The Tragic Murder of Virginia Morse

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hey guys it's bella welcome back to my channel welcome back to another mystery monday with mia and bella and i hope you guys are all having an incredible day today in today's video we're going to be talking about a notorious australian murder duo alan baker and kevin crump but before we get into it i just want to thank today's sponsor nordvpn if you guys don't know what a vpn is it basically helps to protect your online privacy by hiding your ip address this allows you to use public wi-fi safely it hides your location it makes it so that third parties can't spy on your online activity and it can also change your ip address to make it seem like you're in another location which allows you to access content that might not be available in your location so like for example i've been using nordvpn for years now which is why i was so excited about this sponsorship and the reason i originally signed up for a vpn was so that i could watch content that is like really annoying to get here in 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described as stubborn angry and he had an intense fascination with guns in the mid-1960s he had actually joined the cmf army reserve where he learned to become a crack shot so not only did he have this fascination with guns but he knew how to use them really well after being released from prison he took on a series of casual jobs at various grain and cotton farms in new south wales and in early november 1973 he got a job plowing a farm in bogabilla and was living in a tent and this is when kevin crump comes to meet him crump was released from prison just a few weeks after baker he was described as illiterate easily led and slow-witted the two men had actually met in prison where they had been cell mates and had formed a sexual relationship while there so krump shows up to where baker is working in a station wagon that he had stolen earlier from a place in the lower hunter valley they work together at bogabilla for a while until it gets hit by some really heavy rain and they have to stop plowing when workers stopped by the rain they decide that they're gonna go do a cheeky little bit of stealing so on the 3rd of november they take krump's stolen car and drive 10 kilometers north to gunda windy which is right on the new south wales and queensland border they bought a powerful 308 caliber rifle some ammo and two bella clavers they then start heading back to their camp in new south wales they find a place to pull over on their way and they stage a fake breakdown they start hailing cars to pull over and basically what they were going to do is rob anybody who would pull over to help them they look kind of sketchy crump looks pretty uncamped so luckily nobody stops for them starts getting dark so they decide to pack it up and head back to their camp but on the way they see a holden station wagon parked on the side of the road the windows are down and the driver is asleep in the front seat the driver is a 43 year old ian lamb he was a casual manual laborer he would basically do any jobs he could find to make a few dollars and to save money he lived in his car he was unmarried but was wanted on a warrant for failing to pay child support he lived on and off with his parents and that morning he had left his parents home in gosford to head west to the narrowbride district looking for some work chipping weeds on cotton farms his mother helped him pack and kissed him goodbye at 6 30 am and unfortunately that would be the last time she would ever see her son alive on his way to narrabri when it got dark he pulled over and slept in his car he left his car unlocked he left the windows down to let some air in he had a couple of beers to put him to sleep and he didn't expect any trouble to come by him and that is when alan baker and kevin crump found him and i'm gonna read you a quote now of what alan baker said happened next we both got out of the car i got the rifle i loaded it and i walked over to the car and i pointed the rifle through the driver's side and i seen a man asleep on the front seat kevin looked in the back to see if he was by himself and he was i knocked on the door with my hands and said hey you the bloke sat up and i pulled the trigger and shot him it hit him in the voice box then for about 10 minutes nothing happened it was deathly quiet i was scared then i went around to the other side of the car to the passenger side and opened the door kev opened the driver's side door and i went through the man's pockets i got about twenty dollars out of his pockets and money from the glove box and i got some cigarettes in his wallet i don't think there was anything else but i left it there i noticed that the man had been drinking because there was some bottles of beer on the floor i didn't touch them because there was blood on them he then describes how they pulled ian lamb's body over into the passenger seat untangling his feet from the brakes in the clutch so that they could drive the car he and crump then searched around the scene for the spent bullet casing because they didn't want to leave any evidence behind and baker would later mark this bullet casing with a cross and would keep it as a souvenir bacon drove ian's car with crump following closely behind in his stolen station wagon they drove it about 20 kilometers away and abandon it on the secluded bald hill road they then stole the petrol from the tank of ian lam's car before wiping the vehicle down to remove all fingerprints they left ian's body locked in the car and headed back to their campsite in bogabilla after literally murdering a man over 30 dollars and some fuel on the day of the melbourne cup that year on the 6th of november in 1973 baker and crump put down some of the 30 they sold from ian lamb and won a few dollars they then went back to their work again but they had no intention of continuing to work they just wanted to steal and rob people in order to make a living virginia gay hook who was known to family and friends as ginny was a typical country girl she had a beautiful smile she loved to laugh she loved life and was just an open warm and loving person she had an open face a gorgeous smile loved to laugh loved life and and there was no mystery with her that's that's how she was and people trusted her immediately because she was just such an open warm loving person in the late 1950s she meets brian morse and they hit it off right away when virginia was 20 years old brian went and asked her father for a hand in marriage and her dad actually made them wait 12 months to get married because he didn't want virginia to get married until she was 21. but brian and virginia ended up getting married in late 1959 about 11 days shy of virginia's 21st birthday after their marriage they went and lived on brian's family's property in bernard on the barwon river which was near the town of colorenabrae in northern new south wales they lived with brian's family of course his parents lived in the main homestead and they lived in a little workman's cottage about 60 meters away from the main homestead and when they first moved in it was a little run down but over the next 12 months they fixed it up and it was really lovely and homey and they had this beautiful little garden and after they finished fixing it up they had their first child a daughter named eloise after giving birth to eloise they moved into the main homestead where they lived and raised their family a few years later they gave birth to their second child a son named adrian and then in 1968 virginia gave birth to their third child a son named robbie on top of taking care of the house and raising three young children virginia was also very involved in her local community she loved it she was involved with the red cross she was also part of the country women's association she was involved in the hospital i guess she volunteered there and brian was actually on the board of the hospital as well anything that was on in the community any local events you could pretty much guarantee that virginia was gonna be there so their property their homestead was on a farm brian would work on it himself but he also hired laborers to work in the plowing and harvesting seasons and at one point in 1972 he had actually hired alan baker who worked for the family for a few months virginia as i mentioned was very kind and open and she used to invite all of the workers in to eat with the family and alan baker was no different he ate with the family he played with the three kids virginia really welcomed him into their home so at first flight on the 7th of november one day after the melbourne cup and four days after ian lamb's murder alan baker and kevin crump decided they were going to stage another robbery this time though they decided they were going to break into and rob somebody's house baker suggested about four to five different properties that he knew of that they could break into but they ended up deciding on the morse's property because it had the least degree of vulnerability for them so they parked their car at an abandoned police station which was opposite the morse family home on the far side of the barwin river and they just sat there for a little while in their car kind of just watching the morse family home eventually they left their car there took their 308 caliber rifle and made their way to the morse family home on foot crossing the river at a causeway they went through the paddocks to the morse family homestead they then hid behind a haystack on the property and watched the morse family's morning routine unfold as they hid baker took out all of the rounds of ammo and wiped them clean of any fingerprints so there wouldn't be any forensic evidence found on any of the spent cartridge cases and then he loaded them back up eventually virginia's husband brian left to drop the kids off at their school bus and then went to go and attend to some business in the nearby town of mauree once baker and crump were convinced that virginia was alone they made their way to the house they made no attempt to hide their faces despite the fact that baker had actually worked there for months they knew who he was they would recognize his face and it was actually one of the only places in the district that he would even be noticed baker secretly entered the house through the laundry door and as he did kevin crump went around to the back door where he would knock virginia would go to answer and baker would then come up from behind her with a rifle pointed at her he then took her up to the bedroom blindfolded her gagged her and tied her hands up they then searched the house twice they found a 22 caliber rifle and 30 in cash they then forced virginia outside and into the moss family car they drove the car to a property bowser on the property they filled the car up and they then drove it to the abandoned fuel station where their stolen station wagon was it was there that they siphoned the fuel from the morse family car into their stolen car they then left the morse family car there and took off in their stolen station wagon they headed north on the back roads towards queensland and over the next 200 kilometer drive virginia was sitting in the back blindfolded with her hands tied back and she was pleading with them to release her this is a quote from baker about what happened on that drive we took her gag off and she kept saying what's gonna happen to me my children will be home from school and waiting for me now i love my children please let me go home and i just told her to shut up eventually they turned down an isolated side track off the mooney highway which was just off the queensland border and they stopped they dragged virginia out of the car and threw her down on the ground near a tree they then tied her hands to that tree behind her head and tied her legs to two separate trees so her legs were out in like a v-shape they then took turns raping her as it gets dark that night they forced virginia back into the stolen station wagon and drive for another few hours with the thirty dollars that they had stolen from her house they bought fuel and beer and every time they had to pass through a town they had like clothes on the back window so nobody could see her but baker would also shove her head down for the duration that they were in these towns eventually krump gets too tired to continue driving and they pull off near the town of mooney to sleep at the same time that all of this is happening ian lamb's station wagon is still parked by the side of the secluded bald hill road a truck driver who just happens to be driving along this road looking for a local farm sees the station wagon and he stops to ask for some directions crump and baker had actually covered ian lamb's body with a blanket so when the truck driver knocked on the window and looked in the car to see if anybody was in there he didn't see the body but he did see blood he immediately goes and finds some nearby workers and tells them and to be honest they don't really believe him at first because they're like you know nothing like this ever happens around here but they called the police anyway without even having gone to look at the car and inspect the car one of the workers robin goalie he's the one that calls the police and the police are like okay well are you sure it's there can you just go and double check and let us know so he goes down to check the car and he notices a hand coming out from the blanket and he notices all of the blood he goes back he tells the police police come out and detective inspector warren bull arrives on the scene shortly after bull said they broke a window in the car to gain entry they removed the blanket and saw a body that was in the initial stages of decomposition meaning it had been there for quite some time they then noticed what appeared to be a gunshot wound below the jaw the car was identified as belonging to ian lam through its registration but the actual body in the car couldn't be identified immediately because all the fingerprints on the car had been wiped clean there was no wallet there was no luggage because you know crump and baker had taken everything in the car so there was nothing there to identify the body police obviously do some checks on ian lamb because it is his car so the person most likely to be in the car is ian lamb they find he has a minor police record and so his fingerprints are on file and through those fingerprints and comparing them to the fingerprints of the deceased body they are able to identify him as ian lam the cib in sydney is informed and one of the state's most senior investigators named bob badbury is also put in charge of the investigation by this point though police had no idea who they were looking for they had no suspects they had no idea where the killer or killers went all they knew is that someone had punctured a hole in the petrol tank and so they theorized that it was likely a robbery at the same time that all of this is happening back in barnaway 12 year old eloise morse is going to have a sleepover with some friends that night so it's just a nine-year-old adrienne and a five-year-old robbie who are heading home from school on the school bus that day they called the bus to a bus stop across the river and virginia would normally row across the river to pick them up and then row them back to the homestead on this afternoon though virginia obviously didn't show up and the boys waited for about an hour before adrian swam across the river got the rowboat and rode back over to get rubby and take him home at about 7 p.m brian phones home from work saying he's going to be there soon he has to speak to virginia and adrian tells him that virginia's not home yet brian's not too concerned at first because first of all he doesn't know that virginia hasn't been there at all that afternoon like on the phone he just asked to speak to virginia and adrian just says she's not here at the moment so brian just thinks that maybe she's gone off with a friend or something gone to see a friend but when he gets home at 9 30 p.m and she's still not there he decides to call around to friends and neighbours and nobody has seen or heard from her police are then called and they immediately put on a massive search they quickly find the morse's family car the abandoned police station and it becomes clear that virginia has been abducted the next morning baker and crump wake up and they drive a few kilometers down a secluded road and stop on the banks of the weir river in southwest queensland so they've crossed the border at this point it's unknown exactly what virginia had to endure for the 22 hours she was held captive because a judge actually suppressed the details because it was too horrific the courts never even heard all of the details and it said that the atrocities that were committed to her actually haunted experienced investigators for years to come what is known is that she was dragged from the stolen vehicle and staked to the ground while still blindfolded and gagged baker and crump then once again took turns raping her after they're done they both raise their guns toward her planning to shoot her at the same time but baker hesitates and krump is the one who ends up shooting her dead there were some reports that she had been shot in both of her eyes and there were also reports that baker and crump continued to rape her after she was deceased they roll her body into the weir river they burn her clothes and they then drive back to their campsite and bogabilla now by this point the search for virginia morse is just getting bigger and bigger local members of parliament arranged for massive additional resources to come from sydney including extra manpower and police helicopters a bunch of people from the local community also came to help aid in the search some of the local farmers with small planes assisted as well by searching from the air the media was utilized they circulated virginia's description and asked for anybody to call in that had any information in regards to her whereabouts over the next few days police interviewed pretty much half of the town they were asking people if they knew anybody that would hold a grudge against the family if there was anybody that would want to hurt virginia or hurt the family but brian and virginia were well respected and they were well lacked in the community and there was nobody anybody could think of that would hold a grudge against them they also got brian to compile a list of everybody he had hired to work on the farm and obviously one of those names was alan baker who was an ex-convict and an ex-convict that was just recently released from prison at that so police circulate his description they find out that he actually had been seen in the area recently but you know he's not like a major suspect or anything because from everything they'd heard he was just passing through he wasn't actually staying in the town for any period of time so he was just kind of a person of interest rather than a suspect baker and crump arrive back at the bugabilla farm and they decide once again they don't want to work they just want to continue stealing so after a few days while the search for virginia is still ongoing they decide to drive south to a maitland in the lower hunter valley in new south wales this is the area crump had actually stolen his car from originally and he had worked in a vineyard in the area so he knew of the house that they could break into and get some cash as they're driving to the house on the 13th of november a passing motorist actually notices the stolen car and reports them and starts chasing them but they managed to get away before the police arrive and obviously they're freaked out they're speeding away through the floodplains in the area when they just happen to pass a police vehicle police vehicle notices them they're driving really fast they're driving a stolen car they're acting really sketchy so he does a ue and he starts chasing them and they get up to speeds of like 160 kilometers an hour on this chase the officer puts an alert out and police from all over the district come in to help try and catch these guys they're blocking escape routes and at this point they just think they're trying to catch two guys who have stolen a car they have no idea they're going after literal murderers at one point the police vehicle manages to get up next to them and crump just kind of rams the officer from the side forcing the officer off the road another officer senior constable bill millward then continues giving chase in his car and takes over the high speed chase and that is when baker pops out of the window and starts firing the rifle at constable millwood once they get a little bit of distance on him they bring the car to a sudden stop and remembering that baker is like a really good shot like he's had training to be able to aim his rifle really well so he aims it up to the front of the police vehicle and he shoots it through the windscreen into constable millwood's forehead luckily millwood was able to pull off to the side of the road bring the vehicle to a complete stop and he did later make a full recovery other officers then continue the chase and once they get to a town called woodville baker and crump drive off road to avoid a roadblock they jump out of their car and they run toward the river and police had to spend the next two hours searching surrounding paddocks for them a local maitland businessman used his plane to help aid in the search and after nearly three hours they found baker unarmed wet and shivering shortly after the plane spots krump hiding in the reeds police surround him and he emerges with his hands up when they were first arrested police were a bit confused as to why some guys that stole a car would get into such a desperate shootout with police but after searching their car they identified items that belonged to ian lamb and so both men were charged with his murder they then later found out that the killer's guns included a 22 caliber rifle and it just so happens that a 22 caliber rifle had been stolen from the morse family property detectives alan doyle and gordon campbell traveled to maitland to interview the two men and after a long interrogation krump eventually broke down and confessed to virginia's murder they then went and told baker about crum's confession and baker also confessed to the murder but both men just blamed it on each other neither of them would actually take any responsibility the next day doyle and campbell asked the men if they would show them where virginia's body was and they agreed so the four of them followed by a ton of media went to the weir river where virginia's body was found this means they recovered the body in queensland and that the actual murder of virginia took place in queensland and because they didn't want to extradite the men to queensland to charge them for the murder they had to figure out what they could charge them with in relation to her murder from new south wales this is a quote from detective alan doyle the police that actually did the investigation were absolutely horrified when we got to the actual circumstances of what had happened to mrs morse what she must have gone through over that period that she was held being continually raped blindfolded gagged and tied up for all of that time knowing that almost certainly she was going to die no one could ever think how bad that must have been for her the new south wales public were outraged when they heard about this matter and a memorial service was held for virginia in colorad and around 600 to 700 people attended in june of 1975 alan baker and kevin crump were tried and convicted of murdering ian lamb of maliciously wounding constable milward of shooting to avoid apprehension and of conspiring to murder virginia morse because obviously they couldn't charge them with her murder as the murder occurred in queensland so they charged her with conspiring to murder her neither of the men showed any remorse and both were sentenced to life in prison plus 55 years i'm gonna read you a quote from mr justice taylor who was the sentencing judge and this is what he said at the sentencing hearing for sheer cruelty for a complete disregard for humanity for what you have done to this woman and to her children and to her husband is without parallel in my experience the description of men ill becomes you you would be more aptly described as animals and obscene animals at that i believe that you should spend the rest of your lives in jail and there you should die if ever there was a case where life imprisonment should mean what it says imprisonment for the whole of your lives this is it if in the future some application is made that you be released on the grounds of clemency or of mercy then i would venture to suggest to those who are entrusted with the task of determining whether you're entitled to it or not that the measure of your entitlement should be the clemency and mercy you extended to this woman when she begged you for her life initially the men were locked up together in long bay jail but after public outcry they were later sent to separate prisons over the years both men have tried to gain parole but the new south wales premier at the time bob carr actually brought in legislation to prevent baker and crump and others like them from ever being released in 1997 crump appealed to the new south wales supreme court to redetermine his life sentence under new laws which allowed a court to impose a minimum sentence or non-parole period justice peter mckearney then sentenced him to 30 years in prison making him eligible for parole in november of 2003 however after that ruling in 2001 new south wales parole laws would change to say that a prisoner who was marked never to be released could only be granted parole if their death was imminent or they posed no risk to their community virginia's husband brian continued lobbying to make sure that these men would never be released from prison he remarried in 1981 to a woman named pam he moved to sydney to try and get on with his life but the lobbying and appeals made it really hard to put the horrific crime behind him in 2015 66 year old kevin crump begged to be released from prison saying that he had served his time he told the court of criminal appeals that he should never have received a life sentence and he said that his crimes were not the worst in the category of murders which i feel like just shows exactly why he should still be in prison he killed a random man for thirty dollars and some fuel and then he raped and tortured virginia morse for 22 hours before shooting her dead and throwing her body into a river oh but definitely not the worst in the category of murders what a [ __ ] [ __ ] in 2019 alan baker was attacked in the showers of long bay jail actually in the same prison shower block on the same day that anita cobby's killer gary murphy was also beaten alan baker was actually attacked just three hours after murphy apparently baker has been beaten a few times since being in custody however for the most part he has remained uninjured brian morse died in september of 2017 at age 81 and he campaigned and lobbied until the end to make sure that his wife's killers died in prison but that is all of the information that i have on this case i would absolutely love to hear your thoughts and feelings in the comments down below this case is truly one of the most horrible cases that i've researched the fact that what we do know about virginia morse and what happened to her over the 22 hours that she was held captive is already so horrible i just cannot imagine what she actually had to endure because the majority of what happened to her was suppressed not even the courts were able to hear it because it was so atrocious so i definitely don't think that these men deserve to be released from jail especially grump if he's like out here saying things like it's definitely not the worst crime in the category of murders i hope that man is never released from prison for the safety of literally everyone but let's have a chat in the comments about it i would love to hear what you guys think i hope you have an incredible rest of your day and hopefully i will see you in my next video bye guys
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 695,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mystery monday, true crime, crime documentary, murder mystery
Id: ZarfMQm3uLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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