Sunday Worship Service 11:30 AM

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[Music] oh [Music] yeah yeah [Music] i'm [Music] oh [Music] i'm so thankful for this intercession with you i feel like i've been turned into ever when i'm in your presence [Music] oh lord i'm dirty [Music] i'm just a sinner on the verge of dying don't help me be righteous don't save me now i just need to [Music] i just need to touch your hand jesus touch him jesus [Music] out to you my savior [Music] i'm reaching out to you my savior [Music] i'm reaching out to you my savior [Music] [Music] yes [Music] me [Music] i'm reaching out to you [Music] [Music] hey [Music] yeah i'm reaching out to you lord we've turned our backs on you far too many times the cost of sins too much too bad [Music] i'm so thankful for this intercession with you i feel like i've entered into heaven when i'm in your presence [Music] when i'm in your presence [Music] and lord please bless this body of your saints with your family i pray for love and abundant peace for all my enemies and i know that satan's in there somewhere sitting in the crowd so hear my prayer lord hear my battle [Music] [Music] i feel like i've been turned to [Music] meet me there oh lord i'm not just praying yourself [Music] i feel like i've been turned into [Music] your presence oh [Music] lord we've turned our bets on you far too many times the cost of sins too much too bad but still you paid the fine so i just don't wanna be another person in the crowd hear my prayer lord hear my battle [Music] i'm so thankful for this intercession with you i feel like i've entered into heaven when i'm in your presence [Music] when i'm in your presence [Music] and lord please bless this body of your saints with your family i pray for love and abundant peace for all my enemies and i know that satan's in there somewhere sitting in the crowd so hear my proud hear my battle cry [Music] i feel like i've been together [Music] oh lord i stand in need of your help so lord when i bow down lead me there oh lord i'm not just praying yourself i'm a warrior [Music] i feel like i've entered into [Music] i'm in your presence [Music] god [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] i'm so thankful for this intercession with you i feel like i've entered [Music] [Music] [Music] on the verge of dying [Music] save me now i just need to touch your hand jesus touch i just need to touch your hand jesus [Music] i'm reaching out to you my [Music] i'm reaching out to you [Music] i just need to touch [Music] i just need [Music] i'm [Music] i'm reaching out to you [Music] [Music] but we're still [Music] grace is [Music] good morning renaissance and we'd like to say good morning renaissance live we're so thankful that god has blessed us to see this another day another lord's day in particular we're so thankful for all of you who have come to the building to renaissance this morning we pray that our worship service will be pleased and acceptable to god we'd like to thank those who are watching us live stream we continue to say thank you for the support of this great ministry let's pray commercial father in heaven we're truly thankful for the gift of life health and strength we thank you for your goodness your grace and your tender mercy we thank you most of all for jesus your son who is willing to die on calvary's cross so we might have life it might have it more abundantly pray father that you be in our midst this morning we come to worship you pray father that all things that we do will be pleasing and acceptable in your sight we pray for the man servant that will shortly come before us to break unto us the bread of life we pray your crown is here with wisdom and knowledge to impart your word that we might grow thereby we just thank you for all that you're doing all that you've done for this we have some christ holy and righteous name amen good morning church please stand for the call to worship i will be reading from joshua 24 verses 13 through 18. it reads i gave you a land on which you had not labored and cities which you had not built and you have lived in them you are eating of vineyards and olive groves which you did not plant now therefore fear the lord and serve him in sincerity and truth and put away the gods which your father served beyond the river and in egypt and serve the lord if it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the lord choose for yourselves today whom you will serve whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the river or the gods of the amorites in whose land you are living but as for me and my house we will serve the lord the people answered and said far be it from us that we should forsake the lord to serve other gods for the lord our god is he who brought us and our fathers up out of the land of egypt from the house of bondage and who did these great signs in our sight and preserved us through all the way in which we went and among all the peoples through whose miss we passed the lord drove out from before us all of the peoples even the amorites who lived in this land we will also serve the lord for he is our god you may be seated [Music] [Music] unto [Music] and whose him is manifest [Music] and whose glory his manifest throughout all the earth [Music] is [Music] now i praise you and serve you lord throughout eternity [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i praise you and serve you lord throughout eternity [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] his grace is really [Music] grace grace god's grace his ways is really all i need [Music] grace grace god's grace his grace is really all i need grace [Music] his grace is really all i need [Music] [Music] his grace is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i'm [Music] that you can call me [Music] one big family here [Music] is [Music] that you gave me [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] nobody [Music] [Music] nobody like him [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] good morning family this side this time is set aside for the lord's supper for communion we used to sing an old song entitled god sent his son they called him jesus he came and he died for our sins he lived and died to buy my pardon an empty grave is there to prove he lives because he lives i can face tomorrow because he lives all fear is gone because i know i know that an empty grave is there to prove that he lives in my high school class we are actually looking at the martyrdom of christians in rome and nero set the city on fire and blame the christians and everybody approved of what nero did but they were shocked that these group of people called christians were still around because they thought they had put them down and had gotten rid of them because when jesus died and they buried him man thought they won when men when jesus did not show up for the rest of the world for 40 days man thought they won and until the day of pentecost man thought they won but satan knew he was lost after three days after three days satan knew the jig was up even while man thought they were winning why because an empty grave is there to prove that my savior lives and because he lives i can face tomorrow because he lives all fear is gone because i know he holds the future in his hand even when the world thinks that we are losing we know we have victory even when the world looks at us and puts us down and thinks that they have gotten over on us we know we have victory why do we partake of the lord's supper to remind us of victory why do we drink the cup representing his blood to remind us of victory and even when nero burned the city and they set us on fire we still had victory when we eat the bread representing his body victory victory in jesus because he lives because i know he lives and an empty grave proves he lives there is no grave do we go to when it comes to christ you might go to the graves of your loved ones but not when it comes to christ because he ain't here he's alive looking out after our best interest so as we come to this moment in time and we partake the lord's supper the cup his blood the bread his body remember that the thing that we ingest is supposed to remind us of the victory that we have because he lives let that bring you joy as we go to our father in prayer let us pray father god we are so thankful to father that you did not forget us nor forsake us that no matter where we are in our lives no matter where we were your father you always had your eye and your love on us you have so much love for us the father you sent your son christ jesus to this earth to die for our sins but death could not hold him nor the grave contain him and so because of your love for us and because he is who he is he rose to father that he might now have all power that he the father could take away all reproach from us so as we partake of these emblems we are mindful and reminded of who you are and the love that you have shown and the love that yet still awaits us we thank you the father for giving us christ jesus we thank him for coming to this earth and dying on our behalf and we thank you for giving us the holy spirit even now that was resides within us we may have communion with you continually bless this cup bless this bread your father let us always remember who you are in our lives send your son's christ and we pray amen [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] the lord [Music] every time [Music] christ [Music] good morning brothers and sisters we've reached that point of the worship where we call this the offering in this portion of the service like all the others is an opportunity for us to really show and exemplify what type of relationship we are in with our lord and savior jesus christ you know as i stated earlier it was once said that without reciprocation there is no relationship and when you look at the scriptures it shows us so many different things about how we should give this is a moment that first corinthians chapter 16 verses 1 and 2 tells us that we should prepare for in luke chapter 21 when we look at the widow and her two mice we see that this is a relationship that christ really pays attention to how we give and what type of heart that we give with and then when we look at second corinthians chapter nine verses six through eight it also shows us how much we really trust him because a good sower knows that if he sows in the right manner he will receive and return and sometimes i think when you think about relationships i think sometimes our earthly relationships harm our vertical relationship with god because we've been hurt in so many different ways and we lack this this sense of trust that we should have that when god says that if we give that he will definitely give back and as christians we should be proud to know that we have a lord and the savior that he will never fail at doing what he says that he will do so at this this moment we have an opportunity to show how much we want to give and contribute to this relationship if you're here in the building you can definitely use the receptacles that we have outside as well the kiosks that we have in the building and also online our brothers and sisters you can give by text or you can go to our website but this is your opportunity to give and i love the way the scripture says as according to how you has prospered and how god has blessed you so give as we sing to our heavenly father lord i want to be i want to be a christian in my heart [Music] in is heart in my heart lord please in my heart in my my heart in my heart [Music] please in my heart [Music] [Music] [Music] let us pray for the offering heavenly father we approach you at this time with our heads bowed and our hearts humble thank you father for all the ways that you bless us immensely father that we often overlook you bless us with our skill sets you bless us with the needs that we have on a day-to-day basis you give us the ability to be able to take care of our family and you put us in a position as a church to be able to take care of others and to help expand the borders of your kingdom we just pray always father that the collection that we receive that we will always use it in a manner that is pleasing and acceptable in your sight in jesus name we pray amen forgive my lack of time somebody sent me some money and i wanted to say thank you it's so sorry for that moment it was i said oh thank you praise god sent it through i don't know some facebook app said here's money to go out and eat and take your family out okay thank you very much i thought i'd pause to say thank you for that deposit we have had um a tremendous eight o'clock service brother david wilson has outdone himself in an explanation of the word of god and i'm really grateful to have him here we have been spending a whole month on emphasis concerning the family and we've done that intentionally on purpose because we want the church to know that the family is important in spite of what the culture may say it doesn't mean that we always get it right as those who are in family but it does mean we need to hold up god's standard and aim for his will and i hope that you all will join us at renaissance in that emphasis to say we can do family and we want to do it god's way dr robert wilson uh dr robert davis excuse me was our first preacher out the gate not that dr robert wilson could not have been the first preacher out the gate he could have especially on this subject um robert and stella could can certainly explicate on marriage but dr robert davis was our first preacher out the gate and he took the position that the church is god's family how many i believe the church is god's family it is right we are family and that means there are times when we may or may not get along but that does not change that we're family and family takes care of family and then the second preacher brother trey beard came and he dealt with the culture's attack on the family unit and boy did he do a great job in helping us to see uh the roles of how we operate within the family structure then we had dr rodney doolin and shalonda doolin his wife who did a wonderful workshop on saturday came and spent two hours with us dealing with family uh marriage uh god's way and they took us through a tour through a ten-room house and those rooms all represented different aspects of the marriage we need to work on and i think everybody found themselves in a different room that there's there's a room that resignated with you he talked about the foyer where you are to be welcoming to your spouse they talked about come in the house without your cell phone on and be focused on each other and then they walked us through another room and they talked about the office the office is where you communicate and you plan and you talk about where life is taking you and then they talked about the patio that's where you keep folk out your marriage uh and make sure that if you're gonna have a healthy marriage certain people don't need no input uh yeah y'all gonna help me along in here that was the patio furniture it belongs on the outside of the house um and he dealt with in-laws and all that your mama and daddy you can't share everything about your marriage with them because after you and your spouse make up they still mad and so you've got to learn to protect that right and so they talked about the bedroom and we'll pass that one and then we went into uh the basement uh i passed the bedroom one because it was i don't want to go into a laughing fit but it was just the funniest conversation it was good though but it was just hilarious talking about swinging on chandeliers and stuff like that um that that the men uh he freed the men to say we can't do that no more and we need to find another way praise god it was really riveting conversation then you had the men who you know they're like nah i can still swing on the chandelier i'm actually still good at that and it it just became a real interesting moment but anyhow then we talked about the basement and the basement was revealing what is underneath all of us have stuff that we have grown up with in our families your context and how you grew up and and how you've done family growing up all of that stuff or past bad experiences sometimes if that stuff is not revealed in your life and you don't deal with that then you have that beneath you take that with you into a marriage and that can be difficult as well just a great 10 room journey through marriage that was dr rodney and shalonda doolin rant they came and brought some books but they sold out i think they're going to send us um some more and today we have my good friend brother david wilson um he is the minister of the king's church they are one church currently in two locations uh king's church is a church that also has a satellite church in brooklyn new york and they they are satellited not not because it's a trend but because if you know about brooklyn new york um they ain't nowhere where you're gonna build something so if the church grows in a location you out of luck you're gonna have to find another way to figure out church growth so what he proposed was multi-siting and so they multi-site as the church grows they build sites and it's a really wonderful movement community sensitive but the greatest compliment i could give brother wilson and how he's led that congregation is he teaches the church to respect the authority of scripture and and that's really where it lies to teach a church to respect the authority of scripture good friend of mine uh i affectionately call him my big brother i tell this story as i did to the eight o'clock that most of you know that my method of preaching is contextual i believe in ethereal intent and i believe in dealing with scripture expositionally uh and many of you have asked when or where did i make that shift in fact all through the brotherhood folk acts when did you shift that way into that kind of methodology because you weren't always there how did you shift there and now folk know me know i build arguments from context and not logic well he's the reason um i started down that road i couldn't stand david wilson um i just just just didn't um and he he was aggravating on several levels and the one thing he would do every time he got him to preach is he would say i i'm going to explain the text or he would say i'm an expository preacher back then i didn't know what an expository preacher was so my response to that was i'm a gospel preacher i don't know what you are but whatever that is that you do that's fine i'm a gospel preacher because that's what i was trained to say i'm a gospel preacher um and so he would say i am an expository preacher i explained the text at one time he was just so rude he said uh well some people quote the text i explained the text and i said boy you talking about want to go up to the stage and just i i don't want to talk so i want to fight right now is what i'd like to do and so um i made up in my mind i said you know what i'ma figure out what this expository preaching thing is so i can refute it because whatever it is it sounds heretical and so four degrees later i said david you was right expository preaching is the best way to go with uh how you deal with the passage and so he's a great expositionist and just appreciate how he takes scripture in unique ways he explains the connections and shows the meaning and i appreciate that so we are going to do two things one we are going to invite um john harris to come up and sing a song for us um and then we're going to sing our theme song and then we'll have brother wilson come up and give us a word brother wilson you can come on up to the stage uh brother harris where are you good to see one of our illustrious former song leaders and thankful to god he's here and he came through the door and gave me a big hug and i said you know what this mean don't you and i said you finna get called up to sing so let's have brother harris lead us in one good afternoon man i'm emotional being here right now honestly and uh it's so it's so wonderful to see all you wonderful faces beautiful people and friends it's a blessing to be here thank you brother orpheus appreciate it what am i gonna say [Music] all right all night all [Music] all day long [Music] all day long [Music] [Applause] [Music] well i went to the church house where i used to pray below the angels well my soul can [Music] all day [Music] all day long [Music] night before i go to sleep [Music] [Applause] [Music] all day long [Music] well i once was lost but thank god i'm found but still the angels angels watching over me i'm singing all [Music] [Music] sing it with me sing it again sing it again and all night all day long [Music] all day long [Music] oh we just thank god for brother john harris and grateful for him being with us this morning now we're going to go into our theme song putting emphasis on thematically where we are with family as for me and my house we will serve the lord i want you to get into a spirit of meditation right now as for me and my house we will serve the lord i want you to meditate on these words i want you to feel the power of taking responsibility for your family i'm not just talking to married folk now i'm talking to those of you have children i'm talking to those of you who are fathers mothers maybe you don't have uh you're not in the context of a marriage that doesn't mean we release god's standards we celebrate marriage but it does mean you still have to learn to do family right in whatever context you're in you need to do family so we want to take the position now that the scripture says as for me and my house nothing better than singing scripture we'll serve the lord let's sing it this time [Music] you can join us and praise the lord we will serve the lord we we will serve all thank you jesus [Music] we will serve the lord [Music] me we will serve the lord [Music] is [Music] we will serve the lord [Music] oh [Music] before brother wilson comes up he's about to come now i'm sorry john i didn't acknowledge your family i'm really sorry so much i want to apologize to your your children your wife it's good to see the whole family here and i just couldn't see from that distance i'm so sorry good to see you all and thank you for being here let the church say amen thank you thank you lord thank you lord oh thank you thank you thank you lord thanks thank you thank you lord thank you lord oh i just want you to thank you love thank you one more day for one one more day one more day lord for one one more [Music] day for one more one more day one more day lord i just just wanna thank you lord thank you lord and lord you've been [Music] being so been so good oh lord you know you've been you've been so good [Music] lord you've been so so good so good and i just want to thank you lord you've been my friend been my been my foreign [Music] been my my friend and lord you you've been [Music] thank you lord and lord you saved me you saved [Music] [Applause] my soul oh lord save save my soul oh lord you say [Music] just wanna thank you [Music] you lord thank you and i just want to thank you lord amen amen the church say amen and thanksgiving is what worship is all about you know we come for many reasons get many benefits many activities in the worship moment but at the base of everything we do is really to say thank you to a god who blesses us with all that we need physically spiritually emotionally amen if it weren't for god we wouldn't make it through days like this and i don't care what what shots you getting what uh precautions you're taking if it were not for god amen we wouldn't be here today and we thank god for how he continues to bless us and keep us i'm thankful to be here with you at the great renaissance church of christ and thankful always to be with uh your pastor my friend my brother dr orpheus we just thank god for him i'm glad to be a part of his ministry glad to have partnership with him in these things of god and always glad when he brings me to be with y'all very hospitable very loving church i know you love the preacher you love preachers uh i love how you love the word of god love preaching uh here at this place so we thank god for you as well i'm glad to be a part of this message about the family of god about family and i want to invite you to a number of passages today as we seek to lift up the value of marriage and family and as a matter of fact i'm going to start out with the thought that uh as far as uh family is concerned uh there's just nothing more important in the mind and the value of god than family i'm so glad that one of the preachers established that the church is the family of god god is our father we're brothers and sisters of and in christ really shows how important family is but i wanted to add a couple of things as we make our way to a text and one of them is that family is the very first institution of god and thereby the highest priority for the devil i shared this with a scholar a friend of mine and he corrects me every time and that is that family is not the first institution of god he goes as far to say that family is the only institution of god and of course we back off we challenge him on the church but he says that the church is really an extension of the family that was started by god in the very beginning and so family has a high importance in the strategy in the mind of god almighty and because it is of the highest um or the very first institution we have to also know that it is the highest priority for the devil you do know that whatever god sets up the devil tries to mess up all right i'm testing y'all that was an amen test right there if you you can't say amen to that you got a bad attitude amen uh but but whenever god is doing a thing then the devil tries to get in the way of that thing that's that's all the way from genesis 1. genesis 1 verse 1 god created the heavens and the earth uh genesis 1 verse 2 and the earth was without substance and form the hebrew writers believe that that's talking about the devil that whenever god is creating and making and establishing then the devil comes and tries to destroy it and even if you can't agree with that i know you can agree that the devil wants to mess up family he wants to erase the boundaries the definitions he wants to kill all of what god wants to create through the family also that family is the foundation of a church community and nation amen church that if you want a good family or rather a great church is made up of great families a great community the church blesses the community and the community blesses the nation but you need a good family families make up a great church and a great church can transform a community and great communities make up a great nation you want to know what's wrong with our nation i know you want to look at the community we want to look at the church but look at our families because that's where god wants to change the world also psychologically economically and all socially every way family greatly impacts personality and character development we learn more about ourselves properly through the family we identify who we are and what we can become through our family and the better or stable or the more uh uh characteristic or or or the more our families are are ordered then the better the individual becomes but when the family is torn apart it produces torn apart people all the mass killings that we're seeing on a weekly if not daily basis all the all the harm that's let loose in our society all the all the lies and all the trickery and thievery all of it can be tracked back to what happens in the family one person even said that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world because family sets those things in motion and i put here also that renaissance i think every church ought to be a family garage you know families need tuned tune-ups families need their flats fixed families y'all making me work too hard on the second sermon families need alignment amen they need their gears checked and where better to go than to the body of christ where better to go than to the word of god to be able to find some help for our families and so today i wanna i wanna do something with you uh as we look at this subject i wanna talk about the three greatest teachers in scripture if i had the time i would test you and ask but i'm sure we would come up with these same three people jesus the messiah and who better who better to teach us than the word made flesh and then aside from jesus next to jesus it would have to be moses the law giver moses god used to write the first five books of the bible matter of fact i believe that the chain of inspiration comes through what moses wrote all the way through the book of revelation and so moses the law giver would have to be one of the three great teachers and then without doubt we'd have to include the apostle paul are y'all feeling me well y'all here with me um paul who wrote most of the new testament paul who even peter says that his words are waiting and if you're not careful somebody can twist to their will and struggle like they do with the rest of scripture and so paul would have to be one of the great teachers what's interesting is all three of these teachers come together on the thought of marriage and family and so as we lift up the value and as we see god's intention for the family i want to take you to three passages that helps to bring this thought together i want you to first go with me to genesis chapter 2 and verse 24. and i say genesis 2 24 but if you don't mind let's start reading at 21 so we could get a run and jump uh genesis chapter 2 verse 21 and the lord god caused a deep sleep to fall on adam y'all remember the story and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh in its place then the rib which the lord god had taken from man he made into a woman and he brought her to the man and adam said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man now watch verse 24 that's the key therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh did y'all see that well here you have at the very beginning the genesis of god's revelation you have a very detailed story not exhaustive but more detailed than any other part of the story and this is the narrative exposing god as man's creator and covenant authority now remember moses is writing for children or israelites that are coming out of egyptian bondage and in egyptian bondage they've been taught about egyptian gods ra and osiris and so forth and so on and they've been taught lies about creation lies about who they are uh and so now what moses has to do is not just deliver their bodies out of bondage but he's got to deliver their mind y'all not helping me here because you do know slavery is just not about the body it's also about the mind so the first book of the pentateuch is to let the people know this is the real god of creation not a plethora of different gods but one god created heaven and earth and listen when he created the sun that's amazing when he created the moon and the stars that's amazing he separated the water from above with the water from below that's amazing but out of all the things that he created when he created the man and the woman he said let us create man in our own image y'all follow me that that that's a detail that doesn't go with the sun that's a detail that doesn't go with the moon in the start that's as as fascinating as those things are his best creation was when he created the man and the woman the first family of god are y'all here with me and so moses is explaining the value of family by detailing their creation well what are you saying wilson remember when you look at this scene uh i don't know we came in on the last part but verse 21 he put adam to sleep and he took from adam his rib a whole lot of preaching i got to give up on this because i got a timer a timer that's coming down and it's creating paranoia at the pulpit uh and so uh uh uh i gotta leave some stuff out but suffice it to say that the man the man was made by god in the image of god from the earth for the earth remember remember there was the first problem that there was not a man to till the soil back in verse six of or verse five and so as a solution to there not being a man to till the soil god made man in his image but he made man from the earth for the earth that's why man is shaped like he's shaped that's why man has the muscular uh uh development that he had that's why his eyes are like they are that's why his bones are like they are because god made him for a purpose now when he makes the woman he does not make the woman from the same place now wait before i go there the woman is made by god in the image of god amen if you're looking for equality there it is both the male and the female are made by god in the image of god she's not made in the image of man though she's made from the rib of the man she's made in the image of almighty god y'all here with me but she's made from the man for the man look look she's she's like the man but unlike the man she doesn't have the same equipment she's got more than the manual helping me here she's she's got an ability that the man just doesn't have she's the one with the womb and whenever i'm in those discussions where they try to say that marriage and the sexes are a human construct always get always go right to the first i go for the juggler i say well where does the womb come from all of all the human humanism in the world cannot put the womb with the with a man god arranged this thing because god wants something to come from the woman that cannot come from the man and no matter how much you want to blame this this division on society society does not have the power to put a wound on one part and leave it off on the other god arranged this thing and amen she's made from the man but she's made for the man the man was made for production and the woman was made for relation and the better we are at understanding that the better we'll be able to understand what marriage is all about we're not the same i didn't mean to throw that on you see i'll be honest i wasted a lot of years trying to make my wife like me y'all quiet but i thought she should think like me i thought she should talk like me i thought she should raise the children like me a lot of frustration on in the wilson family because i tried to get kathy who was brought up in wichita to think like david who was brought up in new york city y'all not helping me here but the facts are we never were meant to be the same we were meant to be different but work together yeah man i'm still working it out but i believe that that'll help somebody else along the way amen matter of fact one more thing this is the high view and function of marriage matter of fact this is what clinics call it this is the clinical definition of marriage the mutually adaptive executive subsystem i can't take the time to work on that the mutually adaptive executive subsystem the the the husband and the wife are a subsystem they are the executive subsystem what happens with the husband and the wife will put energy will put a style over the whole family they are mutually adaptive i'll be able to get to that in ephesians but we can't just say this is how i am and that's all there is because we're in a relationship there'll always be some changing some adapting i give in she gets closer she gets closer i give in there ought to be some shifting around there ought to be some thinking about better ways to do it think about raising children in this generation versus how we were raised well we'll always say well you better be glad they ate the same day yeah because you can't raise your children today like we were raised years ago years ago mama said go get a switch you go get a switch now i don't know about here in atlanta you gonna get a switch now your kids will be taken away from you and you'll be put in jail y'all quiet but let me go on so this is what moses says in genesis 2 24 but let's go to what jesus says are y'all here with me jesus the messiah and i i need you to go with me to matthew 19. because here you have uh i believe the main teacher and here you have a different scenario than moses moses was writing to establish certain truths about who god was and he speaks of marriage in that context but now jesus is dealing with a different context in matthew 19. verse three the pharisees also came to him testing him and saying to him what's the question is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason now don't get nervous i'm not going to be dealing with marriage divorce and remarriage that's something that dr orpheus would love to teach on but verse 4 and he answered and said to them have you not read don't mind if i just take a moment isn't it amazing that jesus the son of god the word made flesh that when he's asked a question he goes to scripture now that that ought to blow your mind for just a second that the one who created heaven and earth the one who knows things that you and i don't even know to ask about that when he's asked about marriage he doesn't reach into his supernatural power and lift up some new revelation he doesn't come with some quote unquote rhema word that when he's asked about marriage he says have you not read has have you not heard or he points to the scripture here's my point that if jesus the word depended on scripture for understanding marriage then imagine how important it is that we put aside all this other junk and start focusing on what the word says well i love that point maybe you don't love it yet but i'll i'll work on you have you not read that he who made them at the beginning made them male and female i i don't it doesn't matter what they're talking about redefinition today from the beginning they were made male and female you know when he says from the beginning he's not really talking about a time he is talking about a person that god was at the beginning god is the beginning and from the beginning he made them male and female watch it verse 5 and said for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother well that's just what moses said in chapter 2 verse genesis 2 verse 24 for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh there's no reason for new scripture there's no reason for a new revelation in order to understand the question now about marriage divorce and remarry jesus doesn't have to make up a new word he goes to the same word that was spoken from the beginning because what was said at the beginning would be helpful for all time and i love i love the fact that they ask him a legal question but he gives them a spiritual solution you following that they said verse the end of verse 3 is it lawful see that's a legal question is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason jesus doesn't see when they ask is it lawful they're looking at the law of moses but jesus says you want the real answer it's not a legal matter it's a character matter that instead of focusing on the law you ought to focus on who god is y'all not helping me here and that's where we are today many of us are more focused on our rights than we are on the person and intent of god almighty because that ain't the same thing see when it comes to understanding grace see you and i we say every sunday thank you for your grace for your mercy thank you that you did not give us what we deserve thank you that you did not take out your rights on us but thank you for calvary where jesus put aside his rights so that we could have grace we understand that perfectly when it comes to salvation but for some reason when it comes to relationships we want to push our rights more than focus on god's grace but what jesus says it's not a matter of your rights it's a question of what did god intend verse 5 for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother be joined to his wife for the two shall become one flesh here it is so then they are no longer two but one flesh therefore what god has joined together y'all remember who's talking is that right i got a red letter edition even in my uh ipad this is the word of the lord through jesus christ therefore what god has joined together let not man let no man separate somebody said but i got rights what jesus says the master teacher jesus says what god has joined together whether or not there was a big wedding or whether it was a private ceremony y'all not helping me here whether you had a hundred folk in the ceremony with folk walking up and down the line with flowers and music and all that or whether you met in a room with the preacher or whether you went to the justice of the peace you're still married and what god has joined together let no one let no man separate well what i'm lifting up is the intent the value of god for our marriages and and we would do better with our marriages when we did less of thinking what we want and start daring to ask what does god want for my marriage i i pray that if you're planning on getting married that you include god's intent and purpose in your decision to be married don't just get caught up on what you want don't just get caught up on the fun that you're gonna have by the way fun because i don't want you judging me and i don't want you looking funny at me and kathy but but fun don't keep a marriage together y'all not helping me here but you gotta you need something more than good times you need something more than just happily ever after and the thing that i would suggest that's going to bless our marriages is when we get back to god's intent and purpose in our marriage not what do we want to do what does god want to happen through our marriage and so again while divorce was allowed by moses lawful it was never intended by god in the beginning that's why we got to practice or we can't practice marital distancing dysfunction and divorce i'm not just about staying together no matter what but i believe we ought to put aside the very things that causes our marriage to be more of a sickness than a healer for the community going to our separate corners may work for a moment but not for a lifestyle our dysfunction needs to be helped and we need to get away close the door on divorce and find a way through god to work it out to make it right and i'm talking to the church i'm not talking to the world the world will not receive this but the body of christ because of our value of who god is we ought to do the best in our marriages amen let's go to the third preacher the third teacher are y'all seeing how i'm doing this in ephesians 5 we get to see what paul says about marriage ephesians 5 we looked at moses in genesis 2 looked at jesus in matthew 19. now we're looking at paul in ephesians 5. and i'm going to start at verse 17. therefore do not be unwise but understand what the will of the lord is and do not be drunk with wine and which is dissipation but be filled with the spirit that's it that's the challenge this is the spirit walk paul is good on that galatians romans 8 galatians three uh uh uh he's he's good at helping colossians chapter three helping the christians to see how you don't walk according to the flesh but you need to walk according to the spirit so he says but be filled with the spirit now watch it when you're filled with the spirit by the way he's not talking to non-christians he's talking to those who have already obeyed the gospel you understand he's talking to those who have already been sealed in chapter one so here's the point you can be in the church you can be in the body you're not helping me you could be in a relationship with god through jesus christ and still not be filled with the spirit i'll go further you can have the spirit within you and still fail to be led by the spirit and so he tells them don't be drunk with wine but be with filled spirit here's the evidence of you being filled with the spirit three things number one you'll have a song on your heart are y'all following me verse 19 speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the lord amen that's that's that's brother of his favorite passage these past few years as he's been straightening out the church about what this passage teaches or whether or not it's instrumental music i'm sorry man i just you know hey hey it was it was exciting times but this is really about character about you being a rather a spirit-filled person is one that has a song on their heart you understand this it's hard to defeat somebody that's got a song on their heart and i don't mean no rap song either i mean spiritual song make it a melody in your heart to the lord verse 20 second evidence giving thanks always for all things to god the father in the name of our lord jesus christ so the one that's filled with the spirit has a song in their heart they are thankful all the time and then the third evidence verse 21 submitting to one another in the fear of god that's the package the package of being filled with the spirit is that you'll have a song on your heart you're thankful for all things at all times in christ jesus and you are a submissive person now paul is going to illustrate what submission looks like by going to the best illustration of submission on earth which is the christian family are y'all here with me so now he shifts and he says verse 22 wise submit to your own husbands i only heard one brother say well he didn't even say amen it was like he was taking my side but not really in case somebody asked him about it later he said i just say hey man i said well that's just how my mind works but look this is right in the passage that as he lists out the evidence of being filled with the spirit now he goes to the home verse 22 wives submit to your own husbands as to the lord for the husband is the head of the wife as i've quieted here as also christ is the head of the church and he is the savior of the body all right somebody talking now therefore just as the church is subject to christ so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything verse 25 husbands huh well you got hair clappers too husbands love your wives just as christ also loved the church this is why i want you to see that when he looks at the house he brings up the wife and the husband both of them together why because they are an illustration the christian home is an illustration of what's called mutual submission that's what i've tried to tell you is that the family is an executive sub mutually adaptive executive subsystem the wife is called to obey and the husband is called to love why because that's an illustration of being filled with the spirit song on your heart thankful for all time submitting one to another the submission of the house takes the form of the wife following her husband but the husband loving his wife loving her how because when you say love folk get confused as to what kind of love this is divine love this is a sacrificial love this ain't no moment of love to say no amen this ain't no no sexual healing type of love y'all quiet but y'all made me go there just say this ain't no quiet storm kind of look this ain't no love song love and sisters y'all get upset when the scripture says wives submit to your own husband that ain't saying nothing like what it says to the husband the wife has got to do what the husband said the husband has got to die for the wife because y'all do know that's how christ loved the church and gave himself for her what are you doing paul paul is saying i'm illustrating the concept of being filled with the spirit this is what submission looks like and watch it he goes on because he's going to say more to the husband than he does to the wife because the husband is leading as the head of the family y'all mighty quiet now verse 26 that he might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word i got to hurry up i'm down to 36 seconds lord of mercy so husbands verse 28 ought to love their own wives as their own bodies he who loves his wife loves himself for no one ever hated his own flesh but nourishes and cherishes it just as the lord does the church for we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones here it is verse 31 for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh this is the verse that moses gave this is the verse that jesus pointed to and now paul when he's talking to the church about illustrating what submission is all about this is the verse that paul uses all of them come together on the same verse to accomplish lifting up the value of the family of marriage and family but paul goes further verse 32 this is a great mystery but i speak concerning christ and the church nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself and let the wife see that she respects her husband this is what's interesting he says after all of this talk about the husband and the wife and mutual submission he then says this is a mystery but i'm really speaking about christ in the church i don't have the time to to play with you on it but he basically says that i'm not talking about the husband and wife at all i'm really talking about christ and the church well why is that important because a spirit-filled husband and wife team will actually reveal not only the three evidences of being filled with the spirit but a husband that loves his wife sacrificially and a wife who respects her husband they are a picture of what jesus and the church looks like see there's a higher purpose for being married than just having a good time there's a greater call what does god want to happen through our divi or divinely led instituted and upheld marriages he wants the world to see more than ever what salvation really looks like salvation looks like being filled with the spirit having a song on your heart being thankful for all things at all times and salvation looks like a husband who loves sacrificially and a wife that's devoted here's the message and i'm done i'm done here's the three four things that you can walk away with from these three passages from these three teachers of the word number one god has a purpose an intent for marriage and family we do so much of talking about what we want we need to start talking about what does god want when y'all meet at the table when y'all have to discuss business think you ought to begin your business meeting family what does god want y'all might be quiet in here but but god ought to be at the top of our priorities for our family secondly since god this is what you got to remember is that since god is for it then the enemy is against it i don't care how much y'all pray i don't care how much you go to church the devil is trying to destroy your family and don't you get caught up in all that wild language about he's after this he's after that the devil wants to upset whatever god is setting up and as much as god is for the family then the devil wants to destroy it wants to tear it apart third the spirit-filled family is a witness to the world of what god's salvation is all about the way that they love one another the way that they respect one another their mutual submission is a statement to the world of why you ought to follow the spirit while you ought to be a member of the body of christ and then fourth be aligned with god's agenda and filled with the holy spirit that's the message i have for you today and i really hope that it blesses someone to see the need for not using marriage to fulfill our own desires only but seeing that marriage is a means for god to do things in the world through our love for one another real love through our long-suffering through our patience through our gentleness through our mutual submission that there is a thing that god is accomplishing through our marriages and now it's going to require the best scenario for any family is for everybody to embrace the way of god but even if that doesn't happen you here today can do your part to follow after the spirit even if your husband or your wife didn't join you you can do your part by submitting to the word that you hear even now now if you're not a christian you ought to obey the gospel in a humble submission you ought to follow jesus because of your faith you ought to confess him as lord and be baptized be filled with the spirit but as you walk as you live as you go day by day learn more about who god is and what he wants you to do and that's how god will impact not just you but those that are around you he'll bless those through you for your willingness to be aligned with his spirit but then for members of the body of christ this is an opportunity for you to draw closer listen you could be a member and still not be led by the spirit but maybe this is a call maybe this is the answer maybe this is a solution you've been looking for for your family that as much as you love god love his word as much as you love following after him let's start applying that to how we look at marriage how we value our marriages how we consider god's agenda for our marriages and let's draw closely you have an opportunity right now if you're not a christian you ought to come if you are a christian you need prayer this is a great time for prayer i [Music] surrender all all to you everything i give everything i give give to you withholding nothing with holy nothing oh lord will the did nothing i surrender i surrender surrender everything i give everything i give give to you with withholding nothing with hope in nothing oh lord withhold ain't nothing i surrender i suffering surrender all to you everything i give everything i give give to you and i surrender i surrender surrender all all to you everything i give everything everything i give i give to you with holy nothing with holding [Music] withholding nothing without doing nothing withholding [Music] nothing with hope did nothing and we say we say yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] say yes we say and we say we say yes we say it yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we say yes we say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we say [Music] we [Music] [Applause] and i surrender [Music] i surrender i surrender all to you if you need prayer remain standing you may take your seats if you want prayer just remain standing where you are this word landed on your lap yeah praise the mighty name of jesus what a great god [Music] [Music] was that not a mighty word on this oh as we did at eight o'clock we tried to figure out the best description of that sermon and we came up with a sound and the sound we uh came up with i think is really appropriate to a description of this sermon and we'll we'll get you that sound in just a second because his words don't really cover it it's just a it's like a sound if you know david wilson was walking in your house i want you to say man on this morning yeah yeah yeah it was just absolutely powerful and second time around listening to it you know i claimed something else i mean i heard it the first time i was like wow um he mentioned being filled with the spirit mercy have mercy he can sing too that's true uh he can sing yeah i mean he did that there ain't no question about that um but this part don't be filled with the spirit that i thought was really powerful that we sometimes miss unless you read a letter fully he mentions be filled with the spirit and i've said many for many years only thing we see is the word sing in there but he goes right from be filled with the spirit to how the spirit should work in marriage that i submit to the lead of the holy spirit he gets us into this mutual submission that's the result of being led by the spirit right into how we behave in a marriage and it begs the question in your marriage are you filled with the spirit and it's a really interesting thing listening to it a second time and i just want to thank god uh for for uh david wilson's it leaves this sermon leaves you no room to argue about what did god say it's it's so it's such a pure word and i just thank god for a word like that gets right in your face and makes you say here is what you have to do to submit to my will and everybody ought to hear that what i don't want you to do is sometimes when you hear a sermon you want to attach it to someone else's face when really what we need to do is hear that word and have self-reflection about what it is we need to do uh to make sure that we're we're strong um it was it was funny sony text me a second ago about something and and i said uh are you listening to the sermon did you hear about submit and she said yeah did you hear the part about love you ever notice how people here hear it like there's certain points and y'all did it in the sermon when he talked about uh uh wives submit uh brother said well you're right he didn't really want to jump on board fully because he's probably got to talk to his wife later like why you shouted on that point and as soon as you got to husbands women started shouting you didn't even read the rest of the verse yet love your wives they like you better preach that word right there you hear it like you want to hear it that was a great lesson let's pray for those who are standing thank you for admitting opening your heart to the will of the lord father god in heaven we thank you for these your children who are standing and we say yes we say yes we say yes lord we receive your will we receive your way we actually to strengthen each person standing right now who has heard this word and wants to apply it to their lives god give them the openness of mind and give them the heart that they need to shape themselves according to your will may our obedience supersede our feelings and we get to a place where i'm not guided by what i feel but i'm guided by my desire to please you each and every one of us struggle with that in different areas of our lives we don't have the right or the prerogative to to judge anyone but father we ask you to help us to build our faith in a way where our obedience will always be the primary and we promise to give you all the honor and glory in jesus name we pray amen this is the conclusion of our one month family revival have you enjoyed all the preachers that came it's good stuff yeah we thank god for each and every one of them we are appreciative of what god has deposited in our spirit we want to make sure we capitalize off this we keep meditating on it we're going to create other programs so we can keep the dialogue going so we want to always kind of take this and not let it die out you know you can be excited about one thing at one point and it kind of dies out we want to now make sure we are doing things to keep permeating these words one way you can do it is making sure that you connect to robert and stella's marriage class uh we also have uh marriage classes that are offered periodically you want to get in that in those courses so now that you know how god demands this this certain disposition you want to get in classes to cultivate that and i think it's important to study it in a way where god's word rules i have to do that everybody has to do that everybody has to evaluate how to be better i don't care how long you've been preaching the word studying the word reading the word you have to be about continuous growth right you go through ups you go through downs and after a while god's got to that word's got to get in your conscience got to get in your mind and help you to have transformation be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind and we hope and pray that you'll be about that we're at the conclusion of our services anything brother robert we have a visitor james kathy is with us we'd like to ask you to stand james kathy james cathy could you stand in congo i believe here he's back in there hey my man good to have you praise the mighty name of jesus and then sister kate hendricks yes sir yes sir any other visitors with us can you just raise your hand so we can see you or stand for us just so the church can see who you are god bless you and thank you for being with us and we're we're just grateful to god for your presence and thank you for coming to the renaissance church uh we have somebody on this side amen oh there they go amen god bless you thank you thank you we have some in the middle as well thank you for being with us and we thank god we hope you've enjoyed the word and that you've enjoyed the singing that you've enjoyed our worship please feel free to inquire more about who we are here at the renaissance coc um sister kate hendricks funeral is this saturday coming um we're hurt by this we're hurt by any member we lose um kate has been a pillar of a member uh at this church for many years and we just thank god that the lord blessed us to have her and those who are maybe saying who is she uh if you remember west end she sat on pew two middle section every sunday uh without fail and if she couldn't get here many of you got phone calls about coming to pick her up to make sure she'd get to church she was that sister that made sure her preacher had a handkerchief every single sunday to make sure he could wipe his sweat and all of that she was just very caring that way um and she was very serious about little little things like that was a big deal she was very serious about being helpful and um praise god i just praise god for her and i just you know it's funny when she would do it every sunday there was times i'd be like oh i'm okay i'm okay like i'm fine because she was persistent he'd be like god i got it kate i got it i got i got one today i got a handkerchief she made sure she and then she come up after now have you washed the handkerchiefs i gave you make sure they get folded do i need to talk to ed gaines they need to be in the washer by monday so we can have them ready on friday i'll come pick him up and we that was her ready to get it and just love her so much so we are going to miss her bodily presence but we know that she's with the lord um in a brand new existence she died with eternal life and that's the beauty that we can face death with confidence when you die with eternal life and to that end it's next week 11 o'clock at 12 o'clock p.m saturday make sure that you are here we'd love to have you present and to support the family so do that sister edna boyd is back in the hospital so be mindful uh keep her in prayer she's struggling with a series of issues and please do not um if we don't call a name from the pulpit does not mean we don't care just means we may not be fully aware of everybody that may be going through something so we asking god to take it a whole renaissance family and uh and be with us yeah please stand with me as we close and as we have our exit next sunday we start the the role of the woman in the new testament church and um long-awaited series uh and i yeah long awaited series and uh well brother hayward why you ain't preached for the last four weeks because i had to study before i got up here with that i need to be clear in my mind about what to say um we're going to stay with god's word god's word is the authority and i have to be okay that some of you will like some parts and hate others um and i'm gonna have to be okay with that but know that i'm gonna give you god's word on the role of the woman in the new testament church i will explain i will explain our women in praise teams i know that you you see our women singing um and that was introduced in pandemic um when we didn't have the congregation here together we wanted to enhance the singing and we did that but as you come in you see women are being used uh in in our singing capacity um i know 99 of you trust that i would never lead you anywhere unscriptural 99 of you know that um and i and i know you know that and you know that's an ethic for me i will never do that um however i do want to educate you so that you have more than trust for me you have understanding of scripture right so we want to make sure that's where we are um so that's where we'll go we'll we'll answer that question but more than that we're just going to deal with the role of the woman holistically in the church permissions what can she do restrictions what can't she do by the way there are things men can do there's things men can't do that's not just for one gender so let's let's not make it about only women have restrictions we all got some restrictions male and female in the new testament church but let's make this clear we're going to spend four sundays on it and i'm going to go through each pericope section of text that deals with the submission of the woman as best i can so you can see what you can do what you can't do there i believe that women could do a lot more in the church than we have historically allowed um but i but then there's some other very poignant areas where i think there is no shift and i believe we need to be clear that they are um i will take a strong position that a woman is not called to preach or to lead in public prayer in the assembly just i'm going to take a strong position on that and that has nothing to do with a woman being less than a man nothing to do with that at all it has nothing to do with her being less intelligent or anything none of that um it has to do with creation order and i'll talk about that more specifically then so noah's going to be a good educational series um but we are going to show some things she can do that we have not traditionally allowed but we can give elasticity to that and so we hope you're going to come with an open heart now what my my goal is not for you to like the sermon my goal is for you to learn what god said now whether you like it or not i gotta i gotta let you wrestle with that father god in heaven we thank you and love you we honor you we recognize that you're the god who sits high and looks low but we are appreciative that you are an ever present god that you are a god of proximity you're near we ask you to receive these our sacrifices and we ask you through your grace and mercy to bring us all back at the next appointed assembly it's in jesus name we pray amen hug somebody you haven't seen be the friendly renaissance that you are lord we've turned the bets on you far too many times the cost of sins too much too bad but still you pay the fine so i just don't wanna be another [Music] i'm so thankful for this center set with you i feel like i've entered into heaven when i'm in your presence [Music] when i'm in your presence [Music] and lord please bless this body of your saints your family i pray for love and abundant peace for all my enemies and i know that satan's in there somewhere sitting in the crowd so hear my prayer lord hear my battle cry [Music] and i'm so thankful for this intercession [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] i'm not just praying [Music] i'm so thankful for this intersection [Music] i'm in your presence oh [Music] is [Music] leave me there [Music] i'm so thankful for this intercession with you i feel like i've entered into heaven when i'm in your presence
Channel: Official Renaissance Church of Christ
Views: 2,628
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Id: NvzcS3x1aic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 49sec (8149 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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