The Case of Lori Erica Ruff | What Dark Secret Was She Hiding?

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well hey guys welcome back I hope you're all having a wonderful start to your day word of warning before we get into today's case but I feel like the lighting is going to be a little inconsistent today because it's a bit cloudy so there'll be times when it looks like this and it's all nice and then all of a sudden very quickly it's gonna get really dark and Moody when the clouds cover the Sun but today's case is really interesting because it is technically there it goes already dramatic effect but today's case is a really interesting one because this is a solved case but the kind of case that it is and the way in which it was solved actually leaves me more confused than before it was solved so I'm really looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this one I can't wait to just catch up and chat about this one in the comments because honestly my mind is all over the place and I have questions before we do get into it I just quickly want to thank today's sponsor care of for making this video impossible if this is not your first time on my channel then you already know I love care care of I have been using them for years and years and years now to get my vitamins and my collagen but if you haven't heard of them first of all where have you been second of all they are a vitamin subscription service you can either choose your own vitamins based on what you know works for you or maybe if you've been recommended something like I get iron in my monthly subscription service because the doctor recommended I take that because I am iron deficient otherwise if you're having trouble deciding you can take a quick quiz on the care off website it just asks about like your diet lifestyle health goals that sort of thing and then it recommends some products based on your answers and you can also retake this quiz whenever you want as your goals and your needs change and it will sort of evolve with you and it honestly is the best thing because you get all of your vitamins for the month in this cute little box here and you get a packet for every day with your vitamins for that day in it and so for me it really helps me to actually remember to take my vitamins before I started using care of I used to have iron tablets and you know obviously the iron tablets come in these like ugly little bottles and so I would hide them because I didn't want them on the counters because they were so Dreadful and I never ever took them ever so I don't have that problem anymore not to mention the little packets that they come in for every day are made with a plant-based film so they are compostable you guys can actually get 50 off your first care of order if you use the code Bella F50 so make sure you guys check that out I will leave all of the information in the description box down below and let's go ahead and get in today's case so today we're going to be talking about the case of Lori Eric Kennedy she was born on the 15th of October in 1968 so by 2003 she was 35 years old and she had moved to Dallas Texas where she met a man named John Blakely Ralph at the Northwest bible church and they hit it off right away John actually went by Blake probably because his father was also named John and his mother was Nancy and they were a very prominent family in East Texas very well off they owned a bank and a real estate company and you know they belonged to a country club that sort of thing and Blake's paternal grandparents had also set down Roots during the oil boom of the 1930s so just very wealthy folks very well respected in their community and they were a very tight-knit family as well so when they heard Blake had a new lady they were very excited to meet her and they organized a lunch but first impressions were not great and the roughs were suspicious of Lori right from the jump they said she was very evasive and distant when they asked her questions about her past and her family pretty much all she told them was that she was an only child she had no living relatives both of her parents had passed away and she didn't want to elaborate she also did say that she skipped high school and went straight to college which is a bit odd to me because I didn't know are that you could actually go to college or university without getting a high school degree first you learn something new every day I guess and obviously I wasn't there for this meeting but I just feel like based on what I've read about the meeting if somebody has no family no living relatives their parents have passed away I think it's totally fair to not want to open up like I just didn't see how that was weird or evasive or suspicious I can see how that would be a source board that someone doesn't want to open up and talk about especially on their first time meeting somebody I mean maybe Laurie was kind of acting a certain way with her answers and that's why they were suspicious of her but like I said I wasn't there so I guess it's just one of those things we just really won't know how that kind of played out to make them suspicious of Laurie how they were acting if they were overreacting or if Laurie really was acting kind of funny about it and you know also they were very protective of over Blake they were protective over all their children and they had money so they didn't want anyone coming and kind of using their children for their money they describe Blake as like this very honest very easy going guy who takes everything at face value and Blake as well he had a twin brother named David and he kind of followed in David's footsteps I guess he would just follow his lead do what he did he would even let David speak for him sometimes like David bought a black Tahoe so Blake bought a black Tahoe and when David joined a church Bible study class and met his wife Blake joined I guess a Bible study class and that's where he met Laurie his you know future wife this woman that he wants to marry and this could all just be another reason why they were a little bit apprehensive about Laurie at first because of the way that Blake is he takes everything at face value and he assumes that everybody else that you can take everyone else at face value as well you know what you see is what you get sort of thing when that's not really the way the world Works Blake's brother-in-law miles actually said that Blake didn't really have much of an inner monologue either like he wasn't the type of guy to just overthink things like if you said something to him he just believed you meant it exactly as you said it that there were no kind of hidden undertones because that's how he spoke to people like he would just say what he was thinking there would be no undertones no hidden agendas and he just thought everybody else was like that too like there was just no kind of ulterior motives and so when Laurie didn't want to open up about her past he didn't question it he just assumed she didn't want to talk about her past and he didn't press it and she had actually told Blake at one point that she had burned everything from her childhood like all pictures that she had from her childhood because she didn't want to remember it and Blake was very much in love with Laurie you know who Laurie was as a person not with Laurie's past so if she didn't want to open up about it and it was a sensitive topic for her then that was fine by him because he wasn't marrying her past he was marrying her and you know while his parents and his family were protective it's not like Blake was a dumb guy like he was smart he went to University and got a Bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Texas and he then went on to study Telecom management at another University and then by all of the time that this was going on he was working as an account manager for Verizon so he was smart he can make his own decisions about his love life and his decision was that he wanted to be with Laurie and he wanted to marry Laurie it was very much a case of Opposites Attract with Blake and Laurie because Blake was this very quiet very shy guy you know sometimes even letting his brother speak for him his twin brother speak for him which I still find odd I mean there's a point in this case where his twin brother speaks for him in just like wrong place wrong time I think like it was just a really weird situation and we'll get into that and I can't wait to see if you guys find it as weird as I do but anyway on the other hand Lori she was very strong-willed opinionated and she was also a vegetarian which blank definitely was not not super relevant but you know just kind of goes with the Opposites Attract sort of thing their relationship moved very quickly and they eloped they were married by January 2004 they eloped in a church just outside of Dallas and the only person in attendance at the wedding was the officiating priest so not even Blake's parents John and Nancy or his twin brother David were invited and so Nancy I guess she was a little bit upset about it and she wanted to be able to announce it in the newspaper to say that her son and Laurie had gotten married and when she brought it up with Lori Lori was like look I really just don't feel comfortable with that I'm a very private person so you know please don't which probably only heightened Nancy's suspicions unfortunately because for some reason she just felt like Laurie was really secretive about her past and she was hiding something so the fact that she doesn't even want her name or photo in the newspaper I think just kind of made Nancy that much more suspicious on her and then to drive that wedge even further right after Lori and Blake got married Laurie actually convinced Blake to move away 1.5 hours away from where he and his family lived in Longview Texas to a small town called Leonard which was still in Texas and they bought a two acre property there and when I say Leonard is small I mean small they have a population of about 2 000 people so it's the kind of place where everyone knows everyone but Laurie and Blake largely kept to themselves and they still kept very private Blake did try to be neighborly and try to be friendly with people around town but Lori was very closed off she wasn't very sociable the neighbors actually said that the only time that they would see her was in the evenings and they would see her just kind of like walking the perimeter of her property avoiding eye contact with people which you know does sound a little bizarre another neighbor named Danny Garena said that in the in the entire six years that he lived next to Lori and Blake he actually only socialized with them once because as he described it they lived in kind of their own little cocoon and no one saw Lori at all during the day because she worked from home so she just wouldn't go outside at all during the day and she worked at home she said she was like a marketing consultant but mostly she worked as a mystery shopper which I'd actually never heard of a mystery shopper before this but basically it's where you hire somebody the miss you hire the mystery shopper to go into a retail store or a restaurant or wherever ever it is and they just act like a normal customer and they kind of take in and take note of the customer service experience that they are receiving and they'll report back to whoever hired them so almost immediately after Lori and Blake moved out to Leonard they began trying to start a family because Laurie wanted more than anything to be a mother and unfortunately over the next four years they really had some fertility struggles and Laurie did unfortunately suffer a few miscarriages and Blake's family judged her for that like they were really looking for any reason to find this woman suspicious instead of being heartbroken for their son and daughter-in-law experiencing these miscarriages and losing a child that you know Laurie so badly wanted they took it as an opportunity to question her and say well maybe she wasn't 35 when she told us she was 35 maybe she was older and she's lying about her age and that's why she's having these miscarriages because she's older than she says she is like it's just really sad it seems like they were just judging her for absolutely everything even when she was going through probably one of the hardest experiences she's had to go through and instead of being there and kind of supporting them through this they're sitting there judging her and accusing her of lying about her age thankfully after four years in 2008 Laurie was able to conceive through IVF and gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl and her and Blake were just so happy one of the things Laurie really enjoyed was tea like dressing up and being able to go out to tea so she would always take her daughter to tea and actually after having her daughter Laurie requested a Christmas present for herself she wanted an Easy Bake Oven because she just loved that sort of thing she loved baking she loved the little Easy Bake Ovens she love going out to tea and getting dressed up and you know her and her daughter would go out to tea and they would take this really cute little mother-daughter photos together and they were just really happy but it did drive an even further wedge between Lori and Blake's family Laurie was extremely protective over her daughter and she wouldn't let Blake's mother Nancy babysit she wouldn't even let her be alone with the baby which Nancy was kind of offended by because she was like you know we're all baby people here this is our ninth grand baby we love them of course we're gonna care for them so she just didn't really understand especially because Laurie would spend kind of all of this time looking through the rough family's genealogy and she would look into their old Family Recipes but then when Blake would bring her to Longview for like family events and that sort of thing Lori wouldn't really interact with them like when all the women would be in the kitchen kind of talking and cooking and catching up Lori would go off and have a long nap so that she didn't have to socialize with them and interact with them which can I just say I get like they have never been accepting of this woman from day dot they have judged her they've been suspicious of her they've doesn't seem like they've spoken nicely about her at all in the entire time they've known her they've made her feel uncomfortable and welcome they've questioned her and everything that she has done screw a long nap I would not even be going if I was her I completely understand where she's coming from because they've never made her feel included they've always made her feel like she's on the sidelines like she's on the outs I mean personally I just don't really think you can judge your daughter-in-law for not wanting to hang out with you or chat with you or be a part of your family when you have done nothing but make her feel unwelcome question her say she's suspicious saying she's hiding something saying she's with Blake for the money no wonder she doesn't want to hang out with you guys and no wonder she doesn't want her kid to hang out with you guys if this is how you've made her feel from the moment you met her over the next two two years the rift between Laurie and Blake's family just kept growing and by Father's Day in 2010 Blake just couldn't take it anymore and so he just up and left and moved back in with his parents and filed for divorce from Laurie which Laurie took really hard she kind of unraveled a little bit because all she wanted in this life was her family which consisted of her daughter and her husband Blake and that's all she wanted and she kind of felt a little bit like Blake's family had taken that away from her and had caused her family to split her neighbor Danny Garena said that the first time he saw her after Blake left she and her two-year-old daughter looked extremely thin and that Laurie was frantic to the point of incoherence and he never saw her Focus again after that he suggested to her that she go to counseling at the church where he served as a pastor and she did she went she brought a bunch of no books with you know her notes of things that she wanted to talk about and during her session she kind of rambled about what was wrong and how she could get Blake back she spoke about how she felt like his family was the reason that Blake had left her and she felt like they wanted him to divorce her so that they could take her daughter away from her and cut her out of their lives totally Danny said that she just really wanted nothing more than to have her family back she wanted her daughter and she wanted Blake and he also said that she would kind of talk in circles and would say the same things over and over again so he said that she would say like so this is what's going on with Blake and me and then in the next sentence she would say so this is what's going on with Blake and me and would kind of repeat it and it would kind of go on like that for their entire hour-long session and when she had a thought she would get very stuck on that thought and she would just talk about nothing but that thought and she was also very fidgety she would play with her hair and play with her hair hands a lot Blake actually came to some of these counseling sessions too and I found this really bizarre actually this is what I was talking about earlier when I was saying that his brother spoke for him and there was one instance that I found really highlighted how bizarre that is so Blake would bring his twin brother David to these counseling sessions and then Blake would just like not talk at all like David would just talk the entire time for Blake almost like he was translating for him which even Denny found weird because what an odd Dynamic like this is Blake's marriage he knows the intricacies of his marriage and his relationship with Laurie better than David could ever know because obviously he can kind of tell David how it's going and what their Dynamic is like but he hasn't lived it he hasn't experienced it he doesn't know the little intricacies of their relationship so it just makes no sense for him to be talking for his brother in this scenario I mean I feel like it hardly ever makes sense but especially in this scenario I don't know and I mean in the end the the counseling didn't help the marriage Anyway by the fall of 2010 Laurie had started sending some threatening emails to the rough family and there was one occasion during a custody exchange where Laurie kind of caused a bit of a Ruckus and when Nancy went back inside she noticed that one of their house keys was missing so she was really scared that Laurie had taken that and there was another occasion where Nancy was home and she kind of heard the back gate at their house squeak open which she was like freaking out that it was Laurie and they were all just kind of waiting for Laurie to snap they thought she was gonna snap and take her daughter or she was gonna harm somebody in the family and they were just really feeling scared so they actually asked a judge to order Laurie to cease and desist and then on Christmas Eve in 2010 Laurie woke up early that morning and made the one and a half hour drive to Longview to the rough family home and she pulled into their driveway without turning the car off without unbuckling her seat belt she shot herself shortly before 7am Blake's Father John Ruff opened the garage door so that he could go out and get the morning paper and that's when he saw Lori's car in the driveway and immediately he closed the garage and went back inside because they were obviously feeling a certain type of way they were feeling very threatened because of the emails they'd received because of the fight at the custody battle because of just how skittish they'd been in their own home thinking that Laurie was going to do something rash and so he didn't go out and check out the car he didn't investigate or anything like that because nobody had actually heard the gunshot at this point Blake and you know he and Lori's daughter were still in bed asleep nobody had heard the gunshot so John didn't want to take any chances he closed the garage he went inside and he contacted the police they arrived shortly after and they found blood spattered all throughout the front of the car are they found Lori slumped over the steering wheel with a pistol still in her hand they also found two letters in the car with her one was addressed to her daughter with instructions for it to be open when she turned 18 and another was addressed to my wonderful husband and that was an 11 page letter part of the letter read Blakely you mean the world to me you are the best thing that ever happened in my life and I'm really sorry about the communication regarding some situations we both needed help in the communication department but we never needed help in the love and romance Department I wanted you to know why I did this ending I didn't want to die being divorced so I did this before it was finalized you're still my husband I could not bear the pain of not growing old with you I felt so bad for mistakes in the marriage you and your family assumed so many wrong things to have to type this in a letter hurts so much I wanted to sit next to you for life at our daughter's graduation wedding and spending time with our grandchildren I love you forever I love you always being your wife and having you as a a husband was the best the letter was described as the ramblings of a clearly Disturbed person and I don't know what the other 11 pages read because they were never released but it really doesn't sound like the ramblings of a disturbed person it just sounds like someone who's devastated that she's lost the only two things she really cared about in the world her daughter and her husband Laurie's funeral was held on the 3rd of January in 2011 and after her funeral Blake's brother-in-law miles drove with a few of the other rough family members to the Leonard house that Laurie had been living in before she passed and the house that she had previously shared with Blake and her daughter because obviously they had from day one suspected that she was hiding something and they claimed that they were doing this because they believed the truth would come out eventually and they didn't want their you know granddaughter Blake's daughter to be blindsided by whatever the truth was because they were assuming that she had done like some terrible criminal thing they went there to as miles describes it scrub the place down to see who Laurie really was and what she was hiding they also didn't want to take any chances in fears that the house might be like booby trapped or something so they actually called a deputy sheriff to come and meet them at the house for when they got there to scrub it down they said that once they got in the house it was a total wreck there were dishes laundry and trash bags everywhere including on her daughter's bed and her daughter's bed was just totally soiled all over the house there was paper filled with Laurie's scribbles and when the paper filled up she would just write over things that she had already written on and they said that it just seemed like she had given up the will to live now before Mars went to the house Blake who had vowed never to step inside the Leonard house again had told him about a strong box that Laurie kept in her closet which was labeled crafts and Blake had actually never seen the contents of this box because Lori had told him its contents were private and personal and so he never really pried miles on the other hand went directly to look for this strong box and got it open with a flathead screwdriver and the contents definitely did show that Laurie had been hiding something inside they found a bunch of sheets of paper with notes and names and numbers scribbled all over them there was a reference letter from someone named Roger Steinbeck and it was written on stationary from a five-star hotel in Thailand and it was an employment reference letter so Roger was basically saying Laurie's great she shows up on time to work she's Pleasant to be around that sort of thing and then on some of the sheets of paper that she had scribbled on they found the name of an attorney named Ben Perkins and his number and there were also a few other scribbles she had written like 402 months in West Hollywood and a bunch of other stuff so the roughs were just making all sorts of speculations like was she facing 402 months in prison was she in some sort of legal trouble people did the crime that she committed happen in West Hollywood like all of that sort of thing so they looked into all of this and turns out the employment reference letter was written by someone who never existed so Roger Steinbeck not a real guy and they also got in contact with Ben Perkins the attorney and he had no recollection of ever dealing with Laurie he had no documentation of ever working with her he didn't know who she was now the most notable thing that they found in the strong box was a birth certificate and a driver's license both of which had the name Becky Sue Turner on them and the license obviously had a photo but that photo was of Lori and they also found a court document from 1988 showing that she had changed her name to Laurie Erica Kennedy back in 1988 and so the Russ hired a private investigator to do a little digging and they found that the real Becky Sue Turner had actually died in 1971 when she was two years old she died in a house fire alongside her two siblings so Laurie had changed her name from Becky Sue Turner obviously in 1988 but Becky Sue Turner obviously wasn't her real name either so this is all getting a little crazy obviously and so the rough family decided to call in a favor from a Texas congressman and this Congressman gives like this three-page binder to a guy named Joe velling and he was a Social Security Administration investigator and so he starts looking into Laurie's case because his whole job is to investigate allegations of Fraud and misconduct related to the Social Security Administration so he spent his whole life investigating people like Laurie he thinks it's going to be a breeze but he cannot find anything on this woman before 1988 and he said that the reason he couldn't find anything on her before this time is because she's obviously very good because the way in which she changed her identity and hid her old identity was very sophisticated and led joevelling to believe that she was either hiding from some sort of criminal past or she had somebody helping her change her identity because the way in which she did this right basically in 1988 she went and obtained the birth certificate of Becky Sue Turner in Bakersfield California who as we know died 17 years earlier at age two and back in 1988 a lot of places would just mail a copy of a birth certificate to whoever asked and Becky Sue had been born in one state but died in another state which means Laurie knew what she was doing because this kind of Separation where the birth and death take place in two different states means there's a much smaller chance of being tripped up by some sort of database because they didn't do a lot of cross-checking between states back then so she gets Becky Sue's birth certificate and with that she goes and gets a driver's license in Boise Idaho under the name Becky suit claiming that she was 18 years old so from this jovelling gathered that Laurie was in Idaho in 1988. she also kept a Dropbox in Boulder City in Nevada which forwarded her mail to Dallas so like every time she would get mail she would send it have it sent to Nevada and then she would have it rerouted from Nevada to Dallas it was kind of weird but definitely definitely like strengthened the theory that she was hiding something and to the point where she didn't want to give her address to anybody which is why she would reroute her mail through the Dropbox so after getting this Idaho driver's license under Becky Sue Turner's name she then went to court in Dallas Texas and legally changed her name from Becky Sue Turner to Laurie Erica Kennedy I guess she didn't really use Becky Sue's identity so much as she just kind of used it as a stepping stone to create her own identity like she just wanted to basically get that driver's license so she could pretend that she's changing her name from Becky Sue Turner to Laurie Erica Ralph and not from whoever she was before she was Becky Sue Turner you know what I mean so it would be way harder to trace it's kind of all a bit convoluted but basically after she changed her name to Laurie Erica Kennedy she then went and got a social security number under that name because back then you weren't assigned a social security number at Birth you actually got a social security number once you started working so she's like I'm 18 now I'm applying for my Social Security and she got one and so that whole process from getting Becky Sue Turner's birth certificate to getting her social security as Laurie Erica Kennedy took about two months and that's it she's a new person and people can't trace her to her previous identity before Becky Sue Turner because of the way that she did this whole thing so then after this Laurie was able to get into college without providing any high school transcripts she took her GED she got into University and she graduated from the University of Texas in Arlington with a business degree and then Joe velling once he found that information went and tracked down some of her former colleagues and some of her classmates that went to University with her there wasn't really a lot of people that knew her one person said she worked as a dancer in a gentleman's club back in the 90s but that is all of the information he could find out about her and honestly that information was pretty shocking to them even just that because Laurie was you know she was into her tea she was into her Easy Bake Ovens she dressed very conservatively she was very religious and so the fact that she had been a dancer at a gentleman's club was kind of like a shock to everybody jovelling did manage to track down the real Becky Sue Turner's parents and he showed them a photo of Lori but they didn't recognize her at all Lori's photo was also put through facial recognition software and her fingerprints were sent to the FBI and the department of Homeland Security in case she was like a KGB spy or something but neither of these came back with any results and he also submitted her DNA into a nationwide Archive of missing an unidentified persons and even made an entry on but came up empty-handed Joe had also learn from medical records that Laurie had breast implants and breast implants actually do have a serial number on them so he thought you know great maybe I can use this to kind of track who she was if she got them before she changed her name but he traced the serial numbers back only to find that she had gotten the breast implants after becoming Lori Erica Kennedy so it was another dead end you know Laurie had taken on her new identity before the digital age before internet before emails before digital photos and so Joe Belling thought this would be a you know easy run-of-the-mill case but because she had set it up before that time it was really frustrating and really difficult and he just could not find anything on her before 90 1988 so the rough family decided to take the case to the media and they had an article published in the Seattle Times in 2013 which went viral and they were just kind of hoping that somebody would recognize her and would be able to come forward with some information about her from before she changed her identity despite the article going viral it turned up no new leads but the rough family did not give up they were determined to find out who Laurie was and what she was hiding and finally in 2016 they got a break when they took Laurie's daughter's DNA basically there was this woman named Colleen Fitzpatrick she was a former nuclear physicist and she had learned about the case in 2013 and just kind of became really intrigued by it she began working on it and she got Blake and he and Laurie's daughters DNA through and 23andMe and through that she was actually able to subtract blank's DNA so from Blake and he and Laurie's daughter's DNA Colleen was able to isolate Laurie's DNA which is pretty crazy like I don't understand how it works at all but that's pretty insane to me so through this she was able to determine that Laurie had a cousin whose last name was Cassidy but it was a very common last name and the cousin was unresponsive two years later Laurie's DNA matched to another third cousin who was related to the cassidies and so Colleen spent all of this time kind of building up this family tree and was able to figure out that Laurie Erica Kennedy's real name was Kimberly McLean so I'm gonna start referring to her as Kimberly from now on she was born on the 16th of October in 1968 in Philadelphia Pennsylvania she had attended Bishop McDevitt high school and was in her senior year in 1983. she was very shy in high school and kept to herself a lot but in her senior year when she was 18 she just up and vanished and hardly anyone remembered her or even really noticed the fact that she was gone so when Kimberly had vanished she had actually moved to Prussia in Pennsylvania and from there she called her mom and told her you know I'm running away I don't want anyone to look for me and the family didn't no missing persons report was filed no one contacted the police nothing was done to look for Kimberly they just let her go and then acted like they had no idea why she left in 2016 when Kimberly's real identity was revealed they tracked down her mother Deanne but she didn't want to speak to the media so they instead tracked down her Uncle Tom Cassidy and he said that growing up Kimberly had a normal happy just typical family life her father Jim worked in construction and volunteered at the local Farmhouse and her mother Deanne was a homemaker and stayed home looking after her her and her sister Michelle apparently they had a very happy family life their dad built them a playhouse in the backyard he would take them on rides in the fire truck and they would all go out for family day trips and vacations but this is all according to the uncle well there were some other accounts there was someone who was close to the family who said that whenever she came over to the family home she just felt kind of cold like something was off um something just wasn't you know there was no sense of like camaraderie between the family members she also said Kimberly was a bit of a character herself she just didn't really feel comfortable around her because of the way that she would speak she just wasn't a very warm or friendly person she preferred to be alone she wasn't very sociable allegedly Kimberly's parents Deanne and Jim had a very dysfunctional relationship Jam was very controlling and didn't let Deanne have any freedom he was also an alcoholic and potentially verbally and physically abused both Deanne and their two children so Deanne went to her pastor for advice and he said save all of the money that you can and get out of there and so Diane did just that she saved her money and she took Kimberly and her older sister Michelle and she left and she moved to winnica Pennsylvania which is where Kimberly attended Bishop McDevitt High School a few years later her mother got remarried to a guy named Robert Becker and then in 1986 Kimberly ran away and the very next year her father Jim passed away and he left the estate and 84 000 to each of his daughters so 84 000 Kimberly eighty four thousand dollars to her older sister Michelle but Kimberly had already run away by this point so the estate agents tracked her down they sent her a letter letting her know that her father had passed away and that she you know he had left her an inheritance but she didn't want it she actually after getting that letter up and left she had never responded to it she up and left and changed her identity which little side note I feel like the fact that she didn't want her inheritance which is 84 000 that's a lot of money but you also have to think about the fact that that's eighty four thousand dollars in 1987 money like that is a ton of money and the fact that she didn't even want that I think proves that she was not with Blake for his family's money like his parents accused her of but after that after she you know didn't respond to the letter and just up and changed her identity and vanished that's all we know we don't actually know for sure why is she up and left and changed her identity and why she wanted to disappear and become somebody else there is obviously speculation and theories which we're going to talk about but it seems like we will never know the truth of why she changed her identity and why she wanted to disappear and I feel like that is why I'm left with more questions because you would expect there to be some like big event that made her want to change her life but it doesn't seem like there was because she had run away and sort of vanished from her old life before her dad died she hadn't changed her identity per se by that point but she had run away she had vanished from her school and the rest of her family's lives so one theory was that she was part of some militia group in Idaho or Montana and as part of their like special training they had to learn how to hide their identity I mean this one for me is so far-fetched I don't think that that's the case at all but it's a theory so I thought I'd mention it some people believe due to the fact that she did work at a strip club and the fact that she had breast implants that maybe she was human trafficked and she was actually running from that but in saying that her breast implants had been put in after she had already changed her identity unless maybe she had been trafficked and they changed her identity so nobody from her old life would find her but I just find this Theory a bit far-fetched because it seemed like she she just kind of vanished from her own life and then after receiving that letter that her dad had passed away that's when she took that next step to change her identity and because of that for me I feel like you know this did have something to do with her family because there's no evidence to point to anything else happening in her life there is some speculation that her family was involved in a cult or they were just a very isolated abusive home and that's why she kind of wanted to disappear so they could never find her again some people think that her behavior in asking for an easy bake oven for Christmas which is a child's toy the fact that she loved to get dressed up and go out to tea the fact that she was very unsociable and liked to be alone and was very private some people say that that indicated that she had not had a proper childhood and that she had been deprived of proper socialization and you know within that theory maybe it wasn't that she didn't get proper socialization as a child maybe it was just the fact that her father was abusive there was that potential there were allegations that he was an alcoholic that he was verbally and physically abusive to both Deanne and his two daughters and so some people have speculated that maybe he was sexually abusing Kimberly and that's why she wanted to run away maybe she was angry at her mother for not doing something sooner and she just wanted to completely forget that part of her life and I think this does explain that she wanted to first she disappeared from her mother and stepfather's life and completely vanished and said you know don't find me and then when her dad died and she received that message from the estate agent maybe that was the Catalyst for her to be like I'm changing my identity because I don't want if they were able to find me after I've left I don't want anyone else to be able to find me so I'm gonna go out and change my identity I mean the fact that her mum didn't try and look for her never filed a missing person's report never tried to get in contact with her or anything like that I think that definitely indicates that there was a reason there was a reason why her mother knew that she was leaving why her mother never tried to stop her and never tried to find her or get in contact with her again I mean I do think it is the fact that she was just unhappy in her home life and so that's why she wanted to disappear but I just can't fully grasp why she would want to completely disappear and change her whole identity and not just that but the way she did it so skillfully as well she chose someone that had been born in one state and died in another so it would be harder to change and she just completely erased herself I mean no matter the reason it's an incredibly sad situation she had run away from a past that she clearly felt lonely in she wasn't comfortable with and she wanted to erase and she had gone on to find her own family with blay and their daughter something she didn't have as a child and that was sort of taken away from her which she just couldn't bear but that's everything for me today that's everything for this case I'm really looking forward to discussing this one with you guys in the comments what you think why do you think she ran away do you think any of the theories that I mentioned are the reason she ran away or do you think there's something more behind it let me know I have so many questions but that's all from me today guys I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and hopefully I will see you in my next video bye
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 852,818
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Id: nt3XqMg3i1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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