The 9 Bluey Episodes That Will Make You Cry a Lot 😢

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foreign [Music] can you even imagine how the show Bluey that blue dog from Australia can make you cry intensely because it's so touching and emotional just like in the episode camp where Bluey befriends another puppy named John Luke from Canada who speaks French even though she doesn't understand what he's saying they enjoy playing together and having fun just like we all did with childhood friends however Sean Luke has to go back to Canada and he can't tell her because she doesn't understand his language hi more huh I'm not really sure what you're talking about the next day Bluey asks her mom about her friend and her mom sadly tells her that he's gone at that moment Bluey goes to the place where they used to play to hold on to memories of her friend who's no longer there her mom tells her to remember the good times they had and talks about the possibility of them meeting again someday to make her happy and cheer up her little daughter just like in bluey's life sometimes friends stay in our lives for a while and then they have to go away this scene surely makes anyone extremely sad especially if it has happened to you too seriously it's heartbreaking the good part of bluey's story is that indeed years later she and John Luke meet again under the same tree where they both planted it this touches the emotions of anyone hello Bluey [Music] this is just the first of the nine heart-wrenching Bluey scenes today another moment that literally breaks anyone's heart is when Bluey and her younger sister Bingo have to go through an extremely painful experience when we're little it's quite common to share a room with our younger siblings or if you're the youngest with your older sibling we get used to it as it becomes part of our life just like you did between Bluey and her younger sister Bingo what we think would be a moment of Freedom often turns out to be one of the loneliest moments in life as we start missing the person we used to spend every night with just like blue in Bingo they start exchanging affectionate and heartfelt messages as they miss each other dearly when the two are finally in their own rooms the mother asks Bluey why she can't sleep and that's when she Whispers something in her ear we can't understand what she says but it's clear she's saying that she needs her little sister to sleep so the mother lets her write one last note foreign and in the end we see the Two Sisters sleeping together embraced one last time with a note on top of the covers Bluey has several friends and one of them is McKenzie a Border Collie puppy with black and white fur the problem is in the space episode something extremely sad happens McKenzie starts distancing himself from his friends but not out of malice or anything like that it's because he starts feeling afraid that they will abandon him and this is because he's felt a lot of insecurity since the day he went down the slide and his mother wasn't there mom mom [Music] in other words McKenzie has a kind of post-traumatic stress and in order to feel secure he revisits that day when he felt abandoned to finally have certainty through a conversation with his teacher and friend that won he will never be alone and two he doesn't need to keep remembering that day he felt abandoned as it's detrimental to him as it was all just a misunderstanding this makes him stop distancing himself from his friends and realize that being close to them is much better than being isolated there she is Mackenzie you know what's here now you don't need to keep coming back to this place what's really amazing about Bluey is that the show doesn't just address the emotions of kids and teens but also those of parents and the truth is none of us would be here watching this video now if it weren't for them who made it possible for us not only to exist but also to be fed clothed and well taken care of and chilly Louie's mother in the episode baby race goes through a deeply significant and emotionally intense moment she begins recounting a story from the past when Bluey was just a tiny baby learning to crawl as she interacted with other moms and their babies doubt crept in about her mothering abilities then her friend pays her a visit and says words that resonate deeply with enter and tears fill her eyes and there's something you need to know what you're doing great she comes to realize that she couldn't Rush the stages of her little Buff's life and begins to trust that she's a good mother doing everything she can to ensure her daughter develops in due time in that same episode there's another part that can make any mother cry a lot after feeling down but hearing words of encouragement from her friend chili starts feeling better about herself and blew his developmental process and then when she least expects it what she intensely desires with all her heart happens witnessing her little one take her first steps this magical moment unfolds maybe you just saw something you wanted returning to the topic of sleep another episode called bedtime tackles another challenging and potentially very sad theme this time it focuses solely on Bingo Louie's younger sister who yearns to become a big girl who can sleep in her own bed alone after closing her eyes Bingo has a dream inspired by the solar system her mother had been reading to her before bed this dream provides her with just what she needed to help overcome her fear of sleeping alone and she bits farewell to her stuffed toy Forever by the end of the episode we see bingo in her own bed having succeeded and sleeping alone finally conquering her fears thank you in one episode a heartwarming event occurs again this time involving bingo in her early school days there's a shy classmate named Lila while playing bingo invites Lila whom she doesn't yet know to join her game of tag at this moment they start laughing and playing together [Music] wind wind blind and a timeline is shown where they simply become best friends photos depict moments they shared over the following years including graduating school together Randy is Bluey and Bingo's maternal Aunt Chili's older sister they hadn't seen each other for four years Chile explains to her pups that their aunt dearly wishes for something she unfortunately cannot have a scene shows Brandy playing with Bingo who's dressed as a Jaguar Bingo then runs away from her ants Embrace at this moment we understand that what Brandi most Desires in the world but can never have is to have her own pups just like her sister did Chile explains that unfortunately this is something that can't be changed it must be accepted seriously Brandy's expression and the background music are absolutely heart-wrenching it's impossible not to be moved with empathy in such a moment why can't she just have the things she wants [Music] meant to be to close on an emotional note the children in Chile go on a stroll with Grandpa he's aged in frail but he insists on playing with his granddaughters just as he used to do with his young chili hiding in the same places and playing the same games in the end as they all Gather By a lake chili reminisces as she sits next to her father about how he used to bring her there when she was a child and how many years have passed but he says it was just yesterday and we see an image from the past with young Chile sitting beside her father on that same Pier by that same Lake that was a long time ago tonight it was yesterday this illustrates that Grandpa's time is Drawing Near to its end as he appeared tired throughout the episode for adults this is an emotional and poignant moment as it shows how life can be both long and as we age memories become shorter and more immediate especially the cherished memories of moments spent with those we love and who love us so these are the nine touching and Incredibly moving scenes from Bluey that can melt even the toughest heart drop a comment down below letting us know which one stirred your emotions the most also make sure to subscribe to the channel so you won't miss out on the upcoming videos until next time bye bye
Channel: CineWave
Views: 157,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3U5VccVO8j8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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