How a Solo with 8967 hours Plays Rust..

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[Music] oh no I've got the Frog Rock equipped no what have I done a welcome to wrath I can't keep stealing Blue's intro anyway today is four swipe and yep you guessed it I'm back on a vanilla official server playing solo on four swipe yeah it it does sound like a pretty stupid idea but today I'm gonna be sharing with you guys all of the secrets that I've learned in my 9 000 hours of solo experience that help me take on the most difficult challenge in Rust [Music] so you've spawned on the beach with nothing but a rock and a torch you've watched postie 1v12 on oil rig and you're feeling inspired ready to take on a server solo but let's not get too ahead of ourselves before anything else the first thing you need to do is look at the map see choosing your base location is the single most important decision you have to make in a Solo wipe choosing the wrong spot on the map can lead to a week of torture fighting off every grub and primitive player on the server or it can get you immediately wiped off the map by the biggest clan around so what do I look for I want to be away from all the Tier 1 zones and all of the fresh spawn locations that means no Lighthouse and no Harbor I also like to keep my distance from Outpost as it can get pretty crazy on forcewipe you're gonna need a lot of scrap for components and so building near a solid monument and recycler is incredibly important now after looking at this map I knew I wanted to head south down towards launch site and maybe Milt hunts I liked the look of the mining Outpost at the very south and with a rough location in mind my journey had begun there it is launch side in the distance I'm gum annoyingly I'm like 20 minutes late into wipe and so it's turning nighttime already but maybe I can use the dark to help me get where I want to build more safely after playing a wipe with the greatest Solo in the world alone in Tokyo which series will be uploaded for the one more special no spoilers so you better sub now well he taught me something very important the necessity of dying while that might not make much sense trust me it does see as a solo you are guaranteed to die many many times the more you play the more harsh debts you'll experience which is why the best solos are able to pick themselves up after these hard losses and go again but with the high probability of dying one thing's for sure you're gonna need a lot of sleeping bags ow RADS our cheese hmm I think this side of launch site is a little bit too chaotic there are a lot of people I might have to keep going [Music] you know what let's get them both I would normally recommend getting a few more sleeping bags first but I've got one next to launch I'm feeling okay this guy is chasing me crunch [Music] onwards I think I'm gonna go south of Milton's cloth good all right let's get a bit of stone [Music] okay you gotta back down around here that is good but one is not enough I need more it's got another crafted NAB that horse I will call you Pickles okay so the mining Outpost is up ahead down here there will be no fresh spawns at all so it should be nice and quiet but I am near Milton's and launch sites so busy enough there'll be lots of PVP I got a big snowy area to the South for lots of fun I think this is a good spot [Music] I had found a relatively quiet spot for me to farm some resources but I was looking to go a little bit closer to the action at least for my starter base being able to get lots of scrap quickly okay so I've just gone to the other side of mining Outpost so now I'm right next to launch from Milton's this might be a bad idea but I should be able to get loads of scrap for you and oh look at this rock formation this is perfect for a starter all right you know what I want to have the triangle up on that side get all that upgraded I'll make the frames wood in case I want to replace it with a double door or garage door later on door down nice we are sealed I think it's always worth going with a one by one rather than a two by two to begin with it's just a lot more expensive what I was gonna build a bunker which means I build this space slightly wrong I'm gonna have to adjust that [Music] perfect there we go fixed with a bass down before doing any PVP you need to First focus on getting farm for upkeep and spare tools and getting some components for the workbench level one foreign [Music] of course you know what I'm gonna go home and bank that right now it's important not to get greedy fresh white gotta get everything home that you can hey why can't I go place a bag am I too close to Milton's oh no wait wait surely not Oh no you're joking okay well I guess I'm not expanding this space Oh [ __ ] me unfortunately because of military tunnels so nearby I was unable to expand my base any further but I was in luck because I noticed that there was a cave very nearby wait could we be cave dwellers this wipe oh that would be so fun maybe it's time someone might have already taken it but I'm gonna have a look but before I could investigate the cave any further a fight broke out a mining Outpost Crossing oh it's a big fight oh I can third party this oh God there's another group coming should be one down oh I know he's not he's like wait what the [ __ ] what did that guy come from no I missed again oh he sees me one down don't know what that guy's doing one more has he left he's pushing oh I might be dead here [Music] what combo and a bow shot that guy's got the most health in the game my first death but this is where having plenty of sleeping bags comes in this was clearly a big fight and I needed to get back right away to try and grab the loop [Music] oh that's bad I'm very very dead best crossy shot ever oh my God okay it's incredible sleeping bag op I bet I bet there's a loot left on one of those bodies so many of those players died in bushes I just have a feeling okay well I got my bow back oh my God these guys would have been absolutely loaded sexy animal fat though that's a furnace oh I knew it I knew there would be loot left over oh no no please wait wait it's still chasing me oh my God in the best bug yes Yogi thank you so despite dying twice at the fight by just running back naked thanks to my many bags I'd come out with a lot of loot a great start to a fresh wipe I craft a furnace and got my metal or cooking it's so important to get a metal door as soon as you can and with the furnace smelting it was time to go investigate the cave all right what do you reckon if someone already taken the cave or might I be able to get it oh I hope I can man come on come on please let's go we have the cave oh yes let's build baby [Music] wait what someone coming oh no not now man [Music] Trevi oh come on solo bro what is this timing [Music] I think we're okay no way people are uh or yika rating right oh this is scary man I don't know why there's a Revy guy already poking around the cave way this guy is actually properly lurking this is a bad bad sign with some bad timing just seconds after I built my cave base and I already had an enemy group camping my door being pinned in I wasn't able to get any more Farm to upgrade my base further I was trapped [ __ ] man I don't even have enough Stone to place a wall this is so bad what do I do and as if On Cue even more footsteps return [Music] okay well [ __ ] man God damn I don't think there's anything I can do here they come headshot he just hits what fro how does he not die goodbye cave I'm with the cave gun I returned home to find this oh uh I've been raided what the [ __ ] both bases in two minutes that feels weird man I've not had that bad luck in a while dealing with losses is so important in Rust in just two minutes I had lost all of the progress I had made since the start of force and even worse it was most likely due to stream slams would you have given up at this point but if nothing else one thing I've learned from my solo experience is the lower the lows the higher the highs and I wasn't giving up that easily that's what I'm talking about that's what I need to get back give me that pipei oh I'm gonna make the most of that shell oh I still hit them in the cave oh I might be able to make a play here I'm gonna give it a shot I think it's worth it oh no I think they took it over that's so sad [Music] oh my God that guy didn't die um they griefed it oh I missed that as well [Music] oh if I'd come down a little sooner I might have got the cave base back oh well I got across it time to move on [Music] oh that's definitely one of them what oh my gosh my water pipe is not doing any damage today yeah that was one of them give me that [ __ ] you know what I've now killed two of them two full kits I consider that a win [Music] oh my gosh lead me to the bush I need to win this fight I could really do with these weapons to get my base down it's not dead okay foreign why is no one dying oh my gosh Two crossy Shots four Nails oh the players today he got the bear Rock though let's go this spot's looking kind of nice over here loads of nodes trees mining outputs right there I think this is it after a quick snowball light built up an inventory of tier one weapons if it's time to farm for our second base [Music] like nothing ever happened right just edit out the whole bar or I can read it it's fine no one needs to know bear rock down this is already better than my first base you know my worst starts have often led to my best wipes so I'm still feeling pretty good about this one it's full swipe I always love full swipe it's gonna be a struggle you know you know it's gonna be a struggle you gotta live with it I like this spot too every time I've gone to mining outposts it's had a lot of crates it does seem to be quite busy though which means there's gonna be a lot of PVP and I'm not too far away to go to launch in case I feel like it but first up I'm recycle the sheet metal and get a metal door down so I cannot get raided like that again it's the first time around I got complacent and spent too long with just a wooden door getting hit with that reality check of being raided and I was back on track and hey maybe I'll live in a cave in the next video I'm gonna need to get an airlock on this thing it's scary with a new base down in a location I was happy with it was time to get to work and on four swipe that means grinding scrap never have too many bags see personally I love small monuments like gas stations Supermarket mining outposts especially on floor swipe on a Max pop server you just get so many crates here so quickly oh someone on the road let's get him hello for me oh no Ellie no oh no I'm so dead please don't do me like this wait am I am I good hello oh my gosh what the [ __ ] guys we got a couple crosses got some sewing kits to recycle for cloth which means more bags let's go nice little recycle let's get that Bunch home small gain small gains you need everything you can get I am pretty sad I just had someone outside I don't want to risk opening that door I'm gonna check from the outside I might be completely wrong and this is stupid but I think hello [Music] how long do you reckon before he realizes I'm standing right behind them [Laughter] yes hello what an idiot man this is [ __ ] dude man [Music] wait that Wood's gonna break that just got hit by Ellie right is that gonna break oh I just put down a key look oh okay oh wait I have everything I need to break the foundation [ __ ] it you might have some loot in that TC all right what do we get uh that was probably not worth the time oh well a little bit of extra scrap I'll take he is no longer dog camping we are good okay we're doing all right got 200 scrap we get in there I am gonna need a lot though the first though is definitely time for nail now I'm building a pretty interesting Base today I'm adapting a design from uh the last video I don't know if you guys watched that and I've made it my own and I think you guys are gonna like it it's really really cool airlock down and the base was Secure it was back to mining Outpost for some more scrap the good thing is pretty much every time I come to this mining house there's gonna be people here that I can kill that's just like the nature of full swipe but it's good which means there's constant PVP and they will always have a decent amount of scrap I mean look at that 70 scrap two seconds I love to see it and see now for the start of full swipe I will continue to do this for a bit of time slowly building up scrap run after run until eventually I have enough for everything I need now as you build up resources of course you should be upgrading your base accordingly you never want to get raided for Less boom than your base is worth it's important to always have a clear goal in mind when you leave base what are you trying to achieve on this run if you need Farm head out with a pickaxe and farm notes don't get distracted hunting for PVP get your farm and get home and that is so important for faster progression okay farming run done I want to do a quick recycle at mining Outpost I could do with some extra scrap cloth and metal at this point I'm gonna recycle pretty much everything except pipes because you always need pipes for things like revies and double barrels early game I'm also not going to recycle too much at once because there is a good chance of dying and you don't want to lose everything in one run got a thin lacrossy as I go of course go with the banana ball today all right another 100 scrap we get that back good wins up till this point I hadn't needed to craft a tier one because I'd managed to snowball my way through the Tier 1 weapons but now I was ready for some first blueprints I crafted up the workbench and researched the water pipe shotgun and underrated but powerful primitive weapon you know I should probably get a furnace in this base now I've been waiting a little bit too long for that wait Thomas forgot gotta get that panda bear rug oh we just pulled that paddle out of his ass what the [ __ ] where did that come from lail oh oh I'm so dead there's a lot uh I've got a lot oh how am I missing just throw a grenade ah well I wouldn't have put money on making that backer though hey we got the second Barrow down we are unstoppable [Applause] well we've already built up almost a tier two despite having to learn the pipe as well which is not bad and now equipped with a water pipe I decided to go back to the cave to see if I could potentially regain control of the cave base uh but is it decaying maybe no it's not um they put some upkeep in there that is a shame I mean I guess I could 10 Satchel raid it which might be worthwhile but I will need to get the Satchel BB first and with even more loot built up in the base it was now time to expand personally I think playing on four swipe it's always a good idea to build some type of Bunker base without access to a garage door at least for a while and to wipe to be more secure you're gonna need the core strength that you get from having a bunker and so today I'm building a compact solo bunker base that I adapted from pursue that being said I'm sure you can find lots of quality bunker designs on YouTube freedom perfect got that another six crates of mining outposts it's honestly so obvious full POP servers just so good there we go another 100 scrap in less than a minute there we go despite getting raided half an hour and your boy's got enough for a tier two not that I needed just yet because I got a lot of BPS to learn but this is a good start oh we have food thank God so let's begin with the fun first up you place the triangle frame and upgrade that to Wood let me come down here place a solid wall there and extend out a square from that triangle we then go with 11 total triangles and then a square and we build back the squares all the way along just gotta get rid of that triangle again there's that square perfect I think we're good we then repeat the same with another 11 triangles out and then backward squares again and then off of this final Square we place two half walls like one wait there's a train get the train wait you got off poor guy he had no idea I don't know what he was doing but I will take the ice pick okay back to it so replace the Harpoon on top of there and then I probably should have placed this triangle already actually that might be a problem okay there's a fragments off of there triangle on top of that like so okay if I've done this all correctly I should be able to Bunker the top and the bottom and now when I place that the top and bottom bunker should oh oh why does the bottom one not open uh that's bad your voice messed up okay I can figure this out so the top part works but the bottom doesn't which means there's too much stability on the bottom one which means one of those walls is connected when it shouldn't be and I think it's that which means I need to place that wall without connecting it to the triangle that's already there one or two okay so if I place a square there and then a triangle on that square if I can then attach this wall to that outside triangle I think this should work okay right now let's hope that this actually works okay does that has the outside I had his head shot nobody here [ __ ] what the [ __ ] the guy was actually loaded why was he pushing my base with all that okay here we go oh yes I've done it I've done it okay perfect so while the roof is there I'm not able to place the bunker which means placing that roof will break the bunker oh panic over the bunker is working ladies and gents so I should be able to place it now and then when I place the roof that should open yes oh we did it we did and with the bunker working my base was already four Rockets to rain it was time to get back to farming the players in our area oh that was a ditch that's annoying that [ __ ] the boat come here oh he missed the crossy easy boom give me that [ __ ] oh I love that every single person I kill just has has comps in this area all right well you know what I could get it here too I might just do it so I can start working on the tech tree and get myself a garage door that's always like one of the first most important things you should do as a solar hey we got the yogi [Music] needing to expand my base it was time to go on a big node farming run I took the ice pick and headed to a location that I thought would be a little bit safer to farm the south of the map to a snowy Peninsula It's always important when choosing a base location to have access to somewhere that's gonna have plenty of nodes thank you night nights uh right do you have lots of fun for me ah I was really hoping for a full info oh my gosh there's a war going on on the hill what the [ __ ] I should probably go over to that oh at least I got the farm home someone was cycling come on have some juice what the [ __ ] where is it it's under me as another nighttime fell it was definitely about time I upgraded my base I was building up on resources I was gonna need more protection now if you are freehanding your base it's always a good idea to expand every raid path as equally as possible there's no point having 50 doors to your tool cupboard when there's only one wall to the main loot so always adding honeycomb is so important right so the beautiful thing about this place is once I've honeycombed the core and upgraded the core to sheet metal no matter what even without garage doors it's going to be at least 12 Rockets to TC which is insane for the first day of full swipe I mean no no one's farming that at least for you as a solo unless you pull some [ __ ] off and piss off the biggest cloud on the server you know what I think I want to properly utilize this double bunker I'm gonna have the entrance on the third floor so if you raid the space through doors you're gonna have to go through two bunkers lovely we got the lantern down my favorite purchase in this game and you know what I think it's time for the level two uh bench I reckon I squeeze the level two in here that could work I might have to move it later on if I need more storage but for now that'll do I've recently kind of realized that fire arrows are actually really strong and so I'm just gonna learn them and I'm gonna try using them when I roam today and just see how it goes mark my home on the map I kind of forgot they added these markers all right there we go we got home nice uh what else can I bog we all marked the cave as well I will name it Vengeance because I will get my revenge with a workbench level 2 now down I was well underway on my day one progression my next goal was to use the tech tree in the tier 2 to work my way down towards the garage door and the electric furnace two crucial blueprints for any successful solo player ah there it is the starter Where it All Began wait that naked's got a gun on his back oh are we so low [Music] what how did that Miss oh that was a second one [ __ ] I actually so should have killed that first guy that was my first death in like ages of what F1 killed wait oh my God there's a big fight going on outside my base might be able to do something here [Music] oh ready nope [ __ ] it I'm going I don't even care I'm getting that revolver in base [Music] I'm lost no oh let's go huge first gun of the wipe it's already I'll take it the perfect Bridge weapon to get me to the tier 2 snowball and just like that I got my hands on my first proper weapon of the white personally I don't think it's a good idea to spend scrap in the tech tree trying to learn guns I think you should focus on getting guns through PVP and saving your scrap for more useful items like the garage door oh that feels good I feel like the revolve is such a perfect weapon for white days nice and cheap you can craft a bunch of them but it has that potential to get you the best guns in the game and I guarantee you this revi is gonna get me some places today trust me I feel like this is something a lot of people know but if you have a gun and a bullet you don't know which to learn first always learn the gun because when you craft the gun it comes with bullets loaded which you can then unload and then learn the bullets like this so even though I had no pistol ammo I was still able to learn ammo and the gun with the revolver required it was time to head out and hunt down the players in my area but because it was so early on into force was still quite primitive hey yo someone left a bear rug I just fell over there is another one [Music] that's two that's two oh this isn't good [Music] ah I'm whiffing them three times [Music] okay they are both one should be just as he come on [Music] god it feels good having a ready and finally take control [ __ ] no one ever looked at the guy killed nice give me that [Music] silencer might be helpful if I get a gun today bed oh I'm getting at home that's actually huge oh [ __ ] me [Music] I missed my last shot there goes one [Music] I'm hidden shots you know what I think I'm just gonna Bank this bed I got dead ah yep headshot I'm definitely going back with the bed hey let's go faster respawn [Music] bro I am feeling that print today popping off [Music] bad not bad it had some stone for me thank you very much furnaces have been cooking wonderfully but I'm gonna need to get the electric furnace system set up pretty soon the electric furnaces make so much difference to solos [Music] oh that guy's been farming the road for sure I really want to kill him foreign easily still alive oh my God not anymore though give me that thank you there's a train coming can I jump on that now no no [ __ ] I wanted to get on ah man wait stop I'm going I'm going I reckon that guy might be loaded wait he sees me what that show oh what is he doing oh give me that bomb yes please miss 3K metal order me I am absolutely farming players today like KDs through the roof I'm gonna have some fun oh I feel bad now all right we got some wood furnaces going is that two or three people in the mining Outpost I think it's just two I really want to fight this probably recycling oh that's a bad start he hits that okay one dude [Music] three it's not bad you won't expect me on the roof now oh Michael there's another one here [Music] bro that threw me off okay one more it should be one HP [Music] [ __ ] it foreign [Music] stop coming back oh that's full swipe for you I am out of here man I'm getting chased so hard well that was a good win a bunch of Prim [ __ ] after the win I headed straight back out to collect any leftover loot good little by little this mining output is a [ __ ] war zone man what how did that he didn't know where I was how many people are there oh what a head shot still two more there's a combo where is he oh I don't know where that little rat was man Edwin and combo grub there's a little rat running away with my stuff oh maybe he lives on the base down here actually I think he must do I don't worry when I'm still here I just saw him in the corner [Music] thank you that would be my Revy okay Edwin yeah these These are the few guys I think it's at least three and I think they all live in that base on the water these guys are definitely all together I think the other two are this person Lily and a guy called Heidi the [ __ ] compo gang time for some expansion definitely want an airlock up here what I really want is to set up some electric furnaces I think that would be huge you ready for this the unmatched comfortable ah bro look at all the players man [Music] as you know what I think I want to expand that to a shooting score so I'm gonna leave that as wood and break that out later on and I have roof access I'm just gonna seal up my second floor to make it a full bunker I'm gonna put e-firnesses in that little triangle later on door on the top and we good we chilling best base on the server oh my gosh I'm finally gonna be able to get some more storage in here now let's go [Music] oh it's beautiful boxes yes something important to note as a solo playing on the first day of full swipe is that you should be setting your expectations lower than you might think see Force wipe is a grub Fest anytime anyone hears a gun the naked army swarms towards it and playing Solo in this harsh environment is Pretty Tough you're not expected to be roaming AK by the end of the first day and honestly if you were it would be pretty painful as you'd probably be dying a lot so what I say is especially in the first day or two take it slow take it easy don't set too high expectations on yourself and just try and have a good time and slowly progress throughout the wife and trust me the guns will look after themselves later on hey well the funkers upgrade into metal the ceiling is high qual I'm honeycombed I can tank at least 12 Rockets probably more if they try and raid through doors which people probably would like you wouldn't see the space and ride it through walls which is a big Advantage for me basically I'm pretty confident that I'm not gonna get offline tonight ah fine I will please you guys time to organize some boxes look at me go foreign okay well I think I am pretty much that that being said I don't have too much Lee to organize but for a few hours into full swipe I think I'm doing pretty good I've got the tier two I got ready I got I got a lot of stuff that I need and the base is looking nice plus I'm actually not far off the garage door at this point I had found my groove I was running back and forth between mining outposts not feeling too stressed taking fights winning and losing and I was having a good time oh this guy will have fun come on please be loaded not bad four gears that's huge actually I need that what that's the best Crane I've ever seen solo battle at Hazmat oh yeah this [ __ ] recycled nice 135 scrap that'll do and now with enough scrap built up it was time to learn the most important blueprint for a solo player the garage door I must say I think getting garage door and wife is one of the best feelings in Rust what do you guys think oh it's glorious oh they finally changed it so you can place doors through boxes I forgot this is actually like life-changing being able to place garage doors over boxes again oh man throws me back to the good old days of rust when did you guys get into Russ personally I think I joined just before the workbench system I'm not remember the old nodes uh I think it was like mid 2015 2016 something like that long time ago that is a farmer did you just see me I don't know that he did that's a nice pick I wanted [Music] oh [ __ ] Tommy huge go go go go wait was that guy's name Marcel that was the group that stole my cave oh that is some Sweet Revenge I must say a little bit of Justice and just like that through a little bit of patience and willingness to stick it out through thick and thin I'd got my first tier 2 gun of the wife on day one and the cherry on top it was from the group the raided me at the star coming down the road oh [ __ ] that was not one what's up [Music] no lost guy [Music] oh my area is turning into a war zone man [Music] who is this [ __ ] like yep it's the compound bow but you guys are such a rats man are the door camping me yep Heidi I don't know how they're still running around naked combo they've been doing for hours [Music] this is one of the group of three that I just bought [Music] and Heidi that's not good I'm out of here go away you bow grub probably Lily [Music] I need to get a better jump up for my face man that's so scuffed [Music] same guy same compound bow oh my a stack of arrows these guys are so weird man oh dear oh let's get that Tommy alone you know what I think that is a good place to cool it for the first night of course that's been a damn successful day I've done everything I want to do I'm fully set up for tomorrow I'm looking forward to it I don't think I'll get offline rated I don't think anyone's got the boom but either way I guess you never know and with that it was time for me to call it a night I learned the Thompson sealed up the bunker with sheet metal and went to sleep and I would wake up to a bit of a surprise in the morning [Music] good morning oh oh well it looks like my area has not died down in popularity since last night I already see a player on the road I guess we go for him die soon he had shot me God damn this guy might kill me [Music] okay I guess this guy doesn't die is he dead oh wait no bruh oh I'm so dead nope yeah boy is better with that Prim ER okay good start to the morning we won our first fight by Will Dunn okay I bought something last night and I uh I want to try it no one judged me that is so [ __ ] stupid man oh just you wait I am gonna look damn glorious oh it's magnificent I'm gonna be the flyest person on the server bud [Laughter] [Applause] oh do you think anyone will know it's me I think they might get an idea oh [ __ ] the compo gross finally expanded God damn oh my God that sun was blinding is he dead no he's not oh he is now don't touch this man oh not bad some good comps one good start [Music] Hall what in the world maybe my first shot in register I'm beaming [Music] very dead all right it's nice and early let's have a little explore of launch site maybe get enough strap for the electric furnace foreign thought they would uh the grubs I guess they're already dead [ __ ] it does man I can't even kill him when I have a revolver well that's gone hey pipey wins in the mining Outpost Wilson again [Music] after building up enough scrap in the early hours of the morning I use the tech tree now to learn the electric furnace a key tool to help any solo progress in the game [Music] all right let's get these furnaces hooked up it is time I'm ready for it I will slap one there and then put the other one next to it the reason why I rotate them that way is because eventually I want to put the industrial ship like set up on them so I think that's a nice way of doing it here's a tip for those of you that haven't yet set up the system all you actually need is one solar panel One battery a small one will do and a splitter just those three components wired up in circuit and you can power three electric furnaces all through the day and night a really neat system there we go we got two running [Music] and that is all hooked up to the solar panel we're good the reason why setting up this system is so important is because I can now cook metal all through the day and night without having to reset my furnaces or constantly farming wood it's a great way of getting methyl to help with building and upkeep and now with my electric furnaces set up I went on a quick farming run to get them filled up oh [ __ ] the space decade recently ah someone beat me to it yeah that's a shame looks like there might have been so oh never mind this is gonna be tough [Music] oh that guy's taking so many hits [Music] no oh God I could have won that man [Music] thank you guys flop oh what the [ __ ] what's he doing why is he got so much stuff [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that was good timing to leave wow and now we get the DB another very very helpful blueprint for a solo Oh I'm gonna wreak havoc now I've got a double barrel man this is gonna be my area of the map oh no what what wait what no it's that same group man why are they always outside my base yeah [Music] that was actually close these guys are definitely gonna cause me some troubles foreign [Music] I guess not I guess not there we go as the server came alive my building location turned into more of a battlefield the perfect time for a solo grub like myself to strike what the [ __ ] oh my god oh let's move oh my God what is This Server [Music] give me heavy five I don't know how many I'm gonna have to kill no I died so fast man that was like one bullet what the [ __ ] why am I getting camped that was a P2 I think what is going on [ __ ] I pocket in my base I'm gonna have to hide it there oh why is the jump up so scared no I can do something here this is good this is good and now one dead give me one more that oh my God where do I even loot another one dead bro what do I do [Music] ah this is so scuffed yes oh my God that was [ __ ] chaos man that was so much loot left but I mean as you could hear with so many gunshots outside you've got to know when to just take all you can and get out of there like there was no doubt that there were players coming back this fight is not over foreign [Music] come here where are you there's no way oh there's no way that guy just got a dunked on with that spear throw there [Music] well that was a hell of a fight I didn't get everything and that was a lot of stuff left over there but uh you know what got an MP5 got a couple tommies and a saw that was a big win for me now as you can imagine with any annoying Trio group is that they then proceeded to Door Camp me for the next half an hour because of the play I made on and in times like that just take a break don't worry about it come back when they've got bored because there's no point feeding them anything at all these guys are so weird man they've got like so many guns I take what an MP5 and a couple tommies and they immediately come back like naked double barrel to just door Camp me solidly but one thing I did get from that fight oh yeah the slug let's go baby we moving up in the world right now where is that P2 they find it surely they didn't find it I feel like that nah did they find it come on oh nice I was gonna say I would have been surprised if they'd found that on the floor I heard the group farming would and thought I'd try and get some payback for the door camping shenanigans one [Music] one more what no bro I deserved that four hits on the last guy no dude after messing with this group enough it was clear that I might become a raid Target that's why it's always important to continue upgrading your base as you go and by getting my bunker too armored meant that my base would be a minimum of 19 Rockets to raid not bad for a solo what do you mean my base sucks how dare he does he not know all right I'm gonna take the 75 I'm gonna recycle my components I feel good to run with this gun because I'm not gonna learn it because I'm already gonna bother crafting MP5 especially when I have a Tommy so I might as well just use it right since I'm actually one of the few kind of groups well people running with guns at the moment I think I'm gonna get a silencer I think this gives me a better chance of keeping my head low and avoiding the grubs foreign [Music] oh my God this thing's a peashooter with the silencer on it wow oh [ __ ] these guys are recycling a lot 12 gears oh I'd be mad oh my God that thing didn't die [Music] oh this is MP5 that guy's metal [Music] on that no what bro I got dropped by that second guy God damn killed the first metal as nighttime began to fall I decided that I'd spend some time expanding my base once again it was getting a little bit too cramped roll the loot that I was building up foreign skin let's see what this looks like well I love it it's kind of cute I'll keep [Music] that out nice now we can build our shooting floor which is gonna be so cool [Music] oh yeah this is gonna be such a clean shooting floor it's gonna perfectly fit we got the external Peaks we're looking good you know what I want here to be my access to like my roof that'll look good [Music] all right I want to see what this new door skin as well looks like because I haven't tried this one yet oh no I actually kind of like that one I like that more than the stone door in fact like the way it contrasts with the stone is cool I like that uh uh well that poor door Camper Man wait what the door camping with all that stuff what an idiot [Music] thank you bro I chose such a busy location I swear I've spent this entire Way fighting off players but honestly it's not been too bad it's not been too bad oh so it's kind of worked out because I've been killing a lot of them and so I've just been farming players for components all right I've got to get out of here I've just killed like every single player in this area what a damn successful start to force fight I mean I have probably farmed what 2500 maybe 3 000 scrap I still have a bunch of comps left too okay no no one question what's going on here I'm just testing something I saw that was this is so stupid man come on come on let's go oh yeah that is magnificent imagine if you could actually do this that would be so cool isn't like if this was a legit part of building perfect I love it now back in base it was time to do some more organization foreign [Applause] [Music] while organizing the Bayside notice that my neighbors down by the water were trying to take Ellie I thought I'd go over with a double barrel to see if I could make a play I gotta go over and just see I might be able to pull something off who knows wait now what the hell is what bro why is it killing me that makes no sense no way the crates went in their compound what is that oh they got an M suit and oh that is not good [Music] Justin I don't think that was one of them I'ma get out of here with that I'm just gonna get roof camp [Music] oh hello got some juice on them when I get all of my Honeycombs and Metal is that my neighbors again I think it might be what how is that guy no dead infra health area Wonder one more headshot oh my gosh forever going crazy [Music] I won't die oh my gosh by the saw oh man [Music] oh my god there are a lot of people in the mining Outpost [ __ ] it I'm going for this I got a custom I backed myself [Music] oh my how many is it it's like six that's three dead out oh I'm might be dead [Music] [Music] where's your perfection [Music] I don't even know where I killed them all oh my [Music] [Applause] God oh that's what I'm talking about a thousand cloth 70 feet of rope might have actually forgotten the cloth [Music] I feel like I'm missing a body definitely killed another huh I can't remember where and after some final PVP that was the end of my second day of forceway I think more than anything what I wanted to show in this video is that you don't have to be the best in the game to progress as a solo patience consistency and strong will will get you pretty much as far as you need well that said I really hope you did enjoy I will see you in the next one will Jim [Music] [Music]
Channel: Willjum
Views: 2,130,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Willjum, Rust, Rust Solo Survival, Rust Movie, Twitch highlights, Rust Chilled, Willyum, Rust Solo Story, Solo, Rust Solo Base, Spoonkid, blooprint, rust raids, rust huge loot, rust jackpot, rust treasures, rust solo infiltration, rust best start ever, rust plays, rust 10000 hours, #explore, Rust Gameplay, Rust Funny Moments, Gaming funny moments, #youtubegaming, #gaming, funny, tiktok, rust survival, survival games, rust admin, #explorepage, #youtube, #youtubevideo, Rust movie, Blooprint
Id: Trilc03xp7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 3sec (4263 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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