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[Music] he's got a double oh my gosh no he's still there he's still there oh he's on that oh that's a good one holy crap holy crap oh God [Music] that's like two flat heads or 11 is under an hour well good morning you guys it's about five o'clock in the morning after the trip you're about to watch and you are in store for the craziest evening of Flathead fishing you've probably ever seen on YouTube and all its Glory here I am still half asleep as you can tell and uh my hands are all torn up I'm tired allergies are killing me but my gosh what a trip what a trip um first day it's actually two days first day bait and everything was a blast but gosh catfish were tough tough tough tough couldn't hardly catch one um so what else you gonna do but get up the next day and try it again and uh that's what we did here so uh stay tuned come along for adventure and uh sit back for this Diagon marathon it's about to get wild yeah one dollar come in with your one dollar smallest noodles right now all right we gonna see if we can't get some skip Jacks now cause I'm gonna be fishing the next few days we're gonna try to fill that sucker up right there launch skip Jack so I ain't gotta go catch bait so that's the goal right now and then we're gonna go fishing this evening too and my allergies are absolutely killing me so if I'm coughing and snotting and everything else that's why it's Springtime in East Tennessee and the pollen just went nuts there's a like a layer of orange pollen on my truck this morning when I got up and I was just like oh great there we go there's Skippy on this boat right up here I was coughing and spitting up stuff and just everything else it was brutal y'all brew and we got got mowing over here it's about to tear me up but we out here fishing that's what matters oh baby First cast First cast I don't know if we're gonna catch a limit I've got a lot of people wanting bait orders so we may just have to these jigs are all torn up from a little fishing I did yesterday at the Buddy went scouting on another River didn't find any stripers caught some skits though so this cooler lid does not like to stay open so I gotta figure out how to get that sucker to stay open so I don't have to keep opening it every day I got them time I catch a skip Jack so we're gonna redneck rig it that worked bingo I'm a genius a total genius the trash is closed but he can't all right let's see how many we can get I brought the Snoopy pole too because you guys like watching fish get caught on the crappy Walmart Snoopy pole so we may start throwing that guy here in a little bit because it's just plain old fun catching fish on that sucker I'm sitting on top of a Shoal right now up a river where these skip Jack are spawning and they'll sit on these Shoals like two feet of water right on top of them waiting for Bait fish to come by and spawning with each other making babies so that's what we're fishing it's about mid April there we go oh buddy I gotta double at least at least a double y'all I may start bending hooks out here in a little while because I used this yesterday oh got a reminder turn that sucker off oh he's coming two o'clock I had a late start for the day see how many of these hooks have been out [Music] turn that thing off it's gonna drive me nuts [Music] I just swallowed a bug [Music] it's not like crazy ah all right let's see if we can't get us one primarily we're gonna be targeting catfish this afternoon on some cut bait but we could look into a striper where I'm gonna go I'm gonna put the boat back on the trailer and go to another River but I'm just up here catch a Skippy oh we got that one we got that one a little doobly skip Jackie we got a front rolling in two this evening which tomorrow so we got overcast Sky's been Bloomberg for days strappers in the butt holes so I'm just not messing with them today watch me catch my cat bait though on accident chasing catfish I'll try to get me about a hundred skips golly missed him I bet I gotta been out hook we use them in the Okuma SRT inshore Premier rod and it's just a skipjack assassin guys I mean the skipjack assassin I mean I think I've caught I've had this thing for a week and a half two weeks two weeks probably two weeks and I bet I've caught 600 skipjack on it like no joke no joke me and my buddies [Music] it's just a beast Castle mile sturdy hasn't broken yet I would have broke two of them lightning rods Shakespeare ones from Walmart already doing this probably it's pretty heavy dude though so you bend out hooks real bad on these smaller jigs especially when you're using braid and catching this many so I'm gonna have to find a a replacement for these type of jigs I'm using they just bend out after a while so I don't know if you guys know any ones that are like stainless steel heavy duty I mean I could probably switch over to the saltwater Sabiki rigs those are pretty thick they just don't have any with me and they're such pain they get tangled on everything [Music] but I'd be popping every cast I ain't even having to let it sink today they're active so you missed it there's one we're gonna let them swim for a second soon and get a double there's a double if they hit it early in the retrieve I'll just let it swim for a second now the double came off um if you let it just let that skip Jack when they're initially freaking out in the beginning oftentimes another one will come up and hit it he hit the jig with barely any feathers on it [Music] but I think I think it's about time to be I think Snoopy pulling because it's so dang Funk see there's a double right there [Music] another arm golly my phone's gonna make me lose this double no I still got it oh come here double double all right let's do one more cast of this one and we're gonna do a little Snoopy pulling because it's so dang fun I got some 20 pound braid on this to a 20 pound fluoro liter and just some Marabou jigs here with a 1 8 ounce ones and then on the bottom I got a quarter ounce jig head with a a grub on it and then a couple split shot down there as well just so it'll cast right not tangle up in there I mean I'm getting in every cast I miss that guy we gotta do one more see if we can't get us another one here before we whip out the Snoopy Pole before we whip out those new people I don't think I cast it in the right spot there let's try it one more time let it sank a little bit what's going on fellas this one this one there we go gosh I think I'm bending my hooks have been out I caught a bunch of them on this yesterday with the Buddy he had a guide trip this morning and we load them up on some skippies and then did a little striper fishing on a river and didn't catch any had a couple swings from stripers but they're being real finicky so do we have a double here no just a real big guy that's a real big guy yeah my hooks are getting bent out all right let's let's try some big Snoopy pulling we throw this guy right behind the boat sometimes I'll come up and hit it on the surface there well let's try this Snoopy Snoop this thing the biggest piece of crap in the history of the world I put down a about a 400 combo there yeah probably 350 after line everything are we picking up our 20 one from Walmart let's see if we can catch them just the same with this if they aren't hitting this then I'm gonna switch back over to the other stuff because just trying to do this quick because I want to go catfishing know if I'm able to I'm getting this far enough over there honestly they ain't rocking with this people today try one more I don't think I'm getting it over there far enough [Laughter] [Music] to trash straight for three dude oh missed one just need to let it sink there we go Snoopy pole strikes the Snoopy pole strikes oh it's a big into oh gosh to make new people I don't know how this thing had broken yet just get like a solid two pounds of drag and it's literally a piece of crap but it's fine all right let it sink all right she on the bottom but then big skip Jack are fun to catch on it I mean they start peeling drag like a tarpon when you want something like this I didn't hit the spot on that one I did not hit the spot all right you kind of see the riffles in the water right here that's where the Shoal comes up and they're sitting like on top of her right behind us so I'm throwing a little bit up above it letting it sink down and then I'm just reeling it back most of them are a little bit further over that's why I'm having a hard time catching them on the Snoopy pole here we're gonna try one hour that way see if they're on this side I broke my other Nets we had to get this guy out and it sucks it's really shallow it's hard to get fish in but it's better than no net especially when you're by yourself right now I think I may have a friend coming later but I don't want to risk having a fish grip a a big guy by myself I could do it with other people a little bit less risky but by myself right now oh gosh I got so much drainage okay come on MC Skippy all right we're going back to the good stuff for a while we're gonna go back to the good stuff for a while see how many of these have been out basically all of them to a degree they're all begging been up but whatever they're like two dollars for a whole pack of them rather sink all right you got hit yeah it must not be holding my lip right this one right there maybe they don't want it sinking on this guy [Music] oh God little Munch in size snack size we're moving down just a little bit see if we can get some down here they're busting on little flies on the surface let's see them just squirt skippies about got my limit so we're about to go catfishing y'all about to go catfishing but first I think we're gonna pull out mini pole and catch a couple on that because it's fun and then we going catfish slash striper fishing on cut bait because I don't feel like pulling my skipjack around today but we still gonna fish nice overcast weather this is my favorite muggy it kind of sprinkled just a little bit [Music] just a little bit oh we on we on we on baby we on on the baby pole oh oh there's just a little one too oh it came on it's so hard to catch it on this rod so dang difficult to catch him I just gotta do it for fun it is not the ride for the job like you can barely even set the hook like the little ones are so hard to catch with it because they can't hardly set the hook themselves but if you get a big one to just slam it then you catch them but the little ones like I I can't hardly catch with it just the Big Daddy's come on come on oh there he is oh he's signed the crap out of it oh my gosh oh stay on here oh he's peeling some wine it's just a little guy too [Music] it's just a little guy doing little guy things like eight non-baby Pole or the Snoopy Bowl I guess we're gonna call it one of my first rods was like this size and it had Scooby-Doo on it and I called it the Snoopy Pole so this one has been named the Snoopy Pole drop come on eat that little jig look at him look at him right there trying to eat it you little buttholes okay oh man I had a I had a win I had a wind not had a wind not with no wind okay we let her sink let's see if we can get one to come eat it they all over the place yeah where y'all at oh there they are look at look at him right there let's see if we can get another one to do that hope you all can see them coming and swirling on it come on eat that sucker come on eat eat it eat it oh they right underneath it they right underneath it come on come on you know you want to eat that little jig yeah I don't like they're gonna let her sink to the bottom okay see on the bottom now I'll see if we can get a skipjack on her yeah the trick is letting her ski up to the bottom oh that was already it's a big daddy what do we got here we have a Mack Daddy oh Lord no I lost him dang it let's try it again we're gonna let her sink to the bottom that thing is to be the ticket all right see on the bottom now jig jig jig jig where you at come on eat this here grub oh I missed one dang it come on cool oh they're right under it they're right under oh look at him look at him they're right there right there come on eat her out the boat eat her out the boat come on come on come on right at the boat nope so fun so funny guys like a kid catching bluegill all right they hit it on the way down he hit it on the way down y'all I felt the pop in my line over lordy oh Lordy we got a horse and I think this may be a white bass he hit it on the drop this is a white bass for sure yep oh there's like three of them right behind him look look at all of them right behind him look look at that they're like three of his little buddies right behind him he's cool the white bass today is your lucky day sir you were not baked my GoPro strap came undone yeah hold on it's basically a GoPro GoPro bra the chest mounts okay I don't know what's okay there we go all right we got we're gonna do like two more cash y'all and then I'm gonna go try to catch a big fish more than likely a catfish on the cut bait but we could catch striper I'm gonna fish one of these big lay downs Downstream a little bit that I saw on the way up here all right we're on the bottom we are on the bottom all right we'll see ink all right this is our last cash show I promise promise we're gonna go try to catch a bacon come on come on come on oh there we go there we go there we go another white bass let's see if we can get his buddies to come up it's gonna come up you got any more buddies down there nope okay that's a good one look at that guy that's a good fish that's a good fish [Music] okay there's a dude from South Park would say all right I'm gonna stop filming I'm actually having a blast doing this so I'm gonna do it a little while longer um but I'll catch you guys back when I be big fish fishing because I'm gonna listen to some Zach Bryan and big chilling on the river for an hour or so and then we're gonna get to filming at Prime Time Big Fish time alrighty we'll see you okay someone let jealousy there's a big old skip Jake he's digging been peeling mine Blossom dang it ah gotta win not in this thing now all right okay that is the last one alrighty let's go let's see if we can catch a big and what do y'all think what do y'all think is it big in time I think it's bigger time ginger boys on the hunt for big catfishing stripers with his mustache that he wants to shave if he catches a 50-pound striper this spring that's the joke and the goal if we get a 50 pound striper I'm saving this mustache [Music] alrighty y'all so before I put the boat on the trailer we're gonna try to fish this big lay down it's a giant brush pile an outside Bend of the river Channel and it's about 20 23 feet deep under it maybe 25 and it's just tons and tons of Timber from where all this stuff Upstream just gets stuck right here so you can take a look at it there it is tons of tons of wood in the water there and it goes all the way down um and that's the channel marker right there so it goes out the deep water which is what you want like if you find this in like two feet of water not the greatest you find this in deep water on the outside Channel band it can be juicy so we gonna try to fish it here we're gonna have to run with some heavy drag on it and see if we can't pull a toad out from underneath it we ain't going to fish a ton of rods probably about six we're just going to fill up the t-bars and we're going to Anchor Fish it because that's all you can do with stuff like this and we're gonna try the big pull a big flat head or a blue cat out of that there's a plane taking off been downtown Knoxville right now and we're gonna see if we can catch a big catfish here that's what that's what I'm hoping for y'all that's what I'm hoping for so I'm gonna get this boat position and we're gonna start fishing how's that sound we're gonna throw our big old anchor out here finally got to get anchor I don't know how much of a current we have so I may have to back us up and I've got a Sabiki rig stuck in this so that's just great there's a little bit of current a little bit not the the most in the world but we're going to let out enough lines so that we can get just within lobbing distance of that because I don't want to be super far away from it I'm gonna have to horse these guys up out of it and we're gonna have to run pretty tight drag I think um to be able to land them so that should be enough right there are you just gonna cinch It Off and we're gonna see if I have to throw a second anchor I'm hoping not we made to pull the old Yeti bucket out and use it in a drift sock just to see another plane taking off [Music] okay so we're coming tight now let's see what happens all right she's tightening up back into the boat swinging around and we're gonna be right on this stuff lots of Timber right here lots of Timber right there so I'm just gonna stagger the baits out and then we'll probably eat one way out in the channel and see what happens we got good current it's keeping it straight I think I'll throw the bucket out anyways uh just to make sure we keep straight especially if a big boat comes by but I think this may work out I think this may work so get my water out of here paint salt in there live baiting for striper today maybe cut baiting for them but we ain't we ain't live baiting for him this thing's coming apart that sucker is coming apart okay you probably tie a better knot on that but we're in deep y'all hopefully we don't have to get another bucket come on may not even have enough to do the bucket trick the bucket tricks basically uh anchor sock the current hits the bucket and pulls it back into the boat straight and you ain't got to throw a second uh yeah you gotta throw a second anchor then but we may have to because it's very light flow it looks like very light flow [Music] okay well I mean it it's holding so let's get the fishing okay so type of rods we're using today are some Hellcat rods here let me clean my this off now we're looking you know how we looking can't tell maybe it's my glasses that are all foggy yeah that looks all right okay let me glasses are foggy so we got the hellcats here and we're using some new hooks that uh hooker's terminal tackle sent me to try out I'm not sponsored by them and if they suck I'm gonna tell you they suck I ain't got a clue yet they look really good and they're super crazy sharp he sent me a bunch of different kinds I got some a dots the Big Ten odds [Music] and it's similar to what I've been using except it's a little bit more heavy duty I've been a hook out on a giant fish a week ago in a video and uh my man's was like here try these out see you see if that don't happen again so we're gonna try it we got us 100 pound leader leading down to them and we got some with single hook rigs like this and then double hook Rigs and he sent me two different styles of hooks um these are like the double action kind and there's some standard circle hooks and we're using 10 knots I like the bigger hooks because let me throw them bigger baits and then sent me these floats just float the bait off the bottom a little rattle and I got a clue if it helps or not but I'm gonna throw them out there and see what happens I can't hurt catfish don't really care so that's that we don't have a ton of flow so we ain't got to use crazy heavy weights so we're gonna run six rods off the back here and then we'll be able to see what's up we've got mostly Okuma kamotos on all of them some of them are just random old reels I've got there's a Shimano it's a good reel too but I really like the komodos they've done me well for years and years in our Skippy poles out of the way here look we got the birds chirping trees are blooming I'm having allergy attacks but it's beautiful I'm having a good time we just gotta deal with the allergy somehow so I'm gonna finish getting all the rods rugged up and I'll be back with you in a second okay let's give some bait I caught a ton of them a bunch of them you guys need bait you can holler at me got my bait dealer license um fully legal they sell skipjack and I can ship them to the shipping is kind of expensive but if you want them I got them you can holler at me on the top knocks fishing Facebook page it's the best way to do it and I can ship them straight to your house packed on ice or a vacuum sealed Frozen packed on dry ice and they'll show up perfect ship some to California the other day and they showed up fully Frozen still so I got that down pat and uh I love catching skipjack so we're gonna make this guy a whole one we got bait busted right next to us so this is a double hook rig y'all um that's a filet bait and this is a I call a Mondo chunk right there and I've got two double hooks um for that that'll work on that and I need to get a dang bait knife again I keep forgetting to buy one before I go fishing I'm using my multi-tool here I mean it works but it's not ideal big head for that one and we'll make chunks out of these I'm not really going to use very many small baits because I don't want to catch a big guy we'll use a couple medium-sized chunks just to see if we ain't getting bit on big stuff I'll I'll size down but this makes the size of baits we're going to be using this little Smorgasbord here chilling with some tails okay I think that's going to do us on baits that little guy too she was alive I'd throw him back there alive this is my phone out the way so I don't break it because that's something I do get these guys out we're gonna be fishing tight drag we're gonna put these hooks to the test see if one they can hook up and two if they don't bend that's pretty important there's that most of these are the double action that the black rods have the traditional style circle hooks on them these right here the bin you could probably set or just let the fish set it one or two and I anticipate we will loosen junk here in the trees so yeah I could already feel that one and we I mean that drags tight we're rocking tight tight drag I'm gonna turn the clickers on too just so we can hear it if one takes off I'm kind of anticipating that the fish are going to come off this side because that's where the ledge is at but if they're really active or the flatheads are back up in there they'll come off this side but I ain't got a clue ain't got a clue put a head bait on this one and I always vary up the type of baits on everything when I'm casting each each Rod will have a different style bait than the one next to it most of the time unless I figure out hey they're all biting on this one type of thing okay that one seems to be in the clear right there we got tight tight drag tight drag we could catch a blue or a flathead here I really want to catch a flatty but I will be happy and thoroughly pleased with either one of them on this occasion this is a big double rig this is what I catch the majority of my very large fish on is this bait right here just like that letter sent and then see if the monster didn't want to come around heck you can catch Striker here too less likely but oh man that's in that was in the tree all right I'm gonna lay it right in front of it that drags tight very tight floaty boy here and I'm just gonna give this spot 30 minutes or so I think with a little smaller chunk because we got two big baits laying right next to each other this no scales on the tip we're trying to pull those fish up out of that with our scent rail that guy's in pretty close tight drag on that too and we ain't we ain't fooling around we're probably rocking 15 pounds of drag 18. on these guys because I'm going to test and see what these hooks are made of once I hook up I'll back it down and I get them I get them out of there I'll back the drag down a little bit [Music] but until then they staying tight and we're pulling them out big old Mondo chunk all right guys way up in it that was like locked down we're gonna back it off just a little bit you got to be careful locking it down too hard on cats and circle hooks because they'll rip it out of that corner of their mouth like the big ones I've had that we're just fighting them and fighting them forever and they get straight up and down at the boat and just bloop gone like they're ripping it out of the corner of their mouth and that happens I'm fairly confident so I always back the drag down when I get them close because that's when The Leverage is the most when it's straight up and down and that's tuned tends to be when the bad things happen so probably do that let's see our last one we got going out these are just traditional circle hooks [Music] look at that I already messed it up that would have been heartbreak okay this guy we're gonna throw out on the ledge a little bit okay just tight foreign [Music] and waiting this mineral Rod right here is already getting bit I saw the line go like that it's a fish pulling on it just slightly just slightly acting like a flathead we'll see that's what I want I like to pull a flathead out of here that would be cool this one right here that's a dink that is a dink dinkaroni come on don't tear up my good bait he's still there don't tear up my good bait you better take it down me tearing up my good bait y'all it's still he's still on I'm about to take that out of his mouth you quit that you're gonna Peck apart and I'm perfectly good here's something well there's Sturgis Simpsons start playing must have hit it with my backpack down there you quit pecking on my bait [Music] quit that right there is what I'm sitting on and you can see that brush pile is right on the ledge right here so I wouldn't see why big fish wouldn't be sitting in here right now cut the perfect live bait on the bottom Skippy so we're gonna real one of these guys in real quick throw this guy out before he dies anything before dang it come on Court leader but heck let's see what happens we never know never know unless you try stuff yeah they don't work whatever but it could work straight up through the mouth like that drop a live Skippy down there ain't got one clue if that'll get hit or not but daggummit it's in the lines then we're just gonna set her down there see what happens now be pretty dag I'm cool if one hit it that line jumping he's still alive he's still alive come on get eaten look at this y'all there's about 10 skipjack under this right underneath me trying to get him to hit these jigs [Music] [Applause] [Music] I mean I had 10 of them swirling it right at the boat I kid you not that's cool that was so cool and they were all Gigantor ones the black Rod right there on the T-Rex was getting hit too at the exact same time had some music rolling so I had to turn that off get copyright infringement and demonetized by YouTube [Music] yeah that looked like a it was a slow bend down it looks like a flathead so I don't know I'll keep the camera rolling just for a little bit longer see if the sides to pop back up [Music] I always had a skip job just skip Jack rod with me even if I'm not in skipjack Waters because you never know they could just start busting now no air and white bass or Bass coming up on Chad whatever then you got something to throw at them while you're sitting here chilling for a big bite it's all about having fun sometimes you don't get the big bite sometimes you do either way you gotta enjoy your time out here look at all of them look at all of them over there guys look at all them I'm about to get four on dang I had two of them come off two of them came off one of my favorite times of the year is right now because of this right here it is so fun catching these guys in white bass like every cast it like it is just an absolute blast and a half and there's my signal that gave this spot 45 minutes didn't have any big takedowns had like eight little nibbles that's it I had that one looked like a decent hit on that Rod but past that nothing big nothing big I'm gonna try a little bit deeper next there's a bluff wall Downstream just a little bit I think it's about 30 feet of water and I think there's some Timber down in it from what I remember my graph is still my transducer's still messed up so I can't scan it but I'm fairly confident that it is rather deep and there are some trees in it I did scan it like two years ago never have fished it though so I don't know that one's getting hit again it's acting like a flat head you guys acting just like a flathead [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we're gonna reel down on this see if anything's there nope they put it down I bet this bait is torn all the pieces though I bet it's torn up yeah look at that that looks like gar I don't know but they can have that one oh there's okay well because at least one of them was gar that other one looked oh that one's in the tree change your mind we're gonna fish this bag 30 foot hole right next to it we're gonna give her 30 minutes here snagging my foot up an anchor I do this thing I'm gonna give her about 30 minutes here see if we can get a catfish to bite looks like it's got a bunch of wood on it I ain't got any clue if it's there's any out deep or not yet but we'll find out that's exactly what I'm fishing this is a man just a 30-foot hole right here real quick drop off and then there's obviously a bunch of trees right there there's some rock I have no idea what's on the bottom but that's the topography I'm fishing Rod's All Out 30 minute timer here if nothing I am putting it on the truck and going down the river we got a fish swimming with a bait up there right now I'll fish swimming with a bait I think he's coming at me came off thank you rolled back into the back not ideal well I'm gonna throw it back out there 'll be geese and Ducks everywhere at this spot just on a channel Edge right now fishing about 36 feet of water or something like that get this guy back out there it is starting to get a dark y'all I'll try to get some video if I hook up but it may not be happening until tomorrow morning and I just got a massive wave of trash that's coming down here and getting all my lines so if I don't catch anything this evening I'm gonna be back at it at it early in the morning and there's fish that's hooked up on the double bait oh gosh I did not plan that I promise I did not plant that this is a catfish that is hilarious that is hilarious trying to film an outro and we hook up it's a blue cat I'm like 99 sure that's great rise the Sun starts to shed and all the big um oh wake boats are coming by me now we couldn't hook up in the middle of the day when it's pretty we can catch 5 billion skipjack though come on buddy she's on one of them big double baits and catfish being hungry lately they've been hungry oh baby look at this little guy little failure that hook got him good though got them good I mean right in the corner of the mouth gotta leave the amount of trash that just is getting in all my lines right now is unwielding oh come here come here old boy look at that hooks it not bad it's not bad I mean that dude was not going anywhere jeez there we go y'all he ate that double bait we'll bait back up and see if we catch another one look at that Sunset baby oh it's pretty gosh there's trash dug him everywhere though I mean everywhere can't really do nothing about it but throw my bait out and I ain't moving I don't feel like moving rather so we're just gonna toss her back out there and watch this sunset see if we can get another big fish on may still stay a little bit after dark but they call it I'm gonna get out here early in the morning tomorrow people can pick an early bite but look at that y'all look at this rainbow right there look at this I love this so much we got a rock going down back there oh you put it down this one right here oh I put it down dang it well it's by at least we're gonna start biting right at dark suckers that gummit that gum it I mean you guys you could not ask for a better Sunset I don't think like that is incredible just incredible well good morning you guys we are back in the water and I am in the same shirt again because I didn't do laundry and all my other stuff's dirty and I really didn't catch enough catfish to get this thing super dirty so we ended again today I'm gonna be like Jeremy Wade in that one video where he's got that shirt rotten off of him but uh got a little bit of late start there was a big front that rolled through and another one coming in here in a second but we are out here gonna chase some flathead catfish on a lake that's basically a submerged Forest when TVA flooded this Lake they just left all the timber standing and so there's just wood everywhere on the bottom and like 50 60 feet and 70. so it's like a flathead Paradise there's no current and we're going to start out where a creek Channel dumps into the main Channel it's like 50 feet deep and it drops into 70. and we're gonna anchor up right there on top of that see if we can catch any cats moving back in uh to the creek and then after that depending on what this front does We're Gonna Roll and um go back inside of a creek and see if we can pick up ones that are active back shallow feeding in like four or five feet of water so uh that's what my game plan is this morning before this front rolls through we got a bunch of fresh skip Jack Still from yesterday where I caught the crap out of them and we got this beautiful morning look at that front's rolling in from that way so we got a little bit of time here before it gets to us and we're going to try to pop us a pig real quick or some dinks I don't really care I'm just having fun this morning sold some bait early uh and I'm ready to catch him that gum fish by God we got hyped up listening to some Chris Stapleton on the way here and now we're gonna go catfish so let's go so here's what I'm rolling up on you can see that Creek now through a dumps in from 52 down to 60 plus right here it's just a big giant Creek and those fish will be out in this main Channel when they come to feed and become active they can move back up inside this Creek right here or if they can come up on this point right here and feed as well and we're going to Anchor up about right here and then scoot back to right here and then cast out at the tip of this point into the creek Channel and into the main Channel and it's shovel up Shallow too to see if we can run into any fish moving up that way and this just gives this area gives us a good place to fish a lot of different types of depths and uh a good area for fish to roam both blues flatheads and stripers this is a very good area for it Heck if I was a bass fisherman I'd fish this down deep so that's what that's what I'm gonna fish here this morning for a little while and hopefully I catch a big in her too we'll see all right we've got the old Pig sled double anchor because there's like no current here so got the can't remember anchor up front and the cinder block in the back now we're going to Fan cast up Shallow on top of the point where the creek mouth dumps in and where the tip of the point is main Channel ledge out in the middle of No Man's Land the main Channel and there's a bunch of trees out everywhere here so I'm probably gonna get snagged but a good place to catch a flathead the old Skippy uh the cooler decide to drain out of nowhere I guess a skip Jack had like sucked up next to the drain here and it didn't drain last night so that's just some goodness that's coming out well disgusting had my jacket laying on the floor too and I had to pick it up like really quickly so it didn't get all over it but we good it ain't covered in the sludge catfishing ain't the sport for the faint of heart for sure but we got us some fresh skippies here caught yesterday been on Ice all night and they're gonna be perfect for catching some big fish I'm gonna guess a couple big double rigs here I think I've got three total so we're gonna take a couple of these smaller skips we're gonna make them the big double rigs I'm gonna take a head from a bigger one I'll make it the the next Double I think these cats are gonna be pretty eating big baits too have lots of warm weather lately the water temps are warming up they're like mid 60s which is pretty high for this time of the year the bite was funky yesterday if you watched well I guess you did watch it because that's going to be a part of this video for cats at least where I was at so I've completely switched Lakes um completely switch the type of stuff I'm fishing a whole lot deeper now and then we're gonna go a whole lot shallower later one two three four five six seven eight eight a couple more now I'm throwing big spreads we're gonna do ten rods just to see what's going on a couple of these we're gonna cut the side off of them all these chunks to expose that uh that backbone there cut right into it I'm gonna get it all nice and nice and juicy for them nice juicy and of course we're going to start out with a double rig throwing them out we've got to do it to them we got to do it to them I'm still trying to wake up here I've been my schedule's been backwards I've been going to bed at like one or two a.m and getting up at like 10. I got up at six a.m this morning and I'm like dragging but I got to get my my sleep schedule changed so that I can get out here early especially during the summer months like gosh it gets hot so we're gonna take this hey I don't know I think I'm vibing with this guy right here we're gonna test these hookers terminal tackle hooks out today again ideally on larger fish than yesterday so all we can do is try though and we're just gonna beam them way back there some bait coming up over there on top of the point that's good okay so I'm gonna get the rest of these out and I'll show you the spread once it's done but it's probably going to take me a few minutes here to cast everything and that can get boring to watch sometimes so we're gonna get all these out we're gonna see if we can get on a hog or two here so I'll be back with y'all in a couple minutes or something like that I ain't even got all the rods out yet we got jet skiers but at least they being chill staying over there and not driving around me in a circle like some of the kids doing during the summer on these Lakes that'll make you go crazy alrighty guys before we uh get to the action for the catfish behind us hopefully we just got anchored up we could catch nothing I'm gonna go over a new sponsor we've got on the channel and uh the name of the company is Drifter jerky Co out of Texas okay so before I even did this video and decided to accept it I had him send me out several batches of the beef jerky to try and have all my friends try and I'm pretty picky with my beef jerky you know I eat a ton of it as you've seen on the channel me alone it's all the boys uh we all like to lift so we got to get the protein and and jerky is a great way to have a good source of food while you're out on the boat that's not bad for you so this is 100 made in the USA uh very very little uh ingredients in it it's basically beef and then some flavoring stuff and that's it essentially and uh it's not like your traditional Jack leeks beef jerky well that's not really traditional this is traditional beef jerky like this is legit stuff this is the hot version uh it's not super hot the original has got a little bit of spice to it but this one's a little bit more but it's literal beef jerky like there's no BS on it it's not like ground up and then repacked together into strips like most of the stuff you buy at the gas station like it's a piece of beef jerky that's been seasoned and dehydrated and it is absolutely delicious this is the spicy kind you can tell you've got all this pepper flakes and whatnot in there it's got garlic all the good stuff and it's it's delicious it's not it's not like the fake stuff you can tell when it's fake because it's super tender like if it's been ground up and uh who knows what's in it basically this is a piece of Dagon beef and that's what I'm about the pricing isn't bad of course it's going to be a little bit more than what you get at the gas station but it's 100 made in the USA it's a small business and it's a good thing to support and that's what I try to do here on the channel so if you want to try out some of this jerky there's a link in the description of the video below with the 10 coupon you can use on your order and they've got several different types of bags this is a three ounce I think they've got a six ounce and they've got two flavors original and then hot if you like it spicy like I do so give her a shot if you don't like it you don't like it but I literally had at least 10 buddies try this and every single one of them liked it even non-fishing people but me and the boys who eat beef jerky all the time we all love this stuff like it's delicious so give that a shot give you some fuel while you're out here fishing that's not junk food you gotta stay a little healthy and uh fill you to catch some big old catfish and stripers or whatever else you're fishing for but it's really good so I'm gonna get back to fishing here get my chair set up so I can watch the rods and we'll catch you here in a second go get you some beef jerky we in the the soccer mom chair here as the boys will call it kick back relaxing I'm probably going to give this spot about an hour I fished it one other time with my friend Brian and we hooked two monsters here and caught I think one other but we lost two no we caught two or three something like that I can't remember but we hooked like two big giant ones and they just pulled off one right at the boat after Brian fought it for a couple minutes and the other one after the takedown so we're gonna give her about an hour see if something will hit Trim Down for What [Music] all that space over there and they ain't got one rod holder on the dock or in the Rocks what a shame we got one right here that one's kind of snagged up though we had a bunch of barges coming by and uh pull this into it not barges not boats a couple wake boats and then giant Pontoon and some jet skis and it pushed me over a little bit and it pulled up that ledge into something I think but something's hitting that one awesome too huh just leave it there for a little while I guess the rain is now here just in time to move spots we're gonna switch spots now we're gonna go back inside of that Creek let's see if there's any in there I'm gonna get poured on we're gonna fish anyways though back in this Creek never fished back here before it's really shallow got some trees it's a little Chad flipping back in there we're just gonna Fan cast our baits all over the place back in here see if we can pick up some active fish back here we ought to know in 30 minutes or so if they're going to eat or not just because they're so it's so shallow it's probably seven feet or so it looks like not super muddy back in here which is what I really want some dark stained water so we may have to go to another Creek and see if we can find some muddy stuff because when I've been doing my shallow water fishing lately it seems like the muddy stuff is where you get bit the most up Shallow fish a little bit more comfortable and that stained water but you never know Mother Nature is angry we'll give it a little while but I'm thinking I might have to go find a place to pull the boat up and get out of this it's about to get bad here in a few I think it looks awfully flat heady in here the lightning needs to go away though oh we getting a hit right there on this one kind of looks like a dank Maybe she'll let him take it down take it down take it down take it down oh he's on there he's on there let's go get him let's go get them he's on there for sure oh yes he is on there whoa that's on oh this has got some weight this has some weight he's pulling the back end of the boat around man what a takedown geez it's gonna be a good fish y'all I mean he smacked the crap out of that oh he's in a tree down there he's in a tree get out of that tree oh he's pulled me into one I think I got him out okay I got him out yeah he's in all kinds of stuff down there all kinds of stuff y'all he's snagging up some of my back rods dragging them through trees because he's pulling the whole back into the boat forward he's coming at me now he's coming at me now all right we're straight up and down with him oh he's going for his back anchor go ahead flat head baby Flathead Creek 2.0 that's a mean looking dude that had Creed 2.0 there we go baby I got him look at that hook look at that hook heck yeah oh God I'm good man that thing's stuck in there [Music] got him not a giant but it's flat head yes sir these Waters he he bonked the crap out of it look at that guy heck yeah we got him right before that storm came in very nice look at that guy okay let's release it okay oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah let's release him we're gonna switch this switch this around junk color on my screen let this big old dude go all right we want one four times that size all right we go throw it back out there that fish is gonna make me throw out the last Rod I think he ate a chunk so we gonna throw out another chunk to catch a chunk hopefully he was all in some trees down there if we get a big gallon it's gonna be a fight and he was up Shallow over there on that bank look it's already on the bottom it's like two ounces of weight like it's it's just not deep at all in here so we're gonna want the Rock it's a pretty tight drag now because tail pile over there we're going in with a butt piece now the butthole chunk let's see if any flat heads are vibing with that you know what I'm saying that was a Nifty little takedown too it looked awful Flathead either way it was just sitting there with it for a little while and it finally the oinked her down well there's one up Shallow I mean there could be all kinds of Timber out here I have no idea I mean it's on the bank right here I have no clue what's underneath us but there's some Timber over there on the bottom because I got stuck in it and pulled them out so we rocking tight drag on these guys now we're gonna get them out of that we caught that Flathead and now it's raining it'd be pouring I'm gonna have to put the jacket back on I reckon zip up starting to thunder again so I don't know give it a little while longer here and then I'm gonna have to go find a short spot I think pull the boat up on working hiding under the trees guys it's pouring rain and we got a monster on I mean it took it down it was peeling line I had to come back in here and hide oh gosh I mean it's pouring y'all this thing just slammed it I was walking down the bank over that way and it just folded down out of the corner of my eye he's trying to he's swimming at us right now oh I just came tight with them just came tight with them he's trying to come to the surface he literally is swimming through all our lines oh my goodness whoa that was a monster head shake y'all monster head shake how's it going somehow I got him out of underneath all those lines look at him out there look at him you hear the thunder and the lightning in the background this is epic oh buddy holy I tried to keep the camera lens covered with my jacket so I don't I don't know if they got it or not that's a good blue oh it's p online it's pee online look at him look at him look at him peel on oh hey hey hey hey hey yeah yeah oh buddy peeling more line oh hey ah what a fight what a fight floor line oh gosh he's trying to pull me in the water this is a strong fish y'all I mean this drag is not loose either [Music] come on get up here I mean that fish fought like a 50 pounder goodness gracious goodness gracious come on get up on the bank here I mean we ain't have lines in the water five minutes I was trying to pull four line out I ain't got that ready no come here come here come here big dude oh man look at that hey hey all right holy crap all right that's a good fish I don't know how he didn't tangle up every single one of them rods but he didn't look at that sucker let's get this big bruise around the hook I mean I hook got him that hook got him it rains finally tapering off a little bit here looked we got one hooks oh that's a good fish that's a good fish okay well cat [Music] look at that look at that big old girl look at that heck yeah big old cat that's cool one more look one more look big fish oh we got a bite right there on one of those poles I got a bite right there come on you're free you're free get on out of here there she goes that fish thought y'all I mean thoughtfot in this shallow water heck yeah that's how we do it baby that's how we do it in the middle of the lightning storm okay I'm gonna throw that Rod back out now because I ain't got enough out bye guys we still got two that ain't thrown out in the water baby that sun's coming back out heck yeah he's way out there got a Drake and a hen Mallard that were from the storm with me I mean it got bad it was lightning the wind was going crazy it was done it probably dumped half an inch of rain in like 30 minutes and it was awful trying to get back up in here brutal brutal brutal but we got us a big catfish right in the middle of it well the timer is sprung at this spot we caught that one decent blue but I'm gonna go exploring on a new spot now that's closer to the ramp because we've got another giant front rolling in and I want to make sure I'm next to the ramp so I don't get caught in a lightning storm again because that was Mega 10 000 sketchy didn't film it because I was trying not to die but like it's pretty sketchy so we gonna reel all these in get close to the ramp and once it starts getting hairy again I'll be right at the ramp and we'll be done but we'll try to catch one or two more before the end of this video it's gonna be a long one because I did two days of filming big fish have kind of been a little bit of a pain in the butt skipjacking everything else for a blast right now though and uh I don't know we're just gonna keep fishing until we find them all right well we've made it to the back of this Creek I don't feel like throwing an anchor there's an island right here I'm just going to pull a boat up on it and uh throw a bunch of baits out we in bougieville though this is the side of the lake that has people on the other side's owned by TVA there aren't really any houses which I like better but this is closer to the ramp so we're gonna pull it up on this [Music] Island right here and then cast out everywhere I reckon Blue Heron back here I've never been back here before in my life so I don't have a a clue if there are catfish back in here not one single clue but we gonna fish it we're gonna do a little experimentation [Music] of a cheap boat there you go that's why and then you take the motor and trim it down and now it's anchored so I mean it's it's really shallow back in here like we're gonna be casting to 10 11 feet I may try to walk around the island a little bit and cast some out and put them in these rod holders I haven't really decided what or how I'm going to do this yet but that's what I'm fishing gonna get a couple rods out and then get to chilling we gotta do this quick because this front's rolling right now they're about to be so I bet we've got 30 or 40 minutes to fish before it starts to get bad and I've got a get out of here as quickly as possible it's about a four minute run to the ramp up the creek here so it's already starting to rain the cell's coming in I'm gonna get all these out and if I don't catch anything I'll see you back at the ramp if I do catch something I'll see here we got a fish on we got a fish on oh gosh ah he slammed it too I hope he's still on there oh gosh yeah he's on there he's on there he's on there guys oh doggy already hooked up I mean the rods Ain't Me On The Water five minutes again I'm telling y'all when they up if they come in here and they're shallow they're active if you put it on their head oh he's getting me in all these other lines yeah he's in this one already there's a black one has a bigger head shake that's gracious there's a bunch of drag look at this he's peeling it's starting to rain again that was quick y'all found a new Catfish spot just like that and we're casting out and eight feet of water Maybe Flathead another Flathead another Flathead baby yes he slammed it too like a blue I thought we were gonna have a blue cat but we've got a flathead heck yeah all right I'm gonna have to put him look at that thing down there buddy quit that come here I have to put him in this rod holder for a second gotta get this line in okay I've got two now he ate ahead look s oh that's Tangled all the hell and back we're gonna get him in real quick though luckily I only got one line it looks like yeah you just got one so what I'm going to do here is we're gonna pull them up to the bank run hook them take a little picture and then we're going to cut this one's line because that's going to be the easiest to get um untangled and I can just hide under these trees for a little while honestly that's a good fish it's how you catch a catfish on the lake you ain't ever been on before running around I keep trying we tried deep nothing shallow we got bit so I found some more shallow spots like where we got bit and we caught them that's the pattern now he made a royal mess you guys I mean a real mess it has a 20 pounder something like that we're gonna lay him on the boat just for a second here that's a good fish yo very nice we're gonna lay him there and then I'm gonna get uh untangled real quick so all the other stuff didn't get messed up somehow I have managed to get that at least partially undone goodness gracious he made a mess oh Lordy we got to lose some brain I think that's only some braid this slime coagulating he's back there chilling about to about to have to just cut this y'all trying not to lose about ten dollars with a braid here you know it's trying to not right there we may unfortunately be losing ten dollars a braid that's all right part of doing this there's a lot of bait back in this thing it's a bunch of shotgun shells around everywhere too so people been hunting birds back on this island makes sense it's like two feet of water on the back end it's probably where they Roost at or a loaf I don't know not the biggest bird Hunter yeah this is this is screwed we're just gonna have to pull it in unfortunately luckily we're not out in like 80 feet of water and cast it out a mile all right well maybe back with y'all in a second this one's getting hit right here look at this look at this that's on a big bait too that's on a big bait swimming off the left with it look at this look at this go down go down baby go down that's a big flat head that's a flathead that's one of those double baits y'all are you swimming with it got him got him I got him I got him I don't know how big he is but I got him that's a fish yes sir got us another one heck yeah got a flathead in the boat thunderstorm rolling in hey I think there's another flat not a big giant one but those little guys can still eat big baits oh it's freaking out out there coming at me real quick now this shallow water fish is fun y'all real fun oh we got oh we got yep another flat head another Flathead okay so that is on the actual single hook bait all right another Flathead very nice go ahead number two fire number two let's go get this double flat head unhooked oh my God he just tore me up so bad that is my blood god that hurt s that hurts so bad oh my gosh jeez that tore me right up y'all ouch big ouch anyway I'm gonna throw his head back out there foreign we're back in the game back in the game storm's coming in we gotta get a release video These Guys real quick I just dropped my phone in the water here which I use for my camera a lot of times on the tripod so if the audio sounds all gurgly that's why I mean the phone's waterproof so it'll be fine but the audio could be pretty crappy right now so I'm sorry if it is but we're gonna hold up the big and that little guy just tore me the heck up thank you oh big guy there we go look at that thing yes sir let's see if we can't that lining's a little poopy right there I've never thought about becoming a cameraman in my lifetime but doing this YouTube stuff you kind of do hold on I'm tall so we gotta raise this up one more one more oh yeah too far too far too far okay there we go okay okay there we go that is a beautiful fish y'all look at this guy he's a monster I'm getting bit right behind us right now oh Rod back there just got hit wow so cool so cool okay let's get a double picture right here [Applause] we go baby hey let's go Brian's calling me he gonna have to wait sorry Brian I'm hanging up on your butt we trying to release these flatheads you're gonna hit the get the be quiet button we're gonna let big guy number one go very nice put them down the water get on out of here dude get on that look you're free go get on out of here go he's just chilling all right let's release a little dude see if he he'll he'll spoke him back off to the dance all right little guy I'm gonna screw your big guy big guy still just chilling big guys still just chilling here let me go Let Me Go fool with him for a second what are you doing dude come on start swimming you were not out of the water that long gone buddy there he goes I just had to coerce him back into it he ghosting off now but that Rod right there in the center is getting hit out there you see it you see it that's another Flathead that is another flat head for sure yep look at that slow take down look at that you see it nibbling on it out there you can see it messing with it I think he's still on it yeah look at it that Rod tip's just jiggling I bet he's got that in his mouth so we're gonna try to we're gonna try to reel down on it here let me try to reel down on it yeah look yep there it goes here it goes that's on oh he's peeling line oh pee online he's on that's triple Flathead baby this is a little bit bigger he's coming at me come on he's going he's trying to get these other lines I think I just got him underneath that is a good fish this is a good fish y'all oh buddy still just coming right at me coming right at me no it's like a five pound Flathead but man he's pissed off that's triple Flathead basically nice come on yeah we eventually gonna lock into about a 50 60 pounder back here look this one getting hit that one right there just got hit all right I got this one in there's another one that's a triple flat head baby triple Flathead beautiful look at this guy oh yeah love it love it love it I'm about to have a quadruple that green one right there keeps tightening up going slightly see look there it is there it is that may be a smaller fish um but here's this guy here's me there's another fishing line we're gonna let him go see buddy all right we'll keep this rolling we're just a little while longer here now look he's still trying to figure out where to go but that was a fish on that one right there one thousand and ten percent okay I'm gonna try to get a bait back out yeah I'm thinking that's a channel cat or something smaller Turtle because it's just danking at it this flat heads I mean it's just like constant pressure as you saw like they'll be like this but they don't this one just got hit right here I went to the left got hit I think we've got a school of fish moving in and out here right now throw this back out there all right that one's back in the game yep look at this one right here that's getting danked on now that's a smaller fish though smaller fish this one right here is trying to go down though now put it down look at this that one's getting hit got a big storm rolling in this is this is what I was hoping for an activity period right as these storms are rolling and out okay I'm running low on battery on my phone here so I'm gonna have to turn it off for a second until we get one on because now my phone's wet it's not going to charge for the port and I don't have a wireless charger with me or in my truck so back in a second this one's still getting danked on I'm about to reel down on it is that one getting hit now four rods are getting hit back here crazy I'm about to reel down on this one he's either going to tear my bait apart or get hooked up one or two ah came off as a little guy you just pulled the bait off like a two pound fish he's there for a second he had in his mouth to try it had half of it this smells it won't let go but no slime on it could have been anything man well we'll throw another chunk back out there for him storms kind of hold off a little bit money man I'm in the middle dang day catching all these flyheads on cat bait Springtime baby spring time okay well we'll be back I'm a glutton for punishment so I'm gonna walk down this way see if I can throw this thing out I don't know that I'm going to be able to though there's not really any room down here I mean I could just take my boots off and just wait out there these are just them short boots the shorty shawties the shot in nine thousands last time I was over here trying to do this Rod went down with a big one how the hell am I going to cast this yeah we're gonna have to do it I reckon well how am I gonna do this I really don't want to take the get all muddy we're gonna do a side side thingy here I got it out there pretty good how about all right well we got all the rods out [Music] I mean it's not I want my boots doing this yet it can still happen could still very easily happen actually so I don't know oh look I got caught around a tree okay we're good now and the rod holder all right we're gonna give this they're 30 45 minutes and I'm gonna have to head on I got stuff to do this evening with my friends we got one up top right there getting hit just been walking around this little island there's much shotgun shells everywhere from Duck Hunters makes sense it's a 12 gauge metal not lead definitely that comes these are getting danked on I mean there's bait popping up all over the place I bet if I stayed out here the rest of night I catch 10 or 15 more flatheads but going out with some friends tonight have some dinner and a couple brewskis and I'll just have to wait for me for tomorrow I guess here comes the front oh about time to get out of here right here it's about to go down that looks a little better see how slow it is it's not like pecking at it yeah watch he's swimming off to oh he put no that's gonna be another Flathead this rain's coming in foreign for sure I don't know how big a one it is got him got him I think just no I thought it came off he's just coming at me go ahead number four I think if this turns out to be a flathead there's some drag oh God oh goodness he's pulling it's definitely gotta be a flat holy that came out of my arm it slipped the back the drag down holy crap these things are po or goodness gracious another flat another flat head number four look at the colors on this one wow wow the colors on this guy are phenomenal look at this dude he's trying to get the motor I barely got him whisper hooks I'm gonna try not to lose him here he ate a head bait here's number four in this spot in 30 minutes 45. I mean I barely got him whisker hooked barely got him whisker hooks heck yeah got him and that's what happens on some of these big fish you'll whisker hook them like that and they'll fight so hard that they just pull they'll just rip that out like I just did right there okay let's get them back on the boat for a second okay all right another head they are on these head baits that one's 15 close to 20. before flatheads in one spot right here Wild absolutely Wild we're gonna throw this out now hood off it's still raining and I do got to go in a little bit but I don't want to foreign [Music] all over the place back in there let's let's give us a little release video this Bruiser up there let's pick this sucker up what do you think another mean one heck yes I love it I love it I love it another one let's let them go come on go that way that's so cool that's so cool right here right here that's gonna be a good one that's gonna be a good one look how slow that is look at that look at that look at that oh no I put it down no no dang it no no he's still there he's still there oh he's on that oh that's a good one holy crap holy crap I got him I got him oh my God Flathead number five oh these are big head shakes oh my gosh this is big I think this is the biggest one of the day oh my gosh holy crap y'all I love this yes sir oh my gosh this has got anything flat I mean he took that down he's running left or right again they're coming around this island oh my gosh yo my GoPro just died and my phone's about to die I hope that got that hook up for that fish on camera oh my gosh we got another big flat head on we gonna run this until it dies we're gonna run it till it dies and or until my phone falls over oh my goodness oh my goodness we got another two looking like they're trying to go down yep oh gosh right here I've got one I've got a big big one on this one right here look at this he's swimming with it oh there's no doubles there's another double oh my gosh this is insane all right I got a good hook in that one we're just gonna have to let them swim holy crap oh my gosh look at this y'all this is a big one holy I mean this guy's big this guy's probably 30 plus pounds this is insane this is just insane oh my gosh this is insane holy crap holy crap huh look at this one oh my gosh holy crap ah and we got another one on right back over there good Lord all right we gotta release this one we gotta release this one go catch another one see you later big Bruiser get on out of here get on out of here come on all right I've turned the camera off I've turned the camera off right now because I don't know if my phone's gonna die or not hold on all right we got that one saved now we can come back out here try to catch this fish holy crap it's Flathead City oh there he is foreign this one this one ain't as big as the other one but holy crap we hooked up with enough I think this is seven flatheads in under an hour oh gosh he just killed someone oh gosh this has got to be another good one oh my gosh this is insane another flat head whoa holy crap this one's 20 pounds too holy crap he swam up underneath the motor I got him back out though oh my gosh this is insane [Music] see if we can get this in oh my gosh oh my gosh holy crap holy another one this is nuts what the heck they're all big oh my gosh look at this one this is insane insane oh here's that one this is the most epic Flathead video you're ever gonna watch on on YouTube like there's seven or eight of them in 45 minutes in 45 minutes see you dude go on go on buddy oh my gosh well this phone's about to die my GoPro is that I'm out of batteries if this is all you get from me I've had just the most insane day of Flathead fishing just the last hour it's just nuts and it's getting better and better and I gotta go dang it oh man I guarantee you we're gonna be back we're going to be back tomorrow the next day 100 for sure let's go all right you want to see some more of this crazy stuff hit that like And subscribe button I'll catch you in the next video guys we're hooked up right here hooked up right here and that's a big one he's tearing line we're gonna leave the camera going if it dies it dies if it dies it dies but that's a big one right there oh my goodness holy crap this is just nuts foreign this is nuts this is nuts oh shoot I'm gonna have to go get him he's swimming me out there into a tree oh God this is crazy oh my gosh oh my gosh this is nut s he's got a branch on it oh my gosh this is crazy there's another fish another fish okay not as big as that other one a second ago but there's this is another double oh my gosh this is crazy this is crazy we're gonna just have to lay him right there look at this this one's swimming all the way over here see if we can get them I got him oh he's in all three of these other lines though we didn't no he didn't no he didn't oh my God this is nuts this is nuts oh my gosh this is just insane gosh oh my gosh oh buddy look at this one this is the craziest look at this oh no it's all messed up dang it no no I don't know when it did that I'm sorry you guys if that messed up but look there's one right there and then there's one over here I think though the water um droplets hit it this is insane look at this holy crap all right hold on all right foreign I'll come back y'all I'm coming holy holy moly that's like 10 flat heads or 11 in under an hour holy excuse my French it's just nuts this is just nuts this is the craziest Flathead video ever ever foreign okay that phone's gotta be about to die but there's another one there's another one this is just this is just unreal unreal you guys unreal we're gonna let this one go too I just released 200 plus pounds of flatheads in under an hour holy crap
Channel: Top Knox Fishing
Views: 370,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top knox fishing, catfish, catfishing, blue catfish, flathead catfish, fish, fishing, how to catch catfish, skipjack herring, skipjack, tennessee river, river fishing, how to catch blue catfish, kayak catfish, catfish dave, catfish and carp, insanely deep, deep, deep catfish, monster catfish, hagen grubbs fishing, big cat fever rods, multbar, accident, blooper, richard gene the fishing machine, river certified, striper, striped bass, bass fishing, lake fishing, fishing videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 7sec (7687 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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