The Most HYPE Level 50 Amiibo Tournament!

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so recently i ran a super smash bros ultimate tournament little z's big smash bash it was not your typical smash bros tournament the rule sets were very stupid and there were some big prizes on the line and you know for one of the events i thought what is better than watching top competitive tournament players fight it out that's right it's watching 15 toys fighted out so i decided to tell everyone coming to my tournament bring along your amiibo train it up as best you can and we'll enter them all into the bracket we saw so many different amiibos but there were definitely some fan favorites so please enjoy the crowd going wild over some fifteen dollar plastic toys [Music] big seas being rolled out the fans are admiring big z and he's gonna be taken down he's looking at you he's gonna get you pogba's out of here to try and find a fork he's still looking the elusive fork welcome everyone to the amiibo royal we're gonna be running a bracket of amiibos of course i put myself first up big z we're gonna see if i can make it out of round one and it's just best of one one three stock match it is double elimination so they're not fully out if they get out so you you have a slight chance come on bt i'm cheering on my boy he had 30 of the start he's got the weakness where he takes 30 at the start oh okay powerful big z can you please get a hit thank you very much he's the big he was big and he didn't get a single hit terry joins the drop aha he's about to get instant death come on big oh jumps into the blaster i cannot believe me saying insta death actually led to pigs are getting a kill dude we're psychic linked big z knows what yeah what's he gonna talk about uh he's gonna do a full hop down here okay well that's usually his favorite thing to do so it was a safe bet he's fishing for something yes come on big see oh he's dead he's dead oh he's greedy where's the up till perfect match and goes for the forwards man teach this looks bad on me as a parent big see we're going to have to work on our di if that one kicks out up air big lead just make it through make it throughout the big down there guess the nib get him off this is fast paced all right let's see these names we've got oh let's not see these names anymore no cancel the names they're both bad they're well it was a good minute long match into this video name a more iconic duo getting demonetised god why would you do this down throw up smash that's not a combo died so early no invincible charging though so not that bad uh no it wasn't how did that connect that was holy crap edge guardings okay no way oh my god the loop he does the loop with that is so weird it's so close that was good i'm saving an instant replay of that okay okay here we go hammer's behind it's gone past lucas he can't hit he jumps he double jumps you can see the spark where it hits him which is above him he's in the motion blur and then he teleports the hammer's already gone fast why did he teleport in front to die pk die twilight princess zelda color oh no oh he's blind good tech good job twilight this it's a robot and it still missed the tank why is she shielding you can shield against this game that was probably the fastest she died i'm going why or not i'm going for clogged i think this donkey kong's got more jump right oh big punishment he's dead no oh no do the downer the more he's winning the more he's taunting and i have to say i'm a massive fan he's gonna lose he's gonna hit my limit d.i usa hello okay wait i never got the download on terry we're gonna have to find out he's glowing he's got that banjo's got that green glow oh you're okay he's looking he adorned it he spun he's only level 48 he's not even level 50. level 48. don't worry he'll win and he'll level up over the course of the tournament that's smart update on cogger he's back and he may he has a fork because pop-up one didn't i think you needed one what do you think did you think you had like four pans like edward scissorhands i got no idea [Applause] [Music] commentator bias here we go i got big zero here for model support he's not over on the setup we've transferred his consciousness already oh 24. that's what happened trump has a lot of uh defense he's got oh yeah yes get him he's gonna knock him down i'll try to recover this double prom oh and audrey yes audrey turn descender we'll take one too thank you big z oh oh oh he's gonna live that with the decent eye first good d i've seen today yeah big z actually got trained by me so of course the is good of course he gets spiked like a fool ah yeah that is also me these air dodges are sketchy because half the time they just read it and murder them okay please do something yes that's he brings it to last stock that is indeed something kills with spikes this match no come on pixie you got this you got this monster he's got another jump he come back for free no no he's a big boss go high as an edge guard that's uh one for the book crowd pop it off michael j hunt takes takes the dub we're going to have a talk about this later we're going to have a we're going to have a talk about this later all right i'm back everyone are we going size amongst we're going already it's big guy versus stewie 2.0 if you dash deal with this thing's got instant drop oh the plan with instant drop what is this he's so slow i love the call out from the amiibo owner yeah he's like come on big guy it doesn't sound like he's saying give me his name it just sounds like he's saying like come on you could do a big guy i love luigi running like it looks like he's in hyperspace he's just like all these flames yeah he's really like at slightly more than a walk oh like a middle-aged woman jogging across like jogging no no oh stewie 2.0 you're too good man you see stewie 1.0 wouldn't have got that punished stewie 2.0 he's in his head what is it what do we have we will see oh not sure about that like i get that get out of here big fat crocodile all the better to rest [Music] oh the same things happen for city i'm kind of going for him i want him to win i think he's up against it [Applause] [Music] pretty bad at choosing when to use side b too that recovery was just god off come on him with the jump oh not today i'm so torn who cares if he lost the stock he's just gained my respect that's more important oh another one oh there you have it pop off as well massive pop-up hold on let me put another battery in this the camera all right zach's got an epic joke as he dropped the battery here we go batteries going in and the game is beginning here my epic joke was that this is a dd ditto oh i'm glad we waited for that penguin is meant to be the amiibo slayer like ddd number one is meant to be the best in amiibo battles and then one uh trained him by beating all his other amiibos right that's the backstory this is probably one sweaty tryhard oh he's literally best amiibo just like daddy come on pango do it for poppers whoa that's like a taunt in itself what are they doing he was scared oh hi surprisingly not many spirits on these uh no not so far great ledge trapping here he just made traps okay okay seth not top cat out we're going to get big z into a bit of revenge this is a big redemption arc what is it no no i'm banning that from this tournament you're banning anything whatever whatever just happened that's not happening again actually there's a lot oh see you later anyone can play again none of this unfair stuff just clean clean as these pop cat victory come on please please not that go meters that's perfect inputs every time that's not allowed come on terry i don't think the terry was killed once oh two more k rules they're all the same all these k rules he's living oh the toenails there who needs the spike when you can just kick them off into the blast zone [Music] love this gameplay yep they're both crowning i was like day one elite smash throwback right there every k-rool is the same amoeba yours just gets big at the beginning come on yeah that's a kill there you go ferocity asserting a bit of dominance there sir i hate to inform you you've done [Music] i hate to inform you but you're just on the bus milady i have cubed right back to the game okay this joker like actually looks like he's a real player don't you reckon he's like a human he's like got that jitteriness of a human this joker's ones and zeros are like i'm schmoving he's spelling it out catch me they're very respectful fool me once shame on me oh no the edge god oh so close oh no no no and a massive pop off that was fantastic everyone loves the up throw i've never seen upload shared so much especially not from the lucas damn straight up with one of oh one of the best ones it's conky dom first why are you down throwing that's not how you play donkey kong maybe it's how you play conkidong though i won't pretend to know him i haven't been through his struggles always be nice you never know what they're going for exactly you know conquidong's gone through he's going through some serious stuff donkey dong you can do it you were my hero but no one else was no cocky dog good combo there they first time i've seen that combo oh i love how every other character can mesh out of cairo's down throw to donkey kong they just programmed it like he will be right he's tired doesn't care three stops as he sits down here it is oh well if you'd uh wait wait hold on i can sit down again yeah do it again we'll rerun it also the game's starting all right if the zelda takes the stock she's ready for the croc back to the match terrible ah bad start here promise me a pun and then insult me when it's bad okay and big z i need to be giving him my support all right you better give that support now any edge guard sort of that i would not count it as one you won't get a punch no she won't punish you very nice punish zelda beautiful big seed stopped going off stage oh no come on do a kill move there it is all right there it is let's go let's go big c is eliminated you heard it here first folks huge upset here tonight at the big smash little z bash we'll have a talk about this one later you've got a crock on your t-shirt this one come on lacoste we got btoguard and dd's nuts i like kind of learning a little bit about all the amiibos as we head through this practice they've all got a bit of a story what is that did he just spot dodge that only robots would have such strange gameplay terry doesn't know what to do it is the theory that oh oh my god the ddd was dead and the terry lets him back on the stage [Music] he's dead i'm getting a bit of something going oh you're getting something going no thank you's alive oh no [Applause] [Music] all right back to kangaverse mcginnis i haven't seen my guinness yet spacing with the ledge trapping jordan's tv amiibo ledge trapping is so funny it's just like him oh no pengu crafted by puppet all last night every other crocodile is better than big z and he calls himself big z as over compensation this is the law yeah he's actually the tiniest crocodile rules don't talk to him anymore much more one down smash oh of course you're gonna go for that just go for something safe in the groin oh my god this is the crockett of this one this insta drop plant i love i think it's been my favorite thing i've seen bowser people say yes doing 2.0 flying under the radar is the most hilarious amiibo jordan's saying that pengo has not thrown an attack in quite some time he is not really pressing buttons is he it's no he's doing nothing jordan is upset and we love him [Music] oh my god i love this fighting bracket we're still taunting whoa i like that guy oh my god and a celebratory jump had a good run but twilight's about to be forgotten just like the twilight books oh yeah anyone reading them not really hey people very obsessed with that movie franchise get sat on bringing it back to the match [Applause] the drop to the upstairs he loves that combo oh let's go stewie we're just getting the spike oh we got kong dong versus chewie holy how is this not grandfather these are these are my two favorites it's like sophie's choice i'm picking between my children here i kind of want to see stewie make it just because i think he's got more of a chance in the long run keeps the combo going have you ever seen a bigger chad of an amiibo you can't do that that's the wrong game conkey dawn stewie he was trained in smash 4. not living oh no not the two the crowd is loving this stewie living still the loudest crowd we've had this is the loudest crowd we've seen oh he's going out for it [Applause] huge off he's out of here of course for city that's huge it's just got access to all the inputs right perfectly that is not a combo throw and you're getting punished for it sir we got some uh desperate calls from future cows like don't jump off stage the amiibo sometimes you can't help it the terry's just as deep it's a bit like parenting it's once your job's done it's done and you just got to watch is that what they say about parenting what's your job's done is done is the rage gonna play a factor here oh i think it might oh he's living slim it's one of the only moves that wouldn't kill he's dead guys it's best of three because it's winners finals if this is a reverse tour i do not want to see the look on future cow's face [Music] what does that just no way he's gone you should have just stayed on the ledge that's actually a true combo i do that to people as well and i'm not even an amiibo [Music] the crowd loving that back though turns out best of three helps determine who is the better player oh my god oh that's why that's genius i didn't think of that has there's been a million terry's all using that and i didn't think of it once we're going to game three everyone we're going to game three i think the crowd is going for the cable i'm going for the k reward i don't want to see terry win this is like big z spirit animal awesome ferocity wins then you basically won yeah let's go with that oh oh what are you whipping out the gun for he's got the go meter hurricane's gonna kill him wow that's a good prediction jackson i also reckon someone might die i mean right here right now well jackson soldier i'm doing my money on whichever horse you're betting on that was a very nice prediction and i'm going for mcginnis at this point yeah me too try again he's just flopping around like a damn magikarp he hasn't got a jump for city to win 163 176 at the top of the stage that is not it oh what [Music] so back to best of one did a bit of a switcheroo god how about that last match though jesus christ i like konkidong and these nuts as well i hope it's a grand final between one of these and the k rules for profit yeah who's that's what i want oh so we've still got terry you're not you're not about the terry that's our left yep oh my gosh like 20. oh just barely sneaks fast get on don't get here don't get sat on that's the special terry stepping up the winner will be playing that your favorite ferocity waiting for you in grand finals i get the feeling ddd's nuts has the crowd support any heavy the little z fans are going to go yeah we even got the coaching from the uh owner of this ddd unfortunately these amiibos cannot hear a thing no and that is why like ddd's forwards match you've been killing so early and he starts at 30. not this one maybe the next one a convincing game one to mcginnis in the end someone said this is the most typed tournament they've ever been to i'm almost i'm actually inclined to agree the downhill's gonna come out there he loves to go after that oh my god i love that the single jab goes for the grab mix-ups speaking of mix-ups let me just charge a smash attack in neutral he just did five jumps and got grabbed oh he loves going after that mcginnis he loves that one even stocks but it's looking very bad has not touched in this stock no aren't you tr aren't you programmed to recover every time okay that's it say it's done [Applause] all right here is everyone's favorite croc so the croc has two lives here here's how it works if the king k rule loses the set they got one more chance that's how it works guys okay we've got to be unbiased as commentators but it's very hard when the crowd is deafening whenever ferrocity does anything oh no oh brilliant return to nature fantastic recovery in all my years of super smash brothers i have never seen a combo that custy down here to down smash what in the world he's straight in the nudge that's a nut punch ladies and gentlemen he just see just dance he gets a free combo it's a combo that is mcguinness's weakness if cairo can capitalize off that oh then that is going to be that's going to be the set if cairo can capitalize off those recoveries i'm hearing a lot of suck him from the crowd sage advice oh well done he doesn't want it he wants a stomp there you go here we go see this is oh what what was that he's too dusty then we've hit the custody limit that's a bracket reset the bracket has been reset true grand finals mcginnis has taken down the crop once and reset the bracket now we just have one more best of three set and this will determine who takes home the money oh senator this won't get punished watch this get him for him terrible punish he's actually lost more stage control oh my god oh my god he's running away with him what was that combo oh what he's dead he is gone that might be it wow there's okay that's only game one we're popping off for that much for game one i hate to see what will happen to this venue if ferocity wins i feel like it's actually just a dice roll you get two amiibos this good and it's like who knows i'm not sure who is winning and for what reason that's dead okay he wanted the big fist to the face he keeps using it he's figured out with a strategy oh no that's dead that's dead oh my god the crowd is just absolutely dynamic ecstatic this is a hard position he's done it again thank goodness that's the mcginness that's the beginning oh no it's gonna be a stop the villain the villain is up big time i have to say [Applause] avengers infinity war the villain has won oh my god okay we're going to start by interviewing our second place probably i might say the crowd favorite here why did your crocodile make it to grand finals and mine uh drowned the use of spirits that allow you to use all across the stocks instead of being giant for the first 10 seconds of the match all right okay take this again congratulations but no how did you train this amiibo teach us i just looked at some guides and did what they told me he looked at some guys and did what they told you to do apparently a lot of people have been doing that not all of us have these guides to look at sometimes we just try to train them out of our own spirit here we go 500 australian dollars but there's one more person that mcginnis hasn't beat and that's me and if i can unfortunately you've got to give me the money back that was in the that was in the fine print all right guys welcome back welcome back the garage matching zach looking a bit like he's scared of losing his money he needs to be more cash he's given too much to me today thank you very much this character's already beaten two king k royals little z thinks he's better than the amiibos and the crowd not on zack's oh you might be dead look at this straight in there change the crowd's mind in a second a genius financial move here from jack just getting his money back it could easy neutrality pretty happy with himself there saving himself for cool three it's the best of three on special three emergency best of three he's back in it that was too easy little baby he's gonna put his money where's his mouth oh nice he's absolutely destroying him how does he do it oh brilliant all right you love to see any nest mains in the chat [Music] oh get back on he's alright finishing the job i could have done a better terry punish than that the fans are so random and now they're unhappy with what they've been given yeah that's true they asked for this the witches oh well done mcginnish sweaty palms here from zach oh he's had enough of them in me he's had enough i hope you guys can hear that the crowd's going wild for mcginnis all right zach picking one of these best characters here my god all right oh no better neutral 78 oh yeah that'll help huge all right mcginn is looking good can we get it up too there it is oh no nothing off it it's a bit the crowd the crowd got smitten the crowd didn't keep it going very long oh my god there we'll actually have a quick interview zach how did that go for now okay we all know that i would have won if i stayed k-roo like did you see that absolute destruction in the first match and then the crowd was actually bullying me to go min-min but bullying me to go random and then bullied me for getting min min and playing min-min oh i'm gonna randomly point that out oh stop playing me and then i had to give him the world's best falco and then i knew i was not not gonna win with that falcon you need the cheese exactly cairo is my amiibo character pick we took the first one i threw that
Channel: Little Z
Views: 241,234
Rating: 4.9785891 out of 5
Keywords: Smash, Bros., Smash Bros. Ultimate, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Nintendo, Switch, Little Z, OP, Elite Smash
Id: sY559quYLXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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