You really challenged me to do THIS??

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okay yes yes we're back with everyone's favorite series where you viewers give me your challenges and they're terrible but i do them anyway because it's free content for me all right our first challenge is play three rounds of dk every stock i lose i have to throw a banana at hop cat okay that feels pretty mean i'm just gonna play one round of donkey kong i got three stocks for every stock i have remaining at the end of the match i'm gonna throw a banana at hot cat and hopefully he didn't hear that because he is in the room next door let's go oh okay we got a heavy ditto i think that gives me a bit of a higher chance to have more stock left because pretty easy match up and the trick to this one is going to be keeping as many stocks as possible at the end of the match i mean i guess that's the trick to every single smash bros match i've ever played and i've already lost a stock this challenge is meant to make me play safer and better you know adding a bit of a reward if i do well in the match usually these punishments are horrible uh punishment if i lose but this one's just something fun i get to do if i win [Music] oh that was nearly the we were rocky all right i'm thirsty for it now i'm thirsty for the we will rock you that's it boom clap ladies and gentlemen that's why we call it the we will rock you and bam what you cannot tell me that missed well you can tell me i would just be very mad and i won't believe you but that down is connected okay zero to death and then i got two stocks left that's good that was going for a downer oh it still is there to death because i have not been hit yet wait no man [Music] come on why didn't i turn around donkey kong go home you're drunk yes that's it two stocks remain and you know what that means ladies and gentlemen oh oh boy you already know what that means okay i got my two weapons here hey peter what why did you do that what the [ __ ] man it was for a youtube video you gotta just abuse me for youtube get the [ __ ] get out of here i'm sorry i'm sorry it was the viewers they told me i'm sorry okay okay well after that i think i want to play a character that i'm actually not garbage with so luckily our next challenge is going to be play gangplank alien on kazoo while playing king k rool oh boy now when i sung i need a hero while playing hero it powered me up i'm hoping the same things happens up her right here i'll do them lights [Music] [Applause] [Music] one hour later [Music] two hours later [Music] he wouldn't die for so freaking long we did it we won while playing gangplank galleon to perfection might i have is literally spit on my shirt that's dribbled out of the kazoo all right our next challenge is to play pokemon but only using moves from pokemon unite i'm gonna have like two moves to use you know what let's go with greninja okay so what moves can i use as greninja i can only use substitute and water shuriken this is terrible who came up with this challenge he's getting good or bad i don't know the counter is pretty good against ganondorf so substitute is our move ninja has oh i've already lost just end me gannon i was too thirsty for the combo even with greninja having all this water i was still thirsty i'm an idiot i want to verse this cannon again though so i'm going to make him feel like he's being epic against me oh you want to hit your sick combo oh no damn wow cannon you three stalked me that's worth a rematch please rematch me i dropped out of elite smash i can't play this cannon again now we're against the map much harder match up for us and all i can do is water shuriken and counter when he gets close oh i was trying to catch him out of the air huh i can't even recover because that would technically be using hydro pump i got an air dodge to recover i only just realized that no no no no why did i do that i just said i have to air dodge to recover and now look at me i wonder when he's going to realize he can just shield to beat me ah i don't want to shoot against him no not when he throws out that move [Music] not only did i use shadow snake so the the challenge is over but also isd'd with it just rubbing salt into the goddamn wound all right just just end me grinning just not the character for this i'm calling it okay we're changing strategies here i'm gonna move on over to jigglypuff who is in pokemon unite may evolve into a wigglytuff but jigglypuff can use sing pound and rollout three special moves and not even the good ones okay jigglypuff pound roll out sing that should be enough moves we don't need any more than that right look at pound it's comboing into himself i got combo game and then we hit him with the mix up the roller okay we don't hit him with the roll out because rollout is just got off okay we need to be singing for these kills what he was next to me he was in the sing range yikes oh we're comboing pounds together look at that and now we seeing him to sleep charge it up boom that's the pokemon unite combo what do you guys think of pokemon unite by the way i've been playing a lot of that game probably gonna be streaming it more so make sure you look out for that on the youtubes become a member for one dollar and you get to use all my emotes in the chat and after that cheeky plug i'm still just gonna be mashing pounding the gameplay pound doesn't kill roll out is not going to hit him unless he's literally asleep i don't know how it was to get kills i need to get a sing somehow okay catch the landing with a roll out maybe we have to catch his landing again what that is um that is not fair yoshi privilege oh i'm dead jigglypuff roll out onto the next match roll out you know i technically also just realized that jigglypuff can't use sing or roll out in pokemon unite because it evolves into a wiggly tough by then what character can i even use to win this challenge okay we're gonna try this one more time and we're gonna use pikachu who you might be thinking the only move from pokemon united that pikachu has is thunder but okay if you go into the melee guidebook it actually says that pikachu's forward smash canonically is called thundershock so we're allowed to use pictures forward smash as well pikachu's final smash is vault tackle another move which pikachu has in pokemon unite so we're gonna go turn final smashes on real quick and that means i can use thunder forward smash and final smash and if i can't win with that then this challenge is cancelled okay so after like half an hour i finally got a match of course it's against the snake uh who's kind of the natural predator of mice so that's not very fair is it what do i do yes look at that hard read come on another one that not gonna work how am i going even with a snake you have like 600 different options all projectiles and you can't even beat a forward smashing pikachu well maybe he can you know i won't speak too soon wait i didn't even get my rule set can we have a timer of how long it took me to notice that i'm not on final smash meter rule set or smash balls i thought it was gonna be like build up damage wait for the uh final smash for the kill [Music] this challenge is cancelled give me my next challenge i don't even know what it is let's make it something fun okay challenges play online but i can't hit my opponent unless they hit me like a turn-based game i want someone with big strong hits you guys already know i'm going canon this ice climbers says why me why me i just lost to a snake and now you're gonna put me against the ice climbs okay good i've gotten hit that means i can officially hit ice climbers with a move any second i'm allowed to hit them with a move and i gotta make it a big one to make up for the 48 that they've dealt to me god this is going to be such a way harder challenge than i thought okay that's my one hit hit me ice climbers perfect now i just got to get a strong hit on them oh does that count something they'll damage them i don't know what yes one little icicle in exchange for my forward smash trade off our ice climbers i offer you uh one multi hit one multi hit of your side b for one ganondorf forward smash is that a good trade offer hit me with the little icicle yeah okay maybe ice climbers are good they do four to me and i deal 26 back this challenge is basically like combos are cancelled good thing ganondorf didn't really have many combos uh to begin with they just roll in the right direction i'm trying to get the reeds i'm dead why would i try to walk punch i might stay against these nice moms you know what i've talked a lot of [ __ ] i've said that i don't want to play against them but for this challenge it actually seems very good okay round two ice climbers but this time i'm not keeping it cool we're sweating we're trying to melt these bloody little brother or sister husband wife no one still told me i've been asking for years maybe everyone has been telling me in the comments but i i never read the comment actually speaking of which comment below because i will be looking for more viewer challenges for the next video that's a lie i do read the comments they're all bad jokes about one of my best characters but you know i read them popo it's my turn this is a turn-based game that's the challenge i'm meant to be getting a turn [Music] that didn't kill him mom said it's my turn on the switch ice climbers i said it's my turn it's time it's a timed match hear me ice climbers they gotta hit me first i can't get a move please icicle yes it freezes that is not a game mechanic that's what i get for rematching the freaking ice climbers why is this guy got a three minute timer as well okay hopefully i can have the stock lead this time wait a minute he hit me with the tornado after i hit doria technically that gives me one more move [Music] okay play that in slow motion just to justify my uh my strategies here [Applause] i've done the math checks out thicker boom turn based here's smashing that mine's a little bit better thank you hero oh no turn based i'm not getting a turn right now i knew he'd try and snooze get out of here i'm not falling asleep we're wide awake i'm woke oh no oh no i'm not woke i win the next match i promise just got the one hit she's gonna jump oh beautiful actually having the percent lead in this game mode is so hard because whatever they get i need to get something that does like equal or way more damage come on okay that's zero so grab i'll take that i'll take that that's gonna do not much not as much as adoria right next to your chin zero suit no no no combos this isn't fair why can't i do these oh god and that counts as my move too okay zero will to live samus as just sd i'm gonna hit that warlock punch sometime this video i've been going for it too much i still have one move stored up though and i know which moves gonna kill it's the wallet come on flip kick oh he says it and he gets the reed that's like the turn-based move where i'm spending 40 of the opponent's turns charging up that one so i can punch her in the face what a hard read it's time for our next challenge that's gonna be play random and every time i lose i write an essay of why i lost i mean it's gonna be a while till i lose playing random that's some of my best characters 81 characters in smash and still none of them are while luigi what a disgrace number 31 that's gonna be [Music] snake okay snake versus zero suit so not only is my steak really bad but i also don't want to lose with him because if i lose it's not just this one match of time in my life that i've wasted on snake i'm gonna have to write an entire essay on why i lost which i'd much rather do on a character that i actually enjoy alright forward smash flip kick into it come on seriously what is that why would she land it's so weird my snake is only good when i try to play him like a punchy character just like jump over go for the back hairs go for the up tilts all speaking of up tills i have not done one yet which is probably why i'm losing okay watch this this is a highly skilled snake gameplay let me just i just need to grab and then the mastermind is in she's not going to roll towards the safe did she get up attacked that's the one option that beat it okay every time i try to do snake things it goes so badly my brain is too big do you guys think snakes are big or small grey kind of a 50 50 the top level snakes are actually really good and really smart at the game but then the low level snakes just match the same goddamn options and it works okay let's get her to roll into that c4 that i just placed oh god i have to recover a snake oh we made it we made it no i tried to parry it why would i try and barry i need to ride an essay on snake [Applause] hello hi my name is zach or little z if you prefer today i'm going to be talking to you about why i lost as snake solid snake is one of the most complex characters in super smash bros ultimate and while being one of my best characters you can see here that i personally don't have very much experience with the metal gear solid protagonist himself in this essay i'm gonna be critiquing my own snake gameplay investigating exactly why i lost to re the zero suit samus player and providing some possible methods of improvement in order to win as snake in future matches so i believe that one of the main reasons for my snake gameplay being a bit subpar is that i have not yet crossed the threshold to become a top snake player what i mean by this well as we can see here the snake player skill increases as they discover all of his broken moves we're talking about up tilt and dash attack multiple projectile moves however rarely will you see a snake make it past what's known as the online skill ceiling which is where they start using their brain i myself have yet to cross this barrier which you can see here on the third stock when i just forward smash three times in a row there are no synapses firing in that gameplay and so without this mastery of snake's projectile in a very complex neutral game i'm already going into the match at a severe disadvantage but that's not to say this match was impossible for me to win no far from it so let's analyze some of the mistakes i made during the match that led to rey's victory now i believe one of the first turning points for this match with about 35 seconds in where i actually i actually do hit a forward smash on 0-6 samus but instead of playing safe to maintain this advantage landing the move actually gave me the confidence to continue trying to go for it however snakes forward smash is one of the laggiest moves in the game and it actually ends up losing me this first stock as you can see here this brings me on to the second stock where i actually failed to throw a single projectile in about 40 seconds now this is not what you would expect from your typical snake player projectiles are a crucial part of snake's neutral game choosing not to use them was definitely a clear mistake on this stock once again though after losing the second stock i do find that quick up tilt again evening it up only nine percent behind but what i believe really does turn this third stock downhill is that overconfidence on the forward smash again you can see i do hit a forward smash here with three minutes to go and then repeatedly try it for a hard read because i know the next one will kill meanwhile zero suit does just continue using her safe moves and good spacing to uh gain that percent lead again and finish the match with a backhand now let's have a look at this parry attempt in depth so the shield drops here and then 13 frames later let's have a look that's when the back air connects and for those of you who aren't familiar with smash bros ultimates mechanics a parry can occur within five frames of dropping shield so this one being 13 frames later it's safe to say it was not even close now i don't believe that this parry attempt was the real reason in which i lost this match so let's dive in and take a closer look at our match statistics we can start to determine which areas need improvement for future snake matches so you can see here forward smash was the most frequently used move over the course of the match despite being one of the more punishable attacks in snake's kit we also saw absolutely no use of up smash which is arguably one of snake's best moves and what makes this forward smash habit worse is that the accuracy of this move was far below some of the other moves thrown out with 13 smash attacks being thrown out and only two connecting to deal damage on top of this the move had a far greater chance of being punished when whipped with a whopping 50 of forward smashes going punished and when you compare this to some of snake's safer moves like up tilt back air and even dash attack we can really start seeing some of the reasons why zero suit won this match in conclusion i do believe that a severe lack of snake experience severely limited my chances of winning versus re the zero suit samus on top of this my heavy heavy use of forward smash repeatedly opened up opportunities for the opponent to deal damage in future i do think that a more based approach will increase my chances of winning with a strong focus on walling out the opponent and using safer moves to avoid getting punished but it also didn't help that the internet connection was [ __ ] terrible the next challenge is to play smash with the inverted colors in the switch menu i didn't even know this was a thing ah it's awful just look at the character select screen and how disgusting it is who do i want to plow my god it's dark it's shadow puff pikachu is my sleep paralysis demon did anyone ever realize it looks like he's gone like weird cross-eyed gamer watch literally looks exactly the same trust game watch to be boring as per usual i don't like it village is going to kill me in my sleep king deeded his eyes as well they're like two lazy eyes isabel is like on drugs she's had a bit too much i don't think i can go past playing shadow jigglypuff bit of redemption for the pokemon unite challenge [Music] jigglypuff is coming for you oh we're in purple purgatory god this is weird i am lucky that i'm up against the donkey kong though as jigglypuff i like this matchup he's dead shadowpuff has come to steal your soul i'm gonna be honest i came out here i saw this challenge i thought this was going to be such a terrible idea but it's actually kind of cool seeing the characters in a different color not going to say the same about the stages the stages are really awful aren't they oh no donkey kong you're dead that was such a man of me donkey kong is dead and all the family's coming to the funeral chunky kong's there diddy kong's there he's crying what happened to my big brother roll in the fingertips okay we're not gonna get the three stock but that's because i did a pretty terrible thing oh yes and we're gonna get the rest you guys already know i didn't get the rest we just like fast fell we need an exorcist jigglypuff there's something wrong with it i'm gonna play one more with inverted colors i thought that was gonna be the last one but i want to see a new stage okay i need to play possessed pikachu as well when did mario become the main villain of a slasher movie and meanwhile i'm playing possessed pikachu i feel like it's like mimikyu before it was cool can barely see where he is and this mario's got the advantage he's not playing with inverted cop actually you know what i won't assume maybe he is playing with inverted colors who would ever do this though outside of a stupid youtube challenge do you think there's people that have like a special type of color blindness that uh they can only use inverted colors all right come on let's go pick a blue [Music] oh no i pick a blue that edge guard subscribe no you're not hitting a forward air on me when i'm uh on this last stock winning the match mario we don't we don't get hit by those are you kidding are you kidding any hair dodged it's a bloody sudden death [Music] thank god we won we won the sudden death after all these crab rule sets today most of them are made by me oh we got the win and i feel like i've redeemed the pokemon unite challenge so that is going to be the end of today's video make sure you subscribe when i hit a million subscribers i'm gonna be making everyone as op number three make sure you hit the like button as well or one of these sleep paralysis demons on the screen is gonna visit you tonight
Channel: Little Z
Views: 238,628
Rating: 4.9792237 out of 5
Keywords: Smash, Bros., Smash Bros. Ultimate, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Nintendo, Switch, Little Z, OP, Elite Smash
Id: 0BzA1CFlDHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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