If I lose I play the original game 8

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you guys are crazy you managed to hit 10k likes on the last if i lose i played the original game and i promised you i said i'll do it if you hit the 10k we would keep the series going and so we are doing it if i lose as any of these smash bros ultimate characters while i am playing on elite smash other than if i'm playing kazuya who is definitely not in elite smash i will play their original game that they were first in all right first character is snake oh wait i'm pretty sure snakes from like an ma15 game all right if i lose this match not only do i play the original game this video probably gets demonetised for not being child friendly oh big tiger what is up poppy hand oh whoops pop a handshake that's a big cream i blew myself up with a grenade oh i got him straight back with it i'm so excited to be playing this again it it definitely has felt like a while since the last one make sure you drop a like on this video if you do want to keep the series going because yeah with these series videos i never really know how long i should keep it going for so the best way to let me know if you like it is but by dropping a like [Music] damn i really wanted him to roll that would have been good like oh well i'll take it i'll take it wait i just died what am i taking these nuts oh you're so dead [Music] it's me it's me who's dead no dude okay come on yeah my spacing's pretty good i'm pretty talented this is fine this is all good oh my god that was so stupid i definitely almost died whoa dragon ball z i'm about to end this man's whole career yeah i read him so hard oh i was like he's coming he's coming guys i know that he's coming he's gonna be here in in one hour let's set up let's set up [Music] oh my god get out of here with that [Music] what the [ __ ] oh wait is that proper handshake yo you threw out a crowd first you did that mid oh oh okay no no problem check i see how it is i'm kind of i'm interested to see which is the first original game we play i've i've not been playing any old school nintendo games in ages since i haven't been doing this series i miss it i'm missing them they're classics oh here we go here we go look at this look at this z drop aerials oh he took it back already cannonball no way you just did that to me all right come on come on i'll eat with my own spike oh god i've got him i told you i'd spark him back no no no you ain't not doing that again get out of here you're bloody crook don't you know i'm australian i could i eat crocs for breakfast dude get out of here oh beautiful little shopping look at this look at this oh the talent right now now we go out there fat back here no that's four there that's back there oh no no no no yo he's getting an attacks take that here we go here we go the raids i'm getting today are crazy i'm literally setting up i'm setting up for dinner when it's only lunch time if you know what i mean i'm getting these reads so early how am i still losing though oh the spacing how does pitch down there never spike and then okay there we go there we go that's the hitbox we want to see out here that was kind of nasty that was kind of cool palatina oh my okay palestinians were like same game as pit it's like the bloody smash gods really want me to play i think kid icarus is what it's called i've never seen it before honestly so i would not be mad if i lost but i'm playing palatina if i just want to pit there's no way i'm bloody losing with palutena oh fruit this guy he goes to tournament oh no oh no i could be in big trouble here this guy's nuts by the way he goes to australian tournaments and he was power ranked i don't know if he's power ranked still in smash ultimate but he literally plays random guys he goes to tournaments and he plays random this guy's a nuts but uh i'll show him who's really nuts it's me it's me yeah oh that's pacing oh my god we are not playing killer icarus i'm too good at the game bro what was that the eye yeah chill chill chill chill chill chill what is this yo what the hell is that sometimes first shake it just feels like you're actually in a cut scene it's like you can't do anything you just have to watch her like bloody combo you for 30 seconds just so she can do 30 what is this dude i can't even press any buttons and the slot picker here that's all right though this is all good this is all good we just need one big near combo all right here we go here we go any second any second bam oh you're dead you're so dead you're trying to escape you're trying to escape the nest you fool the nails don't stop alright i guess we are playing kid icarus is that on there is it on the switch i think it might be on the switch hey pete equipped himself with the three treasures we're straight into it how do i okay i shoot shoot my gun um and that's my only button what the hell is this ow it has definitely started us off in like the middle of a level this can't be the intro for the game oh heart i have 999 life as well where is palatina what is going on oh cover them cover them cover them there we go oh there we go oh damn it this is just like mario but you fly is the best way i can describe it oh ow give me those hearts give me those hearts why there's so many ladies oh no stop this stop pj oh my god guys don't look i'ma chill back here ah ow ow guys i'm not gonna lie to you this is mind numbing mario has so much more fluidity to it than this game this game it's just the way he's like is constantly like up and down up and down is there's something wrong about it but it didn't end better than him i get it oh i'm already done with this game i'm not gonna lie to you i'm sorry this is not what i'm talking about sniper whoa okay okay when does the level progress is it just an infinite loop of this this is terrible where's the boss show me your leader i'm just doing the same thing over again over and over there's no sense of progression this is shocking just kill me take me i was trying so hard to stay alive but little did i know the real challenge was trying to die my health bar solo surely surely end it it went up again no i'm sorry this is terrible back to smash me sword fighter what do i do if i lose a main sword fighter did i just play like wii sport oh reversing another v that's so funny if you guys have seen my miso invited before you know it is a bit of a one-trick pony all i know is that you do this into uppi to get the kill the only problem is i have to rack up percent before i can do that that's that's the issue with my with my meat sword fighter yeah he sniped me with the shot foot yo this guy sent him to tokyo he's feeding it have you guys been watching the olympic games the olympic games are probably over by the time this video comes out it's so sad to see the massive stadium they built have just no one in it it's actually just horrible but uh the olympic games are sick i love the olympics especially a bit of the basketball australia have been doing well at the moment australia are in the winter semis but they they have to fight usa next so i don't know how good their chances are going to be all right 93 this is what i'm talking about i can do my one thing no i can't even do it out here okay come on come on win a win-win [Music] in my head i had flip kick what is this move yo i've never seen this before it sounds sick it sounds like a spaceship oh no this is fine this is fine down beside wait wait was it two stock what happened i thought i had more stocks am i crazy okay where what was the first game that the maze were in was it wii sports maze make their first appearance in the nintendo wii's 2006 launch game wii sports as the playable and background characters since their meets up here in every game of the series with the same role all right then we're playing some wii sports get hype all right here we go um i think we should do i think we should do some boxing i think that'll be fun my me actually is like super high school super super low skill level compared to my skill level so this is gonna be easy money i'm gonna take this guy out how good is we sport though it's a classic i keep saying that the switch yeah my skill level is literally zero the switch needs a game like this so badly like it just needs an easy sport game that everyone can just play instantly without learning anything you just go over you play it oh you've never played this before yeah it's easy you boxing you punch that's how you play all right here we go here we go but don't you reckon i think i think you all agree that we need that we need a bit of this in in and we in nintendo switch oh my god how's this guy beating me up dude he's got 80 points there we go there we go few side hooks uppercut in the groin we gotta go for it it's desperate times it's desperate times i'm sorry man i'm sorry oh oh please guard yourself dude he's standing there like this just taking it are you mad you're not gonna have kids bro is that it fair enough he's out look i would not get up from that either bro i'm so sorry okay i think we need to do some of the challenges because miami's way too way too low level we fitness what's this wait i don't even know what this is test your speed stamina and strength to determine your weak fitness age train every day to yo really i vaguely remember this but i don't actually know what it is oh it's like you do the practices and then they tell you what age you are okay this is what we are doing for sure i hope my jump isn't getting green screened out wait i'm gonna change just in case all right this is some more exercise appropriate attire let's go hitting home runs yeah welcome to the chad channel the bro channel we play sport every day brother smacking home runs out the park oh swung too early my reaction time's too fast bro way too fast okay come on concentrate [Music] too slow i think my depth perception is obvious the angle of the monitor in relation to me is a bit suspicious oh my god come on i got two balls left easy as that is that out of the park is that out of the whole whole park is there i hope there's more than one okay returning balls this is what i'm talking about return the ball inside the court just relax and focus on hitting the ball all right i'm relaxed i'm chilling chilling like a villain look at this i could do this with my eyes closed ready next one with my eyes closed oh no okay no more of that oh i'm having flashbacks to my childhood playing this right now she definitely gets faster with it oh esport was so good i can't believe it came out so long ago 2006 what's that 15 years ago what 25 yo she's about to step it up you guys you guys aren't ready i can hit balls all day it's easy the final ten i feel like i'm testing my reaction oh my god and my reactions are not good enough no she stepped it up she stepped it up at the end there that's us okay i think there's one more picking up spares oh this is easy is this the one where you gonna glide around the thing all right if you haven't seen holly and i have done this exact game on our channel we have created except we did a blindfolded so uh please head to the description i'll chuck our channel in the description go ahead and check that out jolly games if i could do this blindfolded i can definitely do this blind no i like i can see sniper boom [Music] well that did not last long i thought it was just going to keep on keep on going to the end of time all right my wee fitness age i am 24 just so you know that is embarrassing oh oh they tried to prank me 33 ah looking good i've got the balance i've got the stamina i can go all day speed who even wants that where are you going stop rushing stay chill all right back to smash bros all right we got a heavy showdown right now the dk versus the k-roo that was a much better game than bloody kid icarus i'm sorry whoever made cutie chris that was a shocking game wii sports was way better smash is way better king sakurai is a god at making games where are you jumping clearly he does not watch little z he does not know to not jump in that situation yeah that is a classic what dk is not gonna go for the toss into four there here we go let's walk him off let's take him for a walk oh you're a dog are you a dog good you're getting taken for a walk right now that was the quickest reversal ever he was set up nicely for a nice little ledge trap and he was at zero percent and that that turned into him dying so fast there are a lot of characters from uh the first pokemon games in in smash bros they're doing this challenge it is very likely more likely than any other game i think that we play bloody pokemon red oh dude i'm just losing to a man come on now come on mewtwo you're better than that you're better than this there we go that's what i'm talking about oh you went low going low that is a no for me oh did he just okay maybe he he does not want to see the pokemon red he just stomped on my tail so hard to send oh i understand all the people complaining about mewtwo's tail now dude why he did not he did not want to see it no he hates pokemon red i don't even know what what pokemon game in cinema is from actually either way i definitely haven't played it i feel like i haven't i haven't played past pokemon diamond oh my god chill your beans brother what is the oh my okay i'm about to play a bit past pokemon diamond though by the looks of it oh i'm nuts with this character oh wait can i that one must have been on so much more percent oh my word oh my days that is just crazy that's just ridiculous out here [Music] i can't believe that worked so well oh we are winning this no way oh dude what all right i guess we played a bit of pokemon all right here we go we are getting into it pokemon sun i've never played this before this is hype hey there good afternoon all right blah blah blah get up give me a pokemon none of these look like me not gonna lie let's just go with her oh where are we going oh wait that's not me yo sneaky is that kirby that looked like kirby oh thief get it where's she going where's she going get them they look like the bad guys though just just based on look she looks like the good guy stealing a pokemon they're the classic grunts yeah yeah they got that evil look in their eye [Music] what is what the hey pokemon sun let's do it i've not played the pokemon game in quite a bit i'm keen yo they got the wii u set up yo this is like 3d this is cool i haven't played a 3d pokemon game before where do i go oh hello welcome to paradise this is yellow region [ __ ] let me fight a pokemon oh can i fight this little kid one thing about me bro yeah this is a cool vibe for a pokemon game i like the uh it's like the environment very chill i think just playing a 3d pokemon game is so cool because i've never done that before you can't come out we'll get in trouble if anyone sees you she's on some signing kind of secret mission or something oh it's not curvy oh hell no spearow i think come on let us fight i want to fight them go i'm going to punch them i'm going to punch him in the face oh oh i can't run oh no let me just run up to a spearow take it out this is so cool there's like cut scenes and stuff okay this is actually sick though i did not know there were pokemon games with cutscenes this is sick oh that thing's in smash oh is where i get to choose pokemon i gotta choose the cat because that's incineroar that's litten oh we're getting litten for sure oh no lynn has to decide to choose me please you better oh it shook its head is not about it yes we've got him lit and acquired okay can we please fight someone thank you thank you yes let's have a battle ah it is time very well then let the pokemon battle begin this is my first time seeing a 3d pokemon battle as well this is cool they got a little like a little high blue animation there the only 3d pokemon battles i have seen is like it was on the way it was called like pokemon revolution or something but that was like the whole game this is sick oh my god don't tell me this gets me back in the pokemon oh the person you're fighting acts actually choosing like the bad type match up they always would choose a good matchup in the old games so much damage you fool oh wow oh that hurts so much ah you little you little owl breathe fire i already have ember as well this is broken that's a cute pokemon as well it's like a little bow tie on the owl oh so cool you know i'm actually gonna start playing this game this is sick i'll give you a hundred dollars don't kill another one of my animals again please like this is a crazy concept we just aren't we're just we're just too used to it you gave me chicken skin that's what people call goosebumps hey oh my god okay let's try and find one more battle and then we'll go back to smash because this is this is taking so long this is crazy oh here we go yeah not only do we catch pokemon and make them fight each other we go out into the environment find animals and kill them yeah you got it you got to beat them a bit you got to get the animal beat them down then they can't move much and then you capture them because they can't escape because they've been beaten to a pulp beautiful stuff in pokemon i've caught you you bird by the way guys i'm joking i'm not actually peter i think pokemon's a great game i'm i'm messing around but it is such a funny concept please let me fight okay here we go this is it this is the end of pokemon sun for us pick a peck you are mine i don't want to embark i don't want to kill it one hit let's go for a bit of a scratch keep it chill [Music] this is surely a good matchup cats kill birds irl so in pokemon it's got to be good it's weak it's weak we've beaten it up a bit this bird is injured it can't fly away let's capture it train it up as our own soldier to fight to the death versus other pokemon get it i love the animations it's so sick we got it [Music] okay what's that there we go all right back to smash all right here we go we are ending off the video with two more matches we'll see if i lose i'll play the og game but uh that is so sick playing the pokemon at 3d i probably sound like such an old man like oh pokemon in 3d it's like it's been 3d for like 10 years dude but uh that's just so cool oh oh this guy's got some combos okay okay i see you but do you see this oh yep you got me going high that's disrespectful bro bro he was gone for me that would have killed me this guy's killing me have to even the playing field real quick that's so dog that's on him no he can die that out of here oh it's not fine oh my he messed me up okay we're ending with that let's play a bit of pokemon i mean sorry let's play a bit of a and play a bit of mario to finish it off alrighty a bit of mario to finish it off i really hope you guys did enjoy this series coming back yeah once again drop a like on this video if you are keen for more of this series but uh just a bit of mario to finish it off a classic let's see let's see i'll try and make it until i die and then we'll end the video there we ain't dying anytime soon look at this i'm rolling through it's level one i forgot here we go here we go big jump big jump parkour oh yeah how did they get the song so right though the mario song same with like zelda songs they're just so right double hit me why am i tiny okay i need a chill jump over this jump over that no plan here this is good [Music] oh my that was clutch okay get on this [Music] that was close that's embarrassing okay i need a i need a mushroom or i've gotta die okay not that i'm an addict or anything oh well here we go thank you very much for watching drop a like if you did enjoy this video and uh hopefully i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Poppt1
Views: 79,118
Rating: 4.9816961 out of 5
Keywords: Elite Smash, Mario, montage, poppt1, dlc, online, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Super Smash Bros, Smash Bros, Nintendo, Gaming, Youtube, Tutorial, Lets Play, Super Mario, Nintendo Switch, Super Mario smash bros, Tournament, Competitive, Esports, smash bros tournament, super smash bros tournament, competitive gaming, video games, video game, funny
Id: hQOce9F8J_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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