I Went Viral on the Least Popular Social Media

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Instagram YouTube Snapchat be real Twitter tick tock Lego Life yep that's right Lego made a complete ripoff of Instagram and I'm giving myself 30 days to become famous on even though the app is completely dead there are barely any active users and the users at the app does have are all like four years old okay well first let's hand it off to Lego version of me to explain what Lego life even is thanks real version of me on January 31st 2017 history was made Lego launched their new social media app called Lego Life which was designed for children to just show off their creation but that is not what happened Lego Life quickly evolved to an Instagram club with a surprisingly sophisticated community of kids who weren't only posting pictures of stuff they built withdrawing fan art writing stories and even hosting competition how do I know all this well I don't mean to brag but I'm a bit of a Lego Life veteran if I do say so myself let's just say I was a pretty big deal on Lego life all right I remember how great it was when my post would get a couple thousand likes and make it to the very top of the Lego Life homepage I even hosted a few competitions in my day because Lego life's Got Talent ring a bell no trust me I was a big deal all right all right so the first step in becoming famous on Lego life is to make an account create your Lego nickname okay I guess I don't get to like customize it or anything it just makes one up randomly so I guess I guess I'll just be modest faced 07 one okay sign the Lego Life code of conduct what it says draw your mark so I guess I guess this is my Mark I guess we get to make our Avatar now right now we're just a science a scientist lady why why is she standing like that oh right I forgot she's a lady then that's how ladies stand I just make a new one whoa dude hello all right so now we have our Avatar looking pretty good looking like a true Sigma male if I do say so myself so the main thing with this app is that everything you post has to go through the moderator who can approve it or reject it depending on if it follows the kid-friendly guideline for example you can't post anything that isn't kid friendly obviously this app is full of toddlers nothing with your own face or your name or any personal information which is kind of funny because one of the things on the code of conduct is that you have to be yourself uh but you can't you can't show your face or your name or yourself but be yourself nothing that links to another platform or website or anything that isn't made out of Legos oh papa Papa Roach concert I don't that doesn't look like Legos to me but I guess it has to be Legos or Papa Roach one of the two uh or both man scrolling through Lego life brings back so many good memories I specifically remember a while back we were all just minding our own business just posting terrible pictures here's one of my masterpieces uh from my Kindle until this one guy showed up associate courteous Mara bro I'm not joking when I say this dude took over the entire app just showed up with his professional cameras actually good building high quality photography and just blew all of us 11 year olds out of the water okay I probably could have worded that bad this guy just appeared out of nowhere and I wanted to be him so bad I tried my best but my pictures were never as good because I didn't have the equipment or the talent but now it's my turn baby it's my turn to show up with my professional camera and blow all of these 11 year olds out of the water oh I had to get some good introduction pictures to begin my reign over this app for children a simple one of the little guy I chose one of him in a book one of him with my dog and one of them in a Lego set that I have but it's just for decoration okay I'm way too old to buy Lego sets I posted all the pictures that I just took and they did man the first one got nine legs I said hey I'm new to Legoland I'm really excited to share my pictures with you guys let's change the world bit dramatic but you know the book one got 13 likes so basically famous right the Lego set one only got six likes so the one picture with my dog actually got rejected by the moderator I don't know why I guess are you offensive oh how could you you're banned from Lego Life buddy you're done pal I don't know if my dog is like offensive but I for sure am offended by the moderators hi don't just don't ask I've got a thing to go to tonight and I wanted to this is what I'm wearing so anyway for some reason the picture of my dog got rejected by the moderator well the other three posts did all right though not ACM numbers mind you but you know we'll get oh by the way back in the day we used to call each other by like the initials of the words in our name so Associated courteous Mara would be ACM so I guess people would call me um at MF it's not the best nickname but you know anyway today we're going to take more pictures outside Edition ooh Welcome to the Jungle I'm in my backyard uh and I have got a little guy right here modest face come on it's not gonna Focus but you know this is my dog hi Max he is pretty cool guy yeah we're gonna take some pictures outside not too exciting but it's pretty much a necessity on this app to take pictures of your Lego guy outside gonna take a picture of this wood and that fireplace probably in uh one of these bird feeders and one probably just in the grass which we have uh a lot of foreign [Music] they said in the description that they worked really really hard so it better be good hi I need my haircut hi what are you doing I'm looking for split ends and you do uh looks like they forgot to put the text in but I can assume that they're saying something got to put the secret formula oh no I put the wrong one nothing wait what's happening okay you're all done finally perfect thanks it's perfect you did amazing you didn't messed up at all yeah not at all and then she dies um and that is the comic there's one there's two comments haha LOL so I can leave a comment on here you can't actually say things you can send little emojis or you can say something that they like pre uh wrote so I could do you're a star I'm all smiles now thanks freeze this is cool haha I don't know what the freeze thing is but I'll say that oh I earned a bad keep on speaking your mind man I'm really speaking my mind by choosing one of the 10 phrases that I'm allowed to say so yeah you could probably guess but I'm going to try my shot at making a comic let's get to work on that Bam Bam [Music] welcome to the comic Corner today we're going to be looking at the comic I made called Comic it starts off with just our regular guy with its pineapple and then Santa comes in zooming on the scene quite literally hi I'm Santa wow he's very excited to see Santa wow and he's hugging him and he's very excited uh then Santa's like or this is I I don't know I couldn't think of anything else but it turns out Santa takes off his beard in mass and you realize Sage is actually just like a abandoned lady like what that's crazy and she's like hahaha and she takes his pineapple and he's like hey that's my pineapple and then she zooms off literally again and he's left alone without his pineapple but now he's Santa and that is the true happy ending that we've all been hoping for and that's it for now I'll see you next time on the comic corner just kidding this will probably never happen on any of my videos ever again today I just did some more photography we had some watermelon for some reason I took this cool picture with this light that she had turned out pretty good and this is like the most liked post yeah which is good because that means I'm one step closer to becoming famous you know I'm trying I'm trying to be the Mr Beast of Lego life all right anyway super super duper exciting day today laughs uh I bought a Lego set yeah that's right I'm actively spending money on trying to get famous on this app for kids now so I don't I don't know what that says about me but but like I bought it for the video you know it's I I didn't just like want a Lego set to build I'm way too old for that looks like my super real tattoo is starting to fade away that's how you know it's real because real tattoos do that right anyway let's start building this thing oh you could like build like different there's three different things that you can build oh that's so cool uh if I was like a little like a stupid little kid all right cue the super intense epic building music in three two one all right it's done I finished it um I can't find the stickers though I don't know if I'm missing them if they didn't come but I believe this is supposed to say Creator Street um but it doesn't because I know the stickers you can kind of open it and close it like this and you can see what's inside of it which is pretty cool if I was like a little kid obviously I don't really find it that cool I'm just gonna take pictures tomorrow I'm so tired it's like it's 1am I need it okay I'm just gonna go to bed I'll take some pictures tomorrow and I'll see you in the morning watch this cool transition oh my God okay all right it is not the next morning but it is the next day it's night you can yeah it's night time but it's all right because we can still take pictures I'm gonna get a white paper and I'm gonna hold it up like this hold it up like this I'm gonna hold it up like this so that it'll look like it's just like a white void um I can take pictures of our beautiful Lego set it's going to be truly fantastic and artistic and gonna make me famous and that is a guarantee let's do that [Music] okay that was just a waste of time and money post with the Lego set didn't get like any likes at all it just completely fly I don't know why I thought buying a Lego set would make me famous I don't know I don't know why I'm doing any of this actually it's all for you associate courteous Morrow speaking of um good old ACS let's let's take a little psychological Deep dive into what made him so famous and so likable and maybe that was just me that found him found him that but let's look at what made him essentially the Mr Beast of Lego there was a couple of things that made him work but I think the main thing was that he had something that the rest of the Lego lifers didn't have uh talent to be honest I don't have much of that but I do have something else that the rest of Lego Life probably doesn't have I'm sorry drastic times call for drastic measures is that even a phrase I don't even know I'm gonna be uh flexing my play button on this app for uh little kids uh I'm just gonna do it all right I'm gonna full send it I'm gonna take pictures with my play button on Lego life let's do it [Music] guess what nothing I mean I got some likes but it wasn't worth like keeping it up or anything so I just deleted it I felt a little bit ashamed it was a little bit morally uh not good so that's why my next thing that I'm gonna try is steal it because that's way better right a while back I made a channel called new channel for a series where I was trying to get a brand new channel to 100 000 subscribers in 30 days and the thing that worked the best on this channel is taking Ryan trahan's video and turning them into Lego so I figured why not do the same thing on Lego life I'm gonna take popular YouTube videos thumbnails I'm gonna remake them out of Lego and post them and I mean they should get like a ton of views because there's no one else doing this on Lego life it's genius it's gonna take a lot of Photoshop but I don't care I'm desperate [Music] Arkansas [Music] okay I have some explaining to do so it's been a while on day 30 of the challenge I was kind of freaking out you know I tried everything I could think of but I still wasn't famous on Lego life I had one last option I made a YouTube short about the challenge I made up a whole fake story about my little brother edit it all together before the challenge ended I was able to post hoping it would get me at least a few followers on the end here and here it is I just found out about this app from my little brother like Instagram but you can only post Lego things interesting I'm giving myself 30 days to pass my little brother and followers and become the most famous person on Lego Life they gave me this weird automatically generated name modest face 071 so on this app everything that you post has to get through the moderator basically they can approve or reject your pictures based on if they follow the kid-friendly guideline but my picture of my dog got rejected by the moderator how dare you I bought a Lego set and not because I wanted one this is for the video all right it's finished I posted a bunch of pictures of my brand new Lego set but I still wasn't famous yet I tried flexing my silver play button but that didn't really work either and I was embarrassed so I just deleted the post and moved on he's posted like time was running out so I had to resort to my secret plan stealing popular YouTubers thumbnails Lego Edition these posts are doing better than any of my other pictures and so I milked it today but I still didn't pass my little brother really bad at this and that was 191 days ago but since then the video blew up I know it's sitting at almost a million views on Tick Tock and 13 million on YouTube that's that's a lot that is a lot of views I know the challenge is technically over I'm using my main channel to get followers on the LEGO app is probably cheating well let's just check to see how many followers we got from that video okay let's see here friend request 1171. that's gotta be like half the ass bro that's so many ones the posts have a ton of likes too 214 158 207 431 bro that's crazy I guess does that count as like becoming famous because I don't know how many people have that many I don't know how many followers [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: yikes
Views: 1,169,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego life, app, going viral, social media, Lego, Lego app, Lego community, Lego enthusiasts, Lego creations, Lego builders, Lego fans, Lego content, Lego videos, Lego tutorials, Lego challenges, Lego influencers, viral marketing, social media marketing, Lego viral video, AI influencer, yikes, AI, April isabella, daniel give me coffee, viral copypasta, Viral Ai influencer, yikes challenge, social media challenge, least popular social media, face reveal next video
Id: h35p2UDjxHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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