Chasing Urban Giants Across New York! Catch Clean & Cook

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over the last 400 years it has seen countless streams both crushed and realized locals speak on it with a reverence that's borderline religious and in America it has more history than anywhere with all that being said in my industry I don't think this place gets enough notoriety fishing in New York is something that I've wanted to do for over a decade and after this trip I can say with conviction that I will most certainly be back Hungry Fish delicious food and intriguing individuals are just a few of the things that I experienced on this adventure join us as we Chase Giants through New York's legendary fishing grounds up big one boy big one [Music] hey what's going on guys Welcome to New York now I really didn't expect I'd be fishing up here this year but I just got invited on this epic trip and after I heard the stories I knew I had to get up here I'm now looking to meet up with our boy you guys are probably going to recognize them let's go see if we can find them [Music] hello sir do you know anything about fishing hey I'm ready finally dude you even got the travel Rod what's up man rich and I hopped in an Uber and we had about an hour ride to Farmingdale New York this little town in the middle of Long Island where we would be staying Rich you're the only guy I know that has fishing rods at the hotel and waiting for you when we check in here and he's tackle baby yeah Josh Josh hooked it up what else did he give you he gave you a whole goody bag I didn't get anything dude look at that you let me hold it you can have that one oh man I don't I don't think I deserve this Anna Saragosa that's great only the finest here New York wow yeah you guys know there's just something about the skyline out here just incredible it's a city that never sleeps if you will what is it what is that place is that is that a local swamp Floor and Decor what do they do over there um if you can't tell I'm being sarcastic we just got some dinner it's about 11 o'clock now I think yeah about 11. we got to be up at like 3 45 top in the truck and then ride all the way to where the boat's gonna be hopefully be to the dock by 4 30 a.m so don't get much sleep on these trips we're getting all the cameras all the fishing gear ready and man I'm excited it's looking like it's gonna be a little bit rough in the morning but we'll see what happens I'll see you guys in the morning good morning everyone it is bright and early right around 5 30 a.m I swear it gets light here earlier you ready to go Rich ready and this is Matt he's gonna be professionally filming this trip so the video if you mix is probably gonna be a lot better from the video that I make but I'm gonna I'm gonna aspire to be as good as the video that he makes unfair Advantage though he gets to be filming the whole time I have to try and film and fish so we'll see we'll see how that turns out [Music] so day the wind is ripping we're not going to be able to make it offshore so we actually get to fish for some species that I have never fished for in my entire life the goal is going to be to try and find some weak weak fish which I believe are like a cool looking speckled trout that they get a lot bigger and then possibly also some fluke which most of you guys would know as a flounder are they the same species Rich are they different you know they're they consider them summer flounder up here but like down in your neck of the woods they they call yours a southern flounder we made it we're only five or ten minutes late and that was on me because I could not read a GPS directions properly but we have Nate the editor-in-chief for saltwater Sportsman you guys might recognize them from the Panama video we did in a Tropic star Lodge he is giving us the proper New York treatment and helping us out with some fresh Bagels this morning I'm starving so that is great and we are on this beautiful 31 foot sailfish with sailfish boats is allowing us to use on this trip today and we're gonna go over some of the details of the boat throughout the day and I'm excited to learn about it fish on it and see what it's all about foreign [Music] so we are in June right now and it's still a little chilly out here so we're riding out covered up in all our rain gear but it is a beautiful morning Bluebird Skies definitely gonna warm up um and man I'm excited I've never fished in an area like this or fish for these species so it's all going to be a cool learning experience I don't know why hello I think works better so we are fishing for weak fish right now which kind of look like a speckled trout have a little half ounce spro jig just like a Bucktail jig we also added a tail to it we added some gulp to it and these are like little soft Plastics but they're really sponges and they hold all of this scent and for a lot of species speckled trout I know love Gulp and I'm assuming these will act very similarly to a speckled trout see what we can do we'll also see if I can not back backlash on the First cast of the day a lot of these fish are holding on the bottom from what I know you know a real slow retrieve kind of keep it on that bottom pop it every now and then bring it up so last week Nate was fishing these Waters and he had a day where they were catching double-digit weak fish they were catching fish or at least getting a bite almost every drop we started to Mark some fish on the Garmin and it seemed like it was going to work out in our favor it seemed like these fish were going to be there very similar pattern to what Nate had seen yeah but like any fishing trip you never really know what to expect hey we are back at it I'm gonna cast out see what we can get honestly gonna take anything that we can get any species but um overall the goal is definitely some weak fish maybe some pluke we'll see what we can get there we go we are tight real subtle bite real subtle bite digging whoa baitcaster boy thank you put your knee up on look at that fluke you got the net yep Beauty get his head around there we go that's beautiful oh man all right they're starting to bite that's a nice clue that's a stud I want to stay with him while he's hooked up and I'll get on the flute for sure we'll get him out untangled all right well is that a blue that's a week isn't it [Music] what you you want to deal with it yeah for sure that thing so that is a beautiful fluke my first one ever I definitely caught the southern flounder before but this is a stud I mean this might actually be bigger than any flounder I've ever caught before beautiful fish and these are great eating too actually gonna let this one go today let him lift to swim another day and be caught by another angler but look at those teeth that is such an interesting looking fish they sit on the bottom kind of wait to Ambush prey kind of blending in because they're so flat so you guys see this side it's all colored all camouflaged and then this side this white side is going to sit on the bottom that never sees the light of day because he's just kind of chilling they got two fillets on each side man it's crazy looking fish with eyes on the both eyes on the same side I'm gonna hold on to the tail he was ready to go that was sick don't leave me hanging guide me to my first uh first fluke ever we have a nice dropping my uh baitcaster oh I almost did how many blue fish in the boat two three two or three blue fish in the boat a couple released with their eyes at the boat quick release um couple flu cooked still waiting for that right bite [Music] thank you might be a week [Music] foreign there we go sorry boys I'm sure you wanted to see that one on camera videos I love watching fluke yep nice Loop too nice one everybody go to that yeah come on all right so we got that one fluke in the boat a couple smaller blue fish as well but we're waiting for that tide to really pick up start moving hopefully we can pick up the weak fish that we've been looking for then just grab it you've got to set the hook and then it's just not there see it a lot different Fisheries we're official just short strike something they'll literally just grab the end of it so you feel that tension you think it's got it all the way and you set the hook but Lure fishing you're never really going to let them eat it anyway so you're just gonna have that sometimes where you get a bike you said the hug and nothing's there just gotta be reminded you know you're in the right area you fishing it hard wait for the wait to get that right bite so I brought zero light gear on this trip so I was borrowing one of Nate's rods and reels and I typically fish my bait caster with the handle on the left side and it wasn't the most comfortable thing throughout the day that's literally one of the reasons why I think this happened where the rod got ripped out of my hands on that fluke but by the end of the day I was pretty much used to it and I think that's true for most people if you just stick it out with the opposite side rod and reel you'll be able to figure it out after a couple hours of fishing just like right along the edge of it no oh there's a fluke there we go yeah for sure oh big big son big heavy fish oh son I'm making my way to the left a little bit here we go Oh in the boat cool that is the third flute that we got up to the boat beautiful fish man they've all been bigger fish the Tide's real slack so there's not much current out here and we're literally talking how sometimes you find some bigger fish on the slack tie it sounds like the bigger lazier fish are like we're gonna chew and then once that tide starts moving you get more numbers but may not be as quality but that's a healthy fish this is big for in short right I mean it's it's a it's a solid fish yeah you know you'll get bigger fish you know but I mean you could I mean we've had a great day already we've got three fish that size yeah that's uh that's a great day absolutely it's sick and Nate's actually going to take this one home and eat it because these things are absolutely delicious so this is my first impression with this boat where it on a 31-2 sailfish seems like it can do a little bit of everything I literally was just hanging out here earlier hanging out here earlier extra comfortable seating and then we want to get fishing again just hold the way I've never seen that on a boat before and it's been really comfortable to walk around the boat we have a cameraman we have three Anglers um we have a lot of people on the boat writing a lot of stuff but there's been a really wide beam and it's been laid out really nice and easy to use I'm no boat expert though and we actually do have a boat expert on the boat today so I'm going to bring you guys over to uh Dennis and he's going to explain some of the features of this sailfish boat and kind of How It's been running so this is Denny I noticed when we were running earlier that uh the spray from the boat was kind of just like kicking out so is it like the whole design that does that or what what is it that like it was causing that yeah such a number of things this unique call that we labeled as a VDS Hull which is a variable degree step tall variable degree step tall yeah and most people on a step toe they think of its step from the bow to the stern trying to see those like notches so ours is a step from the center line out to the chine okay so you have a 24 23-22 dead rise and it's those are like the degrees of Dead Rising okay and it's constantly changing every inch so it's like a seagull Wing so what you were seeing like like kind of like an arc like yeah and then the Chimes are hard turn down shines Okay negative degree angles so what you're seeing is that water when it comes through and slices it it just sneezes it out it doesn't let it go up yeah and if there's any water coming up beside the hull we have a spray rail around there that turns it right back down so all the waters man is going out and that's that's very unique whole design to this boat you don't really see that on other boats correct selfish it's been super super comfortable and there's been some cool stuff like so Denny was showing me right here on the front of the boat the whole layout of the dash is really really nice so the garmins look really cool you don't have to stick your hands in the steering wheel to touch any buttons you've got all this yeah and one nice thing is a safety feature too yeah so when you're running you can work the tabs without letting go without letting go the steering wheel or not letting go this other people have tabs here they have tabs them here got buttons that's engineered with actual use in mind not engineered just to be cute right and safety so the ergonomics of the dash yeah is one so we're gonna keep fishing on this boat we're gonna do a bunch of different things on it it's been really really cool but if you guys are interested in learning more about this sailfish boat I I will have everything linked down in the description below and you guys can check it out man I don't know what this is see come on up fish what we got oh I see Robin does that count as part of the slam rich no Mike do I touch these things or not touch these things I think so I've definitely caught fish that looked like this but I don't think I see Robin really whoa I think this is negative points isn't it I think it's a pretty crazy looking fish so look at those fins man that is wild that thing's Ready To Fly Away um damn pop that on the bottom that's another species off another new species for me this trip all sorts of new stuff I'm definitely the most inexperienced out of everyone on the boat when it comes to all these fish up here but pretty cool man I feel like that head is going to be rock hard it is as rock rock hard so let me go [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] one of the things that I loved about coming up here is seeing the history of it because here other areas in the United States don't have as much history behind them where I mean we're in Young Nation as it is but when you come up and see all of these historical landmarks like that Lighthouse has probably been there for 200-ish years um Nate was saying that's actually where the inlet used to be and you can see a lot of this habitat has been preserved a lot of this is very natural this Barrier island that I'm flying the drone over you can't even drive a car on the people that live on it have golf carts they get out to it by a ferry it's just a very unique area and it's a fishy area because Nate is hooked up again either whoa look at that species does that count the slam Ridge so we kept on fishing and we were picking fish here and there we were getting a bite maybe every 30 minutes two bites every hour or so so it wasn't red hot but there was definitely enough action to keep us entertained and keep keep us chasing these fish really seemed like it was only fluke as you guys can see I'm looking pretty comfy and the novel s apparel hoodie that I'm wearing bamboo clothing that I've been wearing for over two years as you guys know you can save with my code flashing on the screen just save you a little bit of money look at this juicy release too Matt was doing a great job with the slo-mo shots on this trip honestly it's really cool to have a professional videographer document the trip for you because I can only do so much when I'm trying to fish and film at the same time and he's able to get things that I would never ever get [Music] just pick my rod up out of the rod holder and there was a fish on there I was like oh jokingly saying that the rod holder is going to hook me a fish and it literally just did and we have another fluke I'll pull them in that was not our best work but we'll get we'll get better we need to fish together more often if you look closely you can see all of these spots that just mimic you know the speckled bottom that he's living on [Music] with a full day of fishing scheduled for the next day and multiple thunderstorms rolling in we decided it was in our best interest to head back in and get prepared for day two the plan is right now I'm gonna try and go to a local restaurant and have them prepare a fluke that we caught today and capped um don't know if that's gonna pan out but hopefully that does I'm gonna try and video a little bit of that for you guys and tomorrow the plan is to try and maybe get offshore targets and big Tunas and also Target some giant stripers because there are some giant striped bass so stay tuned still a lot of action that has to happen gentlemen cheers here's the weakness guarantee you so I don't like this first one he called it correct and what did he say it was rich I don't remember come on man I don't remember it kind of tastes like Ceviche yeah but that was like that was literally wow the lights and everything that's amazing good food right that is beautiful assistant a Sashimi preparation and then we also have deep fried with sweet and sour sauce on it this is incredible wow [Music] the first Wasabi for you what do you guys think so far of the food amazing all right it's unbelievable delicious that was like uh like semi-raw thin refutation literally never had fresh Wasabi in my life you guys have to try fresh Wasabi if you're gonna actually get it wonderful honestly I don't know what else you could ask for this is the one heck of a male Frozen and a whole bottle of sake yeah I don't know so there is literally no fish left at all that fluke was absolutely phenomenal great presentation here we are going to pack it up and get some rest and then I will see you guys in the morning because tomorrow there are going to be some giant fish that we're going to be chasing see you guys there good morning we are loaded up in the truck um we've already gotten lost in Long Island what one or two times Rich yeah once or twice I think we're already six minutes past the time we're supposed to be there so hopefully we get there soon and the boat does not leave us [Music] so we made it I said that they might leave us they did not leave us so we're good to go even though we were 15 minutes late with Captain John McMurray I said that right right yep you got it you're gonna put us on some big fish today right I'm gonna do my best I can see it he's ready to go he's serious too so I'm gonna crack that hard shell eventually throughout the end of the day appreciate it John [Applause] [Music] so the weather didn't look promising so unfortunately tuna was off the table for this trip that meant we were chasing stripers and that also meant we're looking for Bunker schools we're gonna snag these Bait fish and hopefully catch some striped bass but first we gotta find them [Music] did but we just ran I don't know how far it was like 30 45 minutes get a little bit of spray definitely the ocean is not happy with us right now but so we finally find a school which wasn't very big and didn't even show up on camera but I casted out this treble hook basically a snatch hook and snagged a bunker unfortunately it didn't seem to feel completely whole when I snagged it ah [Music] well I did have a bunker the uh the Bluefish stole them off of my hook all right I'm gonna rig up circle hook 7-0 inline BKK it's heavy circles use a great hookup ratio on these guys well just got the sailfish all bloody no rails over there we go fish on fish on this fish even though it's hooked yet let's see it's a dog fish what is that okay uh-huh there it is if I could just pop that hook out here hell yeah so we tried to bump from bunker school to Bunker school but man it was tough we just weren't seeing all that much the conditions weren't ideal to find them and they just weren't really schooled up in the big schools that Captain McMurray had been seeing finally we come up on a big school after a couple hours of looking we snag a ton of these things now there weren't any striped bass actually feeding in this school so we decided that we're gonna load up on these things fill the Live Well up and then head to a spot where Captain McMurray knew there was going to be some striped bass hanging out [Applause] foreign [Music] that Kat McMurray took us to was super interesting in the time of Ellis Island this island was actually used as a quarantine area for people that were just too sick to make it and you know a bunch of people definitely did not make it so this island might be more of a graveyard than anything else all right so we pulled in here to this island smells like all the birds have been living on it for a long time I'm gonna throw this up against the Rocks throw this plug up against the rocks and see what happens you can go on my right you'll probably be able to get a better cast oh on me that was a fish come on come on come on we'll get him with the live bait he popped it good though oh fish oh oh oh come on get it get it get it oh my god get it oh my God none of those fish there's a bunch of them the top water didn't get any more follow so I decided it was time to try a live bait okay I'm gonna take this live bunker oh yeah he is Lively we are going to hook them all the BKK circle hook [Music] fling him out there getting eaten I think he's got it I think he's got it there we go and Ryan's on it or that's a big one let's go choked it pitch it up in there felt the fish chasing it and I saw a little fish but we'll pick this up it's not a little fish oh buddy that was cool did you feel the bait just absolutely freaking out and then suddenly boom it's solid you could feel you could feel the weight behind what's going on look at that I want to put too much pressure on this fish wow there's some power behind this one there's some power behind this one coming down I did get a real one I couldn't believe it because the fish I saw chasing it was about my forearm size I don't know let's see how big he is he's acting like yeah he's got some attitude he's not small it's a nice one for sure there we go beautiful fat fish here we go check that out how's that for an epic location and a beautiful fish man these this fish brawled a lot of current here man he chokes that live bunker that's super cool he's giving us a show right now too his fins are all stuck up showing off how pretty he is wow this one's pretty green you know you see these fish in so many different colors you see them in purples and blacks and sometimes you see them real light colored this one's got a lot of greens to them really really beautiful feel really lucky to be able to catch this fish and if you like big fish like this you guys make sure to like the video because we're putting work in and that's a great way to help out the channel we're gonna get this guy back in the water we're gonna We Are Gonna release this one thank you oh I got that one just went away from us we are headed up to the front there you go on the shed nice yeah I just got picked up too double let's go ripping son ripping whoa these fish are so much fun man I see why you know people have such just a there's a craze about them up here I think it'll be cool I'll come on to the back of the boat look at that guy super fat healthy Fish Man munching on Bunker here man that is just so much fun you see why people love these fish they they're a very important species to this area and something that I feel very lucky to get to catch you fish man indeed what else you can ask for we can this goal is still to break my personal best which is like 42 inches that fish maybe 34-35 but super healthy man I'm happy that we're catching those fish I'm gonna keep trying to catch one of those really big giants now I've been traveling a ton lately and one of those reasons is because saltwater Sportsman has been sending me to these awesome destinations to experience really new fisheries and show them to you guys so for more information on these Adventures or to save 70 off on a subscription go down and check the link below now the next two hours were some of the most fun that I've had fishing in quite some time we really keyed in on where the fish were stacked up and we found that they were going to eat a live bunker or a dead bunker and Rich even got them to eat some lures it was just a very refreshing time because I've been on some grinds of some trips lately and it was just so much fun to just cast out a bait and know that you were gonna get picked up and catch a quality fish now we didn't find any Giants and we kind of figured that all of the Giants were going to be more offshore on the bunker schools so on our way in we're this is pretty much the end of the day we decided we're gonna look and see if we could find any more bunker schools and maybe hit a buzzer beater giant I appreciate it bro we were cruising back in and not seeing much of anything it looked pretty empty then suddenly we saw it we see this surface commotion it's a whale and it's feeding on a bunker School that whale isn't alone either there's also giant striped bass feeding on those bunker it's looking like we might actually get a shot at a true 40 plus inch fish I immediately snag a bunker hook it on a circle hook and cast it out what happens next is exactly what I was looking for that would have been the perfect storyline but in fishing it doesn't always happen like that you don't always catch the best fish at the end of the video but I wanted to put this fish at the end of the video so just know it happened in the morning but here it is there we go hooked up fish on oh buddy hooked up big one boy big one that's what we like to hear man that thump was intense you just feel the bait just get boom whacked as the fish inhaled it oh he's coming up wow look at him on top dude his fin is out of the water Tails out of the water wow that is sick what a beautiful fish funny okay didn't bring my van stall but somehow van Stahl found its way into my hands today wow that's a big nasty fish man look at him on top wow lighted leader right dude on a live bunker son out there like instant drop too dude yeah I mean once we got that live bait out where it needed to be the fish found it you knew that there was fish around the bait was just acting way too nervous for there not to be coming down Big Fish Man real big fish do that real I have one that I bought I was 16 years old I spent all my lawnmower and money on it and that was in 2010. it's a lot of launch man yeah my 2010 I bought that didn't tell my parents how much money it was going to be and uh so that one's you know 13 years old oh here she comes y'all big nasty fish that's a fat fish oh man not done yet oh dude this thing is stubborn come on girl come see us Come Aboard this sailfish boat wow look at that fish wow look at that that's a beauty that is a beauty that might be my biggest one dude who knows my biggest fish is 42 inches [Music] I mean fish weren't easy to find but when we did find them officially found them it's an absolute giant so absolutely stoked to get this fish in the boat fasting dude a big gnarly fish wow wow that he's covered in all these sea lice here too you know um very very interesting looking fish but I've never seen it come up on film proper but these fish are so purple they have such a cool coloration and they're such an awesome fish and he choked in that bunker look at the size of that mouth man that's sick wow that's what you were talking about wow what a beauty John you prefer that they get revived they get shot back in okay there he goes nice dude thanks man that was awesome all right so we're back at the dock I'm here with Kat McMurray we have a perfect eating size 29 inch fish we actually only kept this fish because we gut hooked it um so it was you know it made sense to bring it home it might not make it if we tried to release it so Captain McMurray is going to fillet this up he's going to show you guys his best way of filling fish and we're just you know kind of hang out have a good time at the dock I would just add that we did gut hook it with the circle hook yeah so the circle hooks work most of the time but sometimes they don't so let's cut this thing so right along the spine here all right so you're actually using a serrated knife right now yeah I like to use a serrated knife I want to sharpen them all the time right it's not pretty pretty well nice what do you think you guys have had a lot of changes to striper fishing like um like in terms of regulations over the last couple years do you think that's like health or whatever well I I absolutely think it's helped yeah in the fact that we've been able to have access to some really big fish you know and that fish we got today was a Monster yeah it was probably pretty close to 40 pounds I've been doing this for 23 years and I've never seen so many 40s and 50s as this year uh as the last three years yeah and that's when the regulations changed yeah and I think that's at least partially due to the fact that you know a lot of these fish are not ending up in somebody's cooler yeah and and those big ones not all of them but certainly some of them uh you could see visible scarring around their jaw indicating that they have been caught before um so there's the benefit there uh you know I think it's probably helping the stock overall yeah uh is it going to get us to where we need to be by 2029 which is the rebuilding deadline I don't know arguably that I mean that could be arbitrary right like it's like we're just actually it is not biological it's based on an empirical empirical reference point at least my in my limited experience it's like when you get into the fish you realize how there's a good healthy population out there it seems like absolutely so it you know just anecdotally from my point of view yeah uh you know the seasons has been particularly the last three seasons have been real good yeah uh is the stock rebuilding absolutely and that's a good thing and uh you know the the current level of abundance I think is contributing to the overfishing situation but because everyone hears it's good so everyone's going fishing but under normal circumstances if we didn't have this huge Target we had to meet that'd be a good thing you know I think the trick is just finding that sweet spot where we have a reasonable access and still have you know a healthy abundant stock at the same time there's certainly a lot of people out there that just want us to stop fishing yeah 100 there's there's always a lot of damage I know I know but then there's a moratorium crowd and then there's the Kill Em All crowd right yeah there's really not many people in the middle to be honest so so reasonable voices are from a little far between these days anyway that's it there's two nice fillets there I'm going to scan them for you beautiful we throw these in for the crabs to eat you know we might as well pop that hook out of there and get that guy back so out of the fish that you catch here what do you like to eat the most um honestly probably black seed bass really yeah I mean they got to be kind of big now to keep them so it's hard but you can still fit a 16 inch fish on a on a plate and eat it all yeah I like to eat them off the bone okay most of the best I mean every time I've eaten a fish hole it's almost been the best fish that I've ever had it's like eating a piece of chicken you know it tastes better on the bone there's a lot more going on there yeah so coming Murray does this stuff but he also does a ton of offshore tuna fishing yeah so it's like your favorite thing right would you say so if you guys look on this wall behind me you can see the tuna graveyard hanging out here there's just a handful of tails that have made their way up on the wall 100 pounds to get on the wall so I think we definitely are gonna have to come back here but if you guys want to learn anything about cap McMurray his operation and everything like that we have links down in the description if you want to come fishing with them we have all those links down in the description so you guys can check them out there John give you a fish handshake yeah appreciate you man it was a good time and I think I will be seeing you guys back in Florida so we're gonna have to pack this stuff up in a cooler and uh ship it on the plane we'll see how it goes [Music] so Christina left these at the house thinking I wouldn't drink them jokes on her I'll take anything when I'm cooking I just really like you know some type of adult beverage really not that picky so cheers to you guys for sticking around this long into the video crazy honestly crazy to me that I get to do stuff like this and I have a lot of thoughts on this and um I think because this is actually going to be a solo cooking sash uh we'll talk on it a little bit later so this was my first time bringing back fish on a flight flew from New York to Orlando this morning and let me show you how I ship the striper I literally went to a Walmart I picked up like a soft side cooler bought a bunch of these ice packs and um froze them in my hotel fridge overnight pack the fish in there and I mean I think it was in there for like six hours and it was still super cold when I got got back home worked out pretty easily I just literally shoved it in my checked bag and you know it probably looked hilarious if they inspected my luggage finding literal you know meat inside it you know packed inside like this type of this bag with tackle and clothes and just random junk but got here the fish looks great you know definitely didn't spoil or anything like that we're gonna cut it up and we're gonna do a super super easy recipe tonight I'm completely solo so I am not going to the store not getting any crazy ingredients I'm just gonna do a very simple recipe and you guys are my dinner date I guess but I'm chopping some of our striper in a kind of Taco sized portions um nothing too huge I have found a little bit of veggies in the fridge so I found some Tomatoes found some onions and I think we're gonna make some tacos honestly this striper looks exactly like snook to me um minus a couple things I think there's a little bit fatter of a bloodline but you know it's funny how rich was talking with me and Rich you know being from the Northeast he's eaten a lot of stripers over the years and myself growing up in Florida I've eaten a lot of snook over the years and he's convinced that snook is better than striper I'm convinced the striper's better than snook um but we'll see I think they're both pretty darn good I honestly think I like catching them both more than I like eating them though I think I just think those fish are special um and every once in a while it's nice to bring one home to eat but I think the most enjoyment that I get is actually you know getting a bite sitting the hook and getting to hold them and see the fish live for a second we're gonna keep it super simple with the seasoning I just found this black and seasoning in my cabinet not mine definitely one of my roommates but uh let's just keep it a secret between you and me that we're using it I don't think my roommates watch the video so they won't figure it out I'm gonna season both sides of these guys don't mind all the seasoning that's getting on the counter I think I make the biggest mess and time I cook it absolutely drives Christina crazy and I clean up after I cook and she cleans as she goes it's another reason why I just give her headaches but for some reason she sticks around so I guess she actually likes me I don't know what's happening outside but it's been chill all day and it literally sounds like there's a tornado right now oh my God what what is going on this is this is kind of ridiculous I don't know what's happening we might have some Florida thunderstorms about to happen finished seasoning these guys up it is honestly so weird to me that I get to do this job that I get to travel and fish meet new people and experience new things and I mean 2023 this you know this era of life is a very very weird time where guys like me get to pursue our passions and Chase things that we you know almost I mean at least for me I barely dreamed of being able to do stuff like this I always figured I would work a you know a normal job have a very normal life white picket fans um but here we are just coming back from New York I've been to Panama the country twice in the past month Mexico have another Mexico trip coming up um it's just absolutely wild so thank you to you guys for enjoying these videos and you know helping me be able to chase this stream and do these things because it's just absolutely insane to me and you know I don't absolutely hate my videos but I'll tell you what sometimes I like sit there and I'm editing a video and I'm like dang man this sucks I hate this so much and then I just keep working through it and eventually I can tolerate the video and I post it and you guys seem to like it so it is what it is I'm gonna keep going I always just always have thoughts of man I could have done this better man that could have been better I could have shot this differently I could have said this in a more succinct way I could have been less grumpy on camera um but here we are just trying to get better with every video got the pan on like medium heat I'm just gonna go in with a little bit of oil and actually found a little yellow onion in the fridge so we're gonna saute some of that guy up first before I cook our fish it is still freaking blowing out there I don't know what's happening yeah so some of you guys that are new here might not know this I started this channel in the six months prior to me leaving Florida to join the United States Marine Corps spent four years as an officer in the Marine Corps on active duty before um finishing up my contract and then switching to YouTube full-time which I'm coming up on doing that two years uh this summer well July that's time flies I'll tell you guys what man there there was just this really weird feeling that I had when I was in the Marine Corps when I was on active duty I loved it I wouldn't trade that experience for anything um but I always felt I always felt guilty when I got done with work when I got done with PT in my down time if I wasn't working on something YouTube related and it was just a hobby then right like you know I made a couple dollars here and there but I always felt like I needed to be working on building the YouTube channel and building something and growing an audience and getting better at making videos and I don't really know why like I just felt like I needed to be doing it it was like I was in college again where I always felt guilty if I wasn't studying for an exam or working on a project because there was always something to do I don't know if I've ever told that story um to you guys before foreign so now I'm gonna go in the pan with some of our striper same pan no need to make extra dishes and this should cook pretty darn fast that since I cut it into smaller pieces while that fish is going I'm gonna just heat up a couple flour tortillas real quick give you guys a weather update it's coming down now the wind's kind of chilled out but uh yeah definitely not a day that I would have wanted to be out fishing at for the sunset bite come in and flip these guys one by one oh the power slickering not good we might be eating by candlelight in a second guys all right that was pretty darn easy I actually I enjoy um getting out of my comfort zone and trying new recipes and you know doing things that I wouldn't normally do for YouTube videos or in real life and doing that for a YouTube video on catching Cooks but sometimes I just enjoyed the Simplicity of enjoying a fish not going above and beyond not going crazy with the recipe and you know just having a simple meal um I'm going in with just a little bit of sour cream on these tortillas which are super hot that's actually kind of hurting my hand and let's go in with some pieces of our striped bass which is flaking apart really really nicely it looks good then we'll go in with some of our onions and some cherry tomatoes bam you guys hear that Thunder I'm ready to eat foreign there we have a quick easy dinner I'll have you guys for the first bite we'll go in with a little bit of lemon juice there's a couple drops this is gonna be good hmm [Music] so that was absolutely delicious um I didn't want you guys to have to watch me just like consume all those tacos and I'm probably gonna go back from seconds here um and then I'm gonna be absolutely useless but I kind of wanted to talk to you guys about how I made the decision when I want decided that I wasn't going to continue my career as an officer in the Marine Corps because I really could have stayed in um 20 years you know had a wonderful pension got to you know travel more see more things train with some of the hardest dudes in the world um but I just I felt like I needed to do this I felt like I needed to pursue YouTube I just I felt this weird thing inside me and I felt like if I didn't go out and Chase it when I had the opportunity you know being I think I was 27 when I when I got out when I got done with active duty it was a single guy then and didn't really have you know crazy obligations I felt like that was the time and I felt like it was now or never and I didn't think I would forgive myself if I didn't take the leap take the jump um and man that first year was a little sketchy guys money wise I had put like some money away um but during my time on active duty to give myself a little buffer to do this thing full time and that first year you know YouTube doesn't pay all that much unless you're getting really good views and now I've had other opportunities come in in the last year um but shoot it was a little sketchy uh last year now we're in a really good place and if I get all for any words of wisdom to you guys um and with my very limited life experience right I would say that if you feel like you if you feel like you are meant to do something or you need to do something you have to go out and Chase it oh I don't know come in a little bit closer let's let's get a little bit real here for a second um you have to you you can't just put it on the back burner and say I'll get to it later because life is so messy life is so busy and so many things come up and you're always going to give yourself an excuse on why you can't do the thing that you want to do why you can't pursue it and man like this whole thing can fall apart tomorrow and you know this advice could be complete BS but if it keeps going the way things are going um with me pursuing YouTube social media content creation partnering with cool Brands um I feel like the opportunities are endless and I'm going to get to do a lot more cool stuff in the rest of my life and I really want you guys that might be in you might be in the shoes I was in you know four years ago two years ago where you're decently happy you're you're semi-content but you just feel something like you need to do something else you need to itch you know you need to fulfill a need there's something in you that needs to be done there's you know maybe it's something artistic maybe it's something physical but you feel like you have to do it and you guys got to go chase it um over analyzing it sitting there thinking about it planning for years uh is not going to make it happen you have to do the thing you have to make the mistakes you have to take the risks and you can't worry about the people um that you know that might quote unquote and judge you for it you know your parents are significant other your co-workers for taking those risks because they have all their own insecurities too and it's been awesome you guys have been super support sort of people that I know after they you know they saw that I eventually became successful became much more supportive and uh man I hope this ball keeps rolling I'm gonna keep giving it my all I'm gonna keep trying to make the best possible videos for you guys you know a little runny nose here um I'm gonna do my best to make keep making the best possible videos for you guys and they may not be always be the most epic fishing locations or the most epic um you know situations but I want to tell the best story I want to bring you guys along and make you feel like you were there and um get better at this whole thing man because honestly I I feel like I'm just getting started and I said it earlier but I always feel like my videos suck and um it's you know it's it's reassuring when they do get good views and you guys do tell me that you like them but I just know that I hate most of the stuff that I do make um I think I've gotten super long-winded here this has been you know a lot longer a lot rantier than I intended but maybe you guys can take a little bit of wisdom out of it if you've stuck around this long into this video if you guys want to see something I wouldn't say similar to this but something that I'm really proud of a video that I was really proud to make go ahead and check out this one um there wow we're in really close check out this one right there and um I'll see you guys over there
Channel: Ryan Morie
Views: 130,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, saltwater fishing, juno ryan, pier fishing in florida, florida pier fishing, snook fishing, popping for huge tuna, huge tuna on poppers, slow pitch jigging, catch and cook, fishing in florida, Chasing Urban Giants Across New York, catch clean cook, striper fishing in new york, striped bass fishing in new york, giant fish in new york, tuna fishing in new york, huge fish in new york, giant striper fishing, striped bass fishing, striped bass catch clean and cook
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 31sec (3571 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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