The Mount Global 360 Worship Experience | 1-10-21

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[Music] well good morning and welcome to the mount i am bishop ken brown and i cannot tell you how excited i am that you've given us the opportunity to serve your ministry leads today this is the mount 360 that you have connected to it is our response to challenging times and the pandemic and we have three objectives that we believe god has assigned us to meet in your life number one we simply want to keep you connected to the word to the body of christ in this season number two it is our desire to cover you the bible says that when peter was in prison the church prayed for him and finally it's our opportunity to care for you we believe god has assigned us to be able to serve you and we serve you in many capacities and so today once again thank you for joining us at the mount and giving us the privilege of being able to lead you into a deeper relationship with our lord and savior jesus christ hey this is john brem i am the online campus pastor at the mount virtual and it is my honor and privilege to be able to stand before you today and say welcome to the mount virtual the mount virtual is a campus that has been designed for our global partners you might be asking what's a global partner a global partner is someone that can't be at one of our eight physical sites and so we've created an online experience just for you so whether you need partner services yes we can do those online whether you just need somebody to connect to yep we're online just for you so whatever it is you need we are here to serve you so we can't wait today for you to make a spiritual decision to partner with us here at the mount virtual so god bless [Music] [Music] well praise god i want to remind each and every one of you that even in the midst of challenging seasons and even in the midst of a pandemic god still holds us accountable to bring our tithe into the storehouse in fact the bible is replete with opportunities and examples of people that gave in challenging times please note that if in this season you have not had increase in your household because of the times that we live in god understands the church understands but the vast majority of us can testify that god has continued to allow us to receive increase so i want to remind each and every one of us that even in the midst of a pandemic even in the midst of challenging times god still holds us accountable to make sure that the storehouse is taken care of one of the things as well that we've recognized in this season is that god has literally extended our arms and given us the privilege of being able to touch people around the world so if week after week we have met a spiritual need in your life and have been used by god by the grace of god to be an agent of spiritual growth we desire and ask that you would pray about as well being a tangible part of the ongoing substance and support of the ministry that we know as the mountain please know you do not have to be a partner in order to be a blessing to the kingdom of god so would you pray about and hear the voice of god relative to what he desires for you to give today be clear that the bible says bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there might be meat in his house and i believe that as you give the promise of galatians will manifest if you give bountifully you will reap bountifully love you thank you for the privilege of continuing to serve as a spiritual leader in your life and we believe that the best is truly yet to come [Music] [Music] good morning good morning i would like to welcome you all to the mount 360 2.0 and i am your online host this morning patrick williams so get up get on up look are we on your screen look that ain't got nothing to do with nothing i'm just excited and i got energy balled up on the inside that i'm trying to give to you all so get up look and let somebody know that you are tuned in to the mount broadcast this morning you know that group chat that you got that you are tired of so just go ahead and drop in there that you are watching the mount 60 360 2.0 i'm sorry look and you probably wonder how could you be a part of this moment how can i help you can help by liking sharing and interacting with us on the broadcast look putting those hearts up on the screen is equivalent to amen so make sure you all do that and we really really do appreciate it's just like you as if you were in the building i'm telling you when we see them hearts on the screen it is exciting so please please please make sure you do that i'm excited you excited we got a great service in store for y'all we got some videos for you all at this time [Music] money what's up everybody this is alex hope and i'm tami spencer and we want to introduce the mount on campus starting on wednesdays with wednesday in the word we're going to do it at 8pm on youtube and on facebook then on fridays we're gonna meet live and chat about life in college and life with god can't wait to see mount on campus see you there [Music] well hello mount family i'm dr angie one of your online hosts we have some information we want to share with you on today our text to gift numbers for the mount have changed once again our text to gift numbers for the mount have changed you can find them on our website on our social media platforms and it'll be strolling on the screen during our services you can also call the church at 757-547-3388 we want you to stay connected hey i'm bishop kim brown and i am so excited this is the 30th year that i've been blessed to pastor the mountain and i want to personally invite you to take this journey with us by going to our brand new website at www.themountleads we've got so much information and so much inspiration for you right there yeah yeah please make sure y'all go check out the new website i was on there last night while i was paying my tithe and one of the things about it is it is very very user friendly i mean you can get on there it is easily the maneuver and all that good stuff and not only that they have a merch tab yeah i said it a merch tab so you all know that bishop and the mount global fellowship of churches has declared this as the year of opportunity and you can go on there and get some merch that says just that the year of opportunity they got masks uh they got hoodies and they got t-shirts so make sure you go on there and purchase those things so you could go out in the store and be repping the mount even though we're not in the building you can rep them out right where you are going that is in the store and all that good stuff and you can wear the whole outfit and uh walk around like a mountain mascot it is a beautiful thing i can't wait to order mine i'm excited about it and at this time we have a video from dr scott i'm dr stacy otay scott i'm a licensed clinical psychologist and i'm also the executive director of health and wellness at the mount which is a local mega church in virginia and in north carolina if you were to start out with a small seed investment let's say something like 50 50 how do you think you could use that for your business well as a business owner first i'm very i'm very about my community so i would definitely like to give back to people in need but then i would also like to stretch that and use that to either even even if it's to create my logo or to get my business registered i want to be able to put money towards that so i can do those types of things i would most likely save the fifty dollars because i have a lot of inventory with making shirts and then buying vinyl and i'm also doing sublimation shirts as well and sublimation mugs and the ink for that is very pricey so i will put that straight back to my business what would i do with those fifty dollars is get the most important things i need to practically start my business like um i will restart i will start to make like the clothes and try to research everything to find what i can make what i can do to make it actually eco-friendly so we do it to like buy the supplies and the things i would need to make them i think i would use it to buy more of my products so i can get them out and maybe do like a little get together because of copic 19 you can't really do that much stuff anymore um maybe use it to do a tiny get together with a bunch of people that could buy my products or maybe help me with my business i would probably start creating the app or do my products so buy the materials i would need for my products and when you like you know you ship them to others you want them in nice packaging so to buy packaging for that you are the recipient of a 100 seed investment to use in the way that you think is going to be best for your small business and we are so looking forward to you growing that business we believe in you we believe in you know what has been placed in you and i'm sure what your parents have done with you and how proud of you they must be and we're looking forward to getting a return on our investment so we'll be checking back in with you and congratulations thank you so much thank you yeah thank you you are very welcome well done wow thank you so much dr scott for initiating that moment that is a awesome awesome moment to pour into the next generation that hits true and uh that reigns true in my heart because for those of you all who don't know i am the youth leader of the mount team ministry and each and every wednesday we have recharged team moments via zoom uh so please make sure you have your teams to tune in at 7pm each and every wednesday and you can get the zoom link by emailing me at patrick williams the mount that is patrick williams the as soon as you email me i will email you back the link so that your child can join i know that they are in school all day but that would be a good moment for them to join in and still stay connected to the ministry staying connected is very important especially through these times we do different giveaways and all that good stuff so please please please make sure they tune in and at this time i'm gonna throw it to dr angie good morning and thank you patrick we are excited still in the year of opportunity and guess what the bishop is back in the house and he has a word just for you at 8 a.m on this morning he's coming from john the 20th chapter verses 19 through 23. what's my next move and then right in between that we've got church redefined with pastor lj and dr tisha put your seat belts on don't move your seat because at 10 a.m from the same scripture bishop is gonna let us know don't mess this up and guess what i'm gonna give you a preview of one of the points release your past do you know somebody still living in 2020 call them up wake them up tell them turn on that computer because bishop has a word just for them and the year of opportunity now back to you patrick i am so excited that bishop is back in the house you know he got a word for us you know he do you know he do fresh back in the house after the new year we hadn't seen him since wash night so i know that he is going to knock our socks off as he do each and every sunday when he brings forth the word after all this is the year of opportunity and you have to claim that thing you have to get excited about it uh i know 2020 was what it was but leave it alone let it go like dr andrew was saying i'm excited about the message i cannot wait i can't wait so at this time we have our honor roll recognition video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] congratulations to all the honor roll recipients congratulations congratulations we are excited about uh your school year um i know that you all are virtual so that means everybody should be on the honor roll list all you got to do is google the answers look look i'm not telling you to cheat i'm just saying uh it should be a little easier now you should be getting tutoring and all that stuff if you need it hey listen and some of y'all probably didn't turn in your child's picture and all that stuff yeah i'm throwing you out of the bus i can do it so please please please if your child made honor roll please make sure you reach out to the church to figure out how can your child be on the honor roll recognition video we do it quarterly so it's going to be a good good moment um i know you used to just them walking across the stage and all that good stuff but this is what we got and i i loved it i seen some very very familiar faces some of them always get on a roll and that's a really really cool thing what are you looking forward to in the year of opportunity i know you are waiting on god to do some things in your life uh if you are watching me this morning that means he has already blessed you with living body he has blessed you to be up and well in spite of a pandemic in spite of all the stuff going on on the news so what you can do is continue to give god glory moving into the year of 2021. i'm excited man i'll tell you i've just amped up i cannot contain this energy i'm trying to suppress it with being on tv because this is my first time and i don't want to get fired right i want to get fired i want to be welcomed back as an online host so please please please make sure y'all wake somebody up tell them right now look eight o'clock service is getting ready to start then we have uh church redefined right after the eight o'clock service so make sure you stay tuned and let somebody know about that or if you're a late riser what you can do is wake up for ten o'clock service or you can let somebody know about 10 o'clock service so that they can tune in for bishop for the second service it is going to well i guess that would be actually the third service one two three yeah so uh if you're like me i love to watch all three because look we're not in the building right now and you need all the work you can get to stay you know stay in in his arms you know what i mean so please make sure y'all tell somebody about it and make sure you interact interact if you got any questions or anything put it in the chat we have online hosts that are right there ready to respond to your questions ready to get the answers that you maybe need uh needing at the moment so please make sure you all are interacting with us online i love to read the comments especially when bishop is doing some things throughout the service uh some of the questions and stuff that i read on there is pretty pretty cool and you get an answer right there cause they're right there waiting on you so please please please make sure y'all do that um right now we have the affirmation look 2021 is a new year and it is the year of opportunity so we have none other than the brown family reading the affirmation here go i boldly and faithfully declare that this is the year of opportunity john chapter 20 verse 21 establishes a biblical standard that shall set the tone for this year as god releases opportunities in my life doors will open that no man can shut because of what i've survived i cannot allow others to prevent me from going where god has commissioned me to go every barrier that has been designed to deter me will be revealed removed and replaced god's peace has given me victory over anxiousness and low self-esteem i am a child of the most high god my recognition of god's anointing on my life has released me to operate fully in my gifts for the kingdom watch god use me the kingdom authority vested in me will allow me to be an atmosphere changer i am a change agent for jesus and because of this i anticipate acceleration in every area of my life normal processes and procedures will not and cannot deny my entry how i have handled rejection denial and no in my past has qualified me for opportunities in my future as god releases opportunity for me i will be positioned to create opportunities for others i believe this season of opportunity will propel me my church family and my spiritual leadership into new levels of grace enabling us to take more territory for the kingdom of god in jesus name my giving is evidence of my faith my giving record shows that god is a provider and i am abundantly blessed my giving is a public record of my heart for where my treasury is is evidence of my godly affection father thank you for giving me the opportunity to display my love faithfulness obedience and gratitude towards you through my giving with my giving i break the curse of financial poverty through my giving i release a spirit of favor and provision because god loves a cheerful giver seed release lack be removed harvest return and because i am a giver i eat the best i drive the best i wear the best i live in the best in jesus name oh hallelujah we bless the name of the lord psalms 19 and 1 says the heavens declare thy glory and the sky oh god it proclaims the works of the lord we come here today to give them glory we come here today to give them praise everybody clap your hands we praise you lord oh yes we do and we give you praise now follow we praise you lord we praise you lord i love you jesus [Music] oh oh [Music] right [Music] we don't sing we praise you lord we praise you lord we pray is wait is we praise you because we praise your lord we praise you lord we praise you lord we pray [Music] hallelujah [Music] lift up your hands at home open up your mouth and declare who he is to you hallelujah he's wonderful he's our everything [Music] good morning my family let's just go to the throne of grace father we come before you on this morning recognizing oh lord god that you are the source of our strength father we lift you up we ask you right now god for your your power we ask you right now god for your revelation we ask you right now god for your healing and deliverance i asked oh god that you would go into every household all around this world oh god go into every hospital oh god all around this world because we are joining together on this morning oh lord god to give you all the glory to give you all the praise to give you all o god our worship on this morning father we thank you for how you have kept us we thank you o lord god that 2020 o lord revealed to us that not only are you our jehovah rapha that not only are you our jehovah chirag that not only oh god are you a jehovah's akinu but you revealed to us oh god that you are dependable oh god we thank you right now lord and i feel it coming on oh lord god that we need to give you some glory on this morning for being so dependable oh lord cause some of us oh lord god lost our jobs but we didn't miss the field some of us oh god had corona come to our house oh no lord but you healed our bodies oh lord your word says that you are a very present helper in the time of trump and even on this morning oh lord god somebody is watching they need you to help them oh god we're asking right now father god for your help help us oh lord god help our minds to think the right thoughts oh lord god help us to make the right decisions oh lord god our bishop has declared oh lord god through the power of the holy ghost that this is the year of opportunity help us oh god to not miss any opportunities and i pray right now god that you will stir up every gift oh lord god i pray right now god that the anointing would rest upon this service oh lord god i pray right now god that you would give my bishop and our elder every mount site pastor oh lord god we pray right now for the physical and mental stamina oh lord god that is needed to release what needs to be released not only today god but down through 2021 and even right now god we connect our faith as we stand those that are in their households oh god i declare right now that they represent their bloodline i declare right now that they represent their family and as they open up their mouth oh god they give you glory and they're asking oh lord god that you will come to their homes on this morning push up and drive out oh god every spirit of depression oh god arrest every spirit of discouragement oh god we're actually right now that you were moving every house on the lord god until luck has to go we declare right now god that the anointing from this house o god flows into every house and we declare right now that this is a window god of open doors oh lord god this is the wick oh god a new opportunity no lord god this is a wicked deliverance this is the week oh god that this nation will come back together oh lord god touch the present oh god help his mind to be sound oh lord god and oh god we pray for the president-elect you know what he has to deal with and so make far decisions as to who is going to be a part of his cabinet and oh god we pray for unity in the body of christ remove that spirit of deception remove that spirit of defeation oh lord god and bring us back together oh lord god let repentance begin o god at the head o lord we thank you for the god that you're going to do something incredible today we're claiming right now in the mighty name of jesus let a fresh anointing fall on our bishop right now god put the word that will set every captive free in his mouth of god put the gathering anointing on him oh god that we will draw people o lord god for the kingdom of god from all over this world we thank you lord god for 2021 for allowing us to see it and so god we bow before your presence do what only you can do have your way holy spirit it is in the mighty name of jesus that we ask all these things amen and amen [Laughter] begin to give him glory begin to open up your mouth and let your spirit cry out to our lord rewarders are shepherding he goes before us hallelujah and we give you glory now jesus i may give you glory now jesus is yours for the taking the song the lord is my shadow he goes before he [Music] defender behind me [Music] [Music] the lord is [Music] is defender behind me [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] glory to god because we know one thing that he's like that all right can you sing that again from the bottom of your heart say it i want you to reach way down this time and say he is and say he always guides me [Music] lift your hands and it restores my souls mercy is [Music] i need you to grab onto the words of the lord and know that he will never leave you saying he is my conversation i spent time in my secret closet and he ensures me that he is my comfort everybody help me oh we can rest right here at your feet we take pleasure that you are our comforter your spirit lives within me so [Music] [Music] your spirits is is [Music] is is know oh we're gonna release this into the atmosphere hey [Music] oh [Music] i am not alone bless you now father [Music] and he always hold me everybody lift up your hands and give him glory hallelujah well praise the lord good morning good morning good morning can we just worship just for about 30 more seconds and just give god glory for keeping us for healing us for sustaining us for being consistent in our life we're so grateful to god for another new year and another privilege another opportunity thank you god amen well good morning good morning good morning welcome to mount 360 2.0 happy new year bless new year you got some people that are so pharisee if you say happy new year they offended they want you to say bless new year then you got some folks that are so um concerned about um proper protocol that if you say bless new year they say no happy new year so whatever you need me to say today i believe that it'll be a prosperous new year for you we want to thank you so much for the privilege of being able to um just be with you this morning around the world what an awesome god we serve you know i'm sure around the world today that pastors are standing up and they're sharing relative to what happened in our nation this week and so i want to just share you know i'm i'm going to stay true to the word that god gave me to preach because i believe that much of what's happening in the in the world is a distraction and um you know what i what i've focused on is not allowing the distraction to cause me to either abort my destiny or embarrass the kingdom of god um don't be on social media having vain arguments with people that you don't have the ability to convince that anything was wrong or you know the reality is and this is what i want you to hear this is what i want you to hear the demonic has many disguises and the wicked has many costumes so please understand um do not hesitate to focus on your own destiny but i've got scripture for you and i want to read these scriptures and then i'm going to move into the word of god ecclesiastes this scripture just gave me life this year ecclesiastes chapter 8 starting with verse 13. the wicked will not prosper for they do not fear god their days will never grow long like the evening shadows and this is not all that is meaningless in our world in this life good people are often treated as though they were wicked and wicked people are often treated as though they were good this is so meaninglessly so i recommend having fun because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat drink and enjoy life that way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work god gives them under the sun so i just want to remind you enjoy life don't be distressed and discouraged worried about the wickedness that's going on in our nation and the wickedness that's going on around the world because god told me that when you allow that wickedness to impact you to the point that you become depressed that the reality is you then are displaying your lack of trust in who he is and your lack of faith and who he is and then finally psalms 27 what what a great psalm to read psalms 27 starting with verse 1 and you know it but but i want to read it you we know it in the king james version i want to read it in the new living translation then i will hold my head high above my enemies who surround me and in fact let's start at verse 1 [Music] because it's so neat the lord is my light and my salvation so why should i be afraid the lord is my fortress protecting me from danger so why should i tremble when evil people come to devour me when my enemies and foes attack me they will stumble and fall though a mighty army surrounds me my heart will not be afraid even if i'm attacked i will remain confident the one thing i ask of the lord the thing i seek the most is to live in the house of the lord all the days of my life delighting in the lord's perfections and meditating in his temple for he will conceal me there when troubles come he will hide me in his sanctuary he will place me out of reach he will place me out of reach on a high rock then i will hold my head high above my enemies who surround me at his sanctuary i will offer sacrifices and shouts of joy singing and praising the lord with music so i just want to remind you stay focused and um you know i tell people all the time don't put on social media what you don't want on social media and so this is such a distraction and i just believe that god is going to continue to be faithful i want to remind you as well that our new website is up so i'm so excited about that today so do some window shopping today go to the website just see how it's now configured it's a lot easier for you to move around you can make spiritual decisions just really really excited about the new website oil prayer cloth ribbon curbside pickup right here in chesapeake today is from 12 to 2 so you're going to be able to drive up to the building we will social distance we will make sure that we're sensitive to all that's going on just crack your window a little and we will drop it in now i know many of you gonna come with five six people in the car and want five or six ribbons five or six prayer claws we're trying in this first suite to make sure everyone gets one so it will be one ribbon perk or one face pack per car and so um you know just be sensitive to that y'all act like believers today please and um just understand we're trying to make sure that every household in the family um gets um a faith pack so it will include your oil your prayer cloth your ribbon and you all know what um those um are used for how to use them if you don't maybe we'll do it in service very soon i want to celebrate staff can you around the world just celebrate what you saw on watch night it was a tremendous evening trip tremendous evening and so we're so grateful to god for the privilege of being able to be around the world thousands of people around the world in fact let me back up for a moment because here's what's so amazing if you want to know what the whole capital insurrection was about and i'm not trying to be political let me tell you what god did out of all the scenes that happened at the capitol that day the scene that god needed to go around the world was the scene of our leader the great sister the great congress um leader congressional leader who was down on her knees in the midst of all that was going on and she was calling on the name of the lord and then you saw somebody else come and put their hand on her shoulder to come into agreement with her god needed that image to go around the world and used all of the unrighteousness of that day to lift up a righteous voice in prayer and to show people the power of prayer i want to remind you as well that for the year you know this is the year of opportunity and um if you watch watch night a worship experience there were four points what we're doing this year is we're taking each one of those points and we're breaking them down over the quarter so those four points will be our emphasis and our place of ministry strength the place where we will be focused over all four quarters so for this first quarter will be point number one which is releasing anxiety and everything that we do is going to be driven towards a unified perspective across all the sites across all of the ministries everything we do is going to be trying to help you to release anxiety so we're so grateful for that and then finally i want to remind you i'll tell you a quick story when i first got married our first argument was over tithing because elder was a tither and i was not a tithe i was a minister but i was not a tither and when we started to do the budget she put down tithe and i said girl we're not about to give that much to the church and she started to run down some statistics for me she said well when we got married very diplomatically not disrespectfully but she said when we got married where were you living i was living with my mother she was buying her own house what are you driving not to not to knock what i was driving it was nice cars driving to nissan um steel drive nissan so i'm not saying anything um um derogatory about nissan i was driving a nice nissan couldn't tell me it was not it was a nice car but she was driving a mercedes two-seater with a cell phone mobile phone at that time and the hard top came off sl 500 before i even knew what an sl was and so the reality is she said how much money do you have saved i didn't even have a savings account she had a retirement fund she had an investment portfolio and she said well when you look at our two lives don't you think you need to tithe and that was all i needed to hear from that day to this day i have never argued about tithing again so let me just tell you what god told me because i know somebody's watching right now and you're saying well you know what bishop look how good i've been doing and i haven't been tithing that's what grace is but i hope the grace doesn't run out and see here's what's so amazing just because you've been doing good does not mean that is the will of god for your life it could be just the grace of god covering you and so i want to remind you that god does hold us accountable to time and for those of you that are still wrestling with it watch this here's the last illustration how would you respond to your child that is habitually disobedient you tell your child be in the house by nine o'clock and every day your child comes in the house 10 30 11 o'clock midnight 1 sooner or later you would get frustrated with that child well let me just say this to you for those of you around the world that do not give your tithe you are saying to god you are habitually disobedient now i know you're finally saying you know what but you don't understand the reality is i can't afford the tithe well even if that's your argument today what you're making with that argument is that you don't believe god can pay your bills you're telling god every time you use that as an excuse you are telling god that you trust the world more than you trust him because what god does is he tells us test me try me so every time you tell god i don't have enough money to pay you and pay my bills you are telling him that you don't have enough confidence in him that if you do what his word says he will do what he tells you in his word so i just want to remind you around the world that god does hold us accountable to still bring the tithe even in the midst of all of this but finally before we get into the word i want to show you um we got some gifted young people that are making it happen even in the midst of a pandemic even in the midst of virtual learning so would you turn your attention to the screen because we've got to celebrate these young people that have pushed their way to maintain honor roll [Music] [Music] [Music] and we're so proud of all of our young people that have made honor roll and continue to do what is required during this season we pray for all educators and all of our students we pray for parents because we know virtual education has been really intense and so we're so excited about what god is doing in your life look i've got a word there is a word and it's found in the gospel of john chapter 19. you know i want to thank last sunday um minister alex and pastor john shared the word of god his elder and i got a little rest and relaxation we just needed a mental break but the reality is there is a word and i want to go back to the um passage of scripture that we raised on watch night john chapter 20 we're going to start with verse 19 and you know this is the year of opportunity i believe that that the annual theme should come out of a scriptural reference that has numerical integrity so john 20 21 is literally our scriptural focus for the year but we're going to start at 19 and we're going to read through 23 that sunday evening the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the jewish leaders suddenly jesus was standing there among them peace be with you he said as he spoke he showed them the wounds in his hands and his side they were filled with joy when they saw the lord again he said peace be with you as the father has sent me so i am sending you then he breathed on them and said receive the holy spirit if you forgive anyone's sins they are forgiven if you do not forgive them they are not forgiven oh my god what a scripture if you forgive anyone's sins they are forgiven if you do not forgive them they are not forgiven oh my god i want to minister my assignment today is to minister to you from this subject what's my next move what's my next move father i pray for anointing that will enable me to make the word speak clearly i claim authority to share the gospel god we pray that you will continue to speak concisely in such a challenging season that today your word would find each of us that would be contextually true that it would be individually packaged and each of us will receive rhema as you shared through vessel and instruments of clay it's our prayer we claim the authority to preach the gospel share the gospel in the name of jesus amen you know one of the most frustrating things for i'm sure for most pastors for for me especially as a pastor for me as a bishop is every year you declare a theme and then every year when you see the progress of the saints or the lack of progress of the saints you began to ask yourself did i miss the theme did i not hear god did i get it wrong for instance you know when you can declare that the year 2020 was the year of exhibition and then you don't see people operate in the year of exhibition or you don't see god operate in their life in a way of exhibition and people send you emails they'll send your text and they'll say i know you declared this was the year of exhibition or this was the year of opportunity but i'm here to tell you i have not seen the exhibition of god or or i have not seen god operating the way you declared he would operate on new year's eve i will tell you that usually by the middle of the year you began to question yourself did i get it right did i hear from god did i miss god did i misinterpret what god said and then recently i declared new year's eve december the 31st we stood up in the midst of all that's going on and we began to declare that we believe according to john 20 21 that the year of the lord nighttime 2021 would be the year of opportunity and i've already started to get emails i've already started to get text messages from people that are getting promotions from people that are getting healed people that are moving into new homes so you see opportunity people that are getting the ability to go after new moves in their career but i'm sure it won't be long here it is y'all i'm sure it won't be long before i'll get some kind of communication from someone that will say i know you said it would be the year of opportunity but i want you to know i'm not getting any opportunities and so i began to really seek god and begin to deal with god relative to why is it we can all sit under the same word god i feel something pushing me right there we can sit under the same word we can sit in the same church we can sit in the same section in the same church we can sit next to the same person week after week i know we're social distance now and we're not having in-person church but the reality is when we were in this building what is it that would be so different that you can sit on chair number two on row three and you sit on chair number four on row three and you can see the theme manifest in one person's life and the theme not manifest in another person's life what is it about the fact that you can sing in the same choir you can serve on the same praise team you can be on the same day diaconate ministry you can be in the same greeters ministry you can be in the same doorkeepers ministry and you see the favor of god start to move on certain people's lives and then you look at other people we hanging out together we play in spades together we watching lifetime movies together we going to the movies together our children socialize we all talk to each other we follow each other on facebook we spend time with each other and yet you can see one group of people where the hand of god is so definitively clear in their life and then you see other people that want to say did we miss the thing bishop just came up with that in fact i know god really threw watch this god really threw us for a loop shout cue coming because everybody was expecting an e how in the world in the midst of covet do you try to consistently continue a same tradition when it's clear that what god did at the end of 2020 is he cut off everything that he was doing relative to church and said i'm starting some brand new so if you want to know why i didn't come with an e it's because i had sense enough to know that the season for ease was over because whatever god was doing before 2021 capped off he is literally through with that i pray for pastors i pray for churches that are waiting for covet to end to go back to church just keep having a prayer ban and a testimony service it is clear that god controlled alternate and deleted everything that we were doing as a church and he is now rebooting the kingdom of god and i'm not throwing shade at anybody i want you to understand sister yvonne all the way over in raleigh people that want to continue to do what they were doing before this season more power to you but i've decided that god is clear according to isaiah he says can't you see i'm doing something brand new it's springing up out of nowhere i want to let you know i did not get it wrong here's it here it is in a nutshell you know why at the end of 2021 there are going to be people that still did not operate within the theme of the house it has nothing to do with the prophet getting it wrong it's because we did not know what our next move was in order to operate in this season you're gonna have to know you're gonna have to start getting yourself in line right now and say what is my next move what is the next thing that god holds me accountable to do what is god trying to say not to the mount global fellowship of churches but what is god trying to say to you i want to suggest that i am right in the sweet spot of the holy spirit because the reality is these brothers had been locked up in an upper room they had been caught quarantined from anybody else and then when it was time for god to release them they had to understand what their next move was gonna be you better come get your boy shoot me some hearts right there i'm talking to you sister virginia all the way over in steubenville ohio i don't even know where that is but i want you to know god has anointed me today to ask you what's your next move wherever you are right now god wants to start getting us ready for when we come out of this season so that we can truly truly be ready for the year of opportunity here it is if we're gonna do that then if we're gonna understand what our next movie is y'all ready i believe my first point is the best point of the day the first thing we're gonna have to figure out is how to receive your forgiveness okay you just missed that you know why a whole lot of people are gonna miss this season it's because god has forgiven you but you have not forgiven yourself okay watch this here it is you do know these brothers are locked up in an upper room dr andrew this is crazy right here because i'm getting ready to take an um exegetical turn that i guarantee you most of us have never heard pastor denis we've never heard this we've always said these brothers are locked up because they are afraid of the jews and the powers to be so they are in the upper room because they are afraid of the powers to be i'm not disqualifying that but i want to suggest that they are in the upper room because they don't know which one of them caused jesus to die on calvary okay there it is i knew i was going to mess you up right there i got bible for you i got bible for you if you go to matthew chapter 26 and look at verse 22 jesus is now having the last supper with them and he says one of you will betray me and then verse 22 says greatly distressed each one of them ask in turn am i the one lord which then implies oh you better come get me first sunday i get to preach in the new year you better understand what that teaches me is that one of them had betrayed them but all of them had done what was considered betrayal okay you missed that if they had not betrayed god if each of them had not done something that qualified as betrayal they would not have gone around the room asking lord is it me what they were trying to see is did what i do cause you to go to calvary did what i say cause you to go to calvary it's just that judas is the one whose plan works but all of them had done something that qualified as betrayal and yet he still shows up in an upper room telling them i'm going to steal you oh you missed it you ought to turn around in your living room right now because i want to suggest that whether you're a preacher whether you're a prophet whether you're a bishop whether you're an elder whether you are just a door keeper all of us have done something all of us should be asking the same question lord in 2020 was it me that caused this to happen was it i because all of us have betrayed god and yet by the grace of god he has the audacity to still step into our situation and say i'm gonna still use you that's why i feel like giving god glory because i understand that my next move is to acknowledge the lord i did mess up but you still love me enough so i'm gonna receive that forgiveness lord i didn't do everything you told me to do in the year of the lord 2020 but you still love me so i'm gonna receive that forgiveness who am i preaching to right now that needs to get up in your living room and say god i'm sorry but thank you for grace that is truly amazing because in spite of all that i did you still want to use me you still want to heal me you still want to provide for me you still want to grace me with your anointing i'm talking to somebody around the world right now that needs to come clean and acknowledge you ain't been as good as you want everybody to think you have you ain't as anointed as you want everybody to believe you are but by the grace of god he still i got it i got it i got it the old folk used to say it like this he looked beyond my faults and still sees my need it's not a need for a new car it's not a need for a new house it's not a need for more money it's a need for more grace there it is i'm so grateful to god that he has enough grace that even when i mess up that's why i love 21 he says again peace be with you you know what that really is implying he's saying don't worry i know what you did but have peace don't worry i know what you're saying but have peace don't worry i know who you slept with last night but have peace don't worry i know you didn't bring your tithe this year but have peace don't worry i know you didn't do what i asked you to do but have peace don't worry i know you didn't get it right but have peace i know what you're saying i know who you talked about i know who you lied on but have peace oh god so my next move first is to receive my forgiveness [Music] but then not only is my next move to receive my forgiveness god i feel like lifting you up but number two my next move is to reaffirm my faithfulness watch this when i reaffirm my faith it dawned on me listen to what jesus says when he gets in the room he comes in the room and he says peace be with you as the father has sent me so i am sending you okay y'all watch this are you sending me now i know that's that's that's not deep enough for some of y'all god you know what faith is faith is okay i'm giving you get ready i'm getting ready to give you a tweetable quote i hope y'all talking in the chat room faith is going where you don't know where you're going faith is going where god is sending you without requiring him to tell you the destination faith is you saying god i've got enough confidence in you that wherever you sending me i'm ready you do know that out of this group of 12 people one of which has betrayed him he doesn't tell any of them what their assignment ultimately is he just says i'm sending you and so the reality is some of them were sent to the gentiles some of them were sent to the jews that's why i love romans 1 17. it says the good news tells us how god makes us right in his sight this is accomplished from start to finish by faith as the scriptures say it is through faith that a righteous person has life okay you're missing it it's not through my perfection i'm never gonna have life because i'm perfect it's not through my giving it's never going i can't buy my righteousness it's not because of my gifts because the gifts operate without repentance it's not because of how i look how much education i have how articulate i am with the word of god the way i live is by faith and faith is when god says i'm sending you you know what these brothers say they so glad that god is still sending them they really don't care where god is sending them i'm talking to you denise over in law maryland i'm talking to you tracy in dallas texas please understand god wants to send you somewhere and the reality is god is not going to always tell you where he's sending you he just wants to know where you say lord here i am send me because the reality is if god watch this if god was to tell us ultimately what he's trying to do in our life it would be more than the cpu in our head could handle in the first place and we would fall out in the spirit i'm telling you right now that if in 1990 god had told me that the little church on bails me a road would end up with eight locations i had thousands of people around the world if god had told me that there would be a night on new year's eve in which we would minister and 28 000 people would click on a site to see something that i had to say kat brown's little boy from portsmouth i would have fell out in the spirit and never accepted the call what i've learned is that god cannot tell us the whole story at the beginning because he's got to bring us lying upon line precept upon precept not because he doesn't want to tell us the whole story but because most of us right now can't believe where we are in this season you can't believe right now where god has you living so how in the world is god going to show you where you will be living you can't believe what god has you driving right now so how in the world is god going to show you what you will be driving you can't even believe what god has you working right now so how is god going to show you that you're going to own the business how in the world are you going to be ready for the next season when you have not comprehended yet how you got in the season you are right now what you need to do is stand up around the world and just declare god wherever you want me to go i'm ready to go i'll do what you want me to do i'll say what you want me to say i'll do it when you tell me to do it i'll give what you want me to give and this is so funny watch this so yesterday i see a homeless man on the side of the street and last year one of my one of my covenants with god was that i would not pass a homeless man oh god i'm gonna preach myself happy last year one of my covenants was that i would not pass a homeless person and not put something in their hand so yesterday when i saw the homeless man i'm not proud of this i started to celebrate it's a brand new year so i don't have to live by that covenant anymore and then god said what's different in your life because the year has changed he said what is it that you're missing this year that you had last year he said you better not understand you better understand i never limit myself to days i limit myself to destiny he said that you can go ahead and pass him because you think it's a new year but it's by the grace of god that you're not the person standing out there holding the sign right now it's not because of how gifted you are it's not because of how anointed you are it's because i reign on the chest and the unjust i'm here to tell somebody that just shall live by faith so what's my next move number one receive your forgiveness number two reaffirm your faith but then number three reverence your fellowships okay watch this watch this let's go back to verse 22. here's what's so amazing john chapter 20 verse 22 it says he breathed on them okay now watch this he says he breathed on them but i'm sending you oh god this is crazy okay so he breathed on them elder but i'm sending you it almost sounds like jesus has the grammar and the tenses of the language wrong cause he's gonna breathe on us but send me no that's not what he's saying what he's saying is us is you and you is us i know that's bad grandma i'm sorry dr ella ward the reality is what he's trying to show them is if you're trying to do something for the kingdom isolated it will never operate because god never intended for us to operate in the kingdom as islands what he's saying is i'm breathing on y'all and when y'all go it will be you it will be a singular assignment that will be manifested through multiple streams of influence so i'm sending you you was not an individual you was the 12 of them come here let me show you something that god gave me so i want to declare right now over the mount global fellowship of churches none of the sites are in conflict there is one church it's called the mount whether it's in virginia beach or whether it's in western branch whether it's on the peninsula or whether it's in elizabeth city whether it's in charlotte i told somebody y'all better come get your boy shoot me some hearts right there i found out this week that i know we have gone to another level as a fellowship charlotte y'all in the house holla at your boy let me tell you how i know we go to another level because this year we were talking about how we were going to distribute the prayer clause and we told coach mike and charlotte that he might have to wait until next sunday to distribute prayer clause in charlotte because we had to mail them but then the senior site pastor of the mount suffolk said no put them in my car i will drive them to charlotte on saturday so that on sunday morning while we're giving out prayer clothes in chesapeake and they're giving out prayer clothes in portsmouth and they're giving out prayer clauses suffer they will be giving out prayer claws and suffer while they're giving out prayer clause in charlotte because he breathed on them but he sent us the reality is is not a different assignments it's one assignment he just broke it off in eight different contexts so what he does is he gives one assignment to twelve men and what is the assignment tell them who i am tell them who i am peter tell them who i am matthew tell them who i am andrew tell them who i am john we cannot be in competition and one of the biggest problems with the body of christ is everybody is still in competition so watch this if you want to know if you want to know when covet is going to go away it's when the church down the street stops trying to compete with the church down the street i'm talking to you brother kenneth all the way in tampa florida what's the temperature today shoot it in this chat room let me know what the temperature is in tampa sister darlene williams in charleston south carolina the problem is as long as you're trying to out praise somebody else or as long as you're trying to out sing somebody else i love today because when i came in i saw the praise team up there alex says that's the praise team from western brand where if we won church the bishop ought to be able to stand up and preach behind the praise team from western branch and the site pastor from western branch ought to be able to come up here and pray if this is all he breathed on us and let me tell you that if you understand my next move is to recognize that i need some people around me that line up like first thessalonians 5 11 so encourage each other and build each other up just as you already doing the reality is you better find you some people building folk and put them in your circle i need some folks in my circle that when i don't feel like praying they'll say i'm praying for you i need some folks in my circle that when they don't feel like praying i say i'm praying for you i need some folks that when my arms are weary they hold my arms up but i also need some folks that when their arm is wearing i hold their armor i'm here to tell you you don't need any more parasites in your life you don't need anybody else in your life that's always sucking out of you and never depositing anything else in you you need somebody that's trying to go where you're trying to go that's trying to love god the way you're trying to love god okay i know i'm getting ready to mess you up i'm getting ready to leave you i'm out of time but i want you to understand you better find you some new spades partners in this year you better find somebody else to drink some red kool-aid with because you need somebody in your life in this season that knows how to encourage you that knows how to build you up not lie to you but make sure that you don't avoid what god is doing in your life i'm getting ready to go i got to leave you but i wanted to tell you today that god dropped on me what's our next move needed to be and our next move needs to be first of all that we receive our forgiveness but then secondly reaffirm our faith but then thoroughly reference our fellowships begin to celebrate with the kind of people that are moving where you're moving but then finally redirect your fears i hate to bust your bubble this is not gonna be the year where you're gonna be able to operate with fear you need to get you some therapy get you some counseling get you some intercessors or somebody because there's nothing worse than a person that is afraid of opportunity to live in the year of opportunity oh i just said something there is nothing worse than a person that is afraid to risk and pursue living in a season where god is saying i'm getting ready to open up doors and i'm getting ready to release opportunity to you there's nothing worse than a person that is caught up in so much fear that they will not pursue the destiny that god has ordained for them that's why i love listen to what he's saying i'm getting ready to mess up your ypw and your btu and your vacation bible school because it dawned on me elder he gives us a glimpse in the scripture of what our real assignment is somebody better help me preach this last minute and a half he says the same way that god sent me that's how i'm sending you i didn't understand it until this week what he's really saying is the same thing you saw me doing on earth when i was here is what you gonna have to do on earth now i'm going to be with the father but the same way the father brought me from heaven to earth whatever you saw me do that's what you're gonna have to do now do i have anybody around here well i'm getting ready to leave you your boy is out now shoot me some hearts right there but i want you to understand that the reality is i got a question i gotta ask you if jesus was a savior if jesus was a healer if jesus was a deliberate if jesus was a bridge over troubled water if jesus was a lily in the valley if jesus was a bright and mourning star when are you gonna start being there oh i got a revelation now when are you gonna be somebody's savior whether you're gonna beat somebody's healer when are you going to be somebody's deliverer when are you going to be somebody's bridge over troubled water when are you going to be somebody's bright and morningstar when are you going to be somebody's friend that's sticking closer than a brother he said the same way that god sent me is how i'm sending you so i'm ready to declare god you can use me i'll be an instrument of salvation i'll be an instrument of healing i'll be an instrument of deliverance i'll be an instrument of encouragement i declare right now that everything god did through jesus he wants to do through you and me in jesus name watch this my confidence overrides my fear psalm 27 3 says though a mighty army surrounds me [Music] my heart will not be afraid even if i'm attacked i will remain confident i gotta go you know what you need to know what's your next move gonna be it's a brand new year maybe the first point is for you maybe you need to your receive so right now around the world if you desire to accept jesus as your savior rededicate your life to or christ a part of this church that has global influence global outreach it's a new day i know you're saying well i live in south carolina i can't join a church in virginia don't you see god as doing something new let me tell you people that live in virginia not in the room people that live in chesapeake are not in the room people that live down the street are not in the room we will serve you in south carolina we will serve you in georgia we will serve you in germany if you didn't see anything else new year's eve we touched families in new york we fed homeless in new york we touch folks in germany and we touch folks right here so if you're in this audience with us today they're gonna put direction on the screen if you desire to accept jesus and your savior rededicate your life to christ or become a part of this fellowship all you've got to do is text accept restart up on how to continue to solidify this fresh water we got to go but we declared now unto him who is able to keep us from falling and present us faultless before the throne of god almighty be glory and majestic dominion and power i declare in a brand new year of opportunity that you and i are blessed in the city blessed bless when we come bless where we go [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning mount global and tmp welcome to church redefined we're going to jump right on into praise and worship this morning we want to remind you who he is his name is great let's see we love to call your name call your name it's something we cannot it that happens when we [Music] it's something we cannot explain that happens a king jesus [Music] sing it again taking jesus nothing stronger than my lord when we call on your name there is power in the name of jesus powering your name do you believe that this morning there is power in the name of jesus this power in your name come on help me say there is power in the name of [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all [Music] [Music] do you know that we serve a great god do we know that we serve a god who sits high and looks slow if you know that come on say say yes [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] god we bless your name we worship you you can begin to call his great name begin to say who he is to you begin to tell him how great he is god you're worthy of all the glory and the honor we want to lift your name high in this place begin to invite him into wherever you are by just telling him how good he is begin to say who he lord we know at the is of your name every knee must bow and every tongue confess that you you and only you are lord at the mention of your name every knee must bow every tongue confess that you are you are lord [Music] can y'all help me sing that at the mention of your name [Music] the words are real simple if you can catch it you can lift it up with us oh see at the mention of your name every knee must bow every tongue confess that you are you are you our lord so we lift your voice and we say jesus [Music] jesus you are lord you are jesus [Music] jesus you are i love this next part it just says this see at the mention of your name the scales fall from the eyes once blind but now they'll see that you are you are lord do you know that he's lord this morning he's lord over your life oh say at the mention of your name the scales fall from their eyes once played but now they'll see that you are you are lord oh so we lift our voice and say thank you holy holy lord oh say jesus jesus oh jesus jesus a lord wherever you are come on let's say his name say jesus [Music] whenever i need you you're there in the time of storm so i cry your name jesus hey take it up and say jesus oh something has to happen when we call your name lord we lift our voice inside your name is jesus your name is holy jesus lord you're the king of kings you're the lord of lords you're alpha and omega you're the beginning of the end lord we bless your names [Music] jesus sing with us say jesus you are the lord we're gonna say this say jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] jesus we make [Music] so we say jesus jesus our healers hearts of jesus jesus now wherever you are you can begin to worship him begin to lift him up god we love you we bless your name thank you for keeping us lord thank you for protecting us thank you for loving us you are the lover of our souls lord we know that whatever you do god it's all well with us so we bless your name right now in advance for what you've been doing what you continue to do and what you're going to do god if you never do anything else we've just got to say thank you if you never do another thing for us you've done more than enough lord we love you and we bless your name god hallelujah yes oh jesus jesus [Music] amen amen so we are going to stay right in that posture and we are going to continue to love on you god god we're just going to continue to tell you thank you for how you kept us in 2020 god and how you're going to use us in 2021 god we know that bishop has declared this year is the year of opportunity and as the affirmation says god watch me work in 2021 god so we are standing on that affirmation watch me baby because i have things to birth in the natural and the spiritual this year and i will not back down i will not be punked by that demon bully so i am going after the book that belongs to me i am going after the land that belongs to me i am going after the properties that belong to me i am going after kingdom territory that belongs to me in this year god so we stand on that guy we are believing that you are going to blow our minds in 2021 despite what has happened in 2020 god we still serve a great god who does great things so god we're excited about this year god we're excited about what you're gonna do in our lives and our families lives and the people that are connected to us god so we say have your way and do it like only you can do it because you are amazing and you're so good to us god we love on you today god we thank you for just arresting this moment right now just for us just to remind us that you still have plans for us and you're still gonna use us despite what happened in our past god god allow us to receive that forgiveness god allow us to defeat and talk back to the anxiety that comes against us god that tells us that we don't belong or that we can't go after or that we can't have what you have promised us we're excited about today we're excited about this year of opportunity god we thank you we receive it and we walk boldly in it we love you today god have your way in this place and do what only you can do in the name of jesus i pray amen amen and amen amen amen amen well welcome once again to the mount global 360 2.0 um this is church redefined yes um i am lj brown this is dr kisha and that was um our amazing praise and worship ministry team so thank you all once again as always for ushering in the presence of god y'all certainly did that this morning um so once again um welcome again to mount 360 2.0 um happy new year y'all um this is our first sunday merry christmas happy thanksgiving you're right all right happy holidays all day you know uh you know um seriously we hope you guys enjoy your holiday season um with those um which you could um enjoy it with i know you know the holiday season was a little different this year but you know i hope everyone enjoyed it and made the best of it i know we did we definitely enjoyed ourselves with the family so happy holidays happy new year once again to everybody um i want to make a quick announcement today at 12 o'clock at 12 noon tnp partners please meet us at tmp at 12 noon today for your prayer cloth pick up y'all know we do the faith packs every year your prayer cloth your oil um so please meet us at tmp at 12 noon today um to pick that up again we're only doing one per car i know i know a lot of us like to have one for the house we like to have one you know at the office yes we like to have one you know in the classrooms where we're teaching and that sort of thing and i understand but for this go around we're going to treat it like how we do you know when you're at grandma house or something you get something to eat and they say just get a little bit right now give everybody else a chance to go through the line then after everybody go through the line then you can come back on you know and get your second so for today we're just gonna do one per car um so you know we picking up for this family the other family they got to make their way out today you know so and then on the next go around we you know be able to get you one for your office in your classroom but meet us today at 10 p at 12 noon for your faith pack on pick up 900 portsmouth boulevard all right um also gotta gotta mention you know we all um felt the weight yeah of this week you know at the capitol um and so here's what i'm gonna say to it and um not really even addressing um those who were a part of that moment at the capitol but here's what happened to me this week so i think the capital moment happened what was that wednesday tuesday or wednesday and uh for me so i was headed into the office on thursday morning which was actually the morning after on the capitol had happened so i was headed to the office and i told tmp this on thursday evening i'm on a zoom but i was on the way to the office and i was on the interstate and uh i ran over some got a flat tire so my tire went flat immediately i mean it was just went to zero i had to pull over so in my mind it was cold i'm on the interstate i ain't really want to pull over and have to mess with the tire on this side of the road on the interstate so i was close enough to a ramp i was like i'm gonna just go ahead and get off on this ramp so i don't got to be on the road changing the tires i pulled off i backed into a hardy's and uh i didn't know it at the time until i had started cranking my cog to change my tire that i didn't park on level ground right so i ain't realizing until i had it cranked up and the car fell off the jack on me so i had it jacked up and the car fell off the jack on me i jacked it up again and i'm trying to get it y'all know the love the you know the lugs be tight on the wheels you gotta put a little elbow grease on to get the lugs also the more i you know try to get the lock off it fell off the jack again so it fell off the jack on me like three times right and then this uh brother from another uh from a mother of another color pulled up and he he asked me to say man you need some help and uh it you know honestly in my mind initially i'm like nah i think i'm good i can handle it you know especially in light of everything that's been going on you know i'm just being honest i'm like i think i'm good he was like you you know i got a hydraulic in here you know it'd be a piece of cable take care and i'm like nah i think i'm good i got it you know although it was cold i was struggling my car had fell off the jack three four times and he better than me baby he honestly better than me he asked me twice i said no twice personally i would have rolled off but he gave me another chance he said look man now you sure you don't need no help i said well you say you got a hydraulic in there he was like yeah i said well look come on you know let's go ahead do it so the more of the story we was able to work together we got the town and we went on about our business so what i want to do is just remind us that you know regardless of what we're seeing you know on the tv and on the news i don't want us to do what a lot of times people do to us which is bunch everybody together you know uh so i i want to just remind us that you know there are still good decent people um in the world and so uh and the bottom line is in order for us to get the world to where we wanted to be we're going to have to stay united we're going to have to come together we're going to have to use all of our brothers and sisters to get us um to where we need to be so i just want to remind everybody that you know we can't bunch everybody into one group there's still you know good decent people out here absolutely so just wanted to say that um in light of everything that's been going on throughout the year so if you will right now we're going to get into our main business so if you'll turn with me to the book of matthew and we're going to read chapter 25 and we're gonna read verses uh one through thirteen one through thirteen so matthew 25 and we're going to read verses one through 13 and it reads then the kingdom of heaven will be like 10 bridesmaids who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom five of them were foolish and five were wise the five who were foolish didn't take enough oil olive oil for their lamps but the other five were wise enough to take along extra oil when the bridegroom was delayed they all became drowsy and fell asleep at midnight they were aroused by the shout look the bridegroom is coming come out and meet him all the bridesmaids got up and prepared their lamps then the five foolish ones ask the others please give us some of your oil because our lamps are going out but the others replied we don't have enough for all of us go to a shop and buy some for yourselves but while they were gone to buy oil the bridegroom came then those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast and the door was locked later when the other five bridesmaids returned they stood outside calling lord lord open the door for us but he called back believe me i don't know you so you too must keep watch for you do not know the day or hour of my return wow the lord called back and said believe me i don't know i don't know you so you too must keep watch for you do not know the day or the hour of my return so so honey um and everybody that that's watching we want to talk and have a conversation today about when preparation meets opportunity when preparation meets opportunity i like i like opportunity because uh it gives us both the opportunity to be blessed but it also gives us an opportunity to bless others bishop has declared this year 2021 to be the year of opportunity and i'm excited because on one hand i know that um you know god is going to have doors open for us you know we're gonna have jobs calling out of nowhere promotions gonna be falling in our lap you know um those of us who have kids you know kids might be getting scholarships and you know we might be getting new homes for our families and that sort of thing but also on on the other hand i'm excited because i know that it's going to be opportunities again for me to bless others opportunities for me to seek and find you know myself and my relationship with god and build my relationship with god it's going to be opportunities for me to get things right you know a lot of times we don't look at opportunities in that way but you know we got family members uncles aunties cousins mothers brothers sisters you know siblings that you know we might not be in good standing relationship but opportunities are going to come this year for us to be able to get those you know situations right um it's going to be opportunities for me to make lifestyle changes you know just to get certain things right so i want to suggest that this year is not necessarily going to be just a year you know where god just gonna you know crack the heavens and just shower us you know with blessings but it's really going to be a year of what i want to call opportune moments right it's going to be year of opportune moments and the thing about opportune moments and and then we're going to get into the lesson and i'm doing as bishop would say right now we're just trying to get you on the porch but the thing about opportune moments sometimes you don't know that opportunities are coming right you're not gonna know that those opportunities to come we all been in a situation where you know something happens or opportunity comes you like damn man if i were to you know if i would have known this i would have done this so i would have done that and it don't always work that way you're not going to always know on when an opportune moment is coming and we're going to get into how you how you handle that we're talking about preparation we're going to get into that later but sometimes god will do us a solid you know sometimes god will do us a solid and he'll even let us know that the opportune moment is is coming you know um but at the same time what he normally would do is he'll give you instructions on how to prepare for the opportune moment that's coming right and so um and that and that kind of leads us into into our uh conversation for the day so in this story in the bridesmaid story per se i don't think they really they really didn't get instruction on how to prepare they didn't know that that a delay and things like that was going to come about but it lends to the point that with opportune moments with you not always knowing that they're they gonna come you just gotta just prepare in advance ahead of time you don't even always know what you're preparing for right but you just wanna prepare just in case anything my mama always says uh you know it's better to need it and not have it than not have it and need it you know what i mean and i'm sure that's what nebraska five of them bridesmaids was saying in this story you know you know they know that they was on knee extra all or you know they didn't know that the bridegroom was gonna be late and that sort of thing but favor was wise enough even before the trip you know whatever they was going you know they had enough sense you know or you know um they were prepared enough just knew that hey i just want to just take my extra extra oil just in case well my dad always says when you plan to when you fail to plan you're planning to play exactly so i think that's exactly um the highlight of this story and so if we really look at the ten bridesmaids five foolish and five wise and we break down um even the items in the store that that's kind of where i want to go deeper to pull out um the highlights of this text or as bishop says to make the book talk i think we can bring out some very important things in this text and the first thing that i would highlight about the story is the vessel that they were they were they were carrying and so as we know vessels are containers um you know for storing extra oil or for whatever in our case we store food we store um different things and also the vessel is us as people god uses us to be vessels in his kingdom to do his work and so my question is um to us what's in our vessel because obviously the five wise bridesmaids had enough oil to make the trip and the five foolish didn't and so what's in our vessel what are we can what are we carrying um so that when the opportunity comes we're prepared for it and a lot of times we we say that oh my gosh god's gonna drop down this opportunity and i laugh but we're not even ready for it and so you know somebody you go somewhere and somebody says oh well you know what's your name what do you do what's your business and ask you for your business card you only have business cards right or somebody says you know what i got this amazing job opportunity for you can you send me your resume in the next 30 minutes it's a lot of us that don't even have an updated resume to be able to send to somebody on the spot in order to make the transaction happen the way it's supposed to happen and so opportunities will pass you by bridesmaids because you are not prepared for when they're coming absolutely and so we got to ask ourselves what things are you carrying in your toolbox so that we can be ready when it happens and and we always get mad at god's like man god why are you ain't doing this you're answering my prayers you asked my prayers god like you ain't even ready for the opportunity when it comes how am i gonna bless you and i know you ain't even ready to receive it or make the transaction continue to happen you ain't been doing the work so the bottom line is people miss and look we all we we're we're all very excited and when bishop announced that this year is the year of opportunity and look i'm excited too i can't wait to see what opportunities god is is gonna um send my way but the thing about it like let's just be clear people miss opportunities every single day so yeah it's the year opportunity and i'm in line with dr keisha right here opportunities just as fast as they come they go if you not prepare unlike dr keith a lot of times we'll be talking about opportune moments to kesha's point why would god i think we miss opportunities not because they necessarily pass us by we might miss opportunities because like he's just saying god ain't even why would he waste his time sending you an opportunity when he know you not ready to walk in it he might not need he might not even let that opportunity come across your desk because he know you ain't been down to city hall you ain't feeling no paperwork out there city hall for no business i can't send you no opportunity for no business plan or you know like you're saying with your resume or whatever the case may be whatever you've been dreaming for things you've been asking you've been begging god for opportunities but you ain't putting no effort forward for when the opportunity comes he can't bless you with it exactly and then we look at people when we see the f the finished product and we're upset and so i would i would suggest that i use this example and i love this example as i was doing my study about a glacier if you think about the imagery of a glacier we look at the tip of the iceberg and everything is just so grand and it's so beautiful and we admire it we travel to alaska and we look oh my gosh that glacier is so beautiful but if you really look and study a glacier you will see the root of the great glacier that has been growing for years and so we have to be careful about just judging people based upon the opportunities that they walk in because we don't know how long they have been preparing manifesting working and slaving to get the opportunity that they now walk into and then we want to bash them forward absolutely that's not of god absolutely because again we don't know um what they've been doing and so we got to make sure that we're not just judging people based upon what we see because we don't know the root work and the surface level stuff uh that they're doing that we necessarily haven't been a part of that journey for absolutely and some of the things like like i said with opportune moments you don't always know they're going to come so we we're talking about preparation and some of the questions could be well you know how do i prepare if i don't know what's coming how do i prepare and the thing about it is you know we we got we have financial classes we talk about you know your resources we talk you know all areas of life so the thing about it is just when you when you're saving even if you don't have anything particular that you're saving for you're preparing you don't know what god's gonna drop in your life god might drop an opportunity a lot to come up on a piece of land but if you haven't been saving anything at all you're not ready for when he dropped that but if you would have been saying you've been putting your five ten twenty dollars in you know way or to the side every so often well then he can drop an opportunity and you ready when it comes to i can get that little piece of land oh shoot i can do it because you have been preparing you ain't know what you was preparing you didn't know why you were saving you just following the principle the correct principles with your resources and doing what you're supposed to be doing so that when the opportunity come you ready right but but we shot we love it's the year opportunity yeah but when he drop it what you gonna do exactly you're gonna miss these opportune moments cause you just so happy that it's the year opportunity but the opportunity don't mean just wait until the opportunity come down that's what we most that's what most of us do we wait till the opportunity comes and then we try to get everything together too late exactly right the bridegroom right and guess what when you come back look a lot of times see we think god won't do this we think god won't well you we think god's gonna cut you some slack we think god gonna say all right come on in now god say he did that what he said so a lot of times we think that he's gonna cut you some slack he's gonna gonna let you in he gonna gonna extend the deadline we get mad when they don't to extend the debt we ain't standing the deadline the deadline was a deadline you missed it you was not prepared so while we all excited that it's the opportunity like i said i am too i just want us to make sure that we going to be prepared we going to be ready when those times come up so that we can walk in an opportunity because god is going to bless us with opportune moments he is bishop then declared this the opportunity i believe that opportune moments are going to come but i just want us to make sure that we prepare so that when they do come we're ready to walk in absolutely so you got the vessel yeah yep so as talking about our vessel i just wanted to say in preparation it requires vision for the future i wrote this down so y'all can write this down it requires vision for the future personal commitment rigid self-discipline and laser-like focus that's good and so if you set the vision for yourself for your house whoever you're setting a precedence for what you want to achieve and accomplish personal commitment half of us won't stay committed we say man in the new year i'ma save that ten dollars and we start off strong and after that it's like going by the wayside guy's like you want me to be committed to the assignment but you won't be committed to the assignment how am i supposed to do what you're asking me to do if i can't even trust you to be committed to it yeah personal commitment rigid self-discipline lord have mercy and self-discipline is not the hardest thing but it is the most rewarding thing and so when we look at champions champions don't just become champions when they win the championship game champions become champions for the minutes the seconds the hours the months that they put working into becoming life exactly yeah and so i read a quote that said oh my gosh i would give my life to play the piano like you and the lady responded and said i did and so we have to understand that through self-discipline we are able to see the manifestation of whatever it is that we're asking god for but we won't discipline ourselves to stop eating cookies the cake we want to have that coke bottle-shaped body but it's like man guy i cannot stop eating that oreo at 11 59. you get me every night but self-discipline in anything we talk about that with finances we talk about that with health we talk about that with faith all of it is disciplining yourself to do what it is that you want god to do in your life um and then laser life focus we know we got to be focused i mean it's we don't even have to unpack that point because absolutely focus is just required in order to um to see absolutely even with even with uh and i'm gonna jump in on that on the focus part and i'm gonna go to the noah story we all know the story about noah uh with the flooding in fort rain for 40 days 49 i believe that noah god gave noah opportune moment to save right mankind you know some you know he he gave noah that opportunity but here's what i said when i said sometimes you got to do your silence he actually let noah know that this opportune moment was coming but not only did he let him know that opportunity was coming but he did give noah instructions on how to prepare he walked them down you know step by step i want you to get you and your family first of all number one he had to build a that was the first instruction all right he got the bill to r secondly get get your family make sure they get on the boat and then get two of every kind of animal get two of them two of those i ain't never seen i don't know what those are but go ahead get two of them right there get two of them and get all them on the boat then once you get all them on the boat make sure you got enough family for yourself and your family and then make sure you got enough for all all the animals on there so god instructed even noah with the preparation for his opportune moment and then it said at the end of the story it says that noah did exactly as god commanded right so not only did he tell him that the opportunity was coming but he gave instruction on how noah was to prepare um for the rain for 40 days before the night so the bottom line is regardless you know that it's the year opportunity there's going to be some steps there's going to be some effort there's going to be some work that we're going to still have to do to prepare for these uh amazing opportune moments that god is going to bless us with this year absolutely so we talked about your vessel what's in your vessel we know that we have to have um just a repertoire of things in our vessels so that we are ready for when the opportune moment comes but then i want to talk about the lamp i think the lamp was was good in this story it was the the lamp basically um and care um basically allowed people or enable people to carry light wherever they went and so from the text um you know we are able to carry light wherever we go because god calls us to be the salt of the earth and so i would suggest that even with this lamp right here we look at this lamp as being a useless piece of business obviously without any electricity but the bottom line is we are waiting for everybody else to have their lamp um carry their lamp so that we can plug in to their source and god's like no the oil doesn't come from um the oil that's okay let me say it this way spiritual preparedness um happens only when you are spiritually prepared to receive it and so you can't get the the um manifestation of somebody else's oil you're not spiritually rep prepared to walk into it and so we're talking about this lamp in the story the bridesmaids had their lamp five foolish and five five wise but the foolish ones were relying on the ones who had oil to make the the journey bright but they have no oil again to light their lamp so we look at this in any context of life we're trying to hold on to somebody else's light god's like no you need to carry your own lamp so that when you get to a place of having a power source and connection you can have access to the opportunity but you don't you're not able to walk in that because you're trying to ride on somebody else's coattail of their light and so it don't happen that way the oil falls based upon you being spiritually prepared not you walking in on their curtail of their light and so we look at this as not being useful god's like it don't matter right now you carry your own light so when you get to your destination you have your own source to plug in and god will give you access to what you're supposed to have but you're trying to ride on their access oh well when i go to their house they got a lamp or when i get to work they gotta laugh no when i get to the place that i'm supposed to be i got my own lamp i can plug in my own source and god can do what he's supposed to do in my life based upon me being spiritually prepared and i carrying my own oil that's good that is good baby that is good so listen the bottom line today is when preparation meets opportunity that's when you're going to see the success that's when you're going to see the fruit that's when you're going to see things start to manifest in your life that's when you're going to see things um start to line up and work in your favor right so this is the year opportunity bishop has declared that this is the opportunity but us as a fellowship we're going to make sure that we are prepared for these opportune moments when they come so listen i hope that something that we said today helped you pricked your heart and uh for those of you who do not know jesus we hope that it allows you to want to know more about who jesus is so today um if you would like to accept jesus as your lord and savior as all you got to do right now is text accept to 7 71441 again if someone we said something pricked your heart and it just it touched you and you want to accept jesus as your lord and savior today just text except to 71441. if you want to rededicate your life to christ all you have to do is text restart to 71441 a lot of people ask what's rededicating your life it just means that you and god was super cool at one time and you fell off and you want to get back on the wagon so if you want to rededicate your life today all you gotta do is text restart to 71441 and last but certainly not least if you would like to become a partner of this amazing church the mount global fellowship of churches if this is somewhere that you would like to call home all you have to do is text mount up to 71441 listen y'all we love you all we cannot wait to see you all again until next time we'll see y'all soon oh [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well good morning and welcome to the mount i am bishop kim brown and i cannot tell you how excited i am that you've given us the opportunity to serve your ministry leads today this is the mount 360 that you have connected to it is our response to challenging times and the pandemic and we have three objectives that we believe god has assigned us to meet in your life number one we simply want to keep you connected to the word to the body of christ in this season number two it is our desire to cover you the bible says that when peter was in prison the church prayed for him and finally it's our opportunity to care for you we believe god has assigned us to be able to serve you and we serve you in many capacities and so today once again thank you for joining us at the mount and giving us the privilege of being able to lead you into a deeper relationship with our lord and savior jesus christ hey this is john bremm i am the online campus pastor at the mount virtual and it is my honor and privilege to be able to stand before you today and say welcome to the mount virtual the mount virtual is a campus that has been designed for our global partners you might be asking what's a global partner a global partner is someone that can't be at one of our eight physical sites and so we've created an online experience just for you so whether you need partner services yes we can do those online whether you just need somebody to connect to yep we're online just for you so whatever it is you need we are here to serve you so we can't wait today for you to make a spiritual decision to partner with us here at the mount virtua so god bless [Music] beep [Music] [Music] what's this [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] what what what's this [Music] well praise god i want to remind each and every one of you that even in the midst of challenging seasons and even in the midst of a pandemic god still holds us accountable to bring our tithe into the storehouse in fact the bible is replete with opportunities and examples of people that gave in challenging times please note that if in this season you have not had increase in your household because of the times that we live in god understands the church understands but the vast majority of us can testify that god has continued to allow us to receive increase so i want to remind each and every one of us that even in the midst of a pandemic even in the midst of challenging times god still holds us accountable to make sure that the storehouse is taken care of one of the things as well that we've recognized in this season is that god has literally extended our arms and given us the privilege of being able to touch people around the world so if week after week we have met a spiritual need in your life and have been used by god by the grace of god to be an agent of spiritual growth we desire and ask that you would pray about as well being a tangible part of the ongoing substance and support of the ministry that we know as the mountain please know you do not have to be a partner in order to be a blessing to the kingdom of god so would you pray about and hear the voice of god relative to what he desires for you to give today be clear that the bible says bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there might be meat in his house and i believe that as you give the promise of galatians will manifest if you give bountifully you will reap bountifully love you thank you for the privilege of continuing to serve as a spiritual leader in your life and we believe that the best is truly yet to come [Music] so [Music] beep [Music] [Music] what what's this [Music] [Music] me [Music] i boldly and faithfully declare that this is the year of opportunity john chapter 20 verse 21 establishes a biblical standard that shall set the tone for this year as god releases opportunities in my life doors will open that no man can shut because of what i've survived i cannot allow others to prevent me from going where god has commissioned me to go every barrier that has been designed to deter me will be revealed removed and replaced god's peace has given me victory over anxiousness and low self-esteem i am a child of the most high god my recognition of god's anointing on my life has released me to operate fully in my gifts for the kingdom watch god use me the kingdom authority vested in me will allow me to be an atmosphere changer i am a change agent for jesus and because of this i anticipate acceleration in every area of my life normal processes and procedures will not and cannot deny my entry how i have handled rejection denial and no in my past has qualified me for opportunities in my future as god releases opportunity for me i will be positioned to create opportunities for others i believe this season of opportunity will propel me my church family and my spiritual leadership into new levels of grace enabling us to take more territory for the kingdom of god in jesus name my giving is evidence of my faith my giving record shows that god is a provider and i am abundantly blessed my giving is a public record of my heart for where my treasure is is evidence of my godly affection father thank you for giving me the opportunity to display my love faithfulness obedience and gratitude towards you through my giving with my giving i break the curse of financial poverty through my giving i release a spirit of favor and provision because god loves a cheerful giver see release lack be removed harvest return and because i am a giver i eat the best i drive the best i wear the best i live in the best in jesus name hallelujah praise the lord [Music] we come here come on everybody [Music] oh [Music] oh oh [Music] oh oh [Music] hold up [Music] oh oh oh oh lord your faithful oh that's what we come here to do help me see this sick you glory and prayers thank you with me at home god oh everybody clap your hands come on we come here to make this phrase glorious to our king why we are so deserving of it we stand here today because of him because he live we can face our tomorrows because of that we say this we give the glory one more time [Music] we give you glory and praise cheers we give you glory in this place be glorified god it's now and forever hallelujah hallelujah we give them glory on this morning come on right where you are let's go to the throne of grace father god we come before you on this morning recognizing oh lord god that you are worthy of all the praise you are worthy of all the glory you are worthy of all the honor oh lord god father we have come to lift you up on this morning we thank you o lord god for how you have been so faithful unto us we pray right now lord god for an outpouring of your spirit touch everyone under the sound of my voice and oh lord god we pray that you will release your angelic forces all around the world oh god we declare right now that every household is covered under the blood of jesus we recognize oh god that there is power in the blood of jesus we thank you jesus for shedding that blood for us and we stand no god on the authority of your word and in the power of your blood and we declare right now that no weapon formed against any of us shall prosper we declare right now god that you're regulating our minds that you're healing our bodies oh god we're declaring right now god that you're restoring our finances and that you're opening doors i ask right now god for the ability to be released into all of us that we will always recognize every opportunity that you have for us i pray right now god for you to open up my spiritual eyes i pray right now god that you open up our spiritual ears let us never miss any opportunity that you have for us set us on fire right now touch our bishop o god restore him refresh him renew him right now god we thank you o lord god for sending another word that will deliver us that will set the captives free we thank you right now lord god we worship and be adored by every one of us in jesus name we pray amen and amen hallelujah we bless your high name oh god we give you glory we give you honor and praise yes lord just lift your hands in the home open your mouth and speak well of him give him a eulogy of praise it means to speak well to eulogize him for he is so wonderful and so deserved of your worship from your hearts to the throne let's give it to him this morning the song bread of heaven [Music] many things you are on earth a holy [Music] many things [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and what a [Music] [Music] that's what we call you that's what we call you major boy you are jesus jesus jesus that's jesus we called put on a tree jesus y'all this morning [Music] amazing jesus jesus jesus [Music] hey hallelujah way down yes [Music] [Music] [Music] oh god [Music] is [Music] ruler you are jesus jesus oh let's take it to the next level god [Music] [Music] you are the living word come on put your hands together and give god a praise in this place because we know that he is a living word [Music] hallelujah hallelujah well good morning good morning good morning welcome to the mount 360 2.0 blessed new year to you happy new year to you we believe the favor of god and pray that the faith of god will continue to rest upon you even in this new year we declare new year's eve that this is the year of opportunity and we're so grateful i want to remind you that today at the end of worship we will be doing holy communion so secure your holy communion today get some grape juice whatever else if you don't have great juice get some orange juice it's the symbolism of it the reality is holy communion is an ordinance of the church and it is our opportunity to simply reflect on the sacrifice of jesus christ he says as often as you do and you do it in remembrance of me so it's our moment to simply remember it is by the grace of the sacrifice of calvary that you and i as the old saints would say have the right to the tree of life now um you know what um a lot has happened this week i'm sure if unless you were an ostrich with your head in the sand you know that there was literally an insurgence and uprising at the capitol um there's a whole lot of political and social unrest and civil unrest in our nation and i'm not even going to walk down that road i think in the future we're going to have a moment of dialogue about it but the reality is today i don't want to spend a lot of time with it i think my son if you watch church redefine he summed it up better than anybody could have please don't do for those of us that are of african-american ethnicity don't do what has been done to us so many times which is first of all to throw everybody in one category he told a story this morning during church redefined about a brother of a mother of another color that helped him with a flat tire this week and if you're not careful the anger the disappointment because of what we witnessed at our capitol earlier this week will cause all of us to taint and um miss relationships that are kingdom relationships all people are not bad there are bad people in every walk and um circle of life and so one of the things that i started to as i reflected this week was um i started to try to find some scriptures that would minister to me that would minister to you while we're very disappointed we understand you know a lot has been said a lot has continued to be said if nothing else we saw evident that there is still a great double standard in our nation but but those of us that have been watching should not be surprised by the double standard this morning i tweeted out there was a time when former president obama was using a selfish stick and i remember everybody saying how um you know how undignified that was and yet it's amazing that we got on one leader for using a selfie stick for wearing a beige suit and called that sword dignified there's a double standard many of us most of us of african-american ethnicity have lived with a double standard all of our life so please understand y'all we cannot get angry we cannot respond evil for evil we have to understand that this is a distraction so ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 13 says the wicked will not prosper for they do not fear god their days will never grow long like the evening shadows and so what we've got to understand is even as we continue to um go through this season we believe that ultimately god is in control so please focus on ecclesiastes 8 13-15 and then psalms 27 i love psalms 27 the lord is my light and my salvation so why should i be afraid the lord is my fortress protecting me from danger so why should i tremble we've got to understand and continue to stay focused on the word of god don't allow the wickedness of someone else and i said this this morning during 8 o'clock worship that wickedness has many disguises and hatred um and the demonic has many costumes so please understand y'all there's wickedness the bible says we don't wrestle against flesh and blood so let's not get distracted during this season this is the year of opportunity god has too much for us i want to remind you as well that there's a brand new mount website so please go window shopping today go to and you will be able to navigate through new um instrumentations of technology to be able to um continue to be connected with the blind of christ mount 360 2.0 is our opportunity to cover you connect you and to care for you around the world and can you put some hearts in the chat put some some claps in the chat just celebrate the fact that i believe we have the best staff and i know i'm biased but i have to do that on the best staff in the body of christ because new year's eve we did not miss the ted at all god was pleased that we're now starting to get numbers on how many people make spiritual decisions on new year's eve and we believe that that you were blessed through um seeing how church can truly change lives so we thank god for creative arts ministry and all of those who gave up their gift and their time to be a part of new year's eve it was just an extraordinary moment i am so so proud of our church our staff and all those um i sat there and the first time i had seen it was new year's eve as well so i got to shout out that i was just overwhelmed i was like man i would join this church if i wasn't already a part of it so thank you so so much for that i was so excited to see what all the sights did and i don't want to single out any of the moments they were just some tremendous moments across all of the sites how we change lives literally around the world i want to remind you that today you can receive your your prayer cloth your oil your ribbon we call it a faith pack you can receive it at your contextual location so um here in chesapeake chesapeake partners can meet elder and i at 12 noon we'll be right out in front of the church follow the directions of parking lot ministry we're going to be social distancing so elder and i can't touch you know and you know we're going to wave at you from a distance because we want to protect your health we want to protect our health and the reality is it will be one per car now i know you're accustomed to getting one for your cousin in mississippi and all that we want to make sure partners first of all we don't want to run out for partners and then if there are some it's just like when you have family over for thanksgiving dinner first time you go through you kind of go through moderately to make sure everybody gets some turkey and some dressing and some ham and then once everybody has eaten if there's some stuff left over then you can go get your second slice of sweet potato pie but right now we want to make sure one per car so if you want to get two drive two cars i just let you in on some top secret information and so man it's so good to have um sister martina from georgetown delaware worshiping with us today and sister esther woodard from rapid dan virginia wow welcome welcome to the mountain so good to have you all worshiping with us so you will be able to pick that up from 12 to 2 elder now are going to be waving at you there's going to be direction given and you will have to follow the direction we'll be here for about an hour and 20 minutes um don't forget that god still holds us accountable to bring our tithe and the reality is um god gave me a revelation this week he said look how would you respond to a child that is repeatedly disobedient or universally disobedient you keep telling them the curfew is nine o'clock and they keep coming in at 10 o'clock or 10 30 11 o'clock sooner or later wouldn't you get upset with them well i want to remind you that the bible makes it clear that we ought to bring our tithe into the storehouse and so repeatedly um if you have not been a tither you are repeatedly disobedient and sooner or later god will um display his level of accountability for you the bible says god does not mock what we reap what we sow we will reap now if you have not had increase in your house there is no tithe if you have had not financial increase or financial substance coming into your house you're unemployed because of this season we understand god understands the kingdom understands but for many of us there have been no change in our life and you know this now with the stimulus package coming out again people ask do i pay tithe almost 600 well you know let me just say this first of all don't be so legal that you get caught up in all of these rules but the reality is the 600 is increase the bible says bring the tithe into my house there might be meat in my house so please know um we are held accountable to bring the tithe to the kingdom you cannot take your time to anywhere other than the kingdom and so then i want to remind you as well if you were with us on new year's eve watch night you know we had four points well this year for the year of 2021 it will be the year of opportunity and each one of those points will be a quarterly theme across all of the mount locations so point number one was in the year of opportunity god is going to give us the privilege of releasing anxiety and so that's why he says peace unto you and so this first quarter we will be focusing through all of our small groups through all of our bible studies through all of our preaching there will be a theme or thread of releasing anxiety so i declare that starting tonight you're gonna sleep all night you're gonna have peace and so you'll see it coming through all of the site pastors preaching through the bishops preaching through all of our small groups we will be emphasized in january february march releasing anxiety i am so excited as well we didn't you know parents you got to be diligent times have changed this is a new season but we still want to honor our young people especially in the season when they're in school virtually so i am proud to display today young people that have made honor roll but parents your child is going to be sitting there today and he's going to be asking you mom why is my portrait not on the screen tell the truth don't blame it on the church tell him because mom procrastinated dad didn't get the picture in on time or we didn't have you connected to children's church so we didn't know what they were doing but don't let don't throw the church under the bus you take responsibility but for those parents that celebrated their children this year for making this marking period for making honor roll turn your attention to the screen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and so can you join me in celebrating all of those great gifted young people that are making it happen even in the midst of virtual learning hybrid learning some of them are actually in the classroom but what a testimony we know it's been a trying your parents we know you're weary teachers thank you so much for your commitment and your ability to um shift in this season there is a word from the lord i'm staying true to the theme right now because you know on watch night you had an abbreviated moment we we believe that we were um blessed used by god to be a blessing in your life on new year's eve the emails that i have received have said many i had i've received emails from inmates that said me preaching in a courtroom gave them motivation and inspiration and so um you know i just once again want to thank staff so um you know we believe according to psalms that we are called to anoint a point teach me to allocate my days properly that i might i might be able to apply them to wisdom apply my heart to wisdom teach me to number my days i believe that you know we should be able to bring a scriptural reference for the theme for the year and so john 20 21 becomes the framework for this year's theme the year of opportunity because god sends them he gives them an assignment i believe this year god is going to give us opportunities and so we want to read john chapter 20 starting with verse 19 and we're going to read through 23 you know our emphasis scripture for the year is going to be 20 21. john chapter 20 verse 19 says that sunday evening the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the jewish leaders suddenly jesus was standing there among them peace be with you he said as he spoke he showed them the wounds in his hands and his sides they were filled with joy when they saw the lord again he said peace be with you as the father has sent me so i am sending you then he knew pneuma he breathed on them and said receive the holy spirit if you forgive anyone's sins they are forgiven if you do not forgive them they are not forgiven verse 23 is crazy if you forgive anyone's sins they are forgiven if you do not forgive them they are not forgiven father i pray for anointing that will enable me to make the word speak clearly i claim the authority to share the gospel today thank you for using lips of clay instruments of flesh to be able to deliver rhema we asked now that the word of god would be so clear that it would meet us corporately but it would meet us contextually therefore it will be a word for all of us but it will be a word for each of us and so we thank you now for the fact that the word shall not return we claim that preaching gift and authority now in the name of jesus amen amen well here we are at the brink of a new year we've just started brand new year the year of opportunity is what we've declared and um many people were waiting for an e because you know over the last several years the theme has always begun with e well when god gave me the year of opportunity i even questioned myself why it did not start with an e and he said i'm through catch this he said i'm through he said one of the problems with the church you know this is a personal definition that tradition is something that worked one time that we continue to do and one of the hardest things for the church to do is to change church likes doing what it has always done or always been successful at god i feel you pushing and so the reality is what god wanted me to help all of us to understand is he's doing something fresh he's doing something new he's doing something that you're gonna have to have a spiritual eye in order to be able to recognize it's not that what we were doing was bad god is just saying i'm no longer using that and so i feel bad for the churches that are only waiting for this season to end to go back to doing what they were doing before covet i really do believe that god allowed covet to manifest because he was actually controlled alternate and deleting or rebooting the church rebooting the body of christ in fact to me the greatest words we can learn in this season are the difference between adaptability and flexibility i want to suggest that many of us have been flexible in this season we have bent to be able to address the times but we're only waiting for the times to end before we snap back into the same position that we were in before the pandemic and before social distancing and the need for virtual church well the reality is i think god is calling us to be adaptable what he's saying is i'm allowing the contextual reality around you to change and in order for you to remain effective or to be effective or become effective in this season you will have to learn how to adapt to a new season and so i'm so excited about the fact that i do believe i got it right this is the year of opportunity can i suggest to you that one of the most frustrating things as a pastor is every year to declare a theme over the saints of god and then it's as if you see god strategically systematically and spontaneously or sporadically begin to deal with that theme in some people's lives it's almost like in the year of exhibition you will see in this person's life exhibition but then god will skip over that person and you will see exhibition operating in the next person's life and then he'll skip to a whole nother row and you'll see it there i began to ask myself god what is it why do you not allow the theme to manifest on everybody or in everybody's life and god shut me down corrected me so eloquently and diplomatically he said i want you to understand that every year every year when you have announced a theme it was my desire it was my desire it was my desire that everyone get to walk in that theme from the youngest to the oldest from the weakest to the strongest from the intercessor to the greeter from the choir member to the deacon from the trustee to the door keeper from the parking lot to the staff i wanted everybody to be able to walk in that theme he said but the problem is everybody is either not ready or not willing to do the things that are required that's okay god i understand that he says so what i need you to do is get up on the first time you preach this year and you re-emphasize that this year this is the year of opportunity watch this i'm girl to come down your street put some claps on some hearts on this cause this is gonna be good i'm getting ready to walk right down your street kick your door in and come in your house he said i want you to understand i'm getting ready to release an unusual level of opportunity in the lives of believers not just those that are connected to your church but believers across the body of christ this will be the year of opportunity he said but what you got to do here it is he said you got to teach people don't mess this up oh god i wish i had somebody that would put some claps on that right there shoot your boy some hearts in fact go ahead and put in the chat room right now just remind everybody don't mess this up because the will of god here it is the will of god is not automatic the will of god is not automatic the will of god is not automatic just because it's god's will does not mean it will automatically happen okay pastor help me with that well it is god's will that none should perish but we know there is a hell which means that some people will perish everybody is not going to heaven it is god's will that everybody goes to heaven but everybody is not going to heaven because god's will is not automatic so although it is god's will that this year we walk in a level of opportunity like none other it is god's will that we walk into moments in which they have been orchestrated just for us everyone will not come out of 2021 better than they were in january by the time we get to december you know why because we've got some people that are self-sabotagers they just mess up everything they just can't get themselves together they just can't stay focused for 12 months they can't be consistent for 12 months they can't remain faithful for 12 months so god told me to preach today don't mess this up i'm talking to you i don't know who needs to hear this but god is getting ready to do something oh no stop rewind and play god is already doing something in your life that you know is special he's already answering your prayers he's already began to respond to stuff that you have forgot you asked him about and god told me to remind you don't mess this up don't do something don't get yourself into a situation that's going to cause the abortion of what god is trying to do this year i want to suggest to you that the disciples in john chapter 20 started to give us an illustration of how we can operate if we don't want to mess it up and i believe there are some things that we've got to do this year i am now a life coach in the gospel to help you not to make the same mistake in 2021 that you made in 2020 i want to suggest that there are many of us in 2020 that didn't see the exhibition of god because you messed it up there are many of us that have another opportunity in 2021 but we cannot mess it up well if we're not going to mess it up help me bishop what are what other things we're gonna have to do and number one y'all ready if you're not gonna mess it up if you don't want to mess it up in 2021 here's the first thing you won't have to do i can't wait to preach this to you you're gonna have to release your past oh god i knew that was gonna be interesting right there i love how verse 21 starts because that first word if i don't get anything else in the scripture today if i don't get another revelation elder dineen the first word of verse 21 sets me free the first word of verse 21 helps me to understand god is gonna give me another chance again okay you missed it it's as if god said to them the first time peace be with you and he looked on their face and still saw anxiety he still stalls he still saw stress he still saw lack of faith he still saw dealt debt um doubt so he comes back again he said again he said again he said so what i want to suggest to you is you're going to have to make up in your mind right now i'm talking to you in germany i'm talking to you in south carolina i'm talking to you in chesapeake you're gonna have to release your past the good news is everybody doesn't know what your past was everybody didn't know what your past entitled you to do everybody know what you did in your past everybody doesn't know about your mistakes everybody doesn't know about your shortcomings but god knows and the good thing about it is that although god knows your shortcomings he still desires to give you an opportunity this year to do exceedingly abundantly above anything you could ever think or ask god i wish i had somebody that would pray with me today because that's what second corinthians 5 17 really helps us to focus on it says that this means that anyone who belongs to christ has become a new person the old life is gone and a new life has begun so can i tell you right now that whatever you did in 2020 whatever mistakes you made in 2020 whatever the enemy calls to happen in 2020 you're gonna have to get over that now you're gonna have to draw a line in the sand and say that was 20 20. i'm moving to 2021. the reality is some of us and that's why i love what elder dineen does with the no evil carryover because some of us are going to mess up what god is trying to do in 2021 because we still angry about what somebody did to us in 2020. some of us are going to avoid what god is trying to do in 2021 because we're still carrying baggage from 2020's relationship you better learn how to release some stuff in your past and understand that if it's back there it's back there i'm not going back i'm not visiting it emotionally i'm not visiting it mentally i'm not going to visit it psychologically i'm not proud of it i made the mistake i own the mistake i stand up to the mistake but god still loves me god still wants to do something in my future that's what i love about the disciples because if you look at them each one of them had something in their past that they should not be proud of each one of them as gifted as they were do you need me to call the roll you got thomas in the room well he's a doubter you got matthew in the room he's the tax collector you got peter in the room wishing washy as he can be you got james and john in the room got a temper problem you got judas in the room well i can leave that one alone the reality is i don't care who you are if you look at your journey there are some things that you shouldn't have done some things that you shouldn't have done that you're glad god didn't let anybody else know about some things you did do that you'd had to remind yourself of there's some things that you did that didn't please god what we like um always lifting up is the things we did that do please god but i'm here to tell you the bible makes it clear all of us have sinned all of us have come short of the glory of god all of us have some disappointment all of us have some things we're not pleased with all of us have some moments we don't understand all of us have some situations that we had to survive all of us have some mental stresses all of us had some breakdowns all of us did some stuff we're not proud of but you're gonna have to start today you're gonna have to say that's my past that was then this is now and i love the fact that if we're not gonna mess it up we've got to learn how to release our past you got to let some stuff go you got to make up in your mind that that is not going to define me that's not who i am that's who i was then but the reality is god looks beyond that god still loves me god still wants to use me i don't know who i'm talking to i'm trying to move i got 13 minutes but somebody needs me to stay there just for a moment i'm here to tell you girlfriend what you did last year god forgives you what you said last year god forgives you when you told you to do this and you did that god forgives you and he told me to tell you that's what the blood oh god that's what the blood is for if you're gonna worry about it you don't need the blood because the blood's responsibility is to cover all the transgressions so the reality is okay i got it i got it help me holy spirit god said this thing is so warped in our psyche he said that when you go to the lamb's book of life and you open up the lamb's book of life where all of your transgressions are written the blood of god covers it and yet what we do is we're the ones that keep bringing it up you keep reminding yourself of your mistakes you keep reminding yourself of your shortcomings you keep reminding yourself how many times you didn't get it right you keep reminding yourself how many relationships went crazy you keep reminding yourself how somebody treated you and god said i'm trying to deliver you into a brand new season but you keep going back mentally into a season that i'm not even dealing with anymore so i need to prophesy over you you got to release your path you got to look at your future and declare i might have done that back then but god's got a brand new day we've been may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning so number one if we're not going to mess it up we've got to release our past but here's number two i love point two not only do we have to release our path but watch this country we gotta restrict our personality okay now what does that mean it doesn't mean forget who you are but it means we got to learn how to trick our mind so that our mind doesn't play games on us okay listen to what he says in verse 21 again he says peace be with you okay they missed it come here class let me show you something i've now learned that peace can be like a person okay god help me to get through this point without losing my mind what we've made is peace just being a mental relationship where i'm now making peace a physical relationship i look at peace as a person he says what i believe ultimately god is doing elder right then is he comes in and he says look so and so here is peace i want to introduce you to peace peace this is my child child this is peace now i see peace see and watch this some people are saying i got a problem with that well you ain't got no problem with the 23rd psalm how many times have you heard the preacher preach the 23rd psalm that surely goodness and mercy follow with me you and you heard them preach when they would celebrate the gosh goodness here and you got mercy here well i'm giving you a third person i got goodness here i got mercy here but i got peace here too peace is gonna walk with me this year so every time i get ready to stress every time i get ready to struggle every time i get ready to worry i want peace to tap me on the shoulder and tell them how good has god been to you i don't know who i'm talking to right now every time i get ready to lose my mind and start to be concerned about stuff that ain't been yard that's beyond my ability to fix it anyway i want peace to tap me on the shoulder i want peace to remind me that the last time my bills were paid didn't god take care of your bills i want peace to remind me the last time you were sick didn't god heal your body i want peace to remind me the last time they lied on you didn't god make your enemies your footstool i want peace to remind me the last time you didn't know how you were going to pay your bills didn't god bring up resources in out of nowhere he says i don't want you to just have peace i want peace to be with you when you walk i want peace walking with you when you go in your heart in your workplace i want peace going with you when you come home and your husband is crazy i want peace in the house i need somebody that'll jump up in your living room get up in your bedroom and just declare peace is not gonna just be in my mind peace is gonna be walking with me peace is gonna be driving with me in fact when you get in the car on your way somewhere today you need to tell peace buckle up your seat belt cause i don't want to see you get injured because the peace that is gonna be with me is gonna surpasses all of my understanding i need peace when i pull open my mailbox and i see more bills and i have money i want peace to be standing at the mailbox with me and say oh man your dad is rich and houses and land he can take care of all of that when i'm sitting in the doctor's office and the doctor comes in and gives me a report that rocks my mind i want peace to sit right there on a little gurney with me and say i want you to understand that the chastisement of your peace is upon him and with his stripes you are healed i need peace to open up his mouth when depression comes in the house i need peace to say sit there i got this and i need peace to meet depression at the door and say you're not coming in here this time you got to start seeing peace and more than just a condition of life you got to see peace being with you and watch this if peace is with me then when i walk in somebody else's house peace walks in their house when i come into somebody else's relationship peace comes with me because i bring peace with me i enjoy relationship with peace that's why i love what philippians 4 7 says then you will experience god's peace which exceeds anything we can understand his peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in christ jesus i'm here to tell you that what you're gonna have to do in this season is you're gonna have to restrict your personality you're gonna have to guard your peace and you're gonna have to force yourself i'm getting ready to get somebody set free god use me right here the reality is you're gonna have to write a dear john letter to some relationship you're gonna have to break off some relationship in fact what you need to do is tell them i didn't want it in a relationship but peace told me i had to write you a letter peace told me i couldn't hang out with you anymore because peace is over underrated y'all i'm telling you right now i declare over your life that starting today peace will have you in the bed and you will sleep all night peace will start to stop you from crying over stuff that you have no business crying for peace is going to give you the ability to look in the mirror and not be depressed oh i declare in the name of jesus that there are people that are listening around the world right now in the year 2021 you shall come off of so long you shall come off of medication you're gonna have peace not because of appeal you're gonna have peace because of the presence and he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me i'm his own and the joy we share while we carry there i prophesy that peace get up right now go oh god i got this get up right now go to your front door open up your front door and say peace come on in take a seat peace wants to reside in your house this year peace wants to ride with you in your car this year peace wants to get up with you peace wants to go to bed with you it dawned on me he says peace be with you [Music] so the way we're not gonna mess it up this year it's number one we gotta release our past number two we gotta restrict our personality but here's what i love number three i'm talking to you we got to realize our potential girlfriend there's more in you than what you see in yourself i can show it to you listen to what he says in verse 22. it says then he [Music] breathed on them oh this is an apropos illustration for the season that we're in because god told us that his anointing is contagious he said but the problem is you got a whole lot of people that i've been trying to breathe on but they weren't a mask [Music] he said and just like covet can be transmitted because of what's breathed out of your nostrils that another person in proximity can catch what you have he said the reality is the holy spirit operates the same way he said when i breathed on them i put a little bit of myself in the atmosphere and if all they had to do was inhale they could have god inside them okay i know i know for those of you that grew up in sunday school this might be a little hard because i want to suggest to you that when he breathes on me it's a god thing coming in me that's why i love what acts 2 and 3 says it says the spirit settled on each of them okay watch this then what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them elder this is good watch this but i think the church has too long settled for just the spirit being on us and what god says is in 2021 i don't want to just be on you i want to be in you okay now i got to stop and teach some theology real quick i got four minutes watch this somebody's saying well you gotta understand bishop i don't understand because when i get born again the spirit comes to live in me i understand when you get born again the spirit of christ comes to live in you but there's another level to the spirit of god operating in you in which the holy spirit breathes on you and you intake the holy spirit and then what happens is the super comes in on your natural and that gives you the ability to start operating with a different level of potential that's what he's saying he wants them to understand i'm gonna put myself in you so that you can start to operate i don't know who needs to hear this right now but girlfriend god told me to tell you go back and apply for the job that you got turned down for in 2020 because in 2021 he's going to give you the opportunity to exercise the potential that's in you i want to let somebody know today that listen to what we say all the time we preach this so many times greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world if he's in me then how dare you not know how much potential you have you never see jesus christ walking up to a blind man in fact when he walks up when he he walks in with so much confidence that his potential is evident that when they start to say who he is he says you said that listen to what my god says through jesus christ he says when he gets there he says i want you to know that if you destroy this temple in three days i'll build it back up not because of who i am but because of the potential that's in me and i'm here to declare over you and i today that i have not seen you have not heard the potential that's in you you got god inside you you got your whole achara inside you you got elohim in you you got jehovah rapha inside you you not just a little girl from the projects you just not somebody that was raised in norfolk you are now the embodiment of jesus christ you have the holy ghost inside you and therefore no weapon formed against me can prosper i got something in me that causes me that when i open up my mouth i'm here to tell you it's time out in this year for being distracted it's time out in this year but being too afraid to walk in everything so when you tell me you don't think you can go back to school what you're really saying is you don't think the holy spirit is smart enough to be able to handle academic preparation when you tell me that you don't think you can afford to buy a house what you're telling me is the holy spirit can't afford to buy a crib down the street when you tell me you don't qualify for the job what you're really telling me is the holy spirit can't be somebody's boat and i declare you have gotten it twisted you've been bamboozled there's a god on the inside of you in spite of whatever you've done i'm here to tell you that there's potential waiting to be released you really don't know who you are because in order to know who you are you got to know who god is and if you don't know who god is you will never understand who you are because to live is to know god i don't live my life i am the embodiment of god almighty living through fleshly lenses i've got potential i got to get ready to go i got one minute left but god told me to tell you this year he's trying to do something special and he needs you to stay focused don't mess this up and he says the way you're gonna make sure you don't mess it up is by number one releasing your past you're gonna have to let whatever happened go however they treated you whatever they said about you whatever mistakes you made you're gonna have to separate today you're gonna have to say that was my path but that's no longer who i am i'm walking with fresh anointing i'm walking with fresh potential so i'm to release my past and then i've got to restrict my personality i can't beat the press this year i got to let peace walk with me i got to let peace talk to me i got to let peace garner my thinking i got to guard my mind i gotta guard my heart i can't have people around me that are always gonna be negative i can't have people around me that are always bringing down my spirit of peace i need people around me that will declare you can do all things through christ i need people around me that will remind me that god is not with respect to a person i need people around me that will remind me that god is trying to do something special i gotta restrict my personality then i gotta realize my potential girlfriend when we go off today brother when we go out today i need you to get in front of the mirror and start to call yourself who god calls you stand up and say i am a great kingdom man i am a great father i'm one of the smartest people you'll ever meet i am anointed i am a sign i am called you got to make sure that you realize your potential but then finally you got to recognize your purpose can i declare over everybody that's watching today around the world i'm not the only one with purpose the brother on the instrument is not the only one with her elder gallery is not the only one with person there's a purpose for your life that's why i love what they used to say the greatest two days in your life are the days that you were born and the day that you figure out what you were born to do and i declare that just like jesus tells him as god sent me so am i sending you what he's really saying here i didn't come down here without a purpose i came down here with the purpose and the same way god gave me a purpose he's given you a purpose what is that purple the same thing god did when he sent jesus you are purpose to be a healer you are purpose to be a delicious you are purpose to be a provider you are purpose to be a waymaker you are purpose to be afraid you are purpose to be a living in the midst of somebody's god so i commission you today leave out go out there in the world just like jesus changed the world you are a world changer i prophesy don't mess this up god is trying to do something special don't mess [Music] this year this year your greatest enemy will not be somebody else [Music] this year your greatest enemy will not be satan this year your greatest enemy is not gonna be your mother your father your sister that doesn't like this year your greatest enemy your greatest stumbling block is you [Music] if you don't get out of your own way you're gonna mess this up but jesus was telling those disciples that day because i'm trying to do something so special i'm going to send 12 of y'all out the 12 is going to become 70. the 70 is going gonna become a multitude and the multitude will become congregations around the world and i'm asking you don't [Music] mess this so right now john 14 12 becomes passage that seals it he says i tell you the truth anyone who believes in me watch this we'll do the same works and even greater works because i'm going to be stop waiting for the pastor to do what is yours who can you call today i think it's verse 23 john chapter 19 john chapter 20 verse 23 has been messing me up forever and a day because it says if you forgive anyone's sins they are forgiven and if you do not forgive them they are not forgiven don't get it twisted it makes it sound like we've got the authority to forgive sin well we know we don't have authority to forgive sin what he's really saying is for that sinner out there that will never get to meet me if you don't go to them and tell them who i am their sins will never be forgiven what he's really doing is telling them you become my hands my feet my mouth on the earth but for every person you go to and tell them your story and say this is how you get your sins forgiven their sins will be forgiven what he's really saying to us is you be me now you go do so watch this and i'm finished i never forget when my son did his first holy communion i didn't know he was doing holy communion until i saw it and then i remember calling him watch this and i said son i heard you did holy communion today he said yeah i said how did you know what to do he said i've been watching you so can i suggest to you that the three years that jesus spent with these disciples was really him displaying what he was going to ask them to do after he left you know what said is you've been saved 15 years how many people have you led to christ how many people now have a relationship with god because of you now watch this i'm there i know what you're saying we're bishop i'm just not outgoing person i i i can't just do that but you know what's so crazy when you hear that there's gonna be a sale at the mall how many people do you tell [Music] when you hear about a good doctor how many people do you take we recommend what's important to us [Music] yeah stop using excuses i'm not saying go knock on somebody's door next saturday morning but i am saying that don't limit the opportunities of this year to just new jobs and new houses what if the opportunity is going to be for you to save everybody in your family here's the first moment of opportunity that god has given me to give you right now if you desire to accept jesus as your savior rededicate your life to christ or become a part of a great church around the world you can join us virtually or if you're in hampton roads or north carolina there are physical locations that once we start to meet again you can meet us there but you know what's so interesting about this season is nobody's in the building right now so people that live in chesapeake are not in the building so if you're saying well i live in germany i live in california i can't join a church people that live in chesapeake are not in the room they are witnessing worship today just like you in california so give us an opportunity to help you walk out your spiritual journey if you decide to accept jesus as your savior text accept to 71441 if you desire to rededicate your life to christ text restart to 71441 and if you desire to become a part of this church family text mount up to 71441 don't forget across all the sites today most of them starting around noon you'll be able to pick up your faith pack right here in chesapeake for those of you that are part of the chesapeake church elder and i are going to be out front of the building you'll be able to pick up your faith pack here i just want to wave at you see your face but before we do that this is our first opportunity to have holy communion for the whole bible says that on the night in which the lord was betrayed the lord took bread and he broke it and he said this is my body watch this it couldn't be broken on calvary but it could be given on calvary he said this is my body that will be given and he told them take eat together and twelve brothers that all have an instance of betrayal in their background release their anxiety open their mouth and received in the name of the father [Music] then he took a cup and he said this cup represents my blood that will be shed we know that prior to calvary the way we atoned for sin was by sacrifice of the lamb but the problem with the lamb's blood is it had to be repeated but then once jesus shed his blood on calvary no longer was a blood sacrifice required because his blood was good eternally they're playing the song right now i didn't i didn't understand that song when i was a child since it reaches to the highest mountain it flows through the lowest valley you know what that's not just great poetic symbolism what it means is regardless of where you are the blood gets to you and then it says it will never lose its power what that means is that one sacrifice is still working and i love the fact that he told them take drinky off and they come together that day we commune together [Music] today and what i really like about it is that obviously the temperament in the room changed after holy communion anybody that was depressed was no longer depressed anybody that was fearful was no longer fearful how do you know bishop because it says then they sang a hymn they started singing i went out into the mount of olives i declare over you your household your covenant circle that this is the year of opportunity we will sing now unto him who is able to keep us from falling present us faultless before the throne of god to the only almighty god be glory and majesty dominion and power i call you blessed in the city blessed in the field blessed when you come and bless when you go in jesus name [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Mount Global
Views: 6,241
Rating: 4.9252338 out of 5
Id: hz--o7p4OL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 30sec (12810 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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