The Extreme Cheapskate Millionaire

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what's going on guys welcome back to the channel now today we're gonna be taking a look at another TLC show TLC is an interesting network because TLC stands for The Learning Channel but I always end up feeling a little Dumber after I watch one of their shows it is one of the trashiest networks on TV but it produces so much content that is perfect for me to react to I did one show before it was the Extreme Couponing kid so if you haven't checked that out go watch me make fun of a the kid and his family that's the kind of thing you're into now today we're gonna be watching extreme cheapskates which is a pretty much almost the same show in this episode is the world's cheapest millionaire already a little annoyed if we're being honest I need 22 minutes to heat it up enough to get a shower [Music] alright well this is kind of stupid and so much more time than I would want to spend $80 a month is actually more in the end where like it makes sense you're actually saving money most of these people end up spending way more time and energy than necessary just to save a few dollars with that being said though she's a multi-millionaire so maybe it's not unreasonable to I don't know keep your goddamn water heater on also this cameraman was really [ __ ] like feet cuz he's been filming the [ __ ] out of her feet this whole episode special guest director Quentin Tarantino on this week's episode of extreme cheapskates my name is Amy Elizabeth and I'm the world's cheapest multimillionaire yeah like I said not a millionaire multi millionaire for someone as cheap as her she really wants you to know that she's a not just rich she's rich with a personal net worth of 5.3 million dollars this 50 year old Las Vegas entrepreneur refuses to throw a single penny down the drain okay we've seen her [ __ ] feet enough while we were married maybe learned how to turn off the circuit breakers just save on power oh yes ex-husband only imagine why boy do you how many times I would wake up and forget that the water heater was off jump in that cold shower talk about shrinkage Oh talk about shrinkage it's normally quite large it is just the water my dad can you make sure that gets put in there I don't have a tiny dick I just I don't know why I even said it to begin with I could have just said it was cool [Music] this is my beautiful home as you can see it's full of upscale furniture upscale furniture you've got like what every home in like 2007 had I mean - the flamingos in the fake plant there's nothing special about this home everything is the same color I don't know much about interior design I don't know anything I'm an interior design but I know that doesn't look good I like nice things but I don't like to pay for them Aimee works hard to stay well below a $1,000 monthly budget what and although she can't afford a more comfortable lifestyle she saves more than two hundred thousand dollars annually by refusing to buy anything new this is my one sponge one sponge if I use the same sponge for like two weeks that's already the grossest thing in my life that is [ __ ] gross some people might think this is a little nasty until it's falling apart and rotting I don't see any reason to throw it away sponges get gross really [ __ ] quick even if it doesn't look like it I don't Bill Nighy here I know everything that sponge is probably the most wicked thing in that house over here I have one knife i guarded with my life it never touches water I just wipe it down on a towel every time after I use it and put it back in the drawer I don't know what's grosser the sponge the knife or the knife towel does God knows that towels probably [ __ ] raw so the house is a divorce stop I already know what happened your ex-husband just got [ __ ] that's all I know all I know is this multi-millionaires ex-husband got [ __ ] I'm calling it my ex-husband I decided to he's got a good heart and he insisted that I keep the house because he knew that if I didn't keep the house I would move into a hovel of a one-bedroom apartment to save money and he's right no her husband who has a ginormous [ __ ] we know has a good heart and decided that she should have the house he doesn't want her spending five plus million dollars to I don't know just buy a normal [ __ ] house if she wants to go stay in some 1-bedroom shitty apartment let her [ __ ] do that that's her [ __ ] problem I let her handle her own weird ass ways that she's said in on her own Amy won't pay anyone to clean her home so her ex-husband volunteers to do it for free Oh No if there is anyone who is the biggest example of a simp it's this [ __ ] just the image of a man with yellow latex gloves scrubbing down the house of his multi-millionaire ex-wife for [ __ ] free in a house that he gave her yeah you know I make about $60,000 a year at my HVAC business but I want you to keep this house I don't want you wasting your millions of dollars saving her $400 a month if you just stop [ __ ] doing this don't do the floor before you've done the toilet you [ __ ] idiot are you [ __ ] insane why are you scrubbing the floor before the toilet it's just gonna I I'm glad to help her around the house with the cleaning I do yard work I Drive her to her appointment's some once in a while this is like free exercise for him keeps him in shape win win win all the way around this guy reminds me of Carol Baskins current husband if any of you have watched Tiger King simp and simp honestly I wouldn't be surprised for this guy just Carol Baskin and her one of the times that I noticed that amy was a cheapskate was I came to her house she asked me did I want lunch so I said sure I love the music they use in the background they do this on all reality shows like this the they always play it when they show whatever [ __ ] weirdo they're filming for the day when they're doing something really weird like this she fixed me a tuna fish sandwich as I'm eating this sandwich I'm thinking this is a little fishy what is this Mike lunch is ready and then I looked on the countertop and I noticed there were cat food cans that were empty no she didn't do this oh no I don't think amy has actually ever fed anyone cat food but I wouldn't put it past her to try oh well guys she just [ __ ] admitted to it she's got her ex-husband doing her cleaning hurry yard work gave her their [ __ ] house and she's like you know you've done a lot for me and I really appreciate it that's why I've made you the sandwich oh sweet Thanks you're welcome it's cat food mayonnaise on a piece of bread hey it's better than nothing right Oh tuna fish for people 89 cents cat food for cats 59 cents I just saved 30 cents what [ __ ] psychopath [ __ ] one they've got the grocery shots ever of this guy just don't a [ __ ] town on that sandwich I just saved 30 cents oh my god that's grossest [ __ ] that's like biscuits and gravy I get income in a variety of ways one is managing my rental properties I could not imagine a deeper level in hell than having her as my landlord holy [ __ ] hey my water heaters not working I wasn't sure if you can maybe do something about that have you been turning it off like I told you well the thing is I'm not insane so no I just kind of keep it on like a normal person I don't spend money on business travel I just think it's a total waste of money because it's not something tangible you get to keep so I like to find ways to avoid paying for it I have regular business trips to LA so I Drive my car my car is a 96 Mustang it's lovely some people call it the Beast I think they're calling you the [ __ ] Beast because you're a goddamn monster once a month amy drives for hours each way to Los Angeles in her 17 year old car and while a flight would cost 250 dollars Amy will only spend $80 on gas and $10 on an oil change along with the we got the windshield issue we got the belt issue right all these safety issues going on right now I feel very uncomfortable then you leave my facility we can work with you give you a good deal on everything but I mean without getting the work done unfortunately I can't let this vehicle leave her cheapness aside I'm almost a hundred percent sure you cannot just deny a person to leave your shop I've seen plenty of videos on house kami these oil change places are anyways especially a 10 dollar oil change so I know they're always doing [ __ ] like this now maybe Nevada's got some laws I don't [ __ ] know I tried looking it up because I don't want to say something stupid never stopped me before oh yeah I'm pretty sure they just can't really [ __ ] do that you know you can leave it here for a couple days all together with everything or look now you're probably looking right over $1,000 for all the repair we see that he's giving me no I don't want to pay the money that's it's piece of crap that's why I have a piece of crap so I don't have to spend money on it I came here for you to look at it not for you to take possession of it and dannan I've got lawyers that'll hit you with lawsuits up the ass normally I would say she's being a bit of a care here especially with the threat of a lawsuit it's probably a little illegal what he's doing so I will let it slide there's no real reason it needs to stay here that's just [ __ ] for all I know it's perfectly fine I don't even know what the flashlight was pointing at if I get a few different estimates and it's all the same then I go home and I decide I run my calculator is it really time for a new car or do I want to spend a thousand bucks to fix this but that's my decision I would say she is the cheapest millionaire I ever met before listen being a cheapskate is one thing and everybody's got an opinion about millionaires and billionaires and all that all that aside she is literally just hoarding money at this point if you're gonna amass 5 plus million dollars and then do [ __ ] like this then you're a piece of [ __ ] maybe it would be excusable if she's actually putting this money towards a charity work or really anything that benefits others or society but as far as we know it's all just sitting in a [ __ ] bank account or buried in gold in her backyard ok Mike this is Amy listen I need you to come get me at the stupid garage they say I can't take the car away because it's it's unsafe on the road and I got to get to my business meeting tonight I'm gonna have my ex-husband come and pick me up and he's gonna take me to the airport of course he is why why would he not I'm determined to get to my business meeting tonight I'm on my way to the airport right now and I'm gonna bum a ride for free what amy has dated pilots in the past so she knows her way around airports she will try to find a pilot that's got an empty plane or something like that you know and entice them to give her a ride she's gonna suck their dick that's that's the only way I can see this going I mean how else do you get a [ __ ] flight okay won't you wait here and let me show you how it's done hi there good how are you are you a pilot terrific well I need to get a flight to LA I'm desperate to get there today because I have a business trip and I need to get a free flight they know I have to go today I understand sorry anybody house somebody who does there's a guy out here you might see him his name's Mike I see a plane a little comment what a [ __ ] umm I see a plane I don't see a person Nimrod okay you really can't stick out your thumb and get an airplane a ride once in a while they get lucky in thank you find someone who's hated where they want to go normally what people would do is just coming out to an airport they could ask people that are going up and doing test flights or break-in flights and normally what people do when they come to an airport and they want to get a flight somewhere is they uh well they they just kind of by a by a [ __ ] plane ticket yeah that's that's actually just what everyone does I don't know what this [ __ ] lunatics doing it's just being lucky I mean in the right place at the right time is that what we're calling it are you Mike hi my name's Amy how you doing and the other pilots on the hanger suggested I talk to you oh is that so one thing what do they say I'm trying to find desperately a flight to LA in the Santa Monica area okay um you have no other ways to get to LA no way to get there no I don't well I do I have five million dollars in my checking account um but you know no I don't know actually why are you talking to me right now Todd you know you know all right it's kind of not really fun to really fly alone anyway you don't mind keeping me some company I'll take you to Santa Monica perfect this woman is a simp magnet holy [ __ ] being able to sniff these simps I'd like a [ __ ] predator it's disgusting chartering an airplane you would expect it to be in the range of two to three thousand dollars for a trip down to LA and she got it for free good well free and a [ __ ] but you know freeze free huh man I wish I would have taken her actually yeah there's a step right your aim okay you got a shoulder harness here how awesome she is certainly thrifty when I go to these extremes and people see this I think it annoys a lot of them but I don't care it saves money if you don't understand that I don't know how to speak to you no you see we understand it saves money what we don't understand is why you do it it's one thing to be wasteful with money I get that don't be wasteful it's another thing to just go off the rails feed cat food to your ex-husband and bum a plane ride but hey that's just me I think will never change her cheapskate ways because it's just been ingrained into her lifestyle for so long that that's the way she is and that's why we had a very very messy divorce and she made me give her that [ __ ] house I love her so much this is how millionaire cheapskates live Amy is a millionaire but she's still a cheapskate by the way I forgot to ask but can I get a ride home too oh yeah well guys that was frustrating to watch I hope you enjoyed if you did go and leave a like rating down below let me know you enjoyed the video and it helps out the video a whole bunch and if you have any thoughts ideas opinions really anything at all go ahead leave in the comments down below if you're new here and you thought wow this was alright and you want to see more just like it go and hit the subscribe button even hit the notification belt it'll let you know when I post now I don't know about you guys but I'm gonna go feed my roommate a tuna fish sandwich so I'll see you next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: Chris James
Views: 430,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Extreme Cheapskate Millionaire, extreme cheapskates reaction, cheapskate millionaire, tlc cringe, tlc show reaction, funny tlc clips, funny extreme cheapskates
Id: lE7OPotGNgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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