Ryan Reynolds & Hugh Jackman Interview Each Other | PEOPLE

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okay so where to begin you I just want CLE I have nine publist here so yeah nine publicist yeah Each of which equipped with a taser aimed squarely at me um okay I'm going to jump right in uh you'll agree with the first part of this question is a True Hollywood narcissist I'm going to ask you a question about you that's really about [Laughter] me what is your first memory of us meeting was on the set of Wolverine Origins and we were outside of Sydney I remember there were millions of cranes we were shooting a night shoot it was meant to be Africa we were shooting Africa and we were out there and I just remember running into you and I was so so grateful you were there you'd flown in you'd just flown in right I just you just landed completely J but also I'd just been cast that's right I forgot I don't think I I I didn't I only found out I was doing it yeah 3 weeks before two yeah cuz we asked a lot of people but you know a lot of people to play dad for yeah yeah no we um I remember that I remember thinking because you landed that morning I know what that's like when you come in and how tired you are but it was a night shoot your first night so perfect it no I remember I just remember being blown away by you being there I was so excited to meet you and so thrilled you were there and and we needed you you I remember that day very well we absolutely needed you and I have some memories of that day too I I was going to ask in fact it may be my first question what but what is yeah tell me about your own well I remember showing up in Sydney that was the biggest movie I'd ever worked on at that point oh man I was I mean it was I was blown away it was so intimidating walking onto that set I was nervous as hell I didn't know anyone or anything about it and I was walking through the trail just jet lag disoriented feeling really green and kind of out of my depth and there was no script to look at it was just like what's going to happen and I saw you I heard my name run in in between these trailers as I was walking all this red clay you know I remember all that right and it was you and you just the fact that you knew my name meant so much to me I no it really did it was all the difference you said Ryan and and you know you came over you gave me a big hug and he said welcome aboard and you know this is gonna be great we're gonna make you know it's all gonna be fine we're gonna you know make you comfort whatever you know and I just remember what a consumate host you were but I also learned so much about what it means to lead a set what it means to be gracious to not just the people that can change your destiny but everybody I watched you know the every member of the crew's names every have a a working dialogue with every single part of that crew and those people and really how you interjected yourself into the creat process was so beautiful to watch and how everyone around you felt so seen and I honestly it left the biggest impression I mean I thought man if I'm ever even remotely lucky enough to be in Hugh Jackman's position in life these are the lessons you want to get into your DNA as soon as humanly possible thank you man and then who knew that now my startom would completely Eclipse yours and completely yeah and you would just be you know one of the many grunting Stepping Stones I've used to hoist myself up into and I remember first day of this and you came you did the same thing you came over and you went Steve I was like so good to see you Greg no don't tell me do not tell me um but it was I I I got to say that you you left a uh you left an an impression on me that was absolutely indelible on what it means to be a movie star what it means to be a leader okay let me just return a compliment we're starting being sincere so so I remember one day I saw you sitting on the steps of your trailer at the end of the day M and I said you're right you know he goes I could have done that better I there just so many things I could have done the elevator yes the elev the elevator was there was nothing again written it was just the team goes up in the elevator yeah and I I think the director said you know just let's band her a little bit you look really nice today it's the green brings out the seriousness in your eyes oh my God you ever shut up pal no not when I'm awake anyway you were sitting on there and I knew that look I said are you okay and he said it could be so much better I said you want to go back and do it said I would kill to go back and do it and they were unplugging I said let's go I walked straight back in I said we're not done let's go yeah and what was shot then was what is in the movie what's in the movie and I'll never forget that how gracious it was to to take on the responsibility of telling everybody who thinks they're going home that we're just going to go back and we're going to get this right and you did it and I and and I tell you it's something that I think i' I in all the movies that I've produced since have paid forward in fact one of them one of the things I learned from that moment was working with an actor on our movie Deadpool and Wolverine and saying to him what what would you do on the drive home from today go do do that right now in this take and he just kind of went yes and he went and he did something completely different and and it's in the movie it's just like so thanks man from that I I did really well cuz I complimented you in a very narcissistic way it turned into a compliment for me it did yeah so this is a question that I think people might want to know from both of us um what's it like being over the age of 45 and trying to look like a superhero and move like an even younger Tom Holland l i I'm aiming to move like Tom Hollander who's a little bit old older uh I love that you somehow bracketed us together in that question very generously by saying 45 you can say 55 it's okay5 well 55 I have some insight into you being 55 and doing Deadpool and Wolverine that I I was let me start then I I have I couldn't believe what I saw with what you did physically for this movie not just the aesthetic transformation that's amazing that's incredible that anyone could do that but just the sheer relentlessness that you dedicated yourself towards stunts choreography I it was the first time I'd ever seen how invaluable and I hope any young actors are listening to this how invaluable a background in song and dance is when you were doing an action movie yeah you hit your marks in those fight scenes with speed and confidence the likes of which I have never seen I don't care if you were 25 M 35 45 or I could not believe what I saw let's go thank you man Brian Smur who's a great second unitor we worked with him together exactly he was the first person to tell me he said I every time I hire a St man or someone's coming up I say do dance class and they go what yeah you I'm going to learn to smash a car and ride a motorbike and jumping and he said but there's a mixture of relaxation with the strength that you need it's basically choreography and so to to take a punch it's more about the relaxation than the grund it and it's true I so I approach stunts in the way I would if I I mean I'm not a dancer but I have done a lot of Dance Training now and dance in my job and I love the the process of it I love getting something into your bones learning something you you watch something you get it in here and how does that get in your bones you know and so I really loved it and I had got to the point I must admit probably 10 years ago I was like I'm not enjoying it like it was hurting it was tough and I but I've had a break and I've been doing a lot of dance I've been doing stage shows and Arena shows and so when I came back to it it was really fun and I was thrilled my body was a little sore at the beginning but I was thrilled and my body was still responding and I realized how good it is for your brain but the hardest the hardest bit I'm going to ask you the same question cuz I've seen you and I train in the gym with you and I've seen your dedication I've seen how hard you you work at the diet and how hard you work on everything the food I have to eat a lot for me for my body type I'm naturally skinny to get the size on that's the hardest bit that's a bit that does my head yeah that's me too that's that's the the the five six meals a day yeah you know that which sounds great to some people I'm sure they're like well that sounds great but you know it's not like it's not the type of food that you would really necessarily enjoy but I I find that that um you know one thing I've learned as I've gotten older uh in this business is to really especially in movies that I'm producing and and writing like Deadpool and Wolverine I that you listen to the movie and I know you know this with all with your vast experience as well but I I noticed that in the film that we would change things quite quickly we would say okay let's try this and that yeah and particularly the physicality I was convinced when you were coming at me a few times like there is no way this guy's pulling his punch I will be decapitated by Hugh Jackman and that will be his cross to bear not mine I don't remember you saying there's a lot of repressed R in there oh man it's your ID it's like right there and it is as authentic as any when Hugh Jackman is coming at you at 15 Australian miles per hour you feel like you there's no way you're not going to be dead in 4 seconds and I will never forget that and thank God I'm in a mask because under the mask my face is going oh God you know you're being first of all you're so generous and the way you thank you I appreciate it I'll take it but you're under you're sort of UND no it's my job to ask you what you do is unbelievable it's the subtlety of it too it's the comedy I had no idea until I worked with you that really what you're doing is classic mask work because you're in the you're in a mask clown work you have to be so expressive that as opposed to that is a laugh yeah and that I watched how meticulous you were and how sha would work with you said uh he said I see what you're doing but you need to have your face up more as I can see in the camera but for you it's the hands it's the feet it's the whole body position it's everything because this is funny that's not funny this is communicating that and your meticulousness with that I have never ever seen it before I love it it's just clown work I love clown work I love Vaudeville I love expressing things silent movies I watch a lot I mean I love that of expressing without speaking even though Deadpool's the Merc with the mouth he doesn't stop talking right but even then the rhythm of the way you speak is the character it's sort of like I can tell part of you click that's it whether it's the verbal Rhythm yeah of a line the timing or even the physicality you got uh that's yeah it's all kind of I always think of it just as constant writing the movie is just Deadpool particular it's just never stop writing you just you're writing through the edit room I mean and I love watching you in the edit room too because there's so many there's a couple of moments where I the I'm most proud of myself if I can make you break yeah there's a there's a scene in our movie where it's actually you'll never know it as we watch it but it's actually split screen because we're taking you from another take and we're using me in this take because I we liked what I said but you cracked up and I it's one of my favorite no it's uh it's it has to do with dog pool got it yes uh yeah it was just one of those great yeah um anyway moving on on so another thing that we have in common is gracing the cover of this magazine as uh I believe this says world's sexiest man I thought it was Universe sounds very scientific uh what was your reaction when you found out that you were the world's sexiest man who paid for this how much did this cost did you demand they show their work how did you come up to this I need to know what are the cuz I've known it for a long time but how did you finally Discover it billion head shot they went through uh and they got to yours they were like that's the guy I don't know about you and the word sexy never did the word like were people describing you let's say you're 19 okay pre doing anything in the business girls do they ever go oh my God this guy is so sexy no no but I wasn't a working actor I was a I was I was working intermittently at 13 but then I drove a forklift I worked in grocery stores all those so you wen't turning up in parties and was like that's that guy from no nobody you know if anything I got the opposite which was like a I saw that guy in in that movie of the week you know with so and so from you know whatever Falcon Crest or whatever the you know um where I was seventh banana you know on the I was like let's say my group of mates growing up let's say there's seven yeah I would have been voted if I'm really honest on a good day three like number three I might have got a bronze medal definitely but probably probably just above average yeah yeah that around there so if I'm struggling in my group of friends from school in Sydney yeah yeah yeah how does that how is this 10 years later become I mean that's the impr if that was like what the sort of your your your Mo or your operating system from 18 or 19 I don't know that you would have cultivated all these other aspects of your personality you would have just been like well I'm handsome can't I of course I can you know of of course I can operate on your Mulla blong what was okay what was your reaction yeah it was just mostly funny I don't you know yeah um you know I had a lot of fun with it I had a lot of fun with yours I think I stapled your picture to my face in deadpol one yeah um and it was great that you got it I mean I did a lot of campaigning for you I know do you know behind the scenes yeah weirdly that's such a weird super pack uh to have the People's sexiest man super pack like apparently like there's like hundreds of millions of dollars in that super pack there a lot of money propping people a lot of money yeah and the the smart money wasn't on you and I said you're wrong no every year it's Hemsworth or Denzel maybe yeah true um I got so as a fellow immigrant to this land um what do you miss most about Australia Australia definitely the people my family I don't see my brothers who live there nearly enough that that my best mates and I miss the food I miss the ocean I mean the ocean I can get that anywhere but my lifestyle in Sydney I wake up coffee unbelievable coffee I I work out I jump in the ocean as the sun's coming up and we watch the sun coming up in the ocean and I think why am I not here every morning I miss that what about you for me with C in terms of Canada what do I miss God I miss I find Canada to be incredibly restorative to me uh uh I don't really hide the fact that I Canada is just so ingrained in My DNA I mean it taught a that the country seems like a an additional parent to me really does I mean it taught me to laugh at myself never take myself too seriously but then take myself seriously when it matters you know in the in the right ways but um it kind of I think I came to show I think I would have been eaten alive in Show Business early on in my career had I not kind of been raised by Canada here's something I've never asked you what had the kids like it was a really important thing that they felt heart Australian and and I'm really proud of that my kids are I think if you ask them they'll say I'm Australian yeah and they'll say no I'm American too but I'm Australian yeah how are you with the kid is that something love Yeah my kids are very much they they have their Canadian passports as well and they feel like a real connection to that it's a point of pride of of theirs they've also spent huge amounts of their formative years in in Canada and particularly Vancouver I mean we shot uh Deadpool 1 and Deadpool 2 there I had only one child on deadpol one and I had two on uh Deadpool 2 but um hopefully we don't do a Deadpool 8 cuz I don't want eight uh kids um but um yeah but they they uh no they love they love they love being from Canada they tell people they are you oh half Canadian half American that's awesome yeah well done yeah um oh mate you've been pretty open with your anxiety struggles which I really applaud you for do you find being a dad makes it better or worse I think it makes it better because your focus is less on yourself and more on your kids I know you know that too and then I love that I've now I love that I have anxiety I love that I've had anxiety because when I see my kids experiencing some of that which I is probably genetic I know how to address it in a way that is compassionate um I know how to address it in a way that actually allows them to feel seen in that anxiety and I know that I can't just fix it and and I can communicate all that stuff to them and with them and I I so I I I'm always kind of grateful for and you know my my job benefits greatly from that you know people who have anxiety are constantly thinking into the future you're constant what if this happens what if that happens what if this happens what if that happens so you're you're always telling yourself stories so when you're working in movies and you're constantly sort I'm I'm not just like when we're shooting Deadpool and Wolverine I'm not just shooting the movie I'm also sitting in the audience as its harshest critic going I don't I don't like that don't buy that you know so anxiety kind of creates that sort of ecosystem of awareness that I wouldn't otherwise I really applaud you for it I think it takes courage to speak about it and it's helped a lot of people because a lot of people come up to me talking about you and I say shut up I'm not interested but they keep talking about you but a lot of them will say that and say I can now tell my son I can tell my daughter I can it's helped me you know yeah I think men too I don't know why men have an issue talking about their feelings as if I don't you know I I recently it's a change for me talk to my I have I was a little bit old school I thought don't burden them if you're anxious and then all of a sudden someone said to me he said but when you get anxious say you got an opening night or you're hosting the Oscars for 3 weeks before my mind and I go a little distant and he said but your kids don't know that you've got the Oscars that's why they maybe they're thinking you're mad with them they've done something and I was like oh no no no no but really and so now I will now say to them I I had to make an uncomfortable phone call yesterday and I actually just said my son son I said I got to make this uncomfortable phone call if I I'm a bit nervous about it if I sim a bit off that's why and he goes great and then he he said how did the call go Dad I said I feel so much better like it was and he feels a part because you're his hero he feels a part of your world as well I it's it's Sean Levy actually told me something that stuck with me forever too is that people tend to only talk about their wins but I think it's really important for your kids in particular to know that you lose right you know you don't get where you want all the time something you worked on really hard didn't work yeah uh something you feel like you made you said something embarrassing today you did something that didn't sit right with you it's just it's so important that they see that and they don't just hear about oh I dad nailed it you know like cuz you lose so much more than you win true uh but anyway Sean gave me that and it's really stuck with me we've been friends for like almost 20 years yep what's the secret source to a longlasting Hollywood friendship I think the secret sauce to a longlasting Hollywood friendship is is not too dissimilar to uh uh having a partner a marriage as well it's you're gen I mean since the day I met Hugh Jackman I am genuinely rooting for you every time all the time like I I want you to win and I know you to be a person that often puts others in front of yourself and I I it's and it's not a show I see you do it in quiet I see you do it loud I see you do it in every instance and I think of you a little bit as this guy that kind of like you know will grab the the ticking time bomb and fly away into the into the atmosphere into space and let it explode and you know and save all the people in the ground they oh god he saved us again he did it again he did but what they don't know is that Q Jackman is now floating through space Frozen cold alone and armless because a bomb went off um but I I I so admire that those qualities in you and love love that in you and I since the day we met in Sydney I root for you I just just want to see you live the most full-throated life that you can possibly live and I and I so I think it's not too just the same way I feel about Blake as I'm rooting for her and I know she's rooting for me and it's why we're so connected so I I think that's probably maybe one reason I don't know that's again beautiful thank you and I agree I think for me friendship is you feel and why there's probably fewer friends in our life than we would say yeah that you can say anything to yeah the stuff you're ashamed embarrassed anything and ever since I've known you and I would say in particular in like the last 10 years 5 10 years we've had more time where we go for our walks where cuz you're an unbelievable listener I guess I I hadn't put it together deep down I know you're rooting for me and you know I'm rooting for you yeah so you can tell me anything and I and I can tell you anything and I don't feel like you're going to be uh judging it or necessarily giving me the answer do this yeah and I think that has been the cas yeah we rely on each other for the real kind of advice that you want you know and you're apartment that you let me know H the roommate that keeps on giving you Jackman I love you man yeah I love you too buddy
Channel: People
Views: 684,967
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Keywords: People, people magazine, ryan reynolds, ryan reynolds hugh jackman, ryan reynolds funny moments, ryan reynolds interview, ryan reynolds interviews hugh jackman, hugh jackman, hugh jackman wolverine, hugh jackman ryan reynolds, deadpool, wolverine, hugh jackman and ryan reynolds deadpool 3, hugh jackman and ryan reynolds interview, ryan reynolds and hugh jackman interview, hugh jackman best moments, hugh jackman ryan reynolds interview, ryan reynolds deadpool 3
Id: 8S99iQH2Rvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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