The Mount Global 360 Worship Experience | 1-17-21

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[Music] look at your neighbors [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i wish i had a weekend [Music] bye [Music] [Music] father in the name of jesus [Music] we thank you today because we decree and declare that this week is going to present unto us something that i have not seen and ear have not heard and neither has it entered into the hearts of men but great things you have in store god we say thank you we thank you god because this week you're going to do something oh god that men may think is impossible but because of you all things are going to become possible father we say thank you we decree and declare that this is the day that you have made we will rejoice and be glad in it god we thank you for this week we anticipate oh god an awesome anointing this week we anticipate oh god you doing something that's called favor that we've never received before this week god we believe that before we've asked you've already answered oh taste and see that the lord is good god we give you praise today we give your honor today we give you glory today fresh anointing is our prayer this week god bless our bishop god bless these singers today oh god anything oh god that will be exemplified for the purpose of kingdom in the name of jesus we decree and declare it's already done this sweet god of the day the lame will take up their beds and walk this week god the blind will decree and declare that i see god this week god those who have been impoverished will decree and declare i am prosperous this week god we believe god that you already turned this thing around so have your way right now god in the name of jesus bless here bless their blessed everywhere from the north from the south from the east from the west this week god we decree and declare that the valley is at the mount but while we are here we will open our mouths and give you praise god we give you glory we give your honor god we thank you i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth the humble shall hear thereof and be glad oh magnify the lord with me and let us out his name together god we thank you today we bless you today we honor you today we love you today because god we got up this week crazy we got a this week anointed we got a this week's favor we got a this week happening and god is the name of jesus we decree that it is so it is done in jesus name i tell you shout this week this week this week [Music] eyes haven't seen [Music] and years haven't heard the kind of blessings the kind of blessings that's about to fall on [Music] god's doing [Music] something i've never seen come on [Music] i'm getting ready [Music] come on let's sing it together right [Music] here [Music] [Music] is [Music] i wish i had a weakness in here [Music] is come on real quick [Music] i don't know about you here i [Music] i am [Music] oh [Music] to go is [Music] [Music] victory is here you ready you've been waiting you've been praying and you've been pressing and you've been fasting [Music] get ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can we just stay right there just for a moment i want to speak to the person that thinks that that was just a song that didn't realize that was more than a song that was a prophecy so around the world right now i'm going to challenge you i'm going to push you wherever you are right now if you're in the living room if you're in the bedroom you need to get up if you're in the car find a parking lot and pull over you hear me say this all the time that minstrels in the body of christ serve three purposes they sing to god all the people they sing to god with the people but they sing to the people from god and i believe today they sang to us from god and god wants to know right now if he decided to pull the trigger right now and begin overflowing your life do you believe it are you ready [Music] to pull over in the parking lot get up in the living room put the cell phone down just for a moment stand up in your bedroom just say this simple affirmation god i'm ready i want to suggest that there's so much that god has wanted to do in our life but he's been waiting for us to say i'm ready god i'm ready [Music] now can you begin to just open your mouth and give him the fruit of your lips and say god i'm ready for you to bring overflow even by yourself turn your house into a sanctuary right now just begin to put your hands together begin to affirm the goodness of the lord and just tell him how grateful you are for all that he's doing can you put your hands together around the world and bless god for the praise and worship ministry of the mount elizabeth city just gifted young people we're so grateful to god for um their tenacity in the midst of a pandemic to continue to be able to celebrate the goodness of the lord got one or two things we want to share with you first of all good morning if by chance this is the first time um sister pat evans all the way in houston texas if this is your first time hanging out with us or sister candice robinson in york pennsylvania or brother or sister coloranson in bethune south carolina welcome to the mount we are so grateful to just have the opportunity to serve you today this is mount 360 2.0 we believe it's our church's um ability to keep you covered to keep you connected and to care for you as you walk out your spiritual journey around the world and so we are so excited that god connected us today and by providence of technology we're able to be with you so thank you so much just for giving us the privilege we do believe there's a word from the lord i want to remind you as well you heard them um in the pre-show talking about the faith pack we do still have faith packs available so you can if you're here in the local area you can come to the church nine to five every um day if you're around the world you can email us at info the mount and request it we will get it in the mail to you and um one of the things that intercessor mark snead made clear don't use this oil to anoint buy you a larger bottle of oil and pour this oil into that bottle so that it can stretch through the whole year this is our ability to be able to share in covenant across all of our sites with believers from household to household and so we're so it's nothing more refreshing than riding down the street and seeing a red ribbon hanging in the window and you know that somebody from the mountain resides there now you can be around the world and see red ribbons hanging in the window it is symbolic of the blood that covered them in the passover when you told him to um place the blood on their doorposts but it is also significant that rahab hid the spies and her house was passed over because of a red ribbon that she hung in her window and then finally you know the prayer cloth you can go over the axe where the apostle paul has a prayer cloth and so we're so grateful to god for all of the theology everything is theologically based so please know it's not magical it's not any um mysticism behind it it's biblical based um don't forget april 4th will be the first sunday in april that is resurrection sunday now i know every resurrection sunday we bring a significant seed to the lord and so we're going to push that this year last year you know we backed off of it because in march it started with covet but this year everybody ought to want to bring a seed to god because april will really recognize and symbolize one year that we have not had worship in this room and yet god has kept us he's healed us he's covered us he's delivered us so please prepare yourself that april the 4th resurrection sunday that day we will honor god with a significant seed it would just be tremendous to be able to bring god a million dollars in the midst of all that's going on in that season this should be just a survival seed just a grateful seed just an enduring seed so it's our opportunity to show god and then don't forget that monday tuesday and wednesday the offices will be closed here first of all we'll be closed on monday because we want to honor the legacy and ministry of the honorable dr martin luther king jr who we're still fighting for the dream i don't even want to go down that road today we're still believing for the dreamers so tomorrow offices will be closed at all of our sites in honor of um the historic figure that ushered us into the civil rights movement dr martin luther king named after the reformer martin luther and so we're grateful to be able to celebrate him and the legacy that is still alive in our nation and then on tuesday and wednesday we're going to be closed just because of all of the challenges of our day we want to give staff the ability to be able to work from home so all buildings will be locked down and secured on tuesday and wednesday we will if the lord says so return to the physical location on thursday morning from nine to five i want to remind you as well that not only will the offices be closed but we'll be in prayer so on tuesday starting at 6 00 a.m on all platforms we will be doing warfare prayer we're not going to wait until inauguration day we're going to do warfare all day so intercessors site pastors we will be praying all day so you can link up in any one of the watches or all of the watches all of the moments of prayer starting at 6 00 a.m on tuesday morning and then wednesday the day of the inauguration we will be praying as well from 7 a.m to 11 a.m on all of the platforms you can pray hourly with us please avail yourselves of an opportunity to be in a posture of prayer for our nation for our government for our administration for the new president the vice president and their families and it will be very strategic we will be praying strategically on wednesday elder will be praying for the first family um i'll be praying for the president someone will be praying for the vice president someone will be praying for their cabinet just a great day of strategy and then finally we're so excited that on the fifth sunday we're gonna do something different with mount 2.0 it's going to be family feud sunday so if you desire to be one of the families that competes in family feud on the fifth sunday submit a video telling why your family should be selected any family is eligible so you can check your email from the mount for details and submit and how to submit your video please please respond to um emails when we're sending them they're not just um always they're no solicitation it's always information so please avail yourselves of that opportunity sister beverly ward thank you so much for joining us today from tampa florida i wish i put in the chat what the temperature is in tampa today and stacy sister stacey harris in raleigh north carolina we're so grateful to have you worshiping with us all right there is a word from the lord i can't wait to break this word down go with me to first samuel chapter 1 first samuel chapter one we're gonna start with verse 19. y'all pray for your boy today shoot him some hearts slow me down um help me to pace myself properly because i'm so hyped about the word listen to what first samuel chapter 1 verse 19 says the entire family got up early the next morning and went to worship the lord once more then they returned home to rhema when elkanah slept with hannah the lord remembered her plea and in due time king james version says and in the process of time that's going to be important and in due time she gave birth to a son she named him samuel for she said i asked the lord for him i want to minister to you today from the subject what's taking so long it's going to be two-part join me as well at ten o'clock in between eight and ten you know we'll have church redefined at nine o'clock and then we'll be back at ten o'clock and we're gonna complete the argument today in the gospel from the subject stop watching the clock but this morning at eight o'clock god i feel your presence we're gonna i wanna i wanna lift up our dialogue today around the subject what's taking so long father i pray for anointing that would enable me to make the word speak clearly i claim the authority to share the gospel we believe by faith that you will use this instrument of clay lips that are fragile you will now anoint supernaturally that the words of my mouth are the meditation of my heart would be acceptable in thy sight for you are truly our strength our lord and our redeemer we ask now that every heart will be touched may the word speak to us corporately but may the word speak to us individually is our prayer and i claim that authority now in the name of jesus amen one of the highlights of being a grandparent one of the highlights of being a grandparent is to be able to be over your grandchildren's home on christmas eve and watch the excitement of um of your grandchildren this year was really interesting because as i was sitting there past pastor furby with with kj his other grandfather i'm pop pop his other grandfather is g-pop and um cletus g-pop had told him what our parents informed us and made us aware of as a child that if you try to sneak down too early santa claus will put pepper in your eye and so i was on christmas eve i had kj out with me we would we were taking bicycles to my old neighborhood and um kj you know he's intelligent for his age although he's eight he processes very well and he said something he said um pop-pop i need to ask you something that's okay he said i think g-pop is lying to me i said what do you mean he's lying to you he said he told me that if i don't go to bed early tonight and if i try to sneak down stairs and catch santa claus putting stuff under the tree that he'll put pepper in my eyes he said and um there's a part of me that really wants to sneak downstairs to see if he's telling me the truth because i kind of feel like he's not telling me the truth that he's making that up i said well well first of all kj you don't have to wait until tonight to find out how it feels to get peppa in your eye when we pull up at the house i'll go in the house and get the the pepper shaker and i can shake some pepper in your eye right there so you can go to sleep with your yo your piece established tonight he said well nah that's all right that's all right papa i think i think i think maybe he's telling me the truth and so as the as the night got later he was so hyped that he couldn't go to sleep i'm going somewhere it's gonna be good i promise you he could not go to sleep and so as we were preparing to get him ready to go to sleep he was so hyped this child this child and all of his infinite wisdom with all of his eight-year-old intellect said what i need y'all to do is go give me some benadryl can y'all give me some benadryl because benadryl you know one of the side effects of benadryl is it will make you drowsy it will make you go to sleep he said i'm having trouble going to sleep and and it's like the night the time is moving too slow there it is i slipped it in on you caught you on the sideways you didn't know where i was going he said time is moving too slow so what i need you all to do is give me some liquid benadryl i said well kj is your knot is your nose stuffed up he said no i said why are you coughing he said no i said well do you do you have a fever he said no i said well why do you want benadryl he said because it's taken too long and i just want to go to sleep that way when i wake up it will be christmas morning and everything will already be here he said because it's taking too long you just missed the turn i'm gonna stop rewind and play i want to suggest for some of us that are watching around the world that your challenge right now is you have been praying and tell the truth and shame the devil you are getting a little weary in well doing because you have been praying about some situations some circumstances you've been making some requests to god and it seems like either god is ignoring you or god is taking his time and you really want to ask yourself just like kj you know what you really want me to do you want me this morning oh god help me to give you some spiritual benadryl so that you can just go to sleep until god snaps his finger because you have re relegated god to being a sugar daddy that when you say jump he's not supposed to do anything except ask how high and the reality is god is sovereign god is the authority of the universe and he does not move on our timetable he already has told us in the word of god that his ways are not our ways his thoughts are higher than our thoughts he even makes it clear that a day in god's timing is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day for god so he's not watching a clock he's not chronologically driven and i'm talking to you girlfriend right now bro i'm talking to you shoot your boys from heart because whether you want to acknowledge it or not i'm right on your front porch because god there is nothing that can be more frustrating to a believer than having a promise unfulfilled that's not manifesting as quick as we anticipated it can you imagine being hannah and you have been praying for a child day after day year after year you have been faithful you have been serving you have been coming to worship you have been going into the temple of god you've been doing all the things you've been offering your sacrifice and yet watch this here's what makes it dr angie even crazier not only does it look like god is not fulfilling the promise or the request that you made but then he has the audacity to be allowing other people to flow in what you have been asking him about there is nothing i see tell the truth and shame the devil today how many of you out there will acknowledge you getting kind of tired of buying housewarming gifts for everybody else when you are the first one that prayed for a house and yet you got to keep going to all these house dedications putting on a smile and acting like you really excited for your girlfriend your sorority sister your neighbor everybody else you know it can get frustrating when you know you are the one that asks for the promotion yet every time you turn around you see somebody else on social media you see somebody else coming to work and declaring that they've gotten a pay raise or they gotten a promotion i want you to understand i know how you feel for all of you who started last year believing that 2020 would in fact be the year of exhibition and you saw god move in everybody else's life just like hannah you had to sit there hold your peace smile and celebrate what everybody else was receiving when the reality is here it is oh god help me that anointing that they are walking in would never have been in their atmosphere if it wasn't for your petition so there is nothing stranger than seeing other people benefit from your prayer life and yet you haven't seen god do in your situation what you've caused to happen in other people's lives in the kind of amazing when you can lay hands on other people and they receive their healing and get used to your fighting the health challenge any kind of amazing when you can come into agreement with somebody else for them to walk in prosperity and they got overflow coming from the left to right the rear and the front and yet you still struggling to pay your debt on time isn't it amazing when you can go in the bathroom with your girlfriend at work and you can intercede for her marriage and you see her husband turn his life around get saved and your husband's still acting a fool isn't it kind of kooky when you can see god answer your prayer through the lives of others and yet god looks like he's not responding to your prayer in your own situation and you end up being just like hannah and just like kj you want to stand up i know right now some of you right now wish you could get an audience with god i'm gonna go down your street because you want to walk right into the throne room right now and just say god what is taking so long you are growing weary and well doing you've been faithful you've been given you've been serving you've been praising you've been loving other folks you've been putting up with foolishness you've been surviving detriment and yet it looks like god has either forgotten your promise i've got news for you god knows just like what the king james version says there's a process of time oh help me somebody y'all better shoot your boy some hearts right there god has not forgotten you god has not given up on you you did not abort it god is just working out the process and here's a shout cue on the side for you not even one of the points what i've learned is that the duration of the weight is sometimes commensurate with the level of the blessing okay you need to text that right there the duration of the weight is sometimes commensurate with the level of the blessing because the bigger the blessing the more processing it'll take god you better come get me today because i feel like lifting him up i've got four things that you got to do rather than just sit there and have a pity party rather than sit there and just twiddle your thumbs rather than sit there and be mad because of what god is doing in somebody else's life i've got a suggestion for you that sometimes what god is doing is he's taking a little bit more time he's allowing a little bit more length to be able to process the answer because i could not reconcile help me god i could not reconcile that the bible says in god all the answers to my petition are yes and amen well if that's the case if god has already said yes if he's already said amen with amen which means so it will be then the problem is not that my prayer has not been answered the problem is not that god has not already approved my inflated ability to progress in life the problem is that god is waiting for me to do some things during the season weight does not mean doing nothing weight does not mean having a pity party weight does not mean thinking that god has forgotten me weight means that there are some things that require god requires of us to be able to do in this season y'all ready pouring one goal probably caused us to lose our mind and we might not regroup off a point one the first thing i got to understand and i got to reconcile about what's taking so long is that in this season god has given me the ability to educate my audience okay you just missed the turn i had never seen this before but watch this when you go to first samuel chapter 1 verse 12 it says that as hannah was praying to the lord eli watched her now watch this in the king james version pastor february it gets even crazier because it says while hannah was praying eli was watching her mouth okay you missed the turn right there he wasn't watching what she was doing he was watching what she was saying it's the reality is in this season could it be that the reason why god is letting time lapse is not because he's mad at you not because he win it it's still going to happen regardless of what god promised you in 2019 it's still going to happen go all the way back to 2018 things that god said to you in 2018 i declare over you they are gonna manifest in 2021 and that the reason why it's taking so long is because you have not started to use your mouth in line with the promises of god i don't care what the doctor says i don't care what your bank account says i don't care what your family says you got to get up right now and just declare my new job is on the way you got to get up right now and declare out of your mouth i will move into a new house this year you got to get up and declare out of your own mouth why because you got an audience and an audience is watching you and here's what's so amazing about the audience they're not gonna tell you that they're learning from you they're not gonna tell you that their faith is growing because they're observing you they never gonna give you your props what you got to recognize is that their eyes on you and they're not watching how you walk they not watching your dress they not watching your hairdo they watching your mouth they want to know we should still give god glory we should still lift up holly hallelujah to god i need to preach to somebody today you ought to declare to somebody and tell them i might be depressed but my mouth's still right i might be broke but my mouth's still right i might not have a whole lot of friends but my mouth's still right in the midst of a pandemic in the midst of a struggle i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth that's what i love about acts chapter 1 verse 8 it says but you shall receive power after the holy ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses we miss that revelation right there the power of god is not for me to just do miracles the power of god is for me to be able to be a witness you ought to text somebody you ought to email somebody and tell them watch me in fact don't watch me watch what comes out of my mouth i still love the lord i still magnify the lord i still adore the lord he's still king of kings he's still el shaddai get up right now around the world and open up your mouth because when you open your mouth you educate your audience [Music] the reason why it's taking so long is because number one i've got to educate my audience but then number two i gotta learn how to enrich my anointing oh god y'all better come get your boy today i feel sunday morning i feel like it's packed in here we got chairs in the aisle what i've learned is that i've got to learn how to enrich my anointing listen to what happens in verse 15. she says oh no sir i ain't drunk she said i just want you to understand i ain't been drinking no wine or anything stronger but i'm very discouraged period come and i was pouring out my heart to the lord what i've learned is that the number one way to enrich your anointing is not to brag about what you can do not to prove to somebody else how gifted you are not to announce your title but the way you enrich your anointing is to continue to pour your heart out to the lord come here hannah show us something she said i want you to know i might be discouraged but i'm still praying she said i want you to know i might be a little despondent but i'm still believing she said i want you to know i might be a little disgruntled but i'm still acknowledging that he's still king of kings and he's still lord of lords what i've learned is that when i'm going through a season of struggle and i continue to acknowledge who god is every time i stand up with no tangible evidence that god is moving and i give him glory my anointing increases the way you increase your anointing is not by praising god when everything is going well the way you increase your anointing is not that given when you got a whole lot of money the way you increase your anointing is by being faithful when you don't have evidence that god is even moving in your situation the way you increase your anointing is by making sure that i stay committed to the things that god has called me to she said i want you to know i'm pouring my heart out and that's why folks thought she was drunk because why in the world are you going to pay your tithe when your bills are due because i'm trying to enrich my anointing what i've learned is that i start out with the anointing that god puts on me but day by day how i live my life will cause god to double my anointing and bring new anointing and i prophesy over you right now the ear have not heard i have not seen what god is getting ready to do in your life i want you to understand that it might be that the anointing that is required for your next season has not arrived yet so what god will do is say i can't bring her into that season until her anointing is ready to handle what's getting ready to come because every time i move to a new level in my faith walk the enemy moves to another level in his attack so what i've got to be able to do is have an anointing that can handle the attack of the enemy in the next season who am i talking to girlfriend in germany you need to jump up right now and say god don't give me more money don't give me a bigger house give me more anointing i want more of you so that i can walk into everything that god has that's why ii corinthians 1 21 solidifies the argument it says it is god who enables us along with you to stand firm for christ he has commissioned us i don't know who i'm talking to right now that needs to understand god is getting ready to do something that's beyond your expectation so what you got to do is pour yourself out so that there's more room for him to enrich your anointing so what's taking so long is number one he's got to give me the privilege of educating my audience but then number two watch this he's got to give me the opportunity to enrich my anointing but then thirdly he's trying to give me the privilege to edify my atmosphere okay watch this could it be that the reason why god allowed covet to happen is to force us into an atmosphere where we don't have all the glitz and glamour of church okay see if i can help you with this first samuel chapter 1 verse 9 says that once after a sacrificial meal at shiloh hannah got up and went to pray eli the priest was sitting at his customary place beside the entrance of the tabernacle and let me back up show you i got some exegetical skills in the past what would happen is hannah would end up going to shiloh with her husband and the other concubines finial but this time watch this pastor furby they are at home eating after they sacrifice at shiloh they sacrifice and then the text says hannah gets up by herself to go and pray okay watch this they missed it stop rewinding play come on y'all y'all all the way over there in georgia gonna make me work today what i've learned is that in this season what god had to do is strip all of the crutches away okay they still didn't catch that what i've learned is that church had made some of us so co-dependent that what he did is he shut down church now he's giving you oil he's giving you a prayer claw he just ain't giving you somebody that can meet you at the altar okay you're still missing it what i've learned is that until you can go intercede by yourself you are not ready to see god do the next level in your life and what church had done god y'all better come get your boy today what church had done is made it too easy for us to access god okay okay i know i gotta explain that see what you're used to is you used to coming in here with no effort you used to getting up at the last minute putting on something and walking in here and then wait for minister earl and the praise team to bring jesus to right where you were and sit him right in front of you or either take you to where he was when now you're at home you ain't in here you used to sit next to somebody that if you couldn't pray they could pray well now you ain't sitting next to nobody you at home just you spot and the gophers the reality is you got to understand that you got to get to a place where if there's no organ you've got to get to a place where there's no keyboard you've got to get to a place where if there's no silence you've got to get to a place where there's no door keepers and no greeters that there is still the opportunity for you to be where god is okay see if i can show you that another way if the only reason or the only way you were ever getting access to god was by coming in this room you had a counterfeit access to god it was codependent and it was driven by flesh the reality is if god is omnipresent he's in your house you are now oh god i feel something you know what you really ought to do you ought to get up every sunday cause you didn't know this but during covet you got a promotion let me tell you who you are now you are the parking lot ministry what you need to do is get up every sunday and go out there and open the door and say this is where i need y'all to park you are now the greeter you are now the door keeper you are now the praise and worship leader you are now the intercessor you are now the altar worker and you ain't got to worry about getting but one or two people saved in your church what god did is he broke off a part of the mount and he put it right in your house and if you're sitting there having a pity party cause you ain't been able to shake my hand on sunday morning shame on you if you're sitting there missing the will of god because you depressed cause you ain't been able to get in this building shame on you because if your relationship to god was predicated on this building then something was wrong with your relationship in the first place i love the fact that what hannah does is hannah gets up by herself goes down to the house of the lord and says i don't need nobody else right now i don't need nobody to join with me i'm going to go down there and i'm going to pour my own heart out so can i suggest to you right now around the world what you ought to do right now is get up go to the altar where's the altar wherever you want to make it you ought to get up right now if the altar is in the kitchen get in front of the oven get in front of the seat stand yet and put your hands up in the air and declare god i'm waiting on you i need you what you got to do is be able to go to god on your own that's why psalm 1 1 says oh the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked or stand around with sinners or join in with markers i'm going to go there i ain't scared i feel my help today what god did is he allowed covert to happen so that you would edify your atmosphere there is nothing worse than having god in here and having hell in your home there is nothing worse than having the presence of god in here and the presence of flesh in your home there is nothing worse than being able to pray and hear but no prayer being in your house there is nothing worse than getting the word in here but never getting in the word in your health god gave you the opportunity the reason why it's taking too long is because he wanted to edify your atmosphere he wants the same spirit of god that would be found in here to be found in your house i got a minute to go but i feel like lifting him up pastor furby i feel like giving god glory because i'm so grateful to know that it's taking too long not because i messed up it's taking a long time not because god forgot me it's taking a long time because number one he wants me to educate my audience so i dare you to tweet somebody and tell them still believing i dare you to call somebody and tell them still believing i dare you to ride down the street roll your window down and tell somebody still believing that he that began a good work in me is able to finish what he started i'm going to educate my audience but then i'm going to enrich my anointing you ought to let a witch know that you think i was anointed before coleman wait until we can come back in this building i'm gonna drive witches out of my neighborhood you ought to tell everybody don't move on this street right here because there's an anointing somebody that lives on this street i cast out out with demons i'll get drunk saved i'll get prostitute delivered because i know i'm anointed i've gotta edify my atmosphere you gotta let people know when you're crossing my house now you come into the throne room of the most high god i gotta get ready to say goodbye but last but certainly not least embrace your alignment here it is watch this when she gets in the temple she comes into agreement with eli and eli says go in peace may the god of israel grant the request you have asked him for so let me tell you why you need to get up every sunday and still click on this left on this online ministry because you got to come into alignment with saints that are around the world calling on the name of god and i declare i am your eli this morning get yourself up stop having a pity party i declare he's in your house he's in your marriage go ahead now you got to understand matthew 16 18 says and i say unto thee that's thou art peter and upon this rock i feel my church you are still connected to an anointed house of god you are still connected to a favored house of god you are still connected to a praying pastor you still have the ability to declare i'm a part of the mountain we we're the best we eat the best we drive the best we live in the best in jesus name it's alignment and if your alignment was relegated to being in this building you missed what alignment was so god gave me authority today to declare over everyone that remained connected to this house through nine months of not being in this room that if you continue to give i declare favor over your life if you continue to pray for the mount i declare prosperity to unfold like never before if you didn't fall backwards in your faithfulness you still did everything god would hold you accountable to do let me tell you when i got this word last week i got an email from a partner that says every sunday morning my wife and i live in portsmouth we get up and we drive to chesapeake to put our tithe in the box because we want god to see our effort he said we don't want it to be easy we want him to see our effort and then we come back and at eight o'clock we sit there and click on and watch online i'm here to tell you this there's a reward for those of us like hannah that remain faithful through all kinds of adversity so right now listen to what hebrews 10 25 says it says let us not neglect our meeting together as some people do but encourage one another especially now that the day of his return is drawing but that's the best i got today don't you get discouraged because it's taking longer than you thought it was gonna take god knows what he's doing i promise he's giving you time to educate your audience embrace your anointing enrich your anointing edify your atmosphere and then embrace your life real quickly as we get ready to go if you're here watching anywhere around the world you decide to accept jesus christ as your savior dedicate your life to christ or become a part of this church family i'm gonna come get me before i run oh there's god on the screen if you want to accept jesus christ it shall save your text the word accept if you want to rededicate your life to christ text the word restart and if you want to connect yourself tangibly give us the privilege of serving you around the world to amount virtue all you've got to do is text mount up to 71441 yo don't want it to happen too early let god work the process of time we're going to be back at 10 o'clock from the subject stop watching the clock there's another word just for you until then whether the church redesigned at nine o'clock now unto him who is able to keep you from falling present you fathers before the throne of god to the only almighty god be glory and majesty dominion and power i declare you are blessed in the city blessed bless when you come and bless [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] well good morning good morning good it is your girl morning and i'm just here to welcome you to tfd church respond and thank you so much for tuning in this morning you could have been anywhere in the world and you're right here with us and we just want to thank you we also want to make sure you're being good faithful over your thoughts and offerings so somewhere on the screen you're going to find the number to text to give we want to make sure that we're being faithful where god has given us you guys because too much is given much is required and this is a year of opportunity we want to be excited for today because today is sunday so get up and just enjoy because it is time you guys for church redefined good morning good morning good morning welcome once again to the mount global 360 2.0 listen i'm lj brown i got my beautiful lovely wife with me dr keisha this is church reader five man as nikki just told y'all it's sunday it's feel good sunday i feel good this morning baby how you feeling this morning amazing i feel amazing this morning today after that word my goodness i'm still on a half a absolutely you know bishop always do his thing man bishop let me tell y'all something real quick cause we you know we got a little bit of time right so let me tell y'all how amazing bishop is real quick before we even get started because we brought up how good bishop is i seen bishop one time honey it was i think was that seven last words bishop was preaching seven last words and bishop thought he had one word but he was really supposed to be preaching another word and so he didn't find that out until the guy in front of him was preaching the word that he thought he was supposed to preach and listen man i saw bishop stand up that day without notes without a formal preparation and he killed his point definitely the ghost he's just a goat man he's just a goat so yes bishop did an amazing job um this morning so taking so long what is taking so long because we always think it's god is taking so long but god's like no you're not moving fast enough sometimes right or you're not doing the work as bishop said required so i just thought that was just an amazing word absolutely absolutely so listen bishop got us um in the vein uh for this first quarter talking about um releasing anxiety and so i'm excited um today about you know our lesson um in which we're going to be talking about persian parasites purging parasites so we're going to be talking about those things that you know are in you or have gotten attached to you that just you know constantly eat away at you they drain you of you know your energy your positivity your happiness and time yeah your confidence just everything it's everything and so um today you know what what we really want y'all to start doing is just just get before we even get into before we get really into the lesson go ahead and just formulate in your mind get those things in your mind that that do exactly that just drain your positivity your energy your confidence your joy your peace get those pictures in your mind um of those things that just always eating at you and when we when we return we're gonna go to we're gonna do praise and worship but when we return we're gonna talk about some of those things and how we get rid of those parasites and how we purge those parasites so we're gonna go out of here right now we're gonna go to praise and worship when we return we're gonna show you all the video and then right after the video we're gonna be right back good morning mount global and tmp we want to invite you right on into praise and worship with us we want to encourage you don't fret god will take care [Music] be not of [Music] [Music] beneath his wings god will take care of you take care of you through every [Music] oh [Music] take care of [Music] all that you need he will take good care of you oh [Music] will he'll take good care of you care of you through every day come on [Music] oh i'm telling you the god will take care of you come on [Music] take care god i will take care of you god up and dancing remember that god takes care of you there's nothing that he can't do for you he'll always apply for you just remember he will just remember him hey oh take good put your hands on it [Music] wonderful [Music] [Music] this is [Music] is [Music] lord you [Music] this morning this morning oh you you can join in with us say god we'll see you through whoa my car will take care of you hey say god do you believe it now god will take care of your doctor i will till your neighbor tell yourself wow [Music] it one last time sit back [Music] uh [Music] caleb what are you doing [Music] [Music] [Music] why is this so hard [Music] day 23 watch out for parasites a parasite is anything that latches onto you or your partner and sucks the life out of your marriage they're usually in the form of addictions like gambling drugs or pornography they promise pleasure but grow like a disease and consume more and more of your thoughts time and money they steal away your loyalty and heart from those you love marriage is rarely survive if parasites are present if you love your wife you must destroy any addiction that has your heart if you don't it will destroy you [Music] okay lord no more addictions [Music] man man baby i don't i don't know about y'all who watching i don't know about you honey that that video it speaks volumes to me absolutely it speaks value to me especially uh like i said before uh praise and worship first of all thank you all alex and everybody for ushering in uh the presence of the spirit with uh praise and mercy this morning i really enjoyed that but man yeah yeah yeah yeah we back we back but listen that video it speaks volume again we told y'all we talking about persian parasites today and so that video just speaks to um how things it it tells you how things can attach to you or get inside you or whatever and just drain you of you know your energy positivity everything it just drains you you know what i'm saying and so what we asked y'all to do is think about those things you know fellas what's those things like what what's keeping you right now from you know what i'm saying being the best husband to your wife you know what i mean being the best father to your children just being the best man you know what i mean for your family what's ladies what's what's that thing that's all those things that keeping you from uh you know giving that guy a real opportunity right you you know what i'm saying like he he you know i know y'all and look this ain't i know we ain't trying to make this a relationship thing we're getting into the relationship stuff more next month during you know february but you know y'all know i know y'all always got all your boxes and stuff you know you had that guy that got all the boxes checked off you check all everything on your checklist but what's holding you back from really giving him that real opportunity is it the fear you know i'm saying that you need to let go is it that girlfriend or your homegirl that's always in your ear who don't got no man either who's trying to tell you you know what i'm saying or is it you know is it just what you know that he don't seem like he got what everybody else got on social media right you know what i mean um it's just a lot of things so so again we're talking about purge and parasite so what is it right now that's holding up your progress what is it that's you know keeping you from that joy and happiness of your life what's it what is it that's keeping you from your purpose absolutely and i loved in the video that caleb just said and let's just be completely transparent y'all caleb said why why is it so hard why is it so hard to let go of things that invade us attack us eat us from the inside out matter of fact a lot of times we will protect the very thing that paralyzes well that's good we're going to get into that i got something for that that's good right there and so i just love the transparency because we all wrestle none of us are exempt from wrestling with stuff we are all tempted but the bible tells us that there is no temptation um that is not common to man and that god will give us a way of escape so that we can endure and so i just love the fact that again caleb in the video just simply asked god why is this so hard to let go of this thing that's attached to me because just like the video tells us it promises us pleasure but it's almost 100 certain that it is going to eat us from the inside out and eventually kill us absolutely we got to read some scripture today first of all we got to read some scripture wait i like that he he meant that too he's like why why did he meant that he with his whole heart why is it so hard listen so we're gonna read y'all go with me to on the book of luke chapter four and we're gonna read verses 31 through 37. that's luke chapter 4 31-37 and it reads then jesus went to capernaum a town in galilee and taught there in the synagogue every sabbath day there too the people were amazed at his teaching for he spoke with authority once he was in the synagogue a man possessed by a demon an evil spirit cried out shouting go away why are you interfering with us jesus of nazareth have you come to destroy us i know who you are the holy one of god but jesus reprimanded him be quiet come out of the man he ordered at that the demon threw the man to the floor as the crowd watched then it came out of him without hurting him any further amazed the people exclaimed what authority and power this man's words possess even evil spirits obey him and they flee at his command the news about jesus spread through every village in the entire region so again we're talking about today purging parasites you wanna go ahead and pray real quick absolutely wherever you are we're just gonna babble for the lord dear heavenly father god we thank you for this opportunity to come before you just to do some bible study um in your word we thank you for just waking our eyes up this morning we thank you for the gift of life that we're breathing god things could be so much worse but we just want to say thank you this morning for just keeping us in mind and thinking of us god you still have a purpose and a plan for us because we are still here god so we don't give up in this fight god but we just push on a little bit harder um to pursue the things that you will have for us we pray that um today something that will be said would just move us make us to become more like you we're excited about this moment god we claim it with power and authority in your name may there be no fear no anxiety but only you standing tall on the inside of us we welcome you into this place today have your way god like only you can do in the name of jesus i pray a man and a man amen amen amen so persian parasites so what we want to do i hope you all got some things in your mind now that y'all want to purge some things that y'all know exactly like what are some things some some things and some people so it's not just things but people you know can get connected to you and get attached to you as well that you need to purge so what we're going to talk about today is how can we purge these parasites how can we get rid of these things and i think one of the first things that i pulled out the scripture baby is church connectivity okay church connectivity it says it says right here you know in the story that the man that was possessed by by the demon was in the synagogue he was in the synagogue now i know jesus do a whole lot of miracles it's not always in the synagogue but for the sake of the conversation today we're going to talk about church connectivity and how this man who who is he's nameless we don't even know his name he's just a man that was possessed by the demon but he was in the synagogue and so i just want to remind us and we say it all the time we hear it all the time is that it does matter who and what you are connected to and and and the thing about it is right now because we're not in the building right it's easy to become disconnected right right it's easy to become disconnected you hear you there you're all over the place you can click off right now click somewhere else you're better now you better not because we got something real good for you but it's just hot you know it's just easy to become disconnected right now if you know and so what what this what i think this season it really is about is about um the immature versus immature and it is causing the immature believer to have to be a little more mature right right you know um it's like uh church you know the kingdom of god right now or or church right now is like a college course you know what i'm saying like the professor he's just going to give you the syllabus and you got to be able to do what you got to do he ain't getting ready to be like in high school whatever he ain't going to be able to walk you know hold your hand through the class you know what i mean and so i feel like as believers right now we got to be mature believers and you know you got to get up you got to log on you got you got to better stand on the word for yourself right now right you got to be to live on you've been saying you've been christian you've been going to church all these years but now it's the time where you kind of got to stand on that word that you've been taught that you've been reading you've got all that stuff you've been going to church and you've been hearing and being convicted and you know you got to stand on that right now so church connectivity i think is major he was in the synagogue and if he hadn't been in the synagogue that day what what you know where he been able to have been purged if he had not been in the synagogue that day or another synagogue right because like i said now sometimes you got a place we talked about this all the time at church this is how it plays you know your place so what happened if he was at another synagogue what had happened if he won't stream in his place on that day what happened if he was streaming another church what happened if he was streaming another pass or something you gotta feel like you got to be connected to your church your man of god your what you know it's church connectivity and i think we in our sometimes in our minds we get this notion that oh i don't you know i don't feel like watching today or you know i don't think they're gonna have nothing to say to me today but i believe that when we ask god specifically to re reveal or speak to us in a specific way that he will answer that prayer based upon our petition and so you know we get in our minds that oh so-and-so is teaching this class or oh so-and-so is doing this i ain't trying to hit him today but i really believe that if you need something for god he is going to use that person to be strategic enough to release something into the atmosphere that you need specifically for that moment and so we got to get out of this mindset of this notion that i don't necessarily want to watch this because whatever god will meet you wherever you are based upon your petition to him absolutely absolutely that's good so so we know that um the first thing that that that it takes in order to purge parasites is you got to have church and the other thing with church connectivity is like only like your bishops say all the time sheep know that shepherd's voice right right so a lot of times you know you need that person that can speak to that thing like your shepherd you're being connected to your church and your place they can just speak to you in a way in which you know only they can because that's your place right you know what i mean trying to go somewhere else or trying to be somewhere and trying to get that same word it'll kind of leave you void because they're not really speaking into you the way your shepherd could speak to you so it's like church connectivity is just be and it does really does matter we say it all the time but again i'm just one of those people i feel like we say things a lot and we don't really mean it we don't really believe it but that is 100 true it matters who you connected to and sometimes you literally just need people to say girl get a grip on your imagination girl get a grip on your jealousy girl get a grip on your envy you need those people to speak to you that are connected to you that can tell you caleb get a grip on whatever it is your thing whether it's drugs alcohol pornography spending too much get a grip on it so that you can reclaim hope of those things that are really eating you from the inside out absolutely absolutely so point number one church connectivity how to purge these parasites church connectivity the second thing that um we pulled out of this story was control i want to call it jesus control right jesus control let jesus take control of like your whole situation and to your point earlier a lot of times i feel like we we allow god to move and operate in that in the areas of our life that we want him to operate in so to the question why uh my man was saying in the video man why is this so hard it's so hard because if we honest we don't really let jesus move in that place that's really hard like we ain't really trying to let him deal with it we'll let him deal with all the other stuff that we want him but it but the area in which that we having the most trouble in the area that we're having the most problem and why it's so hard because we really don't want him to help us in that area right and the bottom line is and i'm a firm believer of this do not ask god for healing if you are not willing to give up what made you sick in the first place and so we want god to move and heal us and do things for us but we still trying to hold on to the very thing that is paralyzed that's what it is you you don't want to let it go you you really don't want to let it go or you want to but it got such a hold on you it's got so you know you just reconfiguration in your brain but the jesus control elections because here's the thing like let's look at it in front of story right jesus hadn't spoken to the man yet when when when the evil spirit saw jesus he he immediately said i i don't know where you are exactly the holy one of god why are you here you coming to destroy yours why are you messing with me i ain't dead none of you ain't bothered you so the bottom line is the spirits know if you would let jesus get all down in here in all those areas it got it it's going to tremble it's going to work it's going to say hold on what jesus is doing here right you coming to destroy me yeah he coming to destroy you that's why i got to get him in here so you know it's the jesus if you let him take control of that area if you let him if it's like my man on the pornography or you know whatever it may be the fear the anxiety you know whatever it is that we're dealing with you gotta let god operate in that right and one of the things that i committed to doing was and i saw this it was a tweet or something on instagram and it said stop going back to check on what you left in god's hands and so i think we really have to submit what was that stop going back to check on what you left in god's hands and so if i have submitted it and surrendered and saying god i need you to deliver me from this thing then i gotta stop going back to check on it but at the same time i also have to be disciplined enough to say that god this is my thing please deliver me on a day-to-day basis because it's not easy every day it's not easy we're gonna have the temptation and the trial every day but we got to be disciplined enough to say god this is it and i'm not going to let this temptation overtake me because that's what the word tells us it really does it really just so so so with that with this jesus control piece is you have to to your point you know we heard we heard we hear the saying all the time if you're going to pray don't worry but if you're going to worry don't pray you know what i'm saying pray about it let god move in and let god you know operate in your life and then you gotta you have to again be disciplined enough to you know let him move let him operate and try to stay you have to try to stay away from that thing like and it could be hard because it's people like sometimes like i said it's your home girl it's your homeboy it's people that you frequent that all the time but it's like elder always says about that prayer reveal remove and replace us like you know we asking for those things but you know sometimes when you pray that prayer it be people that's close to you that you got to detach from and the bottom line is ladies you can't put your lips on everything that looked good because it ain't good always and i'm a firm believer of that i'm telling you i tell my patients all the time you will lay down with dogs but you will get up with fleas you have to be able to check that thing in the spirit and so it is the truth um but we a lot of times put our lips on stuff because it looks good it's a disguise that's what parasites are you parasites are in your food sometimes you have no idea that they're there because they're disguised and then they get attached to you and then they literally eat you from the out inside out and so whether it's that man that woman that thing whatever it is you have to be able to check it and realize that you know what this looks so good but god i need you to help me discern in this season what is good for me and what is not good for me because i cannot afford in this season to do anything other than what god is calling me to do release that parasite purge it it's january we always talk about cleaning up we're going to clean shop this month and really that's good you know cause and that's good because every year first of the year you know we go through we clean the house we clean everything in the world we're trying to get the house ready for the new year and all this but when you gonna clean up inside of here get get in here yeah you know it's the top of the year and bishop got us talking about releasing anxiety and releasing fears let's release some stuff clean this up right let's get this let's let's get this right to start the year right here at the beginning i got a homeboy you know jt every year he cleans at the top of the year he fast he cleans he'll eat drink nothing almost i don't know how to survive in the month of january but he does it every every single year but i mean it's inspiring and to the point in this lesson we got to do that internally you know or spiritually as well we do it you know in the physical all the time but we got to do that in the spiritual let's cleanse out inside of here so i'm glad bishop did this uh in this first quarter that got us releasing anxiety it's definitely on what we need the third point today is jesus authority jesus authority so we know we had church connectivity um it matters who you're connecting absolutely matters who you connected to we got jesus control um let jesus take control of all your whole life your whole situation let him cover your whole like all them areas and little areas that you think he'll know about that he do know about we'll let him in so that he can cleanse you and then you got jesus authority and and so jesus said jesus has given us baby like what what we're going to call it a power of attorney right because it says it says in the scripture that you know once the um demon spirit called out i know who you are they say jesus just cut them off you know my bible says jesus cut him off told him be quiet come out the man right you know what i mean and so naturally we know that jesus is not here right now right to do that for us jesus ain't here to call no demon out of you per se he here right now to you know be in your place and purge that spirit out of you so but what he has done is he's given us power of eternity right because mark chapter 16 verse 17 and 18 it tells us that jesus has given us the power to use his name uh in a matter of calling out demons or in this instance persian parasites it says these miraculous signs will accompany those who believe they will cast out demons in my name they would speak new languages they would be able to handle snakes with safety and if they drink anything poisonous it won't hurt them they will be able to place their hands on the sick and they will be healed so jesus has already given us power of eternity in order to cast out those demons in order to purge those parasites so although he's not here the physical to do it for us we got to we got the power to say in jesus name get rid of this in jesus name you got to go in jesus name like so we got to use that jesus authority and that jesus power that he's already given in us to help us purge these spirits that's good yeah i mean it's it's it's it's it's amazing how you know we a lot of times us as believers we we look for other people other things to help us out you know i need the pastor i need the church i need no god didn't gain you authority exactly you you put your life all the time put your hands on yourself you know your issue you know what you're struggling with you know you don't need to pass it you don't need to come to church you don't need deacon so and so no jesus didn't gave all us power of eternity power of eternity simply means that a power of attorney is the authority to act for another person in specified matters he given us that power he tell he told you you're going to be to call out demons that's in the bible he i've given you power to call out demons in my name so if he did it i can do it in his name he didn't told me he didn't gave me power of attorney absolutely to be to do that and i think we get scared you know we look at the the text and the scripture and we say oh my gosh god i can't do this or there's no way that i can call out a demon but i mean the word is the word like literally it's transferable those things that are here in the text are transferable and we can use them and apply them to our lives and so i think when we are tempted we got to be able to again rely on this and then use it you know we get so afraid in those scenarios that it's like god there is no way possible that i could do this right but it is absolutely it absolutely is and we got to rely on um that to just apply it to our everyday life that we have the power to cast out demons in our lives whatever that thing is that we're wrestling with that god gives it to us and that we can cast it out and so don't be scared y'all wha what little scrappy say get out the crowd get out the crowd if you're scared yeah but so look the thing and and here's the thing about them demons they might not know you but they know him they know jesus when they see him they know him all right so and we already know at his name they tremble at his name they fall at his name they got to flee they can't stay they can't stay so whatever it is that you're dealing with out there right now whether it's fear worry anxiety you know um pornography yeah yeah whatever it is you trying to get your piece back you're trying to get your joy back you're trying to get whatever it is that you need to get back or whatever it is that you're trying to release we trying to purge these parasites people that's attached to you things that's attached to you that you've got to get up off of you in order to move forward and moving your purpose um for jesus man these are the things you got to do you got to have church connectivity you got to let jesus take control of all areas of your life and you got to use that god-given authority and that power that god has already given us and the bottom line is we can't move on to the very next thing that god has for us until we decide to purge those things that are attached to us and that are holding us in bondage because otherwise we continue to replay this cycle over and over again so until we let that go then we're going to stay in the same space absolutely absolutely listen i hope you guys have enjoyed that today i hope something that we said helped you um in order to move forward in the assignment that god has placed on your life and listen if you out there and you watching and you do not know who jesus is and you have not made what i what i believe is the best decision that you could ever possibly make i'ma give you opportunity right now and it's real simple so if you want to accept jesus as your lord and savior all you have to do right now is text accept to 71441 if you would like to rededicate your life to christ all you have to do is text restart to 71441 a lot of people always ask what is rededicating your life to christ it just means that you and god was super cool one time and you fell off you know talk with him you don't deal with him as much as you used to and you want to get back on the wagon if you want to do that all you got to do is text restart to 71441 last but certainly not least if you would like to become a partner of this amazing church the mount global fellowship with churches man if this is somewhere that you would like to call home all you have to do is text mount up to 71441 listen y'all we love y'all we cannot wait to see y'all again until next time we'll see you all soon give your life to christ he'll give you [Music] paradise oh we knew life would be all right but who would have thought it be this good [Music] oh lord it gets better better better give your life to christ he'll give you paradise oh give your life to christ he'll give you paradise give your life to christ he'll give you paradise [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] hello my name is mark snead i represent the chesapeake intercessors and this morning we're going to talk about the anointing oil the anointing oils the incest have come together once a year during this time frame late december they go into a fasting mode uh roughly about 20 21 days of fasting and we prepare for working and going to the next year in doing so part of that process is that we put our hands on the elements for supporting the anointing oil the anointing oil is is prescribed from exodus 30 22 through 26 and what you'll find there is mirror is used cinnamon is used calamus cassia as well as olive oil when you combine these mixtures together the scripture says that this is an anointing oil and when we combine these mixtures together it is used for his sacred process and is formulated for anointing oil as intercessors we pray for the environment we pray for the agreement and blessings uh for the anointing oil our bishop does that blessing for us uh he he and he pours his his heart to it and and we package up this anointing oil as well uh the intercessors come together they spend a couple of days for packaging the oil and having it set right for the congregation my name is ryan a t dickson senior i served with the document ministry at the mount global fellowship of churches i'm just talking to you guys today about the faith kits that we're distributing today as mark explained what they're for we make sure that we are also a big part of putting the packages together and make sure that the packages are distributed to each location each site from north carolina to virginia um the the ribbon red ribbon represents the blood stain um or a blood stain banner as in exodus 12 where they say if you put the sacrifice of calf and put the blood on your door post that you will pass over and no destruction will come to your home so we put the ribbon in our windows uh at home on our doorway at home or at work wherever we need protection at of course the oil we use the oil to anoint ourselves um even though we may not be able to to get to an intercessor or bishop or a diaconate remember we have the oil at home that we can continue to use and what we do with the oil um we get olive oil and we continue the pour that oil on top of the oil has already been blessed because we're only getting a small vial of the oil um and also the cloth is for healing we use the cloth if we if we have need healing in our bodies or what have you we use that as a representation of healing so we use that to put over our bodies or whatever we need to be here well good morning and welcome to the mount i am bishop kim brown and i cannot tell you how excited i am that you've given us the opportunity to serve your ministry leads today this is the mount 360 that you have connected to it is our response to challenging times and the pandemic and we have three objectives that we believe god has assigned us to meet in your life number one we simply want to keep you connected to the word to the body of christ in this season number two it is our desire to cover you the bible says that when peter was in prison the church prayed for him and finally it's our opportunity to care for you we believe god has assigned us to be able to serve you and we serve you in many capacities and so today once again thank you for joining us at the mount and giving us the privilege of being able to lead you into a deeper relationship with our lord and savior jesus christ hey this is john brim i am the online campus pastor at the mount virtual and it is my honor and privilege to be able to stand before you today and say welcome to the mount virtual the mount virtual is a campus that has been designed for our global partners you might be asking what's a global partner a global partner is someone that can't be at one of our eight physical sites and so we've created an online experience just for you so whether you need partner services yes we can do those online whether you just need somebody to connect to yep we're online just for you so whatever it is you need we are here to serve you so we can't wait today for you to make a spiritual decision to partner with us here at the mount virtual so god bless [Music] um [Music] bye free at last free at last thank god almighty no we are not satisfied and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream we can no longer be silent silence is a betrayal [Music] but i want you to know the night that we as a people will get to the promised land [Applause] so i'm happy tonight i'm not worried about anything i'm not fearing any man my eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord [Music] well praise god i want to remind each and every one of you that even in the midst of challenging seasons and even in the midst of a pandemic god still holds us accountable to bring our tithe into the storehouse in fact the bible is replete with opportunities and examples of people that gave in challenging times please note that if in this season you have not had increase in your household because of the times that we live in god understands the church understands but the vast majority of us can testify that god has continued to allow us to receive increase so i want to remind each and every one of us that even in the midst of a pandemic even in the midst of challenging times god still holds us accountable to make sure that the storehouse is taken care of one of the things as well that we've recognized in this season is that god has literally extended our arms and given us the privilege of being able to touch people around the world so if week after week we have met a spiritual need in your life and have been used by god by the grace of god to be an agent of spiritual growth we desire and ask that you would pray about as well being a tangible part of the ongoing substance and support of the ministry that we know as the mountain please know you do not have to be a partner in order to be a blessing to the kingdom of god so would you pray about and hear the voice of god relative to what he desires for you to give today be clear that the bible says bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there might be meat in his house and i believe that as you give the promise of galatians will manifest if you give bountifully you will reap bountifully love you thank you for the privilege of continuing to serve as a spiritual leader in your life and we believe that the best is truly yet to come [Music] i boldly and faithfully declare that this is the year of opportunity john 2021 establishes a biblical standard that shall set the tone for this year as god releases opportunities in my life doors will open that no man can shut because of what i survived i cannot allow others to prevent me from going where god has commissioned me to go every barrier that has been designed to deter me will be revealed removed and replaced god's peace has given me victory over anxiousness and low self-esteem i am a child the most high god my recognition of god's anointing on my life has released me to operate fully in my gifts for the kingdom watch god use me the kingdom authority vested in me will allow me to be an atmosphere changer i am a change agent for jesus and because of this i anticipate acceleration in every area of my life normal processes and procedures will not and cannot deny my entry how i handle rejection denial and no in my past has qualified me for opportunities in my future as god releases opportunity for me i will be positioned to create opportunities for others i believe this season of opportunity will propel me my church family and my spiritual leadership and to new levels of grace enabling us to take more territory for the kingdom of god in jesus name my giving is evidence of my faith my given record shows that god is a provider and i am abundantly blessed my giving is a public record of my heart but where my treasure is is evidence of my godly affection father thank you for giving me the opportunity to display my love my faithfulness and obedience and gratitude towards you through my giving with my giving i break the curse of financial poverty through my giving i release a spirit of favor and provision because god loves a chill forgiver see release lack be removed harvest return i eat the best i drive the best i wear the best i live in the best in jesus name amen praise the lord and welcome to the mountain global 360. amen anybody know that god is beautiful hallelujah [Music] seated on his throne [Music] day and night the angels proclaim and we sing holy holy you're the lord almighty who wasn't his and his [Music] be glory by all creations tested eyes [Music] cast down their [Music] and as it is in heaven [Music] we'll repeat the sounds and we'll never get tired and it can never grow and we cry out singing hopefully holy you're the lord god almighty [Applause] [Music] oh glory bye [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is is oh is [Music] [Music] [Music] is and you know the lord of lords oh [Music] my all creations [Music] first of all for being beautiful father because of you we move and we have our being the earth is the lord's and the beauty thereof the world and they that dwell their men it is you that have established it upon the floods and settled it upon the sea who shall ascend under something of the lord who shall stand within his holy gates only he that have clean hands and a pure heart god thank you for being so beautiful thank you father for even looking at us and in spite of us your beauty overwhelms our inconsistencies god we say thank you we thank you father for not only looking beyond our faults but looking right at us and father your beauty through that of jesus christ absorbs anything that is not consistent with your will your way and your word and father today we intercede on behalf of your people and in the name of the god that is beautiful we say thank you we say thank you god because you've been our source of healing we say thank you god because you've been our source of deliverance we say thank you god because you've been our source of comfort so father in the name of jesus it is our prayer now that god you would cover care and connect touch right now in the name of jesus and in the power of your beauty god let us feel your presence for in your presence there is liberty and in your presence there is joy for when the spirit of the lord is there is limited whom the son makes free is free indeed god because of your beauty we are free to worship you today because of your beauty god we can look up holy hand because of your beauty god we can open our mouths and decree and declare this is the day that you help me let your beauty rest upon us god let your beauty overwhelm us god let your beauty be our source of direction and when god you would have lifted your hands from this day let us decree and declare like david i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord our feet shall stand within your gates oh jerusalem the lord is in his holy temple thank you god for your beauty thank you god for your bountifulness thank you god for your blessedness but most of all god thank you father for being the very source that we need to move from one day to the next we bless you we love you we honor we adore you let your beauty be upon our preacher today bless our bishop god continue to bless our psalmist god and all who are listening father remind us of your beauty we give you glory hallelujah god be give your praise we give your honor and we thank you in advance in jesus name come on put your hands together give god praise for his beauty so [Music] yes from the inside from the inside of me may you delight in the inside and the inside of me calm my feel my life from the inside from the inside of me set me from the inside from the inside of me cause all i want it's for you you would be glorified you to be lifted high all i want it's for you for you to be glorified from the inside from the inside of me from the me from the inside of me [Applause] is you is get them [Music] glory [Music] is [Music] is oh [Music] is tell me [Music] foreign [Music] for you to get the glory is for you for you to be glorified for you to believe [Music] hallelujah [Music] all we want is for you to be lifted higher [Music] hmm [Music] well good morning praise the lord and welcome to the mount 362.00 what a marvelous day this is we trust that you are being blessed we thank you for the awesome privilege of being able to cover you care for you and keep you connected to the body of christ and we are trying our best to do that with all eight of the sites so we bless god today for the praise and worship ministry of elizabeth city north carolina and for pastor work pastor furby from the mount elizabeth city what a marvelous god we serve want to just share one or two things with you before we get into the word in fact if you watch eight o'clock worship today it got a little oily in here and so we're so grateful to god for what he's gonna do at ten o'clock i wanna remind you that monday tuesday and wednesday the offices of all of our sites will be closed on monday we will be closed to honor the life and legacy of dr martin luther king and then on tuesday and wednesday we'll be closed just because of the context of our times i'm trying to be sensitive so buildings will be locked down fully and secured and so um we're grateful to god for um all that's going on pray for your safety please check your emails there should be an email coming out to me um relative to maintaining our safety during this season and um pray for our nation which reminds me that on tuesday we will be doing spiritual warfare all day starting at 6am you can go to all of the platforms and you can join in as myself and senior site pastors across all of our sites do warfare through prayer the bible declares if my people were called by my name would humble themselves seek my face turned from their wicked ways pray would i hear from heaven and heal their land our land is in dire need of healing so we will be doing spiritual warfare through prayer on on tuesday and then oh my god and then on wednesday we're going to be praying for all that take place with the inauguration from our president to our vice president to their families to their cabinet so please avail yourselves of the opportunity sister latonya good to have you joining us today all the way from dubai wow we bless god for you hanging out with us and amy torres in massachusetts thank you so much we've got people from monrovia maryland sister cynthia good to see you good to minister to you and brother carl from ocala florida thank you so much for hanging out with us it's just a privilege to be able to share the word with you today if you are looking and still need your faith pack whether you're in dubai whether you're in maryland whether you're in florida we can get this out to you if you're locally here you can come to the church and pick it up nine to five starting again thursday morning let's call the church we will have one available for you it's got oil in it now the oil this oil is not for you to anoint out of it's for you to buy a bigger bottle of oil and pour this oil into that bottle we wanted everybody anointing out of the same mixture of oil and that's why we do that but it's just a small bottle it won't last you the whole year but if you pour it into a larger bottle it will the red ribbon is symbolic of two things number one in the old testament when they got ready to come out of egypt they smeared blood on the doorpost and the death angel passed over their house and this season we definitely want to symbolize the reality of the death angel passing over your home and then um as well you remember when rehab hit the spies they told her when they came back to destroy the city that her home and everyone in it would be preserved if she hanged if she hung a red ribbon in her window and so that is symbolic of that and then the prayer cloth according to the word of god in acts the bible says that they laid the apostles prayer cloth on them and people were healed so nothing mysterious or mystical about it it is biblically founded and um so please know you can get your faith packed if you're around the world you can go to email at info and there you can put in your request for it to be mailed to you please remember we've got a brand new website we're so excited you can do everything now through the website so please reveal yourselves of that opportunity and finally fifth sunday in january we will be doing we will be playing um family feud that fifth sunday so around the world if you desire to be a part of that especially if you're here locally in hampton roads you can go to um the website and you can submit a video telling why your family a video of your family we want to choose families from the fellowship that will challenge each other in kingdom family feud that's what we're going to do on fifth sunday just to keep us connected keep us caring keep us covered and keep us laughing and so thank god for all of that please understand we're we're in serious and challenging times but god is still a keeper and so we're so grateful for all that god is doing all right you ready for the word go for me to first samuel chapter one starting with verse 19 first samuel chapter one starting with verse 19. the entire family got up early the next morning and went to worship the lord once more then they returned home to rhema when elkanah slept with hannah the lord remembered her plea and in due time in the bible in the king james version it says and in the process of time that's important she gave birth to a son she named him samuel for she said i asked the lord for him my assignment today is to minister to you from the subject stop watching the clock stop watching the club [Music] [Music] [Music] these are challenging times and the reason why they're so challenging is i want to suggest to you that one of the greatest challenges of our day is instant gratification watch this we now live in a season in which everything has been sped up think about it you can now go to college and finish a degree that would typically have taken four years now you can do it in two years two and a half years now we've got emails so you can intrude upon people's lives through social media and other social media platforms and you can be a you can are now able to to expedite being able to communicate in fact the reality is now everything has sped up when you go to eat we can now call ahead order and walk up pick our food up and be back home within a matter of minutes and because everything in our society has sped up we fail to realize watch this is going to be good that god's timing is not our timing and so i want to suggest that because of the way society is now culturing us it is becoming harder for many of us to live and walk by faith because we want god to operate with an expedited process in our life just like everything else is speeding up so the reality is just like now we can pay everything online we can take care of bills online you can go to the grocery store and check yourself out and not wait in a line for a human to check you out at the cash register everything around us has accelerated its pace and it makes it frustrating at times to walk by faith when everything else appears to be moving quicker than god okay let me see if i can slow my roll shoot your boy some hearts right there i want to suggest that we have now gotten to the point and for many of us church caused it because church really became something that god never intended it to be for can can i suggest that okay here it is i don't have to worry about looking at anybody's face as crazy that's the beauty of preaching online i want to suggest that many of us were more in love with church than we were in love with jesus i want to suggest that many of us had a closer relationship with a building than we had with our savior i even go as far as suggesting that many of us loved the worship moment more than we loved the worst the one that we were worshiping and now all of that has been snatched away and now we have been forced to be able to sing to serve to do things through a different platform and for many of us that has been uncomfortable then you add on top of that the fact that everybody has not seen their prayers get answered and you've had a problem reconciling that the bible says all of the answers to our prayers in jesus are yes and amen well if all of our prayers are yes and amen how do we then reconcile that for many of us we have been praying and not seeing any tangible evidence of the manifestation of our prayer there is nothing that is harder than in a season in which everything else appears to be going at warp speed to see god not operating at warp speed in your life okay y'all gonna make me work in a season in which it looks like everything else is moving at a pace that was faster than it used to move how do you reconcile what's going on with the world with the lack of movement in your faith walk or in the manifestation of your dreams i've come to minister to those of us today that have been doing this i used to hear somebody say that a watched phone never rings or can i go a step further you remember going on a trip with your children and at nine o'clock they would ask you are we there yet and then at 905 they would say what time is it and you would as the parent be so frustrated that your response would begin to be tainted with us with a bit of anger and you would say it's five minutes later than it was when you asked the last time can i suggest can i just make a prophetic utterance that many of us right now are growing weary and wounded in this season because god has not lived up to the expectation of moving on our timeline well i hate to bust your bubble god's ways are not our ways his thoughts are not our thoughts and the bible makes it clear that a year in the eyesight of god is like a thousand years or a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day what that really tells us is that god number one doesn't feel any pressure because of your timeline god is not trying to satisfy your timeline he's trying to satisfy your destiny oh god i just said something that was real good and so what happens sometimes is we grow weary we grow frustrated with the fact that god is not moving when we think he should move god is not moving the way we think he should move and he's moving in other people's lives when we don't think they qualify for the movement that's happening in their life there is nothing that can be sometimes more frustrating to a believer than god not moving on your timeline and then you see it look like he's moving rapid speed in other people's timeline you know it's real difficult i know tell the truth and shame the devil i know you're saying well bishop i have celebrated with everybody else but tell the truth did you really celebrate or did you put on a front because i want to suggest that it becomes quite difficult challenging in fact to be able to continue to celebrate the increase in progress of others when you don't see any increase in progress going on in your own life come here hannah i don't care how gifted you are many of us find ourselves in the same posture that hannah is in this text here it is you have been praying to be able to have a child and yet you have not had a child and everybody knows your barren okay watch this stop rewind and play sometimes it's extraordinarily difficult when everybody else knows your prayer request knows your petition and yet they are witnesses to god not moving in your life but then see god moving in somebody else's life okay stop watch this it's not even as difficult when you see god moving in somebody else's life as long as they are not getting the blessing that you've been asking for okay you missed that see if i can take you back around the mountain one more time in other words when you're praying for a new job and somebody else gets their healing you really don't have a problem with that as much as when you're praying for a new job and you see somebody that doesn't qualify for a new job get a new job so it's not so much that we get frustrated over seeing what god is doing in somebody else's life it becomes more frustrating when you see god doing what you've asked him to do in your life for somebody else and then not do it in your life god i don't have a problem with you providing a new job for somebody else but please remember i ask you for a new job first god i really don't have a problem with you providing someone else with a new house but just remember i was praying for a new house before she even got born again god i don't have a problem with you healing somebody else but just recognize that while you're healing i was asking for healing before she ever got diagnosed come on tell the truth shane the devil let's come clean today it's got to be a challenge when the very thing that you have been praying for you see god doing in somebody else's life watch this and he doesn't even seem to appear to throw you a crumb in your life relative to the request it's almost like god heard your prayer but answered it through somebody else's life that is a challenge i don't care how saved you are i don't care how long you've been in church i don't care how filled with the holy ghost you are i don't care how much you serve the lord let's come clean and acknowledge that hannah is a poster child for many of us and so what we start doing is we start watching the clock right now people know there are many of us who know how many days it's been since we asked god for something we know god i ask you for a new job 13 months three weeks two days 46 minutes ago and you still haven't moved because you know why many of us are spending our time watching the clock and god told me to tell you today turn the clock to the wall stop worrying about the timetable because he doesn't operate by kronos he operates in kairos his timetable is not driven by what we can see his timetable is driven by the destiny his timetable is driven by providence his timetable is given driven by plans that's why jeremiah 29 11 says i know the plans i have for you plans that will prosper you not to do your harm so what you got to recognize is that god knows what he's doing here's the shout cue and here's a little bit of encouragement he has not forgotten he did not cancel it he did not say yes and then go back on his word god is not a man that he should lie if he told you he was going to do it he's going to do it then what is the problem god wants to make sure that you have enough faith that you stop watching the clock counting every moment i'm talking to the girl right now that friends keep reminding you that your biological clock is ticking that you're running out of time you don't want to marry the wrong man at the right time you want to marry the right man at the right time you don't want to be ahead of god you don't want to be behind god you want to be in the perfect will of god and so what i've learned is that every now and then we've got to redirect retrain our perspectives and our focus we've got to stop looking at the watch or stop looking at the clock okay bishop if we're going gonna stop looking at the watch and stop looking at the clock stop putting time constraints on god what do we need to use this time i hate when people teach us that waiting on the lord they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not get weary they should walk in that faint the reality is waiting does not mean sitting there doing nothing waiting does not mean sitting there twiddling our thumbs waiting does not mean sitting there having a pity party waiting does not mean sitting there being envious and jealous of everyone else waiting does not mean being consumed with our stresses our strains and our struggles there is a methodology to the season of waiting and i believe hannah shows it to us today well what is it i think the first thing watch this pastor forever i'm going all in i'm gonna put all my chips on the table lay all my cards out on the first point cause i don't know how far we're gonna get today i want to suggest to you that if you're going to stop watching the clock if you're not going to be regulated and responding to time if you're going to understand that god still loves you god's still moving jessica here it is just because you don't see manifestation tangibly does not mean that god is not moving well what do i do number one you ready write this down all around the world from germany to dubai you need to get ready to write this down what you got to do first of all is solidify your request okay what does that mean okay watch this when we go to verse 15 it's amazing she says oh no sir she replied i haven't been drinking wine or anything stronger but i am very discouraged and i was pouring out my heart to the lord what's so amazing about that is the bible makes it clear that hannah didn't just start praying for a son hannah has been praying for a son every year when she would come to the temple every year at the time of atonement and sacrifice she would ask god for a son and the reality is she continues to pray she solidifies her requests okay now i know i'm messing with some of your vacation bible school your ypw and your btu i'm gonna walk right down the street because as children as young adults as new converts to the body of christ new believers following the mandate of god we were always taught i believe taught erroneously stay with me that if we prayed about it more than once we were not in faith because faith was going to god asking him for what you needed and leaving it there take your burdens to the cross take your burdens to the altar and leave them there i want to suggest to you that that's erroneous thinking because what i've learned through the lens and life of my grandchildren is when they really want me to do something they will wear me out okay come here i feel the spirit of steve urkel how many times did laura laura winslow say no to steve urkel and what does steve urkel say i'm wearing her down i'm winding her down what steve urkel would do is every day he would confess and profess his love for laura winslow it didn't matter how much she was going out with stefan or kale he would still say that's my girl right there he would speak those things that were not as though they were now other people thought he was crazy but steve knew if he kept making his requests known that sooner or later his request would manifest okay you need bible i got bible for you matthew chapter seven verse seven it says keep on asking keep on asking now i know in the king james version it says ask and it shall be given but in the new living translation it says keep on asking you know why pastor furby the tense there is a tense that says not just a one-time event it's an event that was dealt with one time but has repercussions as you continue to do it so what he's saying is that it was already answered the first time you asked stay with me class i feel something pushing me but the fact that i knew it had already been answered watch this the reason why i kept asking was not because i was not in faith the reason i kept asking is because i wanted to show god i was in faith okay okay i'ma back up and slow down keep on asking and you will receive what you asked for keep on seeking and you will find keep on knocking and the door will be open to you come here class pete this what i've learned now is that we've been bamboozled when i pray the same prayer over again it is not displaying that i'm not in faith enough to believe what i prayed for the first time in fact just the opposite i beg to differ when i keep praying the same prayer over again it's showing god oh god that i have not lost confidence in his ability to answer my prayer although i have not seen any tangible evidence of it i still believe you're able although i have not seen the manifestation of my prayer i still know you're able although i don't have any evidence now faith is the substance of things hoped for so when you can pray about something and then continue to hold on to the same prayer you're really showing god that although you have not done it in the physical yet i still believe you're able to do it i just want to let you know i have not wavered my confidence has not dwindled my confidence and my hope has not diminished i want you to understand god that the same way i believe you could do it when i prayed for it in 2020 i believe you can do it when i pray for it in 2021. that's why i love what she says that's why i love what the scripture says that we've got to keep on asking so what i've learned through hannah is the same thing that jesus learned in the garden he said god i'm going to keep praying the same prayer i don't know who i'm talking to right now you need to go get some of your dream books from years ago some of your vision books you need to go get some of the things you asked god to do from five years ago and you need to start praying about stuff that you asked god to do five years ago that you haven't seen manifest yet could it be that in this season in which it looks like god is not moving he's not giving up on you he's not punishing you he's not holding anything against you you didn't abort it you didn't mess it up could it be that god is just giving you more time to solidify your request that's what i love about god i've been praying out of great anguish she says she says i want you to know i prayed last year for a son and i didn't have a son so i'm back this year and guess what i'm praying for a son and then she comes back the next year and she says i prayed last year for a son and i didn't have a son so guess what i'm praying for a son that's why they say the prayer operates through the acronym of push pray until something happens so you ought to jump up in your living room right now and just declare god i ain't changing my prayer i'm not backing up on my request i'm going to solidify what i ask you for i ask you for a house in 2020 and i'm asking you for a house in 2021. it doesn't mean that he doesn't want my house to manifest because all of his answers are yes and amen it's just that the developer has not gotten the loan yet and purchased the land where my house is going so i'm going to stay committed to the prayer so number one you gotta solidify your request but watch this number two not only do i have to solidify my request i've got to sanctify my reactions i love this because look at verse 18 it says in verse 18 she says to the prophet oh thank you sir she exclaimed then she went back and began to eat again and she was no longer sad okay see if i can help you right there the background to verse 18 is that when she leaves from eating and she goes to the temple she starts to pray in the temple eli then comes over and tells her stop drinking watch this why does he think she's drunk best point of the day right here i'm ready to give you a shout cue you might as well turn the volume up cause you're gonna end up in the other room you know how when you would praise god in here and you start on the left side and when you open your eyes you're on the right side and you don't even know how you got there that's getting ready to happen in your house right now you starting in the bedroom but by the time you finish praising god for this point you're gonna be in the kitchen by the time this point really finds its resting place in your spirit you're gonna end up in the garage somewhere so you might as well open all the doors to give yourself some running space because here's the revelation that god dropped on me relative to sanctifying your reactions when she gets there the prophet thinks that she's drunk why because the bible says pastor furby that when she's in the temple and she begins to make her petition to god watch this he thinks he's she's drunk because he starts to watch her mouth okay now this is where it gets crazy it clarifies that he watches her mouth but can't hear what she's saying so he thinks that she's drunk what i've learned now is that when we get into a posture of real intercession when we get in a posture of real prayer what god will do is stop up the ears of those who cannot come into alignment and agreement with what i'm requesting okay you just missed it let me stop rewind and play what i've learned is that sometimes when you open your mouth that makes it sound like she was opening her mouth but she was lip-syncing no she was in there saying god just like i asked you last year i'm back here this year asking you for another son but because the prophet could not reconcile that through his intellect he didn't hear anything so stop getting frustrated when you let other people know what god has spoken to you but they respond as though they didn't hear it they're not capable of hearing it because they're trying to hear it with flesh and god is trying to get them to hear it in the spirit so what i've learned right now is you can't expect people that are carnal to understand what god is saying to you in the spirit they will think you are drunk i know what the doctor said and yet you still walking around talking about with his stripes i am healed the chastisement of my peace was upon him they can't hear that because they don't know how to hear in the spirit they're only trying to hear in the flesh i know you're still staying with your mama and yet you coming out of your mouth where god told me i got a house well they can't hear that because they don't know how to hear through the lens of their spirit and what they're trying to do is hear through the lens of their flesh and god's ways are not our ways his thoughts are not our thoughts and so what i've learned is that every now and then you've got to be like hannah you got to remember over in verse 6 where it says sophie now with taunt hannah and make fun of her because the lord had kept her from having children and yet nowhere in the story is it recorded that hannah would respond to finnou the way fennel would respond to hannah so what i'm trying to tell you right now in the spirit what i'm trying to preach to somebody is just because stuff is not going the way you want it to go don't you allow situations circumstances stresses and strains the way people respond to you don't you allow that to cause you to respond to them no you got to sanctify your reaction i can't let the way other people are responding cause me to operate with the same toxicity that they will operate with so you got to understand even in this season can i go down your street there's a whole lot of racism going on right now there's a whole lot of craziness going on right now and i want to suggest that we cannot afford to respond hatred to hatred because the reality is here it is look at yourself and tell them i got too much to lose go ahead and tweet that out put that in the chat room i got too much loot my destiny is on the line my anointing is on the line my future is on the line my peace of mind is on the line my journey that i've come through you ought to look at somebody and tell them i've come through too much hell to mess it up now i've survived too much stress to mess it up now so it doesn't matter what anybody's saying about me it doesn't matter how anybody else is treating me it doesn't matter how much they're lying on me i'm going to be just like hammer you can do whatever you want to do you can say whatever you want to say i'm not even going to come down i'm not going to bring myself i feel like i hear first lady michelle obama when they go low we go high because the reality is my future depends on this season i don't have time to be worried about my haters i don't have time to be worried about my enemies i don't have time to be worried about the folks that are not with me i'm too busy trying to serve the ones that are with me so what you got to do is make sure that you stay in second thessalonians 3 and 3 but the lord is faithful he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one psalm 27 and 2 makes it even clearer what i got to make sure in my mind is that i remember that when evil people come to devour me when my enemies and foes attack me they will stumble and fail so you got to jump up right now stop trying to mistreat people because they didn't do you right you got to understand that the lord says stand still and see the salvation of the lord that's why i love what he tells his son he said son i want you to come sit right here and watch while i make your enemies your footstool so number one when i stop watching the clock the first thing i do is solidify my request but then secondly i sanctify my reactions but then thirdly i sustain my regimen oh god can i walk down the street in verse seven real quick listen to what it says in verse seven when you go to uh first samuel chapter first one chapter seven it says year after year year after year it was the same year after year it was the same year after year it was the same finn i would taunt hannah as they went to the tabernacle each time hannah would be reduced to tears and would not even eat but her prayer didn't change so can i declare over somebody that's watching around the world i know 2020 didn't turn out the way you wanted it to turn out i know 2021 has started and it's presented some challenges but i declare this is the year of opportunity so what are you going to do i'm going to stop watching the clock that's what i'm gonna do and i'm gonna stay true to my regimen what does that mean i'm gonna still give him glory even if i don't see anything happen i'm gonna still give him praise even if i don't see anything happen i'm gonna still walk in faith even if i don't see anything happen i'm gonna still bring my tithe even if i don't see anything happen i'm gonna still love those who spitefully use me you ought to jump up right now just declare satan whatever you do you ain't changing my regiment i'm gonna still give him glory i'm gonna still believe he's a healer i'm gonna still acknowledge him as a deliverer i'm gonna still declare that the wages of sin is death i'm gonna still give him the waving of my hands i'm gonna still give him the patent of my feet because i declare right now that no weapon formed against me shall prosper i need you to be like the psalmist don't escape me yet will i trust him do i have anybody that'll give god glory right now girlfriend i'm talking to you whatever you do don't back up on your resume get up and still study the word of god get up and still pray every day get up and still bring your time get up in the house right now if your praise was only about a building something was wrong with your praise i will bless the lord watch this at all times and at all places that's why first samuel chapter one verse nine says once after a sacrificial meal at silo hannah got up and still with the praise i need you to look at somebody and tell them i ain't changing my process i'm gonna still believe god is able to do exceeding abundantly above anything i could ever ask her to say well i got to get ready to get out of here it's time for us to move on but god told me to tell you stop watching the clock he ain't forgot you he's not moving too slow it's just that his days are process driven his time is process driven god knows what he's doing he's working it out and what he's doing is he's giving you the opportunity to solidify your request so get back up in the morning and pray for the same thing all over again not because you're not in faith but because you are in faith sanctify your reaction don't you let the actions of other people cause you to forget i am a child of the most high god i am anointed of the most high god i am gifted by the most high god and then what you got to make sure you do is sustain your regimen i'm going to still bless him i'm going to still give him glory but in my last minute i want you to understand that the reason why i'm going to stop watching the clock is because i'm securing my reliability i want god to know i want else shady out of one i want jehovah gyra to know i want elohim to know i want jehovah my gyro to know i want jehovah's thinking you to know that you can trust me oh god come here hannah listen to what hannah said she said god i'm getting ready to step it up to a whole nother level i promise you that you can trust me if you bless me with a son i'll bring him right back to the temple and i'll present him right to you you can trust me god i'm reliable that's the real question today is not can you trust god but can god trust you you asking god for a better job tell him what you can do when you get the better job you asking god for a bigger health tell him what you gonna do when you get the bigger house you need to get up right now and say god i want you to know i'm reliable i've been faithful over a few things now you can make me rule over much do i have anybody around the world that feels like giving the king of kings glory you better come get me i know we out of time but i might not be able to leave you without remembering the word of william murphy i have not been perfect but i shall been faithful god you can trust me you can trust me to be healed and still give you glory you can trust me to get more income and still give you glory you can trust me when i move into health it'll just give me more room to lift up holy name before the king of kings and the lord of lords she made a vow so i dare you right now i challenge you right now get up on your feet and declare god if you give me the job i'll praise you in the workplace god if you heal my body i'll tell it everywhere i go god if you give me a bigger house i'll put a sign up and let everybody know if it had not been for the lord on my side where would i be is he worthy yes he's worthy yes he's worthy yes he's worthy stop watching the clock and know that he that began a good work in you is able to finish [Music] what he started [Music] hannah says i'm gonna secure my reliability to god when i didn't have anything i proved to you that you can trust me could it be that the reason why god has appeared to move slow is because he's given us an opportunity to prove you can trust me god listen stuff is not going to always work out the way you want it to work out but quitting is not an option so right now around the world god told me to tell you stop watching the clock it's not too late you not too old what you got to do is solidify your requests sanctify your reactions sustain your regimen and then secure your reliability there's a whole lot of people that can out preach me that god can't trust there's a whole lot of people that are more anointed than you and i that god can't trust [Music] remember what he says my good and faithful servant you have been faithful over a few things i will make you ruler over me real quick don't want to rush it but if you are watching anywhere around the world and you desire to accept jesus christ as your savior rededicate your life to christ or become a part god i feel your glory become a part of this church family if you desire to accept jesus christ as your savior all you have to do is text the word except to 71441 if you desire to rededicate your life to christ all you've got to do is text restart to 71441 and if you desire to connect to one of the greatest fellowships this side of heaven all you got to do is text mount up to 71441 [Music] you will then be prompted with some directions relative to the next step please give us the privilege of helping you start to walk out your destiny if you don't hear anything else from me today please stop watching the clock it's not too late god knows what he's doing and just like hammer in the process of time god will show himself now unto him who is able to keep us from falling and present us faultless before the throne of god to the only almighty god be glory and majesty dominion and power it is my honor and privilege to declare you are blessed in this city blessed in the field bless when you come and bless when you go in jesus name amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Mount Global
Views: 6,848
Rating: 4.8373985 out of 5
Id: PhVDjHZqnwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 58sec (10018 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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