ the mystery is tied to christ it's not the mystery of cheat worship it's not a mystery of anointing oil it's not a mystery of handkerchief it is a mystery that is tied to the person of christ whereby when you read you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of christ next first look at verse 5 which in other ages ages where moses was ages where elijah was his is where jeremiah was which in other ages even adam's ages part of it was not made known unto the sons of man as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets how by the spirit [Applause] revealed to us by the spirit for the spirit such at all things yea the things of god so the natural man cannot receive neither can he know them but god has made known unto us by his spirit the mystery of his will jesus speaking in john 16 12 says i have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now happy eat when you the spirit of truth is come he will give you the capacity to receive to understand to comprehend to decipher to buy into the intent of god by revelation when he the spirit of truth is come and the day you got born again you are born of the spirit of truth so within the believer is the capacity to get into the depths of god there are no deep things in god that are kept no the spirit of god in us excavates sarcasm the spirit of god in us discovers uncovers unravels the depths so even the hearing things in the heart of god are known to the born-again man there is no secret in god that the believer does not have access because you have the mind of christ you have the understanding of christ first john 5 20 and we know that the son of god is come and has given us an understanding that we may know him that is true and we are in him that is true this is the true god in full eternal life jacob are you still here are you still here so it is vital to know that brother paul taught that word mystery mystery mystery repeatedly in other letters for example in the book of romans romans chapter 16 verse 25 romans 16 25 now to him that is a power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of jesus christ the preaching of god adam didn't know it even moses didn't know it elijah didn't know it neither jeremiah ezekiel they didn't know it even david it was a mystery to them that's why the book of first peter chapter 1 10 11 and 12 says after they spoke they inquired after they prophesied they inquired and said but what are we seeing and they were searching that we are seeking but they are revealed to us by the spirit glory of god glory to god if you are getting me shout i hear you so brother paul explains in context what he implied by the revelation of the mystery look at verse 26 the explanation now of the same chapter 16 26 but now that mystery that was kept secret is now made manifest and by the scriptures of the prophets you know the scriptures of the prophets the old testament so the mystery that was kept secret is unveiled from the scriptures of the prophets so it's from the same books that they spoke that we are bringing out the secret that they could not see [Music] the same books that they spoke we are bringing out the revelation of the mysterion or the secret according to the commandment of the everlasting god made known to all nations for the obedience of faith now is made manifest and by the scriptures of the prophets in other words what paul was saying is that the revelation of the mystery was his explanation of christ [Music] what they call the revelation of the mystery was brought the paul's explanation of christ so the mystery was christ the mystery was christ now the revelation of the mystery was the explanation of christ in the polite theology the explanation of christ because in their books was christ concealed but the explanation of the concept christ which is the apocalypse is the revelation of that secret or the explanation of that mystery that was kept from the foundation of the world now revealed are you still here yeah if you find any difficult to catch up with me just speak in tongues very quietly just speak quietly because these things have by the spirit sometimes more is caught than taught you understand that the explanation of christ or the gospel of christ from the scriptures the gospel of christ from the scriptures which is the old testament which is genesis to malachi the explanation of christ that is what he calls the mystery of his will the explanation of christ is not whether god wants you to marry or a woman or african that's not the will we're talking about here we are talking about the subject matter the explanation of christ are we teaching good here the explanation of christ in the synoptic accounts our lord jesus taught with the word mystery in matthew 13 11 look at the way jesus will put it he answered and said unto them because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it is not giving talking about to those that are without in mark 4 11 jesus said unto you is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of god but but unto them that are without all these things are done in parables in luke chapter 8 verse 10 jesus said unto you is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of god but to others in parables that seem they might not see and hearing they might hear and not understand so when a mystery is spoken people hear it but they don't know what you're saying when a mystery is communicated people see it but cannot explain it that's why it is a mystery is something concealed that requires explanation please stay with me something concealed that requires explanation now observe matthew's account matthew 13 33 to 35 matthew 13 33 to 35 a lot of scriptures but very healthy for your defense of the gospel another parable puts fakie unto them the kingdom of heaven is like unto living which a woman took and heed in three measures of meal till the whole was living next verse all these things speak jesus onto the multitudes in parables and without a parable sparky not unto them are you still here without a parable next verse that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet saying i will open my mouth in parables i will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world i will open my mouth in parables and i will alter things that have been kept secret from the foundation of the world the word parable is a greek word paraboli all right now so even when jesus comparable it was still a secret the parable didn't make matters work best the main matters was so it was from secret to secrets that is why i said to them you cannot bear them now that's how people even people today preachers are confused when they read the parable of wise and foolish virgins they say it is end of time god will separate the foolish virgins from the wise one are you a wise virgin are you a foolish virgin do you have oily alarm give me oil in my love keep me burning are you without understanding the parable of the ten virgins was just see jesus saying see there are ten of you that is all of you put together are like ten five among you are wise five among you are foolish the wise ones are those of you who know that i have come the foolish ones are those of you that are still waiting for me to come that's all about that parable nothing more he wasn't talking about the end of times he was trying to reveal to them that the person you're waiting for has already arrived he's among you wise ones among you will know i am here the foolish ones don't know i don't know if you understand what i'm talking about then he gave them another parable i love jesus all the parables of jesus all of them we are his attempt to make them know that i am here all the parables there was no parable of jesus that is futuristic all of them were present as at the time he was here he talked about two people sleeping one shall be taken the other shall be left two people in the middle one it's not rapture he wasn't talking of rapture then he talked about as it was in the days of noah okay as it was in the days of now so shall be in the day of the son of man meaning now that i am here the way it was that day that those that we are taking we are those who believe those that were left behind i mean those that we are taking we are those that did not believe those that were left behind were those that believed see those left behind are those that believe those that are taken are those that did not believe because in the days of noah the people that perished we are those that did not believe the people that were left behind they are those that believe so what jesus is saying is those who believe that i am the savior and i have come they are the ones that are left with me those that don't believe in the messiah they are taken he was still talking about himself [Applause] i don't know if i'm communicating at all so when you read the parables don't look for future things look for what is going on now because all of them are pointers to his person because he is the misty he is the mystery now is he not the mystery he is the mystery now he is the mystery of moses he is the mystery of of of of of noah is the mystery of abraham moses spoke about the seed of the woman the seed of the woman you'll be looking for seed banana seed you'll be looking for a corn seed but when he was talking about the seed of the woman he was talking about christ but he spoke christ in a mystery because the seed falls to the ground and die and then when he germinates in mass produces that is jesus will die on his resurrection the roman spirit jesus so he used the word seed of the woman the bruising of the head of the serpent is dead burial and resurrection that through death he may destroy him that had the power of death which is the devil and having spoiled principalities and powers and the republic show of us try one thing over them in it am i talking to somebody here yeah so in the parables of jesus we are the mysteries of himself he was the mystery of moses the blood on the doorpost and when the angel of that shall see the blood it will pass over that blood on the doubles is jesus in your heart once christ is in you satan can do nothing about you the name of the lord is a strong power the righteous runs into it and they are saved he was the present serpent on the pole of moses as a mystery john chapter 3 verse 14 as mostly scripture of the serpent in the wilderness so shall the son of man believe that that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but half everlasting he was the ark of noah in a mystery everybody that entered the ark the flood did not kill them when you receive christ you are eternally safe he is able to say to the ultimate those who come to god by faith seeing he ever lived to make intercession for defense he was the mystery of the old testament communications now revealed to us by the spirit so christ is the mystery of his will christ is the will of god revealed christ is the will of god manifest christ is the will of god unveiled christ is the destination point christ is the end of discussion christ is the explanation of the scriptures search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life but they are dead which testify of me so jesus is the mystery of god's will jesus is the will of god manifest who will have all men to be saved who will the will who will have all men to be saved how do they get saved believe in your heart the lord jesus confess with your mouth that god raised jesus from the dead you are in that way so salvation is the mystery of his will because the bible is a theology the bible is a theology the theology of the bible is christology you didn't hear that the bible is a theology the theology of the bible is christology and the assignment of christology is soteriology [Music] the assignment of christology is soteriology so the primary sociology the theology of the bible is christology the the duty the assignment of christology is soteriology he shall save his people from their sins so that's the soteriology of christology which is the christology of theology [Music] without christology you have no theology you have no theology without christology any theology without christology is a lie no man can come to the father but by me i am the way not one of the ways he that has seen me has seen the father so the theology of the bible is christology you can't call yourself a theologian if you are not an advent christian-centric person because the crystal centricity of the bible is the unveiling of the christ all your theology is a waste of money and time if he did not arrive at christology there is no theology without christology [Music] and the explanation of christology is no mythology the explanation of theology is pneumatology pneuma pneuma breath the breath of god which is the spirit of god because when he is come he shall glorify me he shall take that which is mine and he will show it to you so mythology is the explanation of christology while soteriology is the assignment of christology while christology is the theology of the bible manhattan [Applause] are you still here are you still here that is why from genesis the scripture opens up with the mystery of his will from genesis 1 1 the bible opens up you don't want to miss tomorrow night it opens up with the mystery of his will how did moses teach it now remember genesis exodus lyricals numbers deuteronomy are moses teaching materials genesis exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy moses teaching outlines those are moses teaching notes because genesis is moses's promise of an exodus that is when moses was teaching the jews genesis he was using genesis to tell them of an exodus you remember he said to abraham your children shall be taken into slavery for 400 years that is the promise of an exodus and after that i shall bring them out so genesis is the communication of moses to israel about an exodus that was coming to them in the land of bondage [Music] those are moses teaching notes [Music] should i sell out or proceed so therefore when you read genesis it was moses explaining that captivity hasn't end so that's why he began in chapter one barashit elohim barat at the shamayim's letter that is in the deadliest pass in the eternity of the eternities elohim elohim created the heavens and the earth so moses opens up by using the analogy of heaven and earth to differentiate the fact that heaven and earth are not the same that heaven is a realm superior to the earth now so when jesus was teaching he quoted moses because he always began at moses so he says all power is given to me using moses's words in a heaven and on earth so jesus took his lecture notes from moses is what authenticates the teaching ministry of jesus he took his teaching notes from the prophets and that is how all the apostles taught because apostolic teaching is to unveil christ from the old testament using their teaching notes because it's one faith we do not invent we excavate we are not inventors we are excavators our job is to go into the old testament and excavate the riches of redemption we are not bringing new things no we are only going into what has been said to bring out what is there for you which those that were that had it could not see i'm teaching good. so therefore the theology of the bible is christology the crystal centricity of the bible is what authenticates it that the bible is one book one book genesis 2 revelation is one book it's not books it's called the prophecy singular so the bible carries with it a singular revelation deep prophecy the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy so the testimony of jesus is the spirit behind the prophecy of the scriptures the scriptures were not written they were spoken so they can be written and they were written so they can be spoken so beginning at moses because there are no new foundations [Music] no other foundation can any man lay than that which is laid christ jesus [Music] we have emotional world of prophecy no prophecies we have one prophecy the bible is one prophecy that's why it's authentic 40 men in different centuries born at different times wrote the bible and when their materials were collected together it was saying the same thing a singular revelation is what authenticates the bible because if it is from god it should be the same across the centuries it's only a lie that changes truth is consistent so what gives the bible authenticity it's consistency that's why the entire bible is the prophecy no prophecy of the scripture is of any private origin interpretation means origin for holy men speak as they were moved by the holy ghost so the holy ghost moved men and those men spoke and what when they spoke across centuries and ages and none of them met the order when they collected the books together all of them said the same thing 66 books saying the same thing that's what makes it authentic [Music] it's not as if somebody came and spoke something different no no all of them were speaking the same thing the eunuch said the the philippines said to you look understand this doubt what doubt he does he said how can i except some man should guide me and he began at the same scripture he didn't say let's leave it let's look for it wherever you're reading from is christ there anywhere you open is christ there anywhere you see the whole bible is his book am i teaching you tonight sabodaga when you want me to cross do like this i will close you know last day we almost had an all night service right you remember oh you have forgotten i remember shut up remember i will open my mouth in parables i will alter things which have been kept secret from the foundation so it is not new things don't let anybody insult our sensibility by saying we are bringing a new revelation no this is the revelation no i'm not preaching a new message i'm preaching the message that they fail to preach what are you talking about no no it's not a new revelation the age of your life doesn't make it rude it is done like that cover the revelation so we have found him you can't deceive us again don't let us knew revelation what we are preaching is not new it was there from the foundation of the world let me tell you something anybody that doesn't preach this message will get drier and drier they will get drier and drier until they will not know what to say that's why people are breaking out everywhere they are breaking out everywhere dr damien as soon as i started hearing you i stopped going to my church as soon as i started hearing you i cannot hear another preacher why when jesus shows up moses and elijah must disappear this is the day of jesus somebody shout i hear you you cannot put moses and elijah and jesus in the same church no no it's only jesus we're here they will continue to get drier and drier [Music] if any preacher that does not preach this message will be punished ideally he will be punished severe in our lifetime in our lifetime don't preach christ your frog jump has just started don't preach christ i met a bishop somewhere i said dr damien i hate you i said why wouldn't you you say i hate you i say why wouldn't you why won't you if you don't hate me then i'm not walking why wouldn't you hate he thought i would say why why wouldn't you after a while he said you are making old men to go back to school you are making old men to go back to school yes study to show yourself unto god a workman rightly or to premiere [Applause] that day is gone that day is gone when a preacher will scratch his head and enter the pulpit and say i declare i decree that day is gone what are you declaring and be shut up my friend if you don't have what you say go and sit down let a new convert that has something to say take the microphone these are the days where people will praise these gods from everywhere if you don't know what to say shut up the prince of preachers spot john said if you don't have enough jesus in your message shut up and go and sit down any diet that is not christ is an abuse of your sensitivity from the foundation of the world has been what it was just kept secret from the foundation of the world i will open my mouth i will alter the things in secret i will speak parables that were healed from the foundation of the world the word foundation is a greek word cataboli cataboli k-a-t-a-b-o-l-e cataboli it implies conception foundation it implies conception from the conception the foundation then there is another phrase things which have been kept secret things which have been kept actually from one word it was translated from the greek word crypto k-r-u-p-t-o crypto it implies concealed or something hidden and if you observe verse 35 jesus was teaching from the book of psalms verse 35 of that matthew matthew 13 35 look at it that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet which prophet david david i will open my mouth in parabolas so they be prophesied concerning the teaching ministry of jesus that the teaching ministry of jesus will be parables david spoke eons before jesus showed us and when jesus showed up he could not speak to them other than in parables because that's what the prophecy said am i teaching good the book of psalms i can show you psalm 72 i mean 78 verse 1 78 verse 1 psalms give here all my people to my lord incline your ears to the words of my mouth verse 2. 2 i will open my mouth in a parable i will utter dark sayings of old are you watching that next verse next verse which we have heard and known and our fathers have told us next verse we will not hide them from their children we will show them to the generation to come the praises of the lord and his strength and his wonderful works he had that he had done next verse five for he established a testimony in jacob and appointed a law in israel which he commanded our fathers that they should make them known to their children observe the word observe this word quickly number one of old phrases we have to demystify before i leave you tomorrow of all number two our fathers number three dark saiyans number four parables those are the key words in those five verses number one of old number two our fathers number three dark saiyans number four parables the phrase of old was translated from the hebrew word with them quote them q-e-d-e-m of all killed them which implies the front the front or of place often used adverbially before ancient eastward at four times at four times before it also implies history of foundation the word was taught several times in the book of psalms for example psalm 44 verse one we have had with our ears oh god our fathers have told us what what doubt did in their days in the times of all of the old another word there is our fathers the phrase our fathers was seen in moses is writing genesis 46 34 genesis 46 34 how many of you observe that in excesses exigencies words of scripture are interpreted by scripture that's what we call exigencies i can say of old and begin to say as old as you are as old what are you talking about stop dancing are you talking to a villager when we say of old we have to go to the bible to find out the meaning of old it's not english that's what we call exigencies it's not english stop thinking english when we say old it is because you're thinking english that's what when you hear in my father's house i marry merchants you think they are building in heaven because you're using english understanding no he's not talking about houses in my father's oil care there are many more nails that is in my father's family [Music] in my father's household are many dwelling places then he now says the father dwells in me so he is a father's house and all of us are there because there are places so in christ and many dwelling places he wasn't talking of a construction he was talking about we in him if any man be [Music] but he used parables so that's why you find out that when i say a word i take you through scriptures to show you how it was applied so we can bring out the meaning by letting scripture interpret itself that's what we call sound bible teaching it's not in sigis this is xc xc is when the bible speaks to you from outside in sea is when you force your nuances on the bible that's adulteration that's abuse of scripture that's poisoning god's people so when we say our fathers we go to where it was used genesis 46 34 that he shall say thy servants trade have been about cattle from our youth even until now but we and also our fathers that we may dwell in the land of goshen for every shepherd is an abomination so moses similarly talked to the phrase our fathers and you will see it in the book of exodus many times our fathers is not the same with our father our father we chat in heaven no at sundry times in diverse manners the prophet spoke to the fathers not our fathers not ours our fathers were not there they were not even born you can read that from exodus chapter 3 from verse 6 to 15 you will see many our fathers our fathers the god of our fathers the god of our fathers you'll see a lot of it now so that statement i will open my mouth in a parable i will utter that saiyans of old was in reference to the book of genesis the book of genesis now the word dark saiyans dark saiyans was translated from the hebrew word which implies questions or rhetorics yeah rhetorics questions like re-do-re-do re-do-re-do i am something i go to school every day but i'm not a student what am i saying school bus lunch box [Music] uniform you see so what are we doing we're doing reviews so reviews involve asking of questions so the bible the old testament was written with rituals that's why you will hear questions seeking answers who had believed our report and to whom is the arm of the lord revealed no answer is a riddle that's why the old testament must be explained you can read it hook line and sinker when you are reading the old testament you must know that you are going to be reading reviews idioms figures of speech symbols oxymorons you read all of those figures that's why therefore the old testament must be explained because of the nature in which it was written that's why it is called a mysterion that's why it's called a mysterio that's a mystery the old testament is a mystery so that's why when people read i kill it and make it alive and they say god kills and make a life they are just victims of lack of understanding how can you be the one killing and the one making alive are you trying to prove a point god has no point to prove to who who is improving the point who let me close go and chew come back tomorrow somebody said to me somewhere dr damina what is the name of god he has no name god has no name now [Music] god has no name i'm not joking god has no name you know why you have a name to distinguish you from others [Music] to distinguish you from others that's what you have to mean but when you're in a class where there are no others you have no name [Applause] i want to close this house the reason why your name is pastor dan is so that when we say pastor dantutu you come out we know that we're not talking to everybody because there are others here that's why you have the name if there was nobody else here if i say you you know you're the one i'm talking to but if i come here and i'm saying you everybody is you so that's why [Music] i have distinguished him god is in a realm where nobody else is there so that's why he doesn't have the name moses my name is i am is i am in him [Music] is i am a name i am that i am is that a name that's a sentence that's not a name that's an explanation that is i am whatever you want me to be that is within his ability to be father ability to the son ability to be holy ghost i am whatever you want me to be stand up let's close the service [Applause] that's why the only name jesus could give him his father father father is not a name father is responsibility father means source father means sustainer father means provider as i mean no my sustainer my provider that's not a name that's a declaration of responsibility you can't name him the old testament people tried to name him and they failed all the time jehovah nisi he's not only nisi so somebody comes and says i only need you so i see jiren another person said i see makkadesh all the different descriptions could not fit jesus came and said save yourself distress father a declaration of responsibility are you blessed tonight come early tomorrow i want to start on time i have many things to say to you and you will be at it [Music] yes come on time i have many things to say to you say and i will be at it get here on time i like to start preaching between six and six thirty so i can push many things out because you come here somebody shout i hear you say i have revelation see god has revealed to me the mystery of his will in a person his name is jesus i am in his will i am in christ his will is in me christ in me the hope of glory i thought somebody we shall glory father i pray for everybody under the sound of my voice tonight that this truth will resonate with our understanding thank you lord that revelation increases knowledge increases the light shines darkness gives way your people are built up your people are built up and equipped to be able to defend the truth of the gospel and we rejoice we give you praise in jesus name and every believer says a powerful amen when i preach the word of god i give an opportunity give an offering the reason we do that is because one of the ways to prove that you understand what we're teaching is giving giving his response responds to the labor of god's word and responds to the understanding of god's word when you give after the teaching of god or what you're saying is i am filled thank you thank you that's number one number two i want more people to hear this here's my money let me alone not hear this let's get it out for more that's what we give that's the second reason why we give number three the labor of this world is beautiful and the laborer cannot be muzzled so since you labeled to bless me i bless you man that's why we give when we hear the teaching of god what is not a ritual we are not ritualists it's revelation it's revelation it's like you go to a restaurant and eat good food and stand up and say wonderful wonderful i'll be back tomorrow the kind of police that will carry you because you do not muzzle the ox that traded out the car not because i desire a gift nobody is looking we are not lobbying your pockets but fruits that will abound to your account that's what we give so that when you are giving don't give us if you are giving to a leper as if you are giving to a beggar on the gate now give like you're giving to royalty because that's exactly what you're doing i could never repeal it [Music] i could never repay no matter how much i give i could never repay but from my heart i want to say thank you hallelujah the proof of understanding listen carefully the proof of understanding is responsibility a man that has not become responsible for the gospel has not understood you know when we say we don't pay tight people think we're preaching stinginess no we don't pay tight means what we give is bigger than tight is a higher calling is higher calling that we henceforth not live for ourselves but for the one who died and gave himself so we lay down our lives we lay down our resources we lay down our monies i do not teach irresponsible christianity by any means because it is unapostolic and it is unscriptural we give radically in this kingdom radically radically we give we give like money has no value because when we're concerned it's only value is bringing value to men glory to god i don't know i have to explain those things tonight but it's critical we're going very far and this ministry requires a lot of money the liars have already lied and collected too much money we cannot lie so we teach our people to be responsible to give so we can match their lives with truth anywhere they are lying when empowered there and shine the light we are already every day about 11 to 12 hours 12 hours every day for one year plus now 12 hours on radio that's not change that's money now in acquirement people go to church and ask their pastor's question excuse me sir that thing you're saying is not correct explain it again why we are matching them we are matching them nara for naira dollar for dollar pound for pound use money to shut them out of the gospel we are using money to open it say i will break money say i will make money [Music] said very loud say it louder for this gospel to reach the ends of the earth i didn't hear good amen listen listen it's not about cars no we have dived to cars we have died to eat we are not aware whether cars exist bring 9-1-1 i will enter bring kenner pep i will enter last week last week last week as i came back from kenya into lagos from nairobi just this last week one traffic that i don't know where they sent it from just blocked me between the international and local airport i was in traffic for two hours and the traffic was not moving and my flight just had one more hour for takeoff i told you never stopped those two motorcycles quickly those two he called the two i put my boxes on one i climbed one i saw yeah healing i was enjoying fresh air oh i was so happy i was so happy i climbed my shin to the airport as i came down i was playing people are greeting me yes yes yes yes okay i don't go follow globe about this aircraft at my age to miss flight is an insult it's an insult of my age to miss flight i want to enter that plane now call mama i say that machine i use enter display mama says stubborn man i said so now so we see him i know how to abase i know how to appear [Applause] i know how to drink curry and i know how to eat fried rice in whatever state i find myself i am content things don't define me christ defines me i am what i am by the grace of god see i hear you godliness with contentment is great for it is certain we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we will take nothing out of this one therefore having food and remnant let us deal with the content [Music] amen amen no pressure we are impressing nobody we are not even aware you are there amen get a good offering tonight let's give good offering if you are making a check make it out in the name of this ministry i want you to bring out a good offering tonight let's give this banking details on the screen for those of you that want to do bank transfers glory to god the mystery of his will chateau balaya cabaret care i couldn't wait to get to this service i told you right now i couldn't wait to get to this house thank you jesus stand up with your friends father pray for everybody giving tonight that your people give with joy our offerings are sweet smell and the blessing is upon this house in jesus name every believer says amen
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Keywords: abel damina, abel damina sermons, soteria season 8, 30 days of glory 2021 dr abel damina, 30 days of glory 2021, abel damina ministries international, abel damina 2021, abel damina prayer, dr abel damina, dr abel damina teachings, dr abel damina sermons, dr abel damina live, dr abel damina the book of revelation, abel damina why things happen, abel damina tongues, abel damina on marriage, abel damina salvation, abel damina wisdom for living, abel damina messages
Id: NFE1uiTmUto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 59sec (3539 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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