I made the WORST custom stages in Smash Bros...

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so i'm here with papa one today and he's beating me in a lot of tournament sets so many oh brother this guy stinks okay okay but i think the problem was always the stage list we were playing on so today i've created my own competitive stage list uh which what the hell where do you want to start i really want to start on jokermon stadium oh you you don't want to start on jokemon stadium pokemon stadium a classic stage from back in melee everyone loves it you can't go wrong with pokemon stadium but we're gonna try our hardest with jokermon stadium we've made a few little adjustments to the platforms that i'm sure are gonna make the match a lot more fun i haven't actually uh played on these stages yet i made them for panda global so if you want to see plop and mars play on the stages you can check out that video no no that was such a bad idea yeah going past the ledge yeah well what's the underside look like oh you can find out when you miss that tech oh well you got the tag at least oh you're in a bit of trouble here ah that was joke there's a stage stage really got me there [Music] what i didn't grab the land oh my god grab that drink come on did i even make these ledges grabbable yeah i got one before like oh combos no i feel like we're not hitting enough joke on stadium combos right now oh no i slid past that llama this is an intense final man what the hell it was intense it was nice and intense until you get up attack killed me don't get hit by that what a joke [Music] terrible first to seven nice all right your counter pick all right game one if you want field battle we can go field battle that's further down i was thinking oh you were okay we'll go field battle then now a lot of you know me little z i come from the land down under the upside down land of australia and i thought i'd bring a little bit of that upside downness to this next stage field battle that's right it's just battlefield but flipped upside down and it sucks the upside down m with the w this is gonna work perfectly on field battle [Music] no no no no no no like this wait even if you take your screw you did not think this stage through whatsoever no no no no no come on that move is so dumb it is very very terrible i knew you were gonna go for it again [Music] fire what are you gonna do kill me huh the good thing is i don't need to worry too much about dying to warf right because i can always just take the roof that's true oh that's already good oh no yeah i didn't have a job that's a classic field battle combo you gotta know that at least i was i was right i didn't die to waft i just died to my own stupidity all right my counterpick i think i want smallest battle so i'm sure you've played on battlefield before you know classic super smash brothers stage then recently they added in small battlefield you know same thing a little bit smaller went over great with the community so we've decided to create smallest battlefield i don't think you can get a battlefield any smaller than this and you know what they say the smaller the stage the bigger the fun i feel like we have a pretty simple idea small stage huh couple guys with some big swords how are you going to run and we're also playing ganon and ike nice see it's battlefield what is not expecting oh what the hell see it's going to be smallest all right well how are you gonna escape this this you've created a monstrosity here oh god dad don't try it how does that work i'm just gonna die yeah don't tell me i'm okay how do you let's travel this whole stage is alleged trap you can't jump up on oh no that was kind of nice all right you went out on your own terms at least what even was that that was like a fever dream it's like already over the game didn't even go for a minute so you're counter picked it's two one one two one in the first seven you can always go back to stages what does that even mean first draft it's not the final destination it was the first draft [Music] before they decided now before we settled on final destination there was actually a first draft of the stage so lucky you you're gonna get to try out the original plans which was to have the stage at a 90 degree angle oh is it just sideways final destination yeah before they decided on the uh the flat stage let's show the uh okay okay show the people what they're missing you kind of need everything to be grabbable because they're like if you get sent on this side of things screws yeah i think you were dead right sure watch this oh yeah through the stage again that's what it is that's my escape dude can i be whoa oh oh oh you're in a bit of trouble down there no don't you need to take that how are you on 200 die what there's a cannon in the middle of the stage too all right i should have seen that one oh no that was a terror i'm dead kill me just end my suffering already you're just gonna watch me sadly drift down to my death in a way i think that's way more disrespectful 2-2 the counter-picks are really coming through yeah let's go to trash first there was smashville now there's trashville that's about it i don't know yeah it's bad let's play a bit of trash i'm just kidding guys paper recycle it don't throw it in the trash this just looks like smash hill does it you know the stage is moving not the platform this platform's definitely moving no it's not this is not moving dude the whole stage is moving optically did they even figure it out in the panda video that it was the stage yeah like instantly well i thought i'd land on stage the stage moved away from me but if it hurt what i can't make it back to school that's so confusing get that outing come on i just gotta go for it especially if i'm at 169. okay gamewatch this is trad and now you're on the stage is just already moving close to the blaster oh i feel the fear now we're very close i'm actually just dead [Applause] all right my counterpick again maybe i will have to go live ladies lilac oh now we all love lilac don't we i know i do so how about adding more lilac to your lilac doesn't that sound great no so this is lilac but with every element of lilac uh extended to the extreme the stage is more diagonal it tilts more like the ledges are literally impossible to grab i'm going to get motion sick what you spiked me well [Applause] no it's just the stage don't you wait you're not dead come on slide me off slow me off yes escape oh you can't punish that oh the ceiling is really high apparently yeah the stage move ah dude what the hell was that she nearly made it [Music] what the hell is that ah good counterpick that's what it is your knuckles were so loud that is three three are we gonna go to spicy one of the old favorites are you picking the only one we haven't played on canon's pokemon league oh i'll change that for a bit later in the video let's go let's go back to joker on stadium i feel like we can do some more stuff with these platforms you got a bit memed on joking on stadium i should why'd i choose another tall character oh my goodness okay are you dead no no no that's not how you kill a joke i'm on stadium you gotta be using okay you gotta be using the lava platform that's what i was gonna say just like i did what the hell that's a joke oh [Music] here we go here we go escape no oh i need it on the angle the better angle oh no that's a good angle that's fine that's fine no i'm chilling i'm chilling well it's up i just kept going you like using your jobs forwards but you're still going that way so 4-3 yeah i think i'm gonna have to bring out the big guns oh it's cannons pokemon league those are cannons big guns get it oh yeah [Music] the sequel to kalos pokemon league we've got cannons pokemon league yes a very bad excuse for a pun it was really just an excuse for me to put two cannons on either side yeah have fun with that i've picked a character that was like really good on this stage and you're just like ah a bit of rng i know you don't know the freaking stages to be fair did you say oh you wanted to be fair fair like forward ariel okay i get the joke no way oh wait can i recover ness might be able to recover on cannons oh nice bounce oh no okay i did my one thing come on come on whoa why would you go down here oh straight i'm not dead though if i recover properly oh this is not fair all right so i'm gonna get you in and then go off an edge guard no stop no what the hell oh genius you did it but you had to look for zoo if i made it back we figured out the stage now it's time this is this is the one that counts all right come on how do i do this i don't i don't know what to do i actually make it back i'm so good stop it do something let's [Applause] again really kill me who's gonna land that up till first i think it's a real question the wario skill ceiling you can literally see it here wario skill ceiling no no no way what i didn't grab any ledges there's like 10 of them get it no no no i don't think you have your bike yet oh that was big what the hell he bounced off that platform pimple okay come on kill him hold on i'm recovering i could do it no you can't yeah look that's the wrong button i'll fight you on the peak of the mountain i'm like the final boss of a video game i'll wait for you at the peak of the mountain what game is that every game trying to use that to distract me huh what you slide you slide down you said you would be at the top of the mountain that isn't fair you got you a guy all right yeah catch him out of that one and now we have little off my eyes are watering i didn't blink for like the last minute that was so intense that was very intense i promise it's not me crying dude i was just really focused okay is it six oh it is all right lilady is lilac don't fail me now it worked for me last time if there's any way i'm gonna bring this back it's gonna be with the falco all right you're not even fighting each other we're just fighting against the stuff oh damn it falco's up to it not connecting oh continue with my landing on the lilac see i don't think that's a good recovery for this stage you can't grab the ledges popping what they're in they're literally not grabbable oh like they're not leading yes oh sick dude everyone always loved not being able to grab the ledges so oh my god okay i'm regretting it oh yeah yeah so cool dude oh get him where he lands [Music] what i didn't stand on any of that oh i really need to sneeze i'm trying to hold it eyes are watering it's happening hello no what i couldn't get there in time [Music] i had no jump what you gonna do recover i'm waiting every time i recover straight into your despicable arms oh that was the start of the comeback 6'4 all right but now it's my counterpick right let's go back here oh spicy look after this one second and two it turns into freaking this nonsense oh yes we're doing well the stage landed on my head uh you know what you gotta be prepared for that dude that's the game it's smallest battlefield what do i actually do here oh i got him you've gone way too far no that's worth it you're not making it back i'm making it back okay i had you covered anyway usually when you burst little mac you want to camp on platforms but these platforms aren't doing it for how do you get away from the little match these platforms slightly not higher oh no not dead yet that was real bad oh what why is it so close to the bottom i'm getting cheese that was just pure skin okay dude can we cut through the first stock i lost yeah pure skill all right that's six five we're bringing it back i don't think you're bringing it back i think you got a bit of help anything but first draft wait is this balancing perfectly this whole thing should be well that'll go away no oh goodbye you're gonna somehow teleport to the top what the hell i didn't what this is why i didn't think diddy would be good [Laughter] it's like a shooting star yes look at the tech oh that's a good strat i just cram in the cram hole with the barrels i love cramming it in the crab hole yeah that's my go-to strategy nice [ __ ] what you just had your legs no i've been working on my uh first yeah work on that wow eyes got your banana too oh true that's worse than my nose does did he have a nose he doesn't really no you've got that too [Music] i was about to get mad at the barrels but it's just it's just terrible so it's six all now oh bloody hell all right it's gonna be trash full of jokes yeah okay why is my grab so [ __ ] you're not wrong oh you can build blocks and dodge it no oh you're dead no i'm not yeah i suck oh what the hell you thought i was dead i just remembered this game 13. there's a lot on the line here oh no oh come on that was so close all right you need to chill you need a chill oh no you didn't even need to follow up it's all falling apart yeah no what do you mean it's all coming together apparently oh god no no no special delivery that's pretty high that's your biggest mistake oh here we go nope wow diamond come on you need to still make the diamond all right oh yeah there we go oh my god 26 [ __ ] send it oh i should have thrown me into the llamas disrespecting nah nah throw them up piss some time all right last dog diamond let's go oh not like this time i can't lose this like what a throw like this oh you idiot you didn't throw me into the lava much handy you're too used to ledge trapping your lead traps don't work oh i'm scared dude send it no you live yeah of course i did i couldn't even call no life that is oh what a joke my custom stages weren't enough no man skill always comes out on top all right i'll finally accept that you are the better player it's been like five years
Channel: Little Z
Views: 1,920,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smash, Bros., Smash Bros. Ultimate, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Nintendo, Switch, Little Z, OP, Elite Smash
Id: T-Lfjg4ayQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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