CMT's Pimp My Ride Knockoff

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[Music] thank you four months what was I doing four months cmt's hit my right knock off tricked my truck oh God that's right the time has come for me to do another trick my truck episode now this one is special because it is different than the others for reasons you will see if you don't know trick my truck is basically cmt's version of Pimp My Ride just with semi trucks hence truck while they do have some differences for the most part the show is the same it's just probably your dad watches it that that's the only difference it's a channel favorite for me I love covering it just as much as I love covering Pimp My Ride and as I said in my last pit My Ride video I like to go back and forth just to kind of refresh it now this episode is kind of similar to The Pimp My Ride episode that we watched a few weeks ago and you will see why as we get into the episode but as far as being a trick my truck episode this is borderline just a Pimp My Ride episode on CMT that's what makes this episode different than the rest that we've covered and I'm also about to show you the reason I even clicked on this episode in the first place now the title of this episode is what stuck out to me you might be like me and confused as well as intrigued at why on an episode of the CMT semi truck transformation show they have an episode called ultimate spring break Edition I had to find out so without further Ado let's jump into it no when he go bigger yeah now it wouldn't be an episode of trick my truck without them at the beginning just well I guess the best way to put it is they're just bullying they're just they're just bullying not for long though because those two guys always have to come and be like what are you guys doing before giving them their mission guys named Josh Mullen one of his band mates give us a call and said their bam ban could use a little help it's bad and it sounds like fun let's do it yeah so you have basically the exact same premise as the Pimp My Ride episode that we watched a few weeks ago except like I said it's on trick my truck this semi truck transformation reality show so now it's time for the gang to assess the condition of this van which honestly not too bad I'm also comparing this to Pimp My Ride forgetting that this is Trick my truck all the things on Pimp My Ride are usually just the worst things ever and on trick my truck it's usually just like yeah it's my old truck it just yeah I wish it ran better and they're like all right we're gonna make it blue so it's weird seeing an actual car that's like not about to fall apart on a show like this so what's up guys what's going on you Josh look I I don't want any trouble guys buddies from the band why don't you have the van in your dreams so they called us you serious wait where's exhibit oh no yo the pit my ride guys they're busy they got a lot of other stuff going on so they uh they they dropped you on us oh is is that so you you guys are the semi truck guys right yes sir and this is on CMT is that correct you got it okay well at least my is my dad's gonna see this no we're kidding this Van's hopeless good luck though I'm in chronic wrist pain Chris James all right oh this carpet seemed better days gets pretty gross with Five Guys in there well guys there's tons of room in here we'll be able to have some fun with this one hey hand over those keys JB Hunt's going to give you a loan to hold you over until we're done watch them just like give him a semi truck loader because like that's the only loaner they ever give out and especially it's JB Hunt giving The Loner if they give this young man a semi truck I'm gonna [ __ ] lose it you know guys unrelated I just I this is stupid I've got this this overwhelming urge to be wearing a hat right now that's it now guys I want to take a quick break and thank the sponsor of today's video scentbird that's right long time sponsor the channel sentbert is back and they're here to help you smell your best scentbird is changing the way that 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pin my ride where they just take one small detail or interest and then blow it out of proportion and make that the entire theme and while they are taking the whole idea that he's in a band and this is a band van and then they're continuing to make it a band van that's one thing but then they also just like pulled this beach theme out of their ass we could take a couple real surfboards cut them off at the ends Mount them to the back glass they'll give it a more authentic look we've got to give Josh more space so let's put a luggage rack up top give them a trailer for all of his gear I'd give him a little more room inside you know for the the surfboards that they're adding that weren't an issue before well the inside of this thing is gonna look like a Tiki Lounge go ahead and throw some retain upholstery on the walls and seats some bamboo on the ceiling it's going to be like riding around inside a Tropical Paradise and I want to hook him up with a game console and of course I'll throw on a killer audio system Yep this is just a Pimp My Ride episode it's even been a few videos since I've seen a pimmerite episode where they have an Xbox so this is refreshing what are we gonna call it now this is the worst part of planning process because on pitmyride they don't usually name the vehicle every episode of this they name the vehicle and it's usually bad this episode is no exception Surf's Up nah no worries nah no worries was that good no worries it is let's get to it no worries that is a dog [ __ ] and ass name that is the worst one I've heard yet [Music] thank you coming out that was a bit much don't you don't you now they're gonna clean up all that [ __ ] glass now they left behind some clothes it's not Styrofoam it's just [ __ ] asbestos they're just like all right [Applause] so now as we move on to painting this Beast they're gonna do that classic wood grain design which I initially thought okay yeah that'd be cool in retro they're not putting wood paneling on it they're just gonna paint wood which looks just as bad as you would think drop Shadows are done planks are in now it's time to put some detail in add some dowels I mean it does look like a pit my ride car because of that so I guess that might be what they're going for I don't know nothing like the finishing touches huh man's done except for the name got hits with a black base a little white highlight to it this thing will be ready for the beach all right all done got that stupid [ __ ] ing Josh has got no worries Josh has got no worries I it doesn't feel right I'm sorry man so spring break's all about hanging out and dancing and there's no better way to do that than on a dance floor we're gonna hook this piece into the top cover is this still like their band van because they've gone completely off the rails now this is like a spring break Tiki Bar Island Retreat vacation Extravaganza we're gonna put a surfboard down I'm gonna put a top over it and be able to see our surfboard through the acrylic hop up there and try this thing out I ain't hoping to try it out [Applause] [Music] nothing says spring break quite like luau so we're going to transform the inside of Josh's van into a rolling Tiki Hut I feel like halfway through filming this episode they get a memo from corporate just saying like we got to do a spring break thing MTV's doing it and it's just it's just I I know I know um you just find a way to fit it into your episode instead of using real bamboo I got this stuff from texture plus it's lightweight it's a lot easier to work with yeah this [ __ ] is not regulation I got it for dirt [ __ ] cheap I I don't think this is like good to be around with them not using real wood paneling on the outside and them not using real bamboo for these sheets like do they not have a budget from CMT or is this like a passion project coming out of their own Pockets what's going on the final piece that we're gonna put on I got a couple of Tiki heads so we'll just screw them right into our wall mask what was that why don't you check the bed out oh yeah that's what I'm talking about okay this is definitely in the running for worst sleeping apparatus on trick my truck it doesn't beat the one from the first episode where they just like took out his bed entirely and put in like boat seats the only way he looks kind of comfortable is because he's at work right now that is the only reason this is like semi-comfortable looking our surfboards are gonna sit on here just like this we're just getting our holes not too bad for two non-surfers I used to be a surfer in my day sure you were you keep living that dream though what got some Tiki heads that are going in two 20-inch TVs two Xbox Elites looks like they got this [ __ ] out of a Pimp My Ride vehicle from a junkyard that someone just got rid of for obvious reasons I'm getting the Xbox 360 Elite golly [ __ ] that brings me back okay maybe maybe this this truck was pretty tricked at the time if they've got two Xbox Elites in the back all right rob you ready to go down ain't going down I've been playing do it okay once again they are never good at pretending to play video games on this show I think one of the last trick by truck episodes they were like just butt mashing a PlayStation controller just like they do in the movies you get past the wood grain hit it with some candy add our shadows add our highlights we want some fire all right there you go Flames are done Tiki guy's done this thing's looking killer throw some clear on it take it over the guys in the shop okay sorry I have to admit this guy is actually very talented with doing art they they all are in these shows I just want to give credit where credit is due even if there's no reason whatsoever for this van to look like a tiki bar hey guys hey Josh how's the band doing hanging in there definitely can't wait to get the old van back definitely hanging in there finally good to get the old van back yeah yeah um yeah let's let's go inside [Applause] okay not trying to hate on this guy but he kind of is giving mad scientist Vibes he kind of reminds me of Lex Luthor from Batman v Superman this is amazing thank you guys so much go check out your bed let's do it hey Josh come on back hey Josh here now everybody needs surfboards so we cut off the back of two Mount them to your back glass maybe that authentic vintage look it just looks like someone who is going to the beach to ride on their surfboards got into an accident and their surfboard just flew through the back window of this fan we managed you a luggage back from 4x4 connections to Stow all your gear and let you ride down the road in style well we definitely needed that and we definitely needed that yeah okay um let's go on to the next thing I I guess oh man the inside of this car looks like the equipment that you would see in the play area of your mall like that fake wood on the trees and [ __ ] like that take a look in the back [Applause] he sounds like Chris Angel once he does a trick thing here in the middle was that good well we didn't want you guys to get bored out on the road so we threw in an Xbox 360 covered with a plexiglass so that way you guys can play on your own or Head to Head choice is yours that's awesome we love the enthusiasm we love that that you love this van you know we worked hard on it it's nice to see it be appreciated um just just a little bit just a little bit just we repositioned your bucket seats to face backwards and we mounted a bench seat in the back that falls down to a bed I cannot believe you guys did this to my van I cannot believe you guys did this to my van I seriously can't believe you guys did this to my [ __ ] van what the hell is wrong with you well Josh we got one more thing for you check this out [Music] I gotta give credit this guy he is probably given the best reactions we've seen on either pit my ride and trick my truck like put together there's no way you're gonna fit all your gear in there so we hooked you up with this trailer and Rhino painted to match it to your van and I just can't believe this oh yeah you know I wish they would have done this for the band van that we saw in the last pit my ride episode because they basically did the same thing where they just turned the inside into a club without any regard as to like how they're going to store and travel with their gear that's why I think trick my truck is probably ethically the better show because they actually do from what I've understood fix mechanical issues and do practical [ __ ] except for that that [ __ ] ass bed that they took out of that guy's truck in that first episode and replaced with the boat seats that one I don't think I can get over that one I mean this is the coolest thing anyone ever ever has done for us wow man that's I'm sorry about that but uh you're welcome gosh we had a good time checking out no worries wait you named it no worries you named my van no worries please tell me you didn't [ __ ] paint it on the side have a good time at Spring break we'll check you later yeah and they're really going hard with the the this [ __ ] this episode that must have been on that memo from corporate I was talking about earlier I usually on Pimp My Ride we get to see the reactions from the friends which we do on here too we just don't get to hear them say anything usually they do some kind of like talking head thing where they're like man this was a piece of [ __ ] before it stunk and we don't like our friend but now everything's changed but yeah another wholesome episode of trick my truck I always feel a little better watching this show than Pimp My Ride because Pimp My Ride they uh like I said they they really kind of [ __ ] them over most the time but anyways guys I hope you did enjoy this episode um I am going to do MILF Manor again at some point I've been trying to sit my sit my white ass down and listen but man that that is a I hate watching that show I'm just gonna say I hate watching that show I don't hate watching anything I do on this channel except for MILF Manor and I still have the second half of the entire Series so I'm working on it okay but yeah thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed like comment share with your friends subscribe if you're new here and you enjoyed and once again thank you to Sanford for sponsoring don't forget to check out my links below and with all that being said I will see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Chris James
Views: 220,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chrisjames, Trick My Truck is just Pimp My Ride Now, Trick my truck, Chris James trick my truck, Pimp my ride is worse than I remember, Bad tv shows, Cringey tv shows, Bad reality shows, Reality show cringe, The Best Pimp My Ride Knockoff On TV
Id: TwvlUE45nnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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