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all right crew mate come on whoa i don't believe it oh this is a different map no one knows how to play this game oh i think i remember this place oh bro this map i'm not built for this map bro i can't remember it that event okay that's a vent will's looking pale he's like a pale version of me going going gone okay i'm off oh um i'm sorry the game is not um it's i don't know why it's not full screen it's not my thing oh wait these lot can kill me andrew andrew andrew is randolph by the way if anyone wondering okay i can't kill bears he's a newly um he's just like his gender reveal man i can't kill him i can't do that to him i'm just gonna actually just do tasks i'm just gonna be boring boring among us about the monkeys among us to find the mothers among us among us i found among us some of you that have seen that meme warns now i'm doing everyone's alive fantastic wait what i thought this was the original map what is happening oh god i'm so lost play the first among us game in six months chris it'll be fine everything will make sense why why do i have to get on a new map that i've never played before oh well this was this was fun guys thanks thanks to everyone that said i was funny in the drunk hijungo anyone in here toby andrews in there ah no no no oh i don't know i'm here well oh not chris because it was nice to return i enjoyed i enjoyed my time in the spotlight thanks everybody hates chris chris i saw someone running away towards the hole was it toby it was so big i don't think it was me to be honest i'm never imposter it's literally impossible that's what impossible would say though isn't it what did they say would say would they say that i could verify simon's story terribly that's absolutely [Music] you simon i have done nothing except preach the truth i'm going i'm going to back him because he's with my friend for so long i backed him look oh oh oh josh oh no it's me you're a real one josh you're a real one as soon as i don't think so to be honest [Laughter] yes love that toby have some of that [Music] oh chris that's my first game as imposter in about two years and it's just [ __ ] [ __ ] this is my first game in about bro i didn't know we just started i thought we were still in the ship waiting to start the game i was waiting for the normal map to come up i spent the last hour memorizing the room so i actually know what i'm talking about i'll fix wiring let me just do some tasks let me stick with vic i trust will if i go back and he's dead someone killed him taking the obvious now are we all right lights are off oh oh use oh oh you can use the door you can use the door no all right use this next door here we go right someone's getting smashed up in here those in here is getting absolutely mashed no okay no one's in here okay no one's in here fair enough you know in here oh bro i'm going a long way around they're gonna just do all the tasks actually they won't because they're the sidemen [ __ ] this is a child's game and i'm i'm struggling if i feel a bit if you think i look rough and sound rough guys it's because i had a party yesterday a big gender reveal party i am hanging out my tight little [ __ ] oh there's a hulk can i use the whole why is the lights died oh i can vent but i'm not the bad guy how come i [ __ ] it what's around here is this a task i can do a [ __ ] task again i'm on this how do you do tasks we'll just stand still it has to be found all right what button do i press oh yeah go go oh oh right arrow arrow yeah ah waiting for the second user well somebody joined me i was getting that one slightly desperate play perhaps diverting from my body thank you toby andrew [ __ ] [ __ ] once he left the reactor because i think it's andrew though no no so so you didn't see the dead josh just sat on the on the reactor button randy wait josh joshua's there this is the direction yeah oh my god i've witnessed two killers have a howler there's no way no way [Laughter] [Music] my friends may this game be better than the last come on imposters you can do it we're back and we're ready to do it all over again oh no oh no oh no it's me oh i'm a scientist oh i can use the vents the game knows what it's doing it knows that i can only be a crewmate it knows how the [ __ ] do i do this task okay oh is that that's a task okay use i'm just a crewmate again so boring come on gods among us gods give me something different this is such a child's game isn't it such a child's game all right a little bit little better you absolutely if you're watching this because i literally hate you i thought you were friends man right well someone's already dead all right let's just uh it's just you know have a little walk about all right let's see if he's on my team we can just why is there nothing to do [Music] have i done insert keys i've done that i inserted it okay and oh brilliant wonderful this is [ __ ] easy it's not me oh oh double oh i've just found a dead body in the bottom left of the map i don't know what room that is because i spent the last hour studying the wrong map what corner was it bottom left i want to throw this out there by the way randy died almost instant like i ran down and he was already dead after you killed him eh you ran him down did you say i am a scientist i'm gonna hard vouch uh william me me oh william's safe ah thank you because me and him didn't leave that first room how does that mean you're safe no i actually did i went back up and saw them and they were there there was two kills so it'd be impossible me oh true i was there as well just saying no he wasn't [ __ ] off was [Music] wait so who are we suspecting right now uh toby i'd say bez stinks i think toby as well man i think toby no best just so you guys know whenever i accuse bez and it is him i'm dead the next round yeah randy died straight away so thanks will yeah something about you why is harold sucks to me harry always thank you too quick my friend leave the [ __ ] first room uh oh mate i don't have my bearings here i wish we could go about the other map i hate this map let's match things to puma okay here we go i'm about to gain simon's allowance alliance here there we go no [ __ ] oh [ __ ] up oh no i'm gonna have to lose him i have to lose him ah i got him got him [Music] simon just dudes me so simon's just due to me simon just oh my days that's i can't believe that's just happened to me everyone's still alive this is fine [Music] it's chris it's chris okay no no no right i have just found another body in pretty much the exact same place convenient i understand it looks bad i pulled up vitals two seconds ago and no one was dead you weren't sorry i could see who was alive two seconds ago and no one was dead see he's calling a self report on you saying you killed and reported into it i don't know chris would do that i feel like i was with him for a while and he didn't kill me wait how do you see that everyone's alive there's there's vitals chris so you can see who's up i think man doesn't what's this whole vital thing it's chris christie don't look good all right so so i was up with so i was up with will and harry and uh just [ __ ] with will for a little while trying to mess with his head and then uh came down and simon left i'll just give him i have a question for you simon yep why are you not bringing up the fact that howard vented in front of us i didn't see that what's your role harry are you one of those oh well it's the thing boys you you don't know about me i'm actually an engineer today i think it's i think it's i think it's josh and josh and simon you know you think it's true no i've been i've been judged the whole round or you toby i think it's between toby josh and simon i was literally with you alone in the [ __ ] thing surely someone saw something you saw let's see what you can do then simone little dweeb your days are numbered simon where's he gone was he gone right he's gone this way let me find him let me find him that little bastard is the other killer harry is it chris and harry [ __ ] i forgot a definite i heard vic so it is chris i know it's chris but i'll not tell anybody i'm going to stay the [ __ ] away from him stay away from me hobbit man listen but i'll tell you now yeah minter is getting munched up i'll be in that mint pack i'll leave me alone because there's minter pack why'd you say quickly there's [ __ ] off oh my god where's he going why is it so quick yeah there's no way bez can still find me communicate oh this looks [ __ ] hard nice performance from me there something quite special they would say ronaldinho-esque oh it's chris no i'm not gonna kill harry i don't know i all i want is simon i don't want the dub i just want simon's blood on my hands was that changing maybe it's jj you've been very quiet the whole time hasn't he oh my god chris very quiet ah it was pez i'm finding this body oh buddy okay oh so what happened there simone what's this location asl the location was the far left like middle-ish see anyone else there uh no all i know is will was in weapons at the bottom yeah the asteroids little tasks i left toby in the bottom right yeah i saw ethan and you running around a bit i thought ethan was following me yeah i was keeping an eye on my situation i lost him i lost him i spent the rest of the round trying to find him i was keeping an eye on the situation and then i was with josh and josh where the [ __ ] were you specimen yes it's not ryan i haven't seen will or chris the whole time i i honestly i think i only saw josh i was literally just walking into water i just been figuring out where to go yeah i think yeah yeah no that's not fair well chris where were you chris where were you at the end i genuinely so i was right at the top if anyone was at the top in the middle tell me because i was there listen to that i trust will i know it's not josh i'm pretty certain it's not simon yeah [ __ ] you harry who are you voting for other christians oh that's an imposter honestly oh oh there's a teammate we voted out your teammate that's all well [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] sake chris yeah [ __ ] you chris was it chris yeah yeah that's a that's a real shame that's a real shame [ __ ] sake chris hey where's simon going hey simon hey simon come here bro bears [ __ ] i'm gonna lose you again bro i'ma lose you again you don't want this to me i just i just want to chat what predict timer tech diamond i already have already already have oh i want to see this fail this would be gold how was it last time it didn't last too long yeah he didn't last long wait what what the hell oh no randy please [Music] you know the doors that closed in and out yeah with simon and will were in there together and you were there too i was trying to follies and then he's locked some doors i didn't want to get back and then you murdered him i didn't find the body i just checked vitals and saw that simon was dead this could be froby but i vouch will from the start you vouch from the start i don't like the fact that you've tagged that throwbee so [ __ ] you um i'm voting you now joshua it's definitely ethan wait why do you know why do you know where we're safe i never left the keys at the start because i didn't kill him he was two kills and then ethan did say who will he vote in the last round there's you might have [ __ ] yourself there bro nothing i'm sorry but you're about to find out top middle and i lost will with simon don't care about it you don't sound convinced enough about your own statement oh lord have i [ __ ] it are you praying for me oh no it was just toby and he's just been josh i'm not involved bastard chris you are poop i double clicked twice bro i literally only voted for them chris if anyone else was there please tell me guys chris i kept trying to go into the decontamination bit and then break out yeah you're so good at this game man it's unreal oh brother oh it's a dead thing for me it's me and wick started all right oh my goodness [Music] yes i'm innocent i'm an innocent man oh engineer i can use events cool what's this guys you know what they've said i'm gonna i have to be muted i'm gonna stay muted please just please let me survive just come on can i just live for a bit just checking out the views lad all right oh wait wait wait wait can you can everyone do that okay ethan must be an engineer all right hopefully i'll just gain an hour hopefully i just gained an ally and toby and chris i'm praying this person's dead no it's harold oh man we need to okay let's just get a nice casual kill find someone just on the complete edges i don't think i even need to shape your friend i'll keep that in the deal oh my god i'm dead i'm [ __ ] dead [ __ ] you [ __ ] yes i know how to do this one yeah yeah look at me go look at me go gang god's sake i struggled so much last time what do you do here what what is this what is this how do you i don't i don't know what to do with this i will [ __ ] that one that one doesn't make any sense i don't want to find a body oh sweet revenge huh [Music] i mean he's just dead now so it doesn't really matter all right simon stay your case what's up i was gonna play this round muted but i know i never can't so if you could report it that said nothing no i would have been voted out immediately would have it yeah i could confirm confirm can you write a case out no i literally found in the bottom left of the map that's enough for me oh really i know who it is from that alone oh we'll say it then well say it stars chasing after me and he came from that direction oh so no i think he's safe i saw him doing his tasks well that's what imposter would do affair all right yeah looks good to me i was doing mate you made that [ __ ] you know that thing when you've got to get the planet i couldn't find the hello which way did you go across the map to the top right down to the bottom right did a task in there josh was in there okay well why real quick walkway simon when [Laughter] you [Laughter] you know how weird that is what a danger to society wipes down that is so odd josh is way too onto me for this so let's keep an eye on which way he's going let's try and catch him around the other side here he's got to go i kind of i kind of shot myself a little bit all right oh i can't take him by myself here hello he could double kill him i think we might yeah double kill oh that's big that's big that's big that's big that's big honestly we could probably just win off the back of that well there's lenny just stood there what's he doing we're just doing other things man oh no i've got a victor next to me oh god i've got a vixx next to me randy's gotta get oh no oh no that's not looking good for me randy's finding him oh the doubler randy what are you doing left no i'll tell you exactly what i was doing you saw me at the top right i'll tell you guys what i saw yeah yeah i went down into the i went i went down i saw randy go down the security corridor i thought what's he up to so i went and followed him he was just come he came out of o2 he saw me ran back in and then he's reported the reason i i was going to not report originally because i was going to come back up to see because you were lingering around me so i was trying to see what were you doing um but then when i saw you come after me i thought i had to report before you reported but those bodies were dead on the same place whoever did it was it was in like in cahoots because i mean you know i'm not saying i'm gonna re-bring to everyone's attention that josh suspected vic at the start right yeah so i'm just bringing that back up yes um it's important that we get this right isn't it i i i ran away from him though that round i was like i'm not going near you because you're just gonna accuse me again of chasing you so i wasn't anywhere near [Laughter] so much so wait so chris and toby it's definitely not me or toby is what i'm saying yeah it's not it's not real it's definitely or it's toby and chris because they're together and it's okay well it's not me and and we chris both confused as to whether he was an engineer or not and then we realized that he got vic the only one that was near me but i i don't think he was willing harry but if it's a double skill if it was a double kill someone would be vouching for me oh true [ __ ] i'm voting [Music] well done [Music] what's the time on the meeting [Music] oh dear it's not looking so good we're just sabotaging about 10 seconds here right now we wait i want to get this kill man okay oh boy [Music] yes [Laughter] have you heard vic speak in previous rounds he couldn't stop talking no no he only speaks when he was verbal he had verbal yeah i was keeping quiet man the problem was that no no one was known as some vic apart from me so i was like this guy stays wait before we start the next game jj wipe down yeah really what like you've got [ __ ] balls no i don't wipe your [ __ ] onto the bottom of your balls i that's the same color bro this guy is [Music] [Laughter] i can't believe that was his question to get me out [Music]
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 6,525,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: R-3G_ahhCFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 33sec (1653 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 09 2022
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