The Most Shameful Offers In Pawn Stars History

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in season 14 a customer entered the world famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop with a Leroy name and painting called happy birthday mr. president that showed the moment where Marilyn Monroe famously sang to President John F Kennedy during his birthday bash wearing a super provocative dress the customer was looking to get six grand for the painting but Corey decided to call in an expert to check it out before making a deal Chad believed that a high retail price for the painting could probably be $7,500 while a more realistic retail price was probably around six thousand based on this Corey made an offer of just twenty five hundred using the same excuses always all that being said I'd like to offer you 2500 bucks that might be able to get six but that's after I frame it pay someone to sell it everything else so I'm thinking 2,500 he eventually struck a deal with the customer three thousand dollars Meeny the guy got only half of what the painting is actually worth and even though the shop obviously has to make a profit it is pretty ridiculous to claim that framing a painting and paying someone to sell it will cost them that much money so Corey could have surely made the guy a better offer than he did back in season 9 a customer brought a check signed by the legendary Babe Ruth for two rows of seats for 1937 World Series along with the letter of authenticity Rick immediately went through his history jokingly concluding that back then he had more fans than the President himself still he expressed his doubt as he couldn't wrap his head around the fact that they would make Babe Ruth's paper seats and believe that Ruth would have been able to get everything he wanted after inspecting the check for a bit Rick asked the man how much he wanted for it and the man said ten thousand dollars even though when he spoke to the cameras earlier he said that he believed that he would be able to get around eight thousand bucks since Babe Ruth's signature is one of the most sought after since that was a lot of money Rick decided to call his buddy Steve who was one of the people who signed the letter of authenticity once he got to the shop Steve appraised the item revealing that it can be known for sure if the check was four rows of seats at all and that it's up to Rick to take a leap of faith ultimately he valued the item at around four thousand dollars and Rick eventually managed to lowered to twenty-five hundred seven no al $2,500 is a fair fair price all right okay all right whether the check was for roser seats or not it was a nice piece of sports memorabilia nonetheless as most fans of the show know very well rick is quite a bookworm something he probably got from his late father as such the Harrises have no problem giving insultingly lowball offers when a valuable book comes through their door and more often than not they usually know more about the book than they let on in the episode title put up your dukes from season four a man named Bob entered the pawn shop hoping to sell a four hundred and fifty year old book that was supposedly once owned by Sir Isaac Newton who was aside from Apple falling on his head also known for dabbling in the occult studies did you know who Isaac Newton was he said everything goes up must come down that's why yes the book dealt with the matters of alchemy and was believed to be one of the few remaining books from Sir Isaac Newton's personal library naturally the old man recognized the possible value of the book so he called in a rare book expert Gary after discovering handwritten notes and formulas in the margins Gary confirmed that the book was authentic and that it really belonged to the famous scientist even though the book didn't have the original binding and had been restored in the 18th century the expert estimated the books valley around $20,000 however no matter how valuable the book was the old man offered a ridiculously low amount of $5,000 about fifteen ain't no way if you could live with 5,000 that's what I'll pay but Bob eventually managed to talk him up to 7,000 all things considered Bob not only got himself a pretty bad deal but also had to buy dinner for the old man even though Newton is best known for establishing the theory of universal gravitation and the three laws of motion the value of the book for which the old man shamelessly low-balled the customer doesn't just lie in the fact that it was a part of his personal library the book was written by George's Agricola a 16th century physician who practiced medicine in the silver mining district of the borders of today's Germany in the Czech Republic his practice enabled him to pursue his real talent studying geology and he has now considered the founder of the modern science of physical geology the old man must have recognized the name of the author and the importance of the book so he did everything he could to get it for Chumley's 30th birthday Cory decided to get him something really special and eventually found an old bike online a 1985 Harley Davidson FXR lowrider to be exact the owner had had it for three years and had put a lot of work and money into it with the engine alone having cost him around seventy five hundred based on that he was asking for ten thousand five hundred dollars but Cory was pretty shocked about the price after expert Danny had checked it out he came to the conclusion that it was probably worth around seven thousand to seven thousand five hundred dollars I would safely say that this bike is in the seven to seventy five hundred dollar range you're saying seventy-five I'm saying ten five while the guy dropped down to 9k and eventually seventy eight hundred Cory went from five thousand to 6,500 and eventually got the seller to agree desperate for cash and needing to get rid of the bug before moving the poor guy even pointed out that Cory had beat him up on this one as he didn't even make the money back he had put into the engine while it is understandable that the guys tried to get the sellers to drop their price much below vally Cory even pointed out that he wasn't going to sell the bike meaning that he didn't need room to make a profit in this case so it's hard to explain why he wasn't willing to pay more for the Harley after his own expert had told him that the bike was worth at least 7 grand in season five a man came to the Harrisons pawn shop with an old print of German artist Albrecht Durer that he wanted to sell not only because he needed the money but also because he found it a little too scary to put on the wall I really liked it he went individual for like it I don't like it Rick was pretty sure that the print was real and based on the paper he figured it was one of the later was the artist did normally I'd call my buddy Brett but he's busy with a new gallery opening so I'm gonna have to take a gamble on the price while the customer asked to get around $2,000 Rick felt like he was worth a lot more in offer than 5,000 knowing that this must mean that his piece was worth more the customer decided to try and get Rick to pay a little more than that they eventually struck a deal with 5,500 and both went home happy but the fact that Rick offered so much more than the guy was asking will make any regular viewer suspicious as it basically shows that Rick was pretty sure the print was worth a lot more than 5,500 he paid when he later brought it to Brett Malley the art expert told him that the print was called night death and the devil and he estimated the print to be worth somewhere between twenty and fifty thousand dollars so way more than Rick had purchased it for he should obviously have gotten it appraised before buying it since the seller could surely have come back at a different time and would not have been ripped off that way even though Rick said he was taking a gamble on the piece he probably knew a little more about the print that he let on basically screwing his customer over and making him the big loser of this transaction back in season 7 Corey set out to prove to Rick and the old man that he should have an ownership stake in the pawnshop he saw an opportunity and the Lord David who came into the pawn shop to sell a 15th century samurai sword David got the sword as a collateral from a client that didn't come back to claim it so the Lord decided to sell it not having a clue how much the sword is worth during the backroom confessional before the negotiation with the seller took place Corey said that he had seen a few of those swords going for thousands of dollars which makes his initial offer of 800 dollars really low in every sense after some negotiations the two shook hands at $1,500 which is a steal still the unsuspecting lawyer not realizing he had just been schemed said that he wanted to jump and do the dance how happy he was the expert was brought in only later on and finally estimated the swords value at around five to six thousand dollars in its current condition however it could go up to fifteen thousand dollars if Corey decided to undertake a three thousand dollar restoration which counted as a score in sham Lee's book in an episode of past our seventh season a guy came to the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop claiming he was in possession of a cigar box that John F Kennedy had owns while he was president between 1961 and 1963 and which still held several cigars it is indeed a known fact that press secretary Pierre Salinger about 1200 Cuban cigars for JFK the day before he signed the Cuban embargo so seller eric was looking to get ninety five thousand dollars for the box as well as its remaining cigars however after mentioning that he had owned a private museum and was looking for some quick cash to move to a bigger facility eric Gaborik a small advantage in the subsequent negotiation I need some quick cash or else I would just put that in an auction and get 150 200 grand whatever it's gonna go for I'll give it to you for ninety five thousand Rick's initial offer was just fifty thousand and even though Eric was hesitant to lower the price too much they eventually struck a deal in just sixty thousand dollars of which he got only half in cash right away and the other half after some paperwork although this might not have been the worst deal ever made on the show it is never smart to admit that you're looking for some quick cash when haggling with the relentless bargainers from the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop because they will definitely take advantage of you thank you for checking this video out and don't forget to smash that like button and also subscribe for new videos every day turn that Bell notification on and comment down below that you subscribed and we'll make sure to reply and thank as many of you as we possibly can once again thank you for watching and see you next time
Channel: The Filmy
Views: 102,498
Rating: 4.2375278 out of 5
Keywords: entertainment, movie, tv show, pawn stars, pawn shop, gold and silver pawn shop, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars moments, rick harrison, chumlee, corey harrison, old man, richard harrison, buy and sell, profit, millionaire, business, finance, education, pawn stars purchases, inside gold and silver pawn shop
Id: dvH7sv-IaYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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