Well guys, today we're
going to be taking another look at Extreme
Cheapskates. A show that I... "There are a lot of
influencer boxing events out there over the
years. We've had chess boxing which was a
blast. But let me bring you through the story
of Creator Clash... Oh God! "So fucking unpack
these. I'll do the rest later." Anyways, Extreme
Cheapskates. Now, I know what some of
you are thinking, "Chris, didn't you just make a
video on the show like a month ago?" and yes,
I did. Good job. But I'm in the process currently
of working on the biggest video I've ever made in
my life in the background. So, I've been quite
busy with that but I still wanted to get a video
out for you this week. So, I figured why not
do the show that is the easiest for me
to make a video on and the one that you
guys constantly asked for. So, eat it up
you little piggies. The episode we're
going to be watching is one that my
buddy Joe actually did a video on about
a year and a half or two ago and
unfortunately lost to the copyright gods. I
personally think that I am built different
and I will be taking my own swing at this
episode. So, if you guys are seeing it,
then, good job me. This episode is the Extreme
Cheapskates Vacation episode and it is not pleasant. What
episodes ever are though, right? ♪♪ Whenever you hear those
dubious music playing, you know that you're
either about to see the dumbest staged bit
on a show like this ever or you're about
to see something really uncomfortable.
Right now, it's the bit but the uncomfortable
part will come later. "Since we only
travel once a year, we don't use our
luggage a lot and since we don't have bookshelves, we decide
to put our books inside the luggage." I guess, I mean, I could think of like 20 different things you
could do off the top of my head that is not this
but -- it is a Cheapskates. "With his Cheapskate workout habits, Sean O'Brien saves $660 a year
on the cost of a gym membership." Are you sure? Have
you ever heard of a Planet Fitness? I think
they're doing that thing where they just like
take the most expensive gym membership you
can get in his area and then they use that
metric to like measure against, just to make
it sound like he's saving the most amount
of money possible when like... even if he got a
decent gym membership that's like better
than Planet Fitness, it would still be a
fraction of that price. "Which is about the budget for his
family of four's annual vacation." "Oh look at this one dad!" "It's cool." "Mm-hmm" The universal "shut the fuck
up" of a parent is the "mm-hmm". "Little vacation map." "Can we go to New Orleans?" "Do you see New Orleans on this map?" Damn... ‘Can we go to New
Orleans? I don't know. Uh, do we... let's -
let's - let's - let's check the map. Do
we see it on the map?’ ‘Hm... No I - I mean I
was just saying that...’ ‘No, no let's see
it if it's on the map. It's -- okay, I don't
see it on the map...’ ‘So, why would you suggest
it? Why would you suggest it?’ "Can we go here?"
"Here it's to far." "Yeah, the beach is too far.
It's outside of our circle." So, if you heard them
say it's outside of the circle, you're about
to find out exactly what this "circle" is that is determining
where their vacation spot will be. "It has to be within a four-hour radius
or zone, as in the O'Brien zone." "Within the O'Brien Circle." So, basically, where
they're vacationing is going to be
determined by the kill radius of a hydrogen bomb which
they call "The O'Brien zone." "Pretty much anywhere
that it doesn't take more than one tank of gas to
get to and in back from." "You know what a Dude Ranch is?" "No." "It's where you get to
go and do like old western cowboy/cowgirl thing."
Here's the great part..." "What?" "It's in the zone?" "It's in the zone!" "Yeah." That's right. It's in
the kill zone -- the O'Brien zone. But
you know what guys, you don't have to be an Extreme
Cheapskate to save money. Which is why I'm partnering with
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for sponsoring and now back to
Extreme Cheapskates. "I am excited about riding the horses
at the Dude Ranch. Maybe he's doing some archery. I
just hope my parents won't be as cheap
as they usually are." Well there is a TLC camera crew
in your living room right now. So, that is exactly what
is going to happen. It's always funny --
one of the constants in this show is like
the oldest, the son usually... is always
the one that's like, "man, this fucking sucks. I hate
this shit." like all the time. "Good luggage will cost anywhere
from 120 to 130 per bag." "We've had this luggage for a few years." “Longer than we've had the kids.” “So you can see the
zipper definitely is broken off but the - the framework of
the suitcase is still very good.” “We probably saved like $2000
and not buying new luggage.” $2000... where are
you getting your luggage from? Like of course,
you can buy luggage for $2000. That is a thing.
It's very possible to do. But you don't have
to. It's the same shit as the gym membership.
They just like found the most expensive luggage
they could online and are like “alright, we are
saving $2,000” in theory. I will admit though,
them being really cheap, the luggage is like the least of an
extreme cheapskates shenanigans. Like so if their suitcases
are busted up and they use belts to close them
up. It's not that bad. “Sleeping bags can be 40, 50 bucks.
We have a comforter and what we do to close it up is use
double-sided Velcro tape. Probably saved
about $100 or so.” “Once again, this
isn't the worst thing we've seen on this
show, like them taking what I assume is the
comforter that their aunt passed away in
and then just putting double-sided Velcro
tape inside to make it into a sleeping
bag but it's still like, you're doing the most.
You're doing the most. “Do you want this to be your sleeping bag?” “Mm-hmm.” “Cool.” She's too young to know what any of
this is. It's always the youngest daughter is the one that just kind
of goes along and is like, “alright, yeah. It's - I like this”
and doesn't realize the gravity of how messed
up this entire family is. “I've had these
boots probably well over 10 years. As long
as that framework is still good on the
outside, there is really no reason to have to go
out and buy a new pair.” I can think of one reason and it's
look at them. This guy is very big on the - the term
‘framework’. “If the framework of something is still
good, no need for it out.” “We've had this Jeep forever. One
of the reasons we've had this Jeep so long is because Sean always
figures out a way to fix it.” Something also which
like maybe it kind of adds to the point that most
of this is fabricated for TV but the fact that every
Extreme Cheapskate has like the most gas-guzzling
truck you can own. Like that one video I did a
few years back with the Extreme Cheapskate that
did the - the dishwasher lasagna. She was driving
a Yukon Denali. Literally the biggest nuisance to
the ozone layer you can own. And she was on
Extreme Cheapskates and they're running around
in this goddamn jeep. “The average family
spends 1.5% or $817 of its annual
income on auto repairs.” I think the most
dangerous thing we've seen on an Extreme Cheapskate
episode yet is that flimsy ass PVC pipe
holding up the hood of that Jeep. Someone's
head is coming off. “We noticed that the bulb went out
and it actually wasn't the light bulb, it was the whole entire wiring
system in the car. We got creative.” Yeah, I guess you use that word for that.” “And voila. You've got your license
plate light. This mirror broke. So, he took one of my vanity
mirrors and it fit perfectly.” You know, I'm pretty
sure I don't know much - that much about [?]
but I'm pretty sure they make mirrors on the
sides of cars a little different than they
make vanity mirrors that you put in your
bathroom and also you can tell that they
just threw this shit together before filming
the show because there's no way you
would just leave that handle on there. They
know what they're doing and they're going
for a very special look. “Sometimes it makes
a noise, you know, but it's - we get
over it real quickly.” I feel like you kind of
have to in this family, you know? So before
these guys are able to leave on their trip, they
first have to weigh all of their bags and
themselves on the scale to make sure that they
weigh collectively under 620 pounds
because if they don't, god forbid they will spend
a couple more bucks on gas. Spoiler alert, they
don't quite make weight, they - they're about
630 pounds so they have to just get rid of some
shit... Jesus Christ! “If they keep the load under 620 pounds, they can travel 130 miles to the Dude
Ranch on one single tank of gas.” So now, arguably the most dangerous
thing -- I know I said it was that PVC pipe underneath the
hood of the jeep, it is now changed. It is
what they're about to do. “When I pull up to a
gas pump, I actually don't turn off my
ignition. I leave it on. You actually do waste
more gas by turning your car on and off.
You leave it on like they do in the
races, you fill it up, you don't waste gas,
you save money.” You know, I love those uh -
those little signs they put up on each gas pump as a joke that
say, “Do not leave your car running while you pump gas.” It's one of my
favorite bits that gas stations do. “When Sean is
pumping the gas, as fast as we can, we
go into the gas station, go to the bathroom, fill up
the water bottles with water.” Alright, alright. Here's the
other one. Take the top off.” “I always fill up my
tank when I get to half because it's
actually the less view you have in your car,
the more inefficient it is.” I don't think a single
word that has come out of this guy's mouth
this whole episode has been a fact. I think
he just lies for fun, which I have to admit
lying is pretty fun. “Not only do I look for
the cheapest gas station, I look for the cheapest
pump. The cheapest pump is the one that is coolest.
When gas is cooler, it's more dense and you actually
end up getting more gas per gallon.” Like I said, not a single
truth-telling bone in this man's body. I'm pretty sure he just
pulled all of that out of his ass.” “Run, run, run, run, run, run.” Also one of my favorite
things about this show is there's always an employee
somewhere that gives the “I don't get paid
enough for this shit face” and that was probably the
best one we've seen yet. “Ranch day can cost
upwards of $6,000 a week. 10 times
what Sean will pay.” “Hey, Welcome to the Ranch.” “Helo.” So now our family arrives at the Dude
Ranch where they will be staying for the next week and this is some of
the worst and most uncomfortable negotiating that I've seen on an
Extreme Cheapskate episode yet. “The Yellowstone Cabin is 159 per night.” “Okay.” “And then we also have
a very nice option as well called the Laredo Cabin.
That option is 189 per night.” “Do you by chance have anything
that might be a little bit cheaper?” “I really don't have a cheaper option.” “And I'm not sure how
it's divided but it could be possible that you could
bring out the other side.” “We're super easy to get along with so...” “Oh...” I don't care how easy to get along
with you say you are, nobody wants to share a room with someone who
also comes with a TLC camera crew. “Oh my goodness...” Also I love her
reaction just like ‘Oh my god, you're not joking.
Holy shit! Um, Okay.’ “Is there any way that we could
just rent out the bunk beds?” “I'm willing to work
with you just because it is a slower season and
because we are midweek.” Of course, she fucking
gives in. Whether it be the fact that the whole
show's probably fucking fake or the fact that
there's a camera crew there so she feels pressured
to give in or maybe it's Mister O'Brien is big
and buff because he lifts all those books and
those suitcases. That's another thing. Half
the time these Extreme Cheapskates, they're
fucking - they're big. Like that guy in the last episode, his giant arms that
he would just like flex to get people
to bend to his will. “What if we charged something around
the ballpark and I don't know, $80 or something like
that for the bunk beds...” This man looks pissed.
She made a mistake asking for $80 for
these rooms. Look at that fucking face.
And also his wife too. She's just like
“Oh honey, no oh, he's - sorry, he's on
a lot of TRT and he's been lifting a lot of
books and suitcases, so we - you might just want to
[whispers] do what he says.” Why they fucking show that dog?
There's no reason to show that dog. “Let's say seventy.” “What if we'd said $75?” ‘What if we said $70?
Um okay, what if we just said $80 because I'm
already really doing a weird fucking thing here for
you and you should be happy that I'm even
entertaining this at all.’ “Could you meet me in the middle?” “Okay...” “We got a deal. Perfect. Thank you.” “Alright. Well, let me get your key
and then I'll show you the cabin.” ‘Oh, good. Let's get you out of my face.’ “We're just going to go right on
back here to the bedroom where we have the two bunk beds
that's included in our...” “Arrangement.” “Arrangement of $75, but that
does not include this bed here.” How are they enforcing
this? Like what's to stop them from
just using the bed? “That does not include
the kitchen. You're not going to use
the kitchen, right?” “Correct.” She's sort of talking
to him like he's a child, which I
don't blame her. He kind of is in certain
aspects. ‘You're not going to use
the kitchen, right?’ ‘No, you're not going to use
this full bed next to you, okay?’ ‘Yeah, I know. Whatever. Fine.’ “Are there maid servers that
are included with the room?” “Absolutely. That's included in the rates.” “We've actually bought blankets and
sheets and pillows and everything, what if we, you know, forgo the maid
service? What do you think? You might be able -- We'd maybe
take a little bit more off?” The family off to the side
just cowering in horror while they watch their dad
just be a complete maniac. “Oh goodness sakes...” Oh my god, it doesn't
end with you guys! Fine. Well, fucking seventy
bucks. Are you happy? I'm getting a big box of
bagged wine on my way home tonight because
of you. You motherfucker. “I can take $5 off if you
use your own linens.” “Perfect.” “Alright. That’s good.” “$70 then, right?” “Okay, $70.” “I somehow walked
away. I think I got the short end of
the stick, honestly.” As do most people involved in these
episodes that are not the main Extreme Cheapskate. Nobody
walks away a better person after these
shows are made except for me. I get - I get
fucking paid but I do walk away
emotionally poorer so...” “I did not expect to share a whole
bunk bed with my entire family.” I feel you little man. I - I feel you. “The O'Briens chose
a Dude Ranch that features a la carte
recreations and have allowed their kids only free activities
saving an additional $100 a day.” So now we get to
kind of see the activities they're going to be
doing throughout this vacation. The main
one being horseback riding, which he's
going to ruin that too. “We're hoping to come see about group
discount if we all share a ride.” “I mean, all one horse?
No, we can't do that.” “No, no, no at the
same time but you know, maybe just for
one horse one hour.” “Is that going to be enough for you?
That's really not a lot of riding.” ‘Are you sure it's going
to be for you and your whole family? I don't
think your kids are going to have that much fun
with that.” Oh [L] I don't give a shit about them.
Come on. How much?’ “Well, it's not something
we normally do, but uh...” This guy must hear so much in his
life. ‘Well that's not something we normally do but god damn it,
I - I guess we can... okay.’ “So, for one horse for 1 hour. It'll
be about 10 minute ride. By the time you figure it out
and change riders, whatever, it be
about 10 minute ride.” “Okay.”
“I've never split a trail ride on one horse between multiple people before.
That was a - that was a first.” So, they each get
their 10 minute horse and apparently have
a blast according to the dad which I don't think it
takes much for him in anything. “It was pretty fun. I wish we
could've gotten to ride on it a little longer but I guess my dad
just wanted to get a good deal and as long as he's happy for getting a
good deal, I guess I'm happy too.” This show is just “How to end up
in a home when you're older” 101 because that is - that is all
they're doing to these kids. “A vacation doesn't have
to be extraordinary to be fun. You just have to
have an extraordinary time.” But did you do that
though? I don't really think you - you hit the nail in
the head with that one. “Hold on, I gotta close it up.” “ Don't worry about it.”
“I want to be warm.” “Good night kids.” Fuck! Well, it's - it's no
trip to the Kalahari but um, I can't compare this
to any. There - there's - there's - I can't compare
this trip to anything. I still don't think this was
anywhere near as bad as the Millionaire
Cheapskate one where she fed her ex-husband who
mows her lawn cat food on a sandwich. Um, yeah
there's no beating that one. Well, I hope you guys did enjoy this
video. Remember, coming soon my big video. I'll give you
- I'll give you one hint for what this
really big video is. I think you probably
get the gist of that. So, that will be coming
out soon. Hopefully within the next week,
week and a half -- I don't know. We'll see.
Copyright depending, a lot of things
depending. But if you guys did enjoy this video,
consider giving a like rating below, comment,
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here and you enjoyed. Thank you again for watching. Don't
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With all that being said, thank you guys again for watching and
I will see you next time. Goodbye.