Attempting Noitas power plant puzzle

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[Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] uh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] wow [Music] good morning gamers what's what's going on what's going on i tried doing a streamer intro i can't do that yo yo yo yo yo what's up king i can't do it i can't up hello how are you how are you doing today boys what's going on yeah we're gonna be playing video games not like this anyways cringe being don't say that i'm trying my best here dude i'm doing my best uh let's see here right okay we're gonna be doing noita uh yesterday we started a run that was completely rigged and we went to some parallel worlds and got some things and did some puzzles and there was a new puzzle added to the game that i don't know how it works and we're gonna try to figure it out first i'm catching another stream don't suck place well i'm sorry you had to i've witnessed that intro this is a bad start hello gamer how's it going what's going good aqua what's up it was a terrible terrible intro but you know it's gaming though predictions today or no people i i [ __ ] hate this new this new thing dude people gamble and they're like to get you actually you guys are you really realize that you are all like literally addicted to gambling like you are addicted it's not a joke it's real you guys are addicted 100 you have a gambling problem you should probably get help now it's your fault i didn't even want to do it okay i'm just doing what you guys asked for okay let's be like okay you know you want to gamble and now you all you know are brain rotted okay turn off the music there we go all right so uh i don't really know where i am i don't remember leftovers yesterday um we got the the orange [ __ ] rock and uh use that to see because it gives you like all these things you know you hold this you can see everything it's like a eye rock something uh yeah we got nukes wait why did i just take that away hold up give me that thanks uh but yeah i don't know what exactly uh yeah yeah we're gonna get the alcohol we gotta get alcohol for the wait why am i down here what the [ __ ] for the thing you know there's so there's a new structure i haven't figured it out yet so you know wait i was pretty strong it just kills [ __ ] like that it's pretty good see ya please all but i need to know if you're the baby no i'm not the baby they look like the baby do i wait they're close tonight i don't have a cat but do i i don't think i do i don't know man kinda lubino oh [ __ ] see ya i want to get eggs i can kill this thing yeah you know what we can do you know i have an idea i have an idea let's go uh will albino king kill grandmaster there you go i have no reason to kill him no reason whatsoever but but i want to it will be fun i also only kill him like one time so you know why just do it again maybe that new rock is used for something i don't know blood oh blood but i already have blood yeah i have blood this is blood plus water so let's just take put that away and then how [ __ ] away ah there we go blood pure blood potion epic secret exploration stream yeah and then we need a alcohol potion i'm gonna have to get alcohol at some point i don't know how i'm gonna do that but what are you we can like reliably get alcohol i guess where would that be i could get the spirits essence but uh it's kind of a commitment you know fart guts thank you for the sun man i don't think i have any electricity in this i'll just break those i like this one it's just it just travels around and kills stuff for me it's very nice it is very nice you could check the few street levels for a barrel and just take an empty bottle uh yeah let me see if i can find a bottle then it'll be nice if you find like any bottle i'll just empty it and put something else in it jam jam jam jam there should be bottles here somewhere right there's the the temple mountain for those new to the stream will you be saying your catchphrase at some point at some point you can't force it it's a genuine catchphrase you know so i wouldn't hurt them or these i guess wouldn't hurt i like the way that i made this bubble now is it kind of brute forces itself into the shield even if they have a shield it kind of just like goes in it's nice oh shop oh there's the egg now we can go with the boss nice and we have the bottle we need amazing let me just go empty that after i kill that what is this hello qb one [Music] there's something the one is genius too because although this one is piercing which it does uh the only piercing damage that will be applied to me is the bubble spark damage itself it's this thing but it does 16 damage five damage minus 16 so it doesn't actually do damage this thing doesn't do damage only these two and those don't have piercings so they won't hurt me so like even if i get hit by my own thing which usually is pretty bad if you're you know if you're using piercing it doesn't hurt me i don't have to care about it unless of course i had uh you know [ __ ] uh what's it called consolated spells oh yeah let's test this actually wait where's the statue there's one here no there isn't such have you made the gold transportation potion no might as i have sometimes like once once or twice maybe but i don't really like i don't see the point of it because you can just you can just get all you want in the gold volumes like what's the point out of 10 what's your rating on the mushroom puzzle so far i can't put the number on it but it's good well the better one so far i say it's pretty good for like this this one's like nice we're doing through the he's a base i guess it just removes everything now without blackheads don't really need but oh should i wait to like generate alcohol in this game whiskey i do also want to get that uh [ __ ] uh i the evil eye it's my flower engineer if you have time one check out for the king kong but annoying game for the king cool but annoying game others are king kong uh if i have time if i have time if is alcohol trail a spell in this game or am i just remembering that wrong oh [ __ ] well that thing went away no i don't want that the black hole the black gold pulled that thing and killed him that's great oh i threw my [ __ ] sunrock oops let me do that oh look at that they didn't teleport me i do i must worry for a second i didn't really mean to but i do have that so it's fine these squids can otherwise be a bit annoying goddamn portion location portion all right i'll let block trip i guess i'll go to the first level and see if i can find some good old alcohol usually it's not too hard to come by here the oil there's this there's a spell called explosion of spirits i can use that explosion spirits if i can find it which i can actually yeah i'm going to show you a little trick about this game that i don't think most people know about for some reason it's pretty it's pretty obvious but uh let's push one i'll lose this one here how am i gonna kill it without me there we go look at his farm once like this no oh we got to do some mega never mind now we just have a limited three one so if i even need a spell i can just and i've use limited once i don't know if this is intended but but this is how it is oh [ __ ] this other thing god damn stupid transmutation we can use that to get uh me and midas so it will shoot once that's not good let's stop one of these as explosion spirits i'm literally just printing once at this point legit poison fire trail blood mist toxic mist all right i've got slithering path nice i'll take that black hole always cause damage up i basically gotta do this until i get explosion spirits which isn't like a super uncommon spell somebody [ __ ] wants her now holy [ __ ] oh is that mr spirits does that leave a hold up does that leave can you like fill bottles with that right [Music] no you can't can't feel ball balls with it oh just more i guess i know explosions are spirits says that so we can just get that should be all good i could use a memory spells that's just good to have nope if enemies get up here and pick up those ones up it's fine we got missed again right this is missed yeah it's fine more mists oh [ __ ] that cast it casts an earthquake it's a lot of [ __ ] wants to go through man you know i guess if you are in late game and you just need like a certain spell for a for a one that you're going to kill the final boss with but i mean you just do this and you're good i can't seem to find this building either missed again it's just not there man is that it no how's your day what's your thin person this good getter what's up robin go answer me what are you what was your question it's taking longer than i thought but then again it's just rng like it's not nothing is guaranteed here let's just take a little bit got no lie again no not there oh is there like a better way to get alcohol it's just there's got to be a better way to get alcohol right it has to be shift the world to alcohol frog method our fragment is slow though egg it doesn't seem to be anything in the first level as far as i can tell but i've been i haven't been through everything i mean if there is something here i'll i'll get it [ __ ] keep throwing that how do you get spells cost to see your model on this developer uh it's just uh add mana before i cast it and then i reduced the research time and lifetime so i could just cash i want which is nice i mean later in the game you could probably also cast the ground to sound on it like if i put uh it should be here yeah here it is like if i take this modifier here which is it's not a limited cast should we get enemies balance you can order i think i have move yeah i think i can cast i could add this thing around the sound right this should work yeah but it costs too much mana so that could make it into like a very good digging one where it like it will turn inside ground to sand and like i can just dig through it like that but to do that i need to i need to have more mana i need much more mana with mu it will be cast twice so like if you add uh there's a couple more there can i find that here actually do we have any more ad manas let's see if i can do that that would be fun look like a super league one oh wait i have chaotic transportation i have this right there [ __ ] just use that i can make alcohol with that right uh if i uh put it back is the way it was let me add this to that now we add it here first and then we um i want to use i've only this in a more controlled way than that let's do it with a uh do we have a regular bubble blast i can probably find that i've just made myself like a little spell lab up here i've ever spelled in the game almost i can just experiment with let's use the ghost of air let's use the gust of air in this put that back there put chaotic transportation not only that this where they put it now it's just gonna make a bunch of weird shots reach it like lava and whatnot i'm guessing eventually it will be uh there we go whiskey but whiskey evaporates that's the problem no wrong i put i that was all whiskey but i put out the wrong thing i'm done brass i gotta get whiskey and then i gotta like even switch to the bottle and pick it up let's go to the sand and do it there [Music] i can just kind of transmit this what about water stupid honey blood acid oh [ __ ] rip water [Music] hmm attached to the dormant crystal i'm bringing material material instead of using direct material i guess oh i know wait what if you put ground to sound on it first we take that on as well we understand and kill his transportation hey there we go now we would just make a bunch of stuff including whiskey tremendous and we got a full body of whiskey just like that i'm so smart man what the [ __ ] how did i get so smart put the [ __ ] there let's go to the thing then what are you so much risky there's a secret oh i also gotta get the eye the pastel man whatever i think i lost one i nuked i nuked one eye away and the other eye i uh [ __ ] it with that maybe it's not that precise maybe i don't need the eye if the if the container is polluted by a little thing does it really matter like yeah i got a piercing it's a very slow way of healing myself beep back in the day and a little bit a little bit in private servers as an adult but yeah mostly back in the day the music is very good stop wait so you have to go below it or it stirs to the right i guess let's go to the right there we are [Music] i think it's straight down should be a little contraption down here somewhere what's the goal for this one figuring out the secret to this this thing down here there's a new thing on here that i don't know what does but we'll figure out eventually i think what is the new bomb what the [ __ ] power plant what i didn't find this that okay there's there's more there's more there's more i didn't find this last time what the [ __ ] wait where was the thing that i found then promoted right look up here oh so here's the thing right so here's this how to make this water [ __ ] off well we have all the blood we need i can just take it away like this i guess nice this is supposed to be kept in a container maybe oh [ __ ] wait wait so if i pour spirits in here the spirit is gonna evaporate it's gonna evaporate so i can't do that just drink it oh yeah i can drink it yeah give me blood there we go just drink it so spirits and then the arrow down i don't know what this is supposed to be these arrows i assumed it was blood but i could be wrong it was filled with blood but nothing happened it could be rocks i'm guessing it's the rocks because liquids themselves a bit tricky especially since it's spirits this is arrow arrow essence three arrows what does that mean three arrows point upwards like this this is the earth rock i think this this could be the earth rock this could be the spirit rock but this three arrows it could be the the air i mean it's pointing upwards and and the air thunder thunder essence the thunder rock twins i don't know what the alchemy systems are triangle is earth force yeah it has to be this has to be earth this is spirits but the three arrows i don't know what that is i think it's blood are you really gonna scare me out of server access i'm not gonna do it now i i don't okay so every stream i don't give out access while i'm streaming it doesn't happen i do it after the stream then i go through them uh but the other thing is also like what they look like liquid containers but it could also be that you have to place the rocks here but this it could be it could be water i think i'm gonna go to hell and look at the touch of i'm gonna look at it i'm gonna go to the work in hell uh because it's more safe than the one up above i'm gonna find touch of spells and i'm gonna buy them and see what the the what symbols they have that's what i'm gonna do we'll just go down there oh this is where these enemies are cool he was immortal or what i can't kill him that supposed to be like that man's immortal new enemy look at that oh [ __ ] this guy's why can't they attack them what the [ __ ] dude they're immortal that guy isn't important though these guys are what the [ __ ] why are you like this what why are you immortal you mean the damage type that could be yeah [ __ ] bastards what about slice damage there we go chainsaws is the trick chainsaws work there's don't care about the projectiles they don't care about lasers either okay it's gonna be chainsaws they have this like me where they [ __ ] keep respawning nice thank you ladies and gentlemen club explore this area first and then i'm gonna go if i figure out that puzzle thing just on the stream they have a particular goal yeah exploring this area this is new never been here the hips are resurrecting [ __ ] off what could possibly be hiding down here [Music] protection protection bots scary this is pretty hard though i gotta say they do be hitting hard did you explore the dna yet no probably not i don't know what the end is these nuts yeah of course it's jesus anyways what if somebody can make this fat better probably maybe all right it's pretty deep it goes like really far down this place oh the ends no seemed like it was gonna end but wait this one doesn't have this anymore what oh i took the chainsaw off it okay okay this area is really dangerous like really like really dangerous let me heal man [ __ ] it up i need to divide by on this street hey guys [ __ ] the propulsion sector man almost full full out okay this is huge did you saw the secret you were trying to solve already had to leave for a few minutes no but i'm gonna look i'm gonna go to the hell to the head to i'm gonna go to hell and uh look at the touch of spells and see if i find any clues there because this is definitely really alchemy uh i just gotta know the symbols what they mean etc these guys are really dangerous like hit hard and fast so that was it doesn't seem to be like more in here i guess i guess i'll just go to hell done yeah just sit down [Music] explore the maybe more of the prevalent later do the keyboards for the wi-fi x i can just i can just get it in hell i can just get help it shouldn't be that hard down here somewhere omega is making it super [ __ ] slow and mu let's put those there instead and actually way more of them [Music] i wasn't i thought i thought it was deeper but i guess i have ways to go still where's the [ __ ] lava lake man oh here we are hello let's go turn on the lights oops should be hitting the hell very soon luckily i have the moon radar so i can like tell where i am in relation to like the moon that's very convenient for this ah here we are we'll just fall alongside this so we should be good almost there for some depths a little bit more to go it's gotta be a bit careful there's gonna be black hole here down down there somewhere i wanna end up inside of that or in the vault should be too much longer now there we go all they can we can buy spells here we are okay now we should hey there there should be a bunch of spots that we can buy we got tau let's just carry this around eventually we'll find the maybe some divide by some touchdown even blocky if i'm lucky a timer a trigger since you didn't tell yesterday what's the dog doing still trying to figure that out i think this person might be the answer oh that was kind of scary [ __ ] the black hole is like right down there that's kind of scary hmm that's a golden although they have to try this one this is just a circle so it's not gold i mean honestly i could just wicked a spell uh [ __ ] [ __ ] i could just done that okay [Music] touch of blood is an arrow and a dot touch of gold is a circle touch of oil is three three circles touch of smoke is two circles and a lion touchspears is that the thing we're seeing touch of water is triangle as it could be blood water and uh blood water and and spirits blood water spirits that you know let's try that let's try blood water and spirits otherwise it will have to be the rocks and the triangle is like a uh the triangle would have to be the earth rock then it's fine there we are wait so we do we have spirits i'm going to talk about a brochure then goodbye brochure do i have any yeah i could use it to travel between i could leave it somewhere i guess this game is so [ __ ] big man jesus christ what's this oh oh we're here good now i know where i am there we are it's horrendous okay so we need a couple of bottles i think i leave my brush and brush on the surface oops no no is this new game plus no it's uh it's it's new game good old new game i could fight this guy let's uh so yeah there you go they drop some nice spells for sure hard again i mean i have a wall that's like basically optimized for killing them because this thing like they are they're like physical properties so it's like and they have a lot of health but here's the thing okay i uh happened to let's use this to make it less messy there you go now it won't like trigger stuff we got another bottle uh didn't they have a lot of blood somewhere hmm i can use the chaotic transportation to get all the liquids i need i can make this a water bottle and then i'll store them brush on top yeah then i'll fill first i'm going to fill with water and the other thing and then i'm going to feel spirit last and see how that works and then we'll take it from there all right can i see [ __ ] water i'll leave them brush a bottle here i guess actually no i shouldn't leave it in the i should leave it on like here hope it doesn't break okay [ __ ] dude anyways uh yeah i didn't want to live in the water because they would suck up the water that would suck that would be that would be bad i've got to get a new bottle oh there's one a blood portion exactly what i need epic me get in there man okay water alcohol and blood let's go down again just make our way over the pyramid and then over and down like here maybe uh i think it was past that this is where i went yeah yeah yes yes yes this is where i went in the beginning of the game there the very start i went here and had some fun with these mushrooms we're gonna go through it again oh god polymorphin oh would be cool if this was the solution i hope i hope so here we are now we just go down down down down down and we should hit the thing and it all should be well and nice and good we don't have to worry about anything put this on to get there faster this is it ah here we are okay so this is probably water so it's probably blood this is probably alcohol but the last nothing happened i'm mod god dammit it wasn't it that wasn't it [ __ ] is this the rockstand this could be soil too this could be soil too let's try soil because that's also the symbol for earth it looks more like the earth symbol than the water symbol to be honest it does it does uh because there there's just like a very clear symbol on the uh the earth rock it's called like said the kv or something which is funny because sad in the region has come uh but there was a bag here somewhere you gotta find a bag uh i'm transported with a bag and i left the bag here somewhere just remember where i [ __ ] put it there are my notes that i didn't screenshot hmm nif w thank you for the subject you know it would make more sense for it to be soiled because noita or nola has recently added uh yeah the pouch to the game so clearly pouch should have some use and what better use than to add it to the newest puzzle of the game you know if you think of it that way it doesn't make sense i was going to find a [ __ ] pouch the goddamn [ __ ] thing is that it no that's meat how the [ __ ] am i supposed to find a bag though i mean there is a spell called chunk of soil like i could farm i could farm uh once to get that because i think the pouches are kind of rare to get i haven't found much pouches ever but i did find one i know there is a pouch here that i could bring to the surface and just get some soil from there but it's proving to be difficult to find and uh i'm sort of running out of patience here sort of sort of you know god damn because this place is pretty big and it could be underwear anywhere hmm it's good at this spawn too like honestly it could it could have oh i remember this place i spent a lot of time here [Music] yeah i think my best bet is to just farm for a spell i think because i can't seem to find this thing i could also look for one but considering how rare they are i don't know also i want to try something i do want to try something low tentacles yeah but minecraft i got blazers so now you can proportion some of my at my place yeah nice i have a i have a or two but yeah thank you i appreciate you know this it's a thought that counts i really appreciate it okay so no no back here we're gonna have to farm chunk of soil or get the earth right i think the earth rock converts things into earth if i'm not mistaken missing anyone we can just do this really quick i know exactly how to get it let's just go up and we exactly have to do that if it turns liquids in the soil it will work i'm not sure if it does that exactly but just check this they could they could have soil on them potentially but they didn't such let's just get their truck they have a [ __ ] rock as it's known in the region we got the essence of earth boom take it to the thing down here it should be right here yeah here we are do it [ __ ] now this rock turns stuff into soil but this is turn liquid liquid in soil no it does not does it let's test it soil let's find liquid here's liquid let's see what it does to liquid but unfortunately it doesn't affect liquid so i can't transform the liquid in there to do what i want i would love to find a pouch and make soil with that work you get to looking at a kick bring a physics object there and transform it into soil with uh the rock but i think i would have to get a i think i will have to get a a bag i'll have to look for the bike that's what we're going to do yep yep we're looking for a bike water to send santa's oh we can go do that yeah water the sand water just how do you make water to sand what method of sand above it so it fall falls into the soil that could be yeah you know what that's that's what i'm gonna do method of soil above it and then do that smart i like it fortunately we do have the resources to do that so i will instead of looking for the stupid bag that could take ages to find i'm just gonna do that it's gonna be careful so don't break the structure itself with uh so it's of the sand that would not be good so it's a bit more right it's up here there we are okay so ate this we need to be on the right here i'll drink this up am i glowing the [ __ ] i'm glowing what hello are you kidding me it doesn't transform sad it transforms the rock itself i'm done [ __ ] game [ __ ] game oh my god jesus christ yeah it looks like we're gonna need uh [ __ ] uh something else [ __ ] this rock over there we're going to look for a bag we need a bag there's no other way we just need the bag that's it but the bags are so uncommon it's annoying as [ __ ] let's go look for that faint purple glow that means it could be it we just gotta find it if when i need it if you online know it knew it was needed if only this would be somewhat less painful did i bring it somewhere else no brickwork the soil and earthquake this one soil is similar to the bloods but yeah there is this chunk of soil you could get chunk of soil that's possible i could get that i think i'm gonna go up and then just one one farm and form once until i get it chunk of soil is what i need if i can get that spell and uh let's put [ __ ] tacos over here what oh we gotta put omega yeah i'll just do this till we get it chunk of soil it's gonna take a while but it's the only option i have now it's gonna form these can't you backtrack where it was from nola's gamesworld i could i could if someone wants to go to nola's vault from yesterday when i was playing this and i wasn't escaped i found a a uh a soil bag if someone can like clip that for me so i can just go and check it out that would be nice because then that could save some time it's only i only need that like a bag and then i can do whatever i want then we're all good in the meantime i'm gonna be farming once i'm looking for the bike but there's so many spells like i haven't locked right i should i might not have an unlock but i don't think it's a spell you have to unlock right let me actually just check the wiki it's not unless you don't have to unlock it it's just rare right i think that's it i think it's just rare because i found it in the temple before moon little place oh okay okay if it's the moon right there that's the easter find oh because that's where i picked up the alchemist yeah yeah there it is oh nice nice nice nice nice okay we got soil we've got soil let's get some soil done oh [ __ ] right oh finally is the zac rare must have been good lucky to find it in the mines yeah it's it's way more rare than uh i think it has like a i'm guessing it has like a less than 10 chance to spawn the police of a bottle that sounds about right in to me pick up some soil want to be only soil no grass soil pouch that's what we want this is a risk another box no uh the difference between this and the box that we have before is that this one does not break if you throw it so i can throw this box somewhere or this bag and it won't break on impact whereas the uh the box will break the soil stuff does not break or uh the bag does not break what it's over here though a bit after the right time wait where am i all right so it's up here then is it down where the [ __ ] is it oh it's right here okay eat foreign all right what the [ __ ] no okay [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] really dude [ __ ] man i what is it then look at middle symbol this is spirits that's a spirit symbol doesn't it look like water no it looks like [ __ ] spirits no this is okay oh my god is silver three balls h2o yes yes wait is that spirits but upside down no that's this yeah spirit it looks exactly like spirits irl alchemic symbols water molecule i already look exactly like that yes but this is neutral okay and and you know that this is spirits like in a in every other instance this is spirits they're right there that's maybe soil this looks like blood but someone says it's silver so i guess it's silver yeah i know thoroughly silver [Music] so or chemical symbols [Music] okay so that the one way looking at the earth is right soil is right soil is right i'm looking at like iron symbols now [Music] so write the silver [Music] [Music] but it's also they're so inconsistent that's the thing there's like no they're all very inconsistent the same one that says blood can also be earth [Music] so the first one is blood then [Music] okay look at this look at this look at this let me show you something real quick so here's the alchemical symbols of water there we have this about water alchemical symbols blood wow it's the same thing what it's the same thing but but silver you know it's this one so that's clear that the other ones are the same [Music] peace [Music] water is aligned with no additional shape okay so then the left one here that's definitely blood then and this is silver and this is water then blood silver water it's not broken because of the soil that's fine that happens sometimes but it's not as long as the water is in that place that spot in the world it works that's how it usually is with these puzzles [Music] i was gonna go find silver or make silver [Music] blood [Music] so now we're just going to get silver and uh and water i guess [Music] yeah still about the cave entrance ah that's fine i can just make silver [Music] to make silver we need this there we go silver is that easy silver pouch there's nothing in it what do i get all of them or do i have to choose one is it air what do you get all of them well that's all the perks oh my perks got okay taken off that's why perks they're gone they took my [ __ ] perks off me those are my perks now i have no perks what you can remove you can remove perks why would i want to remove my [ __ ] what i uh yes if you get a [ __ ] perks your gamble you can take them off but yeah i want that give me that i want all of them dog well now we know that it does have a great great great secret fantastic fantastic [Music] no way you're right where'd i put it there we go if you use up an extra life saving grace i'd remove it and pick it up back it up do we get extra life back maybe extra life maybe extra life but a saving grace is reusable so that doesn't matter so now we figured that out this was just air that's air what a silver blood that makes sense but this being here wait can i look at the symbol for air that's not air there is no that's not air [Music] i think it was alcohol but it burned off oh so alcohol yeah so that was that was probably spirits i think this this has to be because it has to be spirits there's no way i was so i was so i was so upset i was so [ __ ] mad when people in chat was like there's actually the molecule for water like dude throughout the entire game throughout all the puzzles in the game this this thing here this has been abuse lewis always this will boost yeah cn science another player this is alchemy this is like not [ __ ] your stupid [ __ ] online class this is now okay just don't wait that's that's water i'm looking at a [ __ ] alcohol manuscript and that that's aqua with a alcohol yeah there was literally a thing i think that guy was just trolling me he was just griefing he was actually just like being funny man all play all right i'm not even on the playlist so what i'll do now now i've done that i don't know the secret what are you now oh i i had a bet for the wizard king yeah we got to kill him we're just going to kill him now for him this trigger holding spell is not gonna be what i need for him i think we're gonna use something else black holes with this shotgun is a bit too unprecise but i think i had a reduced spread somewhere if i could get that i think i had reduced rather some on the bonds in that in the beginning in the beginning there was some of those there were some of that i like this song i'm gonna turn it up yeah like if you gamble and get a [ __ ] perk that one you don't want anymore you can just take it off with that thing i guess that's nice there's a there's a possibility for it i was just curious i want to do it so you know i'm happy because now i know but yeah i completely misunderstood the symbols because yeah yeah silver the [ __ ] i thought they were related to the game stuff but i've never seen this simple silver symbol in this game before never let's see if we can find a little spread there [Music] there we go that means we can use we can use shotguns i'll put those here there's those gotta turn off homing piercing what i gotta take off too go take off that don't need a drilling shot i can put it in there now we just speed up this bad boy speed up should be good that's my nice nice to have you i'll just take that there's other [ __ ] under those store them there you know i had blood as well i didn't actually have to stupid [Music] i'm gonna make some space here i could light shot it but the damage is minus 26 that's pretty bad [Music] i'll find the regular speed up instead [Music] i do want that though speed up speed up speed up speed upper yet accelerate nope where is the speed up my speedups is a rare spell man i have a shot only accelerate why is there no speedups what and i haven't found a single one in the entire run why is it casterly oh it does [ __ ] hmm is there another single one let's do a slide shot it's not a single speedo what the [ __ ] why is this dude why is it so rare come on man god [ __ ] let me do that alicia thank you for what's up man may i have a speed drip please no i really may not jesus all right let's just use live shot then i wonder what the damage damage it's gonna be it's gonna be 44 damage plus 10 plus 10 minus 26. it's going to be decent you know it's going to be fine but not like great uh let's instead make this a triple cast and add a chainsaw to it not sure it's fast we're gonna do a lot of damage i don't have a shot that should make it too much slow okay that should be fine i think anything else just for good measure add one more of these i know it's really good to do decent damage where there's so many wants i missed that last stream oh that's what that was this stream uh basically if you uh summon a friendly uh summon wand with this cementite cassava uh then uh it will summon one and if you then use piercing on a damaging spell and homing it will kill the wand and then you know the friendly one is dead and when the friendly one dies you can just pick it up and take the spells and then you just like keep doing that and you know normally the summons one this like a limited use spell but we have omega we have gamma alpha gamma alpha we have like copy spells we have we have greek letters we can just cast as much we want and if you have those two spells a greek letter and the summon taco sava then you know you can easily just farm once which i did now we're gonna go kill the wizard the the grandmaster but we don't have all seeing eye and we need to go get the [ __ ] god damn it i i really hate not having that perk man but i think if we have the rock the [ __ ] uh god stupid uh the eye the evil eye not the evil eye but the sun rock thing it should be fine let's take this off it should be fine did you finish the fact request uh if that's the one where you like put a bunch of like uh materials in the the the things yes i did there it is my iroc with this we get all seeing eye temporarily so we can just see whatever we want in the wizards then which is where we are going the thing about the wizard the grand master is that he uh in the first stage you have to hit some orbs around him and if you hit the wrong ones they will damage you instead uh so to avoid that we're not going to use homing we're just going to use these they're going a straight line exactly where i'm aiming and they do a lot of damage that should be enough to just get him because if you hit the wrong ones again it's gonna be curse damage which does not get negated by anything and it's gonna be true damage it's gonna hurt for a lot it's gonna probably kill me i have 1000 health let's be fair but yeah still want to get hit by it still do not want to mess with that so i want to take some precise shots and just hit what i need to hit and avoid hitting those because that would hurt bad that's he this guy is the boss that i usually avoid there's a lot of bosses in this game a lot of them aren't that bad nice i like having this how fast it now shoots a bit faster that's good there i avoid him a lot because he he's just that dangerous either he has a little like negative status effects here too like he's basically at which spawns the boss you know if that makes sense he's the boss he's the boss version of you guys he's mean i don't like him he does good damage not like insane damage but it does good damage yeah like 300 or so that's it's good again not fantastic but it gets the job done also we have conveniently placed here some a good i [ __ ] it up i equipped the wrong thing and uh messed it up we got some berserkin though i think you can spread it on me and get a double damage when i need to okay you should be down here past the stone guardian that'll be killed what about this tree plant biome ah what's that why did you have an outcraft a different attack one oh i just explained that because this is a boss that you can't just damage him you need to damage him where you should damage him if you damage him in the wrong place he will damage you so to avoid that whole deal i'm gonna you know equip a wand that can shoot precise shots exactly where i need them and nowhere else and here you normally can't see unless you have all saying eye or this rock or uh i don't think that they're all saying i spell let's just see here but we don't even have that so anyways see it just it just gets dark at some point but then oh no yeah now i see did you figure out what that structure in the cold pits or power plant yeah i did this is a banger though i like this song [Music] we're just gonna walk around there carrying this thing you know i i'm invisible so i can probably just sneak past these guys carrying my little egg here we're just gonna carry this little thing here through the wizards pits i don't think they will attack me if not oh no okay he gave up this guy says this is very dangerous this place is not nice these guys are painful they can pull them more for you they can take off your defense defensive perks and so on you don't want to mess with them basically if you can just don't just go down a bit and then up to the right at some point and we're good there's course rock okay so we hit the bottom i think i was gonna go up and right it's a nice song for us taking a stroll in the wizards then yeah the the the new structure just uh lets you take off your perks and then put on the ones you want again so like if you again if you gambled or if you did something stupid with your perks you can't just go there and take off the ones you don't want which is nice i think it's a nice little very niche thing to use but in the end probably useful at some point i'm sure at some point i'm gonna gamble and regret it and if i do i can just go there and purge them which i like a lot i like having the option to do that [Music] not bad [Music] see this place isn't as bad when they can't really see you but when they start attacking you like that i don't like like one bit i got i got oh no oh no i want to switch it i switch to this now if you have a twist you want and don't put on a damaging spell if i have this status effect here then my spells can hit me and that's very bad you don't want that no longer twitchy i'm gonna try getting unstained eight percent six percent five if i can that would be there we go now invisible again we're going to head on over here why are they fighting i don't understand i don't like that okay let's try not getting stained now what is he attacking oh he's attracting the rats i see what about the time perks like 50 more hp the one times i haven't tried it again i didn't i don't i didn't have that perk so i didn't get to test it out i'm sure some other streamers or people in the anointed discord has though probably more about it than me i only tried it once and i didn't even know what it did before i got there so what i'm gonna do though is kill this dude because he has useful meat meat that will let me avoid getting polymorphors in time it really is a stainless stainless armor [Music] pablo in castle thank you for that man shouldn't be that much further now i think i'm right around the corner when i do get to this arena though i'm gonna have to go around and just kill every other enemy everything else needs to die he's the only one only thing is supposed to be alive if anything else is alive then that you can [ __ ] with me thank you for the [ __ ] delisha for some reason albueno had a lot of russian reviewers she's full of russian comrades do i i didn't know that i thought most of them were like american or something oh did we go the wrong way i don't think i was supposed to end up here wait wait this is further down it might be further down it could be don't shoot it's me don't get hit come on now it's really down and then in again down right probably yeah now we get to this place again this type of background this is where it is this great background is not it this is gonna be this dark one what did it just heal i gotta wait for this guys to stop fighting this guy's run under run under but if you eat his corpse it's not bad no i can't get polymorph so i don't see how i could die at this point but i use the rock where i'm blind fitting soundtrack for this place i gotta say another one that we're going to hit him again we have 200 seconds now i'll pull them off into that's very good these guys are protected by something not anymore where's that guy these guys are mean man no more protection we go sorry i'm not reading chat i'm just really focused here one one like wrong step and i'm dead that's it that's it for me one wrong move and it's over this this place is just infamous for ending runs there he is see the boss is here okay we gotta kill everything in nearby what's gonna heal there we go all right let's put on some proper boss music as we usually do where is it i don't know how fast i'm gonna kill him and i don't have much experience fighting this guy [Music] did you ever have a 3ds in that case what's your favorite games for that system never had it can't really say oh this is a beta branch boss it's not in the main game it's gonna be there soon though um i might die [Music] my defensive process knocking at him his orbs are gone i got more controls [ __ ] i hate myself see that that's the you don't want that he hold my health his face too now i got boomerang spells oh my god oh my god oh he's dead oh my god we got him we got him [Music] jesus christ now okay that is the probably the he's like on par with uh oh everyone was yes jesus christ that was a rigged bat uh the secret lies the music the key to the heavens lock is born from music and all over the world and in a way so above us below this is basically a puzzle to a hint to the key puzzle which already has many hints which is a bit a little bit redundant redundant at this point but whatever this one however the sauna eden i think is like one one one core it's called it gives it it gives you the ability to uh to think response everywhere without having a perk which is nice and it also transforms stuff into uh concentrated mana yeah you can make mono with it but the big thing about this that you can think of once everywhere so that's like the the word for killing this guy is that you can just get tinker at once this is like the guaranteed way to get it it's just the boss is really really mean yeah he gave me debuffs like boomerang spells he gave me the one that he gave me heartache which halves my max health temporarily he gave me uh vulnerable which removes fire immunity explosion immunity any defensive perk of havoc saving greece my repulsion feel i think like he's he's a he's mean oh the bosses don't [ __ ] around they really don't they really don't what i like about this game is that you know if you play the mod that's called uh more bosses than enemies um the bosses added in that mod are basically just big bullet sponges that you know you just have to shoot and if they have enough damage you beat them but the bosses that noise that no like games add themselves they always have like some sort of like thing that you need to work around to kill them like this there's always like a mechanic an interesting mechanic at work that makes the boss uh interesting at the very least it's not it's not just you know the the final boss has more health that's that's like his gimmick he gets more health the more ops you have but this guy has the debuffs he can summon enemies he can through tentacles he has like three faces too which is really cool um alchemist boss will shoot your stuff back at you the one consider will just kill you and the ghost passes you need an eye for it and he has it's only weekly explosions so that's it i put it 200 and got zero because i focus because it was like 92 percent eight like every everyone thought i was gonna beat him which was surprising to say at least because like he i don't think chad really knows how near is this guys i could obviously die there but yeah that happens i will continue i'm going to call it today here for neutral uh there's going to be more noise today what i'm going to do with this run the the next goal for this run is to turn this icy or the sun seed into a sun and we're going to use that sun to kill the final boss that's the that's the the goal now we're going to use the sun to kill the final boss that's that's the goal for this right now that's gonna be the yeah or our objective going forward that's gonna be fun i haven't done that and we have three orbs so it's gonna be a little bit tanky it might take like a little bit of time for him to to get devoured by it but it'll be fun uh so for the next game what time is it 651 what's we do today we could do boschi you know i just made it i know i just made a video on boshi so let's just play some boshi yeah it's bosch it's party time unfortunately it's bosch time so we're gonna go play that just give me a moment to set it up i'm gonna hate myself for this because this game is pain and the uh the boss that i made it to is uh pretty hard sonic sonic is a piece of [ __ ] this is a piece of trash let me just find the game two [Music] time [Music] oh god [Music] there we go there we go [Music] it's wait where's my keys [ __ ] up [Music] my keys are messed up for some reason [Music] is it boss 4 no it's steam doing a [ __ ] fucksteam no it's fine [Music] i just gotta get used to the controls hold it hold up it's been worse than this [Music] goddammit can i just make it to the [ __ ] boss portal [Music] there we go okay now we're here i'm just [Music] [Music] gonna okay okay you didn't seem to sit yes oh yeah octo thank you for watch fix my streamlabs [Music]
Channel: Albino Archive
Views: 2,959
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: MVc-Y_JlEfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 30sec (7650 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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