The Most FUNNEST Card Game (Apples to Apples)

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dudes welcome to my first time ever playing tabletop simulator and we're checking out apples to apples and guys if you want an apple do me a favor hit the like button down below the video and if it turns blue you'll get an apple what hit the subscribe button hope you enjoy the video all right boys we're playing some apples to apples if you don't know what this game is it's pretty easy okay henry you're gonna be the first green dude pathetic that's the first word for you henry so how this works henry is the first judge he's gonna judge what's pathetic we have all like right here i have seven cards right here i have to figure out which one of these i think henry will think is pathetic right yeah yeah yeah and then i gotta go and then if i win i get the pathetic card and i'm pathetic whoever gets to sing whoever gets five red cards first wins okay okay or a green card's not red green card's gonna cursor hold on give me a minute get a minute that dudes again do me a favor hit the like button if you're enjoying these random board games and let us know down in the comments what other board games you want to see us play okay so we have the graveyard shift is pathetic commuting driving to work with bessette head lice is headlights pathetic south park a galaxy alimony alimony is when you pay your significant other that you divorced money yeah i'm gonna put alimony we're gonna put alimony oh we're gonna put okay let's flip that over drop that out there hello oh yeah you gotta show those show all right so press r on them press r on them now we flip them and we take them all off one by one like this right yeah yeah and you read them out read them out let's go with the let's go left to right left to right here so pathetic you're so dumb what was for richard is now for poor do you know what alimony is alimony is whenever you get a divorce and you pay the other person that didn't work you pay him money okay okay okay work don't be okay what else is pathetic what else is pathetic my pal oh um henry's past is pretty pretty a little nerf gun past the midwest or antarctic antarctica what's wrong with antonico flip it over put it in front of you there you go there we go now we can see that you're pathetic dude there we go all right so do i draw now for the green cards yeah now it's your turn we're not trying to remember the first person to get to five green cards wins jerome is currently pathetic all right what is this crisp and delicious crisp and delicious tasty crunchy savory oh oh i gotta draw another remember you always have to have seven uh red cards in your inventory what is crispy and delicious uh john f kennedy nope a galaxy south park head lice whips crack oh no commuting the graveyard shift nothing is crisp and delicious in my hand see in in rounds like this you kind of want to get rid of things that are that are dumb like galaxy yeah galaxy could tell you you know that galaxy could taste pretty good all right jerome it's on you go ahead flip it over my turn all right here we go roll them up roll them up roll them up so crisp and delicious we have gold you sicko henwy sumo wrestlers chick flicks or a galaxy um i think crisp and delicious we're going to have to go with goldfish [Applause] wait you don't think that galaxy is crisp and delicious dude you don't think sumo wrestlers are crisp and delicious no you are disgusting all right so now it's my turn to judge i have a green card drum roll please offensive abominable and disgusting boys throw out your red cards make sure you have six red cards by the way make sure you have seven red cards make sure everything records make sure you have seven records okay so i'm going to shuffle them up shuffle them up shuffle them up shuffle them up throw them down we're gonna pick them up one at a time so i'm gonna grab the top one flip it over okay i'm not very good at this am i what is this why whoa oh my god no that's terrible oh no i think nico would agree on excuse me soy sauce dude soy sauce is good yeah that's great gary what are you talking about with you people what's this next one judge judy all right last one what do we got here um labor pains oh no oh gosh all right you know what i am a dude and i've never been pregnant but labor pain sounds like it sucks that wins who is it yeah horrifying dude you are pathetic and horrified i'm already on tuesday night i can't believe wives didn't what my ex told me all right the card is natural pure simple unadorned oh okay natural graveyard shift no commuting no whips no head lice head lice is pretty natural i mean i get it every day that's how i sleep at night south park roadside cafes are those natural or john f kennedy [Laughter] you know what natural i'm gonna say uh head lice is natural headlights has got to be natural right all righty are you ready i'm ready i'm watching natural troll driving off a cliff i don't think that's pretty natural oh that's kind of sad it was either that or hired someone to do my taxes oh all right go ahead go ahead go ahead natural clinical device oh my god oh boy this is terrible natural thunder and lightning probably the only real answer natural headlights oh nice nice um depression hey i mean to be fair it's pretty natural right all right now it's your turn for the green card flip them all right what is it quiet quiet peaceful silent and calm we got the graveyard oh the graveyard shift would be very quiet because you're in there at night and nobody likes you right we're gonna go with graveyard shift this one we got this one right there there it is okay quiet bruce lee is bruce lee quiet i don't really know he has the most silent karate chop ever all right what's the next question quiet graveyard shift all right last one what do we got and we got a quiet universe the universe is quiet okay yeah that makes sense there's no sound up there i don't know which one i like out of these ones dude the earth is in the universe and we are very loud in this car space is a vacuum you know i like the universe dang it dude i thought i was going to win the opera no dude that was the graveyard shift the most quiet place ever where you can fart nobody hears it okay we're moving swiftly onto the next card affectionate tactile or huggy oh god in this economy touchy feely huggy commuting whips horseback riding dr laura american conservative talk show host and promoter of family values i mean i guess that's kind of touchy promoting family values like hugging each other yeah we're gonna go with that one that one's kind of like huggy you hug your kids you know that's pretty good pretty stupid but pretty good all right touchy feely first one is angels teacher says every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings i mean they're pretty affectionate i guess what if i hit the flip table button don't if you don't pick mine i'm flipping it dr laura hello american conservative talk show host and promoter of family values hugging your kids okay moving on to the next one i don't know and last but not least business who put that one it was nico i saw him um it wasn't me um i'm gonna go with uh henry dr laura dr laura celebratory table flint i still got a card in my hand oh yeah dude look i'm oh this is not a good one to have well if it just resets it can i just do it oh god hey boys for the next sense we i already went through once let's res uh set all of our cards two three four five six seven all right seven new cards all right jerome you're the green card poor tooty he's nothing right now i know i'm so sad it's not obvious nice offensive repulsive and annoying elizabeth taylor american actor uh florida how could a state be obnoxious linguini with clam songs tea and crumpets jugglers ooh jugglers are very obnoxious milk milk obnoxious lucy and desi 30 years later and we still love lucy i don't know is that like the i love lucy tv show she is pretty obnoxious right drum's pretty smart we're gonna get we're gonna give i love lucy to jerome he might get it all right here we go uh i just need to make sure they're shuffled enough uh we have a morgue i'm more sorry lucy and desi 30 years later and we lo still love lucy oh that's from the i love lucy show okay oh okay you would know detroit it's that's right obnoxious i don't know noisy nate wow i mean that that sounds like a sheer winner right there noisy name dude but think about i love lucy i love lucy she was annoying you know think about how annoying morgues are i'm gonna do noisy neighbors yeah wow everybody has a point oh gosh stop flipping the table you obnoxious person got him that's pretty good all right now that's my turn for the green card all right ready ready ready ready hey hey oh oh what is this feisty feisty lively spirited or aggressive oh all right first one for feisty aggressiveness help drunk drivers oh gosh god that is pretty aggressive oh my goodness i would say they're pretty dangerous though bad people electricity oh gosh i could see it yeah yeah yeah yeah i could see electricity being uh feisty knights and shining armor i mean i get yeah i mean i guess they go they defend like you know whoever they're defending you know what i mean can you stop jerome i will ban you all right uh smith and wesson isn't that like a gun place yeah yeah okay okay aggressive definitely not i'm not gonna electricity drunk drivers those are just bad people uh smith and wesson and knights in shining armor it's between these two no it's not electricity get out get it out of here what's wrong with you okay knights and shiny armor can't they will fight people that try to stab their faces you know smith and wesson oh gosh i'm going with this hiding a card dude you weren't having a card back how are you quiet and feisty at the same time literally all right judy's got the next one what is it brutal cruel crude or harsh are jugglers brutal tea and crumpets linguini florida elizabeth taylor i don't have anything i literally have nothing that is brutal milk milk is brutal yeah that one's brutal that one's for sure brutal alrighty here we go everyone all right what's the first one brutal brutal milk [Laughter] to be fat milk is pretty goo dude it's pretty brutal dude if you're like intolerant of lactose yeah if you are lactose intolerant hit and run oh that is pretty brutal oh god that is very brutal [Laughter] and then brutal oh amputations very clear what's the most brutal here and it's milk i am brutal with my touchy feelings nope that's not good so can you give us a reason why you thought milk is brutal i mean it's just it you know have you ever had like bad milk that's brutal like too much milk that's brutal last green card right here it is a four-way tie between me nico henwy and jerome this is the last green card if tooty wins it's a tie and we have to dab on each other go ahead flip it off all right let's see sick and tired worn out exhausted sick and exasperated oh no wait hold on fundraising that doesn't make sense how could fundraising be sick and tired rice and beans jugglers because they're like the the court jester so they're tooty stop cheating tooty tooty okay jugglers tn crumpets linguine florida or elizabeth taylor it's gotta be jugglers because they're the court jesters for the kings back in the day and they would just juggle for days and days and days until they get so tired that they die i gotta be right here mine is so good all right we ready sick and tired what is it big bird oh no oh boy dude thick and tired jugglers they've got their hands full okay that's pretty good that's pretty good sick and tired reality i am so tired of reality true truth simulation are we sick and tired all right what's the last one can you flip it over ah war and i am sick and tired of peace oh god what is wrong with you wait what all right nico it's you are the deciding factor four okay i think the winner of sick and tired is you're sick and tired of reality so jerome you are sick and tired horrifying and pathetic it's all accurate it's better than being touchy-feely brutal about it i'm just obnoxious all right boys hit the like button if you haven't joined apples to apples hit the subscribe button if you're new around here click this next video to watch the next video we'll see you news next time
Channel: SSundee
Views: 1,964,534
Rating: 4.9558725 out of 5
Id: yKAWijOitSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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