How To Solo Farm Sea Serpents Guide

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this is your one really fire spark 81 with your daily dose of video goodness and welcome back to another informational valheim video today we're going to talk about hunting sea serpents let's get to it all right so before you do this you're going to need a little bit of preparation now of course this is going to be easier with a friend and we'll talk about why once we get into the hunting part but let's start talking about the preparation first first off armor up get the highest armor you can get why because you're going to be extremely vulnerable you're not going to be blocking with your shield there's a chance you may get hit and it's just best to have the most armor you can have for this situation your speed isn't really going to matter in the in this situation you're not going to be out running or really kiting anything or anything like that the speed of your boat is what's important so armor up as much as possible so as you see here i'm in full iron armor i have tier three iron body pieces of tier two helmet and the woofer cape you don't necessarily need the wolf fur cape whatever cape that you have the highest that you can get it level wise that should work next i don't recommend doing this until you get to iron because of the the armor that you need and and the food it's very important that you have the the food that i'm about to show you here for this because it's going to give you a buttload of hp and stamina you're going to need a ton of both of those one just in case you get hit and two because you're going to be spending some stamina at a certain point and you're gonna want as much of it as possible so if we eat all of these here i let them run down purposefully just so i could eat and we take a look at look at my stamina bar look at how big that stamina bar is that's what you want so you want turnip soup carrot soup and the sausages all of which you should have by the point you get to the swamp because you get the recipe for this at the swamp and you'll have the recipe for this at the swamp to get those recipes relatively simple so for the turnips you'll just have gotten the turnip seeds started planting the turnips that's going to get you the turnip stew you're going to need one raw meat and three turnips for that the carrots one mushroom three carrots and then the sausages takes the entrails one meat and four thistle okay now this next part is a little spoilery and the reason i'm giving this warning is because this was one of the my favorite moments in the game when this happened to me and it was kind of this just this oh crap moment so i'm giving the spoiler warning now if you kind of maybe want that moment uh come back to this video later so yeah there's your warning anyway in order to do the tactic that we're going to do here you're going to need the abyssal harpoon in order to get the abyssal harpoon you need chitin chitin is farmed on the back of the i don't know what we're all calling it different things it's a little island that's not really an island it has barnacles on the back of it you pull up to it you jump on the back of it you take your pickaxe to the barnacles any level pickaxe will do i was able to harvest them with the deer antler pickaxe so you get on the back of the thing you harvest the barnacles and they will give you chitin you can take that chitin and you can make the abyssal harpoon with it then you're going to get on your boat and you're just going to sail oh what probably helps if we put the hammer away also make sure your boat is fully repaired if you've had it out beforehand doing whatever just pull it up to shore drop a workbench and hit it with a hammer and repair it so now that we have our food we've eaten we're all good to go we're good we're just going to back up and head out into the water now as far as how they spawn i have yet to see any real rhyme or reason other than you need to be in the ocean biome i i don't know for sure if they spawn in other biomes closer to your ears i should say as you see now we're in the water but up here it says the the black forest so technically we're in the black force biome so like i don't know if they would spawn like right out here at the edge um but if we sail a little bit out you'll see that we'll quickly be into the ocean biome and you can see up there on my mini-map that it says that we are now in the ocean biome and of course it's going to brew up a rainstorm so anyway as i was saying as far as their spawning goes i'm not 100 sure how it works i've seen them out in the ocean biome i've seen them close to shore but still in the ocean biome but close enough i was able to kite them back so yeah uh you're just gonna have to go out kind of exploring around until you find one okay it took me a hot minute to find one of these guys but i found one so i'm gonna slow down just a little bit i don't wanna lose him here while i talk to you so now that you have one you gotta get ready so what we're gonna do we're going to just uh go right like that we're going to grab our harpoon and we're going to attempt to harpoon him okay we got him so now what we're going to do we're going to get back on our boat you can see we still have him harpooned now what we need to do is get him to land so i got lucky here there's land right here now you you probably you won't know where land is unless you've explored your map and you have a good chunk of it explored as you see here i've hidden a chunk of it to simulate that so this is you know maybe what it looks like for you or you may have just some of it here and you may not know where all the locations are but you need to find land as quick as possible once you have it harpooned now don't worry your boat can take a couple of hits you don't want it to take a ton of hits but you also don't want to break the line so don't try to go too fast especially if the wind is crazy you can see we lucked out we got really nice calm wind right now i highly don't recommend trying to do this in the middle of a storm or when the wind is nuts or anything like that now what we want to do is jump off of our boat like so and you can see that we have him in tow now this is where the stamina comes into play because as you see here our stamina is quickly draining and we did not end up with the best location here we're in a swamp which is terrible so now we want to drag him on the shore we can actually change weapons he's still on our toe and we can go up here and we can fight him we want to keep him out of the water we want to try to fight him he released so now we're going to do we're going to swap back to our harpoon and we're just going to harpoon him again you can see we have him the skeletons are an absolute pain for us right now but it's something you got to deal with you want to try to drag him up on shore because he's going to keep wanting to go back into the water and you don't want that to happen if you run out of stamina you lose him and as you see there that's not good so he's going to try to go back into the water luckily he popped for us it looks like the skeletons helped us there but that may not always be the case for you it may be a situation where you don't have the skeletons helping you and you're fighting leeches and skeletons and everything else and it could just be bad news bears for you if you end up going to a swamp area i highly do not recommend going to a swamp area if you can avoid it but this was for demonstration purposes so you get the idea of what you've got to do in order to get him up here all right i'm gonna take care of all these guys real quick okay now that i've removed all those skeletons we can come over here and we can pick up the goodies now the reason you want to drag him up on shore for multiple reasons one so you can actually get all the goodies so as you see here we got the meat the meat floats the scales do not so luckily i think yeah we can pick that last one up so we're good there on the scales we were able to get him if he was out a little bit deeper we would not have been able to get him so yeah you ideally don't want to drag him back to a swamp because the swamps uh it's a hole but if you can manage to get him far enough up there and you don't have a lot of adds joining in in the fight it is possible to fight him and kill him now it's a situation where i didn't get to actually show you how that should fully go down because there was a lot of interruptions but i'm going to leave it in there like that because i want you to see what can happen when you're trying to drag them on short and if you end up in a situation like this now what i'm going to do is i'm going to try to go find another one and get it into a little bit better of a situation so i can show you a best case scenario all right it looks like we have another one here and unfortunately the wind just turned on us so i'm going gonna see if i can catch it again last thing we want is no wind all right we got wind we're headed for a land mass there i'm gonna zoom in here see if i can harpoon him oh that was a swing and a miss okay we got him harpooned we're gonna get back on to our ship again and uh hopefully the wind stays in our favor and it looks like we're coming up on is this meadows hopefully this might actually be a really good situation here so we still got him he's still in tow but our rested buff is about to run out which is definitely not good and uh before we get all the way up there i'm actually going to jump off the ship and we're going to see if we can just pull him up here yeah we got meadows which is nice now what we're gonna do is we're just going to sprint and drag him all the way up on land okay we got him uh almost let's go back down here let's harpoon him again so yeah be careful because the line can break so we're just gonna slowly drag him up here yeah if you sprint too fast you get too far away you can 100 break the line and if you look we actually got ads taking care of him for us so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to keep him on the line i'm going to get a little bit closer to him we should be fine and then we're going to swap to our axe and we're going to go up here and we're just going to start attacking him we're going to watch our stamina and he's going to try to get back to the ocean he's not going to be able to and this is why it's so important to make sure that you have plenty of stamina and uh your hp is nice and high as well okay so we got him up here and this is the tug of war that you're going to be playing because as you do this he's going to continue to try to get into the water and that's not what you want but if you end up with a situation like this ads like this it shouldn't be a problem and of course you can keep dragging him you can drag him as far up out of the water as you want to drag him so we will do that we'll just keep dragging him all the way up here until we run out of stamina now your stamina can reach in but it'll only regen if he stops pulling from you but he's not going to stop pulling from you okay so here we go we got him up nice and high and we've also lost our rested buff and it looks like he might be somewhat stuck right now which is good for us so we got him in the water here and there we go and we popped him so that's a situation where it's a best case scenario for you the meat is also relatively heavy if you look here uh we're weighing 130 right now with two of those so i'm going to throw that out but yeah so that was a best case scenario if you can manage to get to some place where you're not going to be having to deal with ads that are going to be in extreme pain like these guys they hit you but like we have so much armor that they're hardly hitting me for anything like 0.1 so while while they're batting me around a little bit them and the bores and all of that other stuff aren't too big of a deal but we still aren't in the complete best case scenario there because we did run out of our rested buff and we were wet which made makes our stamina regen there as you see an absolute pain in the butt so i'm just trying to cover as many things as possible so you know what you're going to deal with if you try to do this it is doable as you saw there 100 doable but it is a bit of a challenge to pull off but just remember your stamina management is super important and um drag them up as far on land as you can before you start attacking them i lose patience relatively quickly i'm not gonna lie that's why i'm breaking the line or trying to attack him way before i should and i'm playing that tug of war back and forth drag them as far as you can drag them before your stamina runs out but your stamina is going to run because they're constantly going to be tugging pulling on your stamina and pulling away from you trying to get back to the water but yeah pull them up as far as you can manage before you start to run out of patience like i do and uh then just attack them however however if you have a buddy that's when it becomes a thousand times easier because you can have you can be on steering the boat not having to worry about trying to harpoon and steer your body can worry about harpooning your buddy can also be the one to pull them up on land and then you can attack them because as you saw when they're up on land they don't attack they just try to get back to the water so if your buddy has it in towed they have a ton of stamina they pull it up to about here just hang out and then you attack it way way way way faster and easier okay that's pretty much it for this one hopefully you found it helpful and informational if you have any tips or anything else you'd like to add drop down there into the comments below and leave them if you found this video helpful and informational please consider hitting the subscribe button and the notification bell so you can be notified when i upload other valheim videos and i don't just cover valheim i cover all kinds of different games so you never know when i'm going to be making guides for a game that you may be playing alright that is going to wrap it up for this episode if you like which is all considering that sub button only give a big thanks to my patrons for making this episode possible y'all are absolutely amazing people if you'd like to join my league for patreon supporters please check out the link in the description below if you enjoyed this video please leave a comment down below let me know what you thought if you're shy you don't like to comment just hit that thumbs up button and show your support until next time thanks for watching
Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 230,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firespark81, firespark, Valheim, valheim sea serpent, valheim sea monsters, valheim sea serpent solo, Valheim how to farm sea serpents, Valheim farm serpents, valheim how to kill sea serpent, Valheim how to kill serpent, Valheim solo serpent, Valheim how to solo sea serpent, Valheim solo sea serpent
Id: XD3xY5igJFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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